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Nice combination! Hope you like it :P Undercut for length:
Narancia having a crush on you was so not subtle that even someone as non-observant as you could notice it. And how could you not when he tried very much to impress you? It resulted in him trying hard to appear as somebody who was strong, mature, and reliable. You didn’t mind though, you found it endearing how he did his best to help you everytime he had the chance. This time was no exception: The both of you went doing errands together for the rest of the gang, and he insisted on carrying the groceries bag.
- Are you okay? You sure you don’t me to carry some with you? You asked, concerned.
- Yes, I’m fine. It’s not heavy. I’m stronger than I look. 
And as to prove his saying, he started swing the bag by the handles back and forth. However, in this motion, the bottom gave up, and the content scattered everywhere. There was a couple of eggs which flew in your direction, falling on your feet, ruining your shoes, and splashing some of your pants in process. It was so sudden, and out of nowhere, it took you some time to process what exactly happened.
- Oh my god! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! Shouted Narancia.
Looking at your dirty shoes then at Narancia, you couldn’t help but bursted out laughing. The contrast between his confident, nearly cheeky behavior from a couple seconds ago ,and his apologetic, red face was hilarious. You gestured you were fine than kneeled down, trying to salvage what you could from the scattered remains. However, you were still laughing, and Narancia clumsy gestures didn’t help you calm down. Each time you think you were done laughing, you remembered the scene, and you were laughing again. 
You kept the incident to yourself, not wanting to embarassing Narancia in front of the others, but you kept hinting at what happened, teasing him in the process. It became a private joke between the two of you. Despite the episode being humiliating, Narancia was grateful you didn’t get mad at him for soiling your clothes, even more about the fact deciding to not expose this shameful experience to others. It made him appreciate you even more..
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I see what you did there anon~ 
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Melone with 66) “Stay over.” Undercut for length: 
It wasn’t the first time that Melone have felt alone. Loneliness has always accompanied him as far as he could remember. His parents never paid attention to him and the people around him preferred to ignore him. He had developed a certain charm in order to get others interested in him. However, it wasn’t enough. More than once, he would be in a group of “friends” and still feel terribly lonely. He would be there, with those strangers, pretending to laugh and to enjoy his time when deep down, he felt… empty. When this emptiness threatened to swallow him whole, he would try to distract himself in three ways: diving himself in work, experimenting with his stand or making more fruitless encounters.
The last one wasn’t hard at all. He knew well how to choose his night partners and he was an expert at pleasing them. He never got to see them after and it was better this way. He didn’t want to get attached. These kind of feelings only brought problems. He was out this night again and that person already had all of his attention. He had spotted them on the parking lot, they were in his field of view as he was getting of his motorcycle. Their faint smile had left an impression on him and he decided they were going to be his for tonight. He approached them and introduced himself. They exchanged a couple of drinks and information about each others:
- What brings you here tonight? asked Melone
- You’re gonna laugh: I’m supposed to be studying for my exams right now but I’m not in the mood for that so I told myself if I’m not going to do anything, I might as well go out, and here I am.
- Interesting and what is your field of studies?
- I’m majoring in bio-genetics and as much I love it, it’s sooo haarrd.
- Really?
- You don’t believe me?
- You don’t really look like a scientist.
- Dang it. I left my white coat and my pocket lab at home but you’re right, I should have brought them. Maybe next time.
Melone chuckled at their remark and very quickly, the two of them started talking about science. He was pleasantly surprised to find someone as interested as him in the transmission of traits from parents to offsprings. His new found toy was a nicer company than he expected. They didn’t realize how late it got until the club closed. Melone asked them if they wanted to continue the conversation at his home and they accepted. 
It was nice from the beginning till the very end. When they got up from the bed, planning to go back home, Melone felt his heart ache. Wait, so soon? he thought to himself. The night wasn’t still over. Will he get to see them again? He didn’t want it to end. Even if he didn’t get to touch them, he wanted to spend more time with them. For once in his life, Melone didn’t want that someone to walk out of his life as soon as they got in. He watched them dressed up as all those feelings bubbled in his chest. The words escaped out of his mouth:
- Stay over. Please.  
They stopped and turned back to him, their mouth wide in surprise. Melone wondered how miserable he must have looked to them. There was a silence and panic overtook him. What was he thinking? Begging them like that was stupid. They had better things to do than to stay with someone like him. They were going to laugh at him and leave him alone with his cumbersome thoughts, like every night. Why did have to make things so awkward? Now, he lost all of his chances with them. He was never going to be able to see them again. His thoughts came to a halt when they went back to his side. They hugged him and… Ah, there was that smile, again. He hugged them back, thinking to himself that everything will be alright, for tonight.   
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Part two of your request @ravenemilia, as promised! It’s full of fulff ahead, procede with caution.
12) “Take my jacket, it’s cold outside.” + Josuke, Undercut for length:
Josuke was looking at the arcade machine’s screen, grinning like a dumbass. He has been playing for awhile against people, and he kept winning, like the champ he was. That was he got to play for 2 hours straight without spending a single dime, his opponents kept losing and paying for the game.
- Does anyone else want to challenge the king? He asked. 
Everybody avoided eye-contact with him, not wanting to humiliate themselves in public.
- Come on? Nobody? This time, I will be the one paying. 
- Sounds interesting, said a voice. I accept the challenge. 
- Good, said confidently Josuke as he looked at you. Take a seat. As promised, I will be the one paying for this game so no need to worry about losing. 
- I wasn’t because in any case, I am not planning on paying. 
- I like your confidence. Let’s see if you can keep that up once I have beaten your ass. 
- Same for you. 
You won easily, as you expected. After observing him for awhile, you knew exactly how to counter his way of playing. However, he wasn’t done with you.
- Hmph, not bad. let out Josuke. It was beginner's luck. This time, I won’t leave you any chances.
- Oh, please do. The outcome will still be the same though. 
 And you beat him, again. He was surprised but not mad. He was just motivated to win against you, a mighty opponent! You both kept playing again, and again. Although you were surrounded by many curious observers, it felt like you were alone. You were having so much fun! And what was bound to happen, happened. You lost a game.
- Ha! Finally! I knew I was the best! 
- I won 26 times, and you, only once, but sure thing! You said as you stood up, giving him a coin. 
- Wait, where are you going? 
- Home.
- We still have a score to settle! 
- I have to catch the last bus. I don’t want to end up walking back home by feet.
- That’s not a problem. I will drive you back home so stay please! 
You looked at him, intrigued. He was being one hundred percent serious. You pondered for a minute if letting a stranger driving you back home would be a good idea. if something turned bad, you could still use your phone to call for help. Plus, he didn’t look like the kind of person who would mug or kidnap you, with those puppy eyes he was making.
- So you’re saving money from the bus and form gaming? How can I refuse an offer like that. 
- Ha, you’re going to spend all of your money on the next games. Now that I have beaten you, I’m planning on keeping doing it. 
- You only won because I took pity on you, you teased. But now, no more playing nice… 
Both of you kept playing until the arcade literally kicked you out. He did win as he promised but only a few times, you were still far ahead with your score. You continued teasing him, and he didn’t take it badly, throwing back some shades at you.
- So… Where’s your car? You asked. 
- Who said I have a car?   
- Don’t joke like that, you said you were driving me!
- And I’m going to, with this baby! 
Josuke pointed at motorcycle. It was very stylish, suiting its driver, with its diamond motifs. You couldn’t help but whistled at it.
- Niiiceee, you commented. 
- Worked all summer to have it, he declared as he was removing his jacket before expanding it toward you. 
- What? 
- It’s cold, take my jacket. It’s going to be even colder with the wind blowing while I’m driving. 
- But, don’t you like need it, too? 
- Not as much as you do. 
You didn’t question any longer, and took it. The fabric was soft, and it had a nice fragrance. As you positioned yourself behind, he urged you to hold on to him. He promised you he will drive slowly, and carefully before switching the motor on. It was your first time on a motorcycle, and you loved it. The wind blowing on your face filled your soul with freedom. You felt secure and at peace with your chest pressed firmly against Josuke’s back.The empty streets were gleaming with a pleasant gold light emanating from the street lamps. 
You were slightly disappointed when you reach your destination. Tonight has been pleasant, and you didn’t want it to end.
- We’re here. 
- Thank you. 
- No problem. Thank you for deciding to stay with me. It was very nice. 
He was scratching his neck slightly. You removed his jacket and gave it back to him.
- You know, the night can still go on if you want. I have some video games. Why don’t you come in and get your revenge? Not that you will. 
- Sounds interesting, he said imitating your voice. I accept the challenge.
You both bursted out laughing and spent the rest of the night playing at your home. Then, when sunrise came, you went out to have a breakfast outside. As you parted from each other, you thought to yourself that you didn’t mind spending more days with Josuke at your side... 
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No problem! Communication’s problems are bound to happen. I will be dividing this request in two parts if you don’t mind dear anon. 
14) “Can I have this dance?”  + Bruno, undercut for length:
You and Bruno were enjoying your night out at your favorite restaurant. The food was good but not as good as the man accompanying you. Your lover always knew how to put you at ease, and with him at your side, you felt like you could do everything. There was a music in the background but you didn’t pay much attention to it, you were focus solely on the handsome man in front you. That was until a particular song came in.You didn’t know that one but it was so catchy, making you want to dance. Your body slightly swaying in the rhythm without much thought, and Bruno noticed.
- Can I have this dance? He asked as he put his hand on yours.
- Really? You blurted out, surprised.
- Why not?
- Well, I’m not a good dancer.
- That’s okay. It’s all about enjoying the dance, not being good at it.  
You hesitated for a moment. You didn’t want to make a fool out of yourself and embarrass your partner.
- You can just follow my lead if you’re not confident, he added. But, if that makes you uncomfortable, I won’t oblige you.  
Your heart melted at his words. He was such a thoughtful person.
- You know what? you let out as you stood up. Let’s do it!
Bruno smiled at your enthusiasm. He held your hand as he took you the dancefloor. Your anxiety grew as you glanced around. There was too many people to your taste. Bruno interrupted your train of thoughts as he pulled you closer. He whispered in your ear:
- Y/N, keep your eyes on me.
Following his instructions was really easy. You couldn’t take his eyes off him, he was too good looking. Still, you were blushing, you weren’t used to have him this close. It seemed as if the world around you faded. You timidly followed his pace, and slowly gained confidence. You eased into his embrace, and the blush on your cheeks was replaced by a smile on your lips. You felt lightheaded, with a warm growing in your chest. 
It felt nice, to dance with the one you loved. You could see he was enjoying it too. When the song switched to a slower one, you rested your head on his chest. Lulled by his pleasant smell, his steady heart and the warm of his skin through his cloths, you wanted to say like this forever.  
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@cryptidbarbie, I got you my friend.
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Formaggio + 100) “I love you.” Undercut for length: 
You and Formaggio have known each other for awhile now. It all started when you were on a street, shaking from the rage building inside of you. It was one those days where small bad things kept piling up and the last news you got through the phone did not help. You yelled “Ugh, fuck me!”  louder than you wanted it, as an attempt to vent up your frustration. A man you didn’t know answered, a sly smile on his face:
- Nah, I’m a gentleman. I will take you for dinner first.
You laughed at his joke. It was well timed and well thought, putting you in a better mood. You accepted his proposition and you have been going out together since. It was nothing serious but you didn’t mind. You liked the relationship you had with Formaggio. It was lighthearted, fun and didn’t give you any headaches. Your meetings were casual and you mostly went out to have drinks together. That’s exactly what you were doing this day with him, enjoying a couple of drinks. He was a good drinking companion, the alcohol always put him in a joyous mood. You two were playing one of your games where you looked at people discussing and tried to guess what their exchange was about. Usually, none of you really cared about what they were saying and made up silly nonsensical conversations instead. At one point, Formaggio speech started becoming incoherent.
- Well, young man, it seems it’s time for you to go back home.
- Wh-y you say that~?
- Because you had way too many drinks.
- Nnnonsense, I’m ffineeee.
- Listen to yourself, you can’t even speak properly.
He started laughing and you couldn’t resist his laughter.
- You’re so ppretty when you laugh.
- Well, that’s surprisingly nice coming from you.
- I’mm always niiice. And you’re alwayys pprrettty.
- Thank you, Formaggio. Now, let’s get you home.
He insisted that he was fine and could go home alone but you didn’t budge. You escorted him back to his flat, a privilege you knew only few had due to his secretive nature. You helped him out of his shoes and his shirt. As you were putting him to bed, he grabbed you and hugged you tightly.
- You’re sooo good to me, he said with a slow voice.
- It’s nothing, I couldn’t let you go on your own when you were this intoxicated.
He started kissing you lazily on your cheeks.    
- I love you, he said.
You didn’t have time to register what he said before he blacked out, snoring loudly. You verified his sudden slumber wasn’t due to alcohol poisoning and then, you thought about what you just heard. It was so sudden! Was he serious? Or was it just the alcohol clouding his mind? You would have to inquire about it tomorrow, when he would be sober.  
When he woke up, a painful headache was tearing through Formaggio’s head. He was happy the curtains were drawn, the light would have only made it worse. He saw a glass of water and a pill on his nightstand. Yesterday’s memories were confusing but he did remember going out with Y/N. They must have brought him home and left it there for him. He took the pill then pulled out his phone.
Formaggio: “ Hey, I’m up. Thank you for yesterday.”   
Y/N :“You’re welcome. You should drink a lot of water for your hangover.”
Formaggio “ :-)”
Formaggio “Lunch tomorrow?”
Y/N : “ 2pm?”
Formaggio: “Sounds good, I will pick you up.”
Y/N : “ Ok, see ya around”
Formaggio: “See ya”
Y/N: “ By the way...”
Formaggio: “?”
Y/N: “ I love you too.”
Formaggio had to reread the message many times to be sure his eyes weren’t playing tricks on him. It took him time to understand that he might have spilled the beans last night when he was drunk. He couldn’t help but laugh at his own carelessness.
Formaggio : “<3”
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Sorry for the wait, I was taking care of myself, and now I’m back! Fresh and full of energy for writing! Second part of the request as promised! Hope you enjoy it.
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96) “I brought you an umbrella.” + Bruno Undercut for length:
      You looked at his watch then sighed. Today had been a long day. You spent all of your time working. You ran from one place to another, doing different errands for the company you were working at. Despite having kept yourself busy, the clock was still moving too slowly to your own taste. You only had one thought in your mind. You wanted to see Bruno, your boyfriend, so badly. You couldn’t wait to spend the night with him. After all, tonight was very special. One year ago, you two met in front a pizzeria called “Piccolina”. It was so small, people had either to pick up their order, or just eat outside in front of the shop. You had stopped by late at night, after finishing your shift, and you started a conversation with a handsome stranger while you were waiting for your order to be ready. You both left a nice impression on each other, and exchanged contact details. Unbeknownst to you, it was the blooming of your relationship.
In order to celebrate your first anniversary together, you thought about taking your lover back to where it all started. You would enjoy a good pizza then walk on the beach, arm in arm. It was simple, and you knew Bruno would love to spend the rest of the night at your side, enjoying simple things. When it was time to leave your work, you felt excitement running through your tired body. Finally, you were going to spend some quality time with you favorite person. You wondered: what kind of clothes your boyfriend would wear for him? What kind of reaction would he have when you tell him that you were taking him back to where it all started? You didn’t inform your lover about your plans for your anniversary, desiring to keep it a surprise.
As you were heading to your meeting point, you eyed the sky worryingly. You hoped there wouldn’t be any rain, otherwise, it would spoil all of your plans. All of your worries and fatigue disappeared though at the sight of you lover. He greeted you with a warm embrace and soft kisses:
- Would you believe me, you said. Tesoro, if I said I was waiting for the day to be over so I could see you. But my watch’s handles kept nagging me. They moved at an excruciating slow pace.
- I believe you, answered Bruno. Amore. My clock was doing the same to me.
- I’m glad it’s over.
- So, where you are you taking me?
You opened your mouth to answer but you felt a drop of rain, then two, then three…
- Is it raining? you asked.
- I think so.
- Argh… But it’s summer, it’s not supposed to rain!
- It’s okay, I’ve brought you an umbrella.
You looked at him unzip his arm, retrieving a big umbrella. His actions brought a smile on your face.
- Of course, you would have an umbrella with you. You have zippers! You can carry everything you want with you!
- Isn’t a convenient power? he asked as he opened the umbrella. Now, Amore, where to?
Your smile crumbled at his question.
- What’s wrong? he inquired.
- Nothing. It’s just… I wanted to take you to the pizzeria “Piccolina” tonight then go for a walk on the beach but it’s raining…
- It’s okay, we can order our pizza, and eat it back at my home. As for the walk, we can do it another time.
- I know but it won’t be the same. Tonight is our one year anniversary so I wanted to celebrate the event by going back to where we met for the first time… I’m still contempt with spending time with you of course I just wanted to do something special today.
There was a small silence before Bruno finally spoke.
- You know, nothing prevents us from doing what you planned.
- But the rain?
- The umbrella is here for that, and tonight is a special night. You wouldn’t let some water discourage from doing what you want, right?
- Right!
- So what are we waiting for?  
The pizza you ate with Bruno, the two of you huddled near each other under the umbrella as the rain kept pouring, ended up being the best pizza you ever had. Even the walk on the beach, with the wind blowing so strong, it overturned your umbrella too many times to count, the walk was filled with laugh , and remained as one of your fondest memories.
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Thank you for your wait @ravenemilia, here are your answers my friend:
🌸 - what is your favorite flower?
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Hydrangea is my favorite flower. Its colors remind of watercolors! 
As for your request, since it has two characters, I will cut it in two parts:
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12) “Take my jacket, it’s cold outside.” + Mista, Undercut for length:
You were going to the cinema exit with Mista at your side. You were both talking about the movie you just saw, and how great it was.
- It’s my first time seeing an indian movie! You said. It’s so different from any kind of movie I watched before but I don’t mind. 
- Right? Answered Mista. I don’t know whose it was idea to showing a foreign movie but it was a great one. Especially since I get to watch it with you, amore. 
- You’re flattering me. I… 
You couldn’t finish your sentence as something has caught your attention.
- Wait, you let out as your knitted your eyebrow at the dark sky. Why is it night already? How long have we been in the cinema? 
- 3 hours.
- 3 hours? you repeated surprised. 
- Well, of course, amore. Indian movies tend be very long. But I understand, you were enjoying my company so much you didn’t notice time passing by. 
- True, you said as you were chuckling. 
But you shifted your attention back to the sky. Damn, you weren’t expecting to finish so late. You could still catch your bus but the air tended to get chiller after sunset lately, and you were dressed lightly. You rubbed your arms without thinking.
- Here, said Mista as he noticed your gesture, take my jacket, it’s cold outside. 
- Oh, you really don’t need to.
- Come on, I would hate it if your pretty skin got goosebumps. 
- But don’t you need it more than me? I mean, you are wearing a crop top! 
- No, because I’m always on fire, baby! Really, I will be just fine. 
He insisted so much, you had no choice but to accept his cloth. Even after walking you to your bus stop, and waiting with you, he still refused to take his jacket back.
- Well, this means we have to meet again so I can give your jacket back. 
- That would be my pleasure. 
His smile made you feel warm in the inside, making you want to thank him and to show your appreciation. But how?
- Your bus is here. Take care and call when you get home, ok? 
You nodded, climbing the bus stairs hesitantly. You swallowed hard, your heart was beating fast in your chest. You seized every ounce of courage you had in you. You abruptly closed the distance between you and Mista, kissing him swiftly on the lips. Then, you stepped back as the bus’ doors closed in front of you, separating you from your lover. You walked to the back of the car, seating down in an isolated corner. Your cheeks burning red, you buried your face in the jacket, steading your breath as his scent tickled your nose.  
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Thank you dear Anon! And now, I’m nearly at 200. I’m planning on doing another game to celebrate but I still have to finish all the requests I have received from the previous game XD
26) “I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to.” + Kira Yoshikage. Undercut for lenght:
Kira Yoshikage was troubled, in the most unexpected way. He tried his best to live a normal life despite his not-so-normal interests. He would indulge himself in his fantasies, without living a single trace behind him. If someone bothered him or saw him, he would be dealt with too. Easy, simple and effective. He didn’t want to attract attention to himself so he lived on his own, with the minimal contact with others, just enough so he wouldn’t stand out. However, lately, he had grown fonder of someone. It was one of the worker at the bakery St-Gentlemen. At first, he tried to rationalize his own feelings. Maybe Kira felt attracted to them because  they had particular nice hands. Maybe it was because they always left one sandwich aside before they were all sold. In any case, Yoshikage couldn’t deny what he felt any longer.
He never felt this way before. Sure, he has been attracted to people before. He always have felt something for his victims before he killed them. But these feelings? They were completely new to him. Nonetheless, he was curious about this new found emotions so he accepted to take his interest for a date as they proposed to him. Everything was going smoothly until one crucial moment: His date complained about their gloves being useless against cold so they uncovered their hands and started rubbing them together. He was mesmerized by the sight. Their delicate fingers, slightly reddened by the cold, caressing each others in a tantalizing movement. He wanted to take those hands, to possess them, to make them his. He was this close to succumb to his murderous pulsion but he stopped himself just in time. The desire to not hurt his date was stronger. Not because he was afraid that killing his date would compromise his “simple-man” cover. No, he was able to control himself because he genuinely cared about their well-being, and refused to harm them. He excused himself, and ran away back home, like a thief.
He hardly slept that night, wondering what these unusual feelings meant to him, to his lifestyle. The next day, he went to work as usual, because he found comfort in his sticking to his routine. He avoided the bakery at which his date was working though. He decided that despite his curiosity,and feelings, they weren’t worth the trouble they were causing him. He was planning on cutting ties with them but fate had other plans for Yoshikage Kira. He ran into them as he walking home. He tried to keep things civil, and answered to their greetings, nothing more, nothing less. However, their words stirred an unpleasant feeling in his heart:
- You shouldn’t do that, they said. Showing interest in me then suddenly disappearing, I don’t understand… What did I do for you to play with my feelings? Am I that bad?
Agreeing and being heartless would have been the easiest way to end this. They would forget about him and he would be able to move but he couldn’t bring himself to do it…
- I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to… The truth is, I have been troubled… I’ve never experienced something like this before… Never felt this kind of way for anyone… And yesterday, I was overwhelmed by those feelings until I couldn’t take it anymore…
- You should just have said so then! Yoshikage, I have feelings for you too and I’m willing to make things work out between us. But you have to communicate with me or else, I won’t be able to do anything!
Kira was surprised by their reaction then smiled, another unknown feeling warming his heart. Maybe, having this new person in his life wouldn’t prove as much a hassle as he has first thought.    
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As always, I will cut this request in two: here’s the Mista part. 
96) “I brought you an umbrella.” + Mista Undercut for length:
You closed the book in front of you and sighed. Reading a whole book just to quote a few lines was a really hassle but you didn’t have any other choices. You eyed the books you still had to read in front you with a desperate look. The library was going to close very soon, you would have to borrow them and finish your work at home. As you stepped outside, you realized it was raining. The rain itself was not heavy but you worried about your books getting wet. You wrapped your items as best as could, bracing yourself for the incoming shower but a voice made you stop in your movement:
- You really seem like you need help.
You recognized it immediately.
- Mista! you squealed as you ran into his arms. I’m so happy to see you but what are you doing here?
- I brought you an umbrella. We’ve been both busy lately and I missed you so much. I thought it would be a good opportunity to see you.
- That’s so sweet of you! you said as you planted a swift kiss on his lips. But how did you know that I was finishing now?
- It was a guess and I’m happy I was right. You shouldn’t stay outside this late though. It’s not good idea to wander alone on the streets at this time.
- Usually, I’m always with a friend but she couldn’t make it today. It’s for the best though since I can go home with you without feeling any guilt.
- That looks heavy, he said as he looked at your bag. Here, let me hold it for you.
- No, you corrected him as he grabbed the bag from the handles. If you hold it like that, the bag will be torn apart. You have to hold it using both hands. Let me hold the umbrella.
It was funny the way both of you were walking. You were shorter than Mista.  You did your best to hold the umbrella as high as possible, your hand being at his face level. You let out a surprised chuckle when he started kissing it.
- What are you doing? You asked.
- Kissing your hand, he said, barely stopping. You can’t put something so beautiful so close to my lips, and expect me to not show any appreciation.
Beside the rain, your laugh and steps on the wet pavements were the only things filling the streets in the dead of the night...
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Second part of the request as promised
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14) “Can I have this dance?”  + Mista, undercut for length:
Man… This was awkward. Mista had finally found someone cute to go out with. He couldn’t believe that his flirting techniques worked but his bad luck has struck once again. The first date was going so poorly. His date seemed to be shy so Mista has tried to struck a discussion with no success. They answered his questions with short sentences, and he ran out of ideas for conversation topic very soon. Since then, both of them has been sitting in an uncomfortable for what seemed like an eternity. He didn’t know what he was doing wrong, and this point, the silence felt too heavy to break. Each of them were staring down at their drink. Mista was crying internally,  abandoning any hope of seeing them again when a certain song started playing:
“It was a teenage wedding, and the old folks wished them well. You could see that Pierre did truly love the mademoiselle. And now the young monsieur and madame have rung the chapel bell. "C'est la vie", say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell~”
His date finally lifted their head from the plate in front of them, their eyes lighting as they recognized the song. Mista seized the opportunity, he had nothing lose after all.
- Can I have this dance? he proposed, putting on his most confident smile as he was praying to all the existent saints deep down.
They stared at him with wide eyes before resuming a calmer facade, saying softly:
- S-sure, why not…
Mista grin got wider as he seized their hand, pulling them away from the bar. He started dancing energetically which stole a laugh from his date. This promptly made them  join him in his dance with the same eagerness. The two were out of breath when the song finished. They returned to their seats in order to rest.
- I didn’t think you would know “You never can Tell”, said Mista. It’s such an old song.
- I don’t have a wide musical culture, they replied. I only listen to the songs I stumbled upon while watching movies.   
- Where do you know this song from then?
- It was in a memorable dance scene from a movie called Pulp Fiction.
- Wait, you know Pulp Fiction?
- Of course, I do. It’s one of the greatest movie of all time!
Mista’s heart fluttered as excitement run through his body. Finally, something they had in common! It was nothing small too. They had the same passion for cinema as him. They spent the next hours talking about their favorite movies. Mista couldn’t express how fun it was for him to share his theories with someone who was as interested as him in the subject. They didn’t even roll their eyes when he presented his own detailed analysis. On the contrary, they listened patiently before adding their point of view too! He was on cloud nine. When the bar had closed, neither of them wanted to leave the other. There was still so much they wanted to talk about! He accompanied them back home, and they spent at least another hour in front the door, discussing.
- Let’s go see a movie! they suggested eagerly before resuming with a more tempered tone. Next time... I mean…  if you want to…
-  I would love to! exclaimed Mista.
From that day on, “You never can Tell” was known as their song. The song that saved their relationship from sinking...  
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