soft-ris · 4 years
yoooo i’m simp for risotto in a skirt, thank u for that content BUT NOW I NEEEEED MOREEE
Some more thots on Ris & miniskirts:
His favourites are tight then flowy ones, but make it ✨Sexy✨🥴😋
Monotone colours + gold & silver designs are his go to
Likes his skirts to have some sort of slit or opening, especially if they have a garter or chain or something holding the slits tgt⛓
Likes cotton (comfort & stretchy), leather (aesthetics) & silk (best for seduction) the best💋
He wants to pick up sewing bc it’s hard to find skirts he likes in his size bc he’s got that muscle slim thick thing going on🥴 also because he’s tall, so sizes that perfectly fit him are hard to find :/
Other skirts he likes: Long skirts (the type to reach your ankle), high waisted (bc his waist is 😩💅🏼💋✨ and he knows it), and see through ones 💓
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Wow, that was fast! Many thanks my friend! So;
Hc about Cheese boy during quaratine:
Pretty sure Formaggio didn’t take the Covid-19 seriously at the begining of the pandemic. “It’s just a flu. I’m not gonna stop living because a fucking flu!” He regreted  those words very much when he was infected by the virus. He spent 2 weeks in pain, by himself while the rest of la Squadra were unable to take care of him but still made fun of him (except Risotto who made sure to check on him from time to time) After he finally recovered, the confinement was put in place.
His sleep schedule is pretty fucked up. Wake up, eat and go to sleep at random hours during night or days. All of the booze he had in stock was gone by the first week. No more snacks for him too. Since there was nothing else to do, he decided to learn cooking but the food he made was not terrible cause he lacked many ingredients and many times, he had to improvise something. Also, since he cooked to spend time, he ended up with more food than he could eat. It was this point that he started to think about another hobby.
He bingewatched all kind of shows and movies until he felt like his eyes were going blind. When he is particulary bored, he calls other members of la squadra to strike up conversations but it never works for too long. It always ends up with them hunging up on him screaming “Formaggio, you’re just bored! Go do something with your life!” 
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soft-ris · 4 years
Slip up - Animal Hybrid!Risotto x GN!Reader
Prompt - Reader compliments ris so genuinely that he got hella happy and his ears & tails just came out😭👌🏼
Note - Fluff, gender neutral reader & Animal Hybrid AU
Risotto was walking you home because incidentally, the both of y’all lived just 5 minutes from each other. So whenever he can, he walks you home because you’re his friend and walking alone at night is safer when you’re with a giant dude who has black sclera and red irises and looks like he stabs you as a warning if you piss him off (he won’t...ok depends).
Maybe it’s the animal hybrid part of him that makes him want to protect those he considers friends and family, or maybe it’s how he has a fat ass crush on you...but we digress ;)
The two of you walk down the street and it’s near 8pm. You offered to cook him dinner at your place because while you’re more than capable of handling yourself, having Risotto walk by your side brings you a certain ease and you wanted to repay his kindness.
Risotto accepts and you voice your appreciation of his presence and intentions, thinking that he should hear it. It’s not to say you’ve never thanked him before because you have, but you just wanted to express it better tonight because he had just scared off a creepy cat caller for you.
“I know I say this every time you walk me home, but I really do appreciate it. I’m really glad you helped me out just now too. Honestly, you’re so kind and sweet and I really happy that I know such an amazing person like you. So...thank you, Risotto.”, you held his eye contact and shot him a shy, but genuine smile, hoping your sincerity got through to him and oh boy, it got through alright 👀
Man’s brain shouted “PROTECT” and his heart yelled “BABUMP”.
If you could hear his inner voice, it’d just be switching between internal crying and internal screaming because he’s so touched from what you said and your smile was so cute and you’re so cute and he just wants to h*ld your h*nd and kiss you on the cheek-
Aaaaaaand his ears and tail popped out.
He hasn’t lost control of his form ever since he learnt how to hide his hybrid parts, and he’s not gonna lie...he’s a little embarrassed. So much so that he has a little blush on his cheeks (whether it’s solely from his embarrassment or what made him lose control in the first place...well, you can decide ;3)
Even though his face remains quite unreadable (except for the blushing), Risotto wants to just go home and pretend this never happened because you’re 28 gET IT TOGETHER-
But then he realises you’re looking at him and you’re blushing too because what the fuck he’s so cute????
You then realised you said that out loud and now YOUR EARS AND TAIL POPPED OUT-
Risotto internally K.O.s because you’re too adorable and the two of you are just walking in silence to your place, tails wagging together, cheeks and ears blushing a little too obviously, and it’s such a cute sight :’)
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Sequel for Team Buccellati & the Crush(ing) Confession
For context, please check in here.
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@nevershoutnani , I know I’m the one who requested the confession of bucci gang cause I love angst but now I feel sad for them, I have to fix it. I want my boys to be happy TT^TT. I spent like 4 hours writing this instead of working on my paper which is due tomorrow but I don’t care. I had to get this out!!  Let’s say their crush feels bad for running away like that and tries to find them like, the day after in order to explain why they did it. 
Undercut for length:
Bruno was surprised to see his crush and hesitant to talk with them. He was still not over what happened last night but he still listened to them, curious for what they had to say. They apologized for what they had done to him, saying they didn’t mean to hurt him. They had feelings for him too but they couldn’t be with him right now.  
- I got out of a toxic relationship not long before meeting you and I’m still dealing with the scars left.
- But, said Bruno. I would never hurt you, I love you and I will take good care of you, I swear.
- I know. You’re amazing and you deserve an amazing person too but I can’t be that someone right now. I need time to work on myself so I don’t let my past cloud my present and future. If waiting doesn’t suits you, I understand.
Bruno was both relieved and sad to know his crush didn’t reject him because they felt nothing for him. He comforted them, saying that he didn’t mind waiting for them to get better and he would even help achieve that. His heart fluttered when they hugged him and kissed him on the cheek, thanking him for being understanding.
Even though they wanted to talk with him, Abbacchio avoided his crush. He didn’t want to deal with them anymore, yesterday was more than enough. They had cornered him so he was obliged to listen.
- I just want to explain myself.
- Why? You were pretty obvious that night, don’t you think?
- No, I wasn’t. I will just tell you what I have on my chest and after that, you will never see me again.
- Fine.
- I love you too Abbacchio but when you confessed, I panicked. I want to be with you but I can’t but I don’t want you to suffer but all I can do right now is hurt you. All those contradictory feelings were spiraling inside my chest and the only way I found to deal with them on the moment was to leave you behind. I’m truly sorry. You opened your heart to me and I insulted you. I’m so sorry.
Abbacchio felt a pang in his heart when he saw they were fighting back their tears. He knew exactly how they felt. He felt the same when he was pondering if confessing to them was a good idea or not.  
- I still don’t understand: What are you afraid of?
- I’m afraid of messing everything up: I’ve never had a happy life to begin with. Every time I have something good, I always end up losing it. But I’ve come to realize that with this kind of mindset, I will always stay miserable. I want to become a better person, to be free of these toxic thoughts. I’m working on it, my progress is slow but sure. I love you Abbacchio, I really do but I’m not ready for a relationship right now. I need time and I understand that you don’t want to wait for me. You have every right to.
Abbacchio sighed. He couldn’t blame them for what they were going through. He put his hand on their shoulder, trying to be reassuring.
I know you didn’t mean to but you deeply hurt my feelings. I have to think about it. But while I’m thinking, get better, okay?
It was very hard for him to not blush when his crush brought his hand to their cheek and thanked him.
Mista was stupefied to see his crush again. After how they left yesterday, he never expect to see them again. He tried to be first one to talk but they didn’t let him.
- Please, let me say something first. Listen to me until the very end. It’s already hard for me to talk now so if I stop at one point, I don’t know if I will be able to continue.
Mista nodded and was waiting for them to speak. They took a deep breath.
- First, I’m so sorry for what happened yesterday. I didn’t expect you to have feelings for me… It’s just… I can’t even love myself, I can’t see why someone would love me. But you do and I still don’t… and there’s this… voice inside my head that keeps telling me  you only love me because you don’t know me well enough… that you will leave me once you find out who I truly am… because… because it’s not the first time and I… I...
It was painful for Mista to watch his crush battling with their emotions. He only wanted one thing: to hug them, to comfort them, to tell them they didn’t need to explain themselves if it hurt so much. But his desire to respect their wishes was stronger so he let them speak.
- I love you so much, I don’t want to you go through this… Guido, you deserve the best and I’m not the best… I’m not hoping that you understand, I don’t really either. I just wanted to tell you the truth about me. I’m sorry.
Guido approached her carefully.
- Y/n, it’s okay. There’s no need to pressure yourself like that. I don’t know you well. I’m aware of it and I confessed because I want to get closer. You’re not perfect so what? I’m not either, nobody is. You don’t need to beat yourself like that. If we love each other, I’m sure we can work this around. There are always problems in a relationship anyway but in good one, the partners care about each other enough to fix things so if we care about each others, in the end, it going to be alright. If you still don’t want to though, I will accept it but at least please, promise me that you will try to be less harsh on yourself. It’s not healthy and if you wouldn’t let anyone do it to you, why do you treat yourself this way? You’re so kind with others, you need to be kinder with yourself too. Okay?
After hearing his words, his crush couldn’t keep their tears anymore and let it all out. Mista started panicking that he might have said something wrong. When his crush muttered thank you as they hid their crying face in his chest, he held them close and rubbed their back.
Narancia couldn’t show his face in front of his crush anymore. He was too broken, too ashamed after what happened last night. However, he had to when they didn’t leave him any choice. They were in front of him but all he could do was to look at his own shoes.
- Narancia, I was horrible to you yesterday and I can’t express how deeply sorry I am for that. I said that neither one of us has time for this but that was a lie and after you told me about how you truly felt, I owe you the truth.   
He didn’t say anything. He was holding his breath, waiting for them to tell him how they found someone else, someone better than him.
- I’m going through a delicate situation. It’s not that I don’t want to date you, it’s just that I can’t date you right now. Everything in my life is a mess. I have feelings for you but I need to put some order in my life, in myself before I get involved in a relationship. If I were to go out with you as I am now, it will only bring problems. I don’t want to waste my chances with you but I can’t date you either. It’s not the right time for me to be with anyone, especially with someone like you whom I care about very much.
- So… This is it? Asked Narancia as he finally looked at them, surprised.
- Yes, I’m sorry.               
- I totally understand and I can wait! But why did you have to make things so complicated? You should have just told me sooner!
- I’m sorry. I’m telling you now because you were honest with me so I decided I should be honest with you too.  
- So you haven’t fallen for someone who is actually smart and strong?
- Of course I did… And that someone is you, Narancia.
When he heard their answer, Narancia couldn’t help but cover his face with his hands, blushing furiously.
Fugo was pissed off beyond imagination that his crush wanted to talk with him. What did they want from him? They already took a dump on his feelings!
- I don’t need your pity, he said as he was gritting his teeth. Just tell me you don’t like me and don’t make up excuses, it would be even more vexing.
- I am not. I have feelings for you too but I can’t date you. Fugo, I know it sounds like a poor excuse but it’s the truth. Please, hear me out.
He didn’t say anything which prompted them to continue talking.
- Before I met you, I was in relationship with someone else. That relationship was... cut short when… that person died.
His anger melted away as guilt overtook him.
- I’m always serious about dating so… whenever I choose to engage in a relationship, I want to do it right. If I know it’s not going to work out, I don’t do it and Fugo, I can’t be with you right now. I’m still not over my grief and you know what they say? If you don’t heal your cuts, you will end up bleeding on those you love and I love you.
- Oh my god, I’m sorry… I’m truly sorry… I couldn’t have imagined… I…
- You couldn’t have known. I wanted to tell you but when you shouted at me, I thought it would have been better to wait until you cooled down.
Fugo felt like an ass. He ended working himself up for a reason that existed only in his mind.
- You need time and I understand that. I’m sorry I lost my temper like that… You mean so much to me and… while you are processing your feelings, I will do the same with mine and try to handle my anger issues better.
Fugo felt blessed when he saw his crush softly said thank you, with a bright smile.
Giorno was unprepared to see his crush. He thought he would never get a chance to see them. He just wanted to know, what went wrong? He was good at reading people and he could have sworn they were interested in him too.
- I know, you need an answer and that’s why I wanted to see you. You were not wrong, I do have feelings for you but… It’s complicated.
- Is it because I’m in the mafia? Asked Giorno, his tone slightly betraying how hurt he was inside.
- No. I knew it from the beginning and if it bothered me, I would never has spent time with you in the first place.
- Then, why? said Giorno agitated.
- I told you… I’m the problem, not you. I… have had many bad experiences in the past with people abusing my trust. I want to believe it’s going to be different this time, I really do but sometimes, my demons are stronger. I love you Giorno and that’s why I can’t be with you. I don’t want to project my insecurities on you. You deserve someone who can do better and that person is not me. I’m sorry. You can hate me now.
- I don’t hate you. I could never hate. I was just confused, that’s all.
- You’re too kind, Giorno. I’m sorry for hurting you. I don’t want this either but it’s the only way.
-I don’t agree. You may think that being with you will cause me pain but so is being away from you. I want to be with you.
- But there will be times just like yesterday, there will be times where all I can do is hurt you.
- I don’t believe it’s true. I was serious when I’m said I’ll always be there for you when you’re falling and I still am. Plus, if I’m not here when you cry, I don’t deserve to be with you when you laugh.
He only felt admiration when his crush took his hands in theirs, saying the following words: “ I’m still full of doubt, but for you, Giorno, I will try.”
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 And I love you so much too, dear anon.
Bucci gang spending a day off with their s/o:  
You bet Bruno is going to spend his day off with his s/o. He feels bad for not spending enough time with them so this day is all about his lover. He would spoil them rotten and take them everywhere they went. Do they want to go shopping? He would take them to a mall and buy them everything they want. Then, they would stop at a cafe or a restaurant to chat together. If he’s giving the choice to do something he wants, he would take his s/o for fishing. While waiting for the fish to take the bait, he would ask about their life in order to get updated on what he might have missed while he wasn’t with them. He would then either make a barbecue of the fish they caught or cook them back home. If fishing is not their thing, he would just take them on a nice date on the beach, whether is it for a restaurant or for a stay at the hotel.
Abbacchio prefers spending time with his s/o in a private space. He has a preference for his own home but he wouldn’t be against going to his s/o house. They would spend a chill day listening to music, sipping wine and discussing. He wouldn’t mind going out with his s/o to grab food but he prefers keeping it short. The reason why Abbacchio doesn’t like being outside with his s/o is simple: he rarely gets a day off so he wants to spend it in peace. The only person he wants around is his lover. He also tends to get handsy and cuddly with them to catch up on days both of them weren’t able to get intimate. He doesn’t like PDA much, meaning the only way for him to get comfortable with his s/o is when there’s no one around.
On his day off, Mista drags his s/o to places he likes but don’t usually get to go because of his work. Being in the mafia, he has to stay available all of the time so he can’t go far from Naples. Now that he can be free for one whole day, he drives with his lover to neighboring towns. There, they walk around, enjoying the landscape. Mista is also the type of person who doesn’t mind driving 2 hours in order to go eat one good dish at a remote place. Since he doesn’t go there much, he would probably take a wrong turn and end up being lost. It takes a lot of convincing from his lover before he finally takes a look at a map. The day would be mostly spent on the trip but neither of them minds it. As long as they are enjoying themselves together, it’s all worth it.  
Narancia doesn’t rest at all when he has a day off. It’s one of those rare days where he can do anything so why waste it on sleeping or staying put? His s/o would have to keep with Narancia’s energetic pace because that boy has prepared a ton of activities for the day. He plans everything in order to cram all of he wants to do in a single day. The day starts early and he has breakfast with his s/o outside. From there, they go watch either a movie at the cinema or a football match at the stadium. When it’s possible to do one thing after the other, his s/o usually packs up food so they can have lunch during the activity. After they are done with both activities, they have dinner outside then they go stargazing. If the sky is not clear, they go to a karaoke. Narancia sings and dances until his throat hurts. At the end of the day, orange boy and his lover are very tired but contempt with how spent they their time.
Fugo usually follows around his s/o whenever he has a day off. Just like Bruno, he wants to make up for lost time so he just let them decide what they want to do. If his s/o insists on letting him decide, he does some outside activities such as going to museums or art galleries. However, he spends most of his day inside, resting with his s/o at his side. What they mostly do is enjoying each other’s presence in silence. Fugo would read a book while his s/o is keeping him company, usually doing something else. If they want to talk, he gladly stops reading and listen to them then go back to his book. Although they don’t do anything in particular, Fugo feels at peace with his s/o and loves having them around.
Giorno takes it slow when he has a day off. He lays lazily in the bed with his s/o. He might sleep or just cuddle with his lover, depending on his mood. When they finally get out of bed, they have brunch together. Sometimes it’s outside, sometimes it’s inside. What never changes though is that they always go to have ice-cream afterward (yes, even when it’s cold). Then, they wander around the city, arm-in-arm. They might to do some shopping or sightseeing. In general, Giorno doesn’t plan very much and just goes with the flow, let his s/o take charge of what to do. The key is to spend quality time and enjoy being with them.    
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I see what you did there anon~ 
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Melone with 66) “Stay over.” Undercut for length: 
It wasn’t the first time that Melone have felt alone. Loneliness has always accompanied him as far as he could remember. His parents never paid attention to him and the people around him preferred to ignore him. He had developed a certain charm in order to get others interested in him. However, it wasn’t enough. More than once, he would be in a group of “friends” and still feel terribly lonely. He would be there, with those strangers, pretending to laugh and to enjoy his time when deep down, he felt… empty. When this emptiness threatened to swallow him whole, he would try to distract himself in three ways: diving himself in work, experimenting with his stand or making more fruitless encounters.
The last one wasn’t hard at all. He knew well how to choose his night partners and he was an expert at pleasing them. He never got to see them after and it was better this way. He didn’t want to get attached. These kind of feelings only brought problems. He was out this night again and that person already had all of his attention. He had spotted them on the parking lot, they were in his field of view as he was getting of his motorcycle. Their faint smile had left an impression on him and he decided they were going to be his for tonight. He approached them and introduced himself. They exchanged a couple of drinks and information about each others:
- What brings you here tonight? asked Melone
- You’re gonna laugh: I’m supposed to be studying for my exams right now but I’m not in the mood for that so I told myself if I’m not going to do anything, I might as well go out, and here I am.
- Interesting and what is your field of studies?
- I’m majoring in bio-genetics and as much I love it, it’s sooo haarrd.
- Really?
- You don’t believe me?
- You don’t really look like a scientist.
- Dang it. I left my white coat and my pocket lab at home but you’re right, I should have brought them. Maybe next time.
Melone chuckled at their remark and very quickly, the two of them started talking about science. He was pleasantly surprised to find someone as interested as him in the transmission of traits from parents to offsprings. His new found toy was a nicer company than he expected. They didn’t realize how late it got until the club closed. Melone asked them if they wanted to continue the conversation at his home and they accepted. 
It was nice from the beginning till the very end. When they got up from the bed, planning to go back home, Melone felt his heart ache. Wait, so soon? he thought to himself. The night wasn’t still over. Will he get to see them again? He didn’t want it to end. Even if he didn’t get to touch them, he wanted to spend more time with them. For once in his life, Melone didn’t want that someone to walk out of his life as soon as they got in. He watched them dressed up as all those feelings bubbled in his chest. The words escaped out of his mouth:
- Stay over. Please.  
They stopped and turned back to him, their mouth wide in surprise. Melone wondered how miserable he must have looked to them. There was a silence and panic overtook him. What was he thinking? Begging them like that was stupid. They had better things to do than to stay with someone like him. They were going to laugh at him and leave him alone with his cumbersome thoughts, like every night. Why did have to make things so awkward? Now, he lost all of his chances with them. He was never going to be able to see them again. His thoughts came to a halt when they went back to his side. They hugged him and… Ah, there was that smile, again. He hugged them back, thinking to himself that everything will be alright, for tonight.   
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Hello! Could you do health headcanons for La Squadra?
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Sure thing honey!
From healthiest to disheveled goblin:
Of course Risotto would be the fittest member of la squadra. I mean, have you seen his glorious chest? He definitely works out! He has a very strict diet composed of proteins, vegetables and white meat. He always finds creative way to train while doing paperwork in his office.
As a ice-skater and a professional swimmer, Ghiaccio is close behind. He loves sports because it lets him unleash his anger and frustration. He has a less strict diet than Risotto and can indulge himself with some sweets from time to time.
Illuso works out and pay attention to his diet, yes but it’s only because he cares very much about his own appearance. He knows he’s already handsome but he have to take care of his figure. He doesn’t have a particular diet. He just makes sure that his meals are well-balanced.
Pesci does some physical activities because his aniki told him that an assassin must always be in good shape. He is good at kayaking and loves swimming. Once, he tried to do some swimming training with Ghiaccio but he gave up quickly: Ghiaccio’s pace was hellish. Pesci has a special diet though but only because he has a sensitive stomach.
Prosciutto would have an okay life style if he didn’t smoke cigarette and drink heavy alcohol. He loves walking but he doesn’t do sports much.
With Formaggio, we already way below the line of normal life style. This man always eats outside and only comfort food such as lasagna and pizza. He tries to have a healthier life-style but he never sticks to his resolutions too long. He eats salads and goes to the gym once every blue moon.
You think that when you see his skinny body, Melone would at least have a decent life-style. I mean, have you looked at him? I don’t know for you guys but every time I see Melone, I want to give him a sandwich so he could put on some fat on those bones. Well, turns out he’s only skinny because he doesn’t eat much or only eats snack. He spent most of his time, alone, in the dark, in front of his computer, doing god knows what. One thing is for sure though, he’s so absorbed by what he’s doing that he forgets to eat.
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If you're up for it, can I ask for headcanons of la squadra getting a s/o who's motherly af? She makes them food, listens to them and loves physical affection,
This, this is ZA shit. God knows how much those men deserve a genuinely caring person in their life. I will cut this request in half though, hope you don’t mind :P 
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Undercut for length:
Risotto, as the head of la squadra works hard, always taking care of his teammates but rarely of himself. Fortunately, his S/O is always there to balance that. He can’t express how grateful he is to have her in his life. He may not say it out loud but he loves the way she takes care of him. Whenever he can, he tries to pay her back and do something for her in return but he is somewhat frustrated because he thinks it’s never enough. Once, he expressed this opinion and his S/O dismissed it. “Oh Tesoro, she said, it’s not about who does more for the other, it’s about showing that you care.” Her answer melted Risotto and he swore internally that he will do everything he can to make his S/O the happiest woman alive in the same she makes him the happiest man alive. 
Ghiaccio would be slightly annoyed by his S/O’s actions at first. Why does she treats as child? Does she thinks he can’t take care of himself? When she tells him it’s her way of showing that she loves him, he doesn’t want to be an asshole and sucks it up. Slowly, he becomes fond of it and he tries to return the favor by giving her gifts. Thanks to her, he’s less likely to have anger outbursts. However, no matter how good his S/O is to him, Ghiaccio will never boast about it out loud because he’s afraid his teammates will make fun of him. 
In the beginning, Pesci is conflicted about the way his S/O treats. His aniki already calls him a Mammoni so he feels bad for not being tough enough, for enjoying his s/o motherly nature. His S/O reassures him though, saying that him being soft doesn’t make him less of man. He helps him acknowledge his own feelings and boost his confidence. Pesci is over joyed with his S/O and thinks he doesn’t deserve her so he tries very hard to make her happy. 
Prosciutto may be worried about his S/O caring nature. He is afraid that other people may take advantage of her kindness but he is reassured to see that she knows has to set limits. He will probably cook with her most of the time unless he is particularly tired. He will make sure she knows how much she appreciated either through words by complimenting her or through actions such unexpected gifts.  part 1 of 2
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La Squardra falling in love while interrogating their future S/O? Like they brought them in to get info out of them but man their kinda cute...
Friend, chum, buddy, pal, I’ve got you.  Undercut for length:
Risotto considers himself as a serious man. He always separates between his professional life -as an assassin- and his private life -although he doesn’t really have one-. From far away, he spots the witness he needs to interrogate in order to gather information about his target. He is intrigued by their appearance: He can’t say he has a type but if he did indeed have one, then this stranger is on point. Perhaps this is what persuades him to not use Metallica on you. He’s relieved when you answer all of his questions without batting an eye. He is even more intrigued by the fact you didn’t seem scared nor intimidated by his presence. When you ask him if he wants to grab a drink and talk more, he refuses, saying he’s busy right now. You chuckle and give him your number, saying that he can always give you a call whenever he’s free. He takes it, persuading himself that he keeps it only in case he needs to get more information out of you. He has taken out the target thanks to your valuable information but he can’t stop thinking about you. You’re always somewhere in the back of his mind. Sometimes, he eyes your number, wondering if it is a good idea to give you a call. One of those rare days where he has nothing to do, he gives in to the temptation. It was only the start of a long series of other dates.
It’s not weird for Illuso to follow you around. It’s his job to gather information about people and trailing them the best way. Illuso thinks there is something profoundly exciting and endearing about observing people without their knowledge. He gets to see a part of them they never show to anyone. He sees the most truthful version of them. And after observing you for awhile, Illuso has started developing a crush on you. He couldn’t put his finger on it but there was something in you that is appealing to him and your appearance sure does help. He finds your posture, your gestures cute. He approaches you at first to get information out of you and things go rather smoothly. He asks for your number in case he needs anything else but the truth is, next time he will meet you, it will be for personal reasons.
It’s not the first time Prosciutto has to use his charm in order to get information out of somebody. He knows his elegant appearance has some effect on people so why not use it? If things get complicated or if it doesn’t work, he can always use the grateful dead for some nice session of torture. What he didn’t expect though that you playing along will have some effect on him too. Damn, Prosciutto knows he knows he should always separate between his professional life and his personal life but it’s so rare for him to meet someone who happens to be exactly his type. He is willing to make an exception for you and it is one of the best decisions he made in his life.
You were the first person Pesci had to interrogate. Needless to say, he was pretty nervous. He had never done it before and he knew he didn’t look intimidating. Even more, he found you cute and he couldn’t bring himself to pressure you into telling him what he wanted. Not that he needed to, because surprisingly, you didn’t put much resistance and spilled the beans. He was relieved but his heart skipped a beat when he heard that your information didn’t come for free. He was even more surprised when you asked him to take you to a restaurant as “a payment”. He only got the hint that you were flirting with him when he told his aniki about what happened. Now, you’ve been dating for a couple of months and this little story always makes him smile.
Di molto! Melone has known from the first time he saw you were perfect for him. Your body, your blood type and your astrological sign, both of you were more than compatible. After he was done gathering information from you, he asked you if you wanted to carry his babies. You just laughed at him but not to mock him, rather in an endearing way. You found his question funnier than creepy. Even more perfect, you said that you appreciated his enthusiasm but he would have to not skips steps and take you to a restaurant first. Then, both of you could work around that. And you did.    
Formaggio was going to be serious about interrogating you. Yes, you were cute and yes, you were totally his type but he couldn’t mess things up. His teammates didn’t take him seriously so he had to get those information out of you or else, he would never prove his worth. However, when he told you his name and you made a pun out of it, he lost it. He was used to people making jokes about his name but the one you pulled, it was so creative, hilarious and not even disrespectful. He wasn’t even mad, just impressed. He couldn’t stop laughing and soon, you joined him. He thought to himself that hurting someone whose appearance is as good as their humor would be a waste. He persuaded you to tell him what he needed to know, he was only interested in his target, he wouldn’t hurt you, promise. You happily obliged. After all, you owed him that after he was so chill about a joke made at his expense. Formaggio took your number and he has been exchanging horrible jokes with you since then.          
Ghiaccio : https://pizzabiscuitwithglasses.tumblr.com/post/183524992540/is-there-anyway-we-could-get-the-la-squardra
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Hcs on how DIO is when he meets his kids? Giorno and the three musketeers from part 6?
Hmmm, that’s a tough one but I will do my best! Undercut for length
Dio is not what you call a good father figure. It was not surprising that he had children, given how many women he slept with. He wanted to meet his sons out of curiosity, just to inflate his own ego. 
Giorno keeps a very sexy of Dio in his wallet so of course he wants to meet him. Upon meeting him, Giorno understands where he gets his charisma from and is quickly displeased by his father’s evil personality. He just wanted to know his origins and he already considers the injured gangster he saved when he was children as a father figure. Dio, on the other hand, gets an ego trip when he learns that Giorno became the head of a powerful criminal organization at just 15. It is normal for Giorno to be at least half as awesome as him. However, he is kinda annoyed by Giorno in general because he reminds him of Jonathan in someone, feeling the blood of Joestar in him.
Ungalo is fawning over his father: Pucci has told him how great his father was but this? This exceeds his expectations. Dio is like a mythological god, a fictional creature but in real life, how cool is that? As for Dio, at first, he has some trouble believing Ungalo is his child: he’s so… ugly? They will probably end up getting along just fine though, being both violent and sadistic.
Rikiel shows the outermost respect for his father. His father has a very imposing presence and Rikiel admires the skilled fighter that his father is. As for Dio, he takes a keen interest in Rikiel’s stand, Sky high and asks for a demonstration. Rikiel happily obliges of course.   
When he meets Dio, Versace feels his chest swelling with pride. No one other but Dio could have been his father. Dio recognizes him immediately as his son too. Their shared hatred for humanity brings the both of them close but their egocentric personality may cause some clashes.
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Can I request la squadra and their crush watching horror movies and such. And this crush usually acts brave and can handle things, but they're afraid and so at night. So when the guys are about to sleep, they hear a knock to open and see their crush fidgeting and asking if they can sleep with them because they're scared?
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Ah, the romantic horror movie night, a true classic anon. So, la squadra watching a horror movie with their crush:
Risotto actually loves horror movies but due to his job, it’s difficult for him to find one that is really frightening so the one he chooses is pretty scary. He is excited to watch his favorite movie with his crush although he doesn’t show it. He notices quickly that they are scared and asks them multiple times if they are okay and if they want to watch something else. When they insist they’re perfectly fine, he thinks that maybe they are like him and just enjoy the thrill. He realizes it’s not the case when they knock on his door. The perspective of spending the night with his crush in the same bed is appealing. However, for Risotto, it’s ruined by the fact they only do this out of fear and not because they want to be with him. He stays at the other end of the bed in order to make his crush at ease. When they hug him, searching for some comfort in his presence, Risotto doesn’t say anything and hugs them back.
Illuso is not into horror movies that much. He doesn’t like them but he doesn’t hate them either. He’s indifferent to the horror genre. When his crush him if he want to watch a horror movie, he does some research beforehand in order to choose a good movie. He is surprised when he sees them being afraid. He sees it as a chance to win them over so he asks them if they want to get closer. They accept and he wraps an arm around them for reassurance. He takes a lot of pleasure in seeing them jump at the slightest scary scene, sometimes hugging him or burying their face in his chest in the process. He has a smug smile when they ask him if they can share the same bed for the night. When they hug him, he lets out a chuckle and caress their hair. He might suggest spending the rest of the night in the mirror world so they feel safer. He may sound sweet but don’t fall for it, Illuso is going to tease his crush for being easily scared for the rest of their life.
Ghiaccio HATES horror movies but he’s not going to pass on an opportunity to spend time with his crush so he accepts. The tropes in the horror genre make no sense to him and it pisses him off. He tries to keep his mouth shut in the beginning, not wanting to spoil the viewing experience and fails. WHY ARE THEY BLEEDING BUCKET OF BLOOD AND ARE STILL ALIVE? ARE THEY A HORSE? THERE’S NO MAIN ARTERY IN THAT SECTION SO IT SHOULDN’T BLEED THAT MUCH WHEN IT’S CUT!! STOP SCREAMING AND RUN AWAY GODDAMNIT!! DON’T GO THAT WAY YOU’LL GET KILLED YOU SHITHEAD! WHY IS EVERYBODY SO STUPID!? His constant ranting makes the horror movie actually funny to watch and he makes his crush laugh more than once. He’s annoyed when his crush asks him if they can sleep with him tonight. “Don’t watch horror movies if they prevent you from sleeping at night” he tells them while letting them in. He mutters how he doesn’t understand what was so scary it kept them up and how they can enjoy being scared in the first place. When they apologize for bothering him, he hushes them and urges them to sleep. Just like Risotto, he will keep his distances with his crush. When they hugs him, he is startled but doesn’t say anything. Now, his eyes are wide open, his heart is beating hard and he can’t sleep at all.
Pesci doesn’t like horror movies and he is afraid to admit it. He tries to watch the movie he is going to see with his crush beforehand so he doesn’t embarrass himself in front of them. It doesn’t work and he is frozen during the whole movie like a dog caught in front of a car’s light. He just stares at the screen, he doesn’t move. He’s sweating very hard and can barely breathe. Needless to say, he doesn’t notice that his crush is as afraid as he is. He is relieved when his crush asks to spend the night with him. Their presence is comforting and when they hug him, he’s a blushing mess. He’s more than happy that he isn’t facing them.  
Prosciutto likes old-school horror movies and the perspective of watching one with his favorite person pleases him. He doesn’t expect them to be scared, especially when they are the one who suggested watching a horror movie in the first place. Just like Risotto, he is going to ask them if they want to change for something less scary and when they refuse, he will just let slide. He hold their hand to appease them. He lifts an eyebrow when he sees his crush asking to sleep with him for the night but doesn’t deny them that. When they hug him, he will bring them closer and murmurs: “Don’t worry, nothing in the movie was real. Even if it was, demons, ghosts or humans, it doesn’t matter. I won’t let anyone hurt you.”
Formaggio is the kind of person who watches horror movies for fun, just to mock the movie’s plot or the characters’ actions. He’s happy to watch one with his crush and choose a movie particularly stupid. His crush being afraid surprises and he tries to lighten the mood with some jokes. It doesn’t always work since thanks to his job, he’s pretty desensitized to violent and gory stuff. He may find some terrible things “funny” while someone else would be horrified by it. He is not surprised to see his crush in front of his door asking for the permission to sleep in his bed for the night. When they hug him, he is grinning like crazy and holds them closer, asking them to not be scared when he is here. Now that he knows how easily scared they are, Formaggio will tease them about it and scare them sometimes on purpose just to annoy them.
A movie night with his crush? Melone is on cloud nine. He doesn’t care what kind of movie they are going to see as long he gets to be with them. When he sees it’s a horror movie, he pretends to be scared just to have an excuse to touch them. He puts his hand on theirs then apologizes. When he sees crush doesn’t mind at all, he gets bolder -within reason of course-, hugging them at the slightest jump-scare. He thinks “Di Molto!” when his crush knocks on his door not wanting to spend the night alone. He is the one who initiate the embrace. In the future, Melone suggests different scary movies to his crush so he has good excuses to share the same bed with them.
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What do you think Passione would do to cheer a fem s/o up when she's feeling down? I need my boys and some fluff!
Hang in there anon, the passione boys got you, I got you, we all got you. 
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Undercut for length: 
Bruno notices it immediately when you’re feeling down. He will set aside whatever he has to do in order to be with you. He asks what’s wrong and if you want to talk about it. If you do, he will listen to you and gives you advices. If you don’t, it’s okay, he understands. In any case, he will wrap you in a warm hug, telling you how much he loves and how it’s okay to feel down sometimes, that doesn’t make him appreciate any less. He says that he will always be there for you and to not hesitate to tell him what’s bothering if you change your mind. Depending your mood, he will either take you to a restaurant or cook for you at home.
While Abbacchio may not seem like it, he cares deeply about you. He has his own demons so he notices pretty fast that you’re not your usual self. It doesn’t mean that he’s good at cheering people though. He asks you if you want to rant about whatever you have on your mind and if you do, he will listen to you, ranting about what upset you with you too. If you don’t, he will understand. He will stay by your side and persuade you to drink wine with you. After a couple of cups, both of you are drunk and you start laughing at stupid stuff. Disinhibited thanks to the alcohol, he hugs you and kiss you, telling simple things he loves about you. His display of affection is both funny and awkward and it makes your smile only wider. You feel much better now.
When Fugo sees that you’re not feeling well, he’s anxious. Was it something that he did? He would hated it if he hurt you, either physically or psychologically. In someway, he is relieved when you tell him it’s not his fault you’re feeling down. However, he doesn’t like to see you in this way. He understand that you might not feel okay all the time, he too sometimes feel angrier than usual. He wants to cheer up but he doesn’t know how. After much thinking and some researches, he will opt for physical attention. He will make your favorite tea or if you’re like me, hot chocolate. He will cuddle with you, telling sweet words. Fugo may not do much but just having him beside you, ready to satisfy any of your needs, melt the sadness away.
Mista notices you are not your usual self when he said one of his infamous joke and you didn’t have any reaction. Well, he will have to fix that. He tickles you until your stomach and your cheeks hurt. He let you breathe then hugs you tightly, telling you how much he loves your laughter. Then he takes you out to a nice restaurant because that boy can’t cook. After eating, he holds you close and shows you around his favorite places. If you don’t feel like going out, he will order delivery for both of you. Mista and you will sit on the couch, eating and watching your favorite movie/show together.
Narancia saw your face and he knew he had to something to cheer up. After thinking for a couple of minutes, he gets an idea. He turns on the radio and puts some sweet beats. He starts dancing in front of you and he persuades you to join him. You can’t resist him, his positive energy is too contagious. Soon enough, you find yourself dancing silly together. At one point, he picks you and start twirling with you his arms, shouting “ Vola Vola, Vola via Bella”. You feel pleasantly lightheaded as you sit on the couch, resting. Narancia brings you a fresh drink to help re-hydrate yourself after your dancing session. He snuggles beside you, saying that he is happy he made feel better.
Giorno notices immediately you didn’t feel well. He doesn’t ask you what’s wrong, he thinks that you wanted to talk, you’d already done so. He has an unfailing way to make you finally instantly better. He wraps you in a blanket, kissing you on your forehead and asking if you’re more of a cat or dog person. Then, he will use gold experience to change the blank into a bunch of cute, little pets. Imagine having a swarm of small and fluffy cat or dogs licking you eagerly. It tickles and you feel so much love. If dogs or cats are not your favorite, he will summon then other animals, just tell him what you want. Also, if animals in general are not your thing, he will braid your hair and put your favorite flowers/plants in there. In any case, Giorno will be sure to accommodate your needs.
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Bruno marriage proposal
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Sorry, I went a bit over board with this one XD Inspired from a true story:
Bruno is not the kind of person who would engage himself in superficial relationships. If he decides to ask you out, it’s definitely because he is serious. As part of a gang, he always been reluctant to be with someone. He would hated if his S/O was being targeted because of him. However, he couldn’t let his feelings at bay. Being with them wasn’t a want, it was a need he couldn’t ignore anymore. He knows they could make it work. He has been thinking about it for awhile… 
- One day, his S/O was on a trip to Venice. He tells them they have a friend over there who needs their help: his friend’s mother is sick. He wants to give them the medication so his S/O could deliver it to his mother once they are back in town. They automatically accept without suspecting a thing. It was not unusual for Bruno to go out of his way to help others. 
-They dress nicely and when they have to meet, they are amazed and ecstatic to see Bruno in front of them. They hug and kiss: Bruno said he wouldn’t be able to see them for awhile so what a nice surprise to have him near them! Bruno takes them to a fancy restaurant and they have a nice meal: 
- What are you thinking about, Tesoro? said Bruno. 
- Nothing. I’m just enjoying your company. I wish if I could stay by your side like this, forever. 
He lets out a chuckle. 
-If that’s what you want, Tesoro, then I will happily oblige. 
Bruno takes their hand and pulls out a ring box from his pocket: 
- Tesoro, would you marry me? 
 His S/O eyes start watering and says in a gasp:
- Oh my god… Bruno? Am I dreaming? Yes, amore, yes!
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Here comes the fluff~ 
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You knocked on the door and you heard a voice saying “coming”. Bruno was sitting at his desk, absorbed by the pile of paperwork in front of him. You were surprised to see his new suit. Not that you weren’t used to Bruno special fashion style but you were definitely not expecting this.
- Bruno! you said.
- What’s the matter? he asked, finally lifting his nose from his paper.
- Your suit, it’s blue?
- So what? Did you really think I only own suits with the same color? He added with an amused smile.
- I’m just surprised. This looks so different from usual.
- Oh? You don’t like it? He inquired, slightly concerned by your opinion.
- No, that’s not what I’m trying to say! I said you looked different but it doesn’t mean it’s ugly. Actually, you look nice... *you would look nice in anything you thought to yourself* The suits, it brings out your eyes.
Your compliment took him completely off guard and you could see beautiful blue eyes widen in surprise.Then, his gaze soften as a genuine smile illuminated his face.
-Thank you, Y/N. Maybe I should wear it more often...   
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@cryptidbarbie, I got you my friend.
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Formaggio + 100) “I love you.” Undercut for length: 
You and Formaggio have known each other for awhile now. It all started when you were on a street, shaking from the rage building inside of you. It was one those days where small bad things kept piling up and the last news you got through the phone did not help. You yelled “Ugh, fuck me!”  louder than you wanted it, as an attempt to vent up your frustration. A man you didn’t know answered, a sly smile on his face:
- Nah, I’m a gentleman. I will take you for dinner first.
You laughed at his joke. It was well timed and well thought, putting you in a better mood. You accepted his proposition and you have been going out together since. It was nothing serious but you didn’t mind. You liked the relationship you had with Formaggio. It was lighthearted, fun and didn’t give you any headaches. Your meetings were casual and you mostly went out to have drinks together. That’s exactly what you were doing this day with him, enjoying a couple of drinks. He was a good drinking companion, the alcohol always put him in a joyous mood. You two were playing one of your games where you looked at people discussing and tried to guess what their exchange was about. Usually, none of you really cared about what they were saying and made up silly nonsensical conversations instead. At one point, Formaggio speech started becoming incoherent.
- Well, young man, it seems it’s time for you to go back home.
- Wh-y you say that~?
- Because you had way too many drinks.
- Nnnonsense, I’m ffineeee.
- Listen to yourself, you can’t even speak properly.
He started laughing and you couldn’t resist his laughter.
- You’re so ppretty when you laugh.
- Well, that’s surprisingly nice coming from you.
- I’mm always niiice. And you’re alwayys pprrettty.
- Thank you, Formaggio. Now, let’s get you home.
He insisted that he was fine and could go home alone but you didn’t budge. You escorted him back to his flat, a privilege you knew only few had due to his secretive nature. You helped him out of his shoes and his shirt. As you were putting him to bed, he grabbed you and hugged you tightly.
- You’re sooo good to me, he said with a slow voice.
- It’s nothing, I couldn’t let you go on your own when you were this intoxicated.
He started kissing you lazily on your cheeks.    
- I love you, he said.
You didn’t have time to register what he said before he blacked out, snoring loudly. You verified his sudden slumber wasn’t due to alcohol poisoning and then, you thought about what you just heard. It was so sudden! Was he serious? Or was it just the alcohol clouding his mind? You would have to inquire about it tomorrow, when he would be sober.  
When he woke up, a painful headache was tearing through Formaggio’s head. He was happy the curtains were drawn, the light would have only made it worse. He saw a glass of water and a pill on his nightstand. Yesterday’s memories were confusing but he did remember going out with Y/N. They must have brought him home and left it there for him. He took the pill then pulled out his phone.
Formaggio: “ Hey, I’m up. Thank you for yesterday.”   
Y/N :“You’re welcome. You should drink a lot of water for your hangover.”
Formaggio “ :-)”
Formaggio “Lunch tomorrow?”
Y/N : “ 2pm?”
Formaggio: “Sounds good, I will pick you up.”
Y/N : “ Ok, see ya around”
Formaggio: “See ya”
Y/N: “ By the way...”
Formaggio: “?”
Y/N: “ I love you too.”
Formaggio had to reread the message many times to be sure his eyes weren’t playing tricks on him. It took him time to understand that he might have spilled the beans last night when he was drunk. He couldn’t help but laugh at his own carelessness.
Formaggio : “<3”
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Pillar Men with a small human S/O who gets sick easily?
The Aztec god of fitness and a S/O who gets easily sick, under the cut for length. 
Despite his arrogant character, Kars has a thing for small and vulnerable things. He finds it cute that you’re small but he is also kinda of tsundere so he will never admit it. He makes researches about human sickness yes but it’s not to take care of you, he just need to gather more knowledge on human’s weaknesses. It’s not like he wants to see you feeling better or anything, baka. He will probably complain when you get sick. If you try to get out of bed, he will scold you: Don’t make your state worse, foolish human and get back in the bed this instant! For crying out loud, humans are truly weak creatures but please don’t die on me. If you apologize for bothering him, he will shush you and tell you to focus on getting better. He may be annoying but he’s just worried about you and tries very hard to hide it.
He takes the fact the you have a fragile health better than Kars. You are a human after all, it’s only to be expected. He treats with the utmost care and knows how to make you feel better when you get sick. He may be tempted to turn you into a vampire in order to “fix” your fragile health but he will never force anything on you. He is contempt with who you are. 
Probably the most clueless one in the lot. He goes by the “Mens sana in corpore sano” saying, a healthy spirit in a healthy body so he will probably train your body along with your mind and change your diet in order to help you get a stronger health. He is not sadistic though, he won’t make you sweat when you’re sick. He stays by your bedside each time you don’t feel well, attending to your every needs. While he doesn’t like weakness, he still loves you very much.
He is intrigued by your fragile health: he knew humans were delicate but he didn’t expect it to be this much. Just like Kars, he will do researches on your sickness. This also means that he will try different cures on you in order to see if it’s effective. He get used to you being sick pretty quick so he always know what to do. If you have to stay in bed, he will stay by your side, reading books.
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