#jinki has tattoos lol
katsukikitten · 4 months
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@bakugotrashpanda thank you for your service, your date is so excited to see you.
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Enjin downloaded our app on a whim and then never got back to us on a single application we sent him!
That is until we sent him you. He's head over heels with you, the new cleaner in the crew so he was ECSTATIC to see that you are both single and on our special app! Naturally he accepts our offer right away and we send him with a special meal ticket to the crew's fav high end hole in the wall restaurant to make sure things go extra smooth!
Although he makes a few mistakes along the way. Like being careless enough not to bring you flowers on the first date (girl we told his dumb ass to bring SOMETHING) and then he makes the even bigger mistake of betting that he can out drink you (lol poor dumbass)
Several shots in before even ordering the appetizer the two of you are giggling over empty shot glasses of what once held tequila and tons of discarded lime wedges over the table.
The main course comes out and the two of you agree to box dessert in favor of a few more drinks. Locking arms to take your shots, licking salt off of his tattooed hand and when you hold your tongue out for him to squirt lime juice onto the fluttering muscle the blood rush to his cock is almost enough to make him pass out! Almost.
Instead he licks salt off of your hand and waits impatient for you to squirt lime on his tongue.
The to go boxes come back and the two of you receive the check. Enjin is excited to get out his all expenses paid gift certificate he got for using our premium service only to find his hand going straight through a hole in his pocket.
A literal fucking hole.
No voucher, no wallet, no spare coin, nada. Just himself and his jinki left at home.
FUCK. What's he gonna do what's he gonna do? You only showed up to this date with a killer dress and heels on and that was it. He TOLD you to leave your bag at home and you did. Fuck it's not like he could call Boss or Zanka and especially not Riyo or Tamzy they'd never let him live this down.
So he leans across the table to whisper in your ear, the smell of tequila and his cologne dizzying.
"We've gotta run for it."
"huh?" You ask blinking at him owlishly and his brows furrow. Desperately pulling at your wrist to get you to come to his side of the table as he waits for majority of the staff to step into the kitchen and the bar tender distracted.
But it never comes and so desperate times call for desperate measures.
"Just be ready to run baby."
With that he twists his lean body around and palms the guys head behind him to slam right into the table.
Naturally the hulking man rises and throws a punch that Enjin ducks and you, as his best sparing partner, lean your entire body against the table so you can horse kick the ever loving shit out of the poor sap! (Girl get it beat his ass!)
With that a bar brawl has been started! Giving perfect cover for Enjin to drag you out of the place without anyone noticing, running in your heels before the two of you stop to catch your breath.
"So..." He pants, "How about a second date?"
"I don't know are we going to have to dine and dash again?"
"Don't act like ya didn't like it pretty girl. I saw you smiling when your kick sent that guy flying! Even got a flash of your underwear!"
"When's the second date?"
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endlessfics · 7 years
ontae | nc-17 | 1494 words | cw: swearing 
jinki wants a demonstration. 
when jinki said to show, tae was caught off guard. to show is to demonstrate. jinki wants a demonstration.
they stood there, in front of their boyfriend, clutching their box with a handful of toys inside of it. they were their own private little thing and tae wasn't entirely sure when they were going to let jinki in on the fact that they have these sex toys.
tae's cheek don't escape the red that flush to their skin and they contemplate over the fact that they should let jinki watch. the idea of it arouses them and their gaze etches into jinki's chest as they think.
the ridges on the glass toy enhance the sensation as tae slowly pushes the shaft into their hole. they're wet - they're so wet and they feel so warm and so nice. it spreads over their groin, heat coming to their inner thighs and it's so warm.
they struggle with keeping their head up, eyes stuck on jinki as they slowly start thrusting the dildo into them. the heart on the top of the toy is pink, the rest of it is transparent glass and it looks like it could be a wand straight out of a show - maybe sailor moon. maybe that's why tae likes it so much.
as the toy pushes fully into their hole, a shaky whimper escapes their lips. they feel so full, so stretched and with the way jinki is watching them, they feel hot. hot palms come to stroke over their thighs and tae can't help the gasps that escape before a weak curse slips past their lips.
jinki's thumbs come to rub around their hole where it's stretched and eventually, just eventually he touches them. spread their labia open and watch closely as tae languidly thrusts the dildo into them.
"fuck, look at that-" jinki lets out in a airy breath and tae swallows thickly. like they will come apart with jinki's words and the way he looks at their core. a moment later jinki comments on the sound and tae close their eyes to focus on it. the slick noise of the toy slipping into them on and on, their wetness loud.
usually tae is louder, more forward with sex but with how jinki asked them to show how they use their toys (the rascal knew how it worked), tae was caught off guard. deciding then, to take it a step further, tae picks up a faster pace with stroking the toy into them and it's as if they finally can let out what they want to.
their head fall back on the headboard of their bed and their chin tip back in a soft moan. the glass rubs their walls just right and the smooth texture of it drives them crazy. they haven't been at it long, fucking themself in front of jinki, but they already feel overwhelmed - if they were rubbing their clit too, they would be close to an orgasm.
as they work the toy into them, they let out soft noises of pleasure, shaky curses and weak whimpers because they can't hold it in and maybe they're putting on a show for jinki. a louder curse slip escape.
"fuckin-", tae bursts out, suddenly annoyed as they feel their forearm starting to cramp and they let out a whine in further annoyance as they replace their hold with their left hand instead; it's not their dominant hand but it'll work out. they shake their right arm a little before their hand settles to resting on top of their stomach, eventually pushing their tshirt up to show jinki more of their skin.
they're a bit clumsy with their left hand until they settle into a pace that works for them. the heat that was constantly lingering sudden flames up and it's all because jinki started to rub their thighs. tae slowly pulls the toy out of themself but only to rub the shaft between their lips, spreading the wetness along the length of their core and some onto the dildo. but that doesn't last long, a moment later, jinki's hand comes around their wrist and he pull the toy away from in front of their clit and his mouth comes to latch over it instead. tae's fingers squeeze tightly around the heart of the dildo and their fist come over their mouth and they bite back a sob as their body tenses because of the sudden pleasure.
jinki's tongue runs delicately between their labia, along the slit of their hole and tae drops the toy onto the mattress beneath them.
"jinki, that's–" their legs spread further and the push into his mouth. wanting more and more. his tongue works in soft strokes as he teases their entrance, thumbs pressing into the junction between their thighs and hips. tae is lost in the process, the hand that held the toy come to grip onto jinki's hair in a desperate attempt to show they want more.
when jinki's hands come to strongly grip their waist to pull them further down the bed, tae's head falls back on the soft pillows and the mouth was away from their clit is soon back on causing their body to arch as they get further lost into the pleasure that spread not only over their lower body.
they're so close but they know, to fall apart, the only thing that's needed now is something inside of them and it's just like jinki reads their mind. maybe it's from the numerous times that he has eaten them out because two fingers run along their labia, collecting wetness while their clit is tended to. tae doesn't know how to beg for those two fingers to push inside them because their words are nowhere to be found. they try to urge jinki by tugging weakly at his hair but tae starts to think that maybe jinki already know what they want.
finally, jinki's fingers push into their entrance. slicked up by their wetness and their eyes fall shut as a weak whimper passes through their lips. their mouth work around their clit, lips formed around it and then he sucks on it. that’s when tae breaks. their frail grip on jinki’s hair tightens and their orgasm strikes. their legs spread wider and their hips jolt up, pressing up against the mouth that’s quickly tearing them down. they cry out from the pleasure, breathing instantly getting heavier and jinki doesn’t stop. fingers continue to work into tae and his mouth stays latched onto their clit until he is urged to get off by the hand that pushes his head away.
tae’s trembling as jinki’s lips come off them and his fingers pull out. their mouth is open and their gaze is directed to the ceiling as they try to register the whole event. they loved it, yes. there’s nothing else to say.
the sound of a zipper bring their attention to jinki again and they watch as his hand pull out his cock and tae swallows thickly.
”no, i– not inside–” and tae’s interrupted.
”can i come on your chest?”, jinki asks bluntly and tae feels their cheeks heat up. surely that’s covered up by the blood rushing through their body already. without hesitation they now and jinki comes closer to where he’s straddling tae’s waist. his hand is around his dick and tae would offer to blow him off but they’re not feeling for that right now. jinki’s hand grip onto the front of their tee to pull it up and reveal their chest.
the head of jinki’s cock brush against the skin on the top of their stomach and tae wet their lips before they bite on the bottom one. jinki’s hand start stroking along their length and tae’s fingers settle on gripping at his thighs as they wait.
eventually, jinki’s breathing gets shallower and tae flicks their gaze from his face to the cock in front of them. he’s close, they know that. jinki’s breathing comes in short gasps and it quiets when he bites down on his lip. a small whine comes from the back of his throat and their cock press against the space between their breast as he works his hand faster around his cock.
when jinki cums, he pulls back a bit to let white stripes spurt out on their chest and tae gasps as they watch jinki become undone in front of them. his hand strokes around his cock faster and he milks out the last of their orgasm a couple of seconds later, the head of their cock rubbing slowly against their skin and moments later, he stops.
tae’s hands run soothingly over jinki’s forearms and they smile up at him. jinki’s fingers come to run through tae’s hair and then, after a moment of silence, he speaks.
”we’re doing that again.” his voice out of breath.
tae lets out a light laughter. ”of course.”
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shineethinks · 7 years
shinee turns nine
the babies are nine!!! happy SHINEe9 day everyone! today, almost a decade ago we received the gift of 5 shining stars ^^
calculating the members’ ages when they debuted (onew: 19, jong: 18, key: 17, minho: 17, taemin: 15)
wow they were so young.... who let taemin join a boygroup he didn’t even go through puberty yet 
omg he needs a minute 
launches himself at taemin (onew: TAEMINNIE YOU WERE SO SMOL WHY ARE YOU SO BIG NOW / taemin: pls don’t cry on me)
smiles SO brightly when he sees shine9 stuff like wow we made it mom
he’s not crying you’re crying 
on the couch watching 누난 너무 예뻐 (replay) dance practice 
rainbow skinnies!!! 
lol taemin’s bowlcut (jong: i can’t believe you did this again in 2017 who hurt you / taemin: I LOST A BET TO YOU!!!!!!!!! / jong: :D)
is this the reality you wanted????? (key: do NOT bring that back / jong: i’m so bringing it back) 
@ members: i love you a LOT
couldn’t have asked to have been in a better group
“should i get shinee tattooed on my ass” / ot4: honestly jonghyun you probably have it already and just waiting for the opportunity to moon us
“we’ve known each other for too long STOP HUGGING ME I CAN’T BREATHE”
they’re dogpiled on his bed and if shinee is going to reach a decade they need to stop suffocating him 
bought a cake with candles that spell out shinee and lil pop up sticks with their faces on them (his is the only non-ugly one bc kim kibum has no ugly photos no stop pulling out his shameful past and unfortunate screenshots) 
he swears their first performance of 누난 너무 예뻐 (replay) was maybe a week ago 
what do you mean it’s been nine years 
wonders what would happen if they bring back the rainbow skinnies 
forever shinee’s #1 fan 
bought a banner that says “congratulations shinee for 9 years, here’s to many, many more, lee jinki, kim jonghyun, kim kibum, choi minho, lee taemin” 
it’s absolutely huge and covers their entire living room (it’s literally the ones you see at sporting events) 
it also has all of their ugly faces on it and he’s honestly so proud of it (onew: hey minho want to tell us where our floor went) 
passes out shinee official lightsticks and they all spend the day waving them around 
rolls down the window and yells “HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHINEE!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOO SHINEE YEAHHHHH!!!!!!!!”
i’m nine!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he’s been hugged today a lot more than he’s used to 
there, there you big crybabies
bouncing around tho bc he’s hype af 
they’re the sunbaes now and that’s crazy 
@ members: call me sunbae / ot4: *sigh* sunbae
has confetti in his pockets and have been throwing it over their heads the entire day 
his supply is never ending
throughout their day they keep bringing up memories from hello baby & yuhanam, concerts, performing hungover, practices, various fuckups and their bouncebacks, hilarious wardrobe choices (and *cough*malfunctions*cough*), first meeting each other and they’re kind of just marveling how much they’ve gone through and wow
they’re a family going STRONG 
shinee: “if we were to be born again, we would still choose to be shinee as long it’s with these members” 
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shitfics · 7 years
Is it named 'As the Sapling bends' 'cause the sapling really bended at the end when Jinki kissed Jonghyun? (Lol i'm sorry for such a question, but it struck me as I read it again :P)
I actually went with that as a title for a few reasons, and I didn't realize that it fit the ending when I wrote it! Though we can defs pretend it was on purpose. 8)
It's part of Andruil's kinda…sacred words, I guess you could call em, related to the "Way of the Bow." She's the Dalish Goddess of the Hunt and the lady Jinki has his tattoos for (and thus is kinda "dedicated to). The full verse goes like:
Vir Bor'assan: the Way of the BowAs the sapling bends, so must you.In yielding, find resilience;In pliancy, find strength.That is my Way.
And I think it kind of expresses the changes Jinki goes through in the fic and his life quite a bit. It's very much symbolic of Jinki's emersion in his new life with the Dalish and him "opening" himself up to finding love, and it’s the philosophy he decided himself to. Though he wasn’t lacking confidence before, I think his love with Jong definitely makes him stronger. 
Also, I’m not sure what I think about this fully or if I can express this well, but there’s another thought that occurred to me. Though Jinki would never say this, I think he may also find some comfort in a philosophy that would allow him to see himself as strong despite “allowing” the magister to do what he did over so many years. (Not to say that he let it happen, or even that he really blames himself...but that the words help him “forgive” himself for being vulnerable.) I hope that makes sense. ^^;
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lee-tae-saranghae · 7 years
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Do something original and creative for SHINee’s 9th anniversary and not write a long ass sappy paragraph for them? No :) 
I’ve been a shinee fan since 2015 I believe. During View era that is. But I became a full fledged shawol around the end of 2016. And by 2017, these 5 boys are literally anything and everything I ever think/post about. Idk why or how this happened but I couldn’t be happier that I got blessed by getting an opportunity to know about them, stan them, love them. They’re like family at this point tbh. And my other family are shawols! God, these people are amazing and I am super proud to identify as one. Even if someone doesn’t necessarily stan SHINee, they respect them a lot and I think that’s so so important. And why shouldn’t they be respected? They have amazing talents, catchy songs, and the best member relationship I have ever seen tbh. 9 years going strong without losing a single member. That’s what I call unity. And the fact that it doesn’t seem like anyone will be leaving anytime soon is yet another amazing thing about them. Nothing about them feels staged even to the slightest. They’re so pure and genuine. The members are always interacting with each other and taking care of each other, it’s unbelievable. SHINee is known to have not been involved in any serious scandal in all their 9 years in the industry!
SHINee cares about shawols so much. They’re always tirelessly doing concerts/photoshoots/fan meets/comebacks. Their 2016/2017 schedule is CRAZY. They’re literally having to go from one country to another like every single day. It’s sad that they’re not getting any rest. They spoil us shawols way too much. Let’s look at the members individually.
Jinki is an amazing leader. Always taking care of the other members. Taemin strayed away from the other SHINee members at an airport and Jinki stopped so that he could keep up like how cute xD And don’t even get me started on how cute and happy he is like tell you don’t smile with Onew when he does and I won’t believe you. He is most definitely the sunshine of the group <3 His vocals are out of this world like do you know he holds the record of longest high note held by an idol? That’s talented Jinki for ya <3
Now onto Jonghyun. I really won’t be able to stop writing about this guy. Recently, I read loads of his interviews and just did loads of research on him in general and I got to know how pure and genuine he is. Jonghyun is very upfront like if he’s hurting, he’ll tell you. He won’t sugarcoat anything but he still stays very happy for the sake of us shawols. His composing, singing, lyric writing, poem writing, book writing and dancing skills are astonishingly amazing. He’s just this very multi-talented person and I find myself being able to relate and connect to him a lot. AND DO I NEED TO MENTION HIS TATTOOS? I’ve been obsessed with minimalistic and chic tattoos since I was like 13 and now he has like 6-7 tattoos and Im like livin.
Minho time <3 Minho is my man. Minho is your man. Minho is everyone’s man. Minho is the man. He’s so sweet and so caring. If I had to describe Minho perfectly, it’d be this: he’s literally every shashuri’s dream meyer-jamai. He’s just that. No one can be mad at him. If you don’t like Minho, what are you who are you go away delete yo selves you don’t deserve a place in this Minho graced world bye. And no one can forget his infamous dibidibidis rap like c’mon
Kibuuummiieeee <3 The fashion king. This dude could wear a sack, look good, set a trend and make a statement in the fashion world. He’s sassy in the most lovable way possible. AND THAT GLO ON HIS SKIN LIKE DAMMMNNNN. His insta lives before he goes to sleep are LIFE and just him in general is amazing. His acting is spot on and I hope he does amazingly in that field. It’s like this: if Kibum ain’t your bias, you’re lying to yourself.
And lastly, our lovable maknae Taemin. That little fluffball <3 I can talk about him for hours and hours to come (obviously) but I’ll refrain from doing that lol. He’s such an inspiration. I emphasize his ‘rags to riches’ fact almost everyday and anyone who knows me well has heard me cry about how successful he has become and how proud I am of him. THE GUY WAS CALLED TONE DEAF AND HE HAS FUCKING SOLO ALBUMS NOW. His singing improved DRASTICALLY like from Jonghyun supporting his vocals in Replay to him singing high notes in Soldier like omg this man is just something. And I don’t think I even need to mention how amazing he is at dancing. He is quite evidently one of the kings of dancing in K-pop and he has achieved so much through it. It’s unbelievable. I admire and respect Taemin on a different level entirely and I hope he prospers even more in the future <3
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striptaese · 7 years
10 questions tag
I still have a pile of tag stuff I haven’t got to, so let me get started.
Thanks Kit @jjongeyed​ for tagging me to answer 10 questions, and then making 10 more for those I tag~
1. What does your “self-care” usually look like?  Or rather, what do you do to unwind when you’re overwhelmed?
I’m someone who depends on sleep a little too much for it to be healthy. Sick? Sleep will cure it. Migraine? Sleep will cure it. Sad? Sleep will solve it. Angry? Go to sleep and forget about it. So usually my first option would be sleep, but otherwise, I either like to listen to certain music depending on my mood (some days I use my special shinee playlist made just for anxious days, some days I feel like going instrumental, and just recently I found myself listening to nature sounds like rain or ocean waves, etc.), or I tend to watch animation movies . More often than not, those animation movies would be Disney because I’m a sap that cries at each and every one of them, and also because I like that they aren’t too long (>2 hours). Lately I have run out of Disney movies to watch, so I’ve been turning to chick flicks
2. How do you feel about tattoos?  Would you ever get one, and if so, what of?
I love listening to stories about why people get their tattoos, so generally when people get a tattoo, I tend like it more if there is a special story behind it (like I remember one girl I met was talking about how her tattoo was something that connected her to her grandmother spiritually and that just made me aww). I personally don’t like full sleeves or just too much tatts in general, but you know, not my business what people wants to get on their body. I did consider getting one of a sleeping cat that maybe sits on my hip somewhere, because I have a really lazy cat that basically sleeps all day so... that’d be her. But I’m indecisive and I can’t even bear to peel stickers and paste them anywhere, much less get a tattoo so I doubt it’ll ever happen. 
3. What is one photo/video/audio/screencap that you feel is a the most accurate and quintessential representation of your bias?
I refuse to pick one, it’s a representative of all 5 members
4. Could you please share a story of how you met one of the dearest people in your life?
Okay so my pretzel Jo whom we can never remember how long we’ve actually known each other for... We... weren’t that close initially. I think I initially got to know of her when I was 13? or 14? through an online game. We had a mutual friend whom we were close to and we talked here and there but were never really super close. Well in this game our characters could get ‘married’ and one day she was looking for a ‘bride’ and because she knew my character was single, she pop the question (I was forever alone even in the game, don’t laugh). Since she was someone I actually knew (I just didn’t like that everyone was getting ‘married’ to people they don’t even know, I take my games way too seriously, I know LOL), I agreed. But even when our characters were ‘married’ we were still individually closer to our mutual friend than to each other. Unfortunately... things got a little sour along the way. Long story short, that mutual friend of ours expected us to always be there for her, but would throw us to the side in a heartbeat when her other friends came around. By then I already knew this mutual friend for like 4 years? And I regarded her as one of my bestfriends, and just it really hurt me when it just seemed like I wasn’t important to her anymore, while she turned around and blamed me for ‘changing’ because I refused to be her puppet that would give in all the time. Jo was basically going through the same thing I was with this mutual friend and we kinda connected while ranting and venting. We’ve been close since then. She’s in a music major that I know nuts about, and I graduated with a Business major that she knows nuts about, but somehow it just works out because our personalities kinda match I guess, and she joined the shawol party just last year so now we just spazz about shinee together. She’s coming to HK con with me!
5. Does your heart race easily?  Or do you make other hearts race more easily? 
I’m not too sure to be honest. I think it would be easy to make my heart race because I’m inexperienced in every field of relationship (friendships included) so really little things can make my heart race, but it hasn’t happened very often so...
6. What was the last thing that made you laugh?  Describe or share it!
This is gonna get the p*** blogs to start following me... but I laughed so hard I had to watch it again. (before you ask how I got on that side of youtube... it was because I was watching buzzfeed videos about the clear jeans and I got linked to her channel)
7. What do you look for in a friend?
Ease of communication? There’s just some people you click with, and I need that connection to be comfortable enough to speak to them. I feel like I have become very guarded towards making friends. Just like Jinki who says all his friends are from his school period, that’s literally it for me too. The few deep friends I have made, were all people I’ve met before I was 15. 
8. OH OH OH!!!!  Last meal on earth–it can be anything–what do you eat?  I’m talking main dish, desserts, sides, drink, etc!!!!!
Hmm... I think it’d either be steak, or pizza... but if geography isn’t a restriction I REALLY WANT A STACK SHACK ONE MORE TIME
9. You win a lifetime achievement award (for whatever reason) and you could have anyone as your plus-one, who do you take?
I’ll probably get one of my parents, I guess; they’d deserve to go the most of all
10. They make a movie about your life: what genre is it?  for the aesthetic people, describe how it’d look?  auditory people, what five songs would be on the soundtrack? (feel free to answer both!)
I think it will be a dreamy kinda movie... like soft faded colors, and just a feeling of a dream because that’s how my life feels like to be honest. Everything just feels dream like to me (not differentiating between good or bad dreams). The movie would be one that puts some people to sleep because of the tone and a plot that seems to be going no where. Since I’m listening to Lullaby right now, it has that feel. Like soft, flow-y, dreamy tone.
Here are my questions:
1. Are you someone who cries easily while watching shows or reading books/fanfics? Are you (also) someone who cries easily in general?
2. If you could have a superpower, what would you want your superpower to be? How would you use this power?
3. Describe your wardrobe - are you a colorful wardrobe person, or an all black/white wardrobe person? Accessories and caps, or no?
4. Why do you love SHINee? (yes, I’m giving you an opportunity for an essay)
5. If you had a chance to hand gifts to the members personally, what would you give them? If they are letters, what would they say?
6. Tell me about a fandom crush/squish/someone you admire?
7. Which fictional character (from a movie/show/book) do you aspire to be like and why?
8. What is your method of outlet for your emotions? (stress, restlessness, thoughts, etc.)
9. What are your reactions to bugs - scream and panic and run, scream and panic and attack, capture and release, capture and kill, ignore... others?
10. What is a memorable memory you can think of right now?
Tagging: @jjongspink @jinkirella @eyes0ny0u @onthighsbelongtotaemin @taeontae @hellotweetygirl
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