#jocundcompany (dani)
invictarre-archive · 1 year
this is the best example of a leon tweet I'm ever going to get
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shadesandrollerblades · 10 months
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Oh no Dani--
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godfrey-industries · 1 year
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“Damn it! Not again! The answer is no because every time we meet a sand worm comes from out of nowhere and tries to kill me!”
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twilighttheater · 1 year
Don't mind Dani. Just gonna rub Inari's ears.
She tries not to make a habit of waiting at the door too much, it brings back memories of waiting there day after day for Rikuto. But while for a long time she would avoid looking at it altogether, she has gotten used to it enough to lay down nearby while waiting for someone to come home. While she was always happy to see either Leon or Dani, she would be unable to deny that she was more excited to see Dani again. Can't help trainer bias she supposes.
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But today she breaks the rule of never lingering by the door too closely, old habits can't help but die hard. The second she hears it open slightly she rushes over with tails wagging, chiming in welcoming her back home. She murrs happily as Dani rubs her ears and tries to lick her hand in greeting, she might not have even been gone that long but she has been missed nonetheless.
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gramophone dani!
Send “Gramophone” and I’ll respond with the first song that comes to mind when I think of your muse
Dani - A Knight to the Rescue by Isaac Shepard
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wntrwrlck · 2 years
@jocundcompany / sc
"This had better not be a trick, girl!" The Warlock stated in his booming voice, arms crossed, "Or it'll be the last breaths of Daniella Delarosa!"
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@jocundcompany said: 🌷tell Dani things ovo
☠ ― Send "🌷" and the MUSE will tell you whatever the hell they want.
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"They say stay at home You don't care for the TV soaps So Jacqueline, you're invincible We're falling into the olden days But you don't care for the old clichés So Jacqueline, I know you know"
Why say anything when Emil can sing instead? Especially when she knew Dani would like it.
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eraseur-a · 1 year
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@jocundcompany sent: cover: sender lunges forward to throw their body over the receiver and shield them from harm during a fight. (from dani!)
The instant Eraser senses Daniella lunging for him, he braces himself, lifting his arms up so that his hands will be able to grab onto her shoulders when she reaches him. Instantly, he grips her and rolls the both of them over on the ground so that he's above her, palms on the pavement holding him up.
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"Why would you do that?!" he scolds -- though the ending is drowned out by a loud crash next to them. "Nice gesture, but now's not the time for that! I can take these hits!" Eraser leans down, now shielding her from the rubble headed their way.
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profutured · 2 years
the only Champion-related ship I have is Leon and @jocundcompany's Dani 👑💕💕
name a more powerful duo (trick question: you can't)
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invictarre-archive · 2 years
so if the charmander powerpoint is 43499372 slides, how many slides is the wife powerpoint
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There is no end to the Dani powerpoint. You look at where the slide total should be, and there's just an animated heart emoji. Every time it seems like it's winding down and reaching a finale, Leon remembers another memory/picture/voice note/anecdote he decides he needs to share, right that instant.
It only stops when he's stayed long enough that he starts to worry Dani might think he's gotten lost walking through the ocean (again), and leaves to fly back home to her.
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Going through Kalos feels like deja vu, though he doesn’t get solid memories in place for the most part. But the further he goes, the more he feels he’s done this before, he’s seen this play out before. It wrecks his heart to be walking through Parfum Palace and the man he knows to be his father, doesn’t recognize him in the least. Their relationship had been terrible frankly, but the fact that he knows this to be true and then it suddenly wasn’t, it tears him apart. The only thing worse is when he runs into Dani who doesn’t know him at all anymore, and Reggie... something about Reggie’s presence even if he had remembered Xavier, something hurts about it much more than anything else.
He was about to head into Route 10 when the Holo Caster rings-- seems Professor Sycamore wants to see him in person to talk about his Pokedex. It’s a bit of a walk back but he doesn’t really mind it honestly, it gives him a little time to think before he faces him again. Always was...weird to see him and Lysandre, which he really hates the way he feels over that. Why does everything have to feel so off with everyone he knows? He knows these people and cares deeply for them.
Even Lysandre was proving to be nice, even though Xavier can’t help feeling somehow afraid of him. 
He wanders into Lumiose with Error at his side, still a Porygon2 since the accidental evolution the last time he’d been at the lab. Making pleasant beeps as he roamed with him, though hesitating in front of the lab.
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“I don’t blame you for stopping, last time you were here things were kind of odd huh?” He smiles comfortingly back at his pokemon. “Nothing to worry about though, I think the professor will be used to your quirks this time.”
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“XA-V-IER?” Error asks with a tilt of the head, making the trainer shudder and pat him.
“Try to call me Calem in there, I know it’s not right, but we have to work with it for now.”
He gave a solemn beep, before following Xavier into the lab.
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obliviscii · 2 years
dani calls the one more spot since yveltal is one of the few who have seen HER cry :')
this is a fair exchange, dani can be the fifth. :) NO MORE BEYOND THAT SIX WOULD BRING HIM SHAME
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liighthouse · 2 years
@jocundcompany // for dani
perhaps it wasn’t normal to see someone from a lighthouse window and decide they needed tea. nor, perhaps, was it normal to act on this inclination.
but meredith wasn’t normal in these ways, not to mention in many other ways. so, she prepared the tea, tugged on a warm jacket and draped another jacket over her arm (just in case), and hurried out the door and down the slope toward the other.
“tea, dear?” she offered the stranger the steaming mug, her face flushed and her smile wholly genuine. “look like you could use something warm.”
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twilighttheater · 2 years
inari - i see for dani!
Send me “I see” and I’ll tell you how my character perceives yours
A dear friend that I see on the same level as my old master, Rikuto. I didn't think another human would be able to reach me in the way that he did ever again, I mourned so much for him and for so long I struggled to let any other person in.
There is a form of longing and loss that lingers on you too, I see it most often for the briefest of moments especially in regards to your scarf. I do not know the person you have lost personally, but when you talk about him I almost feel as though I do. I know your pain so well and I wish I could relieve you of it more, but I can always be here for you at least.
I have to thank you for so much that you have given me now, we Ninetales live for such long lives and I thought I would be in that ruined house for the rest of it. As much as I love my old home I also love it here with you, with Merlin not too far away, Leon, and Sparta, my life has so much more meaning to it now than it ever did before.
Thank you for your kindness, patience, and love. I only hope I am able to give just as much care as you give me back in return, because you are a wonderful trainer to me. No matter what hard days may come, I truly hope that there will always be happiness for you in the end.
I will be with you as much as I can be, I won't let you experience that same loneliness that I have.
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automaton-otto · 1 year
@jocundcompany liked for a starter!
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"I know that you don't have the best relationship with your folks but does any extended family visit you?" Otto asks staring at his tea cup. After talking with Daniella last time, the automaton went to his grandfather for advice.
He wanted the reaper to finally visit her grandpa but the hurdle of her estranged family is holding her back. It was unfair to the machine boy that she was held up in this cabin in solitude. It felt so suffocating!
Bruford told him that he shouldn't be forceful but if he truly wants to help focus less on solving the problem and more on being her friend. Be understanding and considerate to her situation but also encourage them. In conclusion, he made the decision to start visiting Dani regularly and offering tea and snacks.
'In order to pull someone out of the water you have to reach into it.' Otto repeats to himself. His Opa's advice still ringing in his ears, "Like a cousin or a sibling? It's gotta be lonely."
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invictarre-archive · 1 year
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@jocundcompany asked: 'Describe Me!' (dani <3) / description meme
You wake up holding her hand.
It's not the first time it's happened, nor will it be the last, but you treat each of these occasions as a special memory to hold onto. Dani's insomnia means that she often slips away once you're asleep, taking the chance to play some music or sit with whatever pokemon are up and roaming around. Duke is the most common example: he likes to tippy-tap dance along to her tunes, the clicking of his feet against the floor sometimes loud enough to wake you up.
You don't mind.
But sometimes, like this morning, you get to wake up to delicate morning quiet and the feel of her hand clutched between both of yours. Now that you're more alert, mind no longer covered in thick layers of fog and cotton wool, you can feel how you've curled yourself around that hold and tugged it close to your chest. You can feel how her fingers are outstretched just enough to graze against your heartbeat, its beating strong even through the layers of jagged scar tissue slicing across your chest.
You nestle closer, shifting beneath the covers, and crack your eyes open to watch her do the same. Even that is enough to get your heart beating faster, the simple synchronicity saying so much without the need for words. You're drawn to her like a third Magnemite to a fused pair, a Volcarona to a flame, one Luvdisc to another, and what an honour it is to have that reciprocated.
She turns to look at you as you shift closer still, the chain of her half-heart pendant glinting in the early morning sun. You're sure, if you could bear to tear your eyes away from hers long enough to glance downwards, you'd see that your wedding ring is doing the same, glittering on your left hand.
You love her. You never understood how home could be a person until you became each other's.
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