fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
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We are thrilled to announce we are expending our family one more time! Baby Nelson #11 is on the way. We can't be more thankful to God for blessing us with so many children. Logan&Alice Nelson, Lois, Anthony, Lawson, Alyssa, Lincoln, Ashley, Liam, Amelia, Lily, Andrew
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Our twins made it sound and safe into the world! Praise the Lord! We named them Kade and Jill, a boy and a girl. Pierre&Jade Clarkson, Pepijn, Olivia, Nathan, Marinda, Lennard
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Our little family is growing once again! Baby Eaten #6 is on the way. We can't wait to meet this precious little baby. Solomon&Hannah Eaten, Sebastian, Sienna, Daley, Harold, Dianna
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We are blessed with a precious little baby girl. We named her after Grace's mother, Shania. Everything is going great with both Grace and Shania. Max&Grace Villareal
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