#jin imaine
ktheist · 4 years
03 — show me yours & i’ll show you mine | m
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➙ muses. seokjin x college student / gamer!reader ft. best friend! taehyung
➙ genre. best friend’s brother au. university au. working au. fwb au.
➙ word. 1.9k
➙ warnings. explicit content, fingering, mild exhibitionism
➙ index. 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | finale | side story 1 |
➙ synopsis.  “why are you doing this if you’re not gonna fuck me?”
saturday evening, taehyung comes up to you with a face of a blank canvas, phone in his hand facing the ceiling and relays the news of his break up.
you’re in the middle of watching a show with his two brothers on your laptop.
“wh-what?” is all you manage to say whilst namjoon and seokjin freeze in their spots.
“i broke up with her,” taehyung’s shoulderline rises as he casually shrugs.
“but why?” deep down, you have an inkling - but your mouth moved on its own before you can even stop it.
“cause she was shit talking you,” and with that, he twirls around, heading back to the hallway where one of the doors connect to his room.
and just like second nature, your body shoots up, trailing after the slumped man like a mother to her pupper.
“you guys watch without me,” you briefly say to the two men on the couch, their faces scrunching with growing concern.
for the first time in a long time, you and taehyung bare your hearts to each other. talked about your fears and hopes and what keeps you going. which is, to an extent, each other and the two brothers. you’re not sure how you fell asleep but you wake up with a leg sprawled all over your stomach and a snoring sound echoing against the wall. the blanket draped over you and taehyung isn’t part of his bedset because one, you and taehyung end up sleeping on top of the sheets and two, you know the only one brother out of the three loves the color blue so much, his bedsheets and blankets are always themed with light cerulean. and this blanket - you’ve definitely seen seokjin use a dozen times.
"hey, morning,” you greet the two brothers whilst they’re unpacking what seems to be takeouts from a store you all collectively agree have no bad item in their menu.
everyone eats just about anything from that restaurant.
“morning, sleepyhead.” namjoon shakes his head, smiling - it’s probably the hair pointing in different directions.
“how’s taehyung?” seokjin asks when you come to sit on the stool next to where he’s standing.
“well, i mean - he’s not in a good place,” you begin, “i know he really liked her. and i know she talks shit about me behind my back and she knows i do too and he’s always caught in between, but he always seemed to brush it off and never take sides you know? so i didn’t think he’d break up with her over it.”
“hey, it’s not your fault,” the hand on your shoulder is warm, seeping into your heart as you examine the sincerity of those brown eyes, down to the reassuring smile of those plump lips.
“thanks for saying that, jinnie,” you want to ask for a kiss (and maybe some dick) but with namjoon - though he’s cluelessly continuing with his task of preparing the takeouts - around, you settle for patting his hand that’s on your shoulder.
after washing your face and returning to the kitchen, you find the previously sleeping-like-a-long giant perched on one of the stools, rubbing the grogginess out of his eyes.
“look who’s up!” a smack lands on taehyung’s back.
the aforementioned man doesn’t even flinch as he takes another second to rub all the sleepiness away before craning his neck to look at your smiling face - it may be a dumb smile but someone’s got to be lifting the atmosphere.
“i thought you left,” he grumbles, before his arm snakes around your waist and brings you in for a side hug.
the recoil is almost automated as your smile scrunches into a cringe, arms flailing to push him away and at least get a few inches gap in between,“ew, what the hell.”
“i’m sad! gimme a hug,” he laments whilst namjoon laughs, commenting something about how “adorable” the two of you are and how it “...reminds me of the good old days, you know?”
he means when you and taehyung aren’t as resistant to skinships.
but all your attention goes to the eldest brother whose glance lingers a second too long before he tears his gaze off from you and taehyung.
it turns out that little bitch tried making taehyung choose between you and her after he’d texted her (in an attempt to placate her jealousy-prone heart) about how you’d opted to room with seokjin in yesterday.
give them and inch and they’ll take a mile.
“i should’ve known,” taehyung shakes his head, bags heavy under his eyes as he lies in his bed, cocooned by the light cerulean blanket, “you don’t like her but you like everyone-”
“don’t you go justin bieber on me,” you smack him in the stomach, to which he curls up into a caterpillar, moaning in pain and something about suing for personal injuries.
but the fact that he can complaint at all means that he’s recovered half of himself.
“i’m getting some food from the kitchen, you want anything?” you roll your eyes.
“how bout a new girlfriend?” he manages to say, despite the so called blow to the stomach.
“potato chips it is,” you nod before strutting out of the door.
the hallway is dimly lit, save for the lone light in the ceiling and the slightest bit of gap that allows luminescence to pour out of seokjin’s room. so you knock on the door, leaning against the frame, “hey.”
kim seokjin sits on the chair you previously occupied the night before, round glasses perched on the bridge of his nose as his eyes widen for the briefest second before offering you one of his warm smiles, “hey, how’s taehyung?”
“he’s eating,” you shrug, trying to appear casual even though something in the way his shirt swallows his already broad built and making him appear like you can fight him and win - gets your heart doing flips.
“that’s gre-” he can’t even properly get his response out because you’re already crossing the short distance between you and him, hands cupping his cheeks before smashing your lips against his. as if you haven’t had water for days. as if you’ve been breathing with your head barely above water.
his hands find their way on your hips, kissing you back more delicately than you can ever control yourself. tingles dot your skin from where his hand caresses your elbow and travels up your arm, lingering there, as though forgetting the reason his warning touch.
“i needed that,” you break away only to steal another kiss before confessing.
seokjin chuckles, his hand slipping over to your chest before attempting to pinch your nipple. to which he fails because your padded bra successfully blocks him off.
“oh, you’re wearing a bra?” the genuine surprise gleaming in his eyes should offend you.
“unless you want your brother accidentally touching my nips while we were wrestling each other to decide who gets to use your comfy as hell blanket,” you roll your eyes.
taehyung won, obviously. which explained why he was lying in bed like a human burrito just now.
“i’d have to give taehyung a personal beating if that happened,” the dorky grin and amused glint in his whenever he cracks a not-so-funny-but-adorable joke, isn’t present.
your heart’s always done this thing where it skips with every smile that curls on his lips, yet the lack of it and the underlying seriousness of his tone is making your heart lurch in your throat, warmth spreading all over your body.
“anyways, i need to get taehyung some chips, thanks for the kiss.” you wave but something wraps around your wrist like an iron hold seconds before you find yourself perched in seokjin’s lap and the man dangerously close to you - despite having shared a passionate kiss just a moment ago.
“taehyung this, taehyung that,” his hand slips under your shirt, coarse hand trailing up your back until you feel him unhooking your bra in one go.
like he’s had enough practice in the art of seduction.
“well, he’s the one out of the four of us with a broken heart,” you pray to the constellations and deities that your voice is levelled though it soon proves to be pointless if his other hand’s snaking up your front and hovers over your chest where he could feel the organ beneath beating wildly.
“you’re breaking mine though... with spending that much time with my brother,” he traps your nipple in between his thumb and index finger, caressing, teasing with a smile that ironically has probably broken a few hearts of his own.
“i can fix that,” you beam, finger tracing down his front and down to the waistline of his pants, to which you can’t reach unless you scoot away to allow your hand to -
“not right now,” the sound of wind chimes drum in your ears as he chuckles.
it makes the umpteenth rejection a little less prickly, as you pout, “when?”
“soon,” and with that, he takes your wrist in his hand, making you push your own shirt up until your nipples are bare in the open, “hold this up for me, please.”
it’s the please that gets you.
ever the gentleman even as he’s about to tease you with his teeth against your nipples and his free hand fondling your other breast.
“why are you doing this if you’re not gonna fuck me?” you grunt, displeased, but arch your back anyway to make it easier for him to suckle and bite on your erected nipples.
you’ve always thought his hair looked soft but it’s softer as you bury your free hand in it. at first, it’s just a gentle caress - just like patting a golden retriever. but then as his tongue lapse over your protruded nub and the pressure in his free hand in your other breast grows more intense, you’re surprised he’s not moaning out in pain from the way your hand’s instinctively grasping at his roots.
“ah!” a yelp escapes you when he leaves your left nipple for the other one, biting down harder than you’re used to but not enough to draw blood.
you’re lost in the pain and pleasure of his tongue and apt fingers, where his mouth isn’t sucking on your nipple, his fingers are pinching and groping it. somewhere in the back of your mind, you distinctively remember a midly pressing matter-
“what the fuck?”
something about a heartbroken best friend and an unclosed door.
"t-taehyung!” you gasp, body almost jolting upward like a criminal caught red handed but seokjin’s arms around your body roots you down in his lap as he slowly pulls down your shirt before turning his attention to his youngest brother.
“taehyung, calm down,” he instructs with ease but his wide-eyed gaze is filled with concern.
“this isn’t-” you begin, slipping away from seokjin’s loosened grasp to pad over to your best friend who looks like he’s seen a ghost or his brother and best friend almost-fucking. either one works, “this isn’t what you think.”
“no-” the younger cups his mouth as he doubles over, his other hand held up in the air as if to tell you to “stay the fuck back-”
“oh, come on,” the slightest brush of your nipples against the material of your carelessly-pulled-down bra makes does not go pass you, yet you put your hand on your hip, rolling your eyes, “don’t be so dramatic.”
and that’s when taehyung hurls his guts out in front of seokjin’s door.
note. ooof 
i wasn’t sure if this drabble was gonna gain any eager readers. when i say eager, i mean those who look forward to an update, but some of you showed interest and it warms my heart! so here’s to another update! hope yall enjoyed!
taglist. @aretha170​ @scalubera​ @ambersaesthetics​ !
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BTS: Reacting to You Kissing Another Man for a MV
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Since Jin’s the oldest, he would try to be mature and understanding about the situation. He’d pretend to be cool with it and even joke about being more handsome than the actor. But after a while, he wouldn’t be able to hold in his annoyance anymore and crack.
“So...why did you kiss him and not another member?”
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Suga understood it was all for work, but that doesn’t mean he’s happy about it. However unlike Jin, he wouldn’t bother hiding his annoyance whenever someone brought it up. It would annoy him for days, but he would refuse to let you know how much it really bugged him.
“Can we stop talking about that shitty music video?”
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Hobi would be the most honest and direct with his feelings. He would pause the video the moment the kiss happens, point to the screen while looking at you...
“That was a fake kiss, right?! RIGHT?!”
Then demand to know why you hadn’t told him sooner about the video and why he had to find out this way.
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Rap Monster
If he was younger, he would have probably been more jealous but he’s matured a lot since then. He’d see the humor in the situation and try not to make it into a big deal. If anything, he’ll try to work it to his advantage.
“Haha what was that? You looked so stiff and awkward! Maybe we need to practice more.”
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Jimin would be sooooo pouty! He’d be sulking the entire day.
“Jagi...you better make this up to me later.”
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Taehyung would be the most understanding since he has the most experience with acting. If anything he’d wish your company had hired him to be in the music video instead.
“Well, uh...that was a thing. Next time maybe...you guys could use a different actor..?”
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Since Jungkook is the youngest he’s be more immature about it. He really wouldn’t be angry at you but would bring it up from time to time because he wouldn’t be able to let it go as easily as the others.
“Yaaah! Jagi, you better not let another guy touch you like that again!”
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