webdraw · 1 year
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elvenknightart · 6 months
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reportwire · 1 year
JMIR Medical Education Launches Special Issue on the Use of ChatGPT in Medical Education, After New Study Finds ChatGPT Passes the United States Medical Licensing Examination
Newswise — A study published on February 8, 2023, in JMIR Medical Education, a leading open access journal on digital medical education, evaluated the potential of ChatGPT, a natural language processing model, as a medical education tool. The study found that ChatGPT reaches the equivalent of a passing score for a third-year medical student. Conducted by researchers from Yale University School of…
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由加拿大維多利亞大學在JMIR Serious Games上發表的一項研究的一部分 ,主題為"檢查和比較虛擬實境健身遊戲(超自然)兩種模式的能量���耗:間接熱量測定研究"由維多利亞大學的 Ryan Rhodes 博士領導, Tabitha Craig 和 Yoah Sui 博士共同撰寫。該研究衡量 VR 健身應用程式對人情緒的影響程度。在兩次會議中,24 人參與了Supernatural的兩種不同模式,Supernatural 是 Meta Quest 上 VR 健身應用程式。測量身體活動/健康狀況,包括心率、燃燒的卡路里和情緒變化。  研究結果顯示,《Supernatural》的一般運動屬於高強度活動,能夠幫助人們達到每週75分鐘的劇烈活動建議標準,這是150分鐘中低強度體育活動建議時間的一半。此外,全身心肺運動「Supernatural…
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lilou-a-ppr · 2 months
"Internet health information seeking and the patient-physician relationship: A systematic review."
Tan, Sharon Swee-Lin, and Nadee Goonawardene. 2017. "Internet Health Information Seeking and the Patient-Physician Relationship: A Systematic Review." Journal of Medical Internet Research, 19(1), e9–e9. https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.5729
- They found that patients used different strategies to disclose their online research findings, revealing factors that challenged or supported such disclosure.
- One facilitator was doctors inquiring about what patients had found. Barriers were patients anticipated feelings of embarrassment or fear of reprisal or damage to the relationship.
- Demographic differences also had an impact on patients' disclosure. Patients are reluctant to share in a culture where the patient-physician relationship is paternalistic. Additionally, men and patients who trust their ability to critically evaluate data openly discuss their findings more often than women.
Among the reviewed studies, more patients did not feel that disclosing medical online research negatively affected their relationship with their doctor.
However, in some cases, that disclosure triggered conflicts and disagreements about data interpretation. When patients received negative feedback from their physician, they felt very dissatisfied (49%), while patients who received positive feedback felt more confident and optimistic about that relationship.
Finally, patients who use and positively share medical online research with their doctors feel more empowered and satisfied and find the consultation more effective, respectful, and collaborative overall.
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usagoodnews · 3 months
Why you shouldn't rely on ChatGPT for exercise suggestions yet
You might be tempted to use artificial intelligence to help you design a training program, but tools like ChatGPT could lead you astray, a recent analysis shows. When researchers examined ChatGPT’s training recommendations, they found that the tool did not meet guidelines considered standard among medical professionals, according to an analysis published in the journal JMIR Medical Education.…
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david843346 · 7 months
Health Information Exchange Market: Global Demand Analysis & Opportunity Outlook 2035
Research Nester’s recent market research analysis on “Health Information Exchange Market: Global Demand Analysis & Opportunity Outlook 2035” delivers a detailed competitors analysis and a detailed overview of the global health information exchange market in terms of market segmentation by type, end user, and by region.
Growing Adoption of Electronic Health Records to Promote Global Market Share of Health Information Exchange
The widespread adoption of EHR systems has created a vast amount of patient data, necessitating efficient HIE systems for seamless data exchange. The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) reported that the adoption of certified EHRs by non-federal acute care hospitals in the United States increased from 72% in 2011 to 96% in 2019, highlighting the growing need for HIEs.
HIEs streamline healthcare processes by eliminating the need for manual data entry, reducing paperwork, and improving the efficiency of information exchange. HIEs contribute to enhanced patient safety by providing healthcare professionals with access to complete and accurate patient information, reducing the risk of medical errors. HIEs enable better care coordination by facilitating the exchange of patient information among healthcare providers. This leads to improved patient outcomes and reduced healthcare costs.
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Some of the major growth factors and challenges that are associated with the growth of the global health information exchange market are:
Growth Drivers:
•        Increasing Improved Care Coordination
•        Growing Patient Safety
HIEs involve the exchange of sensitive patient health information, raising concerns about data privacy and security. Safeguarding patient data from unauthorized access, breaches, and identity theft is crucial. Compliance with data protection regulations, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the United States, adds complexity to HIE implementations. Implementing and maintaining HIE infrastructure can be costly for healthcare organizations, especially smaller providers with limited resources.
The directed exchange segment is to garner a highest revenue by the end of 2035 by growing at a significant CAGR over the forecast period. Directed Exchange can involve patients in the exchange of their health information, allowing them to share their records with designated recipients, such as other healthcare providers or family members. A study published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) found that patients who actively participated in Directed Exchange reported higher levels of engagement and satisfaction with their care. Directed Exchange facilitates efficient referrals and consultations between healthcare providers, allowing for timely access to specialist expertise and reducing unnecessary duplicate tests or procedures.
By region, the Europe health information exchange market is to generate a notable revenue by the end of 2035. Many European countries have introduced healthcare IT strategies and policies that encourage the implementation of HIE systems. Governments provide financial incentives, regulatory support, and standards to foster interoperability and data exchange among healthcare providers. The free movement of patients within the European Union and the increasing cross-border healthcare services necessitate efficient health data exchange between different countries' healthcare systems.
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ishuran · 8 months
Vol.166 「カンタン」でも飛びついてはいけない、線虫N-NOSE検査
【記事1】 「カンタン」でも飛びついてはいけない、線虫N-NOSE検査
線虫によるがん検査、最近では仲間由紀恵さんを使った広告を目にされたことのある方も多いかと思います。 私は電車の吊り広告で見かけたことあるのですが、こんなTV-CMまでやっています。 (そういえば、以前は、あのジャニーズの社長になった東山さんがCMに出ていましたね)
 ■「線虫がん検査【N-NOSE】TVCM 『要件だけ』篇 30秒」(HIROTSUバイオサイエンス) 線虫が尿に含まれる「がん特有の匂い」を検知する特殊能力を持つとし、その技術を活用して「N-NOSE」という商品名で、「世界初の線虫がん検査」を世に出しているHIROTSUバイオサイエンス社。
いつの間にか、評価額が10億ドルを超える未上場のスタートアップ企業、いわゆる「ユニコーン」になっています。 この線虫検査、本メルマガでも一度取り上げたことがあります。
 ■「Vol.141 どうなの?”精度86%”の『尿一滴の線虫がん検査』の真の実力」(イシュランメルマガ)
この時書いたように、そもそも当時の論文情報から判断するに、実際に検査として使うには特異度が低く、「実力不足」と考えていました。 今、HIOTSU社のHP上では、線虫検査の感度と特異度について、
がん患者を「がん」と判定する確率(感度):86.3% 健常者を「がんではない」と判定する確率(特異度):90.8%
と記載されています。本当にこの通りであれば、良いのですが… 実は、「虚飾のユニコーン」と題し、NewsPicksで今月6回シリーズで特集があり、医療界隈のSNSで大きな話題となりました。
会場内がざわめいたのは、宮崎鶴田記念クリニックの藤田晴吾・がん診断センター院長が、次のデータを示した時だった。 がんと診断されたばかりの10人の患者から了承をもらい、それぞれの患者の尿でN-NOSEを受けたところ、10人全員がAまたはB判定、つまり低リスク(陰性)の結果が返ってきたというのだ。
もし、本当に感度86.3%の実力値があるとしたら、本当はがんなのに陰性として判定してしまう確率は真の陽性者1人あたり13.7%です。 10人続けて「外す」確率は、13.7%x13.7%x13.7%…. と13.7%の「10乗」となりますので、0.00000023%。
つまりほぼありえないわけで、感度86.3%は全く信じられない数値になります。 もう一つ記事で印象的だったのが、「ブラインド検査はしない」というHIROTSU社の方針です。 「ブラインド検査」は、尿の検体が真の陽性者or陰性者のものなのかわからない状態で判定し、その判定がどの程度真の陽性or陰性と一致するのかを見るやり方です。 「ブラインド検査」でないということは、最初からその尿が本当は陽性なのか陰性なのかわかった状態で検査するということになります。
検査結果に手心を加える余地を残してしまいかねず、これだと検査結果は信用し難いのです。 この記事を見る限り、線虫検査のN-NOSEは信頼に足る検査結果を出せているとは全く言えません。 「カンタン」な検査ではあるし、「早期発見」の方が完治の確率が高まる、というのは事実でも、慌てて飛び付くべきではない検査と心得ましょう。
【記事2】信頼できる?できない?ソーシャルメディア上のがん情報 ─────────────────────────
それ以前は、がん関連の言葉を検索すると、怪しげな治療を行なっているクリニックのサイトが検索上位を占居するなど、目を覆わんばかりの惨状でした。 それに対し、Googleが英断を下したのが6年ほど前。
医療や健康に関連する検索結果の改善について 2017年12月6日水曜 Google では、今週、日本語検索におけるページの評価方法をアップデートしました。 この変更は、医療や健康に関する検索結果の改善を意図したもので、例えば医療従事者や専門家、医療機関等から提供されるような、より信頼性が高く有益な情報が上位に表示されやすくなります。本アップデートは医療・健康に関連する検索のおよそ 60% に影響します。Google では、医療や健康だけに限らず、今後も継続的に検索の改善に取り組んで行きます。
ということで、今では病気の名前や薬の名前など、医療系の検索ワードを入れると、基本的には信頼性の高いと思われるサイトが上位に並びます。 (ただし例外はありますし、広告費を払って一番上や一番下の目立つ場所に掲載されるサイトは怪しいものが並びますので、そこは注意してください)
しかし、最近は若めの世代の人たちは、Twitter、Instagram、Youtubeといったソーシャルメディア上で直接検索する人も増えてきています。 となると、ソーシャルメディア上での情報は信頼できるものなのでしょうか?
 ■ “Fact-Checking Cancer Information on Social Media in Japan: Retrospective Study Using Twitter”「日本におけるソーシャルメディア上のがん情報のファクトチェック:Twitterを用いたレトロスペクティブ研究」(JMIR Publications)
・有害な情報は安全な情報の95倍の「いいね」が付いていた ・誤りの情報は、正しい情報の29倍「リツイート」(自分がフォローしていた人のツイートをそのまま自分のフォロ���ーにツイートすること。メールの”転送”みたいなものですね)されていた
・有害な情報は、安全な情報の35倍「リツイート」されていた まあ、安全な情報とか正しい情報ってのは、そうではないものと比べるとつまらないのが相場で、”注目を獲得してナンボ”というソーシャルメディアでは、どうしても埋もれがちになります。
配信した内容とは無関係の質問でも結構です。必ずお返事いたします。 メールマガジンの内容の引用、紹介、転送も、どんどんやっていただいて構いません。
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[ad_1] A brand new learn about by way of researchers at College of California San Diego Faculty of Drugs provides to the canon of study associating bodily task with cognitive efficiency, this time the use of 90 middle-aged and older topics who wore accelerometers whilst bodily energetic and finished cell cognitive trying out from house. "The way forward for way of life interventions actually must be remote-based," stated Raeanne Moore, PhD, affiliate professor within the Division of Psychiatry at UC San Diego Faculty of Drugs and predominant investigator of the learn about. "The pandemic has made this particularly transparent." At the days their bodily task higher, the learn about discovered, the 50- to 74-year-old contributors carried out extra successfully on an govt serve as job, and at the days when their bodily task reduced, so too did their cognitive efficiency. The findings printed Jan. 31, 2022 within the magazine JMIR mHealth and uHealth. "It used to be an excessively linear dating," Moore stated. "We hypothesized that we might to find this, however we could not be sure that as a result of we were not telling other people to extend their bodily task. They simply did what they do each day." First writer Zvinka Zlatar, PhD, a medical psychologist at UC San Diego Faculty of Drugs, added: "Long term interventions, wherein we ask other people to extend their bodily task, will lend a hand us resolve if day-to-day adjustments in bodily task result in day-to-day good points in cognition measured remotely or vice versa." The correlation between bodily task and cognition remained when changes have been made for more than a few co-morbidities, akin to HIV standing, age, intercourse, schooling and race/ethnicity. However it held just for individuals who serve as dependently -- who depend on others to accomplish the duties of day-to-day residing, akin to managing family actions or paying the expenses. "For them, bodily task will have a better get advantages on day-to-day, real-world cognitive efficiency," Moore stated, a discovering in line with analysis into Alzheimer's illness and similar dementias. Despite the fact that it did not fall inside the purview of this learn about, Moore speculated that, as a result of functionally impartial adults most probably carry out extra cognitively stimulating and social actions, which can be recognized to have sure affects on mind well being, bodily task will have much less of an affect on cognition. Moore and Zlatar stated their paintings has implications for the advance of novel virtual well being interventions to maintain mind well being in growing old. "We do not know but if there is a cumulative, long-term impact to those small day-to-day fluctuations in cognition," Zlatar stated. "That is one thing we plan to check subsequent -- to peer if acting bodily task at other intensities over the years, in unsupervised settings, can produce long-term enhancements in mind well being and sustained conduct exchange." Co-authors come with: Bin Tang, Anne Heaton, David J. Moore and Michael Higgins, all at UC San Diego; Laura M. Campbell, Joint Doctoral Program in Scientific Psychology, San Diego State College/UC San Diego; Spencer Gabin, College of San Diego; and Joel Swendsen, Nationwide Heart for Clinical Analysis, College of Bordeaux and Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes PSL Analysis College. Investment for this analysis got here, partially, from the Nationwide Institute of Psychological Well being. [ad_2] #Mind #serve as #boosted #day-to-day #bodily #task #middleaged #older #adults #ScienceDaily
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itsjustxj-blog · 1 year
Uniting Gamers: Exploring the Power of Gaming Communities
Communities centred around video games have grown into a significant phenomenon, connecting people with common interests and creating environments where friendship and support thrive (Mäyrä 2015). The purpose of this article is to delve into the heart of gaming communities by discussing their positive effects on gamers, the various ways they can manifest themselves, and the opportunities they present for socialisation, mutual aid, and personal development.
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The Essence of Gaming Communities
Shared Passion: Communities of gamers get together online to talk about their favourite games, trade tips, and meet new people who share their passion.
Inclusivity and Diversity: Communities centred on video games attract people of all ages, genders, and walks of life, regardless of location or demographics.
Collaboration and Competition: Both competitive play, in which players push each other to develop their skills and engage in friendly competition, and cooperative play, in which players work together to achieve common goals, are possible in communities.
(Goodman et al. 2018)
Forms of Gaming Communities
Online Forums and Social Platforms: Gamer communities can grow and thrive in online communities like gaming-specific forums, subreddits, and social media sites.
Multiplayer Games: Community elements are an integral part of many multiplayer games, allowing players to interact with one another, join teams, and take part in either cooperative or competitive play (Seay et al. 2004).
Esports and Competitive Gaming:Professional gaming is the focus of the esports community, which brings together players, teams, coaches, and fans in a mutually beneficial environment.
Gaming Events and Conventions: Video gaming competitions, developer panels, and socialising with like-minded fans all happen in person at conventions and events.
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Benefits of Gaming Communities
Social Interaction and Belonging: Online gaming groups may be a wonderful place to make friends and find community since they bring people together who share a common interest.
Learning and Skill Development: As a member of a community, you may pick the brains of seasoned gamers, swap tips, and work together to improve your gaming abilities (Seay et al. 2004).
Emotional Support and Well-being: During trying times, gamers may find peace in online gaming forums, where they may talk to others who understand what they're going through and offer advice or comfort..
Creativity and Personal Expression: Communities encourage members to express themselves creatively and connect with like-minded individuals through means such as fan art, fan writing, streaming, content creation, and modding..
Personal Growth and Leadership: Leadership roles in gaming communities allow members to host events, train newbies, and gain experience in areas like communication, problem solving, and teamwork.
(Goodman et al. 2018)
Mäyrä, F., 2015. Exploring gaming communities. In The Video Game Debate (pp. 153-175). Routledge.
Goodman, W., McFerran, E., Purves, R., Redpath, I. and Beeken, R.J., 2018. The untapped potential of the gaming community: narrative review. JMIR Serious Games, 6(3), p.e10161.
Seay, A.F., Jerome, W.J., Lee, K.S. and Kraut, R.E., 2004, April. Project Massive: A study of online gaming communities. In CHI'04 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems (pp. 1421-1424).
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elvenknightart · 6 months
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queergamingdc · 1 year
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Rivera, Sien. "From Battleground to Playground: The Video Game Avatar as Transitional Phenomenon for a Transgender Patient." Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, vol. 70, no. 3, 06/2022, pp. 485-510, doi:10.1177/00030651221104487. LINK.
Abidin, Crystal. "Yes Homo: Gay Influencers, Homonormativity, and Queerbaiting on YouTube." Continuum (Mount Lawley, W.A.), vol. 33, no. 5, 09/2019, pp. 614-629, doi:10.1080/10304312.2019.1644806. LINK. 
Potts, Amanda. "‘LOVE YOU GUYS (NO HOMO)’ how Gamers and Fans Play with Sexuality, Gender, and Minecraft on YouTube." Critical Discourse Studies, vol. 12, no. 2, 04/2015, pp. 163-186, doi:10.1080/17405904.2014.974635. LINK.
STREET, ZOYA. “Queering Games History: Complexities, Chaos, and Community.” Queer Game Studies, edited by BONNIE RUBERG and ADRIENNE SHAW, University of Minnesota Press, 2017, pp. 35–42. JSTOR, LINK.
Fatima Zahrae Chrifi Alaoui (2023) “You Know It’s Different in the Game Man”: Technodesiring, Technorelating, and TechnoBlackness as Analytical Modes of Queer Worldmaking in Black Mirror’s, “Striking Vipers”, Journal of Homosexuality, 70:1, 192-209, LINK.
Engel Maureen, “Perverting Play: Theorizing a Queer Gaming Mechanic” Television & New MediaVolume 18, Issue 4: Special Issue: Urban Cartographies: Mapping Mobility and Presence, May 2017, LINK
Kelly Murphy Samantha, “The dark side of Discord for teens” CNN Business, Mar 2022, LINK
Lucassen, Mathijs, et al. "How LGBT+ Young People Use the Internet in Relation to Their Mental Health and Envisage the Use of E-Therapy: Exploratory Study." JMIR Serious Games, vol. 6, no. 4, 2018, https://doi.org/10.2196/11249. LINK 
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myfscollective · 1 year
We're never lost if we can find each other
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Facebook's ad titled "We're never lost if we can find each other," released on April 1, 2020, is all about connecting people and promoting the use of Facebook's platform to stay connected with loved ones. It features people from all over the world using Facebook's various features that, include Facebook posts and video calls to communicate and stay connected amidst the pandemic. The message is clear: no matter how far apart we are physically, we can still stay connected and find each other through Facebook. The advertisement aims to cater to individuals who are looking for ways to stay connected with their loved ones during the COVID-19 pandemic. The ad targets people of all ages and backgrounds, which implies that Facebook is a platform that can be used by anyone regardless of age or location as well as individuals who are looking for ways to stay updated on the latest news and events. The products advertised to the target audience may not necessarily be good for them, as excessive use of social media platforms can have negative effects on one's mental health. However, the ad does not encourage the overuse of the platform and only encourages people to use it to stay connected with their loved ones. As observed, it does not show any indications or intentions of manipulation. Instead, it captures viewers' attention by using emotional storytelling and a relatable message. The ad shows how people from all over the world are using Facebook to stay connected during the pandemic, which is a relevant and relatable topic for many individuals during those times. According to a study by Abbas et al. (2021), social media usage has increased significantly during the pandemic, it was discovered by the researchers a significant increase on the use of social media was observed since the pandemic began. Another study published in the JMIR Publications in pediatrics and parenting, found that social media use can have positive effects on mental health, such as reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety (Vaingankar et al., 2022). With this in mind, the overuse of social media platforms can have negative effects on mental health, while the video advertisement promotes the use of Facebook as a platform to stay connected with loved ones during the pandemic. This advertisement serves as an effective tool for promoting social connectivity during unprecedented times due to its effectiveness in non-contact interactions.
Abbas, J., Wang, D., Su, Z., & Ziapour, A. (2021). The role of social media in the advent of COVID-19 pandemic: Crisis management, mental health challenges and implications. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, 2021(14), 1917–1932. https://www.dovepress.com/the-role-of-social-media-in-the-advent-of-covid-19-pandemic-crisis-man-peer-reviewed-fulltext-article-RMHP
McGill, B. (2020, April 1). Facebook COVID-19 film delivers the message that “we’re never lost if we can find each other.” Branding in Asia Magazine. https://www.brandinginasia.com/facebook-covid-19-film-delivers-the-message-that-were-never-lost-if-we-can-find-each-other/
Vaingankar, J. A., Dam, R. M. van, Samari, E., Chang, S., Seow, E., Chua, Y. C., Luo, N., Verma, S., & Subramaniam, M. (2022). Social media–driven routes to positive mental health among youth: Qualitative enquiry and concept mapping study. JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting, 5(1), e32758. https://doi.org/10.2196/32758
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lilou-a-ppr · 2 months
"Are physicians ready for patients with Internet-based health information?"
Ahmad, Farah, Pamela L. Hudak, Kim Bercovitz, Elisa Hollenberg, and Wendy Levinson. 2006. "Are Physicians Ready for Patients with Internet-Based Health Information?" Journal of Medical Internet Research, 8(3), 8–e22. https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.8.3.e22
- They found that physicians are concerned about patients' increased anxiety and lack of critical thinking when bringing inaccurate findings.
- Physicians are also concerned about parsing out poor-quality data and arguing with patients about effective treatment plans and time constraints.
- Finally, physicians were reluctant to take on new responsibilities. They were not inclined to face patients' resistance and redesign the consultation visits with more allotted time and extra research.
Ahmad et al.'s study highlights the potential challenges different generations of doctors may face. Older physicians may need to be more adequately trained to understand new online tools that provide e-health information.
They may also feel overwhelmed with the new responsibility of parsing inaccurate data and providing adequate literature. They may feel it is challenging their medical authority and want to avoid investing in further training.
Physicians with very few years of practice or who feel familiar with online tools may be able to pivot quickly to engage with their patients and enhance a more collaborative relationship.
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janardana14 · 1 year
Week 3 MDA 20009, Why can Tumblr be useful as a forum for digital communities?
There are many digital online platforms that are very popular and can be used by the wider community to share opinions or news according to certain aspects such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and one of them is Tumblr. Tumblr is one of the digital media platforms that has existed since 2007, According to (Kelleher, Moreno & Wilt 2018 p. 2) A social media platform popular among young people is Tumblr, which allows the creation and display of profiles anonymously. On the other hand according to (Keller 2019, p.7) This platform differs from other social media in several ways, the most significant of which may be the absence of personal profiles or "friend" networks, which makes it difficult to identify the owners of many anonymously created "Tumblr". It is because of this that Tumblr has become a safe and comfortable environment to  and comfortable environment to give their opinion or post about something without invading privacy.  In connection with the reading topic in week 3 which discusses #bodypositivity, Tumblr is one solution for women who want to post or express themselves who feel insecure in accepting their body shape because Tumblr itself has an anonymous profile display so that privacy will be maintained because our profile is not displayed. This would be a different thing especially for women if we discuss body positivity in other online digital platforms because on the other hand, women who post sexually explicit images on social media sites such as Instagram or Facebook usually face greater reactions and become targets of "slut-shaming" and "victim-blaming" according to (Miller, Reif & Taddicken 2022, p. 6). This negative backlash has led to a finding called the popularity paradox, which states that many social media users are reluctant to share images that deviate from sociocultural norms or ideals for fear of negative responses from other users according to (Miller, Reif & Taddicken 2022, p. 4).  From the above, that is why Tumblr can be used as one of the places for digital communities to express themselves and be more courageous to voice their opinions and have a better opportunity to express their views.
Reference :
Reif, A, Miller, I & Taddicken, M 2022, “‘Love the skin you‘re in’: An analysis of women’s self-presentation and user reactions to selfies using the Tumblr hashtag #bodypositive,” Mass Communication and Society, pp. 1–24.
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congdecoration1 · 1 year
Cách bố trí ghế sofa trong phòng khách nhà ống nhỏ hợp phong thủy hút tài lộc
It is a great pleasure to announce that the paper “The Effect of a Mobile Health Intervention on Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior of Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial”, authored by Drs. S.M.M. Eisma, P.M. Bongers, J.G.M. Bolman, M.J.H. Huijg, J.J. van der Klink, S.A.R.B. Riphagen, and S.M.H. Rutten, has been accepted for publication in JMIR mHealth and uHealth. The article is part of the research project ‘Life Changing mHealth’, funded by ZonMW, and conducted by the research group ‘eHealth and Telemedicine’ at the University of Twente. The article can be found here. Abstract Background: Physical inactivity and sedentary behavior are important risk factors for chronic diseases and mortality in older adults. Mobile health (mHealth) interventions can be used to increase physical activity and reduce sedentary behavior. Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the effects of an mHealth intervention on physical activity and sedentary behavior in older adults. Methods: A total of 101 older adults were randomized to an intervention group (n=51) or a control group (n=50). The intervention group received a Fitbit Charge HR, an activity tracker, and a custom-made app with tailored feedback and social comparison. The - irasi9g25z
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