#joker and kaito kid? not really but hey they friends as their regular selves so i say its a win!
aria0fgold · 7 months
Promise to be careful
Kaito sat awkwardly beside Akira who has been frowning since the moment the two met, the reason for that was obvious… the wounds that Kaito hid away. It was a fact that quiet people can be scarily observant than your average person.
“Um… I can explain this time—”
“If you're gonna use the “I tripped on a flight of stairs and fell” excuse, I'm not buying it.” Akira retorted before even giving Kaito a chance to use it.
“Ugh… Well… Kinda?” Kaito couldn't just possibly tell Akira that he's actually the infamous magician thief, Kaito KID and such injuries were merely something he got from a recent heist. Although most of his heists are harmless to other people, to him, it can get rather dangerous. One that he's already gotten used to.
Akira glared at him, a small pout on his face.
Kaito's lips curled into an awkward smile, hoping to appease a reasonably angry friend. He knows that Akira is just worried, this wasn't the first time that he was caught hiding his own injuries after all.
And in each time that he gets caught…
“How many times has it been anyway? I keep telling you to be more careful, didn't I?”
Akira would scold him…
“Seriously, Kaito—”
But in the end…
“I hate seeing you get hurt.”
Akira always cared for him.
“I know, I know! This time, for sure! I promise to be more careful!”
Akira sighed, “You've broken that same promise several times now, you know?”
“Eheh…” Kaito averted his gaze for a bit before looking back at Akira with a confident smile, “This time for sure! I promise I won't break it!”
Akira sighed again, but this time, a small smile crept into his face as he outstretched his arm to playfully and lightly flick Kaito's forehead, “You better.”
. . .
Kaito really did try to uphold such a promise, but it seems all he's ever good at is breaking things. Sorry, Akira...
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