#jk but Galadriel probably could
ceescedasticity · 3 years
I have now planned out the epic, overly complicated "Centuries" Noldolantë illustrated music I would make if I had a lot more time and energy than I really have and also had learned to draw at some point.
Image 1:
Top: Du du du-du, du du du-du
Body of image -- title, maybe?
Bottom: Du du du-du, du du du-du
Image 2:
Text: Some legends are told
Picture: Music of the Ainur, maybe?
Image 3:
Text: Some turn to dust or to gold
Picture on left ('dust'): The dead Trees
Picture on right ('gold'): The Silmarils
Image 4:
Top: But you will remember me
Picture: Fëanor giving a speech to a crowd, very dramatically -- inciting a revolt, making an oath, something like that
Bottom: Remember me for centuries
Image 5:
Text in top left: And just one mistake
Picture in bottom left: Fiery whip(s)
Picture in center: Námo issuing the Doom
Picture in top right: Ice breaking underfoot
Text in bottom right: Is all it will take
Image 6:
Top: We'll go down in history
Pictures: Small, disconnected portraits of Fëanor, Fingolfin, Finarfin, Maedhros, Fingon, Turgon, Finrod, Galadriel, Aredhel, Celegorm, Curufin
Bottom: Remember me for centuries
Image 7:
Text across center: Hey! Hey! Hey!
Pictures, distributed both above and below text: Small disconnected portraits of Maglor, Caranthir, Amrod&Amras, Aredhel, Argon, Angrod, Aegnor, Orodreth, Lalwen, Celebrimbor, Idril, Finduilas, Maeglin, Gil-Galad, Eärendil, Elrond, maybe Celebrian, did I forget anyone
Image 8:
Top: Remember me for centuries
Picture: Map of Beleriand
Image 9:
Text 1: Mummified my teenage dreams
Picture: Maedhros captive, could be on Thangorodrim or earlier
Text 2: No, it's nothing wrong with me
Image 10:
Top: The kids are all wrong
Still top, slightly shifted right: The story's all off
Picture: Fingon to the rescue, maybe sneaking away
Image 11:
Top: Heavy metal broke my
Picture: Rescue/amputation
Bottom right: heart
Image 12:
Top: Come on, come on and let me in
Picture: Aredhel and Eöl
Bottom: The bruises on your thighs like my fingerprints
Image 13:
Top: And this is supposed to match
Still top, shifted slightly right: The darkness that you felt
Picture: Aredhel's death protecting Maeglin
Image 14:
Text (somewhere): I never meant for you to fix yourself
Picture: Galadriel dodging Melian's questions
Image 15:
Text 1: Du du du-du, du du du-du
Text 2: Du du du-du, du du du-du
Picture: Map of Beleriand drawn with fiery cracks spreading down it, or other representation of Dagor Bragollach
Image 16:
Top: Some legends are told
Picture: Fingolfin fighting Morgoth
Bottom: Some turn to dust or to gold
(Fingolfin is representing both dust and gold here)
Image 17:
Text 1: But you will remember me
Not sure what picture here. Burned wasteland? Eagle carrying Fingolfin's body? Distance image of Gondolin or other fortress?
Text 2: Remember me for centuries
Image 18:
Text 1: And just one mistake
Text 2: Is all it will take
Picture: Finrod dying in the dungeon post-wolf, Beren trying to help
Image 19:
Text 1: We'll go down in history
Text 2: Remember me for centuries
Picture: Something triumphant from Lay of Leithian -- Luthien defeating Sauron; them getting the Silmaril; Luthien convincing Mandos; or just Beren and Luthien revived, with Silmaril
Image 20:
Text: Hey! Hey! Hey!
Picture: Forces rallying for Union of Maedhros
Image 21:
Text: Remember me for centuries
Picture: Fingon's death/Nirnaeth Arnoediad in general
Image 22:
Text: And I can't stop 'til the whole world knows my name
Picture: Glaurung and ruin of Nargothrond
Image 23:
Text: 'Cause I was only born inside my dreams
Picture: Thingol dead, Melian leaving
Image 24:
Text: Until you die for me, as long as there's a light, my shadow's over you
Picture: Fëanor, the Silmarils, some kind of representation of the Oath?
Image 25:
Text: 'Cause I, I am the opposite of amnesia
Picture: The Sons of Fëanor heading for the moral event horizon, and maybe some sort of representation of the Oath
Image 26:
Text 1: And you're a cherry blossom
Text 2: You're about to bloom
Picture: Tuor and Idril
Image 27:
Text: You look so pretty, but you're gone so soon
Picture: Fall of Gondolin
Image 28:
Top: Du du du-du, du du du-du
Picture: Second Kinslaying, probably
Bottom: Du du du-du, du du du-du
Image 29:
Text 1: Some legends are told
Text 2: Some turn to dust or to gold
Picture on left: Dead Celegorm, Curufin, and Caranthir
Picture on right: Turgon about to get hit by his disintegrating city
Image 30:
Text 1: But you will remember me
Picture: Tuor and Idril leaving Sirion, Eärendil and Elwing seeing them off
Text 2: Remember me for centuries
Image 31:
Text 1: And just one mistake
Text 2: Is all it will take
Picture: Third Kinslaying -- Elwing jumping? dead Amrod&Amras? general murderness?
Image 32:
Text 1: We'll go down in history
Picture: Eärendil and Elwing either sailing with the Silmaril or pleading with the Valar
Text 2: Remember me for centuries
Image 33:
Top: Hey! Hey! Hey!
Bottom: Remember me for centuries
Picture: In center; Silmaril as evening star; surrounding it, vignettes of people in Beleriand looking at it (could include any of Gil-Galad, Galadriel, Maedhros&Maglor, Elrond&Elros, Cirdan, Celebrimbor, misc civillians)
Image 34:
Text: We've been here forever
Picture: Halls of Mandos. Finwë is standing in the center, Fëanor near him, Argon farther away. The idea for this sequence is we are adding people to a big group portrait of dead Finwions.
Image 35:
Text: And here's the frozen proof
Picture: Same scene, but add Aredhel, Angrod, Aegnor, Fingolfin, Finrod.
Image 36:
Text: I could scream forever
Picture: Same scene, but add Fingon, Orodreth, Finduilas, Celegorm, Curufin, Caranthir, Turgon, Maeglin.
Image 37:
Text: We are the poisoned youth
Picture: Same scene, but add Amrod&Amras, Maedhros.
Image 38:
Top: Du du du-du, du du du-du
Picture: War of Wrath -- big montage? Angband coming down? Beleriand going down?
Bottom: Du du du-du, du du du-du
Image 39:
Text 1: Some legends are told
Text 2: Some turn to dust or to gold
Picture on left: Maedhros with Silmaril going for the lava
Picture on right: Either Eärendil again or Finarfin looking somber
Image 40:
Text 1: But you will remember me
Picture: Elrond and Elros parting.
Text 2: Remember me for centuries
Image 41:
Text: And just one mistake
Picture: Celebrimbor welcoming Annatar
Image 42:
Text: Is all it will take
Picture: Last Alliance, Gil-Galad falling
Image 43:
Text: We'll go down in history
Picture: Elrond writing chronicles in Imladris
Image 44:
Text: Remember me for centuries
Picture: Galadriel looking at her Mirror
Image 45:
Text 1: Hey! Hey!
Text 2: We'll go down in history
Text 3 (small): Hey!
Picture: Maybe a LOTR vignette or two? But definitely a gray ship sailing West.
Image 46:
Text: Remember me for centuries
Picture: Maglor on the shore.
...I don't think I could handle all that even if I did know how to draw. Looks like a multi-person project??? haha jk... unless...
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thelonelybrilliance · 5 years
Hey guess what I almost forgot that I had a special ask for each of my co-authors! Here is your question, Emma: are there any Taylor Swift songs that make you think of our Gold Rush AU? Pls share
I’m SO upset by this question omGGGGG
Ok um, how could you, also @itspileofgoodthings pls look at this :))
I’m going to go by album:
1. Taylor Swift: “A Place in this World” is very Galadriel. “The Outside” is Caranthir. “Stay Beautiful” is...all the (good) girls who ever liked Mae. “Tied Together with a Smile” is...Mae.  “I’m Only Me When I’m With You” is...Maglor, about Mae. “Cold As You” is Feanor/Nerdanel.
2. Fearless: “White Horse” is sadly probably how a certain past OTP fell apart. “Breathe,” same thing. “The Best Day” is boys & Nerdanel.
3. Speak Now: “Sparks Fly” is anyone who has ever met Mae. “Enchanted” is Fingon getting a crush on...anyone. “Back to December” is Mae. Just bc. “Long Live” is the oldest four boys. “The Story of Us” is Aredhel & Celegorm (non-romantically). “Ours” is Fingon/his future wife.
4. Red: “State of Grace” is Feanor/Nerdanel. “Red” is...Mae. “Treacherous”...is Mae. Anyway. “I Knew You Were Trouble” is...all the trash fave boys. “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together” is Turgon/Elenwe. “All Too Well” is the doomed Mae OTP. “The Last Time” is Fingon/his wife whenever he’s off doing other things. “Starlight” is Finrod/Amarie.
5. 1989: “Blank Space” is Thur. Lol. “Style” is Mae/fill in the blank. “Out of the Woods” is Feanor/Nerdanel. “This Love” is Nerdanel. “Clean” is Maglor. “Wildest Dreams” is Mae.
6. reputation: “Look What You Made Me Do” is Feanor. The end. JK. Um... “Gorgeous” is Hetty. LOL. “So It Goes...” is Mae. Oops. “Dancing With Our Hands Tied” is the doomed OTP.
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kevinkevinson · 7 years
Can u hc what each of the paladin's fave books/genres might be? 100% cool if u pull from your own faves/bookshelf :3 also music if you're up to it!!
First of all can I say how much I LOVE THIS??? BEST QUESTION EVER. Okaaaaay. Alrighty. Here we go.
Keith: Maybe my brain is completely influenced by fic but I really kinda love the idea of Keith being a literature snob. Complete Shakespeare nerd. If the author’s dead, chances are Keith’s read it. This goes along with the idea that classics are generally easier to access than new books, and I imagine Keith probably had limited access to books and would have read mostly stuff that’s public domain or handed to him in school. I would love for Keith to have been a library kid (hi sorry have you met me), one of the kids who use the library as a hangout space and a place for simple resources that aren’t super easy to come by at home. But maybe a library that wasn’t well funded and had a small childrens/teens section, so as a kid he had to reach for the adult books when he ran out of things that interested him.
Favorite book: Candide by Voltaire
Lance: Lance is my YA/middle grade soulmate. He’s read Harry Potter and the Percy Jackson books with all of his siblings. Imagine it being sort of like a rite of passage in his family: the older sibling is responsible for introducing the “next in line” to Harry when they turn eleven, but Lance loves it so much that he joins in every time (and sneak reads Harry to his younger sibling before it’s “their turn.” Many complaints that Lance is “ruining the family tradition by hogging it all for himself” ensue). Lance has at least one sister who’s a booknerd who keeps him up to date on all the new YA releases. One of the things he looks forward to is coming back to earth and finding out how those several trilogies they were following together end. Lance thinks Percy Jackson is the coolest book character ever created and that he could totally kick Harry Potter’s butt, but Harry Potter is more fun to read.
Favorite book: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by JK Rowling
Pidge: Pidge has to be a sci-fi nerd. But a really, really picky one. She totally looks down her nose at most sci-fi because it’s “unrealistic” and reads a ton of nonfiction on any subject she’s interested in at the moment. She also refuses to get rid of her entire collection of Animorphs books she and Matt spent years tracking down together. This is completely self indulgent, but give me little Matt and Pidge finding old copies of their dad’s Animorphs books from when he was a kid and reading them together. Making fun of all the 90s references and poking at the simple writing, but getting sucked in just the same. Soon enough, they’ve made it through dad’s whole collection and realize he’s only got about 20 books here and they need to know what happens!! So they get on the internet and start tracking down the other books. Of course Pidge finds PDFs of the entire series but Matt insists they gotta “do this thing right and find a REAL LIVE BOOK” so they spend their time digging through eBay and meeting dubious strangers for craigslist deals. Soon they acquire the whole series complete with all the Megamorphs and Chronicles, but not the Alternamorphs because after reading the first volume they determined them “not canon and a waste of time.”
Pidge punches Lance in the face when he finds out she’s reading Animorphs on her tablet and starts making fun of her. No one makes fun of her again.
Favorite book: Dune by Frank Herbert (but it’s actually the Hork-Bajir Chronicles by KA Applegate)
Hunk: Hunk is the one who gets caught reading paperback romance novels and doesn’t apologize for it. And superhero comics. Hunk is my superhero guy. He gets Lance into comics as a casual fan and the two of them get into fights all the time because Lance will throw out a “who would win in a fight, Captain America or Wonder Woman?” And Hunk will go off on him like, “At least pick two characters from the same publisher who could theoretically meet in the same universe before you start throwing your hypothetical ungrounded fight scenarios at me!”
Favorite book: Young Avengers by Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie
Shiro: Shiro reads a lot of nonfiction, probably biographies and history. Military history for sure. Is anyone surprised?
What maybe no one suspected, however, is just how much Shiro loves Tolkien. Shiro is a Tolkien scholar. He grew up reading the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings and cried when he first saw the Fellowship movie. (Based on a real life true friend who started bawling when he first heard Galadriel’s voice in the theater.) He’s read the Silmarillion six times.
Favorite book: The Return of the King by JRR Tolkien
Allura: I have no idea what kinds of books Alteans have, but I imagine there being a well-loved Altean version of Tamora Pierce’s books that Allura adores.
Coran: Coran doesn’t have time for reading because he’s too busy chronicling his own life for his soon-to-be bestselling novelization of his life and times with the paladins of Voltron. Number One in intergalactic novel sales, critically acclaimed, just you wait.
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grundyscribbling · 7 years
So, way long ago (like, a week maybe?), I was tagged by @alystraea.
The rules: answer your set of questions, add 11 of your own, tag 11 people. 
Her questions:
1) A movie that you have watched over and over?
When I was small, I watched Winnie The Pooh so often the VHS tape wore out. (And I still know exactly where.) More recently, I’ve been fairly fond of The Martian and The Force Awakens. And, of course, I’ve watched the Lord of the Rings a fair few times. :)
2) How were you introduced to Tolkien?
I watched the animated Rankin-Bass Hobbit when I was maybe seven. Then I read the book. Then I started Lord of The Rings, found Tolkien’s writing style deadly dull, and didn’t pick up Fellowship of the Ring again for eight years. (It worked slightly better on the second try.)
3) Favourite Tolkien characters, and why?
Despite my love of elves, I have to go with Bilbo first. He had that adventure (and being in charge of the adventure once Gandalf buggered off) dumped on him, and despite being both the smallest and least experienced of the party, he stepped up. He was three foot something and walked into a mountain with a live dragon. On purpose. He had the smarts to see a way to avert a disastrous battle between the elves & men and the dwarves and take it, even though it meant his dwarven friends might get angry at him. Then, in FotR, once he realized what kind of trouble his magic ring really was, he stepped right up despite his advanced years ready to handle it. Boromir was all set to laugh until he realized that this little old hobbit who stands not even to his waist was deadly serious about this. When he’s told the Ring has moved on, Bilbo’s next move is to do everything in his power to make sure Frodo has a shot of living through this adventure, because he knows what his nephew is getting into. Yes, he screws up sometimes, but he’s a basically good, decent person doing his best when faced with extraordinary times.
After that, Elrond, Gil-galad, and Galadriel. Mostly for being smart, lucky, and tough enough to still be standing after the First Age, and not afraid to take on Sauron even knowing what they could expect. (And in Elrond’s case, not only still be standing in the late Third Age/early Fourth Age, but not a hopeless emotional wreck after so much personal loss.)
And if this seems like a slightly waffle-y answer, the real answer is ‘I like just about all of them and picking favorites is hard.’
4) Favorite authors or books or fandoms besides Tolkien?
JK Rowling, and not just the Harry books. (Disclaimer: I am ignoring Fantastic Beasts & anything to do with her idea of North America because I just can’t. I was done as soon as I read about her North American magic school.) Ben Aaronovitch’s Rivers of London series. Christopher Fowler’s Bryant & May books. Nnedi Okorafor’s Akata Witch - can’t wait for Akata Warrior. And Jane Austen, because despite how she’s always adapted as a pretty period drama with excellent manners, she’s actually got quite the biting wit. Greek mythology.
5) Favorite poem or song lyrics?
If you’ve been here long, you know just about any favorite question like this changes frequently. Today, I’ll go with
I am the lion in his lair;  I am the fear that frightens me; I am the desert of despair  And the nights of agony. Night or day, whate’er befall,  I must walk that desert land, Until I can dare to call  The lion out to lick my hand.
6) Strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?
To be honest, if there’s been anything odder than the chocolate covered crickets, I probably don’t know.  I’m not super brave about food, but I’ve eaten street food in Beijing, and my ability with Chinese characters is too basic for anything more than point and hope in that situation. (I did stay away from anything that looked too crazy, like the scorpion on a stick. Everything I had tasted good, which was really all that mattered.)
7) Wildest or wackiest thing you’ve ever done?
If I did it, I probably didn’t consider it wild or wacky, so I’m not the best judge of this.
8) Current favorite thing to wear in your wardrobe?
Flip flops. Although given the weather, that may not last much longer.
9) A place you’d like to travel to?
New Zealand. Like Australia, but with less lethal wildlife. The Levant and whatever the overarching term for the area that used to be Babylon and Persia would be cool too, if it ever gets stable enough.
10) What you enjoy doing at the end of a long day?
Depends on the day!
11) Something you’re looking forward to?
Getting out in my kayak for the first time in a couple weeks - and since it seems to be clearing up, I might get to do that fairly soon. :)
My questions for anyone who cares to answer them:
1. What’s one thing about you that surprises people?
2. Name two books you think everyone should read? (Not limited to fiction, or by language!)
3. Favourite Tolkien character(s) and why?
4. What is an outdoor activity you enjoy? (Does not have to be a sport!)
5. Tell me about your favorite food- not just what it is, but why you love it!
6. Favorite place you’ve been?
7. What language(s) do you speak?
8. What is your favorite animal? (Not limited to real species.)
9. Drink of choice?
10.  Is there a small/obscure fandom you can’t believe more people aren’t into? If so, please share!
11. If you could go anywhere in the world right now, with neither money nor safety being an issue, where would you pick?
I tag (assuming they’re willing) @cycas, @elesianne, @hhimring, @curufinsdaddyissues, @alia-andreth, @hrymfaxe, @elsilmarillionnoesparacualquiera, @queen-haleth, @heartofoshun, @dawnfelagund and  @my-smial
Of course, if you want to answer these questions, feel free even if I’ve not tagged you.
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