#johnny rayflo x charles j. chrishunds
casassin · 6 years
I was tagged by the wonderful @woollenpharaohs to list my 10 favorite ships. I still can't belive people actually know I exist on this site. Seriously. Thanks so much for tagging me!
Now this is gonna be quite hard because I just have way too many ships to function, but I'm gonna try anyway. The order won't actually mean anything really since I'm the kind of person to jump from ship to ship.
(this is actually my second try doing this since my computer crashed in the middle of doing this. Thanks a bunch computer)
1.Dean Winchester/Castiel-Supernatural
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Do you wanna have your heart broken and ripped to shreds? Then buckle up because I have the right ship for you!
These two have ruined me. Just like the show this ship is of great emotional value to me and I love it dearly. At this point the show is basically the most painful slow burn fic in the disguise of a TV show and I honestly can't complain. Each hug is fuel for my soul and gets me through another day.
2. Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham-Hannibal
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Tbh this ship actually shares the first place with Destiel because I discovered them both at the same time where I didn't feel great at all and they both helped me through really tough times.
When it comes to Hannigram I'll always remember that one post that said that Hannibal lives in his own wonderland amongst pigs, who'll never be able to understand him and his wonderland, until he stumbles upon Will who sees and understands.
And in the end we are all just searching for someone who understands us, aren't we?
Beautifully dark relationship that tugs on your heartstrings more than it should.
3. Alana Bloom/Margot Verger-Hannibal
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What would the murder husbands be without their counterpart murder wives?
Two beautiful women that kill their abuser via drowning and leave him to be eaten by his giant pet moray eel. Who then get married and have a beautiful son together. Bryan Fuller I truly thank you for this gift, for those beautiful ladies brighten my shadowy days.
4. Sam Winchester/Eileen Leahy-Supernatural
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Even though I've always been a huge sucker for Sam/Gabriel, these two took me over by storm. They've had such great chemistry and I instantly fell in love with the idea of them being together since she's been first introduced. Such a shame the writers don't like their own characters to have an ounce of happiness. Hello denial thanks for showing me all those fix it fics.
5.Trevor Philips/Michael De Santa-GTA V
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(not really a lot of gifs to use for that one)
Oh boy... Complete dumpster fire of a ship and guilty pleasure. I've actually shipshamed myself so long for this. But after playing the game multiple times, you just can't help but realize, that this ship sails itself.
Sometimes I wonder how I went from shipping girly anime looking guys to ship whatever these men are.
But this ship has some real emotional baggage and when you look behind the kinda disgusting surface, you see a relationship more flawed and real than most fanfiction offers. And oh man has this ship some really great fics!
6.Geralt of Rivia/Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy- The Witcher 3
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I present to you: my current obsession
Even though my only knowledge of their relationship comes from the Blood and Wine DLC (because I've bought the books just now so I haven't read them) I still fell hard for this. Very hard.
A higher vampire killing his own blood brother, a bond much stronger than a human could ever imagine, to save his dudebro and thus becoming hated and hunted amongst his own kind for all eternity. This ship might be the definition of : there is no hetero explanation for this. You can't fool me CD Projekt Red. These two were clearly in love.
7. Mac/Dennis-iasip
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What do I love more.
The meme that evolved from this scene or the ship?
Another one of those rough gems and my former obsession . With people so deeply flawed that it's more realistic than the most stuff you see on television these days. There is something about their dynamic that is so interesting to witness. Another one of those ships with some seriously great fanfics just like the one from the lovely person that tagged me.
8.Joseph Oda/Sebastian Castellanos-The Evil Within
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Just by looking at this one can imagine that this is anything but a happy ship. Just take all the angst you can imagine and put it in a ship. There we go. Now you've got Joseb.
Another one of those games where you can't help but notice the chemistry and ask yourself if there was something more. I always revisit this one when I feel the urge to get some angst into my system.
9.Johnny Rayflo/Charles J. Chrishunds-Vassalord
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My whole life was dedicated to this manga during my teenage years. Just looking at this gif still makes my heart swell in my chest. It's propably the reason why I have such a soft spot for vampires and I still have a special place for these two in my heart. Looks like I've got to reread this soon.
10. Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier-X-Men
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I think we all have a special love for that one ship that introduced us to shipping and just fandoms in general. This one is mine.
I still have folders of crappy fanart of them, when I first tried drawing. And one of my first fics was also dedicated to them. I don't know if they either destroyed me or showed me the way into my safe space. And even if my obsession has slowly faded, I still consider this one of my most favorite ships.
That was a ride. My god
Even though I have a lot more I think I'm quite satisfied with how this turned out.
Like always I'm gonna tag (and bother) two of my favorite ladies @kira-hayashi and @natari-55
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