#jon berthal x reader
constantlywriting1 · 2 years
Like a Virgin: Frank Castle x Reader
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Summary: You are the only female member of team Cerberus which puts a lot of pressure on you to do the best you can. With your friends Billy and Frank as the leaders of each task force, you don’t get as much shit as you would’ve thought, but it’s fun to stir the pot. As you try and make your time in Afghanistan a little less devastating, you notice something between you and Frank you hadn’t considered before. 
A/N: Frank is not married in this story. Not my gif 
Warnings: unprotected sex, male/female violence (non-domestic), kind of public sex??
Word Count: 3447
As the only female member of operation Cerberus, the weight on your shoulders is almost palpable. Some days it was torture, being surrounded only by men. Each one dripping with testosterone and an urge to see their wives again, or anything that could satisfy their needs. Though you considered your unit family, you were always on your guard. Watching your back for the moment one of them couldn’t handle it anymore. But deep down you knew nothing would happen to you while Billy and Frank were around. Those men looked up to them, and they were your best friends. 
Of course that came with its own challenges. Members of your unit claimed that you were treated better because of your connection with the two squad leaders, but you knew that was far from the truth. Ever since boot camp, those two were beating your ass harder than anyone. They knew what you’d have to go through and they didn’t hold back on getting you prepared. And it paid off, landing you in special forces along their side. 
Now you love taking orders from them. Going into a secret mission feeling unstoppable as long as they're by your side. It wasn’t only the missions you enjoyed. It was the time between the mission. The endless hours between the killing were filled with some of the best laughs of your life. Sometimes you’d watch Frank play his guitar while Billy thought of his next move against you in chess, but the thing you loved the most was reading. You’d taken the same book with you on all of your tours and you’d read it more than you’d like to admit. 
Frank used to make fun of you for that. He’d take the book out of your hands and try his hardest to make you lose the page, but you never did. He’d stare down as you nonchalantly turned to the correct page and continue reading without a second thought. 
“That can’t be entertaining for you.” He’d chuckle. 
“It’s actually the most entertaining thing I’ve done since I stepped foot in these desserts. Best way to get me outta here.” You’d reply, but it was never a joke to you. 
The book you read was set in a world you would much rather be in. You’d read many other novels but the one you brought with you overseas was your favorite. It was your dream, old Hollywood, glamorous dresses and lavish parties. If you could do it all over again, if you could choose a life other than the one you got, it would be in that book. It took a while for Frank to understand that, but when he did he never forgot it. He was a good friend that way. He paid attention to you when you spoke and remembered the important things. Billy wasn’t like that. 
Billy was a real hard ass. He pushed you to your limits and then encouraged you to go a little further. He never went easy on you and part of you genuinely appreciated that, but sometimes he really got on your nerves. Like when the two of you would play chess and he would leave you with nothing but your king just to show you how much better he was at the game. He’s kicked you down just to prove that he could. You respected Billy but he made it hard to love him. When you all arrived in Kandahar he was willing to be as dirty as he needed. Frank followed close behind and you did what your friends asked of you. Without them, by your side, you don’t how long you’d be able to make it with Agent Orange and the Colonel. 
Today was no different than all the rest. You did your reps while Frank and Billy bickered over a board of scrabble. 
“That’s not a word.” Frank shouted.
“Yes, it is,” Billy replied before spelling it out letter by letter and saying the full word loud enough for the whole unit to hear. 
Frank immediately turned toward you. “Is this a word?” he asked.
You finished your last pull-up and made your way over to the two men. Taking a quick glance at the board and following Billy’s finger, you scanned the wooden blocks. The word Billy had formed wasn’t a common one but it was in the dictionary. 
“Sorry Frank, it’s a word.” You couldn’t help but smile at the look of betrayal on the large man's face. Though you would love more than anything to prove Billy wrong, he rarely was. 
Clicking your tongue with a slight shrug you turned toward your bed, taking a seat so that you could easily rummage through your nightstand. As you fumbled past old letters and notebooks you finally felt the familiar softness of a worn-out book. Pulling it through the pile you glanced at the cover, admiring the art deco style for the seemingly millionth time. 
“You ever gonna trade that in?” You heard Billy say from his side of the scrabble board. 
“I don’t think I will.” 
“The covers hanging on by a thread, you could at least get a better copy,” His voice was dripping with arrogance. You looked up at Frank who quickly understood your call for backup. 
“We all brought somethin’ from home, Bill. No need to shit on hers.” He grumbled.
“I’m just sayin’, it can’t be that good of a book,” Billy said. You watched as he stood up and made his way toward you. 
With nothing but muscle memory guiding you, you pulled the book close to your chest. “I’d let you borrow it, but I don’t feel like listening to you sound out the words.” you teased earning a chuckle from Frank. But Billy didn’t find it very funny. He continued in your direction until he was only about a foot away. 
“Let me see it.” He demanded. 
You tried to force out a laugh but it came out as more of a struggled sigh. Billy kept his serious glare, continuously glancing between you and the book. 
“Come on.” Frank tried to stop his friend but it was no use. Billy had decided that you were going to give him that book. 
You took in a deep breath before loosening your grip on the frail object. Billy lunged forward, snatching it out of your hands, and you let him take it. Both you and Frank watched as he flipped carelessly through the pages. When he was finished pretending to read the back cover he threw the book behind him. You sprung up and positioned yourself inches away from Billy’s smug face. 
“What’s your problem?” You huffed. From the corner of your eye, you could see Frank stand up, prepared to separate the two of you. 
“See, this is more like it.” Billy immediately perked up. “You always got your nose in that book. I missed this spark!” 
Your anger was replaced with confusion as you listened to him speak. “What do you gain from that?” You replied with a grimace. 
Billy’s smile only grew. “A sparring partner.” He said. 
You looked back at Frank who shrugged, letting you know it was completely your call. With that, you felt yourself getting a little excited. It had been a while since you saw any real action and with Billy so willing you couldn’t help the rush of adrenaline that suddenly came to you. Without a second thought, you began pulling your hair back. Billy couldn’t contain his excitement. The two of you were perfect for one another. You didn’t care that he was technically your commanding officer and he didn’t care that you were a woman. Neither of you was going to hold back and it was going to be some good entertainment for the rest of the unit. 
You both got into a fighting stance, fists up and heads low. Billy let you land the first blow, lightly punching his side. The two of you danced around one another like trained boxers before he pushed you back with a fist to your shoulder. You took a step back to maintain balance. Billy lunged forward hoping to hit your face but you ducked before he could make contact. Swooping below his fist you landed two consecutive punches to his stomach. You watched as he doubled over, causing the other men to cheer. The sound only fueled Billy. He recovered quickly, giving you no time to think before hitting you square in the jaw. 
You felt your body follow as your head swung to the right. It was no question that you were bleeding but when you wiped your mouth with the back of your hand you were greeted with more blood than expected. This encouraged you. A small smirk crept onto your lips as you flicked the blood off of your hand. 
“That’s all you got pretty boy?” You couldn’t help but antagonize him. Frank tried not to laugh at your remark but it was a failed attempt. 
Billy ran toward you. You both locked each other's heads in the other's hands as if you were playing tug of war with your skulls. He pulled you forward, practically throwing you across the base. You landed on your feet, immediately charging him once you got your footing. When you reached him you aimed for his diaphragm, plunging your shoulder into him until all of his oxygen was ripped out. Within seconds, you were on top of him bashing your fists into his face. 
The other men looked to Frank, wondering whether or not to separate the two of you, but he waved their worries away. He knew you both needed to get this out. 
Finally, Billy got his wind back as he began palming your face in an attempt to get you off of him. With one hand working to get his off of you and the other still attempting to do some damage, you weren’t able to realize how stable Billy had become. He scratched your face a little before grabbing both of your shoulders and tossing you to the side. The two of you took in a couple of breaths before Billy spoke. 
“You done?” 
“Oh, you wish.” You replied.
Billy chuckled. “That’s what I like to hear.” 
When the two of you stood up you got right back to work. He was bleeding now too and somehow the two of you had become bulls, you saw red and you were charging. You through each other into every object on the base. The rest of your unit watched in shock as you held your own against their leader. They moved out of the way and let you two duke it out. Frank was the only one who realized how serious the match had become and he cursed at himself for brushing it off only moments ago. The other men cheered wildly at the scene before them, and for a split second, it seemed as though you were in a fight to the death. Like you were out there with one of the terrorists your team dealt with so often. 
“What the fuck is going on in here?” Colonel Schoonover shouted. His voice was loud enough to stop you and Billy in your tracks. 
“We’re sparing sir,” Billy replied breathlessly. 
“Bullshit. I just walked into a cock fight. We’re supposed to be fighting the enemy not each other.”
Though Colonel Schoonover was a pain in your ass you couldn’t deny the accuracy in his words. You kept your head down and nodded at his words. 
“Castle, clean up your girl, and Russo I didn’t put you in charge for this.” The Colonel said before leaving everyone to their business. 
Frank quickly made his way over to you. Helping you over to a secluded area of the base, you watched as he picked up a first aid kit and began to sift through the materials. You had never known Frank to deal with injuries in the unit but he was quick to find the correct materials and begin cleaning you up. You felt him start on your lip, grabbing your chin in one hand and lightly touching your lip with a clean cloth. 
“He got you good.” He teased. 
You let a laughing breath escape from your nostrils. “Yeah, maybe I shoulda known better.” 
“Nah, you got some good licks in,” he replied. 
Though you were hurting you couldn’t help but mimic Frank’s calm demeanor. He kept a steady smirk as he made his way to your brow with a new cloth. His touch was gentle and under his hands, you knew you were safe. He moved your hair out of your face and for and kept it on the back of your head for a long moment. 
“You really are a piece of work ya know.” He smiled. 
“Yeah, that’s probably why they shipped me out here with you two.” You said. Frank always loved your sense of humor and even while he was cleaning you up he laughed at every word you said. 
By the time he was finished the two of you had been making jokes for what felt like hours. You felt as though you could see a light in Frank, a side of him that wasn’t always prominent in the desert. 
When the two of you got back to the main area of the base it was quiet. The men around you pretended not to analyze your condition as Billy approached you and Frank. 
“How you feelin?” Billy questioned, patting you on the back. 
“Better than you I bet.” You replied.
Both men laughed but they could tell you weren’t doing so good. Your head was pounding and when you got to your bed you practically fell onto it. 
“I bet.” Billy chuckled sympathetically. 
You rolled your eyes at his comment before taking off your shoes and getting under your covers. Though it was still a little early you decided that some rest would be a good idea. It was easy to fall asleep knowing the rest of the unit would be up for a while longer.
When you woke up again it was dark outside. You assumed the rest of the unit was asleep but as you turned over to Frank’s bed you realized he was awake, just staring at the ceiling. You couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face as you analyzed his profile. You always loved the harshness of his nose and how it suited him so well, and how soft his lips seemed to be. You found yourself wondering how they would feel beneath your fingertips or on top of your own. 
Suddenly Frank turned toward you. It was too late for you to pretend you hadn’t been staring and it didn’t seem to matter. You both smiled as your cheeks became warm with embarrassment. 
“Can’t sleep?” You whispered. 
Frank turned on his shoulder so that he was completely facing you. “I usually don’t,” he smirked.
“Do any of us?” You teased, but looking around you realized how dumb your comment may have sounded. “I guess we do.” You chuckled. 
Frank smiled. “How are you feeling?”
“My headache’s gone but I’ll probably be up for the rest of the night so, I’d say I’ve never been better.” Your sarcasm was something he had grown used to. 
“We could do something if you want.” He suggested. 
You immediately shook away your intrusive thoughts, finding it hard to keep your eyes on his. “I wouldn’t want to wake up the guys, they already have it out for me.” you tried to joke, but Frank had already made up his mind. You watched as he opened up his covers, motioning for you to join him in his bed. 
You couldn’t help the look of disbelief that washed over your face. You hadn’t imagined Frank this way before but somehow it seemed right. You looked around making sure the unit was actually asleep. 
Frank let out a breathy laugh as he motioned you over once again. “Come on, we’ll be quiet.” He teased. 
You felt your cheeks get warm again as you got out of your bed and made your way to his. The springs seemed like sirens as your weight settled next to him. 
“This is better.” Frank’s voice was low. “I couldn’t see you too good from all the way over there.” 
“It’s a few extra feet Castle.” You replied, trying to get comfortable without touching his body. 
“Well, it’s dark.” He shot back. 
“I coming on to me.” The smile that came to your face was wider than you expected. 
Frank looked away from you for a moment, laughing quietly at your comment. Suddenly you felt your body stiffen as his hand met your waist. “And what if I was,” he whispered. 
You were shocked. It had been too long since you’d felt someone touch you and your heart was pounding. “Is this technically considered abuse of power?” You smiled. 
“Are you into that?” He teased. 
It felt good to banter with him. You wanted him, that much was evident. You couldn’t deny the growing wetness between your thighs or the butterflies fluttering around in your stomach. He had just barely touched you and you were already imagining everything else the two of you could do together. 
You were quiet for a moment allowing him to move his hand down to your hip and trace light circles with his thumb. Hesitantly you raised your own hand to his head, lightly brushing over his buzzed hair. “It’s been a while since I’ve done anything.” You tried to warn him, but he didn’t seem to care.
“You think I have?” He laughed. 
You shook your head before moving your hand down to touch his nose, running your finger down the bridge before lightly cupping his cheek. You stared down at his lips, wondering again if they felt as soft as they looked. It didn’t take long for Frank to connect your lips. 
You let out a small moan as he pulled you closer to him. He was already hard against you and it made you weak. Frank moved down to your neck as you began to stroke him through his cargo pants. 
It was pure bliss being so close to him. Every move the two of you made was like a dance, rhythmic and sweet. He grinded against you until neither of you could take it anymore. Like a silent agreement between your minds, you both took off your pants. Frank’s cock sprung forward and for a moment you didn’t know if he would be able to fit. 
Using the covers to protect the two of you from being seen you slowly straddled over him. A light his filled the silence of the night as you lowered yourself onto his cock. He streched you perfectly, pushing against your walls and hitting you right in your sweet spot once he was all the way in. 
It was up to you now, to make him feel just as good. With the slight bending of your knees you bounced over him with his hands on your hips guiding you. He gripped your ass, letting out stiff grunts to try and stay as quiet as possible. 
You let your hands roam around his chest, trailing down to his abs and taking your time moving over each ripple. Taking in his full length once again you met his lips, breathing heavily between each kiss. Neither of you were able to contain your moans as Frank began to twitch inside of you. 
“I-I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum.” Frank repeated. You couldn’t help but smile as his face began to contort. 
“I’m close, just give me a second.” You panted. He nodded, trying hard to hold himself back. 
Continuing to grind on top of him you could feel yourself unwinding. Every muscle tensing as you began your inevitable release. You held your moans deep in your throat, trying your hardest not to wake anyone else. You threw your head back letting out a shaking breath before looking back down at Frank. 
Noticing how close he was you quickly got off of him, allowing ropes of cum to splash between your thighs. You rolled over, taking your original place beside him as the two of you breathed heavily. 
“You’re a little too good at that for someone who supposed to be out of practice.” He teased. 
“Yeah well I forgot how messy it could be.” You replied, looking down at your thighs. 
Frank smiled before putting his hand on your cheek and giving you a quick peck. “Let’s get you cleaned up.” 
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constantlywriting1 · 2 years
Past! Shane x Reader: Not The Same
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Summary: You and Shane got close in the Greene farm but once it is overrun by walkers and you are all forced to leave you realize he never made it out.
Word Count: 870
A/N: This could be considered a part 2 to my first Shane fic so you could read that first if you want, but it can be read as a stand-alone. Also, I'm writing another part after this so stay tuned
Warnings: Shane is dead and this is your reaction to the news
As you made your way toward the group rendezvous point it was hard not to notice Shane’s absence. You scanned over your friends faces, hoping that someone would move to reveal the man you had grown to love, but nobody did.
“Where’s Shane?” You questioned, unable to accept the possibility that he hadn’t made it back. Nobody answered they all hung their heads except Lori whose eyes were darting between you and Rick. You immediately noticed her look of anxiety and walked up to her husband with a previously unknown pain in her eyes. “Rick please, he made it out right?”
Rick let his eyes meet yours as he shook his head once.
You felt sick. Your stomach turned like it used to when you had gone on roller coasters and your face had suddenly become freezing cold. You looked around trying hard to place yourself in this reality. The one where Shane hadn’t come back and with the mess you had left behind the chances of him ever being in your life again were very slim. You heard yourself whispering something repeatedly. Then suddenly the sound came to your ears all too quickly.
“No, no no no no no.” You couldn’t stop yourself. “We have to go back. He wouldn’t give up maybe he’s still fighting.” It was a dumb thing to say, you knew that, but you couldn’t help how much you cared about him. How badly you longed to see him one last time.
You searched the group again hoping for someone to understand where you were coming from, but then something became apparent. They were keeping something from you. They all knew what was going on and you were left in the dark. Your worry was replaced with anger as you looked back at Rick who seemed to be riddled with shame. “He’s already gone isn’t he.” You forced yourself to vocalize your thoughts.
Rick made himself look at you, taking in the wrinkles now evident on your face as you began to cry. He tried to speak but no words were able to pass through the lump in his throught. He swallowed hard and tried again. “Yeah, he didn’t make it back.”
The silence was deafening. You covered you open mouth in hopes that the truly heinous expression you were sporting wouldn’t make it to the eyes of your friends. You felt Rick’s arms wrap around you but something about it felt very far away. You let yourself sob into his chest, silently wishing that Shane was the one holding you. “Was anyone with him?” You sniffed snd the feeling of Rick’s body stiffening caused you to flinch.
You lightly pushed yourself away from him so that you could analyze his face. He was looking at something far away, forcing you to get in his line of sight once more. “What happened Rick?” You questioned. You watched as he turned his body completely away from yours, stealing a glance at Lori before dragging his hand down his face.
“What happened Rick?” You repeated. He remained silent, walking away from you so slowly that it had become invigorating. It took you five quick steps to catch up to him and when you did you grabbed his shoulder harshly and dragged him back in your direction. “WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?” You screamed.
“I did what I had to do to protect my family. Everyone here was at risk as long as he was here.” Rick believed what he was saying which sent daggers into you. You looked around at the group who seemed to be hiding their true reactions behind looks of submission. You would rather die with Shane than submit to a murderer.
“What are you talking about, he was our friend, your best friend.” You poked his chest viciously and he took it without hesitation.
“He was going to kill me.” Rick shouted. “It was me or him.”
“It should’ve been you.” The words came out before you could register them but you didn’t care. You looked over at Lori who was holding Carl close to her stomach.
“There’s no need for that.” Glen chimed in.
“Yes there is,” You turned toward the young man with tears streaming down your face. “I want him here, I-I loved him Glen, and you all knew that. He took him from me.” You could barely breath through the tightness in your chest and your words were spoken in strange sections, cut off by large gasps for air.
“You took him from me.” Your voiced cracked and suddenly there was nothing stopping you from openly sobbing once more. You felt yourself crumble into a ball and squeeze your knees in an attempt to push out every emotion you no longer wanted to feel. Through the pain you felt an arm wrap around you. It was comforting for a moment but when you looked up to see Rick you felt your heart break all over again. You pushed him away from you so hard you fell down to the ground.
“Don’t fucking touch me.” You shouted. The group watched as you sobbed on the ground, hoping that you would wake up and realize this was all a dream.
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constantlywriting1 · 2 years
Here's an intro to an Original Story!
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Lets say the character Nick is a young Jon Berthal!
Summary: College students with a rocky past.
On a college campus somewhere in upstate Rhode Island, a tall skinny girl was walking toward the library. The sun had been down for a couple of hours now and without any special events, the only chatter she could hear was that of the crickets in the bushes. Her hair was wet, that she knew, but the thick wool of her bathrobe made it impossible to feel the chill on her back. As she made her way up a small hill and passed the gym she looked up to try and spot some stars. But the light of the street lamps made that harder than it would be back home. She was tired, it was almost eleven o’clock, but her professors were not going easy on her. Though she was a freshman it was her second semester and nobody cared about freshmen anymore. They were expected to know what to do or die trying to figure it out. She wondered if anyone had died on campus. Probably, and if they did it was most definitely in her dorm room. She always got the feeling that she was being watched.
Creeping past the drain that was most commonly known for its population of a small raccoon family she felt a shiver run down her spine. The street lights were casting shadows now and it seemed that every way she moved something seemed to sway with her. She tried her hardest to stop thinking of every slasher movie she’d ever seen, but it was proving extremely difficult; that’s when she saw it. A shadow behind hers, seemingly drowning out all the light. It was a man, she could tell by the broad shoulders and short hair, no more than ten paces behind her. She didn’t want to speed up because she knew she could never outrun the kind of guys that go to her school. They were all set to go pro before their senior year, which she believed left no space for any kind of moral compass (most girls on campus would agree). She decided to put a hand in the pocket of her robe and pulled out her phone, holding it close to her chest. Before she was able to dial any numbers the figure began to pick up its speed. It was running now and like a deer in headlights, she froze. When he finally reached her he grabbed onto her waist and let out a shout. She screamed loud hoping to grab the attention of anyone nearby, but when she turned to see her attacker she immediately recognized her friend Nick.
He was laughing loudly, holding his stomach to stop himself from folding over.
“Nick you bitch, that’s not funny.” She said with a fierce tone but too quiet for him to pick up.
“You should’ve seen your face, Liz” he teased. “I mean you sounded like you were getting murdered.”
His arm was around her shoulders now as they continued to walk in the direction of the library. Though the moment had passed he found himself still smiling over at her.
“Stop looking at me like that,” she hissed.
“Like what?” Nick asked, but he knew what she meant, he just liked to see her squirm.
“I’m serious Nick,” she sighed throwing his arm off of her. “I don’t like it when you do that.”
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