#v: sublime beauty and ruthless strength
goldenornstein · 5 years
Muse as a Deity.
Rules : Think carefully about your character and their development through their journey (canon or oc) within their story. Fill out the chart and tag whoever you want! Repost, do not reblog.
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Deity of : The synergistic duality of ruthless strength (of body and mind) and sublime beauty.
Associated with : War strategy, martial arts, fine arts and all awe-inspiring beauty, intelligence, will-power, success through merit. The worship of nature as both; the greatest and most beautiful work of divine art, as well as the ultimate battlefield of unforgiving survival and evolution.  
Sacred Plants : Red roses, dandelions, sage, laurel, oaks.
Sacred Stones / Gems : fire opal, golden obsidian, carnelian, citrine, ruby, tourmaline (particularly liddicoatite), garnet.
Sacred Animals : Lions and songbirds.
Colors : Gold, crimson, scarlet, coral, white.
Food :  Roasted wild boar seasoned with hot-spices, aromatic fine wine, fresh spring water.
Scents : Roses, burning amber, Dragon’s Blood incense, fresh blood.
Accepted Offerings / Ways to Honor : victory in battle through superior strategy and martial skill, creating a masterpiece of any form of art, following a strict routine of holistic self-strengthening (exercise for the body and study for the mind), appreciation and defence of nature and wildlife, overcoming hardship and succeeding when all seems lost.
Ways to Offend / Earn their Wrath : Sloth and passive behaviour of any kind, lack of discipline, petty and/or vulgar boasting about one’s feats, skill or beauty, disregard for art or destruction of artwork, pointless destruction of nature or abuse of natural resources, pointless destruction of useful and/or beautiful things/places, destruction of knowledge sources.
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goldenornstein · 4 years
Sublime Beauty and Ruthless Strength // Half - Primordial AU
Based on @naturma​​​‘s original lore. Furthermore, their muse is Ornstein’s biological mother in this verse. So big thanks and proper credit goes to them!
Also, the idea was inspired by this character questionnaire.
This verse starts in a vaguely medieval era, but extends to modern times.
Highly adaptable, open for plotting and general interaction.
Pt 1: Origins:
His father was a sellsword. People said this man’s wife had died giving birth to their only child: Ornstein. Tragic, albeit common occurrence. However...
She didn’t truly die. Nor was she human, to begin with.
The story of a dead mother served a dual purpose; no one doubted it, no one asked anything else about her, while at the same time it protected the child from a cruel truth. She’d abandoned them both. Or so the Sellsword thought.
Thus, Ornstein was never a regular child. He could perceive the life force of all beings. Plants, animals, even fungi, they all thrived in his presence. He healed from any wounds at an eerie speed.
A rare gift. A dangerous one, as well. Back then, a strong belief existed that the strange and the extraordinary equated evil influence, or dark magic. Hence, the Sellsword and his young son never stayed at the same place for too long, lest some of the child’s peculiarities attracted the attention of those who hunted down the so-called impure.
The child grew up strong and skilful, yet wary of other people. He was quick to learn his father’s trade and started helping him. Odd how someone possessing such an uncanny affinity with life, could also dispense death with nearly effortless ease — oftentimes taking advantage of his inhuman qualities.
However, the time came when he demanded his father to speak the truth, once and for all.
The story of She, who had called herself the Mother of all, was absolutely bewildering and disarming. He would’ve thought his father had gone mad, but... his own abnormal nature spoke of things beyond human comprehension.
Uncertain about what to do with this knowledge, Ornstein continued life as it was for him until then. He fought as a mercenary. He worked as a bodyguard, as a sentinel and even as an assassin. Whatever brought enough coin to eat. Provided, he was always mindful of disclosing nothing about himself.
Years went by at the same speed any human would experience them. Until one day he realised his father’s age began hindering his ability to fight. But himself...? Once Ornstein reached full maturity, he didn’t seem to age anymore.
It was too much. Whereas an ageless existence would fascinate others, the mere idea instilled unbearable dread in him. What if he couldn’t die? What if he lived until the end of time? Watching everyone and everything die...
He decided to search for his mother and ask her what exactly he was. How could he deal with this form of existence. Fully aware of how difficult it would be.
Of how she most likely had no desire to meet him.
Pt 2: Current timeline.
León was a name adopted to be used in this current society, while keeping Ornstein as a surname.
After hundreds of years wandering without a clear destination, and without ever spending too much time in one place, he no longer remembers what it was like to have a home. Nor does he feel the need for it. Not anymore.
A simple man he is. Too simple perhaps. No residence of his own, no possessions other than the bare minimum, working odd jobs to gather some money wherever necessary.
His desire for human interaction has decreased, as well as his interest in societal dynamics. Furthermore, he tends to stay away from any cities. Yet such isn’t that easy anymore; the occupation and reign of mankind over nature are strong, tyrannical.
León might seem odd to most people, not only due to his lack of interest in most mundane pursues, but also for his appearance. The stark contrast between worn-out clothes and overall unkempt looks, versus the striking colouring of his eyes and hair, the smoothness of his skin, the soft symmetry of his features…
A tad inhuman.
Yes, he does realise his human side is suffering a slow agony, forcefully prolonged by the Primordial energy entwined with his existence. Thus, he feels less and less human, closer to something else — which remains largely unintelligible.
Controlling his power, if such a thing can be called his own, does seem possible now… albeit it’s still far from easy. The Primordial has a mind of its own — a life even. It cannot be harnessed like magic. It must be embraced, done and ultimately lived, like the constant movement of one’s own body. The risk of hurting himself and others is always there, he knows, for he has done much damage during the long years of his life.
Pt 3: Possible paths.
His humanity has already withered to the point where almost only memories remain, the last vestige lingering in him. And yet... he maintains this old body of his, in the manner of a nostalgic memento which sometimes still serves a purpose. The entity formerly known as León, or Ornstein, has transcended the boundaries of basic matter, to become one with the primordial energy in everything that exists --- while retaining his own consciousness and identity.
Two different paths are possible for him. Two paths that never coexist at the same time, but can most certainly turn into one another.
Neutral force: Humans have chosen to satiate their own hunger for wealth and power, no matter if all other life forms might perish in the process. He accepts it. Nature favours the strongest, hence mankind has earned their right to feed on everything else and thrive. He’ll occasionally manifest in human cities, just to witness their advances from a more mundane perspective. If a particular individual or group happens to catch his attention, he might intervene and even aid them in subtle ways.
Enemy of humanity: All life dies to feed one ruinous species, as the selfish greed of mankind knows no limits. He resents them, bitterly so, and will attempt to stop their relentless destruction by any means necessary. Complete human annihilation starts to seem like a possible solution... perhaps the only one.
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goldenornstein · 4 years
HC --- Sublime Beauty and Ruthless Strength.
Current timeline.
León was a name adopted to be used in this current society, while keeping Ornstein as a surname. 
After hundreds of years wandering without a clear destination, and without ever spending too much time in one place, he no longer remembers what it was like to have a home. Nor does he feel the need for it. Not anymore.
A simple man he is, too simple perhaps. No residence of his own, no possessions other than the bare minimum, working odd jobs to gather some money --- wherever necessary.
His desire for human interaction has decreased, as well as his interest in societal dynamics. Furthermore, he tends to stay away from any cities. Yet such isn’t that easy anymore; the occupation and reign of mankind over nature is strong, tyrannical.
León might seem odd to most people, not only due to his lack of interest in most mundane pursues, but also for his appearance. The stark contrast between worn-out clothes and overall unkempt looks, versus the striking colouring of his eyes and hair, the smoothness of his skin, the soft symmetry of his features... 
A tad inhuman. 
Yes, he does realise his human side is suffering a slow agony, forcefully prolonged by the Primordial energy entwined with his existence. Thus, he feels less and less human, closer to something else --- which remains largely unintelligible. 
Controlling his power, if such a thing can be called that, seems possible now... albeit still far from easy. The Primordial has a mind of its own --- a life even. It cannot be harnessed like magic. It must be embraced, done, and ultimately lived, like the constant movement of one’s own body. Meanwhile, the risk of hurting himself and others is always there, he knows, for he has done much damage during the long years of his life. 
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goldenornstein · 4 years
Funny how Ornstein on his half-primordial verse has two possible paths of development:
Become a neutral force that might occasionally aid humans, if he deems it right.
Go full TIME TO EXTERMINATE #ALL HUMANS and free this world from their irredeemably harmful existence.
None of them is the divergent one... it just depends on the plot.  A perfectly balanced 50/50 chance.
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goldenornstein · 4 years
"No grave can hold my body down."
Sentence starters || ACCEPTING.
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“As it should be.”
So much to be done. No time for such a thing as death. 
Buried and forsaken, as though the Earth would ever want Nuada back in such a manner. Ornstein did wonder what these humans were thinking, what sort of delusion plagued them — as to harbour the certainty that their feeble weapons could kill the divine. 
And yet…. he was one himself, wasn’t he? A human. No. Not really. Only half. Less even than that. His humanity died day by day, poisoned by the resolve to end this war. 
“Well, nap time is over,” he dared to jest, offering a hand to Nuada, as well as a candid smile. Such sympathy could’ve seemed out of place, even eerie, given the long trail of corpses and carnage left in his wake.
To give life, and take it away… such was his own heritage.
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goldenornstein · 4 years
"There is a part of me thats unfamiliar to myself... and i keep finding myself there."
Sentence Starters || accepting.
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“I find myself having the same experience — a predicament, perhaps — again and again,” he admitted without missing a beat. Nor lowering his guard.
Unlike the golden Prince’s countenance, of Elven upbringing, his own appearance barely betrayed any inhuman traits. Only the harmonious symmetry of his features, the bright red of his hair, could ever seem somewhat off to a most keen observer. 
However, there was no hiding the exuberant strength of his spirit — not to a creature of a similar ilk.
“Yet we are alive, aren’t we?” A simple truth, as well as the greatest of complexities. “Life is dynamic… always, until death takes its place.”
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goldenornstein · 4 years
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@astrotechne​​ said: ❝ We had fun, right? I had fun. ❞  from Ílios
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“Right.” He’s cautious there, unsure of ílios intentions, albeit mindful to hide his own scepticism.
Ornstein is no a delicate flower, like the ones blooming at his feet. He’s just as violent and ruthless as wild things can be; used to fight for himself since childhood. And yet... he harbours no delusions of grandeur, knowing how easy is to burn.
“I can release the heavy bonds of winter, but only to a certain extent.” Humble confession, utterly sincere, from someone who’s only half otherworldly --- still far too human. 
The fields surrounding them are now a green oasis amid the snow, filled with unparalleled exuberance. It won’t last for long, though. Soon enough the cold will reclaim what’s still its rightful property, for this wondrous spring only came to be by will and whim of the Mother’s Son and the Sun.
“I’m grateful.” Yes. Such is undeniable. “I’ve felt weak, tired, and this somewhat helped.”
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goldenornstein · 4 years
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@mageshot​ said: get these bunnies out of my apartment RIGHT now
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For a moment there, he merely stared at the Magi. 
Could he understand their predicament? Yes. To an extent. After all, Primordial forces were unlike anything else.
León sighed. Then, picked the rabbits up and started thinking where exactly would he leave them. It wasn’t even remotely akin to a solution, but... 
“I can’t just vanished them, you know?” However, he could drain the life of --- well, everything in the area. The mere thought made his stomach churn; not an option. “You should consider moving into a more... uhh... open place, far away from the city.” 
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goldenornstein · 4 years
unless it's lyric and then it's "btw I turned your apartment into The Secret Garden that's okay right."
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“For the last time --- that was not my fault. It was yours. You turned your own apartment into a forest.”  Your contract; your problem.
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