reynaruina · 4 years
With a good bit of our loans already paid off, today for the first time in years I was able to buy a new pair of pants. Also, for the first time in years as well, I was finally able to buy my mom a gift: a nice warm sweater. 
I feel like I’m slowly recovering my humanity. Going through tough times really distorted my ability to see the options I had open, for so long it felt like I was just surviving, seeing so much stuff I had get broken and be unable to repair it, or having to sell them just to get by, or get into even more debt for the same reason and having to count every penny. And now, for the first time in YEARS I could Actually go to a store and afford something as basic as a new pair of pants without dreading what further hardships will my family and I have to endure for it.
And none of this would have been possible without you all. I am serious. The support you guys have been steadily giving me, with commissioned work and patreon and ko-fis, is actually allowing me to climb out of the hole I’ve been stuck in here for what feels like almost a decade. And even more so, I’m actually starting to believe in myself thanks to it. Believe that I can turn my passion into a profession, that this isn’t some pipe dream I’m not cut for. Thanks to you, all believing in me and showing me that I am worth something.
So I guess what I wanted to say is...thank you. Thank you, with all my heart, for making all of this possible 💝
I want to give back to you all in some way, and you sure ass hell deserve it, so once I get thru a bit of the work for the month I’m doing a poll to decide what y’all are getting. Thank you once again, I love you all so very much!
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