#jokes aside...I don't want to see anyone here get into legal trouble
mellometal · 2 years
Am I a bad person for saying I feel I could take half of Dhar Mann’s or SSSniperwolf’s money and not lose a wink of sleep over it?
No, I wouldn’t think so. It'd definitely be useful. (For legal reasons, this is a joke.)
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stay-tinystars · 4 years
Rumors: pt 1
Ship: Yeosang x Named female character (Jae Hwa)
College AU. 'Bad' girl x shy studious Yeosang.
Some fluff, some angst, mostly slice of life, a bit chaotic
Warnings: overly controlling parents, rumors, cursing, motorcycle.
Word count: 2.3k
A/N: this is a short series. I hope you all enjoy it. I'm trying out different writing styles as I get back into writing so I hope you enjoy.
All of this is pure fiction.❤
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"Are you sure we should be doing this?" He whispered tentatively behind her.
"We aren't doing anything wrong. We're fine." she whispered back.
"Then why are we whispering?" He questioned.
"I don't know, you're the one who started whispering" she giggled softly.
They quietly made their way through the dark, slowly weaving through the trees following the path, the half moon slightly lighting their way. The soft sound of their feet against the dirt encompassing them.
"We're almost there, I promise" she said reaching back her hand. He grabbed it tightly, she could feel his heart pounding, as her fingers intertwined with his.
The path opened to a beautiful clearing overlooking the city. The stars visible above them. She smiled as she looked at him, his eyes got big as he looked up, his mouth slightly agape.
"Wow" was all he could say. He never thought sneaking out with his girlfriend would be so unique. Most people sneaking out to parties, his girlfriend snuck him out to go stargazing. She pulled the backpack off her back, and pulled out two blankets. She spread one out in the clearing, and put the other over her lap as she sat down. He laid on the blanket next to her, and she smiled as she draped the blanket over him as well and laid down, her head on his chest.
The stars twinkled in the midnight sky, as they cuddled. She was the yin, to his yang.
He was the shy studious type. His bleached hair, and picturesque features made him the talk of the town. His laugh and smile lit up the whole campus when he joked with his friends. 
She was the trouble maker. Labeled a rebel with her short bright purple undercut hair, eyebrow piercing, and motorcycle. Everyone judged her by her looks, except him. 
----- three months earlier-----
"She just thinks she owns the place" Jen scoffed, stirring her iced coffee with her straw.
"I know, she just storms in every place she goes, her boots clanking on the floor as she stomps everywhere." Jens best friend Rose added, as they both eyed her from across the dining hall.
Yeosang was shocked, everyone at this college seemed to have it out for her. They all gossiped about her, her apparent 'bad behavior', that he'd never seen. Also everyone's rumors of her were different. The only thing he knew for sure was her name was Jae Hwa, or Jae, and she rocked her short purple undercut far better than any other girl could. Sure her resting face was a bit..... harsh, but some people said the same about him. After he heard yet another rumor from the next table over, he decided to go see what she's all about for himself. Yeosang stood up quickly, he had to do this before he changed his mind. He started towards her, ignoring the questions from his friends at the table he just abandoned.
She was leaning her chair back, on two legs, against the brick wall of the dining hall, eating a sandwich, while doing something on her phone. She was preoccupied in her own little world, and why shouldn't she be. This school was full of gossip, which just annoyed her. She was here to study, how else was she going to get into the school she was really aiming for.
Yeosang approached her table when he started questioning everything. What if that prison rumor was true? Or that one about eating a live duck. She didn't look heartless enough to eat a live animal. What was he doing? He didn't know her. She definitely didn't know him. What was he going to say? It's not like he should start a conversation with 'I heard rumors about you, and wanted to know if they were true.'
He stopped a few steps away from her, maybe if he turned back now she wouldn't see him. She looked up at him, cocking her eyebrows, the metal gracing her right brow glinting with the movement. "Can I help you?" She petitioned.
He was a deer in the headlights, he was trapped. Her stare was slightly unnerving.
"I'm Yeosang" he stated, mentally slapping himself. This was not what he intended.
"I know." she replied, leaning her chair forward, letting it hit the ground with a bang. She leaned forward, onto the table. Her bright eyes bore into his. "How can I help you, Yeosang?"
He heard people start to gossip behind him, as she stared him down. He took a few steps and sat at an empty chair at her table.
"I was wondering if I could join you." He seemed unsure of his own words.
A smirk graced her lips.
"Well, looks like you already did" her voice had a playful tune to it, as she crossed her arms over her chest.
"I was wondering what your majoring in?" He asked, trying to seem natural in this awkward situation he had caused.
"Biomedical science" she responded dryly, he was intrigued.
"I didn't know we had that here"
"This university doesn't, but it's close to home, and gives me the prerequisites I need to get into the school I want."
He nodded, a soft smile gracing his statuesque face.
The conversation deepened after that. He explained he was currently doing a computer sciences major, but was thinking of changing to something to do with International relations, or something so he would have the chance to meet people from around the world. They then started to talk about anything and everything, like how she had gotten a motorcycle because it was cheaper on gas. How his best friend was constantly trying new recipes, and making him try them, which most of the time ended in disaster. Their laughter was interrupted by her phone going off.
She looked at it and cursed. "I'm late for that stupid lecture." she grumbled, quickly shoving things into her bag. "This was nice, thanks." She gave a quick wave as she practically ran out of the dining hall. He looked around to see the hall had mostly emptied, and realized he himself was late for class.
"So you have a thing for bad girls now?" Wooyoung asked as Yeosang sat down at their usual table local Cafe, with his coffee.
"What are you talking about?" He asked.
"He's talking about how you ditched us all without saying a word then went and talked to Jae for who knows how long." San smirked, sipping his coffee.
"She's not a bad girl. She's really nice." Yeosang retorted.
"That's not what I heard," Seonghwa raised his eyebrows. Yeosang felt a small flame alight inside him, it was as if some part of him had to protect her.
"That's the problem, everyone talks about her, I want to actually know her." Yeosang started, his voice calm, but his eyes enraged. "Everyone at this stupid university just gossips, and spreads rumors. You guys should know that better than anyone.  Seonghwa, remember when the rumor started that you broke up with some girl over her not eating your kimchi fried rice?" His eyes became pointed at his friend, Wooyoung scoffed, Yeosang turned on his best friend. "Do you remember when we started as freshman, and everyone was claiming you had, not one but three different clones. None of which knew how to drive a car, two of which didn't speak."
"Yeah, rumors are weird" Wooyoung noted as he looked intensely at his coffee. Yeosang took a deep breath in. Where did that come from? He asked himself, as he looked at his friends. San just stared in awe, as did Mingi. Seonghwa just looked everywhere but Yeosang, and Wooyoung continued to stare at his coffee. Maybe it was a slight guilt Yeosang saw in his best friends eyes. No one should take rumors at face value.
Living at home while going to school was great for saving money. While it worked great for Jae, her parents were supportive of just letting her live her life, and pursue her dreams.
It didn't work so well for Yeosang. His parents were strict, he had a curfew even though he was a legal adult. He also had rules to follow, and he did what his parents wanted him to for school, and for work. Aside from his friends which his parents reluctantly approved of, it seemed as if Yeosangs parents controlled every aspect of his life.
"You just don't get it, your parents let you move out, and do what you want at school. I'm stuck here" Yeosang complained as he leaned on the counter at the small restaurant Wooyoung worked at.
"I've told you to inform them it's your life, and to just move in with Seonghwa, and I." Wooyoung chided as he cleaned another table. Yeosang groaned, stirring his water with the straw placed in the cup.
"Eh, Seonghwa I could handle, you not so much"
"Shut up" Wooyoung threw the dry towel on his shoulder at Yeosang.
"I better head to work" Yeosang groaned.
Work was boring for Yeosang, sure it paid well, but working at the call desk, at the fanciest hotel in the city was never in his plans. Most of the calls he just redirected to the correct department. His favorite part of his shift was when it ended, and he got to walk out of the hotel.
Tonight was like most other nights in early spring; a chill in the air, the scent of cherry blossoms starting to bloom wafting over from the park next to the hotel. Yeosang started his walk towards the subway when he saw a small fluffy dog running towards him excitedly, his leash trailing behind him. Yeosang bent down, and held out his hand to the dog, who approached him, and immediately started licking his hand.
"Bong, get back here!" A voice yelled from within the park, he turned and saw Jae running towards them. Her eyes widened as she saw Yeosang.
"Cute dog you have here." Yeosang said, handing her the leash.
"Thank you for catching him. The little stinker ran off when I was tying my shoe. I guess I didn't have the leash under my foot well enough." She explained with a shrug.
"He just wanted to go on an adventure" he commented, as he bent down. Bong nuzzled his head into Yeosangs palms as he pet him. "What kind of dog is he?"
"He's a cavapoo, well at least that's what the shelter said when I adopted him." She bent down as well. Bong was in heaven, enjoying the pets and loves from two people at the same time, his tail whipping back and forth, as he rolled onto his side.
She never expected Yeosangs kindness. Everyone else she encountered avoided her, but he always smiled at her when the rest would stare, and whisper.
They ended up walking the park and talking for over an hour, the park slowly emptying of people as the hour grew later. He found out she worked at the animal shelter, feeding and taking care of the animals in the back. He explained his boring job he had, and ended up venting about his family situation. She was grateful for a friend, and he was grateful for her listening ear. 
When his phone started ringing, he saw who was calling and the time his face paled.
"Hello" he answered reluctantly.
"Where are you" 
"I got held up after work"
"You should've been home by now"
"I'm sorry, I will be home shortly"
"Your father and I expect more from you" the line went dead. Yeosang sighed heavily.
"Shit" he muttered, then let out an aggravated scream.
"I'm sorry" Jae said, watching him run his fingers through his hair. "I shouldn't have kept you." She stared at her feet, softly kicking at the grass.
"It's not you, I just" his voice fading as he stared off in the distance. "I just wish I had the courage and money to just move out. I just have to figure out how to live my own life." His voice soft yet determined.
Jae found herself softly touching his arm, trying to comfort him. Her timid touch brought him back to reality.
"The subway is going to take forever to get home"
"I live less than a block away, let's take Bong back to my place and I'll give you a ride" 
"I can't believe I'm riding bitch on a girls motorcycle" Yeosang muttered as she handed him her extra helmet.
"Well im not letting anyone else drive my baby" Jae laughed putting her own helmet on. She climbed on and started her blue bullet bike. "Climb on, wrap your arms around me and just lean with me around corners." She instructed. The city seemed to fly past, as they made their way towards his house.
"Stop here" he yelled.
"But your house is another block or so," she yelled back.
"My parents are already ready to kill me, I can't imagine what they would do if they saw me get off a motorcycle" he hollered. She shook her head as she stopped, and turned off her bike. He thanked her and handed back the helmet.
"You know, if you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to text me" she stared at the ground, her sudden shyness was intriguing. She usually held more of a hard expression, this one seems vulnerable. He smiled.
"I'd love to, but I need your number first" he teased. He could see her cheeks darken through her helmet, as he handed her his phone. She quickly added her number.
He smiled widely as he made his way towards home. He didn't look forward to what would happen once he arrived home, but he looked forward to texting her later.
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Buster & Rio
Buster: Distract me Rio: ? Rio: As much as it's one of my favourite things to do Buster: Please Rio: Okay Rio: I can catch you up on what's happened since you left if you like Rio: Never a dull moment Buster: Go on Buster: Tell me Rio: Well, Indie got caught riding her dirtbike again so the garda took it off her Rio: cue the phonecall that she's kicking off and me having to go down there and basically beg for it back/them not to actually charge her Rio: got away with a warning and not inducing Ro into labour by keeping it hush hush Buster: Bet Drew was really helpful over the whole thing Rio: As if he's voluntarily going anywhere near the station Rio: or Indie would bell him Buster: Sure she will after the fact to show him what a rudegirl she is, like Buster: 😂 Rio: 🙄 Not wrong Rio: the things she's gotta do to make her Da proud Rio: let's not Buster: Agreed, let's not Rio: I'm thinking if there's been much else drama Rio: aside from the obvious Rio: Everyone kinda letting Nance have her moment, idk if that's a good thing Rio: tell 'em to up their game Rio: So, what's wrong? Buster: I can't talk about Nance right now, okay? Buster: I've had a shit enough day as is Rio: 'Course Rio: She's alright, though, don't worry Rio: What can I do? Buster: Tell me I can get on a plane right now and not have to come back here until I want Rio: I mean Rio: You can do whatever you want, yeah? Buster: Until I miss too much school and my grades drop, like Buster: End of the world as the fam knows it Rio: Not naming names but you're probably good for a minor blip right about now due to, like Rio: That bad? Buster: Nah, gotta hang onto that golden boy tag for as long as, you know Buster: It's standard. That's what makes it bad. Does that even make any sense? Rio: Don't blame you, babe Rio: Completely Rio: Fuck the cunts, do something selfish, that's what you'd tell me Buster: Yeah Buster: But you're the only thing I want and I can't come and get you Rio: I can come and be with you Buster: I can't ask for you to just drop everything for me Rio: You don't have to Rio: Still coming Buster: What about Indie? Buster: Plus work Rio: She's got School too, like Rio: What's one more for Ma to drag in by her hair? Rio: I'll worry about work later Buster: Babe Buster: You don't need to worry about me Rio: Who else is gonna if not me? Rio: And I wanna, so let me Buster: Well, I want you here so I'm not gonna argue any more Rio: If I could make time go faster I would Rio: fuck this year Buster: You do Buster: That sounds really stupid but like Rio: Babe Rio: You know you deserve to be happy, yeah Buster: Shh Buster: You make me happy Rio: Good Rio: S'a start for sure Buster: Are you serious about coming here just 'cause I'm being a mopey cunt? Rio: Yeah Rio: like I need much of an excuse Rio: completely selfish, naturally 😉 Buster: 'Course Buster: Speaking of, we should probably start planning my birthday Buster: Get your lies and excuses ready for that at least Rio: I've literally been pondering on your gift so hard Rio: You're hard to buy for Rio: What do you want, baby? Buster: You do reckon you're gift enough? Rio: For every day? Obviously Rio: but it's your special day Rio: you get whatever you want Buster: Yeah but it's not like its an important one, what am I gonna do, go vote? Buster: Everything else I can do already Rio: I know you wanna be in charge always but like, yeah, do your civic duty, boy 😜 Rio: but now you can do it legally, fun fun fun right? Rio: adulthood, babe Rio: we'll make it important Buster: 😂 Buster: Let's go somewhere Buster: Not be surrounded by cunts for a change Rio: You wanna be surprised or you wanna look together Buster: Surprise me Buster: Anywhere but Skerries, like Rio: Damn Rio: 😂 Rio: I'm on it forreal, no caravans or fam in sight Buster: One of many reasons I love you Rio: If you get stuck for ideas for my upcoming Rio: just write that list, babe Rio: not that i'm already making this about me Buster: 'Course not 😇 Buster: Only room for one selfish cunt Rio: Already competing with Halloween Rio: how many costume parties can one boy have Buster: Good thing blind folds and ball gags aren't technically costumes so you can still wear them for me without me wasting a wish Rio: 😳 Rio: Okay, and you're acting like you don't have plans Rio: Damn Buster: No plans yet Buster: Just thinking Buster: Like I said, shit day Rio: Well, feel free to take it all out on me Rio: just keep me in the loop 'cos I wanna know Rio: Who's got you so mad though? Buster: You don't wanna know, babe Buster: I'm not trying to get you mad too Rio: I do but I dont need many guesses now Rio: What the fuck's she been saying Buster: Just ignore any screenshots you see 'cause you know the context isn't there Buster: Depends if you wanna be mad on my behalf or my sister's Rio: I'm sure I can manage both Buster: You and me both, babe Rio: Not amatuers Rio: She's a bitch on such a ridiculous level it should be comical Rio: but it ain't Buster: Yeah Buster: At least I as good as told her I have a girlfriend so hopefully that's the last time she'll find her way into my inbox Rio: Be nice but wouldn't put money on her being the respectful type Rio: See if she's got as much staying power as Ryan, ha Rio: I'm sorry Buster: Hardly respectful at the party from what I remember. And what I don't Buster: So I'm sorry too, like Rio: Don't apologise Rio: It's fucked up, she is Buster: Yeah Buster: She's so smug about it that's what's fucked Rio: That's gross Rio: Does she not realise what she's done or like? Rio: fucked up power trip, okay bitch Buster: [sends own screenshots because you suck Chlo] Rio: I hate her Rio: I'm gonna fuck her up Buster: You can't Buster: She's the exact type to get you in trouble if you tried Rio: Give a shit Rio: Who does she think she is Buster: You do give a shit though Buster: And so do I Buster: She's already fucked everything up, there's no way it's happening again Rio: Okay Rio: I'll get Billie to throw some bad juju her way then Rio: Oh, babe, now I know what you mean Rio: Fuming Buster: Same Buster: Like what can I actually do? Rio: Fuck her Rio: like, don't, ew Rio: but Rio: she's seriously not worth the aggro, avoid at all costs 'cos I weren't joking that she gives me those Ryan vibes Rio: you don't need that Rio: it's hard when she's winding you up like that but try not to engage unless you have to now Buster: Right pair me and you are Buster: How do we attract these types? Buster: Fucking hell Rio: Who don't we attract Rio: so irresistible, right? Buster: True Buster: I miss you Rio: I miss you too Rio: not for long, like Rio: just sorting shit here Buster: How long can you stay? Rio: I dunno, baby Rio: As long as I can, that's for sure Buster: I love you Rio: I love you Rio: She don't know shit, yeah, remember that Buster: I just wish she knew some shit Buster: It'd make things easier Rio: Who said that Rio: Can't argue with idiots, get you down to their level and win by experience, yeah? Rio: the lawyer in you gotta stay out of it babe Buster: Okay, you're right Buster: Just this once, obviously Rio: 😏 Rio: Won't even gloat Rio: 'cos I want you to feel like a winner too Buster: 👑 always Buster: Pormise Rio: Good Buster: What's Nance doing for Halloween, do you know? Rio: I've not heard yet Rio: Some cute nerdy goodness with June, no doubt Rio: I'll put the feelers out Buster: Like, can I be that selfish? You can't be in two places at once Rio: I'm sure I ain't all her plans hinge on Buster: Not with that attitude, babe Rio: 😂 Rio: Who's bday is it again, Nance? Rio: Do you want me to stay here? Buster: Don't be an idiot Buster: I just Buster: Feel like more of a cunt than usual today, that's all Rio: Don't let her do you like that Rio: She seriously doesn't know you Rio: and she can't chat about doing Nance wrong Rio: trust me, I know who she actually hates, and it ain't you babe, promise Buster: Nance still ain't gonna forgive me though Rio: She will Rio: it'll take a lot Rio: and time, lots of probably too but Rio: even if you were a total cunt Rio: she ain't, yeah? Buster: Such a know-it-all Buster: Christ Rio: Don't act like you don't love it Rio: 😏 Buster: I can't Buster: I can imagine how buzzing you are right now at being so smart Buster: so cute Rio: 😋 Rio: Fun being a nerd, I see why you rep so hard Buster: You wish, babe Buster: If that's what you're after you're gonna have to trade me in when we go check out Harvard Rio: That's the plan isn't it Rio: if I don't hook me a prof for the daddy vibes Imma get me a future billionaire Buster: Well, my plan was to see how far around Campus we could get before I got you too turned on to resist me Buster: Standard Rio: Well that sounds like more fun Rio: you've got to focus though, so serious Buster: I'll focus on you Buster: that sounds more fun to me Rio: 😒 boy Rio: catch me packing nothing but turtlenecks and floor-length skirts Buster: 😂 Buster: Catch me planning the trip for summer then Rio: You're mean Rio: play fair Buster: I could say the same to you Buster: Denying a whole university campus that body Buster: So selfish, babe Rio: Right? Aren't you proud of me, daddy? Buster: You're learning Buster: Very appropriate considering where we're going, like Rio: Not got the cap and gown but Rio: you're a pretty good teacher, babe Buster: You can borrow mine Buster: I reckon you'll look pretty good in it Rio: Reckon I can borrow something of yours forreal Rio: not a label whore just miss you Buster: 'Course baby Buster: Whatever you want Rio: better stick to a plan tee, like Rio: could be anyone's Rio: long as it smells like my baby Buster: So smart Buster: And cute Rio: 😻 Rio: I just like the idea of having you wrapped around my body even when you're not Buster: Well now that's all I can think about Rio: Good Rio: You wanted distraction, right? Buster: Now all I want is you Rio: I'm going to be there so soon Rio: Should I get a hotel or am I making up an excuse for being in LDN again? Buster: I'll book you a room Buster: You deserve it for being so nice to me Rio: Buster Buster: Yeah, babe? Rio: If you ain't gonna let me give you at least half, make sure it's cheap and cheerful yeah Buster: Not gonna happen Rio: It's not worth fighting you on this, is it? Buster: I mean, you can, and I'd enjoy it but I promise you'll enjoy the hotel more Rio: You're bad Buster: You love it Rio: All I know I love is that I can do whatever I want to you and not be disturbed Buster: You're not the only one with good ideas, babe Rio: I know Rio: tell me more about that blindfold and ball gag, like Buster: Thinking I need some silk scarves added to that list Rio: Yeah? Buster: I know you're gonna be here soon but I'm already thinking that I don't want you to leave Buster: It's one solution, like Rio: 🤤 Rio: Won't be complaining Rio: I don't wanna leave Buster: If you think that now, wait until you check in Buster: [sends fancy af hotel deets] Rio: Okay know I'm still mad but you spoil me so well Buster: Don't be mad I just want you close to me Buster: I can walk there if I need to Rio: I'm not Rio: I like it when you look after me but shh Rio: reputation already there without proving it Buster: I haven't even started to take care of you yet Rio: I'm meant to be looking after you Buster: I only asked you to distract me and you are Buster: I'm so fucking distracted right now Rio: My specialty Buster: Is everything you're packing a surprise or do I get to hear about what you're gonna wear for me 'cause that's part of your specialty Rio: I guess you gave me some spoilers to prepare me Rio: Only fair Buster: If you wanna play fair, yeah Rio: Decisions decisions Rio: Oh, I have some cute pjs Rio: wanna see? Buster: You know I do Rio: [Snap] Rio: Adorable, yeah? Buster: Babe Buster: Adorable ain't the word Rio: Give me the words Buster: I'll try, seeing as it's so unfair that you couldn't hear the sound I made when I opened that Buster: Fuck Buster: How do you keep doing this to me? Rio: Seriously unfair Rio: Your noises are my favourite thing Rio: Just doing what you asked me to do, babe Buster: You'll just have to get me to make them again Buster: Or others Rio: I want to so bad Rio: I want YOU so bad Buster: How bad? Buster: Show me Rio: I'm so wet it's embarrassing baby Rio: you should see my knickers then you'd know just how much I need you Buster: Embarrassing isn't the word, babe Rio: I've got no shame Rio: I'm your dirty slut, and I want you to know it Buster: Good Buster: You're perfect, I need you to know that Rio: Shh Buster: I'm trying to be quiet but you keep getting me to make all those noises you like so Rio: You better be recording yourself Rio: Or I'm gonna need you on the phone right now, like Buster: [Sends video] Buster: I know what you like, don't worry Rio: Yes, you really fucking do Rio: Fuck me Buster: I want to so badly Rio: I'm coming in the AM Rio: Flight booked, shit sorted Buster: I'll get you early check in so we can go straight there Rio: Good Rio: No better way to spend a Sunday Buster: It's gonna be the best, baby Rio: Yeah it is Rio: If you decide to go to School the next day though, I don't mind Rio: I can find plenty to do Buster: I'll mind Buster: Do me Rio: 😂 Rio: Just trying to make you behave Buster: That isn't what you really want Rio: No, but I only want to get you into fun trouble Buster: My attendance ain't nothing for you to worry about Buster: I'm a nerd, remember Buster: I'm not usually missing that many days Rio: Okay, cutie Rio: Stay with me then Buster: You ain't getting rid of me easy Rio: Not even gotta tie you up, yeah? Buster: I won't be mad if you want to but Rio: Hmm Rio: Might be fun to play look but don't touch with you Buster: Aren't we already playing that right now? Rio: Too true Rio: Didn't say it'd last long before I needed your hands all over me Buster: I know Buster: I need my mouth on you too so again, not mad about it Rio: Well, you can do that with you hands behind your back Rio: I believe in you, babe Buster: Yeah Rio: Indie is roasting me 😖 Buster: Dare I ask Rio: Thinks it's jokes how whipped I am Rio: no point trying to fool her these days Buster: As long as you don't tell her I am Rio: This is where the heroics stop then, yeah? Rio: Charming 🙄 Buster: If you need a hero tell her she's gotta shut and go so you can fuck yourself for me 'cause I need to cum for you Rio: BABY Rio: You can't just say things like that 😩 Buster: I just did Rio: The sound I just made was unholy and is so not helping my case Rio: Are you close? Buster: I'm gonna need you to make that sound for me right now Buster: Please Rio: Buster you're so fucking hot do you have any idea Rio: No one has ever turned me on as much as you, or as hard as you do Buster: I feel it too Buster: Like I said, you're perfect Rio: Maybe this is why we weren't meant to do this Rio: can't stop Buster: I don't care Buster: I don't wanna stop Rio: Me either Buster: I love you so much Rio: I love you too Rio: One day, we can let people know Rio: can't we Buster: Of course we can, babe Rio: It's not just that sneaking around is hard Rio: I want to too, you know Buster: I know Buster: Me too Buster: Even telling Chlo about you, sort of, was kinda nice in a way Rio: Yeah? Bet she was gutted Rio: Should be, bitch 🖕 Rio: Mine Buster: She just thinks I'm lying Buster: Give a shit Rio: Can see why but yeah, not gonna rush it just to wipe the smug off her face Rio: though it will be a nice bonus Buster: 😏 Buster: One day I'll be able to claim you properly, but for now I'll just have to settle with continuing to leave marks that only you can see Buster: As far as consolation prizes go, it could be worse Rio: I like 'em Rio: I'll put pictures up Rio: Gonna know I'm not just letting anyone do that, even if they don't know it's you, yet Buster: I know you do Buster: It's killing me to think about how much you like it Buster: And what seeing those pics is gonna do to me Rio: Hopefully wanna mark me some more Rio: Otherwise I've really fucked the shot Buster: That's what I always want Rio: Good Rio: I like your bruises 'cos I can see and feel how much you want me Buster: Good Buster: I've never wanted anyone as much as you Rio: Me either Rio: even before I'd ever had you Buster: I know Buster: And I can't act like it wasn't exactly the same for me Rio: Even the bad kiss was good, somehow Buster: 'Cause you loved me Buster: I could get away with anything back then Rio: Oh hush 😂 Buster: You so did though Buster: Take that mum and dad with your childhood love story, like Rio: 😩😬😶 Rio: How embarrassing, lil bitch Rio: you were cute Buster: You were beautiful and you ain't outgrown it Rio: Awh, bringing all the old feelings back here 😜 Buster: You're gonna have to wait until tomorrow for a kiss but at least this one actually will be worth the wait Rio: Looking forward to it, babe Buster: Bit rude if you ain't Rio: 😂 Rio: Bit weird too Rio: in it for the hotel room or? i'm not that desperate Buster: Glad to hear it Buster: Like I've gone whole nights without kissing girls on the mouth but I'm not trying to remember that right now Rio: How do you even... Rio: Never mind Rio: not remembering, I've got you Buster: I can show you if you're that curious Buster: But it's not rocket science Rio: I don't wanna Buster: Baby Rio: It'd make me sad Buster: I told you before, you don't have to worry about me Buster: Same goes for being sad Rio: I know, I know Rio: but I still do Buster: 'Cause you're perfect Buster: How many times am I gonna have to say this Rio: Erm, I ain't making you 😂 Buster: Yeah you are Rio: Babe Buster: Babe? Rio: You're a nerd Rio: and I love you Buster: Yeah, yeah Rio: 😠 Buster: What's that face for? Rio: You didn't say it back 😥 Buster: Well, you ain't a nerd really Buster: But of course I love you Rio: Ha ha Rio: 👀 you boy Buster: Good Buster: I love the way you look at me too so Rio: Who doesn't love 😻 Buster: Normally me but you make it work somehow Rio: 'Cos I'm actually seeing you Rio: not just your abs, though appreciating that too, of course Buster: Shhh Buster: You gotta keep my secrets, babe Rio: Yeah, that was way too close to sincerity Rio: Shut me up, babe Buster: I can't Buster: I need to hear every sound from you Rio: Well Indie's packed and gone so Rio: Call me Buster: Thank Christ Buster: I thought you'd never ask Rio: I know, poor baby Rio: Practically torture Buster: I'm not trying to cum when all you've done is breathe into the phone Buster: Who am I? Rio: Who am I breathing down the phone Rio: old school pervert in the phonebox, like Buster: 😂 Rio: not the sexy vibe i'm going for, babe Rio: can ask you what colour your undies are if that'll get you going Buster: Hurry up and show me your actual vibe then is all I'm saying Buster: Killing me here Rio: I know, soz, spend too much time with that one now I think I got jokes too 😏 Buster: We both know you've got jokes, babe Buster: But there's a time and place, like Rio: That's me told Rio: Gonna be good now, promise 😇 Buster: Not too good though, yeah? Rio: Duh, I already told you, slut for you always Buster: Good
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