#joests (joe posts)
gaylordthethird 8 months
Just over three years ago I hated poetry. I actively avoided it to the point where I chose PE over writing poetry...
Then the pandemic happened, and I needed something to keep me sane while stuck inside. And I already liked a few hermits, zed, scar, mumbo
So I decided to try watching another and I was reccomend joe due to my zedaph enjoyment
I have not been the same since
I write poems to help me out of meltdowns I write poems to help me fall asleep I write poems to deal with my chronic pain I write poems just because poem
I have written so many poems that my notesapp lags when I scroll down too fast from the sheer number of poems I have
I adore writing poems, reading poetry, and I have a better appreciation for literature in general
This my friend is the joehills difference
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kyatra 2 months
there is genuinely a sort of surreal quality to how gay megumi is for yuji like it is almost incomprehensible to the brain and thus every time you rewatch it is akin to some sort of neurologically rewiring enlightenment
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lostsaucers 9 months
wow punch-out is so cool i wish boxing was real
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chroniclyst 2 years
i do not have a blog of my own so i will just be musing on our main. hopefully no one minds. howdy, i'm joe. i'll also preface this with this:
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but i think there's something to be said about the sentiment "you need to put yourself first". it's a mentality that many people do need to learn, particularly the sort of people who are overly self sacrificing and consider their own wellbeing below that of other people's. but i think it's a sentiment whose counterpart should be said more often, which is that other people's wellbeing is important too. i think there needs to be a balance there, because everyone's wellbeing is equally important. and there are some people who hear "you need to prioritize your own wellbeing" and take it to mean that you should never take into consideration the wellbeing of other people. it is not and should not be all or nothing, and the people who haven't learned that yet are going to be lonely if they wholly refuse to be considerate of their loved ones wellbeings, because they will continue to lose people.
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petewentzisblack1312 2 years
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joest (joe post)
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fobnsfwdoodles 11 months
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I am once again joesting (Joe posting) about this fucking redacted
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oh-snappers 4 years
i was about to post about how much i love the point in joes streams where he starts turning down the joepacity until i realized i have no idea how to spell it (joest???) (jhost??????) (jost????) (help??)
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rainswings 5 years
Excuse me for joesting (joe posting) on main but the joehills stream that just ended had my heart GOING
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chroniclyst 2 years
still here in front this morning! so i think i'll say it. it's really interesting to me that when red pointed out that tisbe is spreading lies (or at least something that is notably far from the truth), tisbe assumed that the thing in question was the history of cyberstalking, when that's something red's been upfront about & publically talked on here about their growth on. and i would think that tisbe would know that, given that she also has a history of cyberstalking*.
the thing that is a blatant lie is the claim that red was super manipulative and shitty about boundaries. i would bet money on how they're claiming we manipulated him (red asked one time, fully separate from the tough conversations, for assurance that they didn't hate her.) and the only boundaries red has ever violated were ones that were not clearly conveyed to xem, which he explicitly told tisbe multiple times that she needs things to be said clearly. and i am certain that every screenshot sea is using to back finself up is taken horribly out of context, because the people who have context (including the people in our life who do lovingly call us out if we fuck up!) are the people who have stayed.
edit to add: i do not think you can really fault someone for crossing a boundary they didn't know existed, for the record.
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chroniclyst 2 years
anyways, our bones are making sounds i don't think that bones should make, so i'm going to get us to sleep now so that hopefully i can stop hearing those sounds
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