generalsmemories · 10 months
Hi, fellow Jing Yuan lover, ready for some crazy thoughts? Too bad I’m about to write them, no need to read any of it of course!
Thinking back to Jing Yuan forgetting reader over and over, call it dementia or not, unwillingly or maybe even willingly forgetting your love and all the love you shared with him and he with you, (I’m inclined to say he keeps falling back in love, but let’s be honest, what are the chances of that happening? I believe in soulmates, but only when there’s work put into the relationship. I don’t believe everyone just has a special someone, you know? OFC IN MY DELUSIONAL MIND HE WOULD KEEP FALLING BACK IN LOVE BECAUSE I THINK I WOULD AND I WANT IT RECIPROCATED, but also not really because I’m too overwhelming, anyways this isn’t supposed to be a self insert but I can’t resist when it’s literally Jingy..)
—but no he doesn’t fall in love with you every time, but every time you’re the same. Smiling at him, knowing all of him but choosing to ignore it and live blissfully, knowing he doesn’t remember you like you know all of him. Now it’s never all bliss, you’re sad he doesn’t remember the many years spent together. Having to re-meet, and waiting till he forgets sometimes it takes years before he does. Perhaps he only willingly forgot every time he started to fall for you. Perhaps he just forgot. Other times, you‘re forced to ‘re-meet’ and it takes no more than a month before he forgets. Though I’d say that’s the lesser likely option.
(Back to brackets talk.. I also believe if you spend long enough with someone you enjoy spending time with (or not, cue enemies to lovers) a feeling would develop. And I think That’d either be something deep and unexplainable like actual love or the purest form of admiration. Or the impurest form and um 😨 SORRY-)
Anyways I forgot my thought-train thanks to other thoughts.
Good night or day or morning to you and I hope you’re drinking and eating! Cya.
Tbh this all reminds me of a certain world quest onboard the Luofu where you're helping a vidyadhara male try to win over another xianzhou native through poetry HAHA (besides the fact he forgets every time after a certain period of time)
Which in a way explains how Xianzhou people love to be honest. The fire of love eventually dwindles down to the point they don't try anymore. Their youthful appearance can be deceiving, but never try to love a xianzhou native since they've long since gotten tired of loving.
In a way I feel like Jing Yuan is in that category as well. Admire him as much as you want but his heart won't really love again because of how long it's been hehe
And my two aroace cents - love in the form of platonic affection is really a different feeling tbh HAHAH. I love a lot of people after all, and I'm glad they all aware I do without anything else in mind 🦅🦅
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cynicalmusings · 6 months
Im oh my god how did i never see a post abt the hmc jingy beofre tonivht ohmdyavid im going to eat that up for dinner for a whole night some night i love you id pay you if i had money just because i love your writing and 130k words is insane my pea brain cant even comprehend
Jing Yuan most goated fic writer I worship thy.
(Is it me or is there one insane decline in his fics)
thank you! i was also quite surprised myself when i added up the final word count, but… that’s just what jing yuan does to a person, huh
you might have to wait a while for your whole-night banquet, thought: to make it clear (since i’ve often hidden it in the tags of my updates), i plan to leave the fic for a couple of months (until around june, probably), which’ll give me time to refresh my memory of it so i can go through and start the big editing process. that might take no time at all; it might take a month, who knows. then i’ll send it out to beta readers, make more edits based on their suggestions, comb through it myself once more, and then start posting — so hold on until… probably around august! i promise you’ll eat well!
on your last comment, yeah… i do think his fics are growing sparser. it makes sense with all the new characters being introduced in penacony as well as moving focus generally away from the luofu, but… justice for jing yuan guys. we can’t let the powercreep get him in fanfic too </3
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plasmasimagination · 10 months
Hi! I hope You’re doing well and I wanted to ask who you’d match me with from HSR, preferably the guys because ahhahdjsbdks my pfp, but ignore jingy rn I want your true and honest opinion. (I don’t mind a female suggestion either)
I’m going to really try and keep this short (I feel like I will fail this as I literally over-explain everything—) but don’t feel pressured at all to reply to this or anything! (I kinda feel i alr did this but im forgetful too help-)
A quick summary:
I’m afab, like 160cm(5’2? With chest which I hate because I want the dark academia dressing style (i dont have money)), she/they, libra, INFP, I’m sorry, I haven’t really had the hyperfixation on sun moon and rising and well astrology stuff tbh 😭
My personality (a mess im so sorry):
Well, I don’t think I could tell you. What I know of myself is that I try to be honest, I am loyal to my friends and probably obsessive when someone shows me interest and i dont know- (there’s some mental disorders going around, along a suspicion of autism) Personally I see myself as a shy annoying brat, while in reality I don’t ever initiate conversation and never know what to say unless it’s about a hyperfixation or something—AGAIN I OVEREXPLAIN EVERYTHING. My mouth doesn’t work as well as I’d like to, I cry too much (imo) I’m sensitive to well a lot, I get overstimulated quickly depending on the situation and um well I’m a picky eater I guess.
RAHHH I LOVE FOOD. And I’m chubby. I’m VERY self conscious and messy (which I’m sure you’ve noticed if you got this far)
Fun fact! If i were to live alone (still living with parents because house market is hell) I’d probably forget to eat a lot/overeat even more than I already do. Why? Because I don’t feel it. I don’t feel a limit to my ‘hunger’ and I don’t even really think I feel hungry at times.
Also, I hate to be perceived by people. It makes me feel like… too much alive. I don’t really feel a connection between my mind and my body, like someone sees my body and I’m just: THAT AINT ME YALL PLEASE IT AINT MEEEEE 😭😭😭😭 but id never say that bc again, my mouth doesn’t work.
I think I’m pretty useless at a lot too, but I don’t mean for this to be a traumadump thingy, which I also don’t realise when I should stop or not like RIGHT NOW I SHOULD PROBABLY STOP (the doubt is real, I’m so sorry—)
I’m a Jing Yuan simp, obviously, name and all, but I also firmly believe we wouldn’t be good together? Like he’d be great for me. But what would I bring to him? Besides messy thoughts and nothing?… Which is literally nothing. I want to be someone he could properly rely on and not just a hopeless random girlypop who stops processing information after something becomes a bit too much mentally.
I have my serious moments, which will for most part go unnoticed online, but it’s not like I’m inherently useful or whatever. I feel like I’m really lacking in lots of aspects, and yes I’m aware I’m not ‘old’ yet, but my thoughts eat me alive and I won’t be surprised if I well blablah me me me I hate talking about me. Nothing bad even happened I’m just weird at this point, apologies! (Im a mess, my mind is still that 12 year old kid who just wanted a good hug from her mom and a good chat with her mom without all the school and later college problems aghh I wanna be 5 again.)
ANYWAYS if you made it this far, kudos to your determination anddd i hope you stay hydrated! And eat well. Health before anything.
I FAILED TO KEEP IT SHORT. Sorry I- AAAA that’s how my brain is.
Good god jingsnuggler you're Litteraly the best request I've had in my inbox- (IM SORRY MY OTHER CUTIEPIES DONT GET JEALOUS)
And I also was scrolling from like bottom to top to write some request and saw your pfp and was like "wait didn't I just recently get another one of them?" And I was right >:} You really did stay in my memory HSHSHS anyways anyways not tryna chit chat too long since we know why you're here, and I'll use both of your submits to give you the perfect match...
Drumrolls please....
I genuinely with all of my heart think that you guys would be perfect like no joke
He would balance you out, just fine.
He's a gentle soul, and would find you very amusing and enjoy being around you
Your talkative and bubbly nature would soothe his soul and calm him even.
Sensitive personality? Don't worry Jing yuan will pat your head and tell you it's fine
Forget to eat? Jing yuan will take note of it. And make sure you never forget. Ever
Okay enough of fluff you said you don't think you have anything to offer for him while I strongly disagree
I think Jing yuan needs someone who can keep him entertained, someone that can talk to him, he's a lonely man believe it or not, he doesn't really interact much with plp other than Yanqing, and between you and me Yanqing is boring af
So he'll greatly appreciate having a small birdie on his shoulder that will tell him all that they think , after hours of doing general work all he would need is to have someone talk to him about some casual stuff and random thoughts, yk?
I also think he would turn to you in case of a crisis, sometimes just come home to you and lay down to cuddle with you, it comforts him somewhat, youre like his stress reliever, hes usually very reserved and calm with other people, but with you..it's so different
To him you're like a fresh breath of air, like just a slap to the face to wake him up, you keep him from going freaking insane
I don't think Jing yuan is usually fit for people with a personality of like blade or Dan Heng (just an example of personality I am no shipper nor anti shipper don't shoot me)
Like ...yeah I guess they can be friends but like...Jing yuan wouldn't click with them? I don't know how to explain it but jing yuan needs someone lively and like all over the place, so he can take time to slowly organize you and your thoughts in his mind.
Phew that's all from me, sending lots of hugs and loves I hope to see you around on my blog since you're a small blessing on my acc (≧◡≦) ♡
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generalsmemories · 9 months
Omg i saw this art of jingy calling yanqing xiao niao (little bird), and thought how I wanted to learn chinese ever since my mother told me she wanted to send me and my siblings to Chinese school (we’re Chinese)
BUT NOW IM IMAGINING THIS AND imqgine being in a relationship with Jing Yuan and you complain about it and basically ‘😭😭i shouldve been more eager to studyyyy’ (Literally me) and because hes Chinese too he should know the language so IBFKSNF YKWIM HE COULD TEACH USSSSS ah id love that
I truly regret throwing away my academic life, but it did really fuck me up mentally at the same time (everyone in high school fr)—I think it’s mainly regret because I know I could’ve finished it all and ugh blablah SORRY.
Anyways love ya (i say it a lot but hope it doesn’t make you uncomfortable 😭) sorry for the slight dump (again) AND STAY HYDRATED!!
Jing yuan would probs fall asleep while you were revising the xianzhou basics tbh- HAHA
There's a reason he ran away from having to be a part of the realm keeping commission ion think he would be a great teacher literature wise unless you find a way to make him teach you interesting 😔✊
The academic way isn't for everyone so don't feel too bad! You'll find a way that suits you eventually uwu
Sorry it took this long to reply, but I love ya too buddy (don't worry I don't feel uncomfortable being told that)
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generalsmemories · 10 months
DID YOU SEE THEY CHANGED HIS BIRD ANIMATION????????? Or im delusional but its as if they changed his smile… again im second doubting it now (i minimized hsr and went straight to tumblr why am I even doubting)
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generalsmemories · 11 months
Imagine being Jing Yuan’s first (mortal, short-lived-species) love and years later he’s forgotten all about you but then something reminds him of you, something small and unnoticed by most and he just lies in bed or looks at the stars and i dont know reminisces
It sounded better in my head,
Rest well!
besides the fact he would 100% absolutetly forget you to the point that something that once reminded him of you no longer has any importance cause he's managed to wipe everything about you away from memory :D
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generalsmemories · 11 months
I SEE IT NOW, our man is just one hell of a smooth operator. (Thanks to your revelations I tried myself and stared at his hands some more, no complaints there 🤭) that smooth handy hand movement would be great for hand holding. Bet he’d be so sly about it too, random touches be it twirling hair or whatever, I jusy wanna be sly back.
I NEED HIM To exist but like happy he deserves happiness he 😭 i cant communicate for shit so as much as id love to ship this non-existent boy with me myself and I, I can’t. He deserves a good partner who could challenge him just right but also comfort him perfectly fine. HE DESERVES EVERYTHINGHGGGGF
Stan Jing Yuan!!! Pixels over actual people!!
And again, much love, eat, stay safe, drink and as a special note I’d hope to believe we’re all on the same page to free Palestine.
tbh the glory of fanfiction and own imagination is the fact you're able to perceive a character in a certain way that benefits your own ideals and mind LMFAO - so imagine all u want that he can love you for who you are buddy, no harm in that.
i just write and publish online - so in a way i want him to stay canonically true to his personality.
And I damn sure hope everyone of my followers are on the same page when it comes to Palestine, if they're not the unfollow button is right there for your perusal cause I sure as hell don't want you here if you support Isr*el.
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generalsmemories · 11 months
Very out of pocket, but have you noticed something about how Jingy holds his guandao? Specifically how he goes from his na to skill. IT FEELS (LOOKS) VERY… OFF? (Also in his ult one of his hands look like its sliding up/down, but that’s unrelated just noticed it I guess (fun fact: im second-doubting it right now)) I’ve sent pics to a friend and slowed my own screen recordings down but it just looks very uncomfortable to hold (and switch to the pther atk) the way he does-
Just needed to get that out i guess
Good luck with living, stay hydrated and eat ofc!🙏
cue me also going into star rail on my computer after weeks to see it in HD-
but (after staring at the maginificent animation and forgetting my purpose there cause as i type this it's now going on auto-) i don't see anything particular weird about it? i tried to mimic it myself but both hand placements makes a lot of sense considering how he carries it in each HAHA
in his NA he's sort of resting it upright on the ground, with the blade pierced into it so he's not actually using any strength to hold it up.
The animation when he switches from NA to skill doesn't actually seem very uncomfortable either tbh? tried it briefly with a pen and he literally throws the guandao a bit up so before grabbing it, the way his fingers are wrapped around it does seem very comfortable too- if anything i wonder if that's the most comfortable way to do switch up. anything else would either be too much uncessary movements or just uncomfortable HAHA
this man just has enough strength to throw the guandao and switch it between his hands HAHA, cause he switches hands even there too.
i shall continue living to keep giving ya'll content bestie I WONT' LEAVE YA'LL HANGING AND DRY!!
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cynicalmusings · 3 months
@psychopomp-enthusiast, @ilydanhengg, @jingsnuggler, @auranny;
@1eaf-me-alone, @kaitoluver, @cattocatt, @quaao, @h6k7o5;
@eleictro, @zeldadou, @cooldudejorts, @toki-mekii, @taurus852;
@francisnyx, @hydroid0, @monayposblog, @doumalove, @academiq;
@ohmyfinggod, @aubreys-arts, @boretheral;
just tagging everybody to give a little update — the first wave of beta reading for hmc is done! thank you so much to both of my beta readers so far (@ainescribe and @milkstore). over the next week or so, i’ll be making edits (blegh… more research… </3) before sending it out to the second wave of beta readers.
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cynicalmusings · 2 days
Chapter Three of The General’s Flying Ship, ‘In which you take a daring leap of faith into unexpected encounters,’ is out now! Read it here on tumblr, or here on AO3!
(Chapter Four, ‘In which you discover a number of odd things,’ will release this coming Thursday, 26th September.)
@psychopomp-enthusiast, @ilydanhengg, @jingsnuggler, @auranny, @1eaf-me-alone;
@kaitoluver, @cattocatt, @quaao, @h6k7o5, @eleictro;
@zeldadou, @cooldudejorts, @toki-mekii, @taurus852, @francisnyx;
@hydroid0, @monayposblog, @doumalove, @academiq, @ohmyfinggod;
@heliaundrite, @boretheral, @4acoffee, @aixaingela, @mewnekoice-mecha;
@thetwinkims, @huijintao.
(Comment under this post if you want to be added to the taglist, or simply read the post if you want more information about the AU.)
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cynicalmusings · 6 days
Chapter Two of The General’s Flying Ship, ‘In which you are forced to go and seek your fortune,’ is out now! Read it here on tumblr, or here on AO3!
(Chapter Three, ‘In which you take a daring leap of faith into some unexpected encounters,’ will release this coming Monday, 23rd September.)
@psychopomp-enthusiast, @ilydanhengg, @jingsnuggler, @auranny, @1eaf-me-alone;
@kaitoluver, @cattocatt, @quaao, @h6k7o5, @eleictro;
@zeldadou, @cooldudejorts, @toki-mekii, @taurus852, @francisnyx;
@hydroid0, @monayposblog, @doumalove, @academiq, @ohmyfinggod;
@heliaundrite, @boretheral, @4acoffee, @aixaingela, @mewnekoice-mecha;
@thetwinkims, @huijintao.
(Comment under this post if you want to be added to the taglist, or simply read the post if you want more information about the AU.)
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cynicalmusings · 9 days
Chapter One of The General’s Flying Ship, ‘In which you talk to kites’, is out now! Read it here on tumblr, or here on AO3!
(Chapter Two, ‘In which you are forced to go and seek your fortune’, will release this coming Thursday, 19th September.)
@psychopomp-enthusiast, @ilydanhengg, @jingsnuggler, @auranny, @1eaf-me-alone;
@kaitoluver, @cattocatt, @quaao, @h6k7o5, @eleictro;
@zeldadou, @cooldudejorts, @toki-mekii, @taurus852, @francisnyx;
@hydroid0, @monayposblog, @doumalove, @academiq, @ohmyfinggod;
@heliaundrite, @boretheral, @4acoffee, @aixaingela, @mewnekoice-mecha;
@thetwinkims, @huijintao.
(Comment under this post if you want to be added to the taglist, or simply read the post if you want more information about the AU.)
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