#johnny peter ringo
txmbstone · 4 months
Hi there. Will you write what Curly Bill and Johnny Ringo are like when they get jealous 🤷‍♀️🤗
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Oh my gosh you have no idea how excited this request made me 😂 (ignore this is hella late life has been kicking my ass lately) i also got carried away with Johnny’s but that’s alright
Curly Bill
If you thought this man would stay silent about the matter you are sorely mistaken
The moment he sees any one else catching your attention he is immediately heading over
He doesn’t really have a plan he just knows the outcomes can range from embarrassing the hell out of the poor sod trying to get your attention to a house fire to actual murder (seriously get him a little doped up on opium and he is out for fucking blood)
He just strolls on over, looking like he doesn’t have a care in the world, thumbs tucked in his sash and his spurs clicking with his every step
Gives you that big bright smile full of teeth and eyes glimmering with violence
And just plants one right on your lips. No hello, no warning, just a big ole smack on the lips so hard you literally stumble back a moment and he’s got his arm around your waist to pull you in even closer to him
“Sorry I took so long, doll. Got a little caught up in private affairs.” He croons, ignoring the man entirely, pretending he doesn’t even exist. (He knows the men in this town, he knows that they crave attention more than anything, and he finds it absolutely rewarding to watch their faces deflate when they see you’re taken.)
He’ll keep his hands on you until the man clears his throat, catching both of yours attention, and that’s when the game begins
Brocius is an asshole about it. Unlike Johnny, he uses his words, and will catch the attention of every Cowboy within shouting distance to stake his claim. “Looks like you’ve got something that belongs to me, thank you for keeping them occupied while I tended to business,” his hand travels to the butt of his gun, playing with the hammer in warning
He nearly cackles when the man’s face loses a few shades of color, stuttering over apologies as Brocius leads you away
Johnny Ringo
I hate to admit it but he doesn’t really show his jealousy but lemme explain
Johnny is so secure in himself and your relationship he knows — deep down he knows that you would never try something. You both are so incredibly attuned with each other and your trust knows no bounds
That doesn’t mean that little green dragon doesn’t flare up every now and then
He likes that you both have your own independence (so he can hide the awful things he’s done from you and all your ‘golden glory’ as he calls it) but there’s also a small part of him that wants you all to himself. He wants you so carnally there are days he physically has to stay away from you or else the thoughts in his head are going to push him over the edge just at the sight of you smiling at him
So when this ravenous man sees you talking to some dressed up gentleman at the bar while you went to get a drink he’s immediately going balls to the wall
He won’t show it, but when you give the gentleman a polite smile and make your way back over to him, that’s when he ups the ante
And this man is absolutely sinful
Just as you’re about to sit in your chair next to him, he’ll grab you by your waist and plant you firmly in his lap. And right in view of everyone — and especially Mister Soon-to-be-six-feet-under — plant a hickey right on your neck while his free hand makes work of remapping its way around your body. He presses you so close into his body you can feel the outline of his bullets on his bandoliers through your thick clothing, and try not to look the gentlemen in the eye as Johnny practically manhandles you in plain view
It’s fun for you, to know that you can still rile up the infamous Johnny Ringo, and enjoy the sudden attention even when the man leaves
“That was mean, Johnny,” you tell, taking a sip from his glass
You notice he pays specific attention to your throat as you swallow, not even trying to hide the immense pride he gets at seeing the bruise starting to form. “He’ll get over it.”
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txmbstone · 5 months
Thank you for your writing!!
Can you do Ringo and Curly Bill first date with reader?🙏
ahh of course! this would have been out sooner but the holidays got the better of me lol
Curly Bill Brocius
This man is excited
He’ll go on for days leading up to the date all the ideas he wants to do with you
It takes Ike nearly bashing in his skull for him to settle down and really think
While he’s the life of the party, he wants something for just the two of you. He can get very possessive when he wants, and he doesn’t want to leave anything to chance, especially when it comes to his future relationship with you
So he opts for a picnic out in the country. He picks a few small things up from a shop and maybe a bottle of whiskey (or wine, if you prefer) and takes you for a trail ride
The whole way he’s pointing out the animals you two encounter, and tells you the time he mistook a Gila Monster for a Longnose snake and nearly got bit. He’ll point out the kinds of flowers that grow best in the spring after the thaw, and which plants heal sunburns best.
When you arrive, you see that he’s taken you to a small little spring tucked away in the mountains, where the both of you listen to the water and get to know one another better
Johnny Ringo
He chooses quieter locations, but knows with his reputation it’d be best for your peace of mind to be out in the open
He takes you a quiet little restaurant on the edge of town, just far enough out not to have Cowboys hounding the both of you constantly, but close enough you feel like he isn’t going to just up and have his way with you (as if he would ever do that, his mother would rise from her grave and beat him with a wooden spoon)
Dinner’s a teasing affair. While he’s with the Cowboys, Johnny’s usually reserved and quiet, never speaking unless spoken to. But with you? On your own? The man’s an absolute tease. He’ll pick tables that are just a little too short and will playfully grab fistfuls of your clothing and run it between his fingers just to watch you struggle to keep your composure. He’ll teach you phrases in Latin and sport the biggest grin when he translates the naughty sentence and watch your face burn bright red. It’s all in good fun, though. If he notices you aren’t comfortable with it, he stops
After dinner he’ll take you on a walk, and the two of you will point out the constellations you see
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txmbstone · 8 months
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summary: she tries to deny it, but truth is, she's falling in love with him
warnings: language, angst, mentions of alcohol, mentions of smoking
pairings: johnny ringo x outlaw!oc (⨍)
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“You make me feel…you make me feel,” she said quietly, fiercely, a tremble on her lip and bottle clutched so tight she swears it’ll shatter in her hands, “and I don’t like it. I want it to stop.”
He looks at her, quiet and foreboding as he’s always been, thumbs tucked in his sash as they always are, hat dipped below his eyes like it always is. She hates when he looks at her that way.
Quiet. Hungry. Carnal.
She hates when her heart races and leaps into her throat when he tilts his hat just so, hates when her knees quiver with every step his take. Ever so languid — smug, even — towards her like they’re the only two in the damn roo. She hates how dizzy he makes her when his fingers lace through her sash, tugs her close enough she can see the hazel in his dark eyes and smell the lingering cigar smoke on his breath.
She hates how it makes her feel.
Weak. Vunerable. Desired.
She hates it.
And yet…
She never wants him to stop.
She can’t bear to look at him.
I hate you. I hate you. I hate you.
Rough fingers hook under her chin, tilting just so his lips are a moments away from hers she can taste the whiskey on his breath and inhale the lingering fumes of cigars. It leaves her dizzy and shaken and drunk on only the feeling of him.
“Johnny…,” she whispers. A warning. A plea. A prayer on the tip of her tongie all he has to do is reach out and taste it.
The thought thrills and scares her.
Something shifts behind his eyes, darker as they flutter down to her lips, her nose, her brow before they return to her own.
“What do I make you feel?” He whispers the words into her mouth, her head swimming when his fingers hook into her sash, pulling her so close her hips knock into his, and she swears her heart’s stopped beating right in her chest.
I hate you. I hate you. I hate you.
I love you.
The bottle slips from her hands.
“I look at you, and I just love you,” the confession is so small, so quiet, hardly above a whisper. A mere note hanging on the end of a song he can hear that damn lunger playing just a few saloons down.
He hears it. He hears it and hangs on to every word.
“I love you, Johnny. And it terrifies me. It terrifies me what I would do for you.”
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