#jk i love her…i think🐺
abbyslev · 11 months
why do you guys always side w @hangespublicist this is unfair and i am currently withholding nerd hange smut until i get an apology from flor herself or else
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thee-achilles · 2 years
🥣.| astro observations & drabbles: pt. 2.
phoebe bridgers addition. <3
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you really thought you ate? gimme that fcking plate 😒
anyways part dos 😻 i’ve got a lot to say and imma say it 💪😒 dale 👩🏻‍🦲
💥. | these are only observations i have made. please take them with a grain of salt. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE OR POST ANYWHERE ELSE. if there is anything you’d like to add, let me know! <3 |💥
🎯.| made by a libra sun, libra rising, and leo moon :)
🧞‍♂️i cannot stress this enough, y’all. LOOK AT THE DEGREES AND DECANS OF YOUR PLACEMENTS. this matters so much bruh. it further characterizes your placements. i’ll make a post about it if i’m feeling, como sé dice, frisky. 🕺
🧞‍♂️i think the reason why gen z leos are so funny is because they have sun-pluto aspects. our pluto is in sagittarius, one of the most funniest signs, and it’s making an aspect to leo, a natural attention-grabbing sign. since pluto has a huge effect on a person as it is, the sign has to effect the personality a bit too, right??
🧞‍♂️having NN in the 6H is just not knowing where you’re going, but you’re gonna work your ass off to get there. SN in the 12H shows what were used to and being in the unknown is it. also you may use spirituality to get you where you’re going. it’s like driving blind and ending up being just fine. if you ain’t got your NN in the 6H, FYL‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ jk y’all stay blessed 😒☹️
🧞‍♂️**sigh** i think it’s time we discuss my momma’s chart. THIS GIRL GOT FIVE STELLIUMS. I DO NOT LIE. EVER. a capricorn, scorpio, 11H, 10H, and 8H stellium 😀 plus a pisces rising and an aquarius sun. y’all send her good energy ONLY. any shitting on her you do, y’all just gonna get back 👩🏻‍🦲 my mother is tired and protected 💂‍♀️
🧞‍♂️mars/jupiter conjunct mercury people are FUNNY, bro. mars-mercury come up with the funniest things on the fly & impulsively and jupiter-mercury is just subtly funny, i’ve noticed. although mars-mercury may have some issues saying things that aren’t supposed to be said/not thinking before they speak.
🧞‍♂️looking at phoebe bridgers’ chart and noticing she shares a moon & ascendant sign with my mom. plus her sun sign is my mom’s sister sign... no wonder i uber wanna smooch her in the most platonic way. edit: SHE’S ALSO GOT AN 11H CAPRICORN & 8H SCORPIO STELLI WTF BOY 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
🧞‍♂️people who are able to grow out beards w/ leo placements love to do it?? and it makes their eyes look more feline too. rawr or whatever 🙄‼️☝️🦁
🧞‍♂️TW: talk of weight. the 2H can possibly tell you how quickly you gain/lose weight. venus rules food and it’s beginner house is the 2H. it’s also the house closet to the 1H of image, so it wouldn’t be a surprise. also planets there can effect this, too.
ex: a sag rising may gain/lose weight slowly because their 2H is in capricorn, but if jupiter is there it may be harder to lose weight since jupiter rules expansion. and a pisces rising may gain/lose weight “out of nowhere” since aries is in that house. if venus is in this house, they may either be very happy with how they look all the time or not. it just depends on how venus is aspected. also look at the sign of the 2H’s ruler planet for further insight. :)
🧞‍♂️the sign of the house your NN is in could be the sign of the placements you attract the most.
my NN is in aries in my 6H in pisces and pisceans are ALWAYS attracted to me?? i love them though so if you got pisces placements kiss me.👩🏻‍🦲💂‍♀️🐺‼️💘
🧞‍♂️THAT JUNO-MOON SYNASTRY DOES NOT COME TO PLAY. that shit is powerful. do not play with me. i am not the one.
🧞‍♂️pluto in the 3H/pluto-mercury harsh aspects really makes you forget what you were saying mid-way through speaking 😐
🧞‍♂️i’ve noticed that people with water moons have parents/a parent who smokes or do dr*gs.
🧞‍♂️i’ve noticed that pisces placements get irritated when it’s hot?? they just get super moody. they also tend to get hot easily. maybe it’s because they’re hot themselves 😈
🧞‍♂️water/earth mars individuals hate getting wet 😐 y’all don’t like to swim or walk in the rain or anything, bro. always got an umbrella even if it’s a clear and sunny day outside.
🧞‍♂️IF SATURN IS IN HARMONIOUS ASPECTS WITH YOUR SUN, YOU ARE LESS LIKELY TO SUNBURN. you still better wear that that damn sunblock though 😒‼️
🧞‍♂️virgo, gemini placements/degrees, or mercury doms like cheese. even if they’re lactose intolerant, they just gobble that shit up.
🧞‍♂️leo risings blend well with the people around them. they have the ability to make themselves less noticeable if they want to. if they want to shine, they will, if they don’t, they don’t. y’all are so kind too 😭😭
going off that, aquarius risings tend to stand out more even if they don’t want to. i’ve noticed that everyone knows them too and talk about them, even if they don’t strike you as the popular type.
🧞‍♂️taurus moons have analyzed it all. they are so good at seeming like they’re unaware, but they have thought through every possible outcome something could have. these people are NOT risk-takers, y’all. do not play with them 👨‍🦲 they are not the one 🤬
🧞‍♂️5H/leo stelliums vs their ego 🥊DING🥊 DING🥊 DING🥊
NOT saying y’all are arrogant or whatever negative connotations that the ego includes. i’m just saying that y’all can be STUBBORN. in ANYTHING. especially when someone they dislike says something. that someone: “believe in yourself!” 5H/leo stelli: “no. never. i WILL NOT believe in myself. i hate you. literally get out of my face.” you cannot win them over with flattery. they are DWAYNE THE ROCK JOHNSON type of solid.
🧞‍♂️“i want to die with no money. money means nothing to me. when i have it, i feel like i HAVE to spend it otherwise i won’t spend it at all. if i’m rich, no i’m not. 😍” -my pluto in the 2H brother
🧞‍♂️pluto 3rd housers and having horrid intrusive thoughts. IMAGINE⁉️ COULD NOT BE ME💪 (is me)
🧞‍♂️i read a theory on twitter that your 5H is the goals you have for/how you treat your first child and the rest of the houses following are the rest of your children. my mother has two children- my brother and i- and her 5th and 6th house are both in cancer. my brother and i are both libra risings with cancer mcs 😳.
🧞‍♂️gemini placement children are so chill. i think they’re one of easiest ones to take care of.
🧞‍♂️imma need you mutable doms to tell me how you feel for once 👨‍🦲 STOP CONCEALING YOUR ANGER LET ME IN 🤬🤬🤬🤬 conceal 🧥 don’t 🙅‍♀️ feel 😩 it’s giving elsa of wherever tf she came from 👩🏻‍🦳
🧞‍♂️mercury doms/placements and collecting journals... and then never using them. 🙄🙄 (guilty)
🧞‍♂️okay. a lot of aries placements (specifically sun & rising) have noses that look like their symbol?? ♈️ very downturned with flared nostrils, but it works on them. also amazing amazing eyebrows. <3
🧞‍♂️the best people with the same sign that i’ve seen get along with each other are leos. y’all understand each other so well omg.
🧞‍♂️ugh i hate that everyone makes the 8H all about sex like 😒 it isn’t just that 🙄 anyways venus/mars in the 8H makes someone very experimental and fweaky 😈, but only when they feel the safest. intimacy is a huge deal for them, so sharing themselves and their energy can easily drain them. she’s a fweaky gal 😛
🧞‍♂️libra moons, i love you dearly. you’re so kind and you do acts of service expecting nothing back. you guys make my heart swell with joy, though i haven’t met many of y’all. you are full of and give love effortlessly despite how life has treated you. moral of the story, KISS ME YOU MF‼️‼️🤬🤬🤬🤬
🧞‍♂️as a leo moon, i tend to attract virgo moons SO MUCH. my best friend is a virgo moon, my bf is a virgo moon, and other people in my past have been virgo moons. love y’all or whatever.
🧞‍♂️EARTH MERCURIES ARE SO FUNNY, BRO. and when they have an earth mars? 😩 omg. [s]creaming. the way y’all say things just really tickle my pickle, bro. especially virgo mercuries.
🧞‍♂️the easiest rising sign to point out is libra risings. maybe it’s because i’m one, but i smell those bitches from miles away. 👃😤
🧞‍♂️scorpio placements usually do not desire children from what i’ve seen.
🧞‍♂️capricorn and aquarius placements care so much about how they smell/things smelling good. my mom and best friend have these placements and giving them things that smell good is the fastest way to their heart 😭 my mom owns like 294827818458 lotions and candles APPROXIMATELY.
🧞‍♂️my jupiter in the 1H 🤝 me being the first biracial in my immediate family line 😋
🧞‍♂️venus in detriment signs are frugal. MATERIAL GWORL‼️‼️ but without spending money on the material 😼
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ASStroids. <3
🫐if you have asteroid sappho (#80) making positive aspects to any destiny point (node, fortune, vertex) or some of the big 4 points (asc, desc, IC, or MC) MAKES YOU GAY ASL BOY‼️‼️‼️ nah jk, but it makes you have a good feminine touch, however you identify as <3 also makes you empathize with feminine people more easily. also makes you an amazing writer, especially if sappho (#80) is in aspect to mercury. makes someone a feminist as well.
🫐asteroid vesta (#4) in aspect to venus makes you have acts of service as a love language. you also want to make people feel at home the best they can. :) however if it’s badly aspected, i’ve noticed these individuals are awkward about receiving gifts, but exude the most homey vibes even if they’re awkward.
🫐saturn and mars in the 9H in asteroid juno (#3) persona chart could meet their spouse through a sport they/their spouse does in college. bonus points if it’s in the winter or you’re cold or something.
🫐asteroid bambi (#15845) or asteroid angel (#11911) touching the ascendant, mercury, sun, moon, or in the 2H or touching planets in gemini or virgo makes someone have really great doe eyes. use this to your advantage. 😋
🫐asteroid chariklo (#10199) conjunct mercury makes for someone with healing words as well as healing hands. they know just what to say to make you feel better and will give you a massage to go along with it 💪😼
🫐asteroid patroclus (#617) may be where we tend to follow blindly without question. we tend to devote ourselves to it without asking. it’s filled with lessons that take a while to learn. we can be defensive where it’s at and we’re willing to sacrifice ourselves for it.
ex: asteroid patroclus (#617) in the 11H in virgo will be at the service of others without questioning. they can follow social and humanitarian groups if they see that it will do good for people. they won’t dive deeper into it or look at the opposing view, they just follow it. they may sacrifice their health, well-being, appetite, previous work, or school in order to fight for it. they also put in a lot of detail in how to fight for it. they may learn after a while to look into what they follow or who they help before they follow through and to take better care of themselves while doing so.
🫐asteroid wild (#1941) may show you the results of you taking risks. it also may show where you are most carefree and outgoing comfortably or where other people encourage you to be so.
🫐asteroid medusa (#149) is where you make people stop and stare or how you intimidate people. 😈
asteroid medusa (#149) touching the ascendant could make people naturally intimidating even when they’re actually pretty sweet.
🫐y’all. i was OBSESSED with princess aurora (sleeping beauty) when i was little. i wanted to be her and everything. asteroid aurora (#94) is in my 1H in scorpio at the same degree as my sun: 6°. SO STOP SAYING ASTROLOGY IS FAKE, BOZOS 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
🫐⬆️ going off of that, asteroids of names or places in your first house could indicate them having an importance in your life. i mean, all of them do, but these will feel especially personal. <3
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thank you SO MUCH for reading. i tried to make this one longer than the last. thanks to those gorgeous gorgeous pals who read to the end <33
have a lovely day!! <3
© thee-achilles 2022
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baekhvuns · 2 years
I'm just thinking about that legendary reddit post "Seonghwa is not a milf, he won't breastfeed you" he may not breastfeed us, but he's indeed a milfy milf, even without the long hair
I know lol, some people said it was Woo or Mingi in that photo, I remember my discord being in shambles. They were like OMG BOOBS IT CAN'T BE HWA HE'S FLAT while others argued WHAT BOOBS THERE ARE NONE 💀 yeah unfortunately I'm ill so it was clearly Seonghwa to me, should've make bets 😭
Miss Baek I only know like 8 TS songs maybe sjudjsgsjdgsjshhsj so I never heard those mentioned, because her lyrics just don't hit me at all I'm definitely not the target, but racer AU yeah. Ever since DV MV dropped I've been having racer thoughts. Zayn is hot, but I only like Harry's music and aesthetic
TB author is milking it soooo hard I know many people are upset, but some developed Stockholm syndrome I think. I scrolled through the thumbnails of the chapters and no Seojun in sight, so idc. I hoped they'd treat him better in the drama but they legit have some of his scenes to S*h*???
What would I do with your kidney though? 🤔 My brain can create stories but my fingers can't write them 💀 I used to write somehow, but I would probably cringe real hard at my old work rn...
So I've heard, JK has this bad boy look down while Taehyung is like a snobby rich guy vibes. Tbh I can't read for most people lol, maybe if there's no smut but interesting plot, but yeah I just don't feel this way about most idols. I think it's probably because many are a few years younger than me? Well Seonghwa is too but he's speshol 😻 even with Taemin who has been my ult bias for 8464838 years and I find him attractive I just don't see him in THAT way. I read some Hyunjin ff cause I have a friend who used to write for him, but it felt weird 😭 from Ateez I never read anything about Yunho, Mingi, Wooyoung and Jongho. Do you have members like that?
The lyrics to 🐺 are a bit concerning but the howling doesn't bother me anymore, I mean SKZ released Wolfgang and I actually like it I also love Shakira's She Wolf ksushajahhshsgdj still team vampires, but those wolf songs slap what can I say.
Sometimes I look at my red Hwa photocards or stuff I printed myself and die. I printed those Rhythm Ta and Wolf selfies because WOWOWOOOWOWOOOO BARK BARK
Nooo the fansign person is someone else don't worry, but she was a bit upset afterwards cause she didn't manage to tell them everything, she's also reluctant about speaking English, so it was a bit difficult but the boys were sweet. <3
Such a lovely loser https://twitter.com/thinkingabtpsh/status/1525200340634804224?t=vnwiAzxT4SFjLQIUuBt19g&s=19
Also interesting that I wore the same shoes today 👀 I was upset that my friend did too, he also wore a bucket hat and so did I, lol but twinning with Hwa would be cool 🥰 - DV 💖
I'm just thinking about that legendary reddit post "Seonghwa is not a milf, he won't breastfeed you" he may not breastfeed us, but he's indeed a milfy milf, even without the long hair
LMFAOOOO STOP IT STOP IT 😭😭😭🤚🏼 he can let us hold them,,, one chance just one 🤌🏼
I know lol, some people said it was Woo or Mingi in that photo, I remember my discord being in shambles. They were like OMG BOOBS IT CAN'T BE HWA HE'S FLAT while others argued WHAT BOOBS THERE ARE NONE 💀 yeah unfortunately I'm ill so it was clearly Seonghwa to me, should've make bets 😭
Miss Baek I only know like 8 TS songs maybe sjudjsgsjdgsjshhsj so I never heard those mentioned, because her lyrics just don't hit me at all I'm definitely not the target, but racer AU yeah. Ever since DV MV dropped I've been having racer thoughts. Zayn is hot, but I only like Harry's music and aesthetic
RHKWDHWK I JUST KNOW HER TITLE TRACKS 😭😭 racer au got it !!! YES HARRYS MUSIC is so like nostalgic?? almost whimsical in a nostalgic way <3 the aesthetic is so artistic even in the small parts of the videos
TB author is milking it soooo hard I know many people are upset, but some developed Stockholm syndrome I think. I scrolled through the thumbnails of the chapters and no Seojun in sight, so idc. I hoped they'd treat him better in the drama but they legit have some of his scenes to S*h*???
fRRRRR GIRLIE GETTING THE $$$$ stOCKHOLM LMFAOOO PLS THE CALL-OUT FBWKFHWK,,,, i hope they get him a nicer girlie than jugyeong tbh 😭😭😭 he deserves it after the intense heartbreak after heartbreak
What would I do with your kidney though? 🤔 My brain can create stories but my fingers can't write them 💀 I used to write somehow, but I would probably cringe real hard at my old work rn...
YOU USED TO WRITE??? 🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼 i also immensely cringe at my old works 😭😭 what was going oN IN MY BRAINBFMSBD
So I've heard, JK has this bad boy look down while Taehyung is like a snobby rich guy vibes. Tbh I can't read for most people lol, maybe if there's no smut but interesting plot, but yeah I just don't feel this way about most idols. I think it's probably because many are a few years younger than me? Well Seonghwa is too but he's speshol 😻 even with Taemin who has been my ult bias for 8464838 years and I find him attractive I just don't see him in THAT way. I read some Hyunjin ff cause I have a friend who used to write for him, but it felt weird 😭 from Ateez I never read anything about Yunho, Mingi, Wooyoung and Jongho. Do you have members like that?
jk’s always a bad boy, tae’s the ceo, jimin’s in dance relayed or vampire fics rMS ALWAYS IN DILF ONES FHWKDHWK,,, SEONGHWA IS SO SPESHOL 😭😭😭 i truly never read (or if i HAVE TOO) for wooyoung jongho or yeosang or yunho or hongjoong,,,, basically most of them expect hwa,,, unless its like the only thing available i will but i don’t go out of my way to read abt them,, i also cannot read for any other group at all it feels a little weird,,, as in i cant imagine them in that sort of way— in smut especially
do u perhaps also get irritated at the fact that idols r too sexualized 😭😭 as in, someone who’s always talking about how “look at his thighs i just wanna sit and give him a show” or anything along the likes of that,,,, I GENUINELY DO NOT LIKE THAT 😭😭😭 bc sometimes that’s the only thing ppl talk about and i just 🔫🔫
The lyrics to 🐺 are a bit concerning but the howling doesn't bother me anymore, I mean SKZ released Wolfgang and I actually like it I also love Shakira's She Wolf ksushajahhshsgdj still team vampires, but those wolf songs slap what can I say.
Sometimes I look at my red Hwa photocards or stuff I printed myself and die. I printed those Rhythm Ta and Wolf selfies because WOWOWOOOWOWOOOO BARK BARK
SHE WOLF SUPREMACY???? ALWAYS,,, yeha the lyrics can be forgotten i think ive grown past the whole thing abt hating wolf, atp if anyone hates wolf with all their heart is just them being edgy 🔫🔫
Nooo the fansign person is someone else don't worry, but she was a bit upset afterwards cause she didn't manage to tell them everything, she's also reluctant about speaking English, so it was a bit difficult but the boys were sweet. <3
OH THANK GOD I WAS ABT TO THROW HANDS BFANBDKWB oH NAURRR 😭😭 hopefully next time bc ateez do he liking amsterdam quite a lot 😭😭😭
Such a lovely loser https://twitter.com/thinkingabtpsh/status/1525200340634804224?t=vnwiAzxT4SFjLQIUuBt19g&s=19 Also interesting that I wore the same shoes today 👀 I was upset that my friend did too, he also wore a bucket hat and so did I, lol but twinning with Hwa would be cool 🥰 - DV 💖
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forbidding-souda · 3 years
1. Have you ever been to any cons ?, Ever cosplayed before ?, Would you cosplay as anyone ?, I've only been to two cons altho i haven't cosplayed, Lol I could probs pull off a chiaki cosplay I'm only 2 cm taller than her lmfao. ( Say i'm short I dare you come at me >w> >:3c jk jk. ) 2. You finished your story that's awesome can you tell us more about it & the characters roles in the story pls 3. If you could only have a characters talent from each danganronpa game which one would u choose ? - 🐺
ohnmy god i used to cosplay as a kid (before i was a temporary drag queen plz) I was elizabeth midford from black butler and celestia ludernberg. I went to cons as them. I've been to a con like three/four times ever but that was in like elementary school.
the story is about like the whole 'abused becomes the abuser' thing and the mentality around it.
the protagonist is Fern!! and I think he would be the SHSL tutor - since he is particularly skilled in helping other people. And then the kinda love interest antagonist would be Mae, and she would probably be like the uhhhh SHSL Nurse? Maybe
Ji, the new friend, mentor ish, also antagonist character would be the SHSL Lucky Student lmaooo fr they ain't got nothing.
Jasmina would be the SHSL Painter of course. art school student. She's the best friend character <3
Fannah is the liek temporary antagonist and he would probanbly fucking be the SHSL Weight Lifter or Jock or something. He is big boy. Humongous.
there's a lot of antaongists because fern thinks everyone is against him (and he's right).
-Mod Souda
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baekhvuns · 2 years
I read a series of fanfics called The Cities or something and it was a series of one-shots each happening in a different European city. Kinda Before Sunrise style, they weren't connected so the couple kept meeting in every city under different circumstances, they had different dynamics too, it was really good especially if you're into travelling and already saw yhe places mentioned. <3
Delulu delivery is here! It was a fanfiction seriously and I wonder if I actually read a fanfic like that and my mind just decided to play it out for me... Here's the re-cap I sent to my friends, hope it's somewhat coherent. https://imgur.com/a/kg4Oksb
Yes! I'm glad you have taste aka you're a TB and Suho hater, I knew I could trust you! I didn't mind Suho at first but once Mr Han Seojun showed up I ditched that mf real quick, lmao. Seriously they had so much chemistry, but Jug jeopardised their relationship so much because she was so insecure and Seojun also had his own issues going on, ugh. But damn Suho and Jug became a bit toxic at some point and I couldn't believe people didn't see that...
You're not prepared for Tomorrow, I mean each episode is sad, but some hit me especially hard. And the crumbs and unanswered questions... Yeah but THAT ship has so much potential, it's criminal we're not seeing more of them. AND Seonghwa grim reaper AU please, someone 🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻
Oh no, not an Amber supporter 🤡 but yes I can imagine, either some weirdo guy simping for her or a fake woke feminist who thinks men can't get abused.
I know TWO nights in a row, and her brain came up with a long-haired Hwa. And for what??? I don't remember the JK dreams but one of them happened on his birthday and I had no idea it was his birthday, so? 🤫 Awwww, that's so cute though, the Yunho dream
I didn't get to approach Taemin I don't think 😭😩
And for some reason I'm sometimes a bit mean to Hwa in my dreams or he ends up crying wtffffff. Pretty sure I didn't see Harry and we probably didn't get the tattoos either, but at least we ate some pizza
I'm only seeing the angelic MILF and I love it. 🥰
Happy anniversary to 🐺 Hwa 😩
And this lil meow meow 🥺 look at him, kiss on the forehead coming his way
- DV 💖
I read a series of fanfics called The Cities or something and it was a series of one-shots each happening in a different European city. Kinda Before Sunrise style, they weren't connected so the couple kept meeting in every city under different circumstances, they had different dynamics too, it was really good especially if you're into travelling and already saw yhe places mentioned. <3
OH???? thats so cool?? like they keep meeting in different cities is like soulmate’s meeting in different au’s but connected together 😭😭😭 i will absolutely look into this !!!
Delulu delivery is here! It was a fanfiction seriously and I wonder if I actually read a fanfic like that and my mind just decided to play it out for me... Here's the re-cap I sent to my friends, hope it's somewhat coherent. https://imgur.com/a/kg4Oksb
“his long legs pushed my chair a few times,” ISNT THIS BBHWA FBWMFBWK ANON U EXPERIENCED BBHWA??????? 😭😭
“I kept staring at his back and NECK and peeking at his drawings,” SLAP IT SLAP IT SLAP IT FBWMBFK
“so it looked like this: S******A btw I wish I was joking but my birthname starts with S and ends with A and has 8 letters too, lololol” OMF I JUST KNOW UR NAME IS SO PRETTY 😭😭 what a coincidence, mine is exactly that but with hongjoong (not the ending with g) and his last name 😭😭😭
“I felt angry and devastated cause everyone thought my good marks were due to me cheating and being 0a whore" — their words 🔫 Seonghwa didn't believe them though <3” BEST BOY 😭😭😭😭😭
“he said "if they already gossip about us, might as well" HELLO????? RHWKDH JAIL??? J A I L
“And I didn't get the scholarship, Seonghwa switched to art major, because he punched the disgusting professor, Imao.” LMFAOOOO THIS IS SO INTENSE BUT SO FUNNY AND CREEPY BUT CHAOTIC 😭😭
Yes! I'm glad you have taste aka you're a TB and Suho hater, I knew I could trust you! I didn't mind Suho at first but once Mr Han Seojun showed up I ditched that mf real quick, lmao. Seriously they had so much chemistry, but Jug jeopardised their relationship so much because she was so insecure and Seojun also had his own issues going on, ugh. But damn Suho and Jug became a bit toxic at some point and I couldn't believe people didn't see that...
U CAN ALWAYS TRUST HERE 😭😭 no fr,, the second they entered han seojun, like he took the helmet off?? every person in the kpop fandom fell IN LOVE with that man and as they SHOULD !!!! i was skeptical at who seojun would be so i was rooting for eunwoo’s bUT WHEN HE CAME I GONE. STOP THAT TOXIC THING IS SO TRUE??? LITERALLY NO ONE TALKS ABT HOW TOXIC THEY GOT??? seojun my man, was rOBBED 😭😭😭
You're not prepared for Tomorrow, I mean each episode is sad, but some hit me especially hard. And the crumbs and unanswered questions... Yeah but THAT ship has so much potential, it's criminal we're not seeing more of them. AND Seonghwa grim reaper AU please, someone 🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻
Oh no, not an Amber supporter 🤡 but yes I can imagine, either some weirdo guy simping for her or a fake woke feminist who thinks men can't get abused.
EXACTLY THAT 😭😭😭 its the very first lecture too so yOU KNOW THERES GOTS TO BE SOMEONE also apparently amber’s making johnny testify from her side?? 😭😭 can’t wait for cross examination to start
I know TWO nights in a row, and her brain came up with a long-haired Hwa. And for what??? I don't remember the JK dreams but one of them happened on his birthday and I had no idea it was his birthday, so? 🤫 Awwww, that's so cute though, the Yunho dream
TAKE HER RIGHTS AWAY IDC IDC THIS NOT FAIR SHE DREAMS ABT THIS AND THEN TELLS US TO BE JEALOUS 🔫 ANONS FRIEND 🔫 RIGHTS 🔫 GONE 🔫 jk dream, and if i tell u i have this uni au with jk where the reader was a senior and he was a junior who played basketball and he was cheeky asf and he would TRY to woo the reader by saying “u know my parents have a age difference too,” “oh really?” “my mom is older” “whats that gotta do with me?” “you’re older too, we ca-“ “nO”
I didn't get to approach Taemin I don't think 😭😩
And for some reason I'm sometimes a bit mean to Hwa in my dreams or he ends up crying wtffffff. Pretty sure I didn't see Harry and we probably didn't get the tattoos either, but at least we ate some pizza
ANON???? 😭😭😭😭😭 NAURR POOR GUY SOBBING 😭😭😭😭😭 okay at least u weren’t hungry in ur dreams too 😭😭
I'm only seeing the angelic MILF and I love it. 🥰 Happy anniversary to 🐺 Hwa 😩 https://twitter.com/hwalilac/status/1524781002333515776?t=5A_8ndTGtWkfQyBw76BwBA&s=19
THIS DAY PEAKED MY EXOTEEZ CRUMBS I WAS FUCKING SCREAMING FBWKFHWK his red hair 😩😩😩😩 reminds me of addicting kitten fjwkfhwk pls
And this lil meow meow 🥺 look at him, kiss on the forehead coming his way https://twitter.com/hwalilac/status/1524439363907555331?t=5XFyctAJVPXFZzlrCyXf8w&s=19
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im gonna kiss him
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