#jl is reconnecting with jc after getting caught up with the juniors and wwx
dionte-goethe · 4 months
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I was inspired by that one scene in "more than anything" from Hazbin Hotel. Just thinking about the way Jiang Cheng had to face these sect leaders with a destroyed sect, no alliances (until Yanli married and even then...), and the fallout of Wei Wuxian's actions. He just doesn't want Jin Ling to have to deal with all the terrible things he had to deal with as a young sect leader, he's tried to protect him from all that, when JL wants him to step back because JC could tear himself apart protecting JL...
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impossibletruths · 4 years
mdzs/cql fic recs
By popular demand (like, one person asked for this idk) I present to you: a random assortment of fic recs. I’ve divvied it up by a) juniors, b) Yunmeng family feels and c) that sweet sweet wangxian content, but there’s definitely crossover because, fuck it, I am here for the act of making and remaking a family in whatever form that takes. There’s no rhyme or reason to what canon these pull from and I’ve organized it by length. Pairings are noted when I think they’re relevant.
junior content(TM)
anyway, here’s wuji by kakikaeru–– [18K, Rated T, Lan Jingyi/Lan Sizhui] 
Lan Jingyi grows up.
everyone and their mother has rec’d this and I’ll be honest I didn’t really think I’d vibe with it (the title put me off, for starters) but I fell in love with lan jingyi and never looked back. it’s is such a lovely look at the lans and jingyi (and sizhui!!) truly get their due. beautiful characterization, big and wonderful feelings, and a take on jingyi (and lan xichen!) that I really truly love. plus some very good background wangxian, but the juniors are truly what shine here. 
bonus rec: the sequel is also very cute
care by everbrighter [35K, rated T, Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji]
Lan Yuan is trying to make it through a high school science competition when his dead dad comes back into his life.
MY FAVORITE!!!!! wangxian plays a big part in this but it’s all through lan sizhui’s POV. modern au with a take on the rez that I really liked, and in general I just loved the adaptation. truly gets into the grit of being a teenager whose dad is back from the dead and in love with you other dad but neither of them are saying anything about it. most importantly, the juniors as a unit are the absolute best thing I have ever seen or read and if you read one fic off this list it should be this one. the rest of the series is likewise very very good though I am not caught up on it
yunmeng family feels
climbing up that coastal shelf by sour_idealist [15K, rated T, gen]
Jin Ling, afterwards.
another popular rec I know. It was, however, very good for me personally. I love the relationship between jiang cheng and jin ling here, and jin ling and wei wuxian, and really just the entire family. also there’s a scene where wwx talks to jl about jiang yanli and I wept. it’s just very very good yunmeng family feels, after everything
Attempting The Impossible by ariaste [36K, Rated T]
Jiang Cheng goes to visit Wei Wuxian and discovers he has roughly a billion new nieces and nephews because his brother doesn’t know how to say no.
yes it’s a wangxian family fic but actually it’s a jiang cheng fic and one of my very favorites. truly captures the Mortifying Ordeal Of Being Jiang Cheng, and does some really lovely stuff with the yunmeng bros and their reconciliation. this fic also 100% convinced that jc should be surrounded by a bevy of small children at all times. I just think it’d be really really good for him
get bolder by plonk [11K, Not Rated]
Wei Wuxian discovers that Lan Wangji is out and has more feelings about it than he anticipates.
one of my favorites. I am in love with the worldbuilding (perhaps my favorite take on modern cultivation?) and also the characterization and ESPECIALLY wangxian’s relationship. I cannot do it justice with words it is just very much one of my absolute favorite modern aus and also mdzs/cql fics in general I love what it does with the characters and the scenario and their feelings and my feelings!! it’s good content
Letters by withbroombefore​ [21K, rated G]
Wei Wuxian figures out how to take care of himself.
just a big soft fic about reconnection and family and healing and time. gave me absolutely unbearable yunmeng bro feels and also the absolute softest sweetest wangxian+sizhui content. wwx learns that he is valued by others and starts taking care of himself. feels like taking a nap in the sun
A Lot Of Edges Called Perhaps by hansbekhart [21K, rated E]
Wei Wuxian comes back to Gusu.
post-canon wangxian. one of the tags on this is Risk Aware Consensual Patience which kind of encapsulates the whole thing. I’ve seen this one rec’d before (which is how I found it) and it is just. exquisite. emotional edging of the sweetest most achey sort with a beautiful look at wangxian. stuck with me for ages afterwards and easily one of my favorites
NIGHT HUNTING by detention_notes [30K, rated T]
Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji, Nie Huaisang and Wen Ning make campy ghost hunter videos. Also, they are possibly being haunted for real?
this is just a fun time. like it’s very sweet and the atmosphere (especially through the first few chapters) is very very tasty. wwx/lwj/nhs/wn as a quartet is absolutely inspired and I’m very into it; one of the highlights of the fic. I do wish there had been Even More Haunting but even then it’s just. so good. I gotta put it on the list.
the best of you by sysrae [41K, rated E]
Lan Wangji rents his spare room to a disgracefully disowned Wei Wuxian and it escalates from there.
if there is one author I can recommend wholesale it is sysrae. I love their take on LWJ and wangxian and AU elements in general. all their mdzs/cql fic is good but this one does some very clever and painful things with the way canon gets adapted that punched me square in the face and I was grateful. plus it’s just 300% Lan Wangji’s Love Language Is Acts Of Service which is my favorite place to live
bonus rec: save a sword, ride a socialist [33K, rated E] –– wangxian fake date and then they real date. a-yuan is adorable.
Fire Lapping Up The Creek by notevenyou [66K, rated E]
Wei Wuxian doesn’t take Wen Ning with him to Carp Tower and the ambush goes a little more like planned. Lan Wangji deals with the consequences.
AU where wwx is mortally wounded on the way to jin ling’s party and lwj goes to the burial mounds to take care of him/the wens. excruciatingly heartbreaking and an incredible masterclass in tension and catharsis. it ends happily!! but god does it ache to get there. I adored it.
other stuff
surprise! my sorting failed have a few other misc recs that don’t fit in my slapdash categories
hid that love up with my bones by heyitsathrowaway [4K, rated E, Wei Wuxian/Wen Qing]
Wen Qing and Wei Wuxian and the Burial Mounds.
look it’s pretty much just porn but the character study folded up inside of that is delicious. possibly one of my favorite takes on wwx and wq and that scraping grit-teeth misery of surviving when the world is telling you to give in already. also just one of my favorite takes on them in general. it’s good y’all
the mountainside by detention_notes [12K, rated T, gen]
Lan Xichen in seclusion.
this is brutal. I love detention_notes’ fic (and art!!) and the tender melancholy that breathes just beneath everything they write but this one is particularly thorny. it’s a take on lan xichen in seclusion that offers very little in terms of catharsis but speaks novels to how and why xichen might be, well, xichen. it’s waiting for a realization that never comes and the weight never gets any lighter and it is agonizing and phenomenal. truly some of the best writing I’ve read
bonus rec: the rest of the series I just haven’t read them all yet
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