#jimmy was too scared and humiliated to continue with D-Day
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my one wish is that Howard had kicked Jimmy’s ass in public 😔
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peterpstuff · 5 years
Interview part 2
Pairing: Tom Holland x reader Request: yes Hello! Can you do like a part 2 to the interview where they confess their feelings and confirm a relationship between them on Ellen or Graham Norton! Warnings: none a/n: I wasn´t planning on doing a second part but since you guys asked for it I´ll write it x Also it´s Kristen Bell and William Jackson Harper from the good place. part 1 here
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After the interview with Jimmy Fallon and the awkward question about you two dating, Jacob had enough. There was a party a few days later, to celebrate Far From Home premiering in a couple of days. Jacob set you both up, locking you both in a room.
“I won´t let you out until you figure your feelings out” he said before leaving.
You both sat in a bed in awkward silence, neither one of you wanting to be the first one to talk first. You were scared that if you let your guard down then Tom would reject you; and that would be humiliating. Tom was nervous, he had thought about telling you he liked you. Tom thought about taking you to a nice and fancy dinner, then go for a walk under the stars, he´d finally walk you home and when you reached your front door he´d tell you how he felt or he´d kiss you. But now he was forced to do it, he couldn´t prepare any speech. At the end of the night you were both making out on a chair in the garden.
The movie came out and it was doing amazing on the grossing; it was the first Spiderman movie to reach a billion dollars. So Ellen decided it was time to invite Tom and you for an interview.
Your appearance on the Ellen show was four months after you and Tom started your relationship, still no plans on making it public.
“So Far From Home is the first movie to earn a billion dollars, congratulations!” Ellen said as she sat right across from you. You had been talking about the movie for a while now.
“Thank you so much, the support that the movie has is unbelievable. We wanted to thank the fans” Tom said; he was gonna reach for your hand but he stop as he realize too much PDA might look suspicious.
“So I know you two said you´re great friends”
“Nah, I can´t stand him” you said as everyone laughed
“How was it like doing the kissing scene? Was it awkward?” Ellen continued
“Not really, it was actually improvised” Tom began
“What do you mean improvised?” Ellen inquired.
“The script said that MJ was supposed to give Peter a kiss on the cheek” Tom said
“In the last shot I told Jon if I could try something” you continued “so we began the dialogue and I kissed him and we started improvising from that”
“Was there a talk after that? Something like ´hey, sorry I kissed you´ or ´wanna do it again?´” Ellen questioned you.
“Not really, we are both very professional so we knew it was something good for the movie and something that the fans would have wanted to see” You replied.
“Not gonna lie, I did want to kiss her again… or properly” Tom said.
The crowd started cheering, all of them in awe. You looked at Tom as if you were about to kill him, you talked about making it public and you both agreed it was best not to.
“By the looks y/n is giving you right now I´m going to assume you shouldn´t have said that” Ellen said before announcing commercials.
“Welcome back! We are now going to play a fun game I call ´You bet your partner´” Ellen said as commercials were over “The rules are simple, y/n and Kristen will be suspended in a harness, while the others bid on how many examples their partner can name in 30 seconds for a given category (e.g., "Taylor Swift songs"). Giving the required number of correct responses earns that team one point, while the opposing teams’ suspended partner gets dropped.”
You were given a blindfold which you put almost immediately, slowly being pulled into the air. You held tight onto the harness as you reached the top.
“Tom?” you spoke.
“Yes, angel?” he replied making the crowd awe
“Make me drop and I´ll end you, okay?” you threatened your boyfriend.
“That´s cute, you´re calling each other pet names. Talking about pet names… William how many pet names for a significant other do you think Kristen can name in 30 seconds?” Ellen asked
“I say Kristen can name 15 pet names” William answered gaining a groan from the woman hanging from the ceiling.
“Well I bet y/n can name 20” Tom said.
“Tom are you-?” you said annoyed.
“I challenge” William said
“It´s okay babe, you got this” Tom tried to give you some confidence and also cheating a little bit.
You started naming pet names but the pressure of being dropped into nothing made your mind go blank at number 16. Tom was cheering for you form ground level, saying you were doing amazing. Unfortunately you said 18 words when the timer came to a stop, you lost. You were dropped to the floor stopping only a few feet from the ground; you screamed cursing Tom for making you do this. The game went on, naming cereal brands and US presidents; luckily you won but it was just because Kristen was terrible under pressure.
When you reached ground level (being dropped since Ellen said there was no other way to do it) you were given some cash prices which you were going to donate since you really didn´t need them. Tom helped you take the blindfold and the harness while Ellen said goodbye to the audience and the people at the studio. Everyone could see you in the background of the shot and that´s when Tom decided to give you a small peck on the lips, trying to calm you down from the adrenaline that rushed through your veins. The shot was cut right after the kiss, everyone saw it; everyone on their houses and studio saw it, even people could see it later on the internet.
“Are you aware you just kissed me on television? On the Ellen DeGeneres Show?” you said as worry started to fill your body.
“Yes, I know” he simply replied, his hands cupping your cheeks, ready to kiss your worry away. “Please, don´t get mad”
“I thought you didn´t want to make it official”
“Well I´m tired of hiding how much I like you and I´d like to kiss you whenever I want to and not worry if we´re going to get caught” he said as he caressed your cheek.
“That´s a relief cause I was getting tired too” you smiled at him.
Tom smiled you back and leaned in to give you another kiss, a proper one this time.
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