#jkr stans stay the fuck away from this post challenge
thebibliosphere · 2 years
I try not to mention JKR on my blog, but apparently, her new book, among a plethora of despicable things, is hugely ableist and makes fun of ME/CFS, POTS, Fibromyalgia, and Allodynia and strongly infers that people with these conditions are lying for attention.
So if you are someone afflicted with these conditions and you are seeing people agreeing with this trash take on social media today:
I see you, I hear you, I believe you. Your suffering is real. Your pain is real. You deserve better. You are not excluded from the disability community and you will always have a place with us if you want it. You do not need to be missing a limb to qualify as “disabled enough,” and the people spouting such ableist rhetoric don’t speak for us.
Fuck JKR. Fuck ableists. Fuck everything about this new book and all the marginalized people it hurts.
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