#jikook sharing earrings
floradinterlunium · 2 months
What The Perilla Leaf Debate Revealed. . .
The Maknae line is the “more” jealous line, whereas the hyung line is well...not!
Jimin, Jungkook, and Tae all expressed reservations with the question, “Is it okay for your significant other to peel Perilla leaves for a friend when you are there Or is it okay for your friend to peel perilla leaves for your SO when you are present.” JK was the most vocal about how this would 100% not be okay with this. The second most adamant was Tae. Tae was trying to convince everyone why this would be crossing the line by finding analogies like peeling shrimp and exchanging saliva via chopsticks. It was clear that JM too would not be okay because he tried to help RM see why this would be wrong...he also said why would my friend do it if I’m the boyfriend. 
The HYung line on the other end was confused as to why this was even a debate. RM found the conversation silly, Hobi reasoned that if we trust each other then such a thing shouldn’t be a big deal, Yoongi didn’t see it as a big deal unless there was heavy flirting involved, and Jin was the loudest about how this debate aggravated him because it wasn’t a big deal. 
Now why do I bring this up! Well I bring this up because people love to paint this picture of the maknae line being in this weird love triangle. Or mainly, toxic taekookers like to paint both Tae and JK as these nonchalant boyfriends. Tae doesn’t care about the fact that JK made a romantic ass vlog of JM or spends hours late at night with JM giving him hickeys, sucking JM’s ear right in front of him etc. JK doesn’t care that Tae self admittedly hangs out with Wooga squad more, doesn’t show up to his birthdays, and doesn’t mind not talking to him for two months. However, this debate shows if they were in fact dating...THEY WOuLD BOTH 100% care about all of this.
 TAe was salty about sharing chopsticks and peeling shrimp...he said he’d fight his friend if this happened. How much more upset would this man be about Jikooks NYC and Connecticut trip, Tokyo trip, late night hang outs etc, how they touch each other If Jk was his boyfriend? Tae would fight JM not say things like “I like you most!” 
Some might say well the same can be said of Jikook. Wouldn’t JM be jealous of Tae, if they were a couple? And to that I’d laugh. JM has no reason to be jealous of Tae and JK’s relationship because they don’t do anything suspicious. They hang out, go out to eat, talk to each other...they do things friends do! Have they shared a bed,...yes but they share beds with everyone...it’s also culturally not that big of a deal for two men to share a bed in Korea. They don’t do anything romantic together or exclusive. They are friends. JM wouldn’t be jealous of that. That said...if JM doesn’t like something he 100% says something. 
For example, BV S3 Tae and JK shared a room and Hobi I think came into their room in the morning and JK was at the foot of the bed hugging Taes feet. JM did not like that AT ALL. He chimed in and was like “what/?!?!?!”  Now we can’t control what we do in our sleep but JMs response was telling. He wasn’t pleased. Whereas TAe laughs and Jikook’s shenanigans and encourages it. He laughed at their rainy day story even though it sounded romantic, he laughed when JK said his mom made seaweed soup for JM’s birthday even though JM was not there, he laughed when he talked about thinking JM’s room was JKs, he grins when he mentions Jikook hanging out together late at night! THis boy doesn’t give any craps about who JK spends his time with because they aren’t a couple. Whereas JK and JM do care where the other is. JM said once that he gets nervous when JK doesn’t respond immediately to his calls or texts. When JM had to leave to do an interview he questioned him about where he was going and why. 
SO what did the Perilla leaf debate reveal? It revealed that this love triangle nonsense is not realistic. It revealed a key aspect of vminkook’s personalities...It revealed that if any pair existed in BTS it would have to be Jikook. Tae and JK’s reactions regarding each other don’t match how they self admittedly would react if they were partners. 
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mrs-monaghan · 2 months
Okay but I don't see people talking about how significant that teeth brushing scene is 😭 If my lover was jm/jk and I had to see these two wearing couple pyjamas doing something very personal like that, I'd question my whole relationship 😭😭😭
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First of all, can we discuss the fact that they're already sold out???
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Its what happens when you put the sell out kings together 😏
Moving on,
Atp anon, there is NOTHING anyone can say or do, to convince anyone who refuses to see it. These 2 have done everything except outright say "we are fucking each other"
Alot of people like Roo have been saying this for ages but I finally see it. It is pointless to argue and fight with these people. I mean, I still do it for fun, but at this juncture, aint no point trying to make them see the light. Fr fr. We should just delete hateful asks and focus on asks from fellow Jikookers and just have ourselves a great time. Because these 2 are insane!!!
Give each other hickeys, check ✅
Suck on an ear in front of 60k fans check✅
Use couple names on eo, check ✅
Wear couple clothes on a couple holiday, check ✅
Wear couple clothes and do a nighttime routine together, check ✅
Share a hotel room with a see through bathroom TWICE! Check ✅
Get caught in 4k doing some 18+ sus things, check ✅
Make a romantic song edit with a gay love song, check ✅
We know what we know. If people refuse to see it, it is what it is. Jikook do what they do knowing fully well that some people hate them and some people will be against their choices. And guess what, they do it anyway.
For us.
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Love to see it!
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haedalkoo · 5 months
gcf in tokyo
this might be my ultimate roman empire. as someone that's lived in tokyo for +1 year and visited disneyland a couple times (+ all the other times i've seen my friends/classmates post ig stories there lol) i feel qualified enough to say just how crazy that part of their 2017 tokyo trip was.
there are two main groups that go to disney tokyo: (big) friend groups and couples. Not saying that two friends can't go to disneyland duh but imo you have to be really close to that person to spend all that time by yourselves and not have the experience be mid.
but in my experience, japanese people tend to go to disney SEA- the park next to the original, with their friends bc it's far more fun. Couples go to the regular disney because it's cute and romantic and more chill. This is just extra irrelevant info, bc I went to regular disney with my foreigner friends the first time and we had fun either way; i was just reprimanded by my japanese friends afterwards for not picking Sea lolol
ANYWAY. couples and disney. yeah. there's also this cute tradition to pick matching hats, wear matching clothes, etc (friends also do this). but i find it so cute that only jimin was wearing that giant mickey hat. i wonder if jk bought it for him? or if he was too shy to wear mickey ears? lol.
either way, i've always gotten the feeling based on how gcft is filmed that jm seemed to be having the time of his life and jk was happy to see him enjoying himself. it takes me back to the purpose of the trip, what they shared on Beyond The Story.
But seriously, I wonder if people know just exactly how couple-y and romantic disney tokyo is. How much it's the go-to couples' anniversary plan. i was genuinely so shocked when i went bc i could only see couples walking by (+ giant friend groups like mine lmao).
i'm not trying to imply much- it's just one of those instances that makes me go ??? about jikook sometimes. whatever it was, whatever they are- it's one of the cutest jkk moments we've gotten <3
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mrspark7777777 · 2 months
Since Jungkook’s favourite memory from Tokyo 2017 was jimin staying up on his phone until 5am 💀 I don’t have high hopes that anything particularly wild happened on the show 🤣
maybe this time he stayed up on his phone until 6am?
I wonder if that’s what jimin was referring to when he said can this even be aired 🤣🤣
(Though he did bite JK’s neck and jk sucked his ear sooo…. What we have here is a mixed bag).
Ha ha ha haa!!!
Well, I mean. RM told us about the MMA fight and then Jikook interrupted him saying it was a spoiler. So does this mean we will see them in bed? 🤭
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The bed Jimin is lying on doesn't seem very used while the other one seems kinda busy 🧐 so who knows? Maybe we have a scene of them play fighting in bed? 🤭🤭
Either way @ some point they shared a bed. It may not be at the resort but they did. My money is in Connecticut.
They may be trolling us on how they were worried about some scenes getting aired but we still have that MMA scene to look forward to 😂
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What if we ask for receipts?
(This post is inspired by some recent posts from some moots on Tumblr)
We spend all day defending Jimin and JK's bond.
All day, all the time, always in the position of defendant, against anons here, trolls on twitter, and in general, hordes of annoying people.
Well then, let's see what happens if we are now the prosecutor, and not the defense lawyer  
Let's see where the hell your receipts are:
- Love expressions: how many times have your favorites declared that they love each other in different kinds of language?. And I'm not talking about the "I love you" that are given to friends for a specific situation (like Hobi leaving for the ms)... or weird hand signals, you know a lot about that and symbols... but big signs of love…
Like suddenly this:
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Or this:
 Or this: 
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- Intimacy displays: have your favorites given each other hickeys? (this is important...u know I love hickeys)
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Have they flirted in front of thousands of people? (and watch out! because here the line between fan entertainment (I won't say the damm word, which I know you don't like) and genuine flirting is very subtle, but distinctive. This is flirting, for instance 😌
Do they've sucked each other's ear in front of thousands of people?
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(Or do they have some kink for ears?)
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Have they stuck their D's in front of thousands of people?
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  (my God, do you realize what they won't do in front of thousands of people)?
- Show the evidence that your favorites live or have lived together (not in the dorms era back in 2018): let's see... let me think... how many times have they suspiciously shared a car, when we didn't know where they lived extra officially? 
Or do have they been at 4 am in the morning together alone, celebrating billboard or actually delivering hickeys? 
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Or in the deed of the purchase of a house appears the address where the other lives (91).?
- Samples of tension or awkwardness beyond explanation: look, we have so many receipts here that I don't even know where to start... just look at Jimin's recent bomb and see JK's visit... and well, there it is... the awkwardness of some of their interactions... sometimes it makes you want not to look... sometimes it makes you feel embarrassed... I sometimes think they're going to screw up at any moment.
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- Proof of inside jokes that show that they actually WATCH a lot of content together. Do you have any of your own?
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- Demonstration of knowing certain personal information. Here I'm sorry, but again we have a lot of receipts. Tae had no idea that JK did a 3 hour vlive. Or Hobi also didn't know about Jimin's "time" (10:13). Instead, Jimin sees all of JK's vlives...and vice versa (as we’ve been able to check recently) and they know most of things they have done, or where they are at each moment (they even know what happened at bae's grandma's birthday)
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And now...let’s see and talk about YOUR receipts:
made-up dinners out alone and selfies in bathrooms (not to mention other things you say happen in the bathrooms)
trips for which there is no concrete proof, or which are clearly BTS trips
any close-up, or photo, or mention on vlive....
each pic on Instagram
a look
breathing the same air
stepping on the same ground
And, so far the most robust, outings at their free time. We had in the past months vkook, jihope, hobikook, or vhope outings.
This is what most people are claiming lately. Maybe it is our fault, for having repeated so many times that Jimin and JK were the ones who most "hanged out" together..... now it seems that this mantra is turning against us.....
Well..... NOOOO.... I object your honour!
Because jikook have literally told us recently that they are both super homely. Which I understand. Not just because of their personalities or that they like it, but because outside, they can't be totally free lately. 
Because if JK is constantly being stalked in his country - just look at where he officially lives - and also, as we believe, jikook are a couple, they have a lot to protect and I think they know that the most intimacy and security they have is at home. 
On the other hand, they already know what happens when they are seen in a certain location: that restaurant ends up becoming a crowded place of jikookers or k-army. So, if they go out, they're going to be very careful and most likely they'll go to trusted places, where they don't post their signatures on IG. So, my friends,…WE WON'T KNOW about it! Unless they want to, or go somewhere more public and new.
And then again, Jimin has been busy with his album and hasn't been seen with anyone. NO ONE. The only exception, Hobi's birthday and the drink they had last Sunday or Monday (as a farewell). And we know this because they wanted to tell us... because if they hadn't, or posted any pictures, there would be no receipts from them either (of course! who of us could have been at Hobi's house on his birthday to know?).
But even with all this reasoning … the truth is that friends hang out and that does not mean they are dating. Hanging out doesn’t work with jikook either by itself. Other things must happen (see above 👆 ☺️)
So your receipts, imo, are either conspicuous by their absence or rather lacking in robustness.
Ours, on the other hand, are terrific! Stop asking for more! We've justified enough.
It must be pitiful to ship any “couple" whose ultimate proof of confirmation that they are together depends so much on another couple failing to provide certain evidence that confirms they actually are...the audacity!!! 
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black-swan-slaps · 1 year
Top 10 Sus Jikook Moments
There are way too many moments to possibly list, but my friend and I thought it would be fun to compile a list of sus jikook moments. 
10. 2021 Jimin Birthday Live
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Cute and flustered Jimin calling Jungkook? Jungkook coming immediately to spend time with his boyfriend? Hobi calling out why Jimin was in Jungkook’s studio? So many questions.
9. 2015 Award Show Back Hug
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Let’s be real, there are plenty of questionable back hug moments, but this one is particularly interesting. The fact that it was so early in their relationship. The fact that it took place at a public award show. The way Jungkook held onto Jimin and how they swayed together. The questionable looks from the other members. I see you jikook, I see you.
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Honorable back hug mention is the BE live and the way Jungkook caged Jimin for an incredibly long time with their matching hair. Exuding boyfriend energy to the max.
8. Cute Feet During PJ Run
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Honestly, this is just one of my favorite moments that makes me feel giddy. How comfortable they are resting on one another. The way they’re playing with their feet. Jimin’s surprised laugh when Jungkook plays along. And let’s not forget the special photo of Jungkook spooning Jimin.
7. “Let me give you a hug” Dance Practice
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Am I the only one who has watched this clip over and over? We get to see how even during work they are always having fun together. But how can we not swoon over Jungkook’s smitten face as Jimin fails to lift him, and the way his smile grows brighter when he lifts Jimin like it’s nothing. Jimin tries to lift him one more time, but fails and instead hugs Jungkook and nuzzles into his neck ever so slightly. 
6. Jungkook’s Snow Gift
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We should all know this moment. Bon Voyage season 4 in New Zealand. This is the beginning of Jungkook really doing whatever the hell he wants, and he disappears one morning to go on a mountain hike and returns with a chunk of snow, much to everyone’s confusion. He specifically waits for Jimin to wake up and excitedly shows and gives it to him. Jimin is, understandably confused, but we all understand the intent.
5. Malta Room Sharing
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I’ll be honest, finding out about this speculation was what thrust me into the world of jikook. (It doesn��t seem to exist anymore, but I had wandered across an analysis video a few years ago). Obviously, we don’t know anything for sure, but there are enough clues here, as well as in many other occasions, that make it possible jikook were room sharing.
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(And let’s not forget their cute Malta date)
4. Osaka Live
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Similar vibe to number 5, but cranked up to 100. I don’t need to go in depth into this, because we all know, but my two cents is that Jimin was in that room. (Just as he hid in Jungkook’s room during the 2019 NJ live). What were they doing in a dark hotel room with sensual music playing? Eating bread, of course.
3. GCF in Tokyo
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Enough said.
2. MAMA 2018
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What I would give to hear everything the man sitting next to them heard. Something was truly in the air that day. They were all over each other and incredibly lovey dovey. While we can’t know for sure what they actually said to each other, the look in Jungkook’s eyes speaks volumes.
1. Rose Bowl
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Are we surprised this is my number 1? There are so many moments that exist, but all jikookers come back to this one. There are so many questions about why. Why nibble the ear? Why confess his love? Why give a kiss? (We all know why). But the emotions are palpable, as they would be at the end of a high intensity concert. Jimin was emotional, and Jungkook went to console Jimin, as we know he usually does. Hanging onto Jimin’s back isn’t out of the ordinary, but Jungkook took it a step further. And put Jimin’s ear in his mouth. My assumption is that he was saying something, but ultimately decided actions would speak louder than words. To be clear, he says something first, pulls back, and then goes back in, catches Jimin’s ear, and then delivers a clear kiss to Jimin’s head. There’s no mistaking it. Jungkook was taking care of his baby. 
Honorable Mentions:
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Rainy day fight
“I was with Jungkook [at 4AM on his birthday]”
That award show moment where Jungkook is singing a love song to Jimin and Jin is staring at them lovingly. (There is a video somewhere, but I can’t find it. Please, someone find it. I think it’s from the melon music awards)
Jungkook waking Jimin up on In the Soop season 2.
Jimin breaking Jungkook’s mosquito net on In the Soop season 1. (And the spooning that occurred the next day.) 
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Black Swan Lift
Honestly, there are too many moments to mention. Please share your top sus moments!
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peachjagiya · 3 months
i’m not an actual taejin shipper but this video popped up on my twitter feed and it did kinda get me thinking like what actually is the difference between the physical boundaries of tkk and all the other members. i remember when i had mostly consumed tkk content i thought these types of physical touches and lack of boundaries was exclusive to them but as time has gone on and ive watched videos of them with other members i don’t rlly see a difference. ik its more than just the physical affection that makes tkkrs believe but a lot of tkkrs emphasize the fact that they feel something is different and “more” between tkks skinship. but after watching this video it rlly makes me think there isnt rlly a difference bc taehyung is all over jin and has his hands all up on his thighs and stuff too, very similar to clips ive seen of tae w jungkook that i originally thought were unique to them.
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You've answered your own question. It's not just physicality.
If you isolate the physical, then maybe there's no difference, right?
I'm posting this with caution knowing some jikooker will be cracking their knuckles to call it a gotcha but unlike them, I can't and won't bend reality. Here's Tae with his leg up on JK, touching JKs hair/ear whilst leaning against Jin.
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Good example of Tae being a tactile guy and sitting very bisexually 😂 there is on camera evidence of him asking for and receiving kisses and bed snuggles from most of the Woogas, for example.
So sure. If you boil it down to simple ideas, the physicality has examples beyond JK*
But does that physicality come with shyness the way he can be with JK? Physicality with a history of romantic overtures in song sharing and little glances? Physicality with what looks very much like attraction? Physicality with To Find You playing in the background? Physicality with a company mandated pretence that they're barely even friends?
Considering the "lore" of Taekook, you can't separate physical from everything else. You need to look at it all.
* I don't know if it's just me who feels this but I get this indefinable softness in his affection with JK that makes it feel different. It's almost chaste and so small as to feel unremarkable and second-nature. It's not an explosion, fleeting and bright and passing, but a constant little flame, steady and warm. That's how affection in relationships tends to be, right?
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not-goldy · 5 months
Anon it's a quote infamous quote from a boxer ig although jungkook never used the whole phrase. Means first tae asked jk for a challenge that now that he's learning sparring nd all he'd love to take challenge with jk and looking at tae's confidence jk was like "everyone has a plan until...." He typed this part only Cause duh taehyung is his Hyung so it'd look too disrespectful but tae got what jk meant so he even asked jk why didn't jk completed the whole thing and wrote only half lol. But you know what was the funniest thing about that conversation??? It's taekookers saying that jk using that quote (everyone has a plan unti they gets punched in the face) is some taekook flirting Lmaoooo 😭😭😭😭😭 that shit was the funniest cause how is that shit is them flirting where one is clearly talking about plans and getting punched in the face??? Lol
Then there's jikook where jm is like "I'm sacred you'll hit me" and jungkook said "why are you telling false things jiminie hyung if anything it's me who'll get hit" lol. Then jm asking jk to learn boxing to protect him(jm) and jk just nodding when jimin himself is martial art trained, more trained than jk 😂
Sometimes you gotta be quiet so Tuktukkers can get trolled you doing too much baibee😩
But yes you are right.
Not trying to add fuel to the fire....
But remember when Tae spoke about a vulnerable moment and Jungkook was like well feel free to talk to the members when you going through it pointing at the other hyungs 😩😩😩
That one knocked the wind out of my diseased lungs
Dude said, find a therapist bitch I'm not the one😭😭
Meanwhile he's out here kissing on Jimin's ears shouting don't cry Jimin and listening to every word that comes out of Jimin's mouth like it's the secret password to heaven.
This is the level of toxicity I subscribe to
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stormblessed95 · 8 months
So random but can we revisit when Jimin wanted to go a trip w JK in 2018 (memories 2018 i think) and he literally squished a on a laying down Jungkook whispering in his ear ……
All of memories 2018 was 😭🥰 it was my first memories dvd I saw after becoming army in 2019
Let’s just say.. the jikook moments only got better after that LOL
What a memories DVD to come into Jikook with!! Lmao there was so much!! And only more in the 2019 memories! Spoiled spoiled were you!! Lol
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kanmom51 · 1 year
Hi Kanmom,
I have a theory I would like your take on. Of course as a theory, it’s my opinion, yet I rarely see any Jikook blogs or obviously Army blogs speak to, actually I see most Jikook blogs vehemently deny the notion.
My opinion is that the Tae kook ship acts as a protection for Jikook. (I know you must be tired of hearing of taekookers)
Here is the moment that made me have this opinion solidified, well enough that I have it in my head as a theory.
In the infamous New Jersey Live. I remember watching it for the first time after seeing an analysis video that someone was in the room.
Anyway, like I always do I watch OG content and noticed something strange, which was Tae’s actions.
He came in the room, for the first time to me as a viewer, considering he didn’t know who’s room it was.
Anyways, fast forward someone speaks in the background and Tae in turn says “Weren’t we sharing the same room?” to JK.
Of all questionable Jikook moments this is the one that has me like ?????? and it isn’t even Jikook lol.
But then I thought about it from Tae’s perspective.
He clearly knows JK whispering to someone in the bathroom(fact). And, honestly like a good friend, he tries to cover it up (my opinion).
What I find interesting is that his way of kinda “not revealing” the secret or divert attention is by drawing attention to him and JK. That’s interesting, and I don’t understand why there is no thoughts on that.
My opinion is that Tae maybe was trying to normalize the behavior, and he thought well if I say we’re sharing a room, then ppl will focus on that instead of the secret rendezvous in the bathroom.
Which leads me to a bigger theory: Taekook normalizes Jikook.(totally my opinion)
imagine Jikook being a strong force, imo taekook is a strong force in the opposite direction.
I think if taekook wasn’t around, Jikook would stand out like a sore thumb. There are the first to negate even the most obvious Jikook moments. In my baby army stage even when every logical part of my brain was screaming there’s something up with these two, I watched taekook videos to shut it down. Like oh it’s just shipping, and move on.
I mean no one wants to even acknowledge the notion taekook acts a diversion for Jikook why? “If taekookers say this. Then I can’t think like this cause tkkers are crazy”
My point ^. The presence of tkkers make Jkkers so insecure all of a sudden they forget Jimin bit JK’s neck and JK sucked his ears.
Anyone feeling like Jikook could be real? Lemme just watch a Taekook video to remind myself I’m just a delulu shipper like them. Hence why I think RM said film a video with Tae after JKs very sis GCF in Tokyo.
Anyway, it’s clear as day to me when vminkook are together. Take the ppyong live. JK came in and the atmosphere changed. JK does a very imo bf thing and moves Hobi to sit next to jimin, then you know it’s all over.
All of a sudden they are kekekeing in a corner and what is Tae’s response? “JK didn’t you and I do boxing something like that”
Which wasn’t true as they said in the same live “lying is his charm” JK just shut it down,
I think Tae is “protecting” them in the best way he knows how, by absolutely trolling the hell out of army.
I think if Jikook accidentally kissed on stage. Hobi would freeze, namjoon would die, yoongi would stare, Jin look away and Tae would just kiss Jk or Jimin to even it out and divert attention lol. Either that or smile idk.
I think that’s his way of protecting them and now that he’s possibly in a relationship, maybe protect himself.
My 2 cents.
@jacha101 I hear you. I do.
I even want to say that in the past I thought it to be somewhat of a possibility. And not in the TKKs sick way of thinking that one queer relationship is showcased (JKK) to protect the second queer relationship (TKK), but more like Tae inserting himself into the mix to balance out the JKK interaction (like putting them on the same level so their interaction doesn't seem too suspicious). More like showing "we're all friends here, nothing queer going on..."
I thought it might be a possibility, even as close back as late 2021 (and only on certain occasions, because on other occasions it was as clear as day that Tae was there to troll them, as in to get in their faces and piss them off, lol).
I have also seen moments where Tae will be gatekeeping Jikook, but I don't think it was in a sense of pushing TKK, but more nudging the two out of a moment.
This one I'm not sure if is policing or trolling, lol.
And if we are talking about trolling...
There are so many more examples of Tae 'inserting' himself or policing Jikook or trolling them, whatever the reason may be.
In any case, unlike you, I don't think that TKK as a ship was ever there to protect JM or JK.
Ok, I think I have to start from the beginning here though.
Shipping two people together does not necessarily mean you see them as a couple. It is a slippery slope and many do ship that way, but as a whole a ship can mean you like the connection between two people, and it can be a totally platonic one at that. Many Vminers are not about Vmin being a couple, and more about their close friendship (although there are those that still live in a dream that it has even been more than that).
So, when we talk about TKK as a ship, if we were talking about normal human beings and not a fucking cult, they could totally be perceived as a cute ship, AS FRIENDS, partners in crime (in the past), and more recently too (bowling buddies, gaming buddies, not going live buddies, cause that was just way too awkward).
If this fandom was constituted from mentally stable people, indeed I could maybe say that at times TKK as a ship can even out the JKK interactions and be used by them to balance things out a little and take the attention off JKK and their very suspicious interactions. Although, while writing those lines I can't help but think to myself that Jikook's chemistry and closeness cannot be compared to TKK's. They are just not the same, no matter which what way you look at them. If you are a person with common sense and life experience (including a basic level of emotional intelligence) you can see there is clearly a difference between the two couplings.
But in any case, you and I know that is not the case. This fandom is flawed, no secret there.
And we also know that the members and company know exactly who TKKs are and what they do and are capable of.
The vile hate JM gets from them is not an unknown. The harassment of whoever shows some sort of closeness or support for Jikook is also not an unknown. Their verbally violent behavior towards anyone who does not fall in line, and that includes JKKs (I'd say that is inconsequential to the company), people that may have interacted with Tae or JK or the two (including different brands or professionals) or even total strangers that they deem relevant to their sick fantasy about JK and Tae. All known to the members and to the company.
I really don't see JK nor Tae going to the lengths of promoting TKK as a ship to hide JKK knowing what they do about the consequences of pushing this ship.
That, by all means, does not mean the two will not interact and showcase their friendship. But JK, for one, has been trying for some time now to make sure the line in the sand is clear, that it's friendship and no more. Tae does not tread as carefully as JK does.
I'll go back to my initial statement. I do think that at times Tae pushed the TKK to 'change the subject' if you may. Or as you put it, take the attention off the Jikook elephant in the room. But many a times it's just Tae being Tae. Trolling both JM and JK and Army at the same time.
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I kind of think at times that Tae is an anarchist at heart, lol. Or more so an agent of chaos. He loves to throw the stones and just see where they fall. He'll do it with JM ("I think JM likes men"), he'll do it with JK (take that NJ live and him unwilling to leave all while JK is doing everything possible for him to leave other than say "get the fuck out already"), he'll do it with Jikook ("JM is hanging out with JK") and he does it constantly with army, and I'd say even more so with TKKs. And here comes into work his lack of care as to the consequences of riling them up. I kind of think he, and I'm going to be careful with my wording here, doesn't care for big parts of this fandom (cough TKKs cough), and definitley doesn't think much of them.
If Tae was doing this out of the kindness of his heart or wanting to protect Jikook as a couple or JM and JK as individuals, if that was his objective, then he wouldn't, for instance, post a Jikook photo for Hobi's birthday, for example.
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One thing I want to add here.
If TKK were being used to nullify JKK why is it that JK is constantly continuously doing things to show us that Jikook are more than friends? If JK himself wants to show us they are closer, they are just MORE, why would the whole TKK ship be used to nullify that? JK sucked on JM's ear in front of 10s of thousands of fans, knowing he's also being filmed. He wanted us all to see it. JK signed "I love you" to JM at the TMA's, knowing everyone saw it. JK tattooed the J over the M on his ring finger. JK outright said "I love you" to JM for all of us to hear it during the LV tour, and so much more. They have both done so much more to showcase their relationship. They don't want to be balanced out. And even more so knowing what they know about TKKs. JK doesn't want to be thought of as Tae's boyfriend, not when he's going out of his way to show what JM is to him.
At the end of the day, I do get what you're saying, but I don't think that JK nor Tae, nor JM for that matter, are people that would play along with this kind of game.
Ships are a thing, there is no escape from that. And the members know it. I mean they themselves have thrown around ship names once in a while. They are aware of the ships, they are aware of the shippers. Tae doesn't have to go live for 3 minutes, mention JK's name and leave for TKKs to be TKKs. If you get my drift. He didn't do that to balance out some kind of Jikook interaction.
Pretty much since the Busan concert we had close to no Jikook interactions. We got a few Run BTS episodes, which were mostly filmed before the concert. They themselves, until JK's Feb lives, were in radio silence. And once they became loud it was of their own accord, they wanted to be loud. They wanted to show us stuff. They didn't want or need Tae to balance out whatever we were getting from them (and all of this happening without even seeing them in the same frame). Tae showing up in JK's Feb live and the IG TKK live, all those happened during that radio silence period. During a time where the rejoicing sounds of "Jikook are over" were ever so loud. There was no need to push TKK to balance out non existent interactions or suspicions (cause they just weren't there at that point).
What I'm saying here is that Tae is doing whatever he's doing, not to balance out JKK.
And for those that will be coming at me, I'm not saying he did it necessarily to push TKK.
I'm saying he didn't do it to balance out JKK.
His reasons are his, whatever they may be. And there could be a plethora of them: he was bored, he wanted to do the live with a friend, he feels awkward doing the live alone and doing it with JK was a good way of being in touch with army all while not having all the attention on himself, etc.
I will end by saying that they all do love each other dearly. They have over 10 years of together, and although there might be ups and downs in their relationships, they do care greatly for each other and are good friends. Said care/love/friendship is showcased in their interactions with each other. Mostly good, at times not so much (we obviously do not get to see the full picture, and the big fights or blow ups we won't be privy to too much, I mean we just discovered from JK, and still not getting the whole story, that the dumpling fight was way bigger than what we were told for years). JK and Tae are good friends. Mates. And we will be getting a lot of them in the near future, mainly because the others won't be around soon. We need to overcome our adversity to TKKs and remember that this is about TKK, their bond, their friendship, not their shippers.
Karmy know how to enjoy their interactions. We need to be able to create a disconnect between the cult and these two people. They are friends, they interact, they most likely will be supporting each other through their solo debuts. It's about them and us supporting them. Not about demented fans that don't know boundaries or lack common sense. And we also need to remember that both JK and Tae have zero control over these fans, their behavior or actions.
Let's enjoy what they give us before they leave us.
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chevelleneech · 14 days
This thing frustrates me sooooo much so I'm just trying to not go to places where i know I'll see shit you know? I'm in my delulu land where i can be like "if i don't see it then it's not there" when i know it's happening there but still.
I was just thinking about how all jimin and jungkook watch YouTube like that's there go to app for yrs, jk is on tiktok as well where the whole army side is again infected with Tkkrs just like YT as well and jm used to have tikto atleast during covid (as we saw on his phone during BTS's last doc where we saw his home for the first time, he could still be having) and both of them watch members related stuff and Army's made videos as well so out if frustration I'm like They all see it , they see what's been said in those video and how they're portrayed and if they're not giving shits about it is it really worth that we keep fighting these loosers? No. So ig from now on I'm just gonna let ppl think whatever they want of jimin-jungkook's friendship if ppl want to believe they hate e/o so be it, if they think jungkook is forced then so be it.
I remember well that one time when tkklives acct was taken (like Locked or smtg) and then later it was given back to her by BH with a fatass pop-up that the channel doens't cross any boundaries or wtv and she said that BH was quite good to her as in that they didn't take down her acct or shit like that. The point is if people with power who can actually do something about these things don't care is it really worth it that we give it this much attention? Jikook thinks their Fandom loves them when it hates them together so let it be.
This was just my frustrated rant tbh. After yrs of seeing the same shit happening and getting mad over things i can't do anything about I'm just gonna take a step back and let things be. There's no hope for the betterment of this Fandom They're gonna say jikook fanservice for the rest of BTS's existence and there's no turning back there. And given how both jm and jk are private and don't post their personal things online everyone is gonna keep questioning it saying they don't meet apart from work while others who post are gonna be called closest the same that happened in 2023. Although it's been happening since before 2023 but it's just gonna get worse so I'm gonna let people handle it who can actually do something about it.
I sacrificed my algorithm to watch a Tkklives video real quick, not the entire thing, but a portion to see if anything has changed from when I first got into the fandom and wanted to see what a the drama was about once I knew Tkk vs Jikook was a thing.
Anyway, from the 5 minutes I just watched, it doesn’t seem like much has changed. She slows down clips and makes up her own ideas about what’s going on, and people believe it. So if that’s all she’s been doing and continues to do, there is nothing the company can do about that. Not to mention, people keep saying Big Hit said she can keep going, and aside from me never seeing proof of that being true, I would imagine her not living in SK makes it tough to sue her anyway.
She posts elaborate fantasy edits, creating a story out of footage millions of other people have made YouTube edits with. Granted she’s annoying and has stirred a plethora of drama within the fandom, but she’s not doing anything illegal from how it currently looks. So it’s. It even really that a delusional fan is creating and spreading her own conclusions, it must that Tae unfortunately has the most toxic fans out of the members, and majority of them ship Tkk.
His fans also happen to be the most vocal, even if he’s not the most popular, so they tend to cause the most chaos. In any case, I’m not trying to change anything nor argue with people who have sewn their ears shut. It’s just irritating to see a guy who seemingly wants to get to know BTS as people and artists be led astray, over a ship and fandom drama he has no idea about. They’re using his naïvety to manipulate his opinions of the members and the company (the latter which don’t even need help these days), but the second someone suggests a Jikook video for Frankie to watch so he can fully understand that Jimin and Jungkook do essentially live in a bubble when together, and outside parties often come across as third wheels without it being a big deal, that person will be spammed with harassment and be considered a necessary block. Which Frankie would like adhere to, because he is unaware that Tkkrs hate Jimin and his friendship with JK.
Which, from an outside perspective is always going to be difficult to explain, because the actual status of JM and JK’s relationship is irrelevant. Them dating or not does not mean anything to the overall fact of the situation. It’s simple that Tkkrs hate the very possibility of them meaning anything to each other, because they want Tae and JK to mean everything to one another at all times. It’s why Tkkrs struggle to accept even the smallest Jikook moments. JK can’t wish Jimin a happy birthday without Tkkrs claiming he was forced by the company to say something. Jungkoom can’t look at his cellphone even though JM and Tae can, without it meaning he’s bored out of his mind without Tae around to entertain him.
So how do you explain to someone who is 100% unaware of this chaos, that he’s being lied to? There is sensible way to tell Frankie Biggz that the people who harassed him only did so, because they don’t like they he misunderstood Tae’s natural “bitchy” personality, due to him simply not knowing Tae well enough to know that’s just how he is? How do you explain to him that AYS wasn’t written with the intent to make Tae seem like a third wheel, but that Jimin and Jungkook themselves are more than aware that they tend to push people into third wheel territory when with them, because they build a bubble around themselves when together?
You can’t explain that. It has to be observed, but when Tkkrs are able to get ahead of that learning curve, and plant seeds of doubt and convince people that Tae is a victim of a mean company and JM and JK are victims of a script… there’s nothing else that can be done.
I do hope he continues to watch more official content and comes to realize Tae is sort of meh about things, because that’s just who he is. He makes snarky comments and likes to chill out on his own, but he’s also very extroverted and livens up a party when he wants to. I also hope he is able to learn who Jimin and Jungkook are, and understand that it would be impossible to script their friendship for 12 years. But who knows. Hell either fall down the Tkk lies rabbit hole, or see the light. Either way, I am still annoyed Tkkrs got to him so fast.
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mrs-monaghan · 6 months
I just read this ask and its answer also and i want to know your opinion on this because I found this ask shocking. I know we don't know jikook or any other member personally but the image we have been seeing of them for years... especially jimin's...I find this ask disturbing a little. Pls give your opinion on what you think about this.
(sorry that I'm sending you this Again but i really want to hear your thoughts on this...i love the way you talk about jikook that's why..and this ask disturbed me a little...hope you can give your opinion soon!! Thankyou)
Hey anon! 🖐🏾
First of all, happy new year 😁😁 My greatest apologies for not answering "soon" but real life called.. you get it. I finally got my present that I had been waiting for, for 9 months
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She has been a blessing and I'm so loving my new job of being her mom 🥰🥰 she has latched onto "shot glass of tears" which is now my cheat code. Might share the video I took. Maybe 😁😁
Anyhu, back to your ask
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There isn't much to say here coz its a bunch of bullocks! Honestly. First and foremost, RM literally spoilt that Jimin elbowed JK in his sleep. Or was it the other way around? 🤔 he asked them if they were still MMAing in their sleep and Jikook told him off for spoiling. NOT TO MENTION, Jimin also added how he's used to JK snoring coz of the days they spent together when shooting. So I'm pretty sure that insinuates they were sleeping together during their making of the vlogs. So this Jikook anti is already wrong about them sleeping together. (I'm blocked by op so I didn't care to read her answer)
I wont address them saying Jikook are distant because anyone still claiming that by now is just pathetic. As for honorifics and skinship this person just wants to see and hear what they want. Have addressed honorifics before here here and here.
As for skinship, DeNile is a river in Egypt 😂 and this anon is in denial. Or refusing to acknowledge that JK has never had anyone else's ear in his mouth. That Jimin has never bit anyone else's neck. That Jikook have only tried to hide they were holding hands with eo. They don't hide when it's with other members. Jimin has never had his foot on any other member's crotch. JK didn't need to get nervous when he felt Jimin caressing his foot in BV2. Gosh, this list keeps going.... but u get my point.
Skinship with Jikook sometimes gets sus AF!!! Hell, even this butt slap was sus
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Even though JK lives for slapping people's hinds, he doesn't massage or squeeze other butts.
Jikook have never and will never be like other ships... And that's coz they're not a ship. It is what it is.....
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dearweirdme · 6 months
"ear sucking on stage" that wasn't actually ear sucking at all. Seriously use some logic for once. Why would he go suck on jm's ear when jm was bawling? What kind of romantic/pacifying behaviour is that? The "heavily revered by jikkrs" ear sucking is nothing but an illusion bcs of camera's perspective. I've watched it from multiple angles in slowmo bcs I've heard it mentioned by EVERY JIKOOKER EVER. It's literally the origin story of some of them. There are certain angles that do make it seem like he is kissing his ear but in majority of other angles, it's very obvious that it's an illusion bcs of lights and shadows.
I am not saying sitting on tae's lap wasn't for the crowd. It's absurd to say it wasn't bcs they were on stage infront of thousands. But saying that it was only for the crowd, that's also absurd coz when jk did that, they weren't in focus. I believe it's more like he wanted to do it,so he did it despite the crowd.
Jk hugging a crying jimin is not for the crowd or cameras. That's just him trying to calm his crying friend. But that's nothing novel in BTS. They all, esp, jk, jm and hobi do such things all the time whenever they see any of the members crying.
But can y'all please stop with the damn ear sucking already? That literally did not happen.
But if you all are so damn pressed about ear sucking, tae has kissed jk's ear, nape, cheek. The nape kiss wasn't even captured by the screen. So what do we make of it then?
Hi anon!
So I went and watched it again.. excuse the Jkk vid 😂
What it looks like to me, is that Jk was talking in Jm’s ear and possibly his lip caught a bit. I don’t think it’s intentional sucking. All in all though the whole thing does not feel or look romantic at all.
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floradinterlunium · 1 year
ThSo I recently was involved in a pretty heated debate with a Taekooker. I know we are “told” don’t engage but I’m like why the hell not?!??!?! Why do we always have to take the high road??!? Why should we allow them to come into our spaces, spew their lies and garbage and stay silent?!? Absolutely not!
I was watching a recent Jikook video on Youtube and this wolf came in spewing Taekook propaganda and when I tell you I’ve never laughed so hard in my entire life...I’ve never laughed so hard in my entire life. The amount of fake info their shared was actually insane.
False Claim #1
First, they claimed that in this moment (3:32-3:40) JM actually asked JK “are you happy because of Kim Taehyung?” Not “ Are you happy because of me?” which made JK blush.
 (Now please note that they sent me the untranslated version).
And when I corrected and told them JM actually asked if JK was happy because of “him” they responded saying I need to get my ears fixed because in “what world does Kim Taehyung sound like me.” I was gobsmacked by this because...what??!  This idiot literally thought that the Korean word for me (na) and the English word for me were the same LOL. I mean I went to town on this girl. 
I could not understand how someone could be so boldly stupid. When I replied I not so kindly expressed my dismay for her stupidity, “In what world does the Korean word for me, which is “na” sound like the English word for me? I am actually shocked by your stupidity...you can’t even speak Korean but here you are parading around like you know what the hell you are talking about?! Next time watch real content with English subs before coming to our channels spewing BS.” The gist of my response.
Now I thought she had seen the light because she actually responded saying, “I had no idea he said “Me” and Not “Kim Taehyung.” I mean you’d think she’d see the light because the moment she used to justify her belief in Taekook actually proved to be a Jikook moment. But no. This lot is committed to following an obvious lie. A day later she came back spewing more nonsense!
False Claim #2
She then made another false claim. She claimed that Taekook were real because he was suuuppper happy to be on his team in BV. She never specified which BV but I knew she didn’t know what she was talking about. There hasn’t been a BV in which JK was Happy to be with a team member other than JM.
Side note: Taekookers do not realize the depth of Knowledge Jikookers have. They don’t realize that we like watch everything and have the memories of Elephants. They can’t come at us with made up facts because we have the receipts, the dates, and the quotes memorized by heart. We are psychotic like that! So this girl did not realize that when she came at us with her vague facts and made up translations she was about to be destroyed.
So I responded of course in a very condescending way because her linking me a video that proved Jikook and not Taekook made her lose all credibility and she didn’t deserve my respect. I was like girl
 “the gall of you to come back so bold after sending me a video that shot your taekook theory is asinine but if you want to continue lets. First Get your facts straight...pretty sure you don’t mean BV because in BV s1 we have JK begging to share a bed with JM and then JK opting to share a couch with JM instead of his own bed. In BV S2 we have JK gushing to be randomly paired with JM to find their way to their hotel. Then losing a challenge to share a room with JM. You can’t mean BV S3 because JK was viscerally upset to have to share a room with Tae and even got mad at JM when he hinted at where JK’s room was. And You definitely don’t mean BV S4 because we have JK admitting to the fact that for the months off he never spoke to or saw any member other than Jimin and Hobi. So you don’t mean BV. I think what you mean is Summer Package 2018. But even then you’re wrong. Probably because you don’t watch full content and you don’t watch it in English. LOL”
For reference this is the moment she was referring to (1:58-2:14) there’s more to this scene like JK getting happy at the end to be on the team he’s on but it’s clipped out. She didn’t share with me any more clips but by her description I knew this was what she was talking about. 
You see because she doesn’t watch original content or anything with English subtitles she thought JK was happy to be on a team with Tae. She didn’t realize the context. The context was Jk wanted to be on a team with JM (we know this because as Tae was begging him to choose his team, Hobi was like just choose that team, referencing JM’s) but he didn’t want to be on a team where he had to go and pet the sting rays. We know as much because as he’s jumping for joy when the group activities were revealed he says he’s happy he didn’t get sting rays. He wasn’t happy to be with Tae he was happy to get the adventure package he got. 
The danger of only watching Ship videos is that you don’t get full context. This applies to all ship videos taekook and Jikook. Now Jikook videos by and large include context and show you exactly how things are...they don’t add context that doesn’t exist. 
False Claim #3
The girl refused to acknowledge this time she was wrong and just went on tirade of “Okay, you got 2016-2019...I’ll take 2020-2023 any days. Jikook is ancient history now is the time of Taekook.” 
GIRL WHAT! LOL Did she forget Hickey gate, Ear sucking, my favorite thing is waking up seeing Jungkookie, etc...all happened within her supposed Taekook era timeframe. Also, is she calling JK a man hoe...he’s just jumping around from band member to band member...he was with JM but now wit TAe? 
You see how they so willy nilly switch up narratives. At first she was arguing that Taekook have always been real but now they became real in 2020?? I don’t know where 2020 came from because they were still crickets then but okay LOL
But here’s her next false claim...another commenter brought up In the Soop discussion where TAe and Jk were forced to have a sit down conversation about how they’d grown apart for years, like since 2015 and now things were awkward between them. This girl said it was all scripted and wasn’t real but even if it was real 10 minute convo should change all that we see and know to be real and true.
I of course responded what proof do you have that, that convo was scripted? Or are you just believing that because that conversation disproves everything you believe about Taekook? Because you want to know why I know the convo was real, from 2015 to 2020 Taekook were obviously distant there was no content. Every time they were together is was crickets...on numerous occasions Tae complained that JK ignored him. JK even once said all love was loss (in BV S2). Their words and events match up. Also what I see in Taekook is nothing other than platonic friends because they’ve never done anytign exclusive. Literally every moment you use as proof is either a Jikook moment or out of context. You have nothing. 
False Claim #4
Now at this point I was shocked that they were still responding because why wouldn’t they just crawl back into their taekook dungeon of lies? But alas they responded back. “ I’m surprised you didn’t bring up “get out of your imagination comment. You guys looove to bring that up but you don’t even know how to read because Tae was telling the girl to get out her imagination about JK because she was saying ways she sleeps is look at photos of JK
I mean I found her comment quite the comedic relief because here she is telling me I can’t read when she started our convo linking me a video that she clearly didn’t understand because it disproved Taekook but okay! I simply responded by quoting word for word what Tae and the OP said.
Tae Asked: What are/ who has ways to fall asleep?
OP: Me, look at photos of JJungkook oppa who tae-oppa loves.
Tae responded; Get out of your imagination, it’s not good in there.
Now I don’t see how Tae could not think this was a shipper responding...and he shut them down. Only a moron would think that Tae would not read that as OP implying that he could sleep by looking at JK. But whatever.
Guy Taekookers are morons that refuse to follow logic. They refuse to admit their ship is a lie and man....I legit think they don’t ever look at real content and they don’t “need” english subs...they just let the analysis vids do the talking. 
They are insane but I engage them because I am not going to allow them to spew BS freely and think they run this place. They are a ship of lies and hate and they need to be brought down more than a few pegs. Also I feel bad for Tae. 
Imagine most of your fans only stanning you because of your looks and who they think and hope you sleep with. This is why his feed is boring! He has nothing but annoying shippers. 
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ask-serendipity-sky · 10 months
This is an article from 2012 where they talk about the relationship between gays and Disneyland. I accidentally came across this article and thought a lot about jikook. I don't know whether they were aware of these back then but whatever it is it was a bold movement from jeon kid to do this. And the mickey mouse hat jimin wore . Everything that they made in 2017 have meanings and they meant it too. Only the brainless trashcookers can't see it or admit it. I've seen ex-trashcooker saying that they haven't seen gcf tokyo yet. WHY? They ofcourse know it is GCF jimin ft tokyo whereas their fav has not got any as such but they're still arguing that it was actually planned with their fav and change due to some reason as if trashcookers were the ones who charted their schedules haha.
I sometimes wonder what might have happened in Tokyo but we will never know. These days things are getting complicated both for jimin and jungkook. I wonder what might be their motive to choose Disneyland as their destination place for their first trip. I'm still screaming at the thought they stayed at the hotel where the bedroom and bathroom were separated only by a transparent window. Jimin could see jungkook shower for 50 minutes through the transparent window? Wow I'm kidding but not really. The age they visited Tokyo alone is such a crucial one here. Both might be at the peak of curiosity and they are jikook lol I'll shut up now.
Now coming into jimin who is not so into amusement park rides according to him ( who would waste money on things like this + too scared lol me too yes i'm jimin's girl ) decided to get on that coffee mug ride? Are you serious!? YES! And that's how we got the most beautiful jimin smile through jungkook's eye. What we see in golden closet film Tokyo is jimin through jungkook's eye.
At the very 1st thought jungkook is the same age as jimin's brother and jimin's is the same age of jungkook's brother but nah ! I have eyes ofcourse. I didnt get any brotherly vibes. Of course they care about eo. The way jimin caresses junkookie's head or pat his head like an elder brother. But I don't wanna bring that ear sucking moment here. We had enough and that's louder than anything. I'd like to nominate the tummy caressing part by jk.mp4 lol. Jimin didn't even flinched like he is so used to those hands. They hiding at the corner at a big party ( jitb we spotted the couples ), staring at the lips while talking, jimin gesturing to keep shut when they were asked about the comfort thing that they depend on wow that was sus , and pulling him close behind yoongi?
Whatever I'm ending my rants here. I just wanted some place to rant that JIKOOK IS REAL AND MORE THAN FRIENDS OR WHATEVER. THEIR BOND IS UNBREAKABLE.
And they have done things and hinted as many things. Only blinds can't see it. That's their issue not ours. And to those who haven't seen gcf tokyo youre missing a masterplan video for how to impress your crush that's it.
thankyou 💜💛
Hi anon,
Your ask is beautiful. I love it.
It makes me wonder of all the times that jikook referenced their trip after they came back. They were smitten by each other!
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Shy and sweet and even when talking about it, they would ignore the rest of the world around them.
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And now they are in Japan again. History likes to repeat itself. Will they have a glass shower again?
What happened in Disneyland?!
With or without Disneyland (will they go to Disneyland?), them deciding on a project together (omg. this is a subunit created by jikook) and making it so they would work, travel, have fun, and spend time and end in Japan is a bold move.
We will see what comes out of this and if they end up in Disneyland again, I fear we might not make it through.
But yeah, "jikook is more than friends or whatever"...lol
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
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myobsessionsspace · 1 year
The Individuals
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Another Chapter 2 post…
Straddling between seeing them as The Main & Lead Singers/Dancers of BTS, ‘Jikook’ or Jimin and Jung Kook
BTS have always been such a different experience for me in terms of being a fan. Not only do we have magazine interviews and music show interviews plus their music to give us an insight into them, we also have an array of other media. They didn’t win the ‘Top Social Artist Award’ for no reason, their twitter presence, their weverse presence, their V Lives showed us much about them to endear them to us. Shows such as Rookie King, Gayo, Run BTS, Bon Voyage, In The Soop etc I couldn’t help but watch them all.
Religiously watching any V lives I could catch, going back and watching archived ones, their Bangtan Bombs and episodes etc. has allowed me and millions of others to feel like we know the group and members we support.
Over the years through watching the BTS original content, I have come to recognise and appreciate that these two MEN (queerphobs exit left) have unique bond.
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They have special bonds with each of their members, never sparing any from words of affection, hugs and caring looks, playful moments etc. it the ‘magic’ of BTS.
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The closeness I personally see between Jimin and Jungkook over the years is a bond I find to be exclusive to them. A bond that encompasses that shared between the other members or confident, bestie, ‘soulmate’, mentor, playmate, work partner, Hyung/Dongsaeng etc. I see theirs to be all of the above and more exclusive to the two of them. Where variations of duos can claim one or more of the above Jikook in my eyes claim them all for the two of them.
If nothing else from all that I have seen, it’s undeniable that they are the closest duo of the group.
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It’s very enjoyable as a third party seeing the sparkle in each others eyes when looking at each other, the small and big smiles reserved for the two, the innocent and not so innocent moments that won’t be found between any other combination with the same level of meaning, intensity and dare I say, love, behind it.
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I enjoy them, I enjoy them enjoying each other and I see across many platforms others who also enjoy them too.
Saying that I also enjoy them as INDIVIDUALS.
I enjoy Jimin’s heart and mind, how he sees challenges, how he sees experiences, how he appreciates and embraces emotions and is articulate and delicate with his spoken and written word. I enjoy his strength of character but isn’t hardened by life, how he can be the funniest person in the room and can make others laugh in a second and laugh with and even at himself. How he can be smart and serious but also light, fun and goofy. His talent, how he can be book smart, word smart but also creative, use his body as art but is also artistically talented with a pencil and paper.
I enjoy Jungkook’s goofball humour, his playfulness with his Hyungs, his admiration of them, his self assuredness and stubbornness that his Hyungs have moaned about since day 1 but still serves him in the right circumstances. I enjoy his creative talents, drawing, filming, photography, his ear for music of all genres, his innocence, how he talks to insects, fish before he slices it up for lunch. I enjoy his no nonsense approach to his work, hearing anecdotes from the members about how he doesn’t fear scolding Hyungs who don’t take practice seriously. I enjoy his loyalty, his level of honesty. I could go on because each day they show us more and more to learn and love about them.
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The above has given us an insight as to who these boys to men are. Their likes, their dislikes, their music tastes, their fashion tastes of that time. For as much footage we have of the members, what they said yesterday could be different tomorrow, they are individuals, capable or change, capable of learning, growing, of influencing and being influenced.
Since even before chapter 2 the members have always spoken of how different they were as individuals. They have always shared their amazement that 7 different men could create such a phenomenon together and STAY together throughout their ups and downs for years upon years.
They’ve never claimed to be the same, never claimed to always want the same things. The prevailing statement I’ve heard from them has been they sacrificed for the sake of the group.
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Chapter 2 has been about no longer having to have that weight, in my opinion, about getting out everything they felt they weren’t able to say yes OR no to when 6 other members had to be considered.
The members are very aware that their solo work still represents, not just themselves, like one would ideally like, but still represents the group, that they made their name from. No matter how different their work is from the group they will always be ‘of BTS.’
Though it may be very late in the game, it occurred to me that I’m doing each member a disservice, in always looking past the individual and seeking to find the other members in their solo endeavours, especially Jimin and Jungkook because of my enjoyment of their duo. I gave some reasons earlier as to why I like them individually and why their duo draws my attention. I don’t need their coupling to like them individually because the lists for each still remain with or without their couple.
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They’ve all worked, learned, practiced and grown alongside each other but their shared experiences over the past 10+ years, their undeniable bond and closeness doesn’t mean they don’t have individuality that shouldn’t be acknowledged and appreciated as such. They’ve all had hurts, struggles, highs and lows, some connected to each other and some separate of each other.
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Though it’s my belief nothing between them has changed…
Enjoying them as they’ve intended for chapter 2 means to me, allowing them what they haven’t been given before, a chance to be them, on their terms, taking what they give us.
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