#jonicles 5
homeofjonicles · 2 years
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The Jonicles - Entry 5
Note: This is the fifth entry of The Jonicles, hence why the date does not match when this is being posted. This was written back in May to June of this year before I started this blog, and there will be errors or developments in how this series was being written. Please enjoy (or don't enjoy) the fifth entry of The Jonicles!
It is the 31st of May, 2022 at 6:09 am (nice) and I'm freezing my nuts off. It is Tuesday, which means the day of reckoning has passed, but that begs the question: What did it cost? It is also #13 of my Jon Arbuckle hyperfixation. I have gone past 10 days which means my sanity has gobe far too low to salvage.
I meant to write this entry before, but I had to do schoolwork and I kinda forgot to. I've also been exhausted from it all.
But I have a very important thing to document. On the 28th of May, 2022 at 4:41 pm, I purchased Garfield Kart: Furious Racing on Steam for $2.15 as it was 90% off. This is a monumental moment because, unlike the original Garfield Kart, Garfield Kart: Furious Racing actually seems to run properly on my computer, which is real nice! Initially when I bought the game, I thought it would be a sequel, akin to Mario Kart 8 in a way. But I was pleasently surprised to find out that Garfield Kart: Furious Racing is more of a remaster of the original, with better graphics, higher poly models, that same golden soundtrack and, oh my god, it has multiplayer!?!?!?!? Ayo!?!?!?!?
But one of the best parts about it is that when I launched the game and went into the control settings, it's actually functional and doesn't go all wack on me! Heavens above! This is obviously the best god damn racing game I have ever played in my entire,  pitiful 16 year existence.
Jokes aside though, this game is... actually really good! It's like if you took the original game and buffed it up to 100 (whatever THAT means) and gave it a fresh coat of beautiful bright orange paint to go along with it. It's smooth, quite polished and oh my gosh Jon looks even cuter than he did before. Just look at that stupid little polite smile on his face, it's adorable :)
Anyway! I can actually drive without the entire game lagging! It's not as smooth as butter but it's smooth. I made a rivalry with Arlene and Nermal, killed Garfield by throwing a pie at him and making him flip off the side of a bridge on Palerock Lake, glitched out the camera and commited vehicular homicide. I even won a race! But there's still one thing that I'd like to address...
Jon still feels lesser when he loses a race, and I just need to say this again: Jon, so matter how low you feel, no matter what place you get in the race, no matter how fast you drive, you are still special to me. You still mean the world to me even when you feel you mean nothing to the world. It doesn't matter whether you win or lose if the race, you are still first place in my heart... and my brain, which I gladly and warmly welcome you into with open arms. It's only been over a week, but it feels like an eternity that I've had this fixation on you for, and I cherish every bit of it. Drive on, Jon. Love you buddy.
Last edited at 8:56, 1st of June. I... really wish school wasn't in the way all the time so I could finish writing these.
Kinda surprised I didn't go into all the nitty-gritty details when writing this one. Like, I could have talked about the higher poly models more, Jon's presence, the improved UI and higher quality music, the improved courses and how cool it is that you can actually play with your friends on Garfield Kart for the first time. I feel like this entry coulda' had more potential, to be honest. But eh, oh well. It's what it's, I suppose.
That picture of Jon reversing in his kart is super cute, though. Look at him, he looks so polite and goofy....
Your Local Jonnoisseur
Posted on the 20th of July 2022, 7:00 am
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homeofjonicles · 2 years
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What Are 'The Jonicles'?
Hello. It's me, [Number1RatedShitposter1997] Jeremy here writing this at 2 in the goddamn morning! After having finished the first few entries of 'The Jonicles', I feel like I should write a note explaining what they are and why they exist in more detail and I wish this will be of better help for any (normal) people failing to understand.
'The Jonicles' are a series of journal-like entries often written in a satirical, overly formal and jokey style where I document my strange infatuation and (now hyper)fixation on Jon Arbuckle from Garfield, dates and all. Whilst these are often satirical, the fixation is real and I truly do feel a strong connection with Jon to the point where it would probably concern someone. Some entries are deeply personal, whilst some simple express my enjoyment of the cartoonist and his fun personality. This fixation started on the 19th of May, 2022 on a Thursday at 4:24 am and is currently ongoing.
I introduced this concept in 'The Jonicles - Entry 1' briefly, as I decided to do it on a whim while VERY tired. Initially, it started out as just that, and I was planning in my head that it would be a daily thing, like a journal. However, that immediately changed when I forgot to write an entry for the next day after writing 'The Jonicles - Entry 2', so now it's more of a "kinda daily but i write it whenever i feel like it so its not really daily" thing.
 As mentioned before, 'The Jonicles' was only supposed to be simply a journal, but after the second and third entries, it's more than just a journal. It's a place to put my character analysis of Jon, my deep and complex feelings about him, and how much I resonate and relate to the cartoonist (see 'The Jonicles - Entry 3'). It was also supposed to be mainly satirical because I literally could not believe that out of any character, my brain chose him to fixate on. But after feeling the way I feel about Jon... Well, it's definitely more than a joke now, and I knew it would inevitably be this way, as my hyperfixations tend to end up. It's still pretty satirical in nature, but just know that my emotions past the second entry are all real and genuine, and that my tastes in men are definitely a little wacky compared to a normal human being who doesn't call Jon a "cum guzzler" after seeing THE comic (you know exactly what i'm referring to).
Anyway, I hope this more detailed explanation and small history helps you better understand this series, weirdo snooping around in my phone. I hope my Jon Arbuckle fixation both interests and frightens you as much as it did to me when it first happened. You will never understand my thought process however, maybe. No sane person would understand it but me, and no one will know nor understand why this fixation even happened in the first place.
At the time of writing, there are currently 43 images containing Jon in my downloads folder, a number I suspect will reach over 100 soon. And that's just on my phone. There's heaps on my computer, so much that it'd be silly to try to find and count them all (my downloads folder has over 3000 items not including the folders i'm not even gonna attempt that)
Last edited at 3:13 am. I am tired.
Update as of August 2nd, 2022 at 6:15 pm: I have counted, and there are now 388 images of Jon Arbuckle in the downloads folder in my phone, there's waaay more in my computer, but there's no way i'm gonna be able to count them all, there's just too many. So, I'm going to make an estimated of aboooouuut.... 400, which doesn't sound like a lot for 75 days at the time of writing, but trust me; that's a lot of Arbuckle, and that's just in my downloads folder. There's an extra 100 or so in my other folders, give or take.
I find it funny how I mention the fabled Entry 3 in here a few times considering it's not public... yet. I mean, I even say "(see: 'The Jonicles - Entry 3')" and yet... you can't see it. There will be a day where I may post it, but unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how i feel about it), that day is not today it seems. And also the "No sane person would understand it but me" quote, paint me surprised when I found out there are quite a few people who feel the same way I do about this fantastic cartoonist!
Also, the reason it says "weirdo snooping around in my phone" is because at the time of writing, the only place you could find 'The Jonicles' would have been in the notes app on my phone. I guess I had an inkling that there'd be more than one person reading these one day, and that inkling came true, obviously.
Your Local Jonnoisseur
Posted on the 2nd of August, 2022 at 6:32 pm.
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homeofjonicles · 2 years
The Jonicles - A PDF Materpost
Hello, it's currently the 22nd of September, 2022 at 10:21 am on a Thursday and I'm here with an announcement post. Recently, I had an idea regarding 'The Jonicles' following an event that occurred with the notes app that I used to write the series in (emphasis on used to) in which two entries were erased in a crash. So, long story short, I created a better archive of each entry and uploaded them to The Internet Archive, my most reliable option. In case anything on this blog ever gets isekai'd or I lose the originals, we both know where to look!
The Full Archive: The Jonicles - An Archive What Are 'The Jonicles'?: Here Entry 1: Here Entry 2: Here Entry 3: Here Entry 3.5: Here Entry 4: Here Entry 4.5: Here Entry 5: Here Entry 6: Here Entry 7: Here Entry 8: Here Entry 11: Here Entry 12: Here Entry 13: Here Entry 14: Here Entry 15: Here Entry 16: Here Entry 17: Here Entry 18: Here Entry 19: Here Entry 20: Here Entry 21: Here Entry 22: Here Entry 23: Here Entry 24: Here Entry 25: Here Entry 26: Here Cheers, Your Local Jonnoisseur
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homeofjonicles · 2 years
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The Jonicles - Entry 2
Note: This is the second entry of The Jonicles and was written on day #5, hence why the date does not match when this is being posted. This was written back in May of this year before I started this blog, and there will be errors or developments in how this series was being written. Please enjoy (or don't enjoy) the second entry of The Jonicles!
It's May 23rd, 2022. It's also 6:30 pm on a Monday, the day of unending dread. Fitting! Today is day #5 of my Jon Arbuckle fixation.
Hello. I write again to document my current fixation on Jon Arbuckle. I've downloaded more images of him, especially the ones I think he looks particularly dashing in. My profile picture on Discord was updated to a panel of Jon dancing with a broom (displayed above) taken from a Garfield Minus Garfield strip. And furthermore, I am becoming quite enchanted by Jon's voice in the Garfield And Friends series. He sounds so... gentle, it's really soothing. It's reassuring, soft, and sounds trained, for quite an unhinged person like Jon.
Oh yeah, did I mention that Jon is most likely suffering from mental illness? Many in the Garfield fandom already know of this theory, but it's just so... interesting to me. When Garfield is around, he acts as something Jon's own sadness can bounce off of as a sort of punchline, but when the cat isn't there, it feels... empty, relatable, and Jon's character just hits you like a truck. And even when Garfield is there, with this context in mind, Jon is just a lonely, sad cartoonist who talks to his cat to fill in the void. He can't hear Garfield, but it works, just a little. That's part of why Jon has such bad social skills when talking to women and people in general. He's not really shy, but he's a recluse and can't get the "correct" words out (correct in terms of what people are supposed to do, anyway). He's... really relatable, except for the whole "desperately trying to pick someone up and get a date" part. I'm demiromantic and have trust issues, so that's not as relatable, haha......
Anyway! I've also listened to "Shake Your Paw" about 20 or so times today. It's the same song Jon dances to when he obliterated disco with his slick moves. The real reason disco is dead is because it couldn't handle carrying Jon's pure, unstoppable gigachad energy. Additionally, I drew Jon in my film class book, one of them being him as Sans, which is proof my drawing abilities were a mistake.
Not much to say here, other than I want to go watch the "Here Comes Garfield" special, not only for THE scene (the one that broke the hearts of millions of Garfield fans.... you know the scene....), but for Jon Arbuckle's unbeaten presence that always seems to enthrall me. Jon, I hope you're still enjoying your stay in my chaotic mess of a brain, because this is still only the beginning.
Last edited: 6:49 pm, May 23rd 2022.
EDIT (7:25 pm): i'm fuckignf xrry cryign... im.g.... not fcrying ovcer garfdeld nono,, ,yiyu are...... pleaee im in tteatrs.....
Ahh, the second entry. Back when I was only on day #5 of this whole mess. The image I used for this entry when I wrote it on my phone is one of my favourite Jon images, he just looks so smug, it's hilarious
Also, regarding the third entry... I'm not exactly sure if I want to post that one yet. It's very personal and I go into my.... *gags* my feelings.... Yeah. I may provide a shortened version or a summary of the entry, but for now, I think I might lay it off until I feel ready to post it. Also, demiromantic reveal! Blind dates are so bizarre.
And yes, I did actually cry during Here Comes Garfield, and that is genuine crytyping... Listen, if you've seen the special, you know exactly what I'm crying over, I think I'm completely justified for crying at that bit...
Your Local Jonnoisseur
Posted on the 18th of July, 2022 at 6:30 pm.
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homeofjonicles · 2 years
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The Jonicles - Entry 14
Note: This is the fourteenth entry of The Jonicles, hence why the date does not match when this is being posted. This was written back in June of this year before I started this blog, and there will be errors or developments in how this series was being written. Please enjoy (or don't enjoy) the fourteenth entry of The Jonicles!
It is currently the 19th of June, 2022 on a Sunday at 5:26 pm, a very special day for Garfield fans and the fat cat himself! It's also day #32 of my Jon Arbuckle hyperfixation, and behind me is a stack of multiple of my dad's Garfield comic books (and one Peanuts book for shits and giggles), and I'm currently reading "Garfield: A Weekend Away" which was published in 1986.
Oh boy, it's here! It's Garfield's birthday today! Now, it may be strange for me to celebrate the birthday of a fictional character and be so excited about it, but before you call someone up for a welfare check on me, just listen for a tick.
Garfield, as silly as a it sounds, is quite important to me. He never dominated my childhood but he was definitely an important part of it. I distinctly remember often watching two specials from Garfield And Friends as a kid, which were the Halloween special and Garfield In The Rough, and I really enjoyed those. I remember watching Garfield Gets Real, and as terrifying as it is to watch now, I also enjoyed watching that movie as well. Heck, I even remember having this Garfield plush and he was in a little pirate outfit (it wasn't the same outfit he wore in the special, he had this little black eyepatch and a red and white striped shirt instead), and thinking about him makes me feel so nostalgic. And that stack of Garfield comics? I read all of those too, baby. And although it's more faint now as they've collected so much dust on the shelf downstairs, I still recall that oh-so familiar smell of 80s paper, and I feel a little calmer every time i get a whiff of it... It's not a high, I swear, you don't need to get a welfare check for me..!
Anyway, the point is, Garfield is special to me because he's not only a charming and adorable cat (although that's definitely a big factor in it, haha), but he reminds me of childhood. He makes me feel good because he reminds me of simpler, happier and more surreal times. In fact, reading some of these comics now feels so surreal because I was so young, a part of me thought I'd never see them again and I've forgotten some of them. But even reading the ones I don't remember so well or the ones I only partly remember means a lot to me because of that same feeling of nostalgia and comfort. The comic may be pretty mundane and admittedly not as funny or charming nowadays as it was back in the 80s or even early 90s, but I still feel happy checking in to read the most recent Garfield comic and feeling a bit of that same excitement I had as a kid when I sat down and read the comics and watched the TV specials we had. It's such a small thing, but just seeing my favourite cartoon cat, my favourite cartoon dog and my favourite cartoon cat owner/cartoonist onscreen or on a page fills me with so much joy. I may laugh and make fun of the more recent Garfield media (especially Garfield Gets Real, ESPECIALLY that), but I really do enjoy their prescence, and it means a lot to have been able to experience something so wholesome and fun as Garfield And Friends as a kid, and it feels great to have the little cat be a part of my childhood, no matter how big or small. Happy birthday, Garfield. I hope that whatever cheesy gag they use for your special day this year, it's a good one. You deserve it, buddy. Thank you for enhancing my childhood, along with Jon (love ya Jon <3), Odie, Lyman, Liz, Nermal, Arlene and all the others. It truly does mean the world.
Last edited at 6:28 pm, and i need to mention the fact that while i was looking through my dad's Garfield comics, i cam across a couple of pages where i apparently had drawn a little egg person holding onto a bird that was carrying Garfield away, but i also had apparently scribbled out bits of Jon's face??? and on one panel he is completely censored???? like it's just the silhouette of him??????? i have no memory of doing this help!?!?!?!? (something tells me ihatejonarbuckle would like the censored Jon panel...)
Don't have much to say here without repeating what i wrote in this entry... Garfield as a whole is just so special to me, as many things from my childhood are. The Garfield Halloween special and Garfield In The Rough still hold up as my favourites today, and my dad probably enjoyed those a lot too when they were first made, and he probably wanted to spread that joy onto me. And well, it worked! I'm a crazy Garfield fan now, haha!
Happy late birthday Garf. Hope you had a good one.
P.S. Here're the panels I scribbled on as a kid!
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As you can see, poor Jon is not completely censored, but four year old me definitely made an effort. And is it just me, or is that egg person a little... creepy? I drew a lot of little egg people getting brutally killed and maimed and generally in a lot of distress as a kid, but I think it's the eyes that unease me. Also, the fact that this is probably the oldest drawing I still have that I did is hilarious, it's just me unknowingly vandalising a Garfield book. There's also one where I've taken a panel of Pooky without his eyes and drew them back on, I might post that one by itself as a bonus post or something, it's great. These strips are from the "I Hate Mondays" book, by the way. It's the second one in the series my dad collected.
Your Local Jonnoisseur
Posted on the 22nd of July, 2022 at 8:30 pm.
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homeofjonicles · 2 years
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The Jonicles - Entry 4.5
Note: This is an early entry of The Jonicles, hence why the date does not match when this is being posted. It also isn't counted as an "official" or "mainline" entry, but instead a bonus one. This was written back in May of this year before I started this blog, and there will be errors or developments in how this series was being written. Please enjoy (or don't enjoy) entry 4.5 of The Jonicles!
It's currently the 28th of May, 2022 at 4:41 pm. It's Saturday, and I'm (supposed to be) working on my assignment. The day of reckoning reaches ever so closer. Today also marks #10 of my Jon Arbuckle fixation.
Another announcment entry, yes! For this entry, I will announce two things.
First of all, I literally just purchased Garfield Kart: Furious Racing on Steam for $2.15 as it is currently on sale for 90% off (at least it wasn't 82¢, eh?). This is very important and  I will detail my experience in Entry 5.
Secondly, the number of days of my Jon Arbuckle fixation has finally reached double digits! I take this as proof that my standards in fictional men has stooped so low that I've been simping for a dorky cartoonist for 10 entire days! Let's make it to 20!
That's all I have for today, see you in Entry 5, weirso looking through my notes.
Last edited at 6:41 pm. Again, it didn't take me 3 hours to write this, I was doing my work.
Wondering about the image above? Well, it's an edit I made of that one strip where Garfield knocks Jon's vase off the table, and the reason Little Fella is there is because a friend of mine introduced me to Little Fella and as an extensions, Cold Ones, and its become a sort of inside joke to reference him whenever possible.
Also, the reson this entry ends with "weirso looking through my notes" is because The Jonicles is written on the notes app on my phone and at the time of writing them, the only person who would be reading them would be a "weirso" looking through my notes app. And now it's "weirso"s looking through my Tumblr blog! Oh, how things change.
Your Local Jonnoisseur
Posted on the 20th of July, 2022 at 7:00 am.
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