wortverlust · 2 years
I uhm.. well…hi? little post… I AM SO SORRY FOR VANISHING!!! (would love to promise, that this will never happen again….but, yeah...it could)
oh btw, I'm going to change my name to WORDLESS (thought it might be a little easier? kinda…idk man) and I deleted the commission post bc I got some strange mails…well yeah, that said, let's try to be a little more active now~
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wortverlust · 2 years
…oooohkaaay…ohSH*T...ohGOWD….ohmy…. I am SO sorry for vanishing into thin air… seriously… how can I make it up to you cuties?
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wortverlust · 2 years
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69 people voted! I am calculating…calculating…
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sooo…is the 69 on purpose…oooor not? like a little hint for me? for the next drawing?
also please, someone explain to me the 'vanilla extract'… I mean... whut does it mean?
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wortverlust · 2 years
So pretty humans… instead of replying to all the freaking LOVELY asks I recieved the past few months, I'm panning to drop in YOUR inbox instead (this upcoming week). Mostly bc I don't trust Tumblr… these private replies always end up somewhere over the rainbow…. well, the void propbably. And I'll go through my dms too...please I'm so BAD at replying. JEEZ!!!
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wortverlust · 2 years
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wortverlust · 2 years
soo…the reason why I wasn't on… actually, no good news under the cut:
Well… Spencer passed away and I needed some days to process this? The way it happend and that he's gone…(miss him to death but I can't change it). At least we kinda said goodbye to one another…like he knew what will happen (he probably did…urgh)
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wortverlust · 2 years
Hey everyone (: So…uhm… something came up and well, yeah. I need a few days. So just to let you all know I'll be back (: Thank you all in advance for understanding >_<
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wortverlust · 3 years
The thought is Levi working as a librarian... and that's the post.
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wortverlust · 3 years
I have 2 h freetime...time to draw.
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wortverlust · 2 years
Okay everyone… it's happening ^^;; if you see this right now, well… I got caught up with a few serious things in rl and wasn't able to draw nor to log in for a while. So…no requested drawings for the next few days/weeks T_T BUT I try to get back as soon as possible
In advance: Thank you all for understanding (: and I hope you all doin' well <333
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wortverlust · 3 years
Schedule / work in progress
Request and Song / character
I'm REALLY sorry for the long wait but I started to finish the requests randomly. Thanks for understanding :3 I'll try to post at least one sketch per day
based on fanfiction - have to read and ask the author for permission
I finished Summer rain so far - Scene for Superior
Short storys - Attack on Titan
literally no idea when I'm able to finish these :P
Titel: "Attention please" /humor (40% finished: sketch, text) [Erwin, Hanji, Levi, Moblit, Oluo]
Titel: "Totally normal" /humor (05% finished: just the text) [Hanji, Levi, Eren]
Titel: "A little room to break" /anxiety (60% finished: text, some panels) [Levi]
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wortverlust · 3 years
Just a little update:
As soon as I get home tonight I will start to draw and try to go through all of your asks <333 Also Merry Christmas to all of you (: and Happy Holidays!!!
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wortverlust · 2 years
Commission thingys/ thoughts
Okay…soooo… I tried to figure things out. (I swear…I may look like I have a plan, but I don't.)
So Ko-Fi basically is a no-no for NSFW art.
Parteon is a yep-yep for NSFW things. BUT… Patreon... litterally is… so much… and like idk if anyone is even interested in supporting monthly for idk 3$ - access to all SFW drawings/Sketches (full data size), 5$ all NSFW drawings/Sketches and 8$ for…early access and other shit I do? or less money… bc i really don't know ^^…
GOOD GOD I NEED HELP HERE ^^ basically there are just these options (or privately? via mail… etc. but…I'm pretty positive that I might lose the overview there) please, how does all this work?
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wortverlust · 3 years
I have an oral exam tomorrow...AFTER that, I'll answer to everything that flew in my inbox, so far ^^ meanwhile:
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wortverlust · 2 years
OKAY….I started playing Genshin Impact…
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wortverlust · 3 years
OI!!! I wanna try something ... Send me a song (title and interpret / artist) and a character (from Attack on Titan) in my inbox. The song doesn't have to fit the character. And I'll try to draw somethin' that comes to my mind.
(I can get to them next week ....and maybe switch between them and the requests... don't know if someone even wants to ^^)
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