bellia-25 · 1 year
I finally watched Red White and Royal Blue and yeah, this is just Jogin and Merthur. This is especially merthur for a new generation except if they actually got together.
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rusty-gloinks · 11 days
the fairies and i.. just made some.. fiGgY pu.ddifg. everyonge is welcome to jogin us..
exactly . the fairies welcome you🩷!!!!!!!!!!!!!heart emoj
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Up in Smoke (The Sweet Version)
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Genre: EXO
Characters: Kai x Female Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: Your boyfriend tries to cook you an anniversary dinner–which goes very wrong…or very right? 
A/N: Happy Secret Santa reveal to my giftee @merinaart as part of the @exols-silver-christmas! I hope that you like my gift! I was very inspired by your love for Kai (and your adorable guinea pig!). I’ve enjoyed getting to chat with you over the last couple months! I decided at the last minute to make a “sweet” version of the story and and then separate “spicy” version later on because there were too many ways this story could have gone! So here’s the “sweet” version for you from 🍭-anon!
“Babe, why do I smell smoke?” 
The acrid smell of burning told you what your eyes couldn’t: your boyfriend was in the kitchen again. When he’d insisted on the blindfold, you’d felt butterflies in your stomach, giddy at the thought of what might be coming. Dinner in Itaewon? Wine tasting? A romantic walk by the Han River? The possibilities were endless and after two years together, your thoughtful boyfriend never failed to sweep you off your feet. For your first anniversary together, he’d hired a private chef to cook you a delicious five-course dinner, then you’d dreamily walked through the snow together hand-in-hand, sharing sips of hot chocolate.
 It had been the perfect day. 
This time around, Jongin had been incredibly secretive about what he was planning. But you knew something was up when you’d caught him sneaking around the apartment after he thought you’d gone to bed, or coming home with mysterious bags that he ferreted away somewhere. You were more than curious to know what the night might bring.
Despite your lack of vision, the clang of pots and pans and rhythmic slice of a kitchen knife told you Jongin had something different in mind this year. And you weren’t sure how to feel. Honestly, the man was a menace when it came to the culinary arts. You snorted, recalling the incident two months prior when he’d scorched the bottom of your wok so bad you’d had to throw it out. Fortunately, the recent installation of a fire extinguisher at least meant he couldn’t realistically burn the apartment down. 
When your inquiry went unanswered, you tried again. 
“At what point will I need to stop, drop, and roll?”, you said, giggling as the sound of chopping ceased.
Jongin’s footsteps drew closer, until you felt his knees bump against yours. “Ha, ha, very funny, jagi, he chastised playfully. “Kyungsoo taught me how to make this one, so it won’t be like last time, I promise. And I only burned the first one,” he added hastily.
He leaned in and gave you a quick peck on the lips before skirting away, skillfully avoiding your coy attempts to entice him back down for more. Sliding his hand down to rest on your lower back, he led you into what you assumed to be the dining room. A chair squeaked against the floor as Jogin pulled it out and instructed you to sit. 
You could feel Jongin’s warmth seeping into you from behind and you jumped when his lips grazed your ear.
“I wanted today to be special for you, for us,  _____–”
Your heart sped up at the sound of his voice. It was hard not to get distracted when he was so close to you, the feel of his arms around you never failed to make you melt. 
“Voila!” Jongin exclaimed,  theatrically pulling the blindfold from your eyes. 
On reflex, you squeezed your eyes shut to block out the dim light from the chandelier. After a few seconds, you hesitantly cracked an eye open, and you saw it. 
Square with rows of tiny indentations and little flecks of dark green and orange, you weren’t sure what to make of the charred–ahem–crispy item perched alone on the large, white plate. You cleared your throat, cognizant of the way Jongin was looking at you looking at his creation. Eyes gleaming with pride. Expectantly waiting for your praise. 
You chose your words carefully, trying to make sense of what you were seeing, while not shattering your gentle boyfriend’s heart.
“Jongin, baby…what’s–uh–on the menu, tonight?” 
He laughed, as though it was obvious. “It’s a fried rice waffle, silly!”
You looked between the hockey puck on your plate and your sweet boyfriend’s face, grateful for once that you’d taken that god-awful acting class in college. 
“It looks…”, you struggled to find the right word, “...interesting…”
Jongin’s head bobbed enthusiastically. “Are you gonna take a bite?”
You nodded with what you hoped was realistic enthusiasm.
God, you sucked at acting. You failed that acting class, don’t you remember? 
It was worse than you imagined. 
Way worse. 
You broke off a piece, chewing gingerly, all while Jongin intently watched your face, waiting for your reaction. All at once, your tongue was hit with a spectrum of flavors and textures–bitter, crunchy, hard, soft, and the overwhelming taste of spring onion. Just…bleh…
“So?” he asked, leaning forward, eyes wide in anticipation. 
The glob of “waffle” stuck in your throat at his question, and you swallowed hard to push it down,
“It’s..um..very crunchy…and…um…onion-y?” 
Jongin’s face fell. 
“It’s awful,” he moaned, covering his face with his hands. He sat down in the chair next to you with his shoulders slumped, the very picture of dejection. “I never should’ve taken cooking advice from Chanyeol and Sehun,” he muttered, almost to himself. 
You froze. “I thought you said Kyungsoo taught you this recipe.” 
Jongin looked up from his hands and worried his lower lip.
“He did…but then Sehun showed me a TikTok and Chanyeol had a waffle iron…and I just…messed up. Why can’t I cook like Kyungsoo?” he moaned. 
He looked so sad, your baby. And he had tried so hard for you tonight. You stood from your chair and folded him into your arms, resting your chin on his head. 
“Jongin,” you started, “you and I both know that would be asking a lot of the universe. Be the most handsome and skilled dancer in all of K-Pop and be a good cook? You’d be just too amazing to be real.”
Jongin chuckled beneath you, reaching up to stroke your cheek.
“Besides,” you continued, “Kyungsoo has his strengths and you have yours. Affectionate. Kind. Generous. Smooth on the dance floor. So handsome,” you listed, punctuating each compliment with a peck on the lips. 
Your boyfriend hummed in the back of his throat, a slow smile spreading on his face.
“Actually, ____, there is one more thing I have planned for tonight,” he said with a mysterious smile.  
He led you to the couch in the living room and gently pressed on your shoulders for you to sit. Telling you to wait, he flipped the lightswitch, plunging the room in darkness. Suddenly, the room was dimly illuminated by a string of clear fairy lights, the soft tones of “Peaches” drifting through the surround-sound speakers. 
“Pretty girl, you’re like peaches…it’s a soft embrace…a sweetness that spreads in my mouth…feels good to be the bad guy…”
Jongin leapt into action, his body like water, flowing through the movements like he was born to do. His eyes held yours as he flew and you knew every word of this song was meant for you. Without warning, Jongin sprung forward, pulling you up from the couch and into his arms. As the last notes faded away, you simply swayed together, enjoying each other’s nearness. 
Jongin squeezed you close and whispered words of love in your ear. You held his face between your hands and counted your blessings that this wonderful man had found his way into your life. 
You stretched on your toes to give him a kiss, only to be rudely interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. 
“Were you expecting anyone, babe?” you asked, glancing quizzically at the door.  
Jongin shook his head, just as perplexed.
You waited as he walked to the entrance and you could hear the muffled sound of a voice on the other side. The door closed and Jongin came back with a takeout container. Inside you found a feast of your and Jongin’s favorite foods–fried chicken, roasted duck, bibimbap, and tteokbokki–along with an expensive bottle of wine.  
“Did you order this?” you asked.
He shook his head, shrugging his shoulders  “No, but the delivery said it’s bought and paid for, so…” 
Across the room, Jongin’s phone lit up with a text:
“Jongin-ah, just a tip: never take cooking advice from amateurs like us. Enjoy your meal 😜.
~Chanyeol and Sehun” 
“Wow, just wow,” Jongin explained sarcastically. “Can’t trust anyone these days.”
“Except me,” you added, batting your eyelashes playfully. 
“Except you,” he agreed. “Well…shall we?” he said, motioning towards the food. 
You nodded. “Might as well,” you said with a smile. 
“Happy anniversary, jagi.” 
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xuxuzinhoo · 2 years
São 08:46 e vocês não tem noção das coisas que eu tenho pensado... Eu só queria ser tratada igual uma vagabunda pelo kyungsoo,ele me negando pau, colocando só um pouquinho e quando eu estiver chegando lá ele parar, sair e me deixar chorando de tesão. Até o Kim jogin aparecer e chupar minha buceta todinha até eu gozar bem gostoso, o Baekhyun aparecendo e metendo direto no meu cuzinho, o Kai chupando os meus peitinhos pra me dar carinho e Chanyeol meter na minha buceta, enquanto o Baekhyun me arromba por trás.
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martiove · 1 year
Dlaczego tak bardzo boimy się własnych myśli? Ponieważ sądzimy czy też czujemy, że denerwują nas i odbierają nam spokój. Jogin mówi jednak: „Nigdy nie niepokoją nas żadne myśli, tylko namacalne lgnięcie do nich”. Jeżeli zdołałaby zobaczyć, uchwycić naturę myśli - ich esencje - nie będą nam w niczym przeszkadzać, a wręcz pomogą. Jak silny wiatr, który w gęstym lesie ogień podsyca, ale gasi go na samotnej świeczce, przypominającej niepewny, chyboczący w wirze myśli umysł. Wydają się one dokuczliwe, bo ciągle brakuje nam mentalnej stabilności. O ile zdołamy zachować spokój, jeżeli nauczymy się nie wybrzydzać i przyjmować rzeczy, takimi jakie są, myśli i czynniki zewnętrzne powoli przestaną wytrącać nas z równowagi. W rzeczy samej, staną się one sojusznikami medytacji niczym silny wiatr w płonącej puszczy. Jeśli wam się to kiedyś przytrafi […], zyskacie pełną kontrolę nad własnym umysłem, spacyfikujecie dzikość myśli i w pełni urzeczywistnicie ich naturę. Nie będę, więc was niepokoić.
Sangje Njenpa Rinpocze, Zasady ćwiczenia umysłu, s. 89
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trekinsikkim · 11 days
Top 10 Difficult Treks in the Indian Himalayas
Introduction The trekking path in Indian Himalayas is one of the more difficult and scenic routes that can be found on planet. From high altitude gains to freezing slopes these treks tests a person’s endurance but also lets him/her live with nature’s true colors. Continuing from where we left off last week, this article outlines the Ten hardest treks in the Indian Himalayas for those who want to adventure more than ordinary.
1. Chadar Trek (Zanskar Valley) It probably wouldn’t come as a surprise that the Chadar Trek is conducted over the frozen Zanskar River. This trek makes it possible for an exciting and tiring cross country skiing where terrain is slippery ice with temperatures of -30 degrees Celsius. The dramatic snowy scenery which is very well captured plus the consideration of walking on a frozen river makes the experience thrilling hence very attractive to lovers of adventure.
2. Pin Parvati Pass Trek- This trek links the Parvati Valley in the district of Kullu with the Pin Valley in the district of Spiti; the trek features steep slopes occurred over rocky terrains and crossings of rivers. The quite challenging Pin Parvati Pass is situated at an elevation of 5,319 meters, and it involves high stamina as well as mountaineering expertise to cross the pass to get sightseeing of the Himalayan ranges.
3. Auden’s Col Trek- Known by the name of John Bicknell Auden who came across it, Auden’s Col of one of the least visited treks in the Indian Himalayas. It leaves one moving through moraines, glaciers, and steep rugged ridges. The trek is between Jogin I (6465m) and Gangotri III (6580) and is considered as one of the challenging treks in this region.
4. Kalindi Khal Trek- This one is for the serious trekkper and entails cross over on glaciers, steep climb and rough terrains. The track passes through the Kalindi Khal Pass at about 5,950 meters and moves from Gangotri to Badrinath stage where the trekkers can truly have the marvelous sight of Garhwal Himalayas.
5. Kangchenjunga Base Camp Trek- One of the most complex treks is the Mount Kailash trek which leads to the base camp of the third largest mountain in the world; high altitude trekking, off the beaten track and harsh weather conditions always characterize this trek. The trek has very beautiful scenery especially the peak of Kangchenjunga and it is a very strenuous trek since it involves a lot of altitude changes.
6. Goecha La Trek- Located in Sikkim, the Goecha La Trek is one of the beautiful treks that help one to witness beauty of the great eastern Himalayas. The path leads to melodious sight of Mt. Kanchenjunga through strip of forests and meadows of high altitude. The last climb to Goecha La pass is steep and difficult sometimes having Snow during the winter Months.
7. It is one more popular trek of Uttrakhand tucked in the Pithoragarh district near the East Base Camp of Nanda Devi. The trek to the base camp of Nanda Devi, the second highest mountain of India is scenic and physically demanding at the same time. The route passes through areas that can otherwise only be described as hard to access, and therefore makes the trek a true adventure for people who like to trek.
8. Panpatia Col Trek- This treks is one of the strenuous treks which going through high altitudes connecting between Badrinath and Kedarnath. It involves crossing through glaciers, moraines and slopes and this is a difficult activity that needs best trekking expertise and tools. The trek provides scenic spectacle of the mountain at the basin of the valley.
9. Trans Zanskar Expedition- Also known as the ‘GT’, this trek features several passes of the Zanskar region, deserted villages, as well as medieval monasteries. This is an exhausting hike that calls for tourism utmost endurance as well as its psychological endurance.
10. Lamkhaga Pass Trek- Marking the border between Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand, passing through Kinnaur and Harshil respectively, Lamkhaga Pass Trek is extremely technical, especially in terms of steep rise in gradients as well as snow traverse. The trek follows Lamkhaga Pass situated at 5,282 meters to make the joy of adventure here even more thrilling for the trekkers.
Conclusion As such, these are not just treks – rather, they are undertakings that challenge the fields of the body and with regard to the mind, help in building awareness of the capabilities of nature. All these treks described here are different beautiful experiences for those lovers, who are ready to prepare for it, respect the nature and take a risk. So come along, with your gadgets, mindset, and guide your feet towards some of untamed terrains the Indians Himalayas has to offer.
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nau-season · 5 months
Spill or Drink with Wixst.
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karna beberapa karakter dan sifat aku mirip sama muse aku, awalnya iseng aja tapi lama lama nyaman, vibesnya juga mirip jadi merasa lebih hidup dan lebih enjoy rpin dia. dia bocil centil dan beberapa temen bilang aku cocok jadi bocil. sampe sekarang akhirnya nyaman rpin ningning.
Jongin sama Krystal sih, Jogin itu awal aku main rp dan banyak kenal orang serta sahabat sahabat yang baik, yang bertahan sampe sekarang dan best moment aku main rp sih. kalo Krystal itu awal aku jadi rp cewe dan aku langsung nyaman jadi dia mesti vibes aku agak suram tapi dia chara terlama aku setelah jongin.
aku ganti chara dari Krystal karna aku jenuh, dan ngerasa kurang enjoy dengan vibes dan kesan yang sampai ke orang orang. ga sedikit yang bilang aku jutek, cuek, sombong dan hard to approach tapi setelah jadi ningning, banyak yang bilang aku bocil, lucu dan frendly.
gapernah huhu aku masih kecik!
kenangannya banyak banget sih tapi aku selalu terkesan sama temen temen yang gapernah lupa sama aku, yang temenan udah dari lama dan masih keep in touch sampai sekarang.
wixst itu rumah buat aku dan gdm / squad / keluarga yang paling awet sampai sekarang. aku stay di rp salah satunya juga karna wiciku sayang.
coloring! awal aku join dikasih task coloring, bahkan sebelumnya join wixst aku suka liat membernya coloring jadi aku ngerasa pengen banget bisa ikut dan ternyata seru abiss! kadang juga deep talk di wixst senyaman itu, ga ada yang judge ataupun ngerasa superior, semua setara dan sama rata.
ini ga ada pai???
albumnya Jess Benko! yang do you love me, or are you just lonely?
aku diam aja dan cukup tau, lalu aku mungkin perlahan jaga jarak.
aku nyari mood lamaaa, paling dengan ngobrol sama temen temen deket dulu, nyari gdm yang menurut aku nyaman baru aku join or aku kenalan sama random people di tl biar ada convo dan mood buat ngobrol ama orang.
gaterlalu dipikirin soalnya cuma have a crush biasa, gapernah yang sampai pengen lebih.
dear wixst, makasih sudah ada dan bertahan sampai sekarang, makasih sudah jadi rumah ternyaman untuk aku dan wixsties lain, makasih selalu mendenger keluh kesah kami, dan tidak pernah berpihak sebelah, selalu mengayomi dan adil, walau loyo gapernah judge wixsties dan selalu berusaha reach out kami, maaf masih banyak kurangnya dan sering loyo.
dear wisties, walau udah pada loyo makasih ya udah selalu membangun convo dan membuat wixst tetap terasa hangat, makasih udah jadi member yang keren dan ada untuk satu sama lain. ngerasa banget kekeluargaan sama kalian disini.
untuk para senpai, makasih yaaa udah jaga kami! udah selalu adil dan sabar mendengar keluh kesah kami dan kuat menghadapi keloyoan kami. makasih selalu reach out dan penuh kasih sayang, makasih untuk tidak lelah menjaga wixst dan wixsties.
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naidu112 · 6 months
Empowering Lives and Building Futures TDP Visionary Housing and Welfare Initiatives in Andhra Pradesh
In a resounding display of commitment to the welfare and progress of Andhra Pradesh, the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) government, under the dynamic leadership of N Chandrababu Naidu, has spearheaded an ambitious housing initiative. With a vision for inclusive development, the TDP has not only focused on providing homes but also addressed diverse social welfare needs, leaving an indelible mark on the state.
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In the current financial year, the TDP government has allocated Rs. 1747.17 crores for the construction of 6,47,000 houses. This comprehensive initiative encompasses rural and urban areas, guaranteeing homes for the underprivileged. Model guaranteed houses, houses under various schemes like Pradhan Mantri Grameen Yojana and Indira Awas Yojana, and dedicated projects for specific communities such as weavers and beedi workers showcase the diversity and inclusivity of TDP's housing endeavors.
N Chandrababu Naidu, known for his visionary approach and emphasis on efficiency and technology, has played a pivotal role in steering Andhra Pradesh towards unprecedented development. Under his leadership, the state has witnessed significant progress, with the housing sector standing as a testament to the TDP's commitment to improving the lives of its citizens.
The TDP's contributions extend beyond housing to a comprehensive social welfare agenda. From the distribution of house plots to the construction of hostel buildings and community halls, the government has aimed to create a conducive environment for the overall well-being of its people. Special initiatives targeting vettichakiri workers, sanitation workers, and Jogins underscore the TDP's dedication to the welfare of marginalized communities.
The TDP's commitment to economic empowerment is exemplified through the self-employment scheme. With a target to benefit 1,10,000 beneficiaries and a financial allocation of Rs. 200 crores, the government has taken concrete steps towards fostering entrepreneurship. The disbursement of Rs. 87.93 crores to 70,230 beneficiaries reflects the tangible impact of this initiative on individuals seeking to build sustainable livelihoods.
In a bid to bridge the electrification gap, the TDP government has set a target to electrify 3116 Dalit households with an allocation of Rs. 6232 lakhs. The electrification of 1938 Dalit families and the expenditure of Rs. 38.76 crores signify the strides made towards providing essential services and improving living standards for marginalized communities.
The TDP's commitment to inclusivity extends to minority communities with the construction of 5000 houses under the Stok-o-Makas scheme, costing Rs. 21.90 crores. This initiative underscores the government's dedication to ensuring that every section of society has access to dignified living conditions.
The housing and welfare initiatives undertaken by the TDP government stand as cornerstones of its achievements. From providing shelter to the underprivileged to empowering communities through social welfare and economic initiatives, the TDP's multifaceted approach has elevated the living standards of countless citizens.
The TDP's latest news reflects a government committed to holistic development, ensuring that its citizens not only have roofs over their heads but also access to a better quality of life. As these contributions become top TDP achievements, they symbolize a brighter future for the people of Andhra Pradesh under the visionary leadership of N Chandrababu Naidu and the dedicated work of TDP leaders.
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heavenridersindia · 9 months
Epic Adventures on a Budget: A Guide To Manage Your Kedartal Trek Cost
A Rare Adventure Among Big Mountains
The allure of the Himalayas beckons seasoned trekkers seeking a challenge, and the Kedartal Trek stands as a testament to this calling. Nestled amid the grandeur of the Greater Himalayas, this difficult trek offers a magical experience that transcends the ordinary. With iconic peaks like Mt Thalaysagar, Mt Bhrigupanth, Manda Parvat, Mt Jogin, and Mt Gangotri as constant companions, the journey is nothing short of extraordinary.
Into the Cauldron of Peaks
Embarking on the Kedartal Trek takes you to the glacial Kedartal lake, a jewel set in a cauldron of colossal mountains. The campsite beneath the towering presence of Mt Thalaysagar and Mt Bhrigupanth provides an unparalleled experience of being dwarfed by nature's majesty.
Compared to other popular treks, the Kedartal Trail is remarkably remote, devoid of human habitation, and sparingly frequented by trekking groups. This solitude, a blessing against the backdrop of crowded trails, adds a unique charm to the journey.
Challenges and Rewards
The trail, however, is not for the faint-hearted. Starting at around 11,000 ft and ascending to over 16,000 ft in 3-4 days, trekkers face challenging terrains, including boulder-strewn paths and steep ascents. Physical and mental preparation are prerequisites for navigating through these difficulties.
The challenges are offset by the rewards of lush bhoj forests, expansive high-altitude meadows, and the serene Kedartal lake. The trek culminates with a profound sense of accomplishment, making every arduous step worthwhile.
Kedartal Trek: A Difficulty Unveiled
The difficulty of the Kedartal Trek is attributed to several factors. The rapid ascent to an altitude of 15,500 ft in just three days poses a risk of Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS), necessitating acclimatization strategies. The presence of snow, especially in May and June, adds an additional layer of complexity to navigation. 
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Tricky sections, such as the infamous spider walls, demand experienced footwork, making prior trekking experience a valuable asset. To ensure safety, trekking on the Kedartal Trail requires prior approval from Trek Coordinators, emphasizing the trek's challenging nature.
Safety Measures and Technical Know-How
While Kedartal is undoubtedly an enticing trek, safety remains a paramount concern. Trekkers must be physically fit, mentally prepared, and accompanied by a skilled guide equipped with technical gear. The trek features sections like the spider wall and rockfall zones, demanding the use of safety equipment like ropes, helmets, and harnesses.
Sections like the spider wall on Day 1 and the rockfall zone on Day 2 require meticulous attention to safety measures. Helmets are essential in rockfall zones, and trekkers are advised to follow the guidance of the technical guide and Trek Leader.
Seasons of Kedartal: Summer and Autumn Perspectives
Kedartal in Summer (mid-May to end-June)
Temperature: Daytime temperatures range from 15 – 20 °C, while nights can be cold, dropping close to zero degrees.
Weather: Unpredictable weather with sudden rain or snow, making the trek challenging.
Layers: 3-4 warm layers recommended.
The summer season, despite its unpredictable weather, is popular for the chance to witness the frozen Kedartal lake and navigate snow-covered trails. The presence of snow, while adding adventure, also poses a risk, and trekkers must be prepared for changing conditions.
Kedartal in Autumn (mid-September to mid-October)
Temperature: Days can be warm, reaching up to 20 °C, with cold evenings, sometimes below zero at night.
Snowfall: From October, expect snowfall in higher camps, with initial snow melting away.
Layers: 4-5 warm layers recommended.
Autumn unveils the best mountain views as the skies clear, presenting a breathtaking panorama. The reflections of Mt. Thalaysagar in the blue-green waters of the serene lake create a visual spectacle. The autumn landscape, adorned with golden-hued silver birch trees, adds vibrant colors to the trek.
Legal Requirements and Documentation
Before embarking on the Kedartal Trek, trekkers must fulfill legal requirements, including carrying a government-issued photo ID and completing the Disclaimer and Medical Certificates. These documents, essential for trek permissions, contribute to ensuring a safe and regulated trekking experience. 
Kedartal trek, nestled in the heart of the Himalayas, is a rare adventure reserved for those who seek the thrill of pushing their limits amid awe-inspiring landscapes. This challenging journey promises an enchanting experience, offering trekkers an up-close encounter with some of India's iconic peaks, including Mt Thalaysagar, Mt Bhrigupanth, Manda Parvat, Mt Jogin, and Mt Gangotri. The trek unfolds against the backdrop of colossal mountains, providing an unparalleled sense of solitude in the lap of nature.
This extraordinary expedition begins and ends in the sacred town of Gangotri, marking the commencement of a roughly 30-kilometer trek spanning four days. The trail ascends from an altitude of approximately 11,000 feet to an impressive 16,000 feet, presenting trekkers with challenges that demand both physical and mental preparedness. The demanding terrain includes steep ascents, descents, and tricky sections such as the infamous spider walls, where sure-footedness and experience become invaluable assets. 
The Kedartal trek is rightfully classified as "difficult," considering various factors like altitude gain, trail length, and unpredictable weather conditions. The rapid ascent to the highest point at 15,500 feet within a span of three days exposes trekkers to the risk of Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS). Snow on the trail, particularly in May and June, adds an extra layer of difficulty, requiring navigation skills and preparedness.
Safety is paramount, and trek coordinators ,although not explicitly mentioned, ensures trekker well-being by implementing rigorous processes. Prior approval from Trek Coordinators is mandatory, and trekkers receive guidance through a detailed questionnaire. Technical expertise is essential, and the presence of a skilled guide equipped with ropes, helmets, and harnesses becomes crucial, especially during challenging sections like the spider walls and rockfall zones. 
Addressing safety concerns, it's essential to highlight the specific challenges posed by different sections of the trek. The spider wall on Day 1 demands technical guidance, emphasizing the need for experienced support. The rockfall zone on Day 2 requires helmets and careful navigation, underlining the importance of trekker adherence to safety instructions.
Understanding the seasonal variations is vital for prospective trekkers. Summer (mid-May to end-June) offers pleasant daytime temperatures but can be unpredictable, with the possibility of sudden rain or snow. The presence of snow on the trail during this period enhances the adventure but also requires caution.
Autumn (mid-September to mid-October) brings warmer days and colder nights, offering clear mountain views. The trail transforms with vibrant autumn colors, showcasing the silver birch trees in golden hues. However, water sources become unreliable, necessitating trekkers to carry sufficient water. 
Legal documentation is a prerequisite, including identity cards, passport-size photographs, disclaimer certificates, and medical certificates. They ensure compliance with these requirements for trekker safety and adherence to regulations.
Planning the journey meticulously is crucial for a seamless experience. Trekkers are advised to book air tickets to Delhi or Dehradun for Day Zero, considering options like direct flights to Dehradun or connecting flights to Delhi. Booking a night train or bus to Dehradun provides a cost-effective and comfortable travel option. 
Accommodations around Hotel Grand Legacy in Dehradun are recommended for Day Zero, offering a convenient pick-up point for transportation to Gangotri on Day 1. Consider arriving a day earlier for rest and additional sightseeing, enhancing the overall experience.
The trek itinerary spans from Day 1 to Day 8, including acclimatization in Gangotri, trekking to Kedartal, and the return journey to Dehradun. Trekkers are advised to book return tickets for flights or trains after 8 am on Day 8, allowing for potential delays or contingencies.
In summary, the Kedartal trek beckons adventure enthusiasts to explore the uncharted territories of the Himalayas, presenting challenges that promise unparalleled rewards. Meticulous planning, adherence to safety protocols, and an appreciation of seasonal variations contribute to a transformative trekking experience amidst the grandeur of the mountains.
Source: https://heavenridersin.blogspot.com/2024/01/epic-adventures-on-budgeta-guide-to.html
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kamlesm · 2 years
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What could be subject of this painting? Saw in net. Being cited as painted during Jahangir period by Khesu Kurd, 1625-50 Seems assembly of jogins जोगिन योगिनियों का जमघट? Can't read what's written in that script? Can you decipher? Thought came of #holi #होली at #काशी #बनारस a tradition of playing holi at शमशान usually sung in song as खेलैं दिगम्बर मशाने में होरी (होली) remembering scene of महादेव औघड़ अघोरी विशम्भर नाथ विश्वनाथ चिता भष्म से होली खेलते हुए, जीवन-मृत्यु की कालचक्र की मायावी क्षद्मारूढ चाल को समभाव से उत्सव रूप मे मनाना https://www.instagram.com/p/CpZthtgPqjo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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himalayanhikers · 2 years
Auden’s Col Trek is a high-altitude trek In Uttarakhand
Auden’s Col Trek is one of the famous treks in Indian Himalayas. This trek was discovered by Mr.John Bicknell Auden in 1935, that’s why this trek is known as Auden’s  Col trek.
It connects Rudugaira valley and Bhilangana valley. Auden’s col trek is situated 5490 Meters above sea level. Auden’s  Col is a mountain pass that connects the ridge of Gangotri and Jogin. The last point of this trek is Kedarnath.
Auden”s Col  trek come under Gangotri National park. No doubt, the Himalayas have enchanting beauty, bracing climate, and desirable soothing green meadow. So, what else can be better than spending some days here in the serenity!
Why Auden’s col Trek ?
Auden’s Col, at 5490 m, is a high altitude mountain pass that connects the Rudugaira and Bhilangna valleys. The pass is named after John Bicknell Auden of the Geological Survey of India, who discovered it in 1935 and crossed it in 1939. It connects the ridge from Gangotri III peak on the north-west to the ridge from Jogin I on the east, as well as a glacier from Jogin I on the north side of Rudugaira valley and the dangerous Khatling glacier on the south side of Bhilangna valley.
Auden’s col trek is considered to be one of the difficult treks in the Himalayan region. As the trail ascends with time, the challenges become more and more. We highly recommend for trekkers planning on Auden’s col expedition to only travel with local experts and strongly familiarize themselves with the expected difficulties and challenges.
With explosively difficult challenges comes a victory of abundant rewards; on a clear day, the majestic sight of the Gharwal Himalayas from the trek is one that trekkers will remember for the rest of their lives. The awe-inspiring sights of Gangotri and Bhagirati peaks differentiate this trek from others. Trekkers aiming for many higher peaks of 6000m and above will be able to take all of their experiences from this trek and use them to guide them through their other difficult ascent treks. Also, if desired, one can trek from Gangotri to Kedarnath, two of the holiest Hindu temples, by crossing Auden’s Col and then Mayali Pass.
Best Time to Do Auden’s Col  Trek ?
Audens Col trek  is a very beautiful and an uphill Difficult trek in the Uttarakhand Himalayas, The Auden”s col Trek is great for those people who have a great passion for Expedition mountaineering or Difficult trek and consider it a special purpose in their life. Auden”s col is such a trek where you get to see more than one Himalayan mountain range.
We are the local people in uttarakhand District of Uttarkashi  who are doing Auden”s col for years, we have every experience related to this trek.
The right time to do Auden”s col is from May 2nd week to the last of June and then from the last of August to the 2nd week of  October. every year
specially in the months of may,  and June, snow is found in abundance here, which makes your trek very memorable and also a  difficult after Gaumukh Glacier. So this trek should not be considered too easy
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Explore the Auden’s Col Trek
You will get a chance to see the holy pilgrimage sites and shrines with some mind-boggling views at the backdrop. There are dangerous parts of this trek, like narrow cliffs, moraines, and crevassed glaciers. Only professionals can go for this expedition because of the difficulty level.
It is a challenging trek and requires being fit and has experienced a difficult trek.
Due to the difficulty of this trek you need experienced trekking community and guide, who has vast experience of this trek.
And you must need a technical guide, technical equipment,  good quality sleeping bags, and tents.
The trek starts from Dehradun the route through thick alpine forests, snow-capped mountains, and lush green meadows covered with various species of flowers, dense Deodar tree forests, flora and fauna Rhododendron, pine forests and through beautiful villages.
This is one of the most scenic walks in the Himalaya.
The campsite offers closer views of Gangotri or Bhagirathi peaks.
There are steep climbing, rock falls zone and river crossing on the way of Auden’s Col trek.
So enjoy this challenging trek with local, and experienced trekking community like Himalayan Hikers who have vast experienced 28 to 30 years.
Some of the trek highlights of Auden’s Col Trek
Auden’s col trek is considered extremely dangerous due to its unpredictability. This trek is only for experienced trekkers who have trekked over difficult terrain such as glaciers and arduous peaks. This trek is a difficult journey through morrains, ice crevasses, landslide prone areas, and sliding grounds.
The trek begins with an easy and manageable terrain from Gangotri Valley to Rudugaira Valley, passing through some landslide zones and thick snow patches. The narrow slopes just before and after the last trail to Auden’s col are a risky walk that should only be attempted with extreme caution and equipment skills. As trekkers descend from the summit, they will have the opportunity to visit the holy site of Kedarnath just before their final stop at Gaurikund.
The bad weather, heavy snowfall, and low visibility along with the challenging terrain are just a few of the issues we concern hikers about. The route acclimatization and the stop days will be added as needed to base on the weather and the condition of the trekkers.
The altitude covered in Auden’s col trek 
Dehradun to Gangotri -10100ft.
Nala Camp-12335ft.
Rudugaira Camp-14800ft
Auden’s Col base camp-16000ft.
Khatling glacier camp-16800ft.
Zero points-12700ft.
Masar Tal-14960ft.
Vasuki Tal-14435ft.
Mayali Pass-16900ft.
Best Time to Visit  Auden’s col Trek
Both the ascent and the descent of Auden’s col are challenging. The best time to hike these paths is from June to September and again in the first week of October. The snow sheets and patches observed in this area may vary depending on the length of the previous winters. The temperature typically ranges from -2 to -5 degrees Celsius. Because the weather over the top is frequently unpredictable, trekkers may or may not be able to camp near the top.
1) Detailed Itinerary
2)Is it safe
3)Difficulty level
4)Weather conditions
5)Things to carry
6)Connectivity and transaction
7)includes and excludes
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Must Read about Auden’s Col Trek
Duration: 14 Days from Dehradun to Dehradun)
Best Season: June and September or October 1st week
Highest Point: 5,490 meters
Trekking Distance (total) – 115 km
Weather: It is unpredictable and can change anytime so do keep an extra day in the itinerary
Temperature:(-2°C to -5°C)
Key Points About Auden’s Col Trek
Level: Difficult (so first-timers trekkers should avoid)
Proper conditioning & training of body required
Need proper gear & clothing for sub-zero temperatures?
Shoes are the single most important equipment
High Altitude requires proper acclimatization
Post monsoon or pre-monsoon is the best time. During rains, the region is prone to landslides
Phones don’t work on the trek
The beautiful landscape so carry good photo gear (I couldn’t carry my best equipment)
light (my backpack was heavy at about 10 kg to 12 Kg )
Keep an extra day in your itinerary for crossing the pass to account for bad weather
If you choose Good and local trekking company Himalayan Hikers than it is better for you because Himalayan Hikers is a local company our mission is safe treks, growth of locals.
Short Itinerary of Auden’s Col Trek
Day 1 – Drive from Dehradun to Gangotri (10100 feet) (245 km) (10/11 Hours) overnight stay hotel
Day 2- Acclimatization Day at Gangotri
Day-3 Gangotri to Nala Camp (12335 feet) (7 km)
Day 4- Nala Camp to Rudugaira Camp (14800 feet) (4 km)
Day-5 Acclimatization Day at Rudugaira Camp
Day 6- Rudugaira Camp to Auden’s Col base camp (16000 feet) via Gangotri base camp (7 km)
Day 7– Auden’s Col base camp to Auden’s Col (18000 feet) and Khatling glacier camp (16800 feet) (5 km)
Day 8- Khatling glacier camp to Zero points (12700 feet) (10 km)
Day 9- Rest Day + Acclimatization
Day 10- Zero point to Chowki (11750 feet) (7 km)
Day 11- Chowki to Masar Tal (14960 feet) (8 km)
Day 12- Masar Tal to Vasuki Tal (14435 feet) via Mayali Pass (16900 feet) (12 km)
Day 13- Vasuki Tal to Kedarnath (11800 feet) (7 km)
Day 14- Kedarnath to Gaurikund ((14 km) Same day to Rishikesh or Dehradun by taxi
Is it safe Trek 
Set amidst the high altitude ranges, concerns regarding Auden’s col trek safety are indeed very valid questions. We have all the possible probabilities calculated if anything goes off the schedule. At every stop point of the journey, trekkers will be going through a proper guided session informing them about the upcoming terrains. All our professional strive their best to provide trekkers with the best experience possible.
Difficulty level
Because the top is relatively high in elevation, we recommend a reasonable level of physical fitness. We strongly advise trekkers to be physically and mentally prepared for an endurance process as the arduous journey throws obstacles at every step and inch. Throughout the course, all groups will be guided by our experts for trekking equipment and any impending terrain.
Weather conditions
Weather conditions depend on the time of the year trekkers are travelling. Months from May to October experience moderate temperatures during the day with substantially colder nights.
During the day the temperature of Auden’s col trek is around ( 3°C to 8 °C  and during the night the temperature comes down to -5 °C  to – 8°C  which is not easy trek
Things to carry
1) Because nights at elevations tend to be considerably colder, we suggest having well-graded, warm and comfortable clothing along with good quality shoes.
2) Despite the fact that we handle medical crises, we urge individuals to keep their emergency kits at hand in any case of personal underlying illnesses.
3) Since the journey provides you with a picturesque view of many peaks, don’t forget to bring your camera along with extra batteries.
4) All the trekking gears will be provided by our teams hence we recommend carrying only the important luggage with essentials
Connectivity and Transactions
1) Because connectivity along the route is unpredictable, we urge people to do all of their work ahead of time.
2) Trekkers will be provided with walkie- talkies beforehand in case of emergency
3)last ATM transactions available will be at Dehradun but we recommend travellers to collect cash beforehand or while in Dehradun as ATM available at other places might not dispense cash at times
Will there be electricity in Auden’s Col trek
Let me tell you that there is no electricity in the forest area of Auden’s col trek. Here we use Stobe Light and or Solar Light, candal light at the nights
If you come on this trek, then you should bring your own head light and your camera with full charge, if possible, it would be good to bring extra battery backup, and also bring the phone after full charge, today people most of the phone use the same
Note :- Day 1 Electricity available at Gangotri base Camp charge your all phone and camera here
Your Travel Plan for Auden’s Col Trek
You can book the train, air flight, and bus tickets for your journey only according to the information given by us.
The Auden’s Col trek will be of 12 days and 02 days of your journey total of 14 Days from Dehradun to Dehradun in Uttarakhand.
First of all, all the trekkers will have to book their flight and train bus according to our time table as our pick up is from 6 am to 7 am, you will have to reach Dehradun in the morning.
A taxi from Himalayan hikers will link you to the Dehradun railway station.
Himalayan Hikers organize transport to Gangotri base camp from Dehradun railway station. Our vehicles leave at 6:00 am to 7:00 am sharp from Dehradun. The taxi costs include your package for a Tempo Traveler.
At Dehradun railway station you will get our staff that will arrange transport for you. The contacts no Transport coordinator or our office team will give you a week ago to your departure.
Please you guys book your transport facility according to your own time table, after Himalayan Hikers take all the responsibility of Dehradun from Dehradun, that you will not face any problem.
What to pack for  Auden’s Col trek
Warm clothes, sleeves, wind shelter, comfortable clothing, and extra warm clothes so that you can enjoy trekking. A raincoat is the necessary
Footwear: A well-fitted trekking footwear shoes are highly recommended. If you wear an uncomfortable pair of shoes, your feet will be hurt.
Self-Certificate of Emergency Breakout
What we do during an emergency breakout in the Auden’s col trek Trekking?
Trekking in the Himalayas is not a cup of tea but it is a rewarding experience. However, it’s important to keep things in mind when it comes to Safety. One must know about the weather conditions, the altitude gain, fitness and other factors that can wreck your experience. In such adverse conditions, you are solely responsible for your wellbeing and act maturely.
Also Read About – Safety Tips For Safe Trekking.
Preparations before the Trek
You’ve to understand that treks are away from cities and medical help is not always easily available. So, if you are heading for an adventurous trekking trip, stick to certain trekking guidelines and tips. Following these simple tips will help make the trek more fun and experiential for you as well as your fellow trekkers.
These tips and guidelines cater to useful and requisite information about your fitness training, packing and health precautions to be taken before and during the trek.
Firstly, when you start, target 5 km in 40 minutes
Then gradually increase your pace by running at least 4 times a week. Then try to bring it down to 5 km in less than 37 minutes
If you are a person who prefers cycling over running then your target must be 22 km means you should be able to cover 22 km in 60 minutes.
Walking is a great exercise that gives great shape to your legs and your body. It helps in burning calories and cut down excess weight and strengthens the heart.
Jogging is effective in increasing the human lifespan and makes your lungs stronger. It is an aerobic activity that requires a lot of oxygen. This is a great exercise for fighting obesity and staying healthy.
Squats are the best form of functional exercises to improve stability. They also strengthen your legs, thighs, hips, and hamstring.
Another great cardiovascular exercise is pushing your body upstairs after stairs. This is regarded as the best exercise for increasing strength and power
What we do during an emergency breakout in the Auden’s Col trek
First of all, the safety of trekkers is much more for us, if you see in the trek, then there are all the risks, which I do not think about.
Himalayan Hikers worry more about you that no one should ever have any problem in the trek.
What should we and you keep more safety in the trek
Whenever you are going for any high altitude trek, it is very important that you go completely fit and ready.
The trek is not difficult, if you make your feet and your mind calm and strong, you will find the trek very easy.
While trekking, keep in mind that you are walking on the right route or not always with your guide.
Most people look somewhere and where they are walking, this can cause twitching in your legs, which can ruin your entire trek.
It is important to ask your doctor if you have any medical problems
I should always keep my medical kit with me, it is very important.
Himalayan Hikers always keep a medical kit with you, such as oxygen cylinders, Diamox ablate , medicine to be given in emergency on the trek and Technical equipments
If any trekkers have any more problems, then they are brought back to the base camp by laying them in the stretcher.
Our camp in Audens col trek around the 9,000 feet to 17,000 feet where you can not have any big  problem of oxygen
In case of any medical problem, the help of your guide or a well-informed trekkers should be taken
If there is major health problems in Auden’s Col trek , then Nearest Hospital is in Uttarkashi which is about 149  Kms away from Auden’s Col Expedition trek
Along with the trek we keep getting acclimatization
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bobyseo · 2 years
Construction Of Homes In TDP Government
In the current financial year, Rs. Construction of 6,47,000 houses at the cost of 1747.17 crores. In rural areas, 3,77,000 guaranteed houses, 10,000 are model guaranteed houses, and in urban areas 50 thousand guaranteed houses. 64,374 houses under Pradhan Mantri Grameen Yojana. 64,374 houses under Indira Awas Yojana. Actions for the construction of 50 thousand houses in the name of Vambe. 32,756 houses are being constructed under Grihini (loan-subsidy) scheme. 5,000 houses under Matsyakara Griha Scheme. 20 thousand houses for weavers. 20,438 thousand houses are being constructed under the housing construction of beedi workers. So far 4,46,689 houses have been sanctioned and construction of 1.91 lakh houses has been completed so far. The TDP Government had ruled the state for more than a decade under the presence of the founder NTR and is continued by Nara Chandrababu Naidu with a vision for the future of the state and made it possible for the future generations with the help of many Top TDP Leaders and Best TDP MLA Candidates.
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Shri. Nara Chandrababu Naidu is a visionary who is obsessed with efficiency and technology. Under TDP Government the state of Andhra Pradesh went through the most significant development in the history of the state. The TDP Leaders who worked for the people and the limitations of the state government helped the state achieve many development programs and this led to many projects which allowed the state of Andhra Pradesh where it is now.
Distribution of houses:
❖     The target is the distribution of more than 10 lakh house plots with Rs. 227.25 crores. So far 8,89,243 house plots have been distributed.
Social welfare:
❖     The target is to construct 500 hostel buildings with funds of Rs. 58.25 crores. All are under construction.
❖     Construction of 300 community halls with Rs. 12 crore is the target and 289 have been sanctioned.
❖     The target is to rehabilitate 1,699 vettichakiri workers annually with the financial assistance of Rs. 2339.80 lakhs.
❖     It has provided Rs.  48.45 lakhs for the rehabilitation of 251 vettichakiri workers
❖     With Rs. 6.90 crores, the target is to rehabilitate 3,449 sanitation workers per week
❖     So far Rs. 547.36 lakhs to rehabilitate 2439 sanitation workers.
❖     Rs. 540.00 crores to provide financial assistance to benefit and rehabilitate 2,699 Jogins.
❖     So far Rs. 308. 1373 Jogins have been rehabilitated at a cost of Rs.30 lakhs.
❖     1,10,000 beneficiaries under the self-employment scheme Rs. The government has decided to provide 200 crores.
❖     So far Rs. 87.93 crore has been disbursed to 70,230 beneficiaries.
❖     The target is to electrify 3116 Dalits at Rs.6232 lakhs.
❖     Till now 1938 Dalits families got electrified and a total amount of Rs.38.76 crores is spent.
 These TDP Contributions made by the government have become Top TDP Achievements.
Welfare of Minorities
❖     Construction of 5000 houses at a cost of Rs.21.90 crores under the Stok-o-Makas scheme.
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7weekly2022 · 2 years
WEEK 52 (last week). Pune. But wait .. there is 5 more days to go. (Christmas day).
1. Venture Center (Ravi).
2. Vinit Students show (Pretty Woman and Imagine)
3. JOGIN DESAI (Eyestem)
4. Opal Foundation music practice (Abhinav, Sarth, Ishan)
5. Dhanu/Gautam VastuShanti (family love).
6. 4x swim, gym, run.
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i finally found someone with a worse lucky than mine in pulling cards 😂😂 (deve ser a praga de ser brasileiro socorro)
Só falta eu ir de zoas no próximo e pegar o Vil ou o Cater de prima, aí vocês vão ouvir meu grito de raiva até no inferno
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ahjussistuff · 3 years
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୨୧ ♡ ᜔ֺ ૮₍ ˶ ◕ ꒳ ◕ ˶ ₎ ა﹗ 𝅼 ׂ 𖤣𖥧𑁍 .•°¤*(¯`★´¯)*¤° ι¢σиѕ °¤*(¯´★`¯)*¤°•. *•.¸♡ ʳᵉᵇˡᵒᵍ ᵒʳ ˡⁱᵏᵉ ⁱᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ᵘˢᵉ •´¯`•. 𝐃𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 .•´¯`• ♡¸.•* 𝙥𝙨𝙙 ୨୧ ♡
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exogotmeoncrack · 4 years
Is it weird that I'm hella attracted to
Kim bum /Lee Rang but not at all to
EXO Kai? (I love him but just not like thatttt)
Kim bum Kai
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Brain?!? Explain???
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