igotyouniverse · 4 years
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[10.08am]Johnny‘s heart ached when he saw you next to Jaehyun. The way you laughed at his jokes, playfully hitting his arm, your face flushing when he whispered in your ear. He felt his body filling with pain - a pain he couldn’t find words for to describe. It felt like his heart got ripped out of his chest, leaving him with a cold nothingness inside. Whenever a friend told him about heartbreak he tried to convince them it wasn’t that bad but in reality he never experienced it. But now? His movements hurt, his head felt heavy on his shoulders. He had no appetite nor motivation to do anything. All he could think about was you being in love with one of his best friends. He always wanted you to be happy so badly - he never thought it would turn out like this. He didn’t even realize how hopelessly in love he was with you until it was already too late.
Check out my new Nct Vampire Au with Johnny here
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