#johnny wanting to be good to whole novel and being satisfied with his death because he dies doing something good?
boysborntodie · 6 months
It’s just so hard to get a balanced characterisation of Johnny. Like it’s unfortunately really easy to fall into one extreme. Like yes he killed Bob because he never wanted Bob to scare him again but also Johnny is upset at this and wishes it hadn’t come to that. No he is not weak, he’s emotionally strong and his life has probably made him physically tough too but also he is small and considerably less physically strong than the other boys (this is important to his character because these are things he’s insecure of and admires Dally for). Yes Johnny is very much a greaser and this means that he’s not entirely innocent but also he IS law-abiding, he doesn’t like committing crimes and would rather live an honest life, also he has a strong moral centre and disapproves when others cross lines. Johnny has flaws and can be jaded and angry and maybe even mean but at his heart he is someone who values kindness and goodness above all else and strives to be good. There needs to be nuance here
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variousqueerthings · 3 years
Daniel LaRusso: A Queer Feminine Fairytale Analysis Part Three of Three
(another massive, massive thank you to @mimsyaf​ )
part 1
part 2
8. Queerness and femininity and masculinity and the colour red and *record breaks*
If we spin the record aaalll the way back to this paragraph: “…looking at what it is girls and women in fairytales have/don’t have, what they want, and how they’re going to get it. It’s about power (lack of), sexuality (repressed, then liberated), and men.” Reading Daniel as a repressed, bisexual boy in a society that doesn’t accept his desires it’s interesting looking at how he moves through the world of the Miyagi-verse, at how threatened other men are by him, at how obsessed they are with him.
He’s out in the symbolic woods and these large boys and men see him and decide for whatever plot reasons to come for him. And they are large and violent and attractive and apart from Johnny again, they don’t have the nebulous excuse of fighting over a girl and even that excuse dies by around the midpoint when Johnny kisses Ali just to get a rise out of Daniel. He’s not trying to “win her back,” he’s not even really looking at her. He’s just trying to get a reaction. They don’t have any of the fighters in Rocky’s excuse either of Daniel being a macho opponent. 
You can read whatever subtext into TKK1 and TKK2 (which becomes especially tempting once CK confirmed that the guys he fought at seventeen have been thinking about him ever since – for thirty-five years), but TKK3 is where it’s really At in terms of obsession and lust and forbidden desires.
Silver is presented as both a handsome prince who saves Daniel and mentors him (where Miyagi is undoubtedly cast in a fatherhood role) and later on becomes twisted into a dark secret that Daniel has to keep, while he turns that thing that Daniel loves (karate, it’s… it’s karate… it’s also men, but it’s definitely karate, because karate makes him feel… things...) into an abusive, violent version of itself.
A wolf in sheep’s clothing.
But he’s also offering him something liberating. Whatever is going on in that nightclub scene is about something other than breaking Daniel down. Even the bloodied knuckles aren’t just about revenge. It’s about giving him something that he isn’t, in the end, willing to receive, at least not from Silver. In that roundabout, strange way of these feminine fairytales, it’s exploring hidden desires through the metaphor of karate.
Daniel wears red because it’s his colour. In the movies he wears red a lot. Often in scenes with violence in them (the beach/the hilltop in TKK1 and the date/the destruction of the dojo/the final fight in TKK2), but he also has a variety of shirts (and in TKK3 pants) that pop up all the way through the narrative. He wears a red jacket when he accepts Terry’s training, when he punches a guy in the face, and when he tries to get out of the training again (as badly as that goes).
Did anyone consciously think about red’s link to desire, obsession, and violence when they made these? Eh. But is it there symbolically? When he meets Johnny, when he fights Chozen, when he’s in emotionally fraught situations with Terry? Hell yeah.
Probably the most lust-and-violence infused red is that aforementioned punching-board-until-knuckles-bleed bit – not that I thought Terry was going to pull him in for a kiss, because I knew, logically, of course he wouldn’t right? There’s no way… is there? Or later on when Daniel punches that guy and ends up with blood all over his shirt and Terry once more grasps him, euphorically. Blood is violence. Blood is also desire. Red is Daniel’s colour, even though he doesn’t acknowledge it come Cobra Kai. (Maybe he just needs someone else - cough Johnny Lawrence cough - to inspire it in him again).
Daniel LaRusso’s narrative is exploring that most feminine of fairytale tropes: To want and be wanted by monsters and having to hide those desires.
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“Maybe this time that strange churning in my stomach that feels like a mix of anticipation and fear will turn out good for me.” - Daniel’s mind.
At the end of the story, Daniel saves himself, with all of the strange mixed narratives around it, and the acknowledgement that the end of The Karate Kid Part Three isn’t satisfying and its aftermath will likely be delved into in the next season of Cobra Kai.
Nevertheless, he saves himself. Not from Silver or Kreese or Barnes, and not entirely, but he makes a decision not to give in to fear (and he continues to try and live by that decision, making it over and over again for the next thirty-five years, even when the return of Cobra Kai makes that difficult for him). 
He doesn’t do it by being the strongest in the land or even through a lucky shot (although that too). He does it by refusing to be like the male antagonists that surround him, by telling them they have no power over him. The narrative isn’t just his getting lost in the forest and all the monsters he finds there, it’s about how he redefines power for himself within that forest. 
He’s a man who isn’t violent, whose victories include helping out a girl whose ex-boyfriend just broke her radio, successfully doing the moves to a cultural dance he’s trying to learn, sitting with his father figure while he cries over the death of his own father, telling a girl that she’s just made her first friend, and breathing a sigh of relief that a tree that got broken has healed. 
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Daniel LaRusso is a good boy is the point!
Karate is a metaphor. It can turn into many things: A series of lessons learned about how to be his own man and take care of his own house, a respect for the history of the father teaching him and sharing his home and story with him, fear, desire, masculinity (and the different forms that can take). 
When a tall, handsome stranger offers to teach him karate in the dark, without Daniel’s caretaker knowing how to help him, and twists that karate into something that hurts him - when he reclaims that, over and over, that means something too. 
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This man is fine and definitely isn’t carrying the weight of buried karate-based queer trauma - could a traumatised man do this? *stares blankly at a former tormentor as blood runs down his forehead*
9. In Conclusion Daniel Has Kissed Dudes… Symbolically… But We Can HC Literally:
So there’s Daniel and his coded feminine fairytale narrative. It’s all a series of fun coincidences.
1. Ralph Macchio is just Like That
2. Red. All the red. 
3. large portion of his storyline is about lack of power. Yes, he regains that power by the end of the first and second movie through A Fight, but generally he is framed as powerless opposite these almost monstrously physically powerful boys/men. And in the third one it’s barely even about physical prowess (he’d still lose a real fight against Barnes or Silver) and more about regaining lost autonomy off the back of a manipulative, abusive relationship with an older guy.
4. The third movie in particular is narratively a mess, but if reimagined as a fairytale makes a lot of sense (because it’s secretly all about how karate is bisexuality and Daniel gets manipulated through that desire to be better at karate).
5. Queerness and femininity and themes about hidden desires that can only be approached sideways through couching those desires in symbolism: Handshake meme.
6. The fact that the more I think about it, the more feral I am for a Labyrinth AU.
7. To sum up over 5000 words of text: The inherent homoeroticism of wanting to be slammed against a locker by a bully, but extended over three movies and ever-more inventive ways of hurting pretty-boy-Daniel-LaRusso.
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Johnny’s not going to be happy when he realises Daniel’s got other ex-rivals buried in his closet...
10. Some Other Stuff Aka The Laziest Referencing I’ll Ever Do
Further reading on trans Matrix
Further reading on masculinity and rape narrative in The Rape Of James Bond
Youtube Video from Pop Culture Detective (Sexual Assault Of Men Played For Laughs)
Some film/TV references in this: Dracula (Coppola), Princess Bride, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Labyrinth, The Matrix, Rocky, Princess And The Frog, Cinderella, Enchanted, Shape Of Water, Swamp Thing, Phantom of the Opera 
Some fairytale references: Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, The Wolf And The Seven Little Kids, Alice in Wonderland, Wizard of Oz, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Beauty and the Beast, Company of Wolves (Angela Carter), Through the Looking Glass, Princess Bride
Also referenced is Alison Bechdel’s graphic novel and the subsequent musical Funhome. Further thoughts on this by @thehours2002​ and @jenpsaki​:
My list of Cobra Kai meta posts
I wanted to delve into fairytale movies more, but then I was like “fuck, I have actual work to do,” but I was interested in the ways male and female characters are written in these stories:
The Last Unicorn, The Never-Ending Story, The Dark Crystal, Legend, and Stardust.
The Last Unicorn is an interesting one because she’s not really human, until she is. It’s more like The Little Mermaid (the fairytale, not the Disney film) in tone, and of course there’s a pretty substantiated rumour that Andersen wrote that one as a metaphor for falling in love with another man (who eventually got married). 
Andersen in general is just fun to analyse as someone who popularized so many fairytales and exists as an ambiguously queer historical figure – might’ve been modern-day gay, bi, ace, but we’re just not sure. All your favourite fairytales can be read through the lens of queer loneliness and ostracization. Just like horror.
Anyway I didn’t go into the whole Little-Mermaid-Last-Unicorn transformation bit so much as the Monstrous-Desires bit, but I think there could be something to that too, with monsters representing otherhood and all. Stardust is a kinda-almost-this, except she sticks to her human form and all is okey-dokey by the end, she’s allowed to marry the handsome man and be a star.
The Never-Ending Story has Atreyu and Bastian and because of a lack of female characters, an interesting bond between the two of them, but mainly Atreyu is absolutely a go-gettem Hero Type and it’s just interesting to see how Bastian relates to him as both an audience insert, but also eventually as his own character in that world.
The Dark Crystal contains certain… androgynous elements of feminine and masculine coded characteristics in the main character because of how he’s not human, but also they do have a “female” version of his species that he needs to go save (and bring back to life) by the end, so in a way it’s both more and less heteronormative in its characters.
Legend sees another example of a monster (literally called Darkness and looking like a traditional devil) trying to seduce a princess through promises of power, and she “goes along with it” in order to trick him and succeeds in that trick, but is ultimately saved by the male lead. 
In conclusion: I don’t even have Shrek in this.
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wild-aloof-rebel · 4 years
Some Favorite Fics from 2020
Like last year, I want to end 2020 by highlighting some fics that have become favorites over the last twelve months. Before I dive into it though, I just want to take a minute to send some love to all of the authors writing in this fandom.
As of the end of 2019, there were about 8.8 million words of fic on AO3 for this fandom. This year, more than 450 authors have added another 15 million more. That’s so incredibly impressive, especially in a year this difficult. Thank you, thank you, thank you to every single person who contributed to that, whether you wrote one fic or a hundred, a drabble or a novel. Thank you for giving this fandom the gift of your creativity and voice. Your work is so, so appreciated, and you’ve helped to create joy in a year where it was often in short supply. 💗💗💗
Okay, on to the fics. I’ve limited myself to no more than one work for any individual author to spread the love around as much as possible, and I’ve bumped up the number to 25 this time around because there was just too much fic this year for me to cut it down any further. 
So here we go. These are 25 fics I loved this year, and what I love about them...
Your heart is keeping time with me by yourbuttervoicedbeau • rated E • 33k+ confession before i start: i’ve never actually seen 50 first dates. but i thought this AU based on it was delightful. patrick’s love for david is so big, right from the start, and i love seeing david lean into trusting himself (and patrick) over and over again
will this ever get old? by startswithhope • rated T • <1k i just like seeing them domestic and soft and happy, okay? and while most of dee’s fics are like that, this particular one is a fave because of them thinking about their future and how they’ll change over the years but love each other right on through
Just to Hold the Hands I Love by DesignatedGrape • rated T • 20k+ it’s like a warm christmas hug, full of musical trolling, gentle pining, domestic nights in, and careful attention to fashion details, which are all absolutely the kinds of things i appreciate
A Case of You by DoubleL27 • rated T • 6k+ patrick is an absolute menace in exactly the way you would expect every valentine’s day. it’s funny and sweet and ends with them in exactly the kind of future we all want for them
Dulce by another_Hero • rated T • 1k+ original characters can be hard to do right. they have to be compelling enough to fit in with these characters we already know so well, and dulce is the kind of character who grabs you from the start. the whole series is lovely, but this first interaction with ronnie is my favorite of them
Tea-Kettle Love by ArabellaStrange • rated G • 5k+ even though this coda to “the pitch” isn’t technically canon compliant now, it still feels a lot like it is. it’s about the sacrifices we are and aren’t willing to make for the people we love, taking the new york discussion into more depth than we get in the show and still arriving in largely the same place
Vanquished by Codswallop • rated G • 3k+ if you’re looking for soft, fluffy sickfic, this is not it, lol. patrick is sick here but won’t let anyone take care of him. he’s stubborn and basically minor chaos ensues. it’s funny and sweet but not schmaltzy. the characterization is 👌, and it feels like the kind of thing that fits perfectly into the world of the show
To Come Out the Other Side by unfolded73 • rated T • 4k+ • warning for major character death i don’t want to read sad things about david and patrick very often, but sometimes the mood strikes. this one is definitely sad right from the start, but there’s hope and resilience through grief, and i think this year especially, there’s something to be said for stories that can make you feel like there is still good to be found after the bad
Hold Me Like You’ll Never Let Me Go by moodlighting • rated T • 21k+ i never would have thought that a fic would make me WANT to be trapped in an airport, but it’s 2020 and anything is possible, lol. this is what meet cute dreams are made of
Your mother keeps a spreadsheet by upbeat • rated G • 3k+ obviously i love a good spreadsheet, so this one was up my alley from the start, lol. but really it’s moira and patrick bonding through the cataloguing of her wigs (and all the stories that go with them) that makes this one an easy favorite
keep me in the pulses, keep me in the sound by dinnfameron • rated G • 2k+ this sweet little slice of a summer vacation made me ache to be with friends. plus, sometimes you just need some overwhelmingly happy david rose. he deserves it, and so do we
eggs and the flour, no higher power by withkissesfour • rated T • 1k+ i’m pretty sure this fic is the definition of sweet, in more ways than one. it’s a short piece, but the writing is lush and indulgent in all the right places, just like the cakes being described
sustineo by rockinhamburger • rated E • 10k+ before i was even done reading this fic, i wanted another 50k words set in this universe. the conversation between david and patrick is sharp in all the right ways, and because this david has such a hard shell to crack after being hurt in such a horrible and heartbreaking way, it’s that much more satisfying watching patrick break through it
All-Natural Care, Locally Sourced by Siria • rated T • 2k+ siria’s fics are always funny, with banter that’s so perfectly on point, and that’s certainly true here. but there are also care packages and photos and just so much love. it’s a perfect balance, just like the show
hold on to me as you go by helvetica_upstart • rated T • 3k+ i love a good look at just how long patrick has been head over heels in love with david and how much he was in this for life all along. this fic does just that through the framework of times that they saw their new house before they bought it, and it’s everything that you would want that concept to be and more
Exposed Brick by swat117 • rated M • 9k+ this is such a lovely look at david and patrick a few years into their marriage, steady in all the right ways, even when old fears try to rise up between them. it gives david a chance to be the solid and supportive one in the relationship, something i never get tired of reading
We Could Turn the World to Gold by middyblue • rated T • 27k+ as someone who also did c25k at one point, i def empathize with david’s plight in this fic, lol. as much fun as that part of the story is, it’s really the house and everything related to that part of the story that makes this a favorite in my book. this was posted very early in s6, so it’s not the house from canon, but it’s beautiful either way to see them so excited about building their future together there
Waiting on the Day by High-Seas-Swan • rated E • 22k+ this is another fic that makes me absolutely ache for things i couldn’t have this year, namely my favorite local brewery and all the nights spent there with friends. beyond that, it’s just a very sweet AU, and the scene with their first kiss and the rest of that night live in my head rent free
Pot o’ Gold by ahurston • rated E • 22k+ where is the leprechaun/love of my life who’s gonna take me out to eat all of the best foods that my city has to offer? this one is a slow burn but their relationship is so much fun to read right from the start that you definitely don’t mind taking your time getting there. also, the palm reading scene. good grief.
there is no design by the_hodag • rated T • 12k+ this fic gives us a look at some of david’s art, and all the loneliness and love that inspires it. it’s poignant and painful and hopeful and sweet in turn, and i think it does a marvelous job of capturing so many of the facets of david’s past that have made him who he is
A Little Broken, A Little New by nameless_bliss • rated G • 3k+ i’ve read this fic several times now, and david and johnny having a conversation about their own relationship through the guise of talking about patrick and his parents never fails to make me cry
Une très bonne table dans sa catégorie by cromarty • rated T • 23k+ just the concept of this one alone would have sold me on it—like, hello? michelin reviewer and chef? sign me the fuck up—but it’s written with the kind of attention to detail i always expect from claire’s writing, and the fact that it practically starts with a first kiss but then pulls back makes for a delicious dynamic as they build a friendship over that foundational attraction, both tempering and intensifying the wait for them to find their way back into each others’ arms
happy golden days of yore by blueink3 • rated E • 17k+ i literally stopped in the middle of this fic, sat down on my kitchen floor, and had a good cry. i hate thinking about them ending up divorced in the first place, but even as exes, they’re so careful and gentle with one another and so, so clearly still in a forever kind of love. that makes it bearable to see them apart because even if it weren’t tagged for a happy ending, there’s such a feeling of inevitability to it, you know exactly how it’s going to end and just get to enjoy the devastating ride it takes to get there
Fifteen Hundred Miles by MoreHuman • rated M • 30k+ this is one of those fics where everything comes together just right and achieves a perfect balance of introspection and action, courage and fear, despair and hope, forthright honesty and cautious reservation... MoreHuman makes it all look easy, which says so much about all the care that had to have gone into the planning and writing. this fic does everything well, and it’s an absolute pleasure to read from start to end
840 Havenwood Road E by Distractivate • rated E • 10k+ we barely see david and patrick’s new house in the show, so it shouldn’t be possible for me to be as emotional about it as this fic makes me, every single time i read it. but it’s the home they chose, the place they decided to build a life together, and getting to see flashes of that life through the years and how much love they clearly had for each other within those four walls just makes me cry again and again
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oratorealis · 7 years
Dimepiece :: Pamela Bentley
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Why poetry?
Poetry slows us with story, sound, phrasing that takes us out of regular speech and allows us to express things that can’t be said so well in other types of writing. It asks for our ears and our breaths and our attention in a way that this sometimes-too- fast world makes little room for elsewise. I honour the conversations and connections this creates.
What are you working on right now?
I am working on Verses Festival of Words April 20 - 30 2017 in the role of Managing Director with Artistic Director Jillian Christmas. I had been involved in years past as the Volunteer Coordinator and as an Associate Programmer, but this is a whole new level of work and satisfaction in making space for artists and activism -- so important now -- and I love it. I invite everyone to come see all the fire that will be filling the spaces we have prepared.
I have also been in the process of putting together a manuscript of poems, after three chapbooks, and hundreds of performances, to try to get it published.
What is your routine for writing? Do you have one?
When I am writing, I write regularly, doing a semi-daily practice. I also enjoy writing in community and workshops, or in response to or in conversation with other poets. I have written much in that way that still satisfies me. But, life is messy and demanding, and I haven’t been writing much in the past year, partly because I have to do so much of it in my other paid work, but also because I write when I have something to say, and I have been feeling recently as though I do more good by creating space for others’ words and “passing the mic.”
What is the best advice you've received as a poet?
About being on stage: Do what only you can do. No one else will.
And about writing: Consider each word and whether it serves the poem. If not, no matter how beautiful or clever, take it out or find another.
Why do you live where you do?
A palm reader that I visited on a whim once, told me that I would only be happy when I lived near a large body of water. I had just moved to the high desert then, nowhere near much water, and had never lived on a coast. It turns out she may have been right, but my concept of happiness has also changed, in part because I lived in the high desert alone, and was often sad, and happy, and lived through it all.
I came here to Vancouver eight years ago to try it out for three months after my mother’s death, and I stayed. The sea is solace, the only open space reminiscent of the prairies, giving me the sky-space I crave, while the mountains remind me of how to weather change and stay present in the world through it all.
Where is the wildest place poetry has taken you?
I can’t answer that in print because it would involve people who would not want their names mentioned. Suffice it to say that it involved a lot of skin and touch and sound.
What artists most inspire you, and why?
Louise Erdrich – I love her novels, how I think about her characters as though they are living after I’m done reading
Jillian Christmas – her ability and willingness to have the hard conversations needed to create change and resistance, and how that ability and willingness exist alongside, or perhaps because of, her great capacity for love
Brian Andreas – his “StoryPeople” images and stories, and the whimsical ways he sees things, on the edge of sentimentality but not quite – a place with which I am quite familiar
Leslie Marmon Silko and Tom Spanbauer -- the first books I read by each of them, Ceremony and The Man Who Fell In Love With The Moon, respectively, changed irrevocably the way my mind works, and broke me out of all I had been taught before
What was the last book you finished reading?
Conflict is Not Abuse: The Overstating of Harm, Community Responsibility, and the Duty of Repair by Sarah Schulman
What has been one of your favourite moments on stage?
Hearing the words of a three voice piece I wrote, in the absurd delivery of Johnny MacRae and shayne avec i grec (and no, I am not kissing up), after I performed the first two segments of the piece at an anarchy slam at Vancouver Poetry Slam, and seeing and feeling the reaction and conversations the piece as a whole provoked on the stage and afterwards
What would you like to be doing five years from now?
I prefer to let things unfold as they will, so who knows? I do know I would like to be making plans for a big celebration for my then upcoming 60th birthday.
Pamela Bentley believes in conversation: narrative and reflective. She co-hosts Wax Poetic, and is co-producer for Terminal City Tales, on Vancouver Co-op Radio, where she is Director of Member Services and Fundraising. She hosts the (mostly) monthly 'Chicken Sessions' poetry/performance in her East Van home. She completed the Century Challenge -- 100 poems without repeating on VanSlam stages -- becoming the only ‘centurionatrix’ in N.A. She is Managing Director of Verses Festival of Words (versesfestival.ca)
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courtwhee · 8 years
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Review of Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare
Will include *SPOILERS*. 
It’s not a secret than I’m a huge fan of the original Shadowhunter series, though I really just read the first three City books, and not the Clockwork continuation. Most likely because I got the triumphant HAE I was waiting for, so I didn’t really see the point. 
Ignoring my 4 year stint without reading Clare’s work, I was really looking forward to this book. Lady Midnight is within the same world as Clare’s previous books, but told by a set of new characters - the Blackthorns and Emma Carstairs, the second oldest Blackthorn Julian’s parabatai. A majority of the novel was told through the eyes of Julian or Emma, occasionally Mark (oldest Blackthorn) or Kit (Johnny Rook’s son).
In case you weren’t yet aware, this book is a mammoth at 698 pages. I felt a little religious carrying it around because it felt heavier than a bible would, but that definitely didn’t deter me away from being interested in the content or hopeful for the story development. If anything, it made me more anxious to read the development. Too often I’ve found that a lot of YA books skip over some vital parts in plot and leave you looking back for clues about why something is important, etc. Definitely didn’t get that here. If anything there may have been a little too much?
Truth be told, as great and heroic as the story is, I think for the actions and resulting outcome, it could have been summarized quite a bit. 
And don’t get me wrong - slow burn romances are definitely my thing. They’re pretty much my #1 thing when reading romantic relationship development in books... but the whole back and forth, back and forth dialogue, ‘do you love me? you probably don’t, even though you essentially just spelled it out for me. and we’ll have this conversation tomorrow if that’s okay with you...’. Just. ENOUGH. I’m tempted to go back and document how many pages that exact dialogue played out. But I won’t. Because I won’t do that to myself again.
Faerie played a pretty big role in this book, and if there’s one thing you need to understand about me is that I am obsessed with anything Fae. At the first mention of Seelie and Unseelie courts, I practically cried. Judging by the opening/ending acknowledgements, I’m guessing Holly Black played a pretty big role in advising Clare on the workings of their beautiful, twisted world. I’ve never read anything about The Hunt, though. That was a cool alternative story line, and I’d gladly read a novel dedicated to telling Mark and Kieran’s story. 
If you enjoyed their story, and are interested in more like it, I urge you to read Holly Black’s novels: Tithe, Ironside and Valiant. Dark faerie stories FTW.
Okay, I think I’ve been sufficiently negative for one day so I’ll acknowledge the amazing bond of the Blackthorn family. Lovable, strong and smart. Really enjoyed that. I want to adopt Ty, and Livvy and Tavvy, and omg I just love them all. 
Like I stated earlier, the plot was good and the outcome - though it didn’t solve all of their problems - was satisfying. Clare is an excellent storyteller, I’ve always thought so. I respect the incorporation of Annabel Lee (the Poe hoe in me squealed a little when it came up). 
I think there are a lot of different stories happening here, some having to do with forbidden love, some for revenge and another for the love of family. Do I think it could have been shorter or split into stories dedicated to a specific theme? Yes. We got snapshots here and there of the larger picture, but a majority of the story was about forbidden love. Even the villain’s demise at the end seemed a bit rushed. 
Goodreads official summary:
In a kingdom by the sea… In a secret world where half-angel warriors are sworn to fight demons, parabatai is a sacred word. A parabatai is your partner in battle. A parabatai is your best friend. Parabatai can be everything to each other—but they can never fall in love. Emma Carstairs is a warrior, a Shadowhunter, and the best in her generation. She lives for battle. Shoulder to shoulder with her parabatai, Julian Blackthorn, she patrols the streets of Los Angeles, where vampires party on the Sunset Strip, and faeries—the most powerful of supernatural creatures—teeter on the edge of open war with Shadowhunters. When the bodies of humans and faeries turn up murdered in the same way Emma’s parents were when she was a child, an uneasy alliance is formed. This is Emma’s chance for revenge—and Julian’s chance to get back his brother Mark, who is being held prisoner by the faerie Courts. All Emma, Mark, and Julian have to do is solve the murders within two weeks…and before the murderer targets them. Their search takes Emma from sea caves full of sorcery to a dark lottery where death is dispensed. And each clue she unravels uncovers more secrets. What has Julian been hiding from her all these years? Why does Shadowhunter Law forbid parabatai to fall in love? Who really killed her parents—and can she bear to know the truth? The darkly magical world of Shadowhunters has captured the imaginations of millions of readers across the globe. Join the adventure in Lady Midnight, the long-awaited first volume of a new trilogy from Cassandra Clare.
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