#job websites in nigeria 2018
newstfionline · 3 years
Friday, May 7, 2021
60 years since 1st American in space: Tourists lining up (AP) Sixty years after Alan Shepard became the first American in space, everyday people are on the verge of following in his cosmic footsteps. Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin used Wednesday’s anniversary to kick off an auction for a seat on the company’s first crew spaceflight—a short Shepard-like hop launched by a rocket named New Shepard. The Texas liftoff is targeted for July 20, the date of the Apollo 11 moon landing. Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic aims to kick off tourist flights next year. And Elon Musk’s SpaceX will launch a billionaire and his sweepstakes winners in September. That will be followed by a flight by three businessmen to the International Space Station in January.
The U.S. birthrate is falling; other countries have faced the same problem (Washington Post) With the U.S. birthrate declining for the sixth year in a row and undergoing its largest drop in nearly 50 years, according to provisional data released Wednesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the United States is facing a dilemma with which many wealthy nations in Europe and Asia have long grappled. Instead of trying to ramp up immigration, some governments have tried subsidizing fertility treatments, offering free day care and generous parental leave, and paying thousands of dollars in cash grants to parents. But there’s little evidence that these policies have been effective on a large scale. South Korea, for instance, spent roughly $120 billion between 2005 and 2018 to incentivize having children, but its birthrate continued to fall. Singapore began offering new child-care subsidies, more-generous maternity leave policies and grants for new parents that today amount to $7,330 per baby. But those interventions didn’t reverse the trend: Singapore currently has the world’s third-lowest fertility rate. And Japan, Russia, Estonia and other nations have similar problems.
Protest road blockades halt Colombian coffee exports, federation says (Reuters) Road blockades connected to anti-government protests in Colombia, which marked their eighth day on Wednesday, have halted shipments of top agricultural export coffee, the head of the grower’s federation said. The protests, originally called in opposition to a now-canceled tax reform plan, are now demanding the government take action to tackle poverty, police violence and inequalities in the health and education systems. Twenty-four people, mostly demonstrators, have died. “We are stopped completely, exports are stopped, there is no movement of coffee to ports nor internally,” federation head Roberto Velez said in a phone interview.
20 dead in Rio de Janeiro shootout (Reuters) At least 20 people, including a police officer, died on Thursday in a shootout during a police operation against drug traffickers in Rio de Janeiro’s Jacarezinho shanty town, O Globo newspaper reported on its website. Two passengers on a metro train were also wounded in the shooting in the northern Rio neighborhood, the newspaper said.
Gunboats and blockade threats as U.K., France clash over fishing (NBC News) The U.K. and France were engaged in a naval standoff on Thursday as a long-simmering dispute over post-Brexit fishing rights escalated in the English Channel. France deployed two maritime patrol boats to the waters off the British Channel island of Jersey, its navy said, after the British Navy dispatched two of its own vessels to the area late Wednesday. The dueling moves came as a flotilla of French fishing trawlers sailed to the Jersey port of St. Helier to protest over fishing rights. The French government has suggested it could cut power supplies to the island if its fishermen are not granted full access to U.K. fishing waters under post-Brexit trading terms. Clément Beaune, the French secretary of state for European affairs, told AFP on Thursday that Paris will “not be intimidated” by the British. On the other side of the Channel, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson pledged his "unwavering support" for the island after he spoke with Jersey officials about the prospect of a French blockade. Jersey, the largest of the Channel Islands with a population of 108,000, is geographically closer to France than Britain. It sits just 14 miles off the French coast and receives most of its electricity from France via undersea cables.
Ukraine wants aid, NATO support from Blinken’s visit (AP) U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with his Ukrainian counterpart in Kyiv Thursday, telling him that he was there to “reaffirm strongly” Washington’s commitment to Ukraine’s “sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence.” Blinken also assured Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba that the U.S. was committed “to work with you and continue to strengthen your own democracy, building institutions, advancing your reforms against corruption.” By visiting so early in his tenure, before any trip to Russia, Blinken is signaling that Ukraine is a high foreign-policy priority for President Joe Biden’s administration. But what he can, or will, deliver in the meeting later with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is unclear.
India hits another grim record as it scrambles for oxygen supply (AP) Infections in India hit another grim daily record on Thursday as demand for medical oxygen jumped seven-fold and the government denied reports that it was slow in distributing life-saving supplies from abroad. The number of new confirmed cases breached 400,000 for the second time since the devastating surge began last month. The 412,262 cases pushed India’s tally to more than 21 million. The Health Ministry also reported 3,980 deaths in the last 24 hours, bringing the total to 230,168. Experts believe both figures are an undercount. Eleven COVID-19 patients died as the pressure in the oxygen line dropped suddenly in a government medical college hospital in Chengalpet town in southern India on Wednesday night, possibly because of a faulty valve, The Times of India newspaper reported. Hospital authorities said they had repaired the pipeline last week, but the consumption of oxygen doubled since then, the daily said.
Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid gains chance to form government, oust Netanyahu (Washington Post) Yair Lapid, a former news anchor and leader of Israel’s centrist opposition, was picked to negotiate a new governing coalition Wednesday, opening the possibility of Israel getting its first government not led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in more than a decade. President Reuven Rivlin tapped Lapid to make the next attempt to form a government one day after Netanyahu failed to assemble a parliamentary majority after 28 days of effort. Under Israel’s system, Lapid also has four weeks to craft a power-sharing plan. If he falls short, the president could open to the process to any member of the Knesset or call for Israel’s fifth election since the spring of 2019. Lapid will face a stiff challenge in trying to find common ground among the range of anti-Netanyahu parties elected in March. As a bloc, they would control enough seats to secure a majority. But ideologically, they range from the far right to the far left of Israel’s political spectrum. They also include Israeli Arab parties that traditionally play no part in supporting governing coalitions but that may be needed this time.
Instagram fuels rise in black-market sales of maids into Persian Gulf servitude (Washington Post) The advent of Instagram in recent years has helped create an international black market for migrant workers, in particular women recruited in Africa and Asia who are sold into servitude as maids in Persian Gulf countries. Unlicensed agents have exploited the social media platform to place these women into jobs that often lack documentation or assurances of proper pay and working conditions. Several women who were marketed via Instagram described being treated essentially as captives and forced to work grueling hours for far less money than they had been promised. “They advertise us on social media, then the employer picks. Then we are delivered to their house. We are not told anything about the employers. You’re just told to take your stuff, and a driver takes you there,” said Vivian, 24, from Kenya. Domestic servants sold on the platform described encountering threats, exploitation and abuse. The agencies which marketed them, meanwhile, made thousands of dollars. In response to a request for comment last month, an Instagram spokesperson asked for the list of accounts identified by The Post so company officials could investigate. Instagram has since deleted these accounts.
Nonuplets: Woman From Mali Gives Birth To 9 Babies (NPR) A Malian woman has given birth to nine babies, in what could become a world record. Halima Cissé had been expecting to have seven newborns: ultrasound sessions had failed to spot two of her babies. "The newborns (five girls and four boys) and the mother are all doing well," Mali's health minister, Dr. Fanta Siby, said in an announcement about the births. Professor Youssef Alaoui, medical director of the private Ain Borja clinic in Casablanca where Cissé gave birth, said the babies were born at 30 weeks. The newborns weighed between 500 grams and 1 kilogram (about 1.1 to 2.2 pounds), he told journalists. The clinic has deployed a team of around 30 staff members to aid the mother's delivery and care for her nine children.
Nigeria reels from nationwide wave of deadly violence (The Guardian) Nigeria’s president Muhammadu Buhari has come under mounting pressure from critics and allies alike as the country reels from multiple security crises that have claimed hundreds of lives in recent weeks. An alarming wave of violence has left millions in Africa’s most populous country in uproar at the collapse in security. Attacks by jihadist groups in the north-east have been compounded by a sharp rise in abductions targeting civilians in schools and at interstate links across Nigeria. Mass killings by bandit groups in rural towns, a reported rise in armed robberies in urban areas and increasingly daring attacks on security forces by pro-Biafran militants in the south-east have also all risen. In April alone, almost 600 civilians were killed across the country and at least 406 abducted by armed groups, according to analysis by the Council on Foreign Relations. The violence has left much of the country on edge and Buhari facing the fiercest criticism since he took office.
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georgietech · 3 years
The Innovative rise of Contract Management and Digital Signature: INHUBBER
So recently, I met someone from a cybersecurity webinar hosted by a top firm in the technology industry and we engaged in conversation. Raul is an employee of a business startup in Madrid, Spain. His company had been looking for a Cybersecurity consultant for a security audit of their company. After discussing with him for some days on the project, I had an interview with his employers and I got the job! It was great, I could offer my services to the success of a business but there was one problem.
How would we manage this?
I’m a Cybersecurity Professional in Nigeria working with a business in Spain, that's a lot. We needed a way to establish our contract seamlessly, a way to trust each other to agree to the terms that we had set, and that's when I remembered I had stumbled on a company page at a time in the past while checking businesses on LinkedIn, right now I’m so glad I could remember;
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Letting your contracts work for you
INHUBBER is a contract management and handling company in Berlin, Germany. I visited their website at https://inhubber.com/en/ and I had the perfect first impression of this company and the services that they offer.
INHUBBER is a Blockchain and AI digital signature management and contract management system based on SaaS. INHUBBER was founded by a group of researchers at the Humboldt University of Berlin, it simplifies and makes contracts understandable, interactive, and easy to maintain. It reduces the time, costs, and dangers connected with contract negotiation, creation, approval, and management. Just to give this organization more praise, it was founded in 2018 to be precise from an R&D project to no surprise. INHUBBER has received two competitive grants and has evolved into a software company specializing in cloud-based Contract Management and digital signature solutions, and that's not all!
By now, INHUBBER offers a digital signature, a repository, and an audit trail at the highest security level. The company is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund [EFRE] and to encourage research, innovation, and technology, it is sponsored by the State of Berlin as part of the ProFIT program. The use of blockchain saves costs, increases transparency, compliance, security and the implementation with AI makes it even better. It's a delight to see that a company has been able to identify an obvious need and has the services to effectively deliver and meet this need with an absolute touch of perfection.
Blockchain and AI Technology are a pair that isn't perfected by some companies that make use of it, but with INHUBBER, it is a completely different story. It makes use of an E2E encrypted vault for contracts to ensure data security. Once secured, contracts can be analyzed with AI. Based on the AI analysis, users can manage their contracts and contractual obligations or let the platform do it for them. AI allows users to ask contextual questions to the documents and Blockchain ensures decentralized security of the entire system. Modern contracts are full of media files such as audio, video, excel, cad, these files can be signed with the platform's native digital signature. The product and service offer is intended at firms of all branches and sizes without major customer group distinction.
INHUBBER delivers an easily customized deadline and milestone management system for firms that want to avoid unwanted automatic contract renewals and automated obligations management.
INHUBBER offers a safe E2E Encrypted document store for companies with cabinet-distributed contracts. Instead of dusting around, the centralized data is set to massively improve their ROI.
INHUBBER supplies an electronic signature to speed up approvals and an immutable audit trail for companies sending back and forth contract emails, which need to be printed, signed, scanned, and sent to the next party.
I would recommend this company for any contract-related matters, either personal or business, they are well equipped for all! Thanks to INHUBBER, I was able to set up an easy-to-manage contract platform with my clients abroad. It was truly a smooth process, all we had to do was to schedule a demo call on their website to begin, and the rest like they say is history.
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fuzzy-business · 4 years
Giveaways and the Spammers!!
As soon as Stellar announced a massive airdrop on the encryption app spammers started to appear at Keybase. As soon as they noticed that the free money period ended, they went abroad.
Or so, in a recent interview, Max Mike, CEO of Keybase, explained to CoinDesk.
Lately, there has been talking of a severe spam upturn on Keybase's chat side. The reason is virtually entirely in the collaboration between Keybase and the Stellar Creation Foundation to invest an additional 2 billion XLM on app users over twenty months.
It was an exciting experiment, "said Krohn. "the target got achieved by having enough new numbers on key base and more people on Stellar, at the end."
The issue was that costs began to dominate at some point, as Keybase confirmed when the software came to an abrupt end. On, 13 December, the third and final XLM airdrop started.  
Now it is much less what got revealed as a 2 billion XLM donation. "The total amount of donation is going to be about 16,000,000 USD or 300 million lumens," Keybase wrote.
A cryptographer happens when a protocol or company distributes its tokens to certain internet users; it thinks the brand will grow. Since crypto-monetary systems are fungible and straightforward to trade, they are the same as a cash distribution. In early 2018, the airdrops got taken significantly until the practice was slowed down by regulatory concerns, especially in the US.
Stellar has run many airdrops for Blockchain wallet users, most recently.
Keybase users at: vesti dana will earn ten dollars in XLM for each airdrop for the partnership with Stellar. Perhaps, misuse began immediately but accelerated, Krohn said, and it was already a serious problem by the November airdrop. Finally, the Keybase airdrop has attracted so many spammers that it is worth noting.
 James John, the founder of Stellar, told CoinDesk at the Meridian Conference, Mexico City meeting at the beginning of November, "These airdrops are very hard to get rid and not overcome by fraud in a way. "
The amount of crypt provided to some was too small for others to bother, as Keybases Krohn put it. Still, it was potentially incredibly lucrative for anyone with the ability to write scripts to run a bot farm. If the KeyBase scans a scammer for human-like actions could get hundreds or even thousands of bots, this was worth their while.
CEO Denelle Dixon of the Stellar Creation Foundation told CoinDesk that it was the intention for both companies and it was excellent. Finding the Stellar searches in distribution partners, she added Keybase had done a fantastic job, making XLM available to the app.
"The exciting and new activities for the users had increased somehow," she said. For example, it was simple to share XLM in a chat. Further, she declared that she was  excited because she liked what Keybase represents."
Operational Strain
Until accounting was permitted to reach the airdrop, the key base underwent many test stages. 
On the first phase, an account presumed to be real before the airdrop announced.
It was okay but Stellar, and Keybase were all targeted at getting new members into the community. So it opened up a little more on the next pass. The partners have said that any recent Hacker News or GitHub account will get included in the airdrop.
Moreover, KeyBase is an application which makes it easier to encrypt using PGP. Most people use it in chat, but it also includes developer tools and collaboration. When checking users' identity, encrypted communication is more reliable, so Keybase uses different forms of social evidence to strengthen the trust that accounts represent who they claim to be.
For example, Keybase makes users sign declarations on other sites to show that they are real to Keybase.
 It works across several websites, but Keybase and Stellar opted to start with the Hacker News and GitHub as the two have high-quality, non-attractive communities.
Nevertheless, this led to spammers hitting both services to see if they can reach dormant accounts. Over the years, bot farms have access to millions of compromised user IDs and passwords. It is easy to write a script to search the web for details on old inactive accounts.
In short, if bot farms can trigger a GitHub account that is long ignored, then Keybase philtres are open. According to Mike, the attack was "cause of tremendous operational pressure," both GitHub and Hacker News contacted Keybase.
"We thought both partners would profit in our opinion," said Mike. After all, Hacker News and GitHub appeared to be an added advantage for users. "Whereas the second person questioned to turn it off, 'Sure.'"
Final Words
Indeed, the giveaway's is the best strategy to get people attention and make new fans.
For the November airdrop, to show human-like behaviour, Keybase decided to use a combination of SMS verification and its filters.
Krohn said it was made up of some 150,000 signups.
"This adaptive opponent is the bots," says Mike. Various bot stores use multiple tactics to achieve this. Keybase couldn't estimate how hard it is? 
Stellar's footprint was another obstacle.
In Latin America and Nigeria they have a lot of programmes, but they are also one of the most challenging countries to fight bot registration, "Krohn says. There are less different signals to examine comportments of new accounts in these areas with minimal Internet infrastructure.
Mike said they kept in touch with Steltar butt some point the benefits were no longer growing as fasts the disadvantages. Further, he added that this is why it's no longer an airdrop.
Keybase had already stopped accepting signups for the airdrop before writing and recently added a powerful blocking capability to its application.
Stellar's Johnson hopes for the blocking of spam for her part that more creative people will proceed. She worked in Mozilla before Keybase, advancing World Wide Web causes. She was philosophical of spammers completing their early airdrop.
"Well, this just happens in the web life, especially when you're doing it openly," he said.
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jobskenyaone-blog · 6 years
Jobs Vacancy Gidi Mobile Limited Ongoing Recruitment [8 Positions] - Nigeria 2018
Jobs Vacancy Gidi Mobile Limited Ongoing Recruitment [8 Positions] – Nigeria 2018
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jobskenyaone-blog · 6 years
Jobs Vacancy Royal Heritage Available Job Position – Apply Now! - Nigeria 2018
Jobs Vacancy Royal Heritage Available Job Position – Apply Now! – Nigeria 2018
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jobskenyaone-blog · 6 years
Jobs Vacancy Juesco Nigeria Limited Current Job Vacancies [3 Positions] - Nigeria 2018
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jobskenyaone-blog · 6 years
Jobs Vacancy Federal Ministry of Health New Job Recruitment - Nigeria 2018
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jobskenyaone-blog · 6 years
Jobs Vacancy Breeze Driving School Limited Job Opportunity – Apply Now! - Nigeria 2018
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jobskenyaone-blog · 6 years
Jobs Vacancy WoodfordPR New Available Job Opportunity – Apply Now! - Nigeria 2018
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jobskenyaone-blog · 6 years
Jobs Vacancy Center for Civilians in Conflict New Job Openings [5 Positions] - Nigeria 2018
Jobs Vacancy Center for Civilians in Conflict New Job Openings [5 Positions] – Nigeria 2018
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jobskenyaone-blog · 6 years
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jobskenyaone-blog · 6 years
Jobs Vacancy Tetra Tech New Job Opportunities Available [4 Positions] - Nigeria 2018
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jobskenyaone-blog · 6 years
Jobs Vacancy BBC World Service Recent Job Vacancies [2 Positions] - Nigeria 2018
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jobskenyaone-blog · 6 years
Jobs Vacancy Biacom Agro Nigeria Limited Ongoing Recruitment - Nigeria 2018
Jobs Vacancy Biacom Agro Nigeria Limited Ongoing Recruitment – Nigeria 2018
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jobskenyaone-blog · 6 years
Jobs Vacancy Oando Plc Public Relations Internship 2019 - Nigeria 2018
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jobskenyaone-blog · 6 years
Jobs Vacancy Eko Electricity Distribution Company New Ongoing Recruitment - Nigeria 2018
Jobs Vacancy Eko Electricity Distribution Company New Ongoing Recruitment – Nigeria 2018
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We are…
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