#jo watches sera myu
solarmiracle-makeup · 4 years
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Chibi Chibi:
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platygalk · 6 years
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@blueflamed-penguin, look who I drew~!
Jo Hot facts shall be added below as I think of them. Fact 1: Jo Hot’s birthday is on January 3rd, and is 19 years old at the time Chika’s Adventures in Fangirl Land take place. Fact 2: Jo Hot wears sandals. Fact 3: Jo Hot has a dangirl ( Because “ Dang, Jo Hot! “ ) named Byula. Fact 4: Jo Hot and Byula have a son named Yukine, who lives in the sewers cleaning Jo Hot’s chick magnet. Fact 5: Jo Hot and Byula were apparently 5 when they had Yukine. Fact 6: Jo Hot really hates Rin Okumura, and insists that he is “ not hot demon boy. “ Fact 7: Jo Hot’s hotness allows him to melt cheese. Fact 8: Jo Hot does not melt cheese for a living, however. Fact 9: Jo Hot can shoot cheese webs, has cheese pouring from his pores, and can even melt into a puddle of cheese in order to hide in small places such as briefcases and sewer drains. Fact 10: Jo Hot thinks 2% milk is made from cheese. Fact 11: Jo Hot hates soy milk for not being made of cheese. Fact 12: Jo Hot has a pet owl named Jo Hoot. Fact 13: Jo Hot’s owl, Jo Hoot, is in love with a blue-haired waitress named Fred who works at the local Olive Garden. Fact 14: Jo Hot is in love with 13-year-old Chika, despite everyone pointing out how creepy that is. Fact 15: Jo Hot likes using long chains of honorifics that don’t make any sense. Example: “ CHI-NYAN-TAN-TAN-KUN-CHAMA-LULU-SAMA-SAN-CHAN-NYAN-OKA-OTO-ONII-ONEE-TAMA-YAMA-LLAMA-RAMA-TAMA-YAMA-LLAMAM-RAMA-DOOMA-LOOMA-OOMA-LOOMA-OOMPA-LOOMPA-DING-DONG-WATASHI NO AI-HIMMMMEEEEE-CHAN-PI-ADDRESSO-GAMNI-KAMNI-PANINI-CHOWDER-DANCEU-LLAMA-RAMA-SING-SONG-TONG-RONG-YONG-WONG-YUMMU-HIIIIIIIIIIIIMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~~~ “ Fact 16: Everyone except Byula finds Jo Hot incredibly annoying. Fact 17: Jo Hot’s melted cheese can be used as a light source. Fact 18: Jo Hot used to have a curly moustache, but it was actually just a seaweed moustache given to him by Andrea the smokin’ ugly mermaid. Fact 19: Jo Hot wears Sailor Moon underwear. Fact 20: Jo Hot owns a highschool schoolgirl uniform. Fact 21: Jo Hot says “ Hydrodynamics “ when stressed. Fact 22: Jo Hot owns a hydrodynamic spatula With port and starboard attachments. He uses it to fly away through the window. Fact 23: Jo Hot’s cheese can also be used to melt window sceens. Fact 24: Jo Hot keeps a squeaky puppy chew toy in his pocket. Fact 25: Jo Hot also owns a sombrero. Fact 26: Jo Hot is secretly the main character. Fact 27: Jo Hot is rather hairy. Fact 28: Jo Hot can make cheese soup. Fact 29: Jo Hot can use his cheese to glue doors back together. Fact 30: Jo Hot watches Ouran Highschool Host Club, and is also reading the manage- mango- mafia- mania- M A N G A. Fact 31: Jo hot leaks cheese from his strawberry-colored lips. Fact 32: His lips are very red. They bleed green blood as his hotness burned his skin, but then the cheese fixes the wounds. Fact 33: Jo Hot kidnapped Chika and took her to the dumpster near Oliver Garden to marry her, but was actually just pretending in order to get Rin riled up. Fact 34: Jo Hot’s cheese senses allow him to sense when Rin is coming after him, usually to beat him up for kidnapping Chika. Fact 35: Jo hot also owns a Hawaiian shirt that his chest hair sticks out the top of, since he doesn’t button the top. Fact 36: Jo Hot bought an RV by selling Chika’s vanity. Fact 37: Chika doesn’t own a vanity. Fact 38: It was actually Jo Hot’s vanity. Fact 39: Jo Hot named his RV the S.S. JO IS HOT. Chika dislikes the name. Fact 40: Jo Hot’s favorite energy drink is called “ Ninja Turtle Energy Drink - Have the Stamina of a Dragon, baby~~!~ “ and he drank it to stay up driving all night. Fact 41: Jo Hot giggles like a schoolgirl. Fact 42: After crashing the RV trying to avoid a snake in the road, Jo Hot picked out a hotel to stay in while the Chargas family fixed it. Fact 43: It was a love hotel. Fact 44: Jo Hot wears a special t-shirt that absorbs the cheese that leaks out of his mouth while he sleeps and transport it to the moon.. Fact 45: Jo Hot  drew on the shirt with a marker to say "property of Chika-Tan-Tan-Tan-Tan-Tan-Tan-Tan-Nyan-Chan-Kun-San-Pi-Lu-Pu-Ao-no-ai-hiimmeeee~!" Fact 46: Jo Hot left a huge bucket of cheese in the wilderness for the Chargas family to fight over later as thanks for fixing the totaled RV. Fact 47: Jo Hot also owns a cheese-shaped sweat suit. Fact 48: Jot Hot was driving to the Sera Myu musical, which he got tickets to by bribing the people with cheese money. Fact 49: It wasn’t the actual Sera Myu performance, but instead was “ Sailor Jo Moon “ Jo Hot in a yellow sailor outfit and performing his own love songs to Chika. Fact 50: Jo Hot tranforms into a yellow chinstrap penguin whenever he uses Google Translate to try and speak French. Fact 51: Jo Hot has a laser that covers whatever it hits in cheese. Fact 52: Jo Hot supposedly has an Uncle Lou, who he claims is girly. Fact 53: Jo Hot’s name comes from a typo of the word Johto, and was originally from a Pokemon fanfiction. Fact 54: Jo Hot called Rin a potato. Fact 55: Jo Hot wants to eat all of your pudding. Fact 56: Jo Hot wants to recruit a hamster army and become one himself. Fact 57: Jo Hot’s first recruit to the hamster army is a pet hamster he named Cheddar. Fact 58: Jo Hot owns a set of Sailor Moon silverwear, which he eats with every night. Fact 59: Jo Hot has cheese shaped like Chika’s wonderful face. Fact 60: Jo Hot can play the ukulele. He does so while singing love songs to Chika. Fact 61: Jo Hot can shoot cheese out of the bottoms of his feet and fly away like a rocket.
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solarmiracle-makeup · 4 years
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I just love the effects during the transformations in the Nogizaka46 musicals!!
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solarmiracle-makeup · 4 years
Watching Sailor Moon musicals with my sister :)
I asked my sister if she had any thoughts/comments about the musicals that she’s seen so far so that I could post them here.
So far she’s seen (not in this order):
Usagi – Ai no Senshi e no Michi
Yume Senshi – Ai – Eien ni… (Kaiteiban) – Saturn Fukkatsu Hen
 Sailor Stars and Sailor Stars Kaiteiban
 Eien Densetsu
 Shin Densetsu Kourin
 Kaguya Shima Densetsu Kaiteiban
 All 4 of the Dracul musicals
Tanjou! Ankoku no Princess Black Lady
10th Anniversary Festival – Ai no Sanctuary  
Petite Étrangère 
Un Nouveau Voyage
Le Mouvement Final
Nogizaka46 Team Moon and Team Star
Her favorite actors are:
Sailor Moon: Anza Ooyama and Miyuki Kanbe
Sailor Mercury: Chieko Kawabe
Sailor Mars: Megumi Yoshida
Sailor Jupiter: Minami Umezawa
Sailor Pluto: Yuuko Hosaka (“She has really strong mom-energy and seems like the most responsible of the group”), Mikako Ishii, and Seiko Nakazawa
Sailor Saturn: Ayami Kakiuchi and Karin Takahashi
Sailor Uranus: Nao Takagi
Sailor Neptune: Yuuka Asami
Sailor Chibi Moon: Ayano Gunji
She said there was a Sailor Venus that she really liked but she couldn’t remember which one.
Okay, so here’s what she remembers from the musicals she’s seen. I can’t guarantee that this is going to make 100% sense because we were being really silly when I was asking for her thoughts. I probably should’ve asked for her thoughts as we were watching them because she couldn’t remember a lot from some of them, but I’ll do that moving forward :)
Yume Senshi – Ai – Eien ni… (Kaiteiban) – Saturn Fukkatsu Hen: “That Pegasus made me feel scared, I couldn’t tell if it was flying away from or towards me. There should’ve been more Hawkseye” (because Hawkseye is played by Hikari Ono)
Sailor Stars/Sailor Stars Kaiteiban/Eien Densetsu:
“These 3 Lights are my favorites because they are the nicest and they vibe with the other guardians” (in comparison to the 3 Lights in Le Mouvement Final and in the anime)
Kaguya Shima Densetsu Kaiteiban: “The pirates doing their walk is my last few brain cells” (about Kern, Serpen, and Kraken doing that weird walk where they are kind of crawling?? I don’t know how to describe it??)
Dracul musicals:
“Why doesn’t Michiru just bite Haruka and then they can be vampires together?”
“I couldn’t wait until the second one because you told me Vampir was in it, but everyone was mean to her and she just wanted her dad to be there for her, and when she changed her outfit to look like the cool kids he didn’t like it. Also Le Fay wanted to wear matching mother-daughter outfits”
When Vampir says “Damn it!” in “All of You Shall Die” my sister said “Did she forget her line?!” (she didn’t realize that it was part of the song).
Un Nouveau Voyage:
 “You didn’t prepare me, I wasn’t ready for the Haruka!! You told me she was an idol, but I didn’t realize she was that kind of performer. I’m not mad, I’m just surprised, I was just so confused” (about Haruka’s idol performance at the beginning of the musical).
“Professor Tomoe doesn’t win father of the year award”
 “This Michiru is baby, she looks really young”
Petite Étrangère:
“Sapphir was like ‘Demande, I think you’re being tricked’, and Demande was like ‘Don’t ask questions, just leave it to me’. And that didn’t work out well”.
“Maybe this is more manga-based and I haven’t read the manga, but how upset Usagi was over Chibiusa felt really exaggerated. It seemed like she tolerated her more in the anime and the other musicals. It felt really forced. I like Satomi better in Un Nouveau Voyage”
Le Mouvement Final:
“The 3 Lights were SO RUDE to Setsuna. THE DISRESPECT”
She said that Yaten (Saki Matsuda) reminded her of Yurio from Yuri on Ice. “Yaten is Yurio. If there were a Yuri on Ice musical, you’ve got a Yurio”.
“This Galaxia is terrifying”
10th Anniversary Festival – Ai no Sanctuary :
“Oh my god, they had matching jackets!! Happiest Happy Family!!” (We refer to the outers family as the Happy Family because they’re just so cute and we love them!!)
“I think Marina would’ve been a good Chibiusa. Or if they need an Usagi for like a flashback scene where Usagi was younger”
Her favorite songs are:
“Over the Moon”
“Dream Yume wa Ookiku”
“Onna Kaizoku no Sakusen”
“All of You Shall Die”
“Galaxia Gorgeous”
“Honoo no Messenger” 
“Chasin’ After You”
“See Me, Boku-tachi no Jidai”
“Traditional the Grace”
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solarmiracle-makeup · 4 years
Me watching Yuuka Asami in Starlights Ryuusei Densetsu:
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I was watching Starlights Ryuusei Densetsu with my sister last night and a lot of it was me cheering for Yuuka whenever she was on stage because she’s amazing.
I think the Starlights in that musical are really good too! Chinatsu Akiyama is so smiley, and Akiko Nakayama seemed so into her role, it was great :)
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solarmiracle-makeup · 4 years
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Okay, so last night I watched the 1996 SuperS musical with my sister (she really liked it!). This is the 3rd time I’ve seen it, and the circus auditions and then Usagi’s circus dream are always my favorite parts. I can always find the inner guardians, Setsuna, and Haruka during the dancing but not Michiru so I always assume that Michiru is the one sliding across the floor in the seal costume (I think it’s a seal??) and I am 100% here for this kind of silliness 😂
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