#jim kirk i know doesn't believe in no win scenarios. he tries to find a way to make it work.
lenievi · 2 years
I’m back to thinking about my 2009aos!McCoy switches places with tos!McCoy wip and aos!McCoy being a witness to something like The Galileo Seven episode where Kirk follows the rules to a T and McCoy being like WTF you’re just gonna leave them behind? I’m not the biggest fan of Spock, and don’t tell him, but this Spock isn’t that bad, and you’ve known him for years and you’re just gonna leave him and the rest of the crew on that planet?
I have my orders.
Fuck your orders, Jim. Be a human first, captain later. How would the rest of the crew feel if they knew you wouldn’t try to save them in the future? How do you think they’d feel knowing they’re expendable? When you don’t even try to save your first officer?
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Context in the new episode of Picard that came out a couple of weeks ago they visited a museum that contained things from the enterprise A and one of the things in the frame for like 15 seconds was Kirks Body in a cryotube and the monitor had a heart beat!!
OK so this next part is going to contain spoilers like major spoilers but I don't think you care?
So there's this villain named Kahn that was in the original series, and then had a whole ass movie about him and like his whole deal was that he was frozen with his crew and like woke up in the future were everything he knew was different and like the only thing he had was his crew Obviously this made him the villain bc his whole MO was protecting his crew at any cost
I think it's a little ironic and kind of ingenious that they decided to not end Kirk story by having him die in that one movie by having a bridge fall on him, but rather put him in like a freeze stasis sort of thing you know, almost exactly like Kahn!!
When he wakes up or if he wakes up, he'll be in a time that's a long since past all of his friends and people that he cares about as well as like any new technology that he doesn't know how to work and stuff like that basically mimicking Kahn's storyline!
like that's just so poetic and so sad because like it's trope of you either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself, become the villain
I think it would be really interesting, because like his whole motto is that he believes, that there isn’t a scenario that he can’t win, there’s always a solution for everything.
Its tragic that he's gonna wake up and he's gonna be told that Spock the one that should be around when he wakes up because he's Vulcan and Vulcans Live for a long time has been trapped in like a hole created by red matter, but in actuality Spock is an the AOS timeline and died there
Everyone else is dead that Kirk cares about so what if Kirk tries to find a way to get to that alternate universe and find Spock only to get there and find out he's dead that's like such a tragic ending it worse then if they would've just let him die, you know by having that bridge fall on him.
I think the other thing about Spock and Kirk that I love is that they encompass so many different types of like ships
Like they are enemies to lovers in the AOS Timeline, they are friends to lovers in the TOS Spock shows unrequited love towards Jim and Jim is like pining after Spock in the movies they just there's so many things about them that I love so much
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