#jobey's tttetwt backup
meanscarletdeceiver · 2 years
posted with permission from Tomás (cheers lad)
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meanscarletdeceiver · 2 years
tttetwt backup: the edward arrives on sodor edition
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meanscarletdeceiver · 2 years
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meanscarletdeceiver · 2 years
tttetwt backup: the one with splatter and dodge riffs
One night @houseboatisland logged onto Twitter and chose violence imagining Dodge and Splatter as just ordinary shunters at Centre Island Quarry interacting with the rest of the cast.
It was beautiful:
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I got overexcited about the dynamic of Splodge with BoCo specifically. This is partly for reasons that might be more clear in my post on Bill and Ben (might). But also? Just the notion that Splodge needs a Big Bad Diesel Boss but the best they have is freakin' BoCo? *chef's kiss*
@hazel-of-sodor rose to this occasion with a corker:
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meanscarletdeceiver · 2 years
tttetwt backup #18
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this was a good thread, if i say so myself
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i like when he draws Gordon too (it's the face, he has the best Gordon face)
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excellent HIT-era meme. it's a video so do check out the link.
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i 👏 love 👏 Chara's 👏 #1 👏 and 👏 #2 👏 content 👏 so 👏 much! 👏
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#ttte plot inspiration (isn't that drawing so good??)
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twitter thread * SIF post
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THE most genius response to this thread
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ITT: people not letting the old people being a bit silly without a fight
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a USA Tank, an E2, and an 07! ttte fans got FED with this pic
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ahhh, the good life
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lotta great, thoughtful responses. one i only saw now but that i find new and intriguing is Samson.
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good tweet OP 👌👌
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me too, Wil. me too. (lookit his builder's plate on the bunker! 🥺)
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Chara's twitter is so fuckin' based, i can't handle it
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meanscarletdeceiver · 2 years
tttetwt backup #22
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*folds arms and stares pointedly at ttte as a franchise and as a fandom*
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this thread is GOLD 👑
indispensable sodor lore
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me too, Nova_36C. me too.
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Chara got pushback for this one but it's RIGHT
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miiiiiiiine. was curious to see what kind of engagement it would get.
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(some of my tweets below were from above thread; some not)
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no one fought me. (they just voted incorrectly 🥲)
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@ferlost (as usual) killed it with this one. i love this so much...
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wicked cool concept art
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no conclusions could be drawn. here's a link to the quoted thread.
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it IS 💞
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as usual, Jamie is so right
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all of us: 👀
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meanscarletdeceiver · 2 years
tttetwt backup: new build edition
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(kyrie's subthread)
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meanscarletdeceiver · 2 years
tttetwt backup #13
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#ttte plot inspiration
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cauliflower don't quit 😎
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this was one i actually posted here, but anyway
(responder brought up a good point that there is actually a gap of several days between the gordon/henry convo and gordon's ditch-running. d'oh!)
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full thread — i must post this here separately
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fun was had that day
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my first hit tweet — weird experience
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it's a CoBo and a Black Five. if you even care.
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outstanding work on sodor cartography. god bless.
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#ttte plot inspiration but insane. probably only works in the americas.
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steam on a clear cold day, you can't beat it!
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fuck yeah sudric!
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Hazel, rather early in her HCing career if I recall correctly. Came in with bangers from the start.
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this was one tweet from the same thread i linked above
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meanscarletdeceiver · 2 years
tttetwt backup #21
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i am looking respectfully 👀
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i love prequel content
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"Belated," said BoCo, "is the word."
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sadface weak-steaming henry should always be in blue with a copper cap. i don't make the rules.
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*points* lookit! lookit!!!
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i got another response from SleeperAgent for this one:
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great info (and more in thread)
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words of wisdom
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great filming lore... for those who can follow it (i always think one of these days i'll buckle down and wrap my head around the sets and stuff)
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i love this thread a whole lot
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meanscarletdeceiver · 2 years
tttetwt backup #20
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the boy! he's lookin great! 💙
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top 10 #real true railway stuff infographics
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still haven't gotten it 😤 don't make me do everything myself guys believe it or not i DO want to write non-edward fics sometime 😤😤
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me, desperately trying not to fall down the rabbithole. (fails.)
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och eye 👀
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this deserved more love! top-drawer humanization, steeped in rws
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great modelling; the vibes are impeccable
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meant to do a better job responding to this one. sorry about that, bluffie. 😟
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wherein toby does numbers on twitter... see link below to whole thread
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i think you can guess the game tttetwt was playing this day... see link below
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whole thread
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cutie 💚
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Brooks Locomotive Yards hosts some visitors
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end of my twitter hiatus didn't go well
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🥺 (also, OP has a cool name there)
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an 'ell of a thread
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meanscarletdeceiver · 2 years
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set happy repainted Toby as your background for luck and prosperity. (but give credit to the artist.)
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we all see it
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ttte tumblrinas saw this first 😤
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Jamie's is crowned best comment on thread
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majority broke for 'diseasel'
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non-ttte interlude
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think i've already mentioned this, but thing i'm most grateful to tttetwt for is showing me how important awdry's model layouts are for understanding his take on his world
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this exact dialogue will be canon to all jobey-verses
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thread (messy)
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SleeperAgent swooped in and dispensed knowledge! to me! personally! (and i was so normal about it!!)
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grateful for Vivian, Jamie, memesandtreasure, Moonie, Cat, and Don for retweeting this (and other updates to come <;3)
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the BEST thomas and friends episode never aired
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i feel like i should salute? or something?
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smug mug! ❤️️
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platonic ideal of a percy. i love this.
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let us begin and end this post with LittleWestern Tobys 🥹
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meanscarletdeceiver · 2 years
tttetwt backup #3
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my ideal Stepney. halfbaked was so big-brained for this series.
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there's just no way to do Salty wrong! more Salty content at all times, please and thank
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the bad ending 😢
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okay, so it's not ttte, but this is too awesome to lose.
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what great composition/perspective for this. tremendous work OP <3
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it's a shame OP pulled the quoted tweet. it was video of a railcar in black and white (i think it was Japanese?) exploding (due to being fired upon, but you couldn't really see that part, just the explosion). which, dark. but also, for Daisy fans, the QT was funny as hell.
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got to rec WhiteShellMermaid—who is STILL carrying on fics in the Donald without Douglas AU! @galinneall-dearg, look what ye have wrought
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so, so based 😍 someone give them my number 😍😍
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the video at this link was dope af
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i would like to be remembered in this fandom as someone who loyally flogged others' content at every available opportunity
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then he abandoned it. to offend me, personally 🥺
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oh shit (also, see the reply they got)
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would make a good livery for an OC
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weird normie reactions to TTTE continue apace, even in the All Engines Go age
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i'm blueee, i'm blueee, bo-bah-do-bah-do-bah-doop (sax wails)
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so you're telling us that TVS characters are largely interchangeable ciphers? gosh, i never guessed
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meanscarletdeceiver · 2 years
tttetwt backup #19
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i TOLD you this artist does the coolest rws gordon!!! 😍
also, the headcanon that during the exchange trials Gordon went to the Highland Main Line and crushed those hills and curves is blessed
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there's video at the link. it's fab. the l.s.w.r. ate with this one.
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finally, tttetwt appreciates these memes.
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VIDEO AT THE LINK. this is not a drill.
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good Diesel headcanon thread 👍
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Chara and some followers paint delightful little scenes in this thread
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let's say this is ttte-adjacent, shall we? it would make a smashing @joezworld character
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oh, lookie here—some twitteratus has already got a start on it
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a typically top-notch Houseboat headcanon thread!
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i got some pushback on this one, lads
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when they left this kudos their profile was blank. these days, they seem to be deep in a Boku no Hero Academia kick, which to be frank i absolutely did not expect given that i was pretty sure this is also a tttetwt user
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my impatience with some aspects of tttetwt leaks through...
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hard agree; i've been thinking about this forever
but also, it's not that the sodor engines can't tell them apart exactly, but that when it comes to their fictionalisation they're just blatantly like "whatever, all those tossers were basically the same, they're all Diesel to us"
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don't care whether you like humanizations or not; objectively, this fucken rules
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smudger content smudger content smudg —
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meanscarletdeceiver · 2 years
tttetwt backup #17 (edward day, for those who celebrate)
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that bertie model is top-tier and i see it too seldom (also, that was exactly was edward was saying to himself throughout bertie's chase skdkdadkf)
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son that's fire damage??
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my contribution. y'all've seen it before.
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cheers will
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oh yeah i did a WIP drop too. haven't shared it over here. bit embarrassed by it to tell truth.
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#ttte plot inspiration
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incidentally, @monstersteam fucken rules
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nia's backstory is insane and we are (almost) all sleeping on it. like it's very IOS-ish tbh.
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i shared the link on here! cheers to op, this is wilbery awdry at his MOST wilbert awdry.
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love the effects on this trainz image. the vibes, man.
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meanscarletdeceiver · 2 years
tttetwt backup #16
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extremely fucken cool; i think i speak for us all in saying we now want more whistle models in our lives
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this is the bird site thread ever
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valid — although i always read thom's expression as an existential crisis of "i shouldn't feel this excited about someone being sick. right? right? does this make me a bad engine? if so, do i really care? not if i get to pull that train i bloody don't"
(sidenote: for the uninitiated, if you like the story linked above TheBuriedTruck is very prolific and like a quarter of all youtube ttte story vids are based on one of his stories. he has a link to his archive pinned in his twitter profile.)
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just two tweets out of a based thread — ought to post it separately
(tl;dr: i really think we should chill out when people have a bad opinion on the series based on casual knowledge. it's called being in a "weird" fandom. it's The Life. you and i have dismissed many other people's beloved interests with no more knowledge or insight.)
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link here is directly to Tug's tweet
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fic about Duck during the Blitz when 😢
(yes i know that's st pancras not paddington, but i assure you paddington got it just as bad. there is some video footage on yt that's easy to find—you can even see a forlorn little pannier tank chuffing through as clean-up begins.)
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oh look! it's what everyone agrees is jobey's least-based take!
anyway direct link to Vivian's tweet
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link to my thread 1 and my thread 2
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ahhh, the edward thread (threadward?) was coming to a boil...
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gotta post this thread individually too (i did link this on my tumblr — but did not screenshot the whole thread — again, i really don't quite trust bird site to not go black one of these days)
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dark. but funny.
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i still haven't seen BMM but this sounds really good
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cheers to Houseboat, Prideful Daylight, and LeatherBootlace for weighing in
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meanscarletdeceiver · 2 years
tttetwt backup #26
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words really don't do it justice
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trains found outside train twitter! trains i recognize, even
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add this to the file of #just awdry things
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i would LOVE to go on a road trip to check it out, tbh
link to the scene for those who are unacquainted. they literally bought a train and a bus and then wrecked the shit out of them, coz that's how you blew your special effects budget in 1992. it's quite the spectacle.
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look at this guy! trawling through all the crappy YT comments so you don't have to! 🎖️
seriously, though. i definitely learned a lot.
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... his willingness to ignore reality in favour of something a little more palatable...
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some essential wisdom droppeth from the heavens on this day 🙏
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#headcanon accepted 🥹
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Little Engine of the godly sketchbook delivers again
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Jennie, come getcha Terriers...
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honestly one of my favorite-ever trains, a terrific match-up
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