#jion daishi
crazyfox-archives · 2 years
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A hanging scroll of the monk Jion Daishi (慈恩大師) i.e. Kuījī (Kiki 窺基), a key patriarch of the Hossō school of Buddhism, the East Asian tradition of Yogācāra or “Consciousness Only” specialized in at Yakushiji Temple (薬師寺) in Nara
Color on silk dating to the 11th century from the temple’s collection
Image from “日本の国宝005奈良/薬師寺 (週刊朝日百科)” [National Treasures of Japan #5: Yakushiji (Weekly Asahi Encyclopedia)], published by Asahi Shimbun, 1997
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crazyfox-archives · 3 years
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The Hossō Mandara (法相曼荼羅), a mandala depicting the patriarchs of the Hossō school of Buddhism, the East Asian tradition of Yogācāra or “Consciousness Only” specialized in at Kōfukuji Temple in Nara
Prominent in the center is the future buddha Miroku Bodhisattva (弥勒菩薩), considered to be the divine source of the tradition. Ranged around him in horizontal rows starting from the upper right are: Asaṅga (Muchaku 無著), Vasubandhu (Seshin 世親), Dharmapāla (Gohō 護法), Dignāga (Chin’na 陳那), Śīlabhadra (Kaiken 戒賢), Xuanzang (Genjō 玄奘), Kuījī (Kiki 窺基 or Jion Daishi 慈恩大師), Hui Zhao (Eshō 惠沼 or Shishū Daishi 淄州大師), Zhi Zhou (Chishū 智周 or Bokuyō Daishi 濮陽大師), Zenjū (善珠), Genpin (玄賓), Gyōga (行賀), Kisō (基操), Shin'ei (神叡), Jōtō (常騰), and Shinkō (真興)
Color on silk, Muromachi period (1336-1573)
Image from “Kōfukuji” (興福寺), undated booklet available at Kōfukuji Temple (興福寺) in Nara in the mid-1990′s, page 26
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