monriatitans · 3 months
Ta-Da! List: Thursday, June 20th
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I share my “Ta-Da! List” every day so everyone gets a daily update and I have a reminder of what I’ve accomplished.
To learn more about “Ta-Da! Lists”, and other ADHD life hacks, check out @adhdjesse’s book Extra Focus: The Quick Start Guide to Adult ADHD.
- O&T: Opinions & Truth Blog - WGS: The Weekend Game Show - COTMQ: Cause of the Month Quote - BMAC: Buy Me a Coffee - TDL: Ta-Da! List
Ta-Da! List
✧ throughout the day: - kept emails manageable - loaded the dishwasher - filled out today’s TDL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ on the bedroom setup: - Movies: watched “The Nightmare Before Christmas” - O&T: shared today’s TDL to the WGS Ko-fi ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ on the office setup: - WGS: added to the Announcement post for July’s COTM; created the draft for the “July COTMQ” and the “August COTM” posts; began preparing drafts for July’s COTMQ posts - O&T: shared today’s TDL to various social media - Gaming: played “Final Fantasy XIV” - YouTube: watched and/or listened to: 1. Jim Sterling (The Jimquisition)’s videos “Bullshitstorm”, “Revolving Door Vocal Cords”, “The Funny Brilliance Of Resident Evil 4”, “JimSAW”, “The Golden Sins Of Horror Games”, “Homicide”, “YOLO Army”, “A Post Mortem Of An Ex-IGN Plagiarist’s Shameless Career”, “A Depressing Post-Mortem Of Battleborn”, “A Grisly Post-Mortem Of Dead Space”, “Enjoy The Silence, Feel The Noise”, “The Blacklist”, “Crunch”, and “Being Slightly Critical Of Violence In One Particular Way” 2. Kupo’s short “You dun messed up” 3. Philosophy Tube’s video “Trump & the Problem with Politics” 4. Upper Echelon’s video “‘Kick’ is Poisoning Society” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ chores and miscellaneous: - Food: had coffee for breakfast; had leftover Chicken Caesar Sandwiches for lunch; cooked Cooking Light’s “Extra Crispy Chicken Thighs with Potatoes” recipe for dinner; had a bowl of cereal with chocolate in it for dessert - Chores: took out the trash; checked the mail; swept the kitchen; vacuumed the apartment; cleaned the toilets
Well, these are all the updates I had for today! Thank you for reading!
May every decision you make be *in the spirit of fairness* and may the rest of your day *NOT go to $#!7*!
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Watch MonriaTitans on Twitch, YouTube, and Rumble! For more about MonriaTitans, click here!
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galactustheviking · 2 years
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Can someone plz help me identify the artist. 
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caustic-synishade · 7 years
jim kramer
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obspogon · 7 years
I was bored and thought it'd be a fun little project to write a Jim Sterling dictionary. If anyone has any new ideas for words to add or any rewrites to existing definitions, please say so! EDIT: Also taking suggestions for a new name for it!THE JIMTIONARYRecent Additions: Chungus, Fee to Play, The Steam Cleaner, Prawn, Achievement SpammerAchievement Spammer - A game that spams achievements in order for players to artificially inflate their profile rank on their associated platform of choice, sometimes by the hundreds, or in a few cases, the thousands.Asset Flip - A practice of developers buying premade assets, usually through the Unity engine, who in turn uses those assets without modification in their games. In the more severe cases, an entire pack is left unchanged and is simply reuploaded as a "new" product. The most aggregious example of this would be the UnitZ asset pack.Boglin - A series of puppet-like toys. Perhaps an apt description is if you took a mound of soft plastic, stuck eyes onto it, and microwaved it until it started to melt, that's a start to what Boglins look like.Chip - Intern. Fucking Chip, couldn't even finish his own entry! He's going to spend the weekend cleaning up after the Cornflake Homunculus! Without gloves! *See: Cornflake HomunculusChungus - A name used at any opportunity by Jim Sterling for his reviews and impressions videos.Cornflake Homunculus - Half man, half Kellog's Cornflakes. And apparently urinates milk.Digital Homicide - A former developer infamous for their asset flips (see: asset flip) and toxic attitude towards critics. While arguably not The Worst when it comes to development, Digitial Homicide is undeniably The Most Stupid. While most shovelware developers like Digital Homicide issue idle threats of legal action, Digital Homicide went so far as to actively pursue litigation against Jim Sterling. The case was eventually settled out of court and Digital Homicide was shut down.Fee to Play - A wordplay of the phrase "free to play." Levied against games that have require an initial purchase, then charge for microtransactions (see: microtransactions), built around the idea that the player is being charged (the initial fee) for the "privilege" to pay even more money (microtransactions' fee).FucKonami - A portmanteau of "fuck" and the name of the Triple AAA developer (HA HAAH!) Konami, producers of Metal Gear Solid, Castlevania, and Silent Hill. Konami is notorious for its shady practices, outright wicked and alienating working environment, and more recently, the apparent total abandonment and cannibalization of beloved game properties, such as the aforementioned series.Gamblebox - PROPOSED - A replacement for the word "loot box," placing emphasis on its relation to gambling via paying money for a randomized outcome that may be non-beneficial to the player, resulting in a net loss of value for said player.Jim Fucking Sterling, Son - An attempted insult that backfired and turned into a beloved phrase used in a video disparaging Jim Sterling by the defunct developer Digital Homicide. See: Digital HomicideJimsaw - A joke character based on the killer, Jigsaw, from the Saw movie franchise, who killed using elaborate, excessive, and overly-complicated puzzles and choices to supposedly teach a lesson to his victims about the value of living or some shit. Jimsaw is not quite as effective at his craft.Loot Box - Industry term for a supplementary product that offers various randomized rewards, often on a secret rarity scale. Loot boxes have been criticized as being akin to if not outright being considered as gambling. *See: gamblebox.Microtransactions - Industry term for supplementary products usually sold in-game and in exchange for real world currency or in-game proxy currency. Examples include but are not limited to: booster packs, weapons, cosmetic items and skins.Microwager - The act of purchasing a lootbox. See: gamblebox, loot box.Pogs - A toy line of decorated metal disks. They were considered as collectable items to children, much like trading cards.Prawn - The improper (come at me, UK!) name for shrimp. Used as a visual gag in Jimquisition videos during a pause by flashing a picture of a prawn.Rahaan - #1 Chiseled Barbarian Kissboy. A character from the "Age of Barbarian" series by independent developer Crian Soft. His is the barbarian face occasionally used in Jimquisition videos.Randy Pitchford - An especially notorious liar among liars and current CEO and President of Gearbox Software. Appears to hold a grudge against Jim Sterling for his negative review of the infamous Gearbox title Aliens: Colonial Marines.SEO Juice - Industry term used by a marketer in a journalistic investigation regarding to websites signing up with marketing firms. It is the ability of a website to generate "search engine optimization" for the firm's clients, done by spamming a website with terms and links that play into the search engine algorithm, artificially making the clients more visible when searching for key terms on engines like Google.SKELETON WARRIORS! - A humorous replacement for the word "cunt," sometimes cutting off the word, e.g. "You fucking cu-SKELETON WARRIORS!"The Steam Cleaner - A persona created after the excess extremely low-quality shovelware thanks to the defunct Steam Greenlight program and currently Steam Direct, as part of an effort to bring light to these problems on Steam as well as promoting positive yet little-known works in the hopes that they gain attention.Triple AAA - A term used in the gaming community referring namely to big-budget games and the major games industry, e.g. EA, Blizzard, Activision, Warner Bros., Ubisoft, etc. Usually said with a whine to invalidate the perceived authority of the "Triple AAA" moniker. via /r/JimSterling
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thesaxdragon · 9 years
Hey, I remixed Jim Sterling's theme music from The Jimquisition. He's awesome, and the music's awesome and I thought this'd be a nice fun thing to do. I hope you enjoy it. :-)
#JimSterling #TheJimquisition #TinyLittleWillemDafoe #Patreon #CarlCatron #Saxophone #DrillQueen #Fuckonami #HitTheLever
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