#joining the anti human jackassery here
goldenornstein · 4 years
"No grave can hold my body down."
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“As it should be.”
So much to be done. No time for such a thing as death. 
Buried and forsaken, as though the Earth would ever want Nuada back in such a manner. Ornstein did wonder what these humans were thinking, what sort of delusion plagued them — as to harbour the certainty that their feeble weapons could kill the divine. 
And yet…. he was one himself, wasn’t he? A human. No. Not really. Only half. Less even than that. His humanity died day by day, poisoned by the resolve to end this war. 
“Well, nap time is over,” he dared to jest, offering a hand to Nuada, as well as a candid smile. Such sympathy could’ve seemed out of place, even eerie, given the long trail of corpses and carnage left in his wake.
To give life, and take it away… such was his own heritage.
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