#joking about dudes being closeted just puts harmful pressure on actual gay people to come out when they may not want to
high-voltage-rat · 11 months
WHY do I keep seeing blazed Sidney Crosby stan posts on my dash. Am I being targeted because he's my hometown's hero??? Or has hockey tumblr just become that prolific???
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feynites · 6 years
i read Looking Glass and really liked it, but when I decided to read a lot of your other stuff I found myself a little intimidated by the sheer number of amazing fully fleshed out characters. I know you talk about and write about a lot of then on here but could you give me a little bit of an overview on the characters important to LG and its AUs?
Oh, sure thing Anon! Though there are quite a few of them by now, so I’ll keep it to the basic outlines. But feel free to ask if there’s anything more you wanna know! Also, I’ll mention OC’s that belong to other folks, because they show up often in AU’s. But in-depth questions about them would be best directed at their respective creators!
My OCs:
Uthvir - Uthvir shows up in a LOT of supplementary stuff. They’re a nonbinary elf, usually a servant of Andruil and some kind of hunter. They’re often also an abomination possessed by a spirit of Fear (which corrupted from a spirit of Sympathy), and a consciousness that formed out of a body that was initially constructed to house a spirit of Glory. In some AU’s, they and Glory have different connections, though, such as siblings or kindred spirits. Uthvir is a talented shapeshifter who can comfortably change their form. They’re generally paired with Thenvunin or Squish or @lillotte17‘s Aili, or @captusmomentum‘s Inan. Also, Uthvir’s Fear spirit abom partner is, in at least one timeline, the Nightmare from DA:I.
Thenvunin - Thenvunin shows up in a lot of my AU’s and side stories, too. He’s usually a servant of Mythal, generally does some kind of miltiary service or at least likes working out a lot, is very fond of birds and has enough hang-ups to supply several closets. In the majority of AU’s he’s born with severe birth defects and medical conditions that are either totally fixed or not, depending on the care he is able to receive, and sometimes his treatments are very traumatizing in and of themselves. He usually has been in very bad previous relationships, and is most commonly paired with Uthvir, but also sometimes with Squish, @justanartsysideblog‘s Aelynthi, or @lillotte17‘s Daewyn.
Curiosity + Others - Curiosity you probably already know very well, since she gets the bulk of her character development in LG. Much like Ess and Haninan, who I’m just gonna lump here because of that. Ireth, who you’ll see mentioned or even appear, is the name of June’s mother and Haninan’s Keeper-Wife who died.
Squish - ‘Squish’ is a nickname for Desire, but there are a lot of Desire demons to go around, so she’s generally called Squish because the initial prompt that created her was for a ‘squishy character’. She’s a fat, strong elf who was once a Spirit of Desire that loved a spirit of Glory and took a body to try and save them. Sometimes she’s also just an elf who’s in love with an elf named Glory, though, and she also generally loves Uthvir and looks out for them, especially when she knows what their deal is. She usually serves Elgar’nan, but she’s not a great fan of Elvhenan because of the whole Glory thing.
Kel - Kel is my Lavellan! Though I usually go with a more ambiguous Lavellan in my fics, the two characters have pretty much the same personality, it’s just a matter of what I do or don’t specify (i.e. looks, name, etc). You’re free to conceptualize Lavellan as Kel, or to imagine them as different characters, it generally works either way. Kel is much more likely to be shipped with @justanartsysideblog‘s Olwyn, though.
Venavismi - Vena is, in most depictions, a servant of Sylaise who got his job as her attendant/body guard by taking a knife for her at one point. Putting himself bodily between other people and harm, and getting stabbed, are unfortunately consistent themes for him. He has an It’s Complicated relationship with Tasallir, but is generally shipped with @lycheemilkart‘s Ana. And sometimes they form a polyamorous OT3. Also Vena loves puns and bad jokes, despite being a bit vain and usually coming from a very high-pressure environment.
Tasallir - Taz or Tas (he hates either) is another servant of Sylaise, generally a high-ranking attendant who used to be a Spirit of Order and is super uptight. He’s also aro/ace and sex-repulsed, generally touch-starved but also very sensitive to physical contact, and therefore prickly about lots of things. But he’s not actually a bad dude, just very Particular. He’s involved in the aforementioned relationships, but also usually develops a strong friendship or familial-type bond with @scurvgirl’s Serahlin.
Virevas - Virevas is the daughter of Uthvir and Thenvunin in some AU’s, generally a younger sister to a child they’ve already adopted or otherwise acquired (like Kel or @palindromekomori’s Eda). She loves dragons and is very High Maintenance and is absolutely stunning, and sometimes also comes with siblings like Mealla, or the newer triplets in Aili x Uthvir stories (@lillotte17 gets credit for most of their character work). 
Elalas - Elalas turns up in the Mana’Din AU, as a former denizen of Elvhenan’s slave camps who becomes a crucial advisor to Mana’Din. She’s also pretty well in love with Mana’Din but she despises the empire and the evanuris (for obvious reasons) and this makes things fairly complicated for her, because that’s not a non-issue by any means. She’s also on the spectrum and has some significant sensory issues, and is Very Gay.
Dirthamen - Technically Dirthamen is not an OC, but he shows up so often and has so much stuff done to him by me that he should be mentioned. He’s usually shipped with @selenelavellan’s Selene, and sometimes also her Des. He is the brother of Falon’Din and son of Elgar’nan and Mythal, and usually also has split ‘aspects’ of himself that manifest as the ravens Fear and Deceit (Fear is not to be confused with the Fear Spirit that Uthvir is possessed by). Sometimes Fear and Deceit show up as their own characters, though, in which case they’re usually genderfluid (alternating between male and nonbinary identities), with Fear having clinical anxiety, among other trappings. Dirthamen is almost always a high-level shapeshifter, sometimes incapable of consciously controlling it, depending on the level of magic in the setting.
I think that’s about it. Other OC’s who frequently show up in my work, but aren’t mine, include @justanartsysideblog‘s Melarue, Olwyn, Aelynthi, Victory, and Lialva, @selenelavellan’s Selene, Des, Felasel, and Darevas, @scurvgirl’s Serahlin, Adannar, Ileth, Tonlen, Kassaran, and Ashokara, @lycheemilkart’s Ana, Rissa, and Varawell, @palindromekomori‘s Eda, and others who’ve come up less lately. If I’ve forgotten anyone, I apologize - but feel free to ask for any info in specific that you need!
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