#jolly Karlsson fluff
kaliforniahigh · 2 months
MEDUSA - Part Five.
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Noah and Y/N meet again. Things are picking up for real now.
Warnings: talks of killing people, talks of violence, a mysoginistic insult directed at Y/N.
WC: Almost 2k.
Summary: Y/N is a private dancer at a Gentleman's Club called Medusa. Noah Sebastian is a crime boss. Their paths cross when one night, Noah pays for one of her dances and they can't seem to be apart from each other.
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You really tried to keep calm while you waited for Noah to arrive, you didn't want to alam anyone with your nervousness. You checked your watch and it was only a quarter to 9pm. You already changed and touched up your makeup to keep yourself busy, all while replaying the conversation from earlier in the night.
A few of the girls came and went and you made small talk with them as you waited. You pondered over your decision, questioning yourself if you made the right choice to text him. If this guy and Noah were in the same business, what made them so different from each other? Why do you care for Noah and not for the other guy? If it's not Noah who ends up dead, it's probably gonna be the other guy, so why did you think one act of violence was different from the other?
You had no time to think further on your moral dillema, because soon Ava was walking through the doors and calling for your name.
"He's a repeat, you probably did a good job. Congratulations, girl", she told you, with a smile on her face, slightly raising her eyebrows in a suggestive manner. You smiled back but didn't bother answering her. Eager to get this over with, you walked to the room, looking both ways to make sure no one was watching your hasty entry.
When your eyes landed on Noah you noticed that this time he wasn't sitting on the chair, he was standing up and also had an air of anxiety around him.
"Hey, are you ok? You texted me out of nowhere. I didn't really think you were going to use my number after I went to your house", he said, subtly looking over you as if to assess any kind of injury.
"Listen I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't extremely necessary. To be honest, I'm not even sure why I'm doing this in the first place", you tried not to pace arounde the room, but he could tell you were antsy.
"Ok, you're scaring me now. Why don't you tell me what happened?", he noticed you were overly serious about this. You motioned to the couch on the other side of the room, suggestion you both sit down.
"So I had this customer tonight. He is not one of my regulars, he actually didn't pay for a dance at all. One of the girls that work the tables, delivering drinks and whatnot called in sick so I had to cover her", you started. You could tell he was hanging onto every word you said. You don't remember a man ever paying this much attention to what you were saying. Noticing that you stalled, he nodded his head to tell you to keep going.
"He requested a drink and suggested that I drink something with him, after that I sat at his table with his friends. This is all customary. But then they started to say a few things", you didn't have the chance to continue before he added.
"To you? did they offend you or insult you? did they harass you?", you shook you head.
"Noah, they were talking about you, and they were not good things", he slightly smiled at this and responded "people don't always have the nicest things to say about me".
"One of them said they're going to kill you, that what they have in store for you is going to shock everyone. And that after all is said and done you're just going to be an afterthought in the city of New York", you got everything off of your chest, your eyes wide, as if you wanted to tell him you were really serious about this.
"What happened after that?", if he was worried about this information, he didn't show it. You guessed it was for your benefit.
"I excused myself shortly after this, then I went to the dressing rooms and texted you"
"Did they notice you were nervous or that you know me at all?", he inquired. At the time you were confident that you did a good job of hiding your true feelings, but you could never know for sure.
"I don't think so. I tried to be very subtle", there was a pause in the conversation, you looked at him and he was pensive, as if considering his next steps. "You don't wanna know who these people are?", you questioned him.
"I think I already know who they are", he looked at you, he grabbed your hands in his and he noticed they were cold. "Listen, I don't trust these people. The fact that you called me here was really risky. They can't find out that you know me"
"Well, I couldn't just listen to them planning to kill you and not say anything", you said, as if that is the most obvious thing on the world.
"I know that, I'm really thankful for that. I'm gonna give you one of these, so everytime you contact me, it doesn't have to be from your personal cellphone", he took out a disposable cellphone and handed it to you "and you're not going to like what I say next, but I'm having one of my men posted outside your house and have them follow you to and from work"
You get up from you sitting position as soon as he said this, shaking your head. "There is no way. I'm not gonna have one of your goons follow me around"
"Well, I can't take the chance of you getting hurt and it being my fault", he got up after you and grabbed you by both shoulders "this is a non-negotiable order. You don't have to acknowledge their existence, but we'll both sleep better knowing you're safe"
"Ok, since we're giving out orders now, I don't think it's safe for you or your friends to come here anymore. If they were here earlier, the chances of your paths crossing are high", you talked to him in the same tone of finality that he spoke to you.
"I agree with you", he was going to give this information to you, but apparently you beat him to it. "Here's what we're gonna do. I'm calling one of my men to wait for you outside by the back entrance. What time do you get off work tonight?"
"Around 4am", you answered him.
"Ok, he is going to be here by that time. I'm going to put his number on your disposable along with mine, so if you need anything, you call him or me. Understand?", he made you look at him in the eyes. You nodded. A moment passed where you just looked at each other. You had an uneasy feeling in your gut and he had an apologetic look in his eyes.
"I have to go now. Pass the information along", he hesitated, but he could tell you had something in your mind. Not trying to pressure to say anything, he began to turn around to leave, but you stopped him.
"Are you going to be ok?", you couldn't help but ask. He could see the sincerity in your eyes. He smiled softly to reassure you.
"Yeah, I'm going to be ok, don't worry", you nodded. You had no other option but to trust him. He opened the door and left.
You sat back down on the couch, letting out a loud sigh.
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Sure enough, when you left through the back door as soon as your shift ended, you noticed a black sedan parked not too far away. You checked the plate and it matched the one Noah sent you.
You pretended to not see him as you made your way over to your car. It would get a little used to having someone on your tail 24/7, but you would be lying if you said you don't feel safer.
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As soon as Noah left Medusa, he called Jolly, Nick and Nicholas and told them to meet up with him at his house. Urgent matter.
During the drive, he thought about you. He wondered if he was doing enough to keep you safe. If it was up to him you would be at his house, under his watch and protection. But he knew you were never going to accept that.
Gathering everyone around the table, he explained the entire situation. It would be really important if they could pinpoint when this attack is going to happen. They all sat in silence, deep in thought.
"Dude", Jolly said, from his spot. "We have that massive gun shipment coming next week. All of us, including you", he pointed to Noah "are going to be at the port, inspecting everything".
"What if their last attack was some sort of practice for them?", Nicholas pointed out.
"If it was, they were shit. 'Cause we killed his men and got away", Jolly shrugged his shoulder and Nicholas let out a little laugh. They noticed Noah was strangely quiet, but brushed it off as him being concerned about you. They didn't know yet the depth of his feelings for you, but they knew he liked you enough to keep surveillance on you at all times.
"It wasn't an attack", he said suddently, cutting through the small talk that emerged between the guys. "I was a set up", Noah looked at everyone. Realization dawned on their faces. He kept going "we were meeting up with the supplier responsible for the shipment. They set us up and they're gonna do it again next week". He got up from his chair angrily. Noah didn't like being played like this.
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After two days of being followed, you could say you were getting used to it. You also noticed they were two different men. You guess they had to take turns. You wanted to bake them a cake or something, to show appreciation, but Noah told you to not aknowledge them, so you had to leave your pleasantries for when this was over.
You felt a little more at ease. Sometimes you would take a peek at the bar and the tables during work, but from what you could tell, the men never came back. That was a relief.
Noah checked up on you every few hours. You didn't talk much, he would ask if you were ok and you would say yes and the cicle repeated itself over and over. There were times you wanted to continue the conversation, but held back. You were way too envolved in this already to make small talk with a man with a target on his back.
It was good night at work so far. You had a few clients, one of them being an older man who always requested a dance, but always sat down and talked about how his wife was having an affair with her personal trainer. That is how some of them were. It's easier for a man to go to a strip club to talk about his feeling rather than a therapist.
You were scrolling on your phone when Ava called for you, saying that your 1am client has arrived. You thanked her and walked to your vanity to put your heels back on. You were used to them, but to be barefoot between clients was a relief everytime.
You fixed your hair and walked to the room. Putting on your sexy face, you opened the door, expecting a man to be inside, only to find the room vacant, save for an envelope resting on top of the chair.
You slowly walked towards it, picking it up and inspecting it. It had nothing written on the outside. You looked behind you just to make sure this wasn't a prank.
You opened the door reserved for the clients, motioning for a security guard to come closer to you. You ask him if he saw someone coming in and out, but he said no, apologizing. Going back in the room, you opened the envelope, there was a hand-written note inside. You started reading.
You ratted, didn't you? You thought I wouldn't notice you have security around you now? Looking forward to when lover boy finds your body in a ditch somewhere. Even then, nobody cares about whores like you. J.C.
You felt your heart drop, the note slipping from your hands and everything around you becoming blurry. This couldn't be happening.
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Tag list: @concreteangel92 @darling-millicent-aubrey @mostlypanicking @thisbicc @rebelheart90 @moranastray @xmads-omensx @collisionofyourkissmakesitsohard @lma1986 @skyemanzsstuff @theroyaldixon @mindlesssweets @dravenskye @sundamariis @flowery-mess @badomensls @loeytuan98
If you want to be added to the tag list, let me know! Feedback is always appreciated.
Dividers: @cafekitsune
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starvingarsyn · 4 days
Ok ok ok hear me out (I’m sure it’s been done before but *shrug* )
You’re in a secretive relationship with a certain member of BO ( whether it’s bc you’re the sister of one of the members, work for them, or just like privacy)
Spending your most intimate times in the middle of the night when everyone is asleep.
But unbeknownst you either of you, someone catches on/catches y’all in the act without y’all noticing, and instead of confronting y’all, they play a lil game.
The third party tries to hook y/n up with a friend, but when they object, super sleuth starts to interrogate why they would turn the opportunity down.
Y/N gets all nervous, can’t think of a valid excuse, chokes up, but then the secret bf just says “fuck it” and intervenes basically laying it all out in the table.
Super Sleuth is like “I fuckin knew it” 😏 but the rest of the members/crew are like 😱 “we had no idea but good for y’all, we ship it”
*commence later-on smut*
And then after, everyone is like “ we said we don’t mind y’all being together but that doesn’t mean we wanna hear it”
And then everyone lives happily ever after.
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artificialbreezy · 22 days
Hey let's imagine Jolly chasing you down with a mask on and holding a knife to you while he fucks you hard and makes you cry(cause the crying turns him on)
i’ll never know peace with you, god fucking dammit. sorry i switched up a teeny tiny bit i got so mf carried away.
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This blurb may contain content that is unsettling to some, please continue with caution. your mental health matters.
TW: a game of cat and mouse (he chases her), masks, crying, mean!jolly, knife play, a teeny tiny bit of blood, no actual p in v, mentions of breeding
it’s his favorite game. before he leaves for tour he sends you up the cabin, just so you can relax and decompress and he’ll join you when he gets home. he’ll go straight there from the airport.
and you never hear his car pull up, you’re too invested in the book you’re reading when the lights just go out. the panic is only a little at the moment, you’ll go outside, down by the tree line and check the box. quick and easy fix right? wrong.
something in your gut told you not to go down there, stay right in that cabin. go find your phone and call Jolly. he should’ve landed by now. you decided against your better judgement you were fine, nothing bad has ever happened here before.
when you hear the snaps of the branches, and the breathing of someone else behind you that’s when the panic fully set in. no shoes, no phone, just run.
you’d never been in the woods before, Jolly always told you there was no need. he’d take you eventually. you didn’t know where you were going and how you ended up thinking that the woods was the place to hide but fuck it.
seeing what you thought to be a tree, you ran off to the side a little hoping you could catch your breath before you went any further.
what did i get myself into? Jolly’s gonna get home and see my car and not me in the cabin, my phones there and i’m not. oh my god, he’s gonna find me dead. thoughts were running rapid in your brain. this can’t be real. crouching down next to the tree trunk, you set your hand out to balance yourself to met with a shoe, and a dark chuckle.
you didn’t have time to scream before his hand was over your mouth. tears falling at a rapid pace, panic flooding your veins. all you could do was cry.
“missed you a lot, can’t believe you ran from me, pet.” voice was muffled by whatever was covering his face. “promise i won’t hurt you too bad, just wanna play a little game.”
“i’ll give you a head start. i catch you, i ruin you.” his voice was just above a whisper. “run, little lamb.”
my feet were moving faster than my brain. just go. get inside. hide.
i hit the cement outside the front door, a wave of safety rushed over me. taking a breath, i reached for the door knob when a hand much larger than mine pushed itself against the door. “caught you.”
no sounds came out of my mouth, just freezing in time. unable to process fully what was happening, why i was excited, what was gonna happen to me, why was he chasing me?
he stepped forward, placing his hands against my hips. “remember the safe word?” he spoke. “yes,”
that’s all he needed. he picked up, putting half my body over his shoulder. his one hand opening the door, the other creeping up the back of my thigh.
Jolly didn’t have to walk far since the cabin was pretty small. i was falling onto the bed before i had a moment to think. “Jolly, lights”
“no. you trust me yeah?” you nodded up at him. “then you don’t get to see. you’ll feel what i give you, and you’ll say thank you. read that little book i over heard you talking about. does all that dirty, fucked up stuff turn your little brain into mush?”
his hand disappeared from my body. listening to the sound of rustling next the bed. “been thinking about all that gross, mean things huh?” there was a piece of cold metal against my ankle, slowly dragging it closer to my center.
he pressed the point into the flesh of my thigh harder, a sharp pain shooting up your leg. “pain is pleasure, pet. always remember that.” the metal no longer cold, and unwelcoming.
“thank you, Jolly.” breathless words leaving my lips.
he chuckled, dragging the blade up the front of my thighs. stopping once he reached the lace of my panties. “think if i were to press this against your cunt, you make it shine?” the back of the blade worked its way against the clothed part of my center. pushing against the damp spot that’s been building since i felt his breath at the tree line.
“would you look at that? think you really are pathetic. this turning you on that much? don’t even need to get you prepped huh? could just slip right in there. listen to the sweet whine that you make when i stretch out your cunt after a while.”
rolling my hips against the blade, a whine rolling out of my throat. his big hand pressed firmly on my lower stomach, pushing me back against the bed. “stay. still.” he grumbled.
his fingers pushed the lace away from my slit, soft touch against my skin. “mmm, knew you’d be ready. you’re fucking soaked, already making such a mess.” finger slowly slipping into my hole, “she’s just sucking me in, pet. think she needs more? bet you do, greedy fucking cunt.” his other hand pressing a smack against my thigh.
“feel you squeezing, you close already? fucking pathetic.” his finger curled slightly, lips pressing soft kisses against my mound. “she just needs to be filled up, huh? needs to have my cum leaking out of her just for me to push right back in, can’t waste any of it. wanna see you nice and round. bet you’d like that, walking around showing everyone who you belong to.”
“fucking, shit. Jolly, please.” begging the man to let you have it.
“yeah, come on. let me feel you, baby. ohh, atta girl. there is she.”
his fingers stilled, head laying against my leg. “did so good, thank you for trusting me.”
“always, love you tons.”
i felt his cheeks move, telling me he was smiling.
“i love you too, let’s get this light on and you cleaned up.”
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spicywhenspeaking · 7 months
Bad Omens Valentine’s Day Headcanons ❤️
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These are all just my made up little ideas about how the version of them that lives on my mind palace would act! Not at all meant to be taken seriously:)
Under the cut
Noah Sebastian:
makes a home cooked meal
buys flowers from a local florist
Words of affirmation and quality time and physical touch
Gifts expensive chocolate assortment in a heart shaped box
has a record playing when you get home from work
Prays to every god that you’re wear the red lingerie set that makes drives him crazy
Writes a very sappy note in the card he got you and gets an intense blush when you read it
You share a bottle of red wine or a mocktail
You end up going out to see a movie spontaneously but sit in the back row so you can make out
Nicholas Ruffilo:
Believes Valentine’s Day is a corporate holiday but makes you a handmade card with a beautiful note inside
Words of affirmation and quality time
Orders your favorite food on Uber eats
Gifts you comfy new pajamas and expensive skin care that he knows you like but don’t buy offer for yourself
You two split an edible and watch horror movies and eat dinner on the couch
Buys all the Valentine’s Day themed gummy snacks for you to share
End up high and playing a card game but forgetting the rules and laughing so hard you get dizzy for a second and hold onto each other for support
Clumsily climb up the stairs after each other and flop into bed in a cuddled mess arms and legs tangled up together.
Nick Folio:
Loves Valentine’s Day so much
Lots of physical touch and gift giving
Buys you a new Valentine’s Day stuffed animal every year
Gets you an edible arrangement and 12 dozen red roses delivered to your office/job/apartment
Wants to kiss you all day and remind you how beautiful you are and how much he loves you
Appreciates a gift in return (lol) and he gets teary eyed when he reads the note you put in his card
Rents a hotel room for the weekend and went before to decorate with rose petals
You get drunk on champagne together and take a bubble bath
He brought bath paints so you end up making a fun game out of drawling on each others skin until the water runs cold and you dry off and head to bed ;)
Jolly Karlsson:
Very romantic and treats you like a queen
Lots of words of affirmation and affection
Breakfast in bed with homemade pancakes and omelet
Has the whole day planned for you
Takes a cute picture for his instagram to make a sappy post about how much he loves you
Coffee shop date at y’all’s favorite place
Picks out your outfit for dinner including the new lingerie he bought you
Fancy reservations at a nice restaurant
Wants to hold your hand across the table all night
Buys an expensive bottle of wine
Buys you nice ethical jewelry
Ubers home to be responsible
Wants to dance in the candle light when you get home
bad omens Taglist: @cookiesupplier
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arkiliastuff · 8 months
Only Yours
One Shot | Joakim "Jolly" Karlsson x Female Reader
Warnings : Fluff, Smut, masturbation (female receiving), unprotected sex p in v (wrap it up) (MDNI)
A/N : Alright, this one isn't really a request, but I wanted to write something for my dear friend @valiantroeagleangel about her favourite Swedish guitarist. I felt inspired by a poll she did about the BO members and by some screenshot of Jolly's Twitter account. So for my Jolly girlies out here, this one is for you ! I hope I honored him. Also, I wanted to balance as much as I could the fluffiness and some smut. I hope you'll enjoy it ! :D As usual let me know if I forgot to mention anything in my tags/warnings.
~ The little bean taglist : @talialovesmiw
You let out an exhausted sigh as you left your working place. You were glad the day was finally over. You rushed out to your car, driving your way back home and enjoying your weekend. Perhaps you and Jolly will call tonight ? You were hoping so.
Once you’ve arrived at your front door, unlocking it with your keys and locking it behind you, you noticed the lights were on. You didn’t remember leaving them on though. As you were wondering if there was an intruder at your place, you heard a soft tune being played on your speaker. You recognized it. It was Wonderwall by Oasis. And it could mean only one thing.
As you got rid of your high heels and coat, you went directly to the living room. That’s when you saw him. Joakim. Your Jolly. He was sitting on the couch, a glass of wine in his hand. When he saw how astonished you were, he smiled so charmingly at you.
“Hey, love.” He spoke so softly.
“Hi… Joakim. What are you doing here ? I thought you were still on tour. You didn’t tell me… I mean.. I didn’t expect you to be home already !..” You let out still confusion in your voice but happy to see him here.
“Well first of all, I live here too, with my beautiful girlfriend. Second of all, if I had told you that I was coming back home, it would’ve ruined the surprise. I wanted to change our habit of you picking me up at the airport everytime, by coming directly here. And looks like the surprise worked.” He smiled.
He poured some wine in a second glass before standing up and heading towards you. You looked at him in awe, realizing he was really in front of you.
“Welcome back, love.” He said, lending the glass to you.
You took it, almost like an automatic move as you dropped your stuff on the floor. Still without a word, you hugged him, your free arm in his back, pulling him close to you. You hugged him so tightly, and he did too, both of you making sure that neither of you would spill the wine on each other.
“I’m so glad you’re back.” You muffled against him, feeling so emotional as tears rose up to your eyes “I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too, love” He responded, leaving soft kisses on your head.
As you were breaking away from his embrace, trying to wipe your tears, he anticipated it, brushing his thumb on your cheek. He kept looking at you so lovingly.
“Here let me take care of you, darling” He said, leaning a bit to kiss your forehead “Let’s have a drink on the couch. You can tell me how work was.”
“I would love to.” You nodded with a small smile.
Jolly held  your hand like a gentleman, leading you to sit close to him. Then you toasted your reunion before you told him how exhausting your work was. You told him everything, every detail as he was actively listening to you, playing with your hair. It always felt like this when you were seeing each other. Joakim was your confidant and he loved listening to you, telling some funny story about your day or even bitching about some of your colleagues that were getting on your nerves. He loved seeing how expressive you were each time. And the drinking was also doing its effect as you were saying things more frankly than before.
“...But anyway, Betty is so annoying and she keeps giving her work to the young interns and finding excuses when the work isn’t done. I swear if I catch her again, I will not be nice.” You said while taking another sip.
“I can imagine, love. She looks like a pain in the ass…” He stopped you gently in your drinking seeing how quickly you were finishing your glass “Hey.. easy now. We don’t want you to get drunk before me. How about eating first ?” He suggested.
You stopped yourself, realizing how tipsy you were already. It’s been a while since you’ve drunk some wine with him. You felt your cheeks getting warmed because of the alcohol and the embarrassment of being drunk. You put your glass on the coffee table, getting a break in the drinking.
“You’re right. I’ll go check what we have in the fridge.” You said while standing up with Jolly helping you, his large hand on your lower back.
“Good idea. And while you’re at it, can you make me a sandwich, please ?” He teased.
You shifted on your heels, looking straight at him with jaded eyes, not sure if you heard him correctly. If he wanted to play this kind of game, well you could too.
“You have hands, right ?” You questioned.
“Yeah ? What about it ?”
“Then, you can do it yourself.” You concluded firmly.
“Please, baby ?” He faked a whine, trying to do a cocker face.
“Fuck no.” You answered, not falling for his trick.
Jolly laughed at your harsh answer, which he expected. He knew too well you wouldn’t do it after such a tiring day. So he stood up, joining you in the kitchen area as he hugged you from behind, his arms around your waist.
“I know, love. I was just teasing you” He chuckled, kissing your temple and your red cheek.
“Hmm.. Hmm..” You hummed, well aware of it. “I missed your sense of humor too, my sweet gingerbread Swedish man.”
He rolled his eyes, in a faked exasperation.
“Oh no, not this nickname again.”
“My sweet gingerbread Swedish man !” You repeated joyfully as you turned in his embrace to face him.
“Only yours.” He mused close to your face, snuggling gently his nose against yours.
You giggled at his tender move.Then, you cupped his face, caressing his cheeks. While you kept stroking his beard, Jolly closed his eyes appreciating your touch. As if you were seeing him for the first time. After all, it’s been so long you haven’t seen each other.. You had to find your marks again. You looked at him, analyzing every feature on his face, caressing his nose with your fingertips. Once you reached his lips with your digits, he opened his eyes.
“Hold on a second, love.” He whispered, leaning close to you, while reaching for something he saw behind you, on the kitchen counter.
You hold him close, feeling his tall and warm body against yours, inhaling his scent. He straightened himself back, holding a piece of gingerbread in his fingers.
“ I didn’t know you had some left.” He noticed.
“Well… I make sure to always have some at  home. It makes me think of you when you’re not here.” You said sheepishly, your face getting flushed.
He smiled at you, stucking the gingerbread piece between his teeth, before leaning on you to feed you. You took it in your mouth, eating it until you went to kiss Jolly’s lips. Several times. He didn’t expect you to be so feral already as he chuckled, breaking away the kiss.
“We had to eat something, remember ?” He joked.
“Yeah, but you just did.” You flirted, feeling horny. “ And I’m wondering if eating your lips counts as a meal too ?”
“Well, I’m sure we can make this work.” He said, grabbing your hips more tightly.
You kissed him more ravenously this time, holding his face in your hands. He pulled you so close to him, making your bodies into one. Both of you were deepening the kiss, tongues and teeth fighting for dominance. You wanted to devour him, tasting the gingerbread in his mouth. A flavor you linked to him. 
You felt your arousal growing even more, making your insides shiver, as you were losing your grip on his face, letting your hands slide on his torso. You suddenly bite his bottom lip, making him moan before he put his thigh between your legs. Feeling it on your groin made you whimper, the abrupt hardness of his thigh making your pussy melt. From there, you could tell you were already wet as your hips started to move on their own, rocking on Jolly’s leg. You needed some friction to relax your aching clit.
Jolly grinned under your kisses, feeling your mind getting away. He left your lips to slide to your neck, kissing it and biting it furiously. You moved your head to the side, leaving him more access as you let out more breathless moans.
“Jolly..” You whined.
Without a word, he understood what you needed. One of his hands left your hips, moving dangerously to your covered fold to stroke it. However, it wasn’t enough.
“Your fingers..Inside. Please.” You begged, trying to catch your breath.
He did as you said, his large hand going straight into your pants, then to your panties. You felt his cold fingers touching your pussy, melting with your wetness. You exhaled in pleasure, feeling your mind going blank when he started to draw small circles on your clit.
Your lewd voice was echoing in your whole apartment, making Jolly grinned as he continued to kiss you, his hand still in your panties. Yet he wanted to hear you more, your moans were like music to his ears. And so he put one of his fingers inside you, while rubbing your clit. Your next whine was so high pitched, you even surprised yourself to make such a sound. You couldn’t help it as you were melting under his touch, your orgasm getting close, while your nails were digging on his arms.
“Jolly ! I think I’m gonna–”
“Not yet, love. Let me come with you.”
With a desperate need, you quickly helped him unbuckle his belt, freeing his cock, as he helped you get rid of your pants and soaking panties. He kept you firmly against the kitchen counter, while  lifting one of your legs, allowing him to thrust himself inside you. You groaned together as you were both connected together after so long.
“You okay ?” He asked, a bit worried.
“More than okay.” You replied, breathing heavily. “Don’t stop now. I’m so close.”
He moved so firmly and slowly before hasting the pace. He grabbed you ass, lifting you up, as you wrapped your legs around his waist, tugging his hair and reaching for more feral kisses.
You reached your climax, coming undone on him. Jolly followed shortly after. You didn’t break the embrace just yet. Both of you wanted this feeling of being one again to last for a little longer, his body on yours. After a while, he left your embrace, your insides feeling empty and missing him in you already. Then, he helped you get down on the kitchen counter. You felt your legs trembling because of earlier, unable to make you stand up. You bursted into euphoria as you went into Jolly’s arms once more.
“Oh God…” You said between your laughs. “ That was so good. I almost forgot how it felt.”
Jolly smirked at you, satisfied to make you this happy.
“Thankfully, I’m staying a bit longer.” He said, kissing your forehead. “So you’ll have plenty of time to remember how does it feel–”
You nervously giggled, covering his mouth with your hands.
“I’m gonna shut your filthy mouth, Mister Karlsson ! But before any of this happens again, we should fix up this mess.” You replied, more softly at the end, looking with embarrassment at the kitchen area.
“You’re right. We’ll clean this up before taking a bath” He suggested, brushing one of your strands behind your ear.
“Sounds like a plan.” You mused, kissing him once more before fixing all the mess you did.
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jennay · 9 months
Honey Bee
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An: I think this is the end for Honey Bee. Thanks to everyone who went on this journey with me. I'm sad but happy and I'm sure I'll update with new chapters periodically maybe showing glimpses into their future if you guys would like that
parts: 1/2/3/4/5
Master List
Tags: @blackveilomens @xxrainstorm @somewhere-diamond @cookiesupplier @blacksoul-27 @nyxthedestroyerofworlds @jadert15 @an-insane-day
You sank into the plush cushions of the couch, captivated by the bright TV screen, where Noah was immersed in a game he swore was fun. You had no clue what he was doing, but it was amusing to watch him. You had spent the previous night binge-watching movies with him, and after a few glasses of wine, he persuaded you to stay over, saying it was too dangerous to drive.
You agreed without a second thought since his bed was the most heavenly you had ever slept in. You felt like you were floating in a cloud of softness and warmth.
You just wanted to chill until your head cleared, and you felt more alert. You weren't hungover, but you could feel the weight in your eyelids. Noah offered to make breakfast, but you declined, toasting a bagel and spreading some cream cheese. You thought it was perfect for a lazy morning.
The front door squeaked open - and your muscles tensed. Your stomach twisted as if you had been hit. Your eyes darted to Noah and back to the opening door. Jolly. He wasn't supposed to be back this early. Noah promised that Jolly wouldn't be home until midnight. So why - why was he standing there?
Your eyes widened, and you leaped from the couch - your heart hammering and your palms clammy. You felt your food rising in your throat. You had tried hard to hide your feelings like this, but you were caught off guard and had no time to brace yourself.
Jolly smiled, unable to act like he wasn't happy to see you, and opened his mouth to say something, but you glowered at him. You took a deep breath and walked past him without a word, pretending you didn't see his confused expression.
You felt his hand try to touch your arm, but you shook it off. You dashed up the stairs, your breath ragged and your heart thumping.
You locked eyes with Noah over the side rail - he looked stunned as if he didn't expect you to react so strongly; he thought you would've at least kept your cool. You gave him the finger, your face flushed and your eyes blazing. You barged into his room, slamming the door behind you.
"Shit, well, I tried," Noah says as he springs to his feet, joining Jolly at the door. He folds his arms over his chest and says, "Dude, please just go talk to her."
Jolly's eyes widen - if he was sleepy before, all the noise woke him up. He looks at you and then at Noah, confused. "Why is she acting like that?"
"I might have lied about when you were coming home. I'm sick of being in the middle of this. I just wanted to help." Noah laughs, unfolding his arms and slapping Jolly's shoulder. "If you would've just asked me, I would've told you I don't have feelings for y/n." He confesses, his voice sincere. "It's never been like that for us. We're just friends." He bites the inside of his cheek, wondering if he should reveal more. It couldn't hurt if he told Jolly how you felt; maybe it would give him the courage he needed. "She wants you, man. And it's been like this for years." He says, his voice dropping to a whisper. He feels a relief wash over him as he finally lets out his secret.
Jolly's eyes bulge in disbelief. "For years?" He repeats, dropping his bags on the floor with a loud thud. He felt like his ears were deceiving him.
Noah shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly, "She hasn't said that directly, but if you're not a complete idiot, which you clearly are, you can see it." He growled, his voice dripping with sarcasm and annoyance. Noah wanted to slap some sense into Jolly's thick skull.
"You think I should go up there?" He asks nervously, rubbing his stubble, "It seems like she doesn't want to see me." He murmurs.
Noah shakes his head, a sheepish smile tugging at his lips, "I think my antics caught her off guard, I'll probably have to apologize to her later." He says. "She's been putting up with my shit a lot lately, man. Usually, she can get away from me by going to you, but lately, it's just been her and me." He chuckles, "I know I'm a pain in the ass."
Jolly shook his head in disbelief. "You are." He said, heading for the stairs. His feet felt heavy and sluggish as he climbed the stairs like he was walking to his execution.
Noah followed him, hoping to give him some encouragement. Noah watched as Jolly gently knocked on the door, waiting for a reply.
When he heard nothing, he cautiously opened the door - and as soon as Jolly was in, Noah dashed to the door, slamming it shut behind him and locking it from the outside.
Your throat clenched, and your lungs gasped for air when you saw Jolly standing there; you felt like a fish out of water. You jumped off the bed with a huff and ran to the door. You grabbed the handle and turned it. Shocked when it didn't budge. "Noah!" You yelled. "What the hell…"
You heard Noah laugh from the other side of the door. "I switched the lock last night, you fell right into my trap like I knew you would." He said, sounding smug.
You wanted to escape, away from Jolly, away from Noah, away from everything. "I'll unlock it when you two sort out your feelings." Noah said, sounding relaxed and indifferent. "And I have all the time in the world, so don't bother rushing." You heard his footsteps receding from the room.
You turned around to see Jolly standing there, his eyes full of guilt and sadness. He looked conflicted between wanting to comfort you and fearing your reaction. His nervousness was tangible, and you wondered what he would say.
You walked back to the bed and sat down, avoiding his gaze. You felt a knot in your stomach and a storm of emotions in your heart. "Shit." You whispered, closing your eyes and lying on your back.
You covered your eyes, wishing he would leave you alone.
You felt the mattress sink as he sat beside you and heard him exhale deeply. "You don't have to talk if you don't want to, but there are some things I think I should say." He said, sounding more assertive than you expected. "I didn't mean to hurt you." He added softly, his voice full of regret.
You let out a scornful laugh, cutting him off. "Well, you did." You snapped, feeling bitter.
"I tried to call you, and I tried to text you. You kept avoiding me and not giving me room to explain!" He says slightly, raising his voice.
You sit up, eyes landing on him with anger and disbelief. "What was there to explain? You led me on, made me think you were into me, and when I acted on it, you rejected me? You fucked with my head, Jolly!" You say, matching his tone, "Yes, I ignored you because it hurt, I still can't even think of you some days, but you're always fucking there!" You whine, standing up and pacing the room. "I wanted you; I tried showing you; I tried explaining that there was nothing with Noah. I came to Sweden FOR YOU."
Jolly stares at you, a sarcastic smile on his lips, "And then you called me and said you just wanted to be friends while I was trying to figure out how to make it up to you! I tried telling you the day you decided to fly back here, but you wanted to leave, and I know it wasn't a work thing; it was because you were mad at me and needed fucking Noah! You're always running to Noah. Do you see why I might be confused?!"
You run your hand down your face and sit in Noah's computer chair. "Do not try to put this on me, Jolly. I have been putting myself out there for years, hoping you'd take a fucking hint." You say through clenched teeth. "Why couldn't you just trust me? Instead, you made me question everything I felt for you." You say, your voice trembling with anger and pain. You can hear your heart pounding in your ears, and you wish you could calm down.
"I didn't trust myself!" He exclaims, raising his hands in frustration. "How could I trust you when I was so confused about my own feelings?" Jolly shifts his position, crossing his legs and leaning back. He doesn't look away from you, and you see the conflict in his eyes. "I tried, okay? I tried to trust you, but I just…I couldn't understand it. I thought you and Noah were perfect for each other. I saw how you two have always clicked, how he made you smile, how he always had your back. I felt like I didn't measure up. I let my fears overpower your words." His voice is at a mere whisper toward the end of his sentence. He senses your silence and goes on. "I want to fix this, but I need you to tell me what you want." He pauses, "We've been sending mixed signals, and I think it's confusing us both." He says, looking into your eyes, searching for a sign.
You rise from the chair and walk over to Jolly, sitting beside him on the bed. You lower your head, feeling hopeless. "I don't know how to fix this. I can't pretend to be just your friend. I've moved past that, but I'm afraid to jump into a real relationship with you." You say softly, your voice steady. "I'm scared that I'll do something that triggers your insecurities, and you'll assume someone else is better for me. And when I say I love you and only you, you won't believe me. I don't want those doubts in your mind to win and destroy what we have."
Jolly's lips curl into a small smile. "Love me?" He repeats, his tone curious.
You move closer to him, taking his hand in yours, "Yeah." You whisper, gazing into his eyes, "Because I do." You say, your voice is shaky. You squeeze his hand. "I need you to show me it's safe for me to be in this with you. I don't want to walk around on eggshells expecting the worst to happen. I want to wake up knowing we made the right choice." You say, your voice firm and serious. "Can you do that?"
He leans in, eyes locked onto yours, and gently cups your face with his other hand. His thumb caresses your cheek, sending shivers down your spine. You feel his warm breath on your lips as he whispers, "I can do that." He closes the gap between you, and you feel his soft lips press against yours.
The kiss is gentle and sweet but enough to make your heart flutter. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer, and deepen the kiss. You feel his arm around your waist, holding you close, and you melt into him. He breaks the kiss and rests his forehead against yours, smiling and panting. You look into his eyes, and they shine with love. "I'll never get tired of that," he says, his voice filled with sincerity. He pauses, "I brought something with me." He pulls away from you and digs in his pocket, opening a small box to reveal the opal ring he'd given you before. The ring sparkles in the light. "I wanted to give it back, and this time, I want to give it to you as a promise ring. Because I promise to be here for you, to keep you safe, and to make you feel loved and secure." He holds the ring out to you, his eyes never leaving yours. "But most of all, I promise to trust you." His voice is so sincere; you can tell he means every word. You can't help but smile. You let him slide the ring back on your finger, which fits perfectly. You look at the ring, then at him, "I was hoping I'd get this back," you say, your voice soft and sweet. You lean in and kiss him gently, feeling his lips curve into a smile.
You whisper, "I'm glad you're home."
He sighs, but it's not a sign of annoyance or anger this time. It's a sound of pure bliss and relief. "Should we text Noah?" He asks, his voice soft and content.
You nod your head and pull out your phone. You type a quick message: Can you let us out now? We had wild sex on your bed and made up.
You hear a loud laugh from the hallway. "Yeah, right." Noah's voice echoes in your ears, and you see the door handle turn. "I've been sitting out here the whole time." He says, opening the door. He grins as he sees the two of you standing, Jolly's arms wrapped around your waist and holding you close, a smile on your face. The air feels lighter, and Noah is happy for you.
"I heard you leave…" You say, chuckling. "You mean to tell me you came back and eavesdropped on everything?"
"How else was I supposed to know when to let you out?" He asks, acting like you're stupid. "Let me see the ring." He says, walking over to you and grabbing your hand. He examines it, nodding his head in approval. But instead of saying anything nice, he says, "Should we order food and watch a movie? I'm emotionally drained, and I wasn't even in here." He jokes.
You and Jolly follow Noah down the stairs and into the living room, where you find a cozy spot on the couch. You cuddle up to Jolly, resting your head on his chest and wrapping your arms around him. He kisses your forehead and holds you close, making you feel safe.
Noah makes a disgusted noise and says, "Gross. Now I'm the third wheel." He flops down on the other end of the couch and grabs the remote. He asks what you want to watch, hoping to distract himself from your lovey-dovey display.
"You know I'm always up for a murder mystery or a horror movie!" You say, raising your voice to annoy them.
Noah shakes his head, "Don't make her mad, Jolly. You'd be shocked how much she knows about disposing of a corpse without leaving a trace," He jokes.
You lift your head from Jolly's chest and give Noah a menacing look. "I'll strike when you least expect it, Noah. No one is safe from me. Not even you." You say, putting on a sinister tone.
Noah throws you the remote. He wonders if you're serious sometimes. He looks at Jolly and says, "And you're willingly choosing this psychopath?"
Jolly laughs at his remark, "Yes because she's my adorable little psycho." He says, squeezing you tighter and making you giggle. "And if she chooses to murder me someday, at least I'll die happy."
Noah rolls his eyes, not impressed by Jolly's comment. "I'm gonna order Chinese food. Do you guys want the usual?" He asks, getting up from the couch.
You nod, and Noah heads to the kitchen. Jolly takes this chance to ask you something that is on his mind. "Let me take you on a real date tomorrow." He whispers in your ear, making you shiver.
You pull back, looking into his eyes, smiling as you nod in approval. "I'd love that." You say, leaning in for a kiss. He kisses you back, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you closer.
You hear Noah clear his throat from the kitchen, and you break the kiss, laughing. "Sorry, Noah." You say, feeling a blush on your cheeks.
Jolly smiles at you, "He'll get used to it." He says, kissing your cheek. "He has to cause I don't plan on letting you go." He says, making your heart flutter.
"And now I'm back to hating both of you, this time for all the PDA, how the tables have turned."
You throw a pillow at Noah when he sits down. "It could be worse. We could be screaming at each other still."
Noah nods and playfully rolls his eyes, "Shut up and pick a fucking movie." He rubs his temples, "I will separate you two!"
You pick up the remote and browse through the movie options. You see an horror movie and ask Noah if he's up for it.
He nods and says, "Sure, why not? Maybe it'll scare some sense into you two." He jokes, grabbing a pillow and hugging it.
You press play, and the movie starts. You watch the screen but sneak glances at Jolly, who smiles at you and kisses your hair. You know you've made the right choice. You're glad you gave him a chance and excited for tomorrow's date. You don't know what the future holds, but you know you want him to be a part of it. You squeeze his hand and whisper, "I love you."
He smiles, whispering back, "I love you too, Honey bee."
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deathblacksmoke · 3 months
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slogging through all the sad to present a soft (and self-indulgent) jolly x reader thing for anyone else who might need it 🩷
“Come on, darling,” you hear breaking through your sleep. You know you’ve slept in for too long — it’s become a habit these days — but you don’t have any plans today that you’re skipping out on. You groan, pull the duvet over yourself, and roll over.
There’s a sigh, exasperated but patient, before the bed dips behind you. Over the covers, a hand rests gently on your arm. “I made some breakfast for us. All your favorites.”
You know you’ve been neglecting him — everyone and everything, for that matter. Spending too much time in bed sulking instead of getting out and making yourself feel better.
You decide to get up, and let him have this today. Maybe it’s as much for you as it is for him. When you emerge from beneath the covers, he’s ready with a kiss on your cheek and an outstretched arm to lead you to the kitchen.
Breakfast doesn’t fix everything, but you can’t deny that you feel a lot better with pancakes, fresh berries, and fresh squeezed orange juice in your system. The light filters in through the open kitchen window and the sunshine certainly does help. Jolly’s foot resting against yours underneath the table fixes the rest.
“I thought we could go on a walk today,” he offers. He sees the hesitation in your expression, like always. “I’ll drive us to the trail, and if you still don’t want to, we’ll come right back. It’ll be good to get out of the house either way.”
You float the idea of ice cream on the way home and he beams, feeling accomplished. You can’t help but smile back, scooting closer to rest your head on his shoulder.
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flowery-mess · 24 days
His face after the 'why are you driving like a pussy dude?' sassy king lol
But also
How careful he is, both for his mate AND the kids in the neighbourhood?? Have my kids Noah, have my kids
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kaliforniahigh · 2 months
Another jolly!!
His reaction to finally coming home from a long ass tour and seeing you for the first time.
I just feel like he would just wanna admire the hell out of you before dragging you off to catch up on some mega cuddles and sleep.
Like if you’ve waited up into the night to meet him at the airport and take him home, or to greet him at the door as he walks in. He’s just gonna wanna melt into you and not want to leave again.
this is so cuteeee
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No matter what time he lands, you always pick him up at the airport.
Sometimes his flight is delayed, but you're already at the airport so you wait for him anyways.
You just hate the thought of him going home alone or calling an Uber.
And you don't mind, because that means you get to see him sooner.
The first hug is always the best, because he is just so tired and he just melts into you.
On the ride home, he rests his head on your shoulder as you drive, sometimes even dozing off for a few minutes.
You make him take a relaxing shower when you get home as you prepare him something to eat.
After that is just cuddles and sleep.
He holds you extra tight and extra close to him.
He's getting used to being back with you and having you for an unlimited amount of time.
Until he relaxes enough and sees that neither you nor him are going anywhere, he is with you 24/7 (you don't mind one bit)
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blairboo · 9 days
Noah Sebastian X Fem! Reader
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Summary: Noah being an idiot ;)
Warnings: A lot of angst
Word Count: 2k
We had been fighting for weeks, every day there was a reason for a fight.
Noah was currently on tour with Bad Omens, and now we were in New York.
The show was at eight o'clock, and I was sitting in the green room waiting for the boys to finish getting ready.
They knew about the fights, Jolly came to comfort me when Noah was very hard with his words.
I consider myself a calm person, especially with Noah, but my patience was running out, every day he found a stupid reason to fight with me. I knew the pressure he was feeling because of the tour, and I respected that, but he was crossing the limits.
"earth to y/n" Noah took me out of my thoughts
"Sorry, what were you talking about?" I asked
"Just letting you know that I was going up to the stage" his gaze was anywhere but on me.
"Hm okay, good luck" smiles weakly
He just passed by me and went on stage, Nick came after, I could see the sad smile towards me. I just nodded my head.
It had been 20 minutes since they had climbed to the board, I directed myself in the direction that Matt, who was at the sound station.
"Hi there y/n" Matt smiled at me
"Hey Matt, do you mind if I stay here?" I spoke in your ear because of the loud music.
"No problem, sit there" he said back.
I always stayed next to the stage when they were on stage. Noah always made a point of making me stay there. He liked to know that I was there.
Not anymore, I think. It has been some shows since the last time he asked me to stay there. And I also didn't ask if he wanted to, he clearly didn't care anymore.
My thoughts ran as they introduced themselves.
Will he break up with me?
What did I do wrong?
Am I not good enough?
The music was loud, everyone singing, smiling and dancing.
And me?
I felt tears coming down.
The show was over. The boys were saying goodbye and playing the setlist in airplane format.
I had returned to the green room, I felt fear but I needed to ask what was wrong with us.
I heard laughter, and I saw them going down to the green room.
I just looked and smiled towards them.
Noah hadn't looked at me yet.
I heard my name being called and saw Nicholas smiling at me talking about something that at the moment, my anxiety did not allow me to care about.
I could only think of the way Noah didn't bother to talk to me.
All right. I'll talk to him.
I excused Nicholas and went towards Noah, who was taking a bottle of water.
"Can I talk to you for a minute?" I felt my heart beating 3 times faster
Noah just nodded his head.
He didn't care.
We went towards a running that was outside the room.
All right, now I needed to talk.
"What's going on?" My voice came out faster than I wanted
"What do you mean? Nothing is going on" there was no concern in his voice
"Cut the bullshit Noah, you know what I'm talking about, God, you can't even look at me!" There was a certain anger in my voice.
"There's nothing wrong! I don't know where you got it from that there's something going on with us!" He had increased his tone of voice
"You can't tell me that there's nothing wrong when in recent weeks the only words we've exchanged are "good morning and good night"!"
"My God, you're hallucinating, there's nothing wrong and maybe if you stopped being so clingy , you would know why I'm not close to you, you annoy me!" Now he was screaming and I was sure the boys were listening.
Clingy. I felt a pang of pain in my heart. Noah never complained about it. Most of the time he asked to stay close.
I felt tears burning in my eyes.
"So why don't you break up with me?" My voice failed
"Maybe I really should!!" He screamed passing by me and returning to the green room.
Your phrase echoed in my head.
"Maybe I really should"
"Maybe I really should"
"Maybe I really should"
I leaned against the wall behind me and released the tears that begged to be released.
I stayed there for a few minutes, just with my eyes closed and letting my thoughts consume me.
I felt a pair of arms hugging me. A part of me expected it to be Noah and he would apologize to me and say that everything would be fine.
But another part of me didn't ignore the pain of his words.
I opened my eyes and saw Matt hugging me. For a moment I let myself be vulnerable there.
"He doesn't want me here anymore" I whispered
"It's not true, he's just being an idiot " Matt stroked my hair
"He doesn't want to. It's not from now that he's acting distant"
He didn't answer me, he just kept hugging me.
"I'm going home" I said after a few seconds
"Y/n...please" there was a tone of reprimand in his voice
"I won't disturb his career anymore Matt, he clearly doesn't want me here and I won't force anymore "
"Let me try, let's try to talk to him at least" he pleads
I denied it.
"No, my decision is made."
The next day, Noah and the boys had left for tourists to New York City.
I said I was tired and couldn't go. Lie.
My flight was scheduled for 11:30 am. Only Matt knew.
I had just packed my suitcase and all that was left was to pick up my cell phone that was charging.
My mind told me to leave a note for Noah. I ignored it.
I had just landed in Los Angeles. And again, only Matt knew.
A part of me was afraid of Noah's reaction when he realized that I had left.
Another part just told me that he wouldn't mind.
Now it was 8:50 pm, so far no message from Noah.
I started to think he really didn't care.
I tried to distract myself by trying to do other things, but my heart still hurt to know that he didn't care.
I was finishing making my dinner and my cell phone started ringing.
I felt my heart drop.
I looked at the name on the receiver and mentally cursed.
It was Noah.
What would I say?
I took a deep breath and answered the phone.
"Hello?" I tried to keep my voice steady.
"Where are you?" I could hear a despair in his voice
I kept quiet.
"Matt said you went back home" he said after a few seconds
I cursed Matt mentally.
"I- I arrived a few hours ago" my voice weakened
After a moment, he spoke
"I want you to know that I didn't mean that. You're not sticky and I could never separate from you" my heart hurt.
"You wouldn't say that out of nowhere Noah, some part of your mind must think that." I Whispered
"Please don't! I was stressed, I took it out on you and please forgive me for that."
"It's not from now this behavior of yours Noah! It's been weeks since the last time you cared if I was at the show or not!" I exalted myself
He didn't answer.
And my head confirmed to me what I had said.
He doesn't care.
"We're done" I hung up.
And obviously tears fell.
It had been 4 days since the last time I spoke to Noah, he had sent me many, many messages, not only from him.
I hadn't answered any of them. My mind wasn't in the right space for that.
I was finishing making my coffee when the doorbell rang.
I took a deep breath.
It couldn't be Noah, he still had many shows before the tour ended.
I went towards the door and opened it.
What the fuck was he doing here?
He still had shows to do.
And there was Noah, standing right in front of my door.
His eyes were red indicating that he had cried
Your deep dark circles indicating the lack of good sleep
Your messy hair indicating the lack of your self-care.
"Please give me 5 minutes to talk and if you don't change your mind, you never need to see me again" He said first.
I couldn't find a voice to answer and so I just nodded.
I gave him space to enter and soon after closing the door.
"Y/n, nothing I say here, you'll be able to show what a sorry I am, I know I acted like a terrible boyfriend in recent weeks and I was a big asshole with you" I just agreed in response
"I've always been very understanding with you Noah, I never fought when you were angry and discounted me" my voice finally came out.
He waved quickly.
"I know, I know, and that's why I'm feeling like crap, nothing I say could show how grateful I am for you and your patience with me, and I know I made a mistake, and I made bad mistakes with you, but I'm asking from the bottom of my heart that you don't break up with me" he pleaded
"I promise to change and promise to be a better boyfriend, I can't promise perfection but please don't break up with me."
His words were repeated in my mind
"You hurt me Noah, and my question remains, how do I know this won't happen again? That you won't just get tired of me and treat me like a complete stranger?"
"I have no form of guarantee other than my word, but please...." He had knelt in front of me.
Noah leaned his head against my belly, repeating the word "please" over and over again.
"Please get up Noah" I tried to pull your arms
"No, I would stay like this for hours and hours if it made me have you back" I closed my eyes.
"You have me. And my mind keeps telling me that I shouldn't forgive you so fast but I just can't. So please don't make me go through this pain again, don't make me question your love for me again." Noah tightened his arms around me.
"I promise, I promise." He looked at me.
"Now get up please, I need to look at you face to face" and he got up, still holding me by the waist.
Noah leaned his forehead against mine, our eyes completely aligned.
"I love you" he whispered
"I love you" I just whispered back.
But I still had a question.
"Don't you have a show in 50 minutes?" I asked curiously
"I canceled" he replied calmly
"What? What do you mean you canceled?" There were question marks in my head
"If I needed to, I would cancel the entire tour just to come after you" I felt tears burning in my eyes
"You canceled the show.... For me?"
He nodded his head
"I would do this as many times as necessary, to have you with me."
Maybe he would make a mistake again, again....
Maybe I would make a mistake….
After all, who cares? We're just two lovers trying to love each other properly.
lmk what you think :)
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artificialbreezy · 2 months
you tell jolly you want a child…his breeding kink goes insane and now he won’t get off you till you have his child
shut up right now!!!!!
he’s going feral dude. brain is on one mission now and that’s get you pregnant. homie isn’t gonna stop until those two lines show up ya know?
we’re gonna be realistic here, he’s gonna fill you up twice a day for a week. give you a break, then when you test and it’s negative he is starting up again! except that round of trying, he’s going balls to the wall. he’s keeping the house colder, he’s using pillows to prop you up, he’s bending you in some weird ways, he’s gonna blow is load and when he pulls out he’s gonna use his fingers to push it back in and then just leave his fingers there, telling you all about it.
“i just know it baby, this time is it. it’s gonna work, gonna make me a daddy huh? feel you squeezing my fingers, that what you want? want to be my pretty little house wife who takes care of the kids and lets me fuck her raw? course it is.”
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4rtificialfolio · 1 year
Noah - Vest top
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Noah Sebastian X Female Reader
genre: smut, a little fluff at the end
warnings: 18+, unprotected sex (wrap it up kids), p in v, slight hair pulling, mirror sex
That goddamn vest stop is where it all started. Your boyfriend, Noah, looks good in anything he wears, but fuck; that goddamn vest top has you practically puddled on the floor. How much he’s been working out lately, how it clings to his body has you weak at the knees.
You’re watching him from the side of the stage, not too out in the open where fans can see you, but enough to have a good view of Noah working the stage. You can’t help but stare; of course you can’t; he’s covered in sweat, his biceps flex every time he moves the mic to his mouth, and you can see how his vest top clings to his body from how sweaty he is. Fuck.
Noah is fully aware of what him wearing that stupid black vest top does to you. He never used to wear one as often as he does, but since the night you practically jumped on him after a show, he made sure to invest in a couple more.
He can see your eyes lingering on him a little too long; the way you look him up and down has the blood rush to his head. Not realising how long you’ve been staring, you’re snapped out of your gaze by the sound of Bryan trying to get past you.
“earth to y/n?”
“oh, sorry Bryan”, you stumble a little as you step aside. Noah notices and smirks in your direction. He can tell you’re already weak for him, and he hasn’t even touched you. God, he can’t wait to touch you.
The way Noah has been acting on stage doesn’t help; the breathy moan when he sings the death of peace of mind, the way he gets on his knees for bad decisions, how he tilts his head back so his neck is on full display for dethrone. The fucker knows precisely what he’s doing, not that you’re complaining.
Before you know it, it’s the set's last song, so you return to the green room before the boys rush off stage. Noah couldn’t get off stage fast enough; as much as he loves to tease you, he needs you just as badly as you do him, and it’s becoming visible with his bulge getting bigger by the minute. Sitting on the green room sofa, all you can think about is Noah fucking you senseless. The thought of having his dick buried deep inside you makes you squeeze your thighs together to gain some friction on your already throbbing cunt. You’re so deep in a trance that you don’t realise he stood right before you, watching you squirm a little with red, flushed cheeks. It isn’t until you feel his knee push your leg slightly that you snap out of your daydream.
“what’s got you so flushed, baby?” He knows full well what you’re thinking about.
Just as you go to speak, he pulls you up from the sofa and into a kiss.
“You know what, never mind”.
Grabbing your hand, he drags you into the room next door.
He swiftly locks the door and pulls you eagerly into a heated kiss.
“Noah” " you moan out as his hands grip the sides of your face.
“god, I need you so fucking bad”, He moans in between kisses. Walking forward, you’re shoved up against the wall, hands gripping your arse and hips. He undoes the zipper to your skirt, and it quickly drops to the floor.
“Please, Noah.” He loves it when you whine for him.
“Please, what, baby? Be a good girl and use your words for me.”
“Please fuck me, do anything. I need you inside me.” He loves how pathetic and needy you sound.
Smirking at your response, he pushes your underwear to the side and drags his middle finger up and down your wet cunt before rubbing circles on your clit.
“so wet for me already,” He moans out, leaving wet kisses down your neck. There’ll definitely be a mark there tomorrow.
“if this is what me wearing a black vest top does to you, I’m never taking it off.”
He pulls his finger away, and you whine in protest at the loss of contact.
“what the fuck, Noa-“Before you can even finish your sentence, he’s on his knees with his head between your legs and leaving kisses up your thighs.
“patience, beautiful.” your hands quickly entangle in his hair as he kisses over your underwear.
“I can’t wait to taste you” In one swift move, he pushes your underwear to the side again, attaching his mouth to your throbbing clit.
“fuck Noah, please” Your hips instinctively buck into his face, and you feel him moan into you.
God, you love how he uses his mouth on you, feeling his tongue flick over your swollen clit repeatedly, the way his lips move against you. All that can be heard is you moaning his name continually, but you couldn’t care less. Noah loves the idea that everyone can hear who you belong to, who’s the one fucking you so well. You’re all his.
Suddenly, you feel him push two fingers inside you, making you moan even louder.
“Fuck baby”
He can’t help but smirk at your response. His finger moves in and out of you steadily, curling ever so slightly as he touches your g spot.
“Noah, please, I’m so close; don’t stop.”
Picking up the pace, he moves his fingers faster and faster, causing you to arch your back against the wall. He removes his mouth to look up at the pretty, fucked out sight in front of him.
“my pretty baby is so close, aren’t you?” he stands up, fingers slowing down a little, but he doesn’t take them out.
“Look at me, y/n, I want to watch you when you cum”
He picks the pace back up, and you can feel the knot tighten in your stomach. Your mouth is gaped open, too fucked out for sound to escape.
“cum for me, baby” Noah leaves a couple of kisses on your neck before looking you in the eyes as you cum on his fingers.
“Think you can take another?”
Not even bothering to answer, you quickly pull his trousers and boxers down before running your hands underneath his tank top.
“Well, I guess that’s my question answered then”.
Before you know it, he’s bending you over the dresser on the other side of the room, legs spread with your ass pressed against Noah’s throbbing cock.
“You’re gonna be a good girl and watch yourself as I fuck you, understand baby?”
“yes, Noah, please just fuck me. I need you.”
Noah grabs a fistful of your hair, pulling your head up so you can see yourself in the mirror before pushing his dick into your dripping cunt.
“fuck you feel so good, y/n” Not giving you any time to adjust, his hips slam into you, making you yell in pleasure.
“Oh fuck N-Noah”
Using his other hand to grip your hip, he pulls your hips into him as he thrusts in and out of you.
“Look at yourself, baby, all messy just for me. My pretty little slut” Unable to form any words, your moans get louder and louder as he picks up his pace.
He fills you up so well, the tip of his cock pushing against your g spot repeatedly.
It’s your favourite feeling.
It doesn’t take long until you feel that all too familiar knot in the pit of your stomach, and Noah’s thrusts become more eager.
“I know, baby; you can do it, cum for me again, y/n.”
Bending down, you feel his chest against your back. He removes his hand from your hair and snakes his arm around the front of your stomach so he can rub your clit. Not even 10 seconds later, you clench around him once more before screaming his name as you cum around his cock.
“N-Noah fuck”, You moan out, falling onto the dressing table.
He quickly straightens his back and pulls out of you before giving his swollen, hard cock a few pumps before cumming all over your back and collapsing on top of you.
“Fuck Y/N”
A quiet “Noah” is all you can manage to mutter out. He quickly grabs some tissue to clean the both of you up before pulling you into a tight hug.
His chest feels warm, and you can't help but melt in his arms.
“You did so well, baby.” He gives a long kiss on your head before grabbing your skirt and a blanket.
Without saying a word, he slides his arm underneath your legs, picking you up bridal style and sits on the two-seater sofa in the corner of the room.
The silence is sweet; just cradling in his arms as he gives you gentle, loving kisses.
“God, I love you so much”, he mutters into the side of your neck
Looking up at his pretty brown eyes, you give him a gentle smile and snuggle into his chest.
“I love you too, baby”.
You both stay there for a while, lying in his arms, enjoying the warmth of his chest and hearing his steady heartbeat. This isn’t where you expected to end tonight, but neither of you are complaining.
That goddamn vest top.
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dsireland86 · 2 months
Exhausted from the wear and tear of the world and all it's been dumping on you the past few days, has you wrecked. Folio sees this. Your eyes have lost their sparkle. Your skin has lost its shine. Your smile and laughter have lost their flutter.
He comes home to you in the bath, lost between the hot water and the surrounding bubbles. You should be relaxing, but instead, you're sitting up, arms wrapped around your knees and head resting on your knee.
He takes the wash cloth, soaks it, and brings it to your back, allowing the steaming hot water to run down the bare skin of your back. He smiles when you inhale deeply.
"I missed you today," he tells you. You turn your head to face him, instantly feeling better the moment you look at him. "I missed you too." You sit in silence together, neither one feeling expected to say anything. Folio just stares at you, looking at the face of the woman he wants to marry and make a bunch of babies with, feeling overwhelming gratitude for your paths crossing.
"I love you," he says softly, leaning in and placing a gentle kiss on your cheek. His scent makes you weak, and you take a deep breath, hoping to memorize it enough that it will make you feel better on the bad days.
"I love you," you reply, and for the first time in days, you start to feel a little less tense. Folio doesn't move away. Instead, he places a quick soft kiss on your lips while reaching into his pocket, retrieving something very small.
"You're all I want, you know that, right?" You smile, and he can finally see the happiness returning. "Yes, I do. I really do." Folio leans into the soft touch of your hand on his cheek even though it's wet. He doesn't mind.
"Then marry me," he says boldy, taking that same hand and sliding the small diamond ring on your finger. Your heart ignites with the fire that the world had put out, smoldering the last bit of hope for happiness. Now, it's beating again, alive and full of the passionate spark that drives you to love the way you do. Your eyes swell with tears as you look at your soon-to-be husband. Folio's grinning at you with his sweet, dopey smile, and you fall head over heels for him all over again. You grab him by his shirt, pulling him into you, soaking his black shirt instantly as you throw your arms around his neck and plaster your lips to his, feeling him smile.
"Is that a yes then? Marry me and make a bunch of babies with me?" You giggle, squealing as Folio is suddenly climbing into the big tub with you, still full clothed. He wraps you up in his arms, still kissing you, loving you the way you need him to.
"You bet your ass it's a yes," you answer him. He pulls back and looks at you with tears in his eyes. You've made him so happy; just like he makes you happy. "I love you, sweetheart. Always and forever, no matter what." Folio pulls you in for another kiss as the two of you fall back into the bubbly water, laughing and dreaming about the many happy days to come 🫶
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jennay · 9 months
Honey Bee
Parts: One/two/three/four/six
Master List
Tags: @blackveilomens @xxrainstorm @somewhere-diamond @cookiesupplier @blacksoul-27 @jadert15 @an-insane-day @nyxthedestroyerofworlds
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Noah stared at you from across the diner table, watching you push your food around on your plate. You had bacon left on your plate, and the more he eyeballed it, the more he wanted it. "Are you going to eat that?" He asks, pointing his fork at your plate.
Your eyes shoot up to him, a smile gracing your lips; you shake your head and push the plate toward him. "Go for it. I think I'll be sick if I eat anymore." You take a drink of your water, hoping your stomach settles. "I don't know how the fuck you eat so much." 
Noah shrugs his shoulders and grabs the bacon from your plate, "Don't shame me." He teases, "I'm not judging you for eating some hashbrowns and two eggs but not finishing the bacon, which is the best fucking part." He says as he chomps down on the slice.
"I'm not judging you. I'm impressed." You say, reaching for your purse and rummaging through it. "You and Jolly both eat like crazy, never gain weight and honestly, I find it offensive." You joke while placing your debit 
card on the table, but Noah quickly snatches it.
He pulls out his wallet and grabs his own, placing your debit card in with his other cards.
"What are you doing? Give it back." You say while holding your hand out.
Noah hands the waitress his card, flashing her a smile, "All on one." He says, his brown eyes drop back to you. "I'll give it back before I take you home."
You throw your hands up in defeat, "You know I have money, right? I do work for a living." 
He rolls his eyes and leans forward, resting his chin on his knuckles and giving you a sarcastic smile. "But it's your birthday." His eyebrows raise, and his lips press together. 
You let out a tiny huff, "You never let me pay for shit on your birthday!" You remind him, shaking your head. 
He shrugs his shoulder, "That's because I don't care about my birthday. You still like yours." He takes a sip of his coffee, watching you with playful eyes. He's waiting for a sarcastic remark, but you don't say anything entertaining, which confuses him. "What, no sassy comment? Just a dull blank stare?"
You shrug, breaking your eye contact with Noah. You lean back in your chair, crossing your arms over your chest. "Nothing seems special about it this year. It's just another year of doing the same shit I always do."
You see Noah's nose crinkle and his lips pursed as if he's repulsed by what you said. "Don't be ridiculous. You had an amazing year. You traveled to Sweden, you got rid of your nightmare roommate, and you earned a raise that lets you keep your apartment without her."
The waitress returns with Noah's receipt, and while Noah fills out his information, you think about his words for a minute. You did quite a bit this year, things you should be proud of, so why weren't you?
"You know what's very different this year though?" He says, not looking up from the paper.
You push your chair back and stand up, stretching your arms. "A lot of things are different." You say as memories of the year flash in your mind.
He nods, getting up from his seat and following you out of the diner, where you are greeted by the harsh glare of the sun and the stifling heat. 
The air is dry and dusty, and you feel a thin layer of sweat forming on your skin. You squint your eyes and shield them with your hand, wishing you had brought your sunglasses. 
"Yeah, but this year, you aren't spending your birthday with me and Jolly; it's just me, and that's probably got you feeling a little weird." He reminds you as he adjusts his cap and wipes his forehead with his sleeve. Noah matches your walking pace, which happens to be fast and uncomfortable. He didn't want to sweat anymore. 
"You know he'll be back next week?" He says, glancing at you to gauge your reaction.
You turn your head to look at him briefly. "Why are you acting like I'm not in the same group chat as you?" You exhale loudly, your chest tight and heavy, showing you don't want to discuss the subject. It's not that you were still angry at Jolly or holding any grudges, but you knew things wouldn't be the same when he got home; no matter how bad you wanted it, there would always be that core memory of him rejecting you. Yes, it had been a month since you got home, but a month wasn't enough to recover from the embarrassment you'd feel every time you saw him. 
"Are you still ignoring him?" Noah wondered, hoping you would confide in him about it. You'd been silent about the subject, and Jolly constantly changed the topic whenever Noah mentioned you coming home early. 
You both stopped at the crosswalk, waiting for the light to turn. "We text occasionally, but nothing too serious." You lie, hoping to end the conversation. You knew you were avoiding Jolly. You knew you still had feelings for him, and you knew he didn't feel the same way, and even if he did, he'd convinced himself it wouldn't work, so you'd shove the feelings down and hope they disappeared.
"Do you want me to talk to him? He's just as silent as you, but maybe talking to me, your best friend in the world, will help?" Noah asks teasingly.
You resume walking, picking up your speed, unaware you were venting your frustration through your steps. "Noah, I tried to kiss him; if he doesn't get it from that, there's nothing else to say!" You confess, your voice cracking. The feelings of him not wanting you to start to resurface, and you feel anger pitting your stomach. "Plus, I'm pretty sure he thinks we're in love with each other. I told him we aren't and never have been, but he's convinced himself that if he backed off, you and I would become a couple." You stop walking, looking around the area, "Where the fuck are we?" You didn't notice how far you'd walked, lost in your thoughts.
Noah's eyes widened. "I don't know. I was following you." He pauses, pressing his lips together, and watches you turn around to face him. "Let me talk to him. I'll tell him there aren't any feelings between us." He offers, hoping to clear the misunderstanding. He knew Jolly was wrong; he knew you and him were just friends; he knew you and Jolly belonged together. 
You exhale loudly with frustration, clenching your fists together. "This is why I don't like talking to you about things anymore. If he didn't believe me, why the hell would he believe you?! You're so fucking stubborn, and you think you can just make everything better, but you can't. Now, leave it alone." You snap, your anger getting the best of you. 
Noah wanted to fix things between you and Jolly because, in his mind, it seemed easy, but Noah wouldn't dare go behind your back and betray your trust. He was one of the few people you trusted in this world, and he wasn't about to fuck that up over Jolly. "Ok," He agrees, "I'll leave it alone." He respects your decision, but he hopes you'll change your mind. Noah hopes you'll find your way back to each other, and he hopes you'll be happy.
You shake your head, your eyes wet and blurry, feeling bad for your outburst. "I just want to forget about all of it, honestly. Just let me move on." You say, your voice is weak and tired. 
He wraps his lanky arm around your shoulder and walks the opposite way toward the bar, "Let's go get a drink." He offers, trying to get your mind off of it.
"It's one o'clock." You protest. "I'm gonna be passed out by four." You say, smirking.
"Oh, come on, let's have some fun. Play a game of pool and have a drink...let your hair down." He teases as he smacks your ponytail, making it sway back and forth. "Plus, it's your birthday; we can't go home yet."
You playfully roll your eyes and shrug off his arm. You feel the sweat on your skin and don't want to be held onto. "Fine." You agree and follow him into the bar.
Noah tells you to pick a pool table while he orders drinks. You nod and walk to the table in the corner. You wonder what he will order for you; you don't always trust his drink of choice.
When he returns, you're stunned by the pink drinks topped off with pineapple and an umbrella. 
You eye him suspiciously, "What is it?"
He chuckles, handing you the drink. "Just try it. It's good. I promise you can't even taste the alcohol." He says, sipping from the straw.
You reach for your phone and hold it up in front of you. "Let's take a picture." You suggest tapping the screen. 
You touch your glass to his and flash a big smile. Noah makes a goofy face and sticks his tongue out. You take a few shots and check them out. "These are hilarious. I'm posting them." You say, cracking up at his expression. 
"Sure, why not? Show everyone how much fun we're having on your birthday." He exclaims, grinning at you. "God, I'm such a good fucking friend." He laughs, "Let's play some pool. I'm gonna beat your ass." He declares, grabbing a cue stick and racking the balls.
"It's my birthday, let me win." You plead, getting your stance ready to break. You feel a rush of adrenaline as you hit the cue ball, scattering the colorful balls. "That was the best break I've ever done." You say proudly.
"Dude, the game's just begun. Chill." He teases.
You go to respond but stop when you feel a buzz in your pocket. When you open it, you feel a stab of pain in your chest. No matter how hard you try not to think of Jolly or ignore him, he will always be there.
Joakimjkarlsson liked your photo.
Joakimjkarlsson commented on your photo: Cheers to the birthday girl! You guys look happy and healthy.
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Jolly sipped his wine, feeling the bitter taste on his tongue, while waiting for his mother to finish cooking dinner. He had offered to help her with the preparation, hoping to distract himself from thinking about how he missed your birthday. He wished you had texted him back this morning but figured you dismissed it, considering you wouldn't even respond in the group chat. You were probably having fun with Noah and other friends, being your adventurous, wild self.
"You're sure I can't help?" He inquired his mother again.
"No, Joakim. I have it under control." 
He knew better than to argue with his mom, who was a master in the kitchen. He learned everything he knew about cooking from her.
Jolly glanced at his lit-up phone that was showing a notification from Instagram. He opened the app to be greeted by a picture of you and Noah making silly faces and showing off the fruity cocktail you're drinking. 
Jolly's grin widened when he saw the necklace he had given you two years ago hanging from your neck and the dress you had picked out from a thrift shop you had visited together before he had flown to Sweden. He had always loved that summer dress on you. He thought the blue floral dress matched your colorful hair and made your eyes sparkle. He chuckled at the photos of you and Noah making crazy faces but felt regretful.
He imagined what you were feeling, or if you ever missed him, maybe you had let him go completely. 
He knew this would happen; it was bound to. You followed Jolly's advice and gave Noah a chance. 
You and Noah looked so happy together, and he wondered if that was why you hardly talked to him anymore, and Noah seemed distant. He knew he was no match for Noah. Part of the reason he didn't try previously was because you deserved the best, and Jolly knew he wasn't it. 
He liked the photo and left a comment, pretending he was happy for you, or at least he tried to be. He hoped you would smile when you saw it because Jolly wanted you to be happy, even if it meant losing you. 
He sighed loudly, his breath shaky and uneven, catching his mother's attention. 
She glanced up from the cutting potatoes and saw him frowning at his phone. "What's the matter?" She questioned, waving the knife at the phone. 
"She's so happy even without me." He confessed, showing his mom the photo on the phone. 
She resumed cutting the veggies, "Whenever you mention this girl, I feel like smacking you on the head." She joked. 
Jolly put his phone on the counter, "I know you think it's simple, but it's not." He gulped his wine and tried to explain his feelings. "I can't compete with Noah." He paused, "He knows all the secrets she hides. He can look at her and know what she's thinking." Jolly groans with annoyance. "I have to come back here all the time on top of touring; she would never have a stable life with me, and I know she wants that." He spoke earnestly. "This fucking sucks." He states, leaning back and covering his face with his hands.
Jolly hated saying those words, but he believed them. He thought Noah was better for you and could make you happy in ways he couldn't. 
Jolly's mother leaned on the counter; she tied her long gray hair in a bun and said, "Is this what you feel, or is this what she told you?" 
He shrugged his shoulders, "It's what I feel." 
She rolled her eyes, "Well, the photo looks like two friends having a good time. They're not kissing or holding hands. It sounds like you're projecting your fears onto them." She took a deep breath. "You're scared of not being enough for her, but she showed you what she felt, and you still found a reason to push her away." She reminded him. "She's probably keeping her distance from you to heal from what happened. It's not easy to be rejected by someone, especially someone you were close to."
Jolly's shoulders slumped, "I didn't want to reject her; the last thing I wanted was to hurt her." He tucked his hair behind his ears and looked down at his lap. "I didn't mean for this to happen; I just thought she'd be better off without me, and then all these insecurities came. I never felt them until she was here with me." He whispered, his voice breaking. "I'm not confident enough...oh look, another thing Noah's better at." He moaned, his tone bitter. 
She nodded, sympathizing with him but not letting him wallow in self-pity. "She still chose you, even if Noah is the better choice, which I don't believe. Talk to her, Joakim." She smiled at her son. "You have a week to figure it all out. You know, I'd love to have grandkids someday, and at this rate, it's never going to happen." She teased. 
Jolly sheepishly smiles, "I'll talk to her, but it needs to be in person."
He finishes his wine and stands up, ready to help his mom with the dishes. He feels a flicker of hope, thinking that maybe he can fix things with you. 
But then, his phone rings, breaking the silence. He looks at the screen and sees your name. His heart skips a beat, and he wonders what you want from him. 
He looks at his mom, and she looks at him, both curious and anxious. She nods at him, encouraging him to answer the call. "Go ahead, it might be important," She suggests, trying to sound casual.
He hesitates, then presses the green button. He puts the phone to his ear and says, "Hello?"
"Hey," You quietly say; the loud music in the background makes it difficult to hear anything. 
"Are you ok?" Jolly asks as he stands up, pacing the dining room. He hears Ruffilo's voice in the background, yelling something about getting off the phone, and he wonders if he knows who you're talking to. He wonders if you've told everyone what happened. "Y/n." 
"I just wanted to call and say thank you for wishing me happy birthday." You turn up the volume on your phone. Noah stands beside you, watching you intently, nodding as if to reassure you to continue talking to Jolly. You take a deep breath, leaning against the table, "I know things have been kinda weird, but I think I just needed some time, and I hope we can still be friends when you get back." You blurt out, and Noah groans loudly, walking away from you, throwing his hands up in defeat. That isn't what the two of you rehearsed, and Noah was annoyed you changed the script. 
Jolly feels a jolt of pain in his chest. Friends? You wanted to be friends now? Jolly didn't know if he could just be friends with you, or at least he didn't want to. "Yeah, no worries." He mumbles, "I understand." He lies, feeling more confused than before.
You nod, "Ok, I'll see you at some point when you get back, um- I'm sorry for you know..."
Jolly sighs, feeling remorse; he didn't want you to feel this way, "It's not like that, y/n. I-" He pauses when he hears Nick shout at you again.
"Hey, I gotta go." With a slight slur, you say, "I'll see you around." You end the phone call and walk back to Noah, who is giving you dead eyes. 
"What the hell was that?" He asks.
You drop your shoulders, sitting at the table, waiting for your turn to play pool. "I don't know. I panicked. I'm not drunk enough." you joke.
Noah shakes his head like a disappointed father, "I just really hate both of you for making this so hard." He laughs. "It's fucking ridiculous. I'm just gonna lock the two of you in a room and not let you out till you fucking tell each other the truth."
You shake your head and glare at him. "Don't you fucking dare!"
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So I made a post the other day about doing astrology pair-ups with big 3-6 placements, but I just wanna make sure I got the right birthdays for everyone (and if I missed anyone from the crew that y'all want included lemme know)
I’ll be starting the game tomorrow! (But the Virgo in me is a perfectionist 😂) If I have anything wrong PLS correct me if you know ✨(day/month/year)✨
Noah - 31/10/1995
Jolly - 27/04/1988
Folio - 17/07/1997
Ruffilo - 29/11/1992
Bryan - 17/06/1996
Matty - 17/01/1992
Davis - 20/03/1993
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yarasdead · 3 months
"hi nonny! i love this so much and i already started writing 513 words in, but i was wondering if you'd like it's to be the bomens guys x reader kinda like a poly situation of if you'd like me to just concentrate on one guy or even do a headcanon thing on how each guy would react to something like this? i just didn't want to post what im writing, since i turned it into a full blown oneshot and not a drabble, so im just wondering :)"
It really doesn't matter to me. You can write whatever you want. I love smut but as you asked and I just didn't think about headcannon from each member acting about this Situation, I think this is very interesting.
hope it's okay that i went with cute little headcanons for each of the boys <3 i had so much fun writing these!
beach day ―︎ ︎bad omens boys.
cw. fem!reader, nothing serious, fluff, reader is described to wearing a bikini; no physical description, flirty reader at times, the boys being boys teehee
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the bulky guy with tattoos trailing down from his neck to his feet is the person you'd want to protect you and your friends phones. they practically dragged you to the water, quickly forgetting that your phones would be left unattended. so here your are walking up to this random guy on the beach with four phones in your hands so you can deem him the protector of you and your friends phones. a shadow cast over noah and his spot sat in his beach chair, looking up to spot you. you make it quick as you introduce yourself to him and he does to you.
"i know it's weird for me to request this to you, noah. but my friends and i would really appreciate if you were to watch over our phones while he go in the water." noah listens to to your words, leaning slightly past the frame of your body to see your friends standing by your guys' set up watching the interaction. looking back at you. "it's no problem." raising your eyebrows at him. "really? because i get it if you just want to relax and not worry about some girls phones-" he cuts you off "it's really no problem. i can over look over your spot if you'd like? make sure no one fucks with your stuff."
and with much reassuring on noah's part he moves his beach chair to rest beside your guys' set up while you and your friends enjoy your time in the water.
"he looks like a guard dog." one of your friends comments, eyeing his stature and the way he stares down anyone who walks a little to close to the set up. you definitely see the guard dog comparison, but you like it a little bit, "i think he's quite cute."
it's a particularly hot day at beach, not as hot as it'll get later in july and august, but definitely one of the hottest days to kick off summer. everyone on the beach is either tanning, shielding themselves from the sun under their beach umbrellas and tents, or enjoying the refreshness of the ocean water. however, nick is not enjoying this hot beach day. he forgot the one item he told himself to not forget, a hair tie. and he was cursing at himself when he felt the heat starting to get to him and slap at his wrist to retrieve his hair tie to pull his hair back, only it wasn't there. and jolly didn't have an extra one, don't get him started on the mini argument they had on the etiquette of carrying around an extra hair tie. nick tried to escape the hotness of the beating sun by going in the ocean, but now he sits miserable under the beach umbrella, slightly damp and hot, and all he can do his slip his hair to either side of his shoulders. he's desperate for a hair tie or something to put his hair up, and that's how it leads him to you. you have a small set but decently comfortable set up with your friend, the two of you say in beach chairs under the shared umbrella. the presence of a guy next to you not catching your attention as you continue to talk to your friend, until they hit at your arm.
"what was that for?" your brows furrowing at her action, your hand flinging to rub at the painless hit. your eyes catching her pointed finger in the direction next to you behind your sunglasses. turning your head you come face first with a looming figure. his tattooed form stands tall, and his long black hair is pushed behind his ears, but you take notice of his piercing eyes almost feeling a compelling urge to push your sunglasses down the bridge of your nose to get a clearer look at him past the tint of your sunglasses.
"hey, i wondering if either of you had a hair tie? i'm in desperate need of one, it's cool if you don't thought." the last part was a lie, he's hoping you guys have something, but if not then he'd need to go around asking other people if they have a hair tie, and he'd rather not do that. you purse your lips, both you and your friend picking up your bags to rummage through them. "i don't, i'm sorry." your friend says, you hear the guy speak out about it's no problem and now you feel like it's all up to you to deliver this necessary to him. but you frown, your rummaging coming to a stop. "i also don't." you feel bad when you see the way his shoulders deflate. your hand comes down to the strap of your bag to set it back down when you feel a piece of plastic. "but, wait. i have a claw clip." you say excitedly, taking it off the strap to show it off to him.
the wheels go off in nick's head. he knows noah used them a bit when he had his long hair, but he's never used the himself. you push your hand out for him to take it and he does, staring at it, pushing at it to open its teeth. "thank you." he's looking back down at you again, and you smile at him. but you can see the confusion on his face. "i can put it in for you, have you ever used a claw clip." "uh, no. i'm a strict hair tie user." he laughs. "that's okay! i really like claw clips because they're a little more better for no breakage on your hair than hair ties." nick nods along to your words as he watches you stand up from your chair. you put your hand out once more and he places the claw clip in your hand. you're thankful it's a tortoiseshell print and not your other colorful print claw clips, so it can still match his aesthetic.
"is it okay if i put it in for you?" you ask. "yeah, knock yourself out." you take your spot behind him, gathering his hair in your hands, making sure to gather his front pieces as well. beginning to twist his hair to put it up. "all you do is gather it like you're putting it into a pony tail and then just twist." you explain for future times decides to use a claw clip and he hums along. you twist it once more to fit his hair in the claw clip, not knowing if he'd like the look of his hair falling over top of it. "all done." he turns around, "thank you so much. this really means a lot to me. i can return it before my friends and i leave if you'd like it back?" you shake your head at what he said "no, keep it. you look better in it than i do." you're flirting a little at him, but you really couldn't help yourself, it was his problem for looking way too good with his hair back in a claw clip. he smirks at you. "i'm nick, by the way."
you'd gone to the beach on your day off for relaxation, content that it's a weekday and the beach isn't too crowded so you were able to find a pretty decent spot. setting up your towel, getting a few heavy rocks to set on the corners of your towel so it would blow away in the wind when you were sitting on it. stretching to pick up your sunscreen from your bag, you begin to apply a nice layer of it all over your face and body. and when it comes to get your back you curse at yourself, wondering why you didn't apply sunscreen at home in your bathroom where you could apply it in the mirror. you urgently look around to see anyone that could possibly help you, turning the only remotely close people were a group of guys with their set up behind you. you're eye catching on one of them in a grey wife beater, black swimming trunks, baseball cap, and sunglasses, from your spot you could see the tattoo peaking from out the top of his top and the little dangly earring. but, in a fit of desperation you look around once more to hope that someone else a little less hot was around. when there isn't you take a deep breath and head over to them, stopping a few steps before their set up.
"hi, i was wondering if one of you could help apply some sunscreen to my back?" the same guy you had your eye on volunteers. "i can." he moves from his spot at the small grill they brought, handing the tools in his hand to the guy beside him with even more tattoos littered across his body.
you smile at him, handing him your bottle of sunscreen and turning around. he does a good job at applying it all over your back. "is it okay if i slip my hand under your bikini top strings?" you take a peak look over your shoulder, catching his eyes already looking at you "yeah! would much rather avoid having prominent tan lines." you laugh. feeling his hands slip under the strings that connect you bikini top to stay on your body, you wonder if it's the sun or the hot guy applying sunscreen to your back that's making you burn up. you decide it's the sun.
"all done." you turn around, taking the sunscreen from his hand and smile at him once more. "thank you so much." he smiles, mirror the one you wear on your face "no problem."
the walk back to your small set up, you turn around to give the guy another small smile and a wave before you make it back to your towel and bag. and you can't even try to ignore the lingering smell of their grill as you try and tan, the hunger getting to you as you pull out the small array of snacks you packed with you. you're eating peacefully on your frontside on your towel, book in hand when you notice a figure getting closer. looking up it's him. he gives you a crooked smile as he bends down to your eye level.
"hey, i was wondering if you'd like to join my friends and i. we grilled a bunch of extra food, and i kind of figured it would be better than munching on some baby carrots, you've been out here awhile." you laugh at his innuendo that you must be hungry from only snacking on snacks and not a full meal, and you guess he's right. you've been out for sometime and you don't think your snacks can hold of off on the drive home. peering up at him you can't help but think that he looks extra good right now, the sun rays shinning from around him and his top is now off so you can see the entirety of his chest tattoo. but behind his exterior you realize you didn't know his name. "what's your name?" he lets out a small breath of laughter, bringing his hand up to his face to rub at it as if he had forgotten something. "nick. but everyone calls me folio." you repeat his name and he nods, you introduce yourself. and after that you decide it's enough to make your accept his offer, he's offering your free food after all. "yeah, i think i'd like that." his smile grows bigger at your response, standing from his spot. "alright, let's go. bring your stuff too. i'm not going to invite you to eat and then just send you back to your little spot."
its sudden when something hits you. you were walking back to your set up where your family resides from swimming in the ocean, when a light ball hits you in your head, stopping it full force as it falls into the sand. you've been hit with things must harder but it just came out of no where so it shook you up a bit. bending down to pick up the beach ball you look around to see who could have been playing with it, eyeing out all the children to see if they're looking around for a lost ball. what you didn't expect was a tatted, 6'1 guy with long hair up in a man bun and sunglasses to walk over to you.
"i'm so sorry that our ball hit you." the man apologizes. you stand in shock for a moment staring at him. "um, it's okay. glad it was just a beach ball and nothing harder." you laugh, feeling a little proud that your words were also able to ignite a small chuckle from him. you watch as he turns around to look back at his friends and throw up a thumbs up. "i let my friends know that you're alright." you nod, leaning slightly to peer past him to see his friends watch the two of you, giggling when they sheepishly turn around to each other to being talking, your face twist in confusion at his friends sudden shift in demeanor.
"so which one hit the ball?" you as curiously. he turns around, taking a moment to point at the one with short hair and tattoos covering the entirety of his torso. "you're not going to go over there are you?" he ask. "mmh no. do you think i should?" "i mean he did purposely hit you." you furrow your brows at him. "what?" you don't know how to feel about this information, but by the way he flushes red and pushes his sunglasses up onto his head, you think he has something more to say. "i, uh. i think you're cute. and his way of getting me to talk to you was by hitting you with a beach ball." your face of confusion quickly turns into a wide grin at his words. "it probably would've been easier to just ask for my number, y'know. would've given it to you with ease."
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