#jimin's enneagram: 2-core
bts-mbti · 2 years
Oh! What do you mean about Jimin falling back on masculinity (not sounding accusatory or anything!) he always seemed flexible to me after accepting himself u know with what the heck is men, hurry up and be me someday, and esp w filter, he just seems to embody both masculine and feminine energy to me really well which is partly why he’s one of my favorites
i spent some time trying to figure out how to point this out, but it's honestly pretty simple. jimin's still not actually comfortable with his femininity because his femininity is conditional on his masculinity to be allowed to exist.
jimin has taken ownership of his femininity, which is far (Far) above where he began his internalized misogyny journey. and none of this is to discredit his growth & the fact that he is still the most challenging to gender norms in the group and that i love him to fucking bits for it. but true self-acceptance is unconditional, which is difficult for type 2s and 3s, especially when they wing each other. 2's nature is to be in conflict with what it wants, 3's is to be oblivious to what it wants, and they both turn to other people/the world to find it. the combination, particularly on a sx/so type like jimin, is a pretty intense lack of stable self-worth, which intersects in a nasty way to his r/s with gender.
without elaborating too much on gender politics, jimin searching for what the world rewards (w3) to be loved (2-core) leads him to cisheteronormative gender roles that i remain unconvinced he naturally falls into or wants to participate in, and just desires because he's internalized gender as intrinsic to his worth as a person.
a person is more than their gender or gender expression. jimin has yet to internalize this, even tho he’s internalized that it’s okay for him to be feminine in some ways (and does not look at other people this way). i’d describe it as him having one foot in the water of deconstructing his r/s with gender, but he isn’t willing to go further yet (or maybe doesn’t realize there’s further to go). probably bc there’s something he’s avoiding in the deep end.
but when i said he falls back onto masculinity, i meant exactly that. when jimin's unhappy or going through a hard time he craves masculinity. it doesn't always translate to his exterior, but it always shows up in his behavior (classic 2 -> 8 disintegration, in a gendered hat). this is stereotypical low Si behavior as well--desiring what's familiar in the face of committed change even if (especially if) it's not healthy.
it's funny bc i wrote this after i’d just seen his weverse magazine photo where he's posing shirtless all sexy-man-like, and he's quoted literally saying "i want to be better, and cooler". cool is a gendered term for jimin, and korea as a whole as i understand it. i don't think him using better and cool together is a coincidence, nor is it that this is coming up as he faces doing solo work (which he's clearly insecure abt) & their emotional break.
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sugar-petals · 4 years
Okay i was today years old when I found out you are enneagram enthusiast/expert. Can you help me out with something? My results were 5w4 but I really resonate more with 4 instead of 5. So maybe im a 4w5? Also when I took the test on instinctual variants I came out as SP but it said my main is a 7? I tried searching for answers but didn't find much. Thank you!
it’s likelier that you’re 4w5, then. the wing is more of a supporter to the personality, not the center of it. a co-strategy. in some cases it’s hard to tell which one is stronger so you’re lucky 😄 say with jimin, it’s not always entirely clear whether he’s a 2 or a 3. in case of doubt, think of a high-pressure situation where you had to make a decision related to your wing or core type. the main enneagram number will always win because your core fear will drive you nuts. unless you’re a healthy/healthier type, but it’s usually still there. plus you will also see the disintegration number in that process so it’s clearer. 
if a 8w7 has to decide whether to face or run from a problem, it’ll always be confrontation to control the situation (8) and not pain avoidance (7). you will also see them exhibit 5 on its unhealthy side, its overanalytical/god complex/ivory tower qualities because they disintegrate. in your case, you have double reclusive numbers, but different centers — heart v head — so that’s where you will see the difference. 4w5 will first react on an emotional and self-concerned level, not by taking the issue apart logically as if it is outside of themselves which is what 5w4 does.
the problem only comes in when your tritype has winging numbers in it. you could be a 459 but your main type is actually 4w3. this is damn hard to discern. in that case, see what kind of compulsive second thought you get in high-pressure situations. if you wing at 3, you become concerned with how you come across. if you wing at 5, you ask for the whys. intuitively, that you come here to send an ask is already telling enough. a four (winging at 5) is on an endless quest for identity. a raging five (winging at 4) would show up in my asks and lecture me on enneagram theory to show they already know it to a t — and they do! 😂 5 is obsessed with competency just like 3 and 1, they don’t ask, they already need to be on top of the situation. 
meanwhile, you can spot the 4 by how shakespearean they are. ‘to be or not to be’ is their battle cry. persona, who the hell am i, namjoon is being such a 4. that’s why self-pres is a standard instinct for the 4, i bet you are. 7 and SP often correlate but imo you can discard 7 unless it’s in your tritype or a dis/integration point somewhere. back to the enneagram, a 5 secludes themselves to find out on their own. to rather see through the system as a whole and not themselves separately. 
how someone learns the enneagram shows which enneagram type they are :’) a 1 will beat themselves up how they don’t know it perfectly, a 8 will yell at others for trying to impose a type on them, a 4 will get an existential crisis, a 6 will morbidly search for a trustworthy guru that alleviates them of their core fear (fear of fear itself, being a 6 is hard), a 3 will look for a type that makes them look admirable, a 2 will try to help others type themselves obsessively, a 5 will know the theory so well that they make their own out of it, a 7 will forever jump from type to type to see which one’s the most fun, and 9 is will shy away from core fear or disintegration talk because it threatens their peace of mind. the enneagram is a circus and we give ourselves away by how we approach it.
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cactus-boi · 6 years
BTS + Enneagram (Maknae line)
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Pre-post info:
The Enneagram is a personality typing system based on how we relate to the world around us, and what our simple, core motivations are going through life. It is an ancient system, used in Ancient Greece as a way of reaching a deeper sense of self-awareness in hopes of using that self-awareness to get closer to God. It used to be a Christian based typing system, but it can still be interesting and impactful to anyone regardless of their religion.
I will also be using MBTI.
I will also be using quotes from “The Road Back To You: An Enneagram Journey to Self-Discovery.”
Keep in mind, this is all my personal opinions and analyses, so don’t get offended if you think differently about them and their traits. We all see different things in different people.
Jimin-- 2w1
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Jimin is a very expressive person who also requires lots of love, comfort, and attention. He is also very loving and generous towards others, and is very warm and energetic as well. He loves hugs and being close to other people. Jimin’s quite the extrovert, as well as sensitive and sentimental. He cares very much about what others think of him, and often has a low self-esteem. He is incredibly hard-working and tends to be very perfectionistic and critical of himself, which is very much a Judging trait. His MBTI type is ENFJ.
All of this leads me to type Jiminie as a 2, the Considerate Helper, with a 1 wing, which is the Strict Perfectionist. He is motivated by a need to be helpful, needed, and loved. He feels like he needs to work to earn the love and affection of people around him, and can get frustrated if his efforts of earning that love goes unnoticed, making him seem desperate at times.
His wing one gives him his more critical qualities, and means that he is incredibly perfectionistic, which can lead him to feeling guilty and down on himself if he feels he isn’t useful or wanted.
The 2’s deadly sin is pride, even though they appear to be very unselfish and accommodating. “Two’s direct all their attention and energy toward meeting the needs to others while disavowing having any of their own. Their secret belief is that they alone know what’s best for others and that they’re indispensable reveals their prideful spirit.” (Cron and Stabile 32) The deadly sin of anger also plays a role in this, though this energy is usually driven inwardly and becomes anger and resentment of one’s own self.
Overall, Jimin is a very sensitive, friendly person who needs the love and attention of others in order to feel fulfilled and happy.
Taehyung-- 4w3
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Ah, Taehungie, my bias. Tae is a very unique individual, who is very energetic, innocent, and social. Although very extroverted, quite a lot of his energy is directed inwardly, where he works to be creative and self-aware. He very much wants creative control in what he does, and needs others to be accepting and understanding of his uniqueness. The other members often describe Tae as an alien because of how weird he is, but also say he is very smart.
Tae is also very sensitive. He likes taking part in group activities and is happiest when he is treated kindly and isn’t left out. His inverted energy is because of his Fi, since he is  an ENFP personality type. He cares very much about the people around him, and loves making connections with people. He is very easygoing, and is great at communicating with people--whether they be his family, friends, or complete strangers!
This leads me to believe that Taehyung is a 4, the Intense Creative, with a wing 3, the Competitive Achiever. His 4 motivates him to be emotional, creative, and expressive, while the 3 gives him competitiveness, outgoingness, and productiveness. However, since 3’s are more image-conscious, it causes him to care more about how others see him, which can make him sad if he realizes someone has a negative view or opinion of him. It can lead him to suppress his own needs to focus on pleasing those around him, even if they can’t be pleased, which would be very unhealthy for him.
The deadly sin of a 4 is envy. “Fours believe they are missing something essential without which they will never be complete. They envy what they perceive to be the wholeness and happiness of others.” (32)
To conclude, Taehyungie is a very sociable and creative person with an attractive amount of childlike energy and innocence, who can get along with anyone as long as he feels like you’ll accept his uniqueness.
Jungkook-- 6w7
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Ah, Kookie, the Golden Maknae. There is so much to say about him!
This boy is sweet, sensitive, and fun-loving! It’s obvious how much he loves and admires his hyungs, and he has an extreme amount of empathy towards them. He is skilled in many things, and he tries hard to always do his best and to never slack off. He gets very discouraged when he feels he’s done a bad job, and doesn’t give himself much credit for his achievements. It makes sense that he’d also be an INFP, which explains his empathy for other people. He is pretty quiet and shy on the outside, but is actually very energetic and playful. I also think he tries to act tougher than he actually is-- he really is a bunny on the inside!
Jungkook is most likely a 6, the Loyal Sceptic, wing 7, the Enthusiastic Visionary. JK loves his hyungs, and thinks of them like his older brothers, so it makes sense that his personality type would be so oriented towards family and security. He is driven by the need to feel safe and secure, while also experiencing the joys of life that come with being part of a team. He is willing to sacrifice himself for the happiness of those around him.
Sixes deadly sin is fear. “Forever imagining worst-case scenarios and questioning their ability to handle life on their own, Sixes turn to authority figures and belief systems rather than God to provide them with the support and security they yearn for.” (33)(Keep in mind, this quote is in a religious context.) Jungkook is very afraid of failure and of disappointing his brothers and fans. It wouldn’t be surprising if he lacked confidence in his own ability to handle life, especially one so full of pressure.
But overall, Jungkook is a very sweet, empathetic person who wants to live a life full of fun and happiness, while also feeling safe and secure in the arms of those he’s closest to.
Thanks for reading all that!
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bts-mbti · 2 years
Also sorry do you mind explaining Jimin’s the unhealthiest! Idk why that just sounds sad lmao especially because I feel like I relate to him? I know he’s deals with insecurity and his apologetic nature but then has bouts of confidence, idk just sounds sad sorry :( !
bouts of confidence doesn’t necessarily mean someone’s overcome insecurity. insecurity as embedded into a person as it is in jimin is usually a lifelong uphill battle. it’s sad if you want to think of it that way, but i just see it as his reality. we all have demons, and he’s surrounded by ppl who love & support him.
in his case, i would say he’s been steadily improving since debut, so while he’s come a long way he’s still not exactly healthy, but it can seem that way. he’s certainly happy & i don’t think a therapist would find him any more work than anyone else, but you can see his battle w insecurity play out in his typology pretty damn clearly.
wrt enneagram, as i mentioned, 2s & 3s struggle the most with self-worth and stable identity of the enneatypes. but 3, esp 3w4, has a propensity for self-assurance not afforded to 2 bc 3 is motivated by validation, which can be impersonal. 2 is motivated by wanting to have their needs met through love (or what they perceive as love).
sx/so 2w3s are particularly prone to insecurity bc they're sp-blind (don't pay attention to taking care of themselves), sx heart types often want to be as desirable to others as possible, 2s' self-worth inherently relates to other ppl, and they lack the sense of order & personal direction a w1 can provide. and 3 is pretty vulnerable to insecurity in and of itself.
as if that’s not enough, jimin’s tritype, 216, has triple super ego. which essentially means that all the enneatypes he accesses characteristically struggle with feeling inadequate/lacking as they are.
which leads us to his cognitive functions. his environment (Society^TM) rewarded Te and Si (his lower functions) more than Ne and Fi (his upper functions). he’s also gotten very in touch with his Si for dancing. so his lower functions are overdeveloped, and he sees them as better, which leads to overreliance on them (this is why he comes across like an exxj or estj). but he’s not actually very good with his lower functions, even if he’s very good for his type, which can leave him more frustrated & unhappy with himself or just...generally miserable & exhausted.
this is what i mean when i say he’s the unhealthiest. he misuses his functions & struggles against his enneatype the most + the nature of his enneatype itself exacerbates it. “type health” doesn’t refer to someone’s general happiness, it’s about how you use the different components of your types. it just usually overlaps with overall mental/behavioral health.
also, the fact that he does this all the most (and struggles with it more intensely than average) doesn’t mean this is all there is to him or that he’s the only one. namjoon has a similar relationship with self-worth. jin also tends to overrely on his lower functions. and don’t get me started on tae’s sx/sp 7 ass lmfao
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bts-mbti · 2 years
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okay, finally something good to work with
this is something i’ve observed from jimin forever, but i’ve never seen him say so straightforwardly. it’s also funny that it finally comes out in this video, bc this sentence is basically verbatim Fi. really shows you how shit this test was.
Fi is concerned with someone’s personal, subjective emotions and thoughts. everything Fi does comes back around to its own personal feelings and sense of individual self. which is why it's the most vulnerable to selfishness of the functions, but fp types are famously some of the sweetest, kindest people. that’s bc of xxfps like jimin.
jimin hates to see anyone suffering because he doesn’t want to suffer. others’ unhappiness makes him uncomfortable, since it disrupts his internal world and reminds him of his own painful feelings. his empathy relates to others using his emotional experiences or what he imagines he would feel in their place. he cannot relate to anyone unless he’s able to envision himself feeling that way, which is Fi’s individualism. this is also why Fi can be more emotional, and even empathetic, than Fe. Fi relates to the world with its personal emotional experiences and therefore takes a personal slant to others’ feelings, whereas Fe relates to the world using the emotional experiences of others and takes an impersonal, “what will please this person/the group?” slant to others’ feelings. this is pretty obvious with jimin, who takes other people’s pain very seriously bc of how he personally experiences pain.
jimin’s relationship between his Fi and his selflessness is further elaborated on with his enneagram, 2w3, which motivates him to seek love and attention by making himself desirable, helpful, and wanted (cutie, sexy, lovely lol). but i’ll talk abt that later bc this got a bit long & i need to finish the video
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sugar-petals · 5 years
read part of ur enneagram tag and everything is really interesting, I love psychology things; I can clearly see my parents influence in my type (8/protector/challenger/control/power) and this also made me know myself more, only thing is I can't really see it in my sexual life? ie. one of my biggest turn ons is subs crying and I don't believe this is in match with someone "categorized" 'protector'. I'm being too superficial here? I clearly didn't get the deeper meaning and I'm stressed.
type 8 in the enneagram is the most likely to enjoy displays of vulnerability in others and dominance in oneself — since their core motivation is to be strong and in charge — so your kink is perfectly in line, if not emblematic. type 8 wants to be a tough hero and savior, a crying sub is the perfect match.
interesting debate, how one’s psychological type influences sexual preferences. i often thought about which types gravitate towards femdom the most. it all depends on health level (!) mind you, but i concluded:
type 2: classic mommy kink, their motivation is to be needed. they want to care, be the best and most beloved supporter.
type 3: enjoys being worshipped. no problems with authority and ‘superior’ roles. core fear: humilation, go figure.
type 4: motivated to be unique and significant. since femdom is non-mainstream, that’s a perfect niche and salient identity for them.
type 8: core fear is being powerless and at the mercy of someone else so duh, they aren’t very subby. will be a natural boss-like mistress.
while the femdom sub squad looks like this:
type 6: seeks someone to rely on to look up to. core fear is abandonment, strong drive to devote themselves.
type 2: their motivation to be loved and needed can also end up as a praise kink, look at jimin, he’s a type 2.
type 9: doesn’t enjoy conflict so more of the GFD type, seeks to be complacent, unobtrusive.
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