#joe x jack
elsehuggs · 5 years
mornings | joeck
an: guess who’s back? this is a very short imagine i don’t think you could even count it as one, but i’m staying loyal to the joeck fandom even though its DESEACED and boshed out an imagine aren’t i nice?!!!! also gave up with capital letters because i’m lazy and let me tell you grammarly was FUMING by the end of this,,,, anyways hope you enjoy x
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they wake up after a long night out, and Joe smiles as the first thing he sees is a sleeping Jack. 
“it’s morning, my love,” he mumbles quietly and placing a hand on Jack’s bare arm. 
joe never knows why he tries to wake Jack up, as his boyfriend usually wakes up an hour after him, but he doesn’t mind, because he gets to watch his sweetheart while he sleeps. 
he does this for a while, eyes darting around his boyfriend's face and soon, jack stirs, groaning a little out of slumber and stretching out his arms. he frowns and joe mirrors his expression as he wonders why. he soon finds out though, when the first thing Jack says as he wakes up is “I’m hungover.” 
joe cracks a smile, “what a surprise!” he jokes and watches as jack glares at him, only half meaning it. 
“no joe, this is definitely not the time for jokes. I’m dying and you know it.”
the older man laughs as jack groans, pulling his boyfriend in for a cuddle. “babe, we’ve been over this a thousand times because you say it every time you’re hungover,” he says, kissing jack’s forehead, “you’re not dying. you’re hungover.”
“stop talking, my head hurts.”
“you’re only doing that because you know i’m right.”
“you’re not. my head hurts.”
joe chuckles, his thumb rubbing stroking jacks shoulder; a small sign of love. “you know i love you though?” he asks, not really knowing why he did ask as jack’s answer is always the same: 
“yes. i love you too.”
joe smiles as jack adds, “you look so handsome in the mornings. how d’you do that?”
“it’s a talent.” joe mumbles as he leans in to kiss jack on the lips. 
jack’s head hurts and he feels like shit, but being in the arms of someone special makes him feel one hundred times better.
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