#johnathan is lucky to have mina
prettyboysmlm · 1 year
wait nO QUINCY-
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I'm not saying this is canon or anything, obviously it's hard to apply modern conceptions to older writings and we all bring ourselves to our interpretations. That said, there's something really special to me as a queer woman-adjacent person about how Mina loves Lucy and Johnathan. I still think about the scene where Mina watched Lucy sleep and thought about how beautiful she was, how her fiancé will be lucky to see her like this. She segways into thinking about how women in the future will be able to propose to their husbands-to-be. I think Mina has the same love in her voice when looking after Lucy and when looking after Johnathan. And of course finding someone beautiful doesn't have to be romantic. I just like reading Mina as bi/queer and drawing on scenes like these.
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bindi-the-skunk · 2 years
Welcome to a Jurassic mistake WIP
Greetings lucky participant
"We are pleased to inform you that you have been invited to enjoy a VIP tour of the latest and greatest in park technology, you and other select few will be allowed to experience and we wish to hear your thoughts and opinions on the safety, activities etc. before you will receive a free lifetime access to said park for your services or even a chance to be interviewed to work at the park, kindly respond to this letter as soon as you are able, we promise you enough adventure for a lifetime"
"Signed M"
"Odd way to hire people…" Mina Harker chuckled as she looked at the letter, no doubt that the letter had been sent to several other people who's skills would benifit the park, her husband and two of her friends had gotten similar letters, a lawyer, a doctor and a marine life biologist (sounded like the start of a rather interesting joke…) would no doubt be a boon to the park starting on the right foot, though Mina wondered how her skills as a teacher would be useful, Johnathan had been curious, but even he seemed hesitant to travel to an island in the pacific just for a vacation at a not even finished park.
Henry and Dakkar had similar concerns,but, they all could afford to take some time off, and Mina even thought it might be good for them to do so, none of them planned to leave their work of course, but nothing wrong with considering it if it proved to be better conditions.
To think this person was also proving desperate to offer lifetime access to the park for free, must be a pretty cruddy park or in some sort of trouble to need that sort of bribery at the very start.
But it did sound as though it would be fun.
"Something about this is suspicious" Dakkar said looking out of the window of the plane him and the rest of the people who had been sent the mysterious letter were on.
"Relax, father, this will be a good experiance for all of us" Janni, Dakkar's daughter said, reading a book not even bothering to look up from it. Her father could truely be so paranoid about everything and everyone.
"It all feels far too underhanded to me and I don't trust it"
"Oh, Nemo you don't trust anybody" Mina chuckled, hoping the use of the nickname would put her friend at some ease.
"Never mind that…" Nemo said not bothering to bring up that he trusted his friends.
"A shame Johnathan chose to stay behind…" Mina fussed a bit with her shirt, her husband having said he would much rather stay behind and do a bit of research on who their mystery patron might be, and spend some father-son time with their toddler Quincy, the boy was still far too little to go on such a trip, but he insisted that Mina go on and have a good time with their friends.
"Hey! You cut that out!"
Oh dear
Mina had, of course, sat herself as far away from their resident self-proclaimed ladies man Rodney Skinner as she could, but this had the side effect of putting him near his second favorite person to pick on, Allan Quartermain, who he kept poking at with his boot, someone who did not know him would assume the cramped space would of course cause accidental poking abounds…
And Rodney took that excuse to poke the bear every chance he got
Just a wip for now, let me know what you think so far
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dross-the-fish · 1 year
Reading an earlier post on Dracula’s effect on Mina Harker, it seems to imply that she’ll never be free of him, unless maybe she dies while he’s “downed,” as the curse keeps resurfacing when he “regenerates.” Is that the case?
That is the case, There will be long periods where she can have a normal life while he slumbers, if she's lucky he'll sleep for 20 years or more at a time. It's kind of tragic but I can't picture having something like Dracula touch your life and then you just get to be free from it. But she's not overall unhappy, she has her son and she has Johnathan, she'll make the best of the peaceful times and face Dracula whenever he resurfaces.
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silcntprince · 5 years
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“Thank you, Mrs. Harker.” The kindly older woman slowly walked out of Mina’s office. A gentle yet cold hand helped her walk as the countess watched her carefully. “Now, Mrs. Jenkins. You need to be more careful with your wounded leg.” The older woman laughed and praised how Johnathan was such a lucky man to have her as his wife. Mina just placed a kind smile yet held a small sadness.
When Mrs. Jenkins left, Mina stumbled backgrounds, gripping the door frame. The fresh blood on her hands--- she hadn’t fed in days. She didn’t want him to see her feed. She didn’t want him to see the monster she was. Being a medical doctor made things difficult in her state but-- she loved what she did. 
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