fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
Pregnant together
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Regina Caliente: I can't believe you are already pregnant again
Johanna Freeman: Yeah, I was very surprised when I saw two stripes on the test. But we are very excited about it
Babette: Aren't you worried about Kyle?
Johanna: No, not really. He is a good baby
Regina: It will be differnt with two baby's
Johanna: Yes, it will be but my mom did it, my mother in law did it. So way can't I
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Babette: Yes, my mom did it too
Regina: My mom had twins!
Johanna: See, I'm having an easy time
Babette: eh, I have something to tell you both too
Johanna: Eh, I guess I already figured it out
Regina: Yeah, not so hard. Suddenly engaged without having a courtship first. Your pregnant, aren't you?
Babette: eh, yeah
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Johanna: I'm thrilled to be expecting with you!
Regina: You sure kept your relationship with Raymond a secret. I had no idea you liked him
Johanna: and I was hoping you and Josiah would hit it off
Babette: Eh, yeah, I know, sorry
Regina: Well, I'm very happy for you and Raymond.
Johanna: Is the house ready?
Babette: Yes, it is. It's very pretty and big. Raymond is a bit older so he has plenty of money saved up.
Regina: Good for you. How many bedrooms does the house have?
Johanna: Do you have more then three?
Babette: No, also three but downstairs is a lot bigger then here.
Johanna: Oeh, I'm jealous!
Babette: But there is more
Regina: What!?
Babette: It's twins
Johanna: no way!
Regina: Seriously?
Babette: Yes, so that's why I'm huge
Johanna: Well, you will be a great twinmom, I'm sure
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
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We have been blessed with a healthy baby boy! We are so deeply in love with Kyle. We are amazed by God's grace. Daniel&Johanna Freeman
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Baby Rogers #4 is on the way! We are thrilled to announce that we are expecting another baby. We can't wait to welcome this little bundle of joy in our family. Leo&Zara Rogers, Mia, Winston and Richard
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Another baby girl has joined our family. We welcomed Paula into our family this morning and it already feels like she has always been part of our girltribe. She is such a doll, adored by all her big sisters. Colton&Nina Reagan, Julia, Kaira, Laura, Maria, Nadia and Orpah
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
Ready for the baby
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Babette Pancakes: So, how long until the baby comes
Johanna Freeman: Longer then I want. I'm ready to meet my baby
Regina Caliente: Is the crib already in place?
Johanna: Yes, everything is ready. I want to hold my baby
Babette: Do you already know what it's going to be?
Johanna: Yes, but we are not telling
Regina: Can we see the nursery?
Johanna: We set the crib in our bedroom. I want the baby close to me
Babette: That's so sweet
Johanna: Come, check it out
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Babette: It's so cute! With the little kitty
Regina: You have such a nice house
Johanna: Thanks. But now it's time for one of you to get married and have a baby too. I don't want to be the only one to have children
Babette: Eh
Regina: How are things going with you and Josiah, Babette?
Johanna: That didn't work out, right, Babette?
Babette: Yes, he isn't interested.
Regina: Bummer
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
The diner
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Johanna Freeman: So nice of you both to come eat with us
Babette Pancakes: So nice of you to invite me
Josiah Freeman: Yes, thanks for the invite
Daniel: It's way to quiet here with only Johanna and me
Josiah: Well, you shouldn't have gotten married then
Johanna: With the baby coming it will be noisier soon
Babette: How are you feeling, Johanna?
Johanna: Good, nausious in the morning but I won't complain. It's such a delight to carry a baby
Daniel: It's the blessing of being a woman
Babette: I can't wait to see you be a mom
Johanna: I hope you and Regina will soon join me in motherhood
Babette: Well, first marriage ofcourse
Johanna: Yes, indeed. Do you already have a woman in your mind, Josiah?
Josiah: No, but I'm only 18, so...
Johanna: old enough to get married
Daniel: Yes, indeed
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
Setting up
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Johanna Freeman: Daniel?
Daniel Freeman: Yes, Johanna, can I get you something?
Johanna: I was thinking that Josiah is still single
Daniel: Yes...
Johanna: Can't we set him up with Babette? She things he is funny and cute
Daniel: I don't know
Johanna: It would be so much fun if they actually hit it off
Daniel: It would be nice for Babette to get married since her father is gone. That family needs a men
Johanna: Exactly
Daniel: But how do we do that?
Johanna: We just invite them over for diner sometime.
Daniel: We can do that
Johanna: Yes, and then they can talk and get to know eachother
Daniel: Yes, indeed, and maybe I can talk to my father, get him encourage Josiah to get to know Babette even more
Johanna: Yes! You should do that!
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
Girl talk
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Johanna Freeman: It's just so bizar to me.
Regina Caliente: Well, you are married...
BabettePancakes: haha, yes, Johanna, you are married. You could have been pregnant two months ago
Johanna: Yeah, I know but that it would happen this quick. I was so happy. Daniel too. And his mother is still in disbelief that she is going to be a grandmother
Regina: Oh, yeah, you are caring the first Freeman grandbaby, that's an important role, Johanna
Johanna: Yes, I feel the load but my mom is so relaxt and helps me with everything.
Babette: your mother is so sweet
Johanna: Yes, she really is
ding dong
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Daniel Freeman: I'll open the door, you sit down, Johanna
Johanna: Thank you, Dan
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Daniel: he! Josiah! Come in, let's go to one of the bedrooms. The girls are here so no room for us boys
Josiah Freeman: Sure, let them talk about us
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Johanna: So, who things Josiah is cute?
Regina: Johanna! You are married!
Johanna: No, not like that. Regina! Like for you two, so one of you can become my sister in law
Babette: He sure is funny
Johanna: yeah, do you think so?
Babette: Yes
Regina: Then you can have him
Johanna: It will be so much fun if you and Josiah actually would hit it off
Babette: I don't know. I love to become your sister in law but... I don't know
Regina: What's holding you back?
Babette: Isn't it scary? Being with a men?
Johanna: At first, but Daniel is really sweet to me. I'm sure Josiah will be the same. They are brothers after all
Babette: I guess you're right
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
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We are thrilled to share that we are expecting another blessing from the Lord. Our family will be expanded one more time. We can't wait for our little gift to arrive. Colton&Nina Reagan, Julia, Kaira, Maria, Laura, Nadia, Orpah
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We are thrilled to announce we are expecting a baby! We feel so blessed by the Lord to recieve this gift of life. Daniel&Johanna Freeman
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
Coming home
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Johanna Freeman (Clarkson): We are home!
Daniel Freeman: Yes, we are. This will be our first night in our very own home, Johanna
Johanna: I'm very excited, Dan
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Johanna: My mom put fresh flowers in the vase! How neat of her!
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Daniel: Come here, Johanna, our first kiss in our home
Johanna: haha, Love you, Dan
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Johanna: Just look at this view
Daniel: we will be very happy here
Johanna: Just imagen us sitting there watching our children play outside
Daniel: Well, let's try again for a baby then
Johanna: oh, Daniel
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Johanna: yes, don't stop
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
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This couple looks lovely but they are way too young to get married and start having children. They will be living in this house. Johanna's dad may or may have not helped out financialy. He is rich and only has five children, two got married a long time ago. And now his baby girl got married.
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
Daniel&Johanna's wedding
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It's the weddingday of Daniel Freeman and Johanna Clarkson.
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Traditionaly they saved their first kiss for today
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The Freeman family, without youngest member Shiloh. Kylian&Samantha have mixed feelings about their eldest getting married. They are thrilled about the new season of life with children getting married but they are sad that their son won't be living with them. With them being only 40 and 42 they don't think about grandchildren, yet.
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The Clarkson family. They are getting huge! With fifthteen, soon sixteen grandchildren it's not weird to consider them big. And that only with two married children so far. Johanna is the third of their five children to get married. Now they only have Mabel and Judah living at home. Pierre&Jade left fundiechurch and kept their family at 9. Romeo has grown his family to soon 11. Peter and Allison are proud at their growing family and are thrilled for their daughter to marry a Freeman.
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
Daniel's 20th birthday
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Johanna Clarkson: So, I absolutely love this date for your birthday. It feels like I'm the one who gets older today.
Daniel Freeman: Haha, you are getting older every day, Johanna
Johanna: haha
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Daniel: I thought this would be a lovely place for a lovely lady
Johanna: You are funny and sweet, Daniel. I love you
Daniel: I love you too, Johanna. I love you very much, so I wanted to ask you a question
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Daniel: Do you want to marry me and become my wife
Johanna: Yes!
Daniel: I make my world, Johanna
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Johanna: Can we finaly hold hands now?
Daniel: Yes! finaly!
Johanna: haha, I love you, Daniel
Daniel: I love you too, Johanna. You mean so much to me. I could never discribe in words what I feel for you
Johanna: That's alright, I love you is enough
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
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Johanna Clarkson: Congratulations Babette, you are finaly an adult just as us
Babette Pancakes: Thanks, haha
Regina Caliente: haha, congrats, Babette
Babette: Thanks, I love you guys for getting me out of my mothers house for a couple of hours. It's always crazy around that house
Johanna: You're welcome!
Regina: I can't imagen what that must be like. Having a single mother and so many younger siblings to have to care for
Babette: Yeah, sometimes it's though, but we get by.
Johanna: I never had that too. My mom only had five children. But my brothers do have big family's and I help them out all the time.
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Babette: Yeah, but living in the same house is quite different.
Regina: I guess so
Babette: you two have it pretty easy. Wait until you guys get married and have a lot of children yourselfs.
Johanna: I love too!
Regina: Well, I guess getting married to Daniel will garanty a lot of children. His mother is expecting again.
Johanna: Yeah, it's so cool. He will be 20 by the time the baby will be born.
Babette: Well, it probably be her last. How old is she?
Johanna: I don't know.
Regina: Well, about 40 won't she? If Daniel is almost 20..
Johanna: Yes, he is
Babette: maybe he will propose to you on his birthday
Johanna: that would be so sweet!
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
Coming for a walk
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Allison Clarkson: Johanna? Do you want to come for a walk with me and Daniel?
Johanna Clarkson: Huh? A walk? With you and Daniel? Daniel Freeman?
Allison: Yes
Johanna: Eh, alright
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Daniel Freeman: Don't you think it's beautiful here?
Johanna: Yes, indeed
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Daniel: I have something to ask you, Johanna
Johanna: Oh, what is it?
Daniel: I was hoping we, eh, that, eh
Johanna: It's alright
Daniel: eh, haha, I like you, I like talking to you
Johanna: I like talking to you too, Daniel
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Daniel: Really?
Johanna: Yes
Daniel: well, eh, would you want to start courting?
Johanna: Yes! I would like that very much
Daniel: You make me a very happy men
Johanna: Haha, you are so sweet
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
Judah and Daniel
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Johanna Clarkson: So much fun I got to tag along on your outing!
Daniel Freeman: Ofcourse, it just means more fun
Judah Clarkson: eh, yeah
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Johanna: Well, I like hanging out with grown ups. I love children but sometimes I just need to talk with my reguarly voice about normal things
Judah: You aren't a grown up
Johanna: Yes, I'm
Judah: No, you are 17
Johanna: 18 in just a couple of months!
Daniel: Do you babysit your nieces and nephews?
Johanna: Yes, all the time. Whenever they need me. Both Pierre and Romeo have a large family and always in need for two more hands.
Daniel: That's so sweet of you to help them.
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Johanna: I like hanging out with children. They are so much fun
Daniel: Yes, they are. I like having little brothers and sisters. Rebecca just turned one year old, she is so cute!
Johanna: Yes! She is adorable. I have seen her in the church nursery.
Daniel: do you babysit there too?
Johanna: Yes
Daniel: I bet you are great with children
Johanna: I'm doing the best I can. I hope to become a great mother some day
Daniel: I'm sure you will
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