#john juniper suffering fr
vampy-mel · 7 months
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woollyslisterblog · 5 years
1834 May Friday 2nd (part two)
it’s raining so you lucky folk get an update. apropos to nothing: top tip when meadow strimming, remember to wear cravat ala AL or suffer consequence of getting sap of GIANT HOGWEED on self and looking like you have been in an orgy and people asking “does she bite?”
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then d[o]wn the o[ld] b[ank] to Throp’s – st[ai]d to see 50 mo[re] Portug[a]l laurels, 100 mo[re] box, 25 mo[re] Hollies, 40 mo[re] yews, 6 junipers, 6 weep[in]g cedars, 2 Lignum vitae of so[me] sort or oth[e]r 2 Chinese arbor vitae, 6 junipers, 1 rose acacia, 4 Americ[a]n scotch-like firs, and 1 Erica vulgaris, and anoth[e]r patch of violets, tak[e]n up and pack[e]d in our cart w[i]th w[hi]ch John g[o]t b[a]ck ab[ou]t 2 1/2 p.m.
I g[o]t b[a]ck just bef[ore] – hav[in]g staid a min[ute] or 2 to look at the cellar digg[in]g for the Whisk[u]m barh[ou]se, beg[a]n today – Pickell’s man (so[me] are employ[e]d by h[i]m bring[in]g the stuff) to this side of the new Dry bridge – John Bott[omle]y bring[in]g soil (thrown up fr[om] the wide God[le]y road in my unc[le]’s ti[me]) to dress up gr[ou]nd along the ent[ran]ce r[oa]d along the gard[e]n wall –
fr[om] 2 3/4 to 7 pm Pickells and Dick and the oth[e]r man and John Booth plant[e]d all that ca[me] fr[om] Throp’s today – P[ickells] – in the morn[in]g fill[e]d up all b[u]t 37 pl[an]ts John put in the aft[ernoo]n the hedge along top of the trough of Boll[an]d wood w[i]th hollies w[hi]ch took alltogeth[e]r ab[ou]t 87 s[e]nt George Pickells ab[ou]t 5 w[i]th own cart for 15 mo[r]e Portug[a]l laurels and 25 box, and 6 rhododendrons and all these, too, put in (plant[e]d) by 7 exc[luding] the last (rhododendrons) with w[hi]ch w[i]th violets and a few sm[all] th[in]gs of yest[erday] John plant[e]d till ab[ou]t 8 – ca[me] in at 8 10/60 –
din[ner] at 8 20/60 coff[ee] at 9 1/4 in ¾ h[ou]r wr[ote] and s[e]nt at 10 3 pages kind let[ter] ans[we]rs to all quest[ion]s to ‘Miss Walker Heworth Grange York’ then 1/4 h[ou]r w[i]th my a[un]t talk[in]g to Cord[ingle]y– wr[ote] the last 16 lines till 10 55/60 – fill[e]d up tax pap[e]r enter[in]g Th[oma]s Beech footman, chaise i.e. 1 4-wheel[e]d carr[ia]ge, and armor[ia]l bear[in]gs blazon[e]d on the carr[ia]ge – enclose[e]d this pap[e]r so fill[e]d up und[e]r cov[e]r ‘to Mr Mallinson Horton St[ree]t Halifax’ to go by John in the morn[in]g – hav[in]g writ[ten] to h[i]m m[u]ch oblig[e]d and hop[e]d he w[oul]d f[i]nd the pap[e]r right fill[e]d up hav[in]g enter[e]d as ab[ov]e nam[e]d - then wro[te] the foll[owin]g ‘Miss List[e]r pres[ent]s h[e]r comp[limen]ts to Mrs Bramley, and h[a]s gr[ea]t pleas[u]re in inform[in]g h[e]r that Miss Walk[e]r‘s address is, Heworth Grange, n[ea]r York - Shibden Hall Fri[day] even[in]g 2 May 1834’ – to go by John in the morn[in]g to ‘Mrs Bramley, Aked’s Road’ – ga[ve] Cord[ingle]y £35 for John to pay Mr Lawson the glazer’s bill for the 2 wat[e]r clos[e]ts £34.11.7 b[u]t deduct[in]g 10 st[one] 12lbs old lead pipe at 2/. (new lead 3/2 p[e]r st[one] and ris[in]g) = 21/6 = £33.10.7 – h[a]d just done all the ab[ov]e and giv[e]n all in charge to Cord[ingle]y at 11 1/2 – ver[y] fine day tho[ugh] at ti[me]s rath[e]r dull, and giv[in]g hope of r[ai]n by and by perh[aps] to night aft[e]r midnight - F 57° now at 11 1/2 p.m.
yes after a busy day outdoors she goes home to do her taxes. I feel ashamed. NB for 150 years there was a heraldic tax on showing your coat of arms: a tax on social snobbery, if you will.
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vampy-mel · 1 year
Ahah, I don't know how to use this. But I ain't letting yall escape.
John juniper, people must have gotten the wrong suit. Those wrinkles aren't going to get better. (Someone help this man he's dying inside just like you. That's right, get some sleep, goddamn.)
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Me rn fr. After this madness. Dios mío ayúdame.
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