#jonxsansaff 12 days of shipping
cycling-lane · 7 years
Idiots In Love
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@jonxsansafanfiction Twelve Days of Shipping, Day Five. Roommate or Flatmate AU/ Meeting The Parents Trope 
When Jon finds out that none of Sansa’s former boyfriends have, ahem... treated her right, he vows to make it up to her. He might also ruin her for any future man while he’s at it. 
Nothing wrong with that. 
Rated E, probably not workplace-appropriate (oops!)
“This is going nowhere.”
“Your relationship with Harry Harding, of course,” Margaery says, mere seconds after Sansa has let her boyfriend out. She is nursing a hangover on their sofa, dressed from head to toe in cashmere loungewear, her blonde curls artfully tousled. “You have got to break it off.”
Sansa rolls her eyes. “I will do no such thing.”
“Sans, he has slept over three times. Not once have I heard you do so much as squeal.”
The redhead feels her face heat up, suddenly very aware of their third flatmate, the ever-secretive and moody Jon Snow, who is currently frying eggs in the kitchen.
“Maybe I’m quiet in bed,” she hisses, softly enough that he won’t hear.
Margaery doesn’t share her reservations. When she replies, her voice is loud and frivolous, and echoes throughout the entire flat. “Yeah, right. My guess is that the boy isn’t good with his tongue.”
A loud crash sounds from the kitchen, followed by a muffled curse.
“Oh my god!” The Tyrell-heiress shrieks, when Sansa fails to meet her eye. “He has never-”
“-given you oral!”
“Shite!” Jon exclaims in the kitchen, followed by more ruckus.
Sansa wants to walk over and make sure that he hasn’t broken anything (Poor Jon, she thinks. At times like this, he always looks completely baffled, as if even he can’t remember how he wound up sharing a flat with two girls -and honestly, I can’t blame him), but Margaery has graver concerns.
“That makes it final,” she concludes. “Harry Harding is an ass. If you won’t dump him, I will. I mean, the bastard can’t even do the decent thing-”
Jon comes into the living room then, the tips of his ears bright red, and disposes a heaping plate of eggs and bacon in front of Margaery.
“There you go,” he says, his voice even rougher than usual. “The ultimate Hangover Breakfast of Champions.”
Before Sansa can mention the gluten-free diet that her best friend is supposed the be on, the blonde speaks up again. “Jon, don’t you think it’s an absolute travesty?”
“I, uh… I don’t-” The redness in the tip of Jon’s ears rapidly spreads down his neck.
“Because you should,” Margaery tells him earnestly, digging into her food. “You look like a man who likes to feast on the occasional vadge.”
“I- I…”
Sansa leaves the room before he can reply.
Harry Holding does not enjoy ‘occasional vadge feasting’.
It didn’t bother Sansa before, but it does know. When she finally gathers the courage to bring it up, her boyfriend just shrugs.
“It smells funny,” he tells her. “Tastes odd, too. But that’s not the end of the world, is it? I mean, you can still go down on me.”
She does dump him then.
“He has really never, uh-”
“And you didn’t mind?” Jon’s cheeks must be as red as her hair when he asks. It is laundry day, a couple of weeks later, and they are folding their underwear on opposite sides of the kitchen table.
Sansa is suddenly very aware of the purple lace in her hands. “Not really. I didn’t know what I was missing, though. Maybe that helped?”
The second those words leave her mouth, she regrets them. Especially when Jon’s head snaps up and he stares at her, dark eyes wide and incredulous.
He is your brother’s best friend, she berates herself. You have been in love with him for months. And yet you tell him this?
“You mean that no man has ever...”
Her heart is beating uncomfortably fast. “Don’t tell Margaery.”
Margaery regards the sudden tension between her two roommates with interest. She has been trying to get them together for the past two years, ever since Jon moved in ‘temporarily’.
(Because Ygritte had kicked him out, the poor sod. Margaery knew from the beginning that he wouldn’t leave them ‘as soon as possible, once I’m back on my feet’. Oh, no. Jon fell in love with Sansa the moment he saw her. He wasn’t going anywhere.)
Out of every match-making attempt, however, the blonde never expected this one to work. Her Harry Holding/ oral sex/ ‘vadge feasting’ strategy had been more of a joke.
A very successful joke, she has to admit now.
She walks in one night to find Jon and Sansa asleep on the sofa. The second they wake up, they blush and disentangle their limbs, before rushing back to their respective bedrooms.
For days after, the tension between them is almost unbearable. Still, Margaery just smiles and shakes her head.
Idiots in love.   
Just when Sansa starts to think that she and Jon are going nowhere, and that her vibrator will soon die of complete and utter exhaustion, something happens.
He stalks up to her one night, pressing her backwards until she is up against the wall, and cages her in with his arms. His chest heaves, his face is determined.
“What are you doing?” She squeaks.
He studies her face carefully -and although she doesn’t know exactly what he sees, it is enough to make his pupils widen.
“I am showing you how good I am with my tongue.”
If those words weren’t enough to make her whimper, the kiss that follows definitely is.
He kisses her expertly, with a slow, strong rhythm, and she can’t help but completely surrender. His chest is warm against hers. His lips are demanding, but soft. When he tears them away from her mouth and kisses her jawline, she moans. And when his teeth graze an unfamiliar spot behind her right ear, her legs turn to jelly.
“That’s- Ah.”
“Good?” Jon asks.
“So good.”
He barely comes up for air after that, kissing her entire body. His hands are cherishing and sure as he undresses her, the calluses on his fingers rough as they whisper against her soft skin.
It doesn’t take Sansa long to realise that this isn’t sex. This isn’t even love-making.
He is worshipping her.
After that, other realisations quickly follow. He is going to put his face… down there. He is going to see her, completely exposed, where no man has ever seen her before.
It smells funny, Harry’s voice echoes through her head. Tastes odd, too.
She stiffens, suddenly nervous.
Jon notices immediately, of course, and pulls away. His face almost wrecks her. His eyes are dark and hot with desire, his lips red and swollen. A faint flush warms his face, although his eyebrows are currently pinched together in worry.
“What is it?” He demands.
Sansa twitches, not sure if she wants to pull away or cuddle closer.
“You don’t have to do that,” she manages, eventually. “I know men never actually want to.”
“They do. I do.”
“Sansa,” he says earnestly, before brushing a stand of hair out of her eyes. His gaze is reassuring, one hundred percent honest. “I want to do this more than anything. Trust me.”
Trust him.
She can do that, she decides. She can trust Jon.
He presses a kiss against her hip bone. “Tell me what feels good,” is the last thing he tells her, and then he dives in.
Turns out, she can’t really tell him. Her mouth is far too occupied with other things, such as gasping and moaning and ‘Oh God’-ing. Thankfully, Jon is clever. He finds out what she likes and sticks to it, rapidly building her up to a crescendo.
Sansa melts into the mattress, feels sparks of electricity shoot through her entire body. Her spine bows. Her fingers dig into the firm muscles of his shoulders, clutch at his hair.
After she has peaked once, she thinks that is it -that he will come up, take care of his own pleasure next. But he doesn’t. He keeps going.
He keeps going for a long time.
The next morning, Margaery offers them fresh croissants and a blinding grin.
“Didn’t you say you were quiet in bed?” She asks cheekily, as she takes in Sansa’s sex-tousled hair and radiant skin.
The redhead just beams. “Guess I never had proper sex before.”
Jon turns bright red, but the blonde isn’t fooled. He looks far too satisfied with himself. Far too happy. When Sansa takes a sip from his coffee and shushes his half-hearted protests with a simple kiss, Margaery practically hears the wedding bells in Snow’s ears.
Idiots in love, indeed.
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thewindsofwolves · 7 years
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@jonxsansafanfiction Twelve Days of Shipping
Day 1 - Road Trip AU ❖ Seemingly Unrequited Pining Trope
Also on AO3
Robb had promised her that for her 21st birthday, they would make a road trip all across the USA, just the three of them, just like it was before Jon and him had started college. But now, Robb is dead, and she’s not sure if that’s still a good idea. “He would have hated himself if we had renounced something like that just because of him,” says Jon. He doesn’t think that’s a good idea either, but they both feel like that’s something they have to do : it’s been months now, but Robb is still haunting them, and they have to let him go now…
They start their trip in California : after the rainy and cloudy London, Los Angeles blue sky and hot weather feels like a new breath, as if they had been holding back their breathes since Robb’s gone. Moreover, finding a minibus to rent, planning their food supplies and their daily itinerary keep them busy enough not to think to much. They even manage to smile and laugh a little, as they entertain themselves by taking silly pictures where they would take stupid poses and make idiot faces. They’re taken aback by the sandy landscape of Arizona, the wild forests of Iowa : that’s these moments, when they stop moving, that they think of Robb, and try to think of what he would have said.
“I miss him,” would say Sansa. “Me too,” would answer Jon. During these moments, Jon would reach for Sansa’s hand, gently squeezing her fingers, and Sansa would squeeze back, silent tears on her checks. They find comfort in each other arms when it’s late and that they still can’t sleep, cuddling in their tiny vehicule. Sansa often finds herself falling asleep while she’s resting her head against Jon’s chest, listening to his heartbeats. When they arrive to a new place, Jon playfully lift Sansa, whirling her around and hugging her, shouting “WE MADE IT !”, in an imitation of some survival movie. His imitation are so bad that they both laugh for several minutes every time.
Eventually, thinking of Robb hurt less than before ; and eventually, they find themselves holding hands and hugging in other occasions than just comforting or teasing each other. Sometimes they even find kisses : at first, they exchange quick pecks on the check or the forehead, and by the time they take the plane back to England, their lips are lingering against each other’s, warm and wet and alive.
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leannedirewolflover · 7 years
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@jonxsansafanfiction Twelve Days of Shipping - Day 11 - Hollywood or Celebrity Au ❖ Arranged Marriage Trope
No one is entirely sure how America’s Sweetheart, actress Sansa Stark, and the dark, broody rockstar, Jon Snow, ended up starring in a movie together, but they did. Now they’re seen everywhere together. Goofing around on set, at the airport, going to parties, and hanging out around New York. Even after filming had ended, Jon and Sansa were seen together almost weekly. Though there hasn’t been any true confirmation, just about every gossip rag in the world claims that they’re dating, or at the very least, are sleeping together. Only Jon’s and Sansa’s closest friends and family know that they’ve been together for a little over a year now, and they’re just counting down the days til an engagement is announced.
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amymel86 · 7 years
Jon Snow and other wildlife
For @jonxsansafanfiction 12 days of shipping challenge.
Dec 31st - High School au 😁
Theon clears his throat and puts on his best ‘David Attenborough’ voice, “and here we witness the lesser spotted ‘broody fuck’ approach a gaggle of females...”
Robb snickers at his commentary as they both watch Jon hesitantly wander over to the large group of girls gathered by the lockers.
“This particular male has prepared in advance, “ Theon continued, taking note that Jon had scraped back his unruly hair into a bun and donned a t-shirt that wasn’t black. “He’s preened his plumage and shed his dull winter colours in an effort to attract a partner for the upcoming mating season” he murmured to his friend.
Robb guffawed as he leant against his own locker and watched Jon tentatively start up a conversation with the girls. Poor sod, he thought, knowing full well what his friend was like at talking to the opposite sex. Quite frankly, he’s amazed that the guy even mustered up the courage to approach a large group of girls like he had, but he mentioned liking someone lately and being worried that some other guy would ask her to the upcoming dance. “Just ask her out before anyone else gets a chance,” Robb had advised. He supposed that’s what Jon is up to now.
“Contact has been made,” Theon continues with his documentary style commentary, “and the male seems to have been accepted by the group.”
Jon stands talking amongst the girls. He looks a bit fidgety and Robb wonders if he’s managed to cock things up yet.
“The females continue to size up our brave male to determine whether he is of strong enough breeding stock.”
“Gross, Greyjoy.”
Theon chuckles but presses on with his narration of the scene before them. “Puffing out his chest, the
male attempts a tried and tested mating call, causing the titter of females to respond with a raucous giggling noise.”
Robb wonders which of Jon’s terrible jokes the girls were humouring him with with their laughter.
“As the group disperses, it becomes clear that our male has chosen his mate.”
“What the-?” Robb exclaims as Jon shifts and he sees exactly who it is he’s still talking to. “Nah, it’s just Sans. She’s probably boring him with talk of whatever god-awful novel she’s reading.”
Robb continues to watch the interaction unfold and an uneasy realisation seeps into his gut.
Theon leans over and whispers “here we see the female encourage our plucky male with gentle touches and a display of smiling and hair fussing, both common occurrences in the mating dance of this species.”
“Shut up Greyjoy!”
“He makes an offering,” Theon notes as Jon pulls a single blue winter rose from his school bag and sheepishly hands it to Sansa. “The action seems to have pleased his chosen mate and cements the beginning of the courtship ritual.”
“Did he just-?” Robb gapes. He watches open mouthed as Sansa blushes and kisses Jon on the cheek, “Did she just-?”
“The deal is done. Against all odds our brave young ‘broody fuck’ has secured himself an attractive mate.”
Robb is dumbstruck when Sansa beams at Jon, taking a hold of his hand with their fingers interlaced before they walk off together in the direction of the library.
“All that must be done now,” Theon continues in his Attenborough voice, “is for our unlikely Casanova to escort his new mate to an area of seclusion and complete the claiming of his female with a ritual of sucking face and getting his hand up her - OW!...chill out Stark, I’m only messin’ with ya!” Theon chuckles as he rubs at his arm where Robb has thumped him.
“Not funny!” Robb hisses before stalking off in a huff.
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thelegendofclarke · 7 years
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Jon x Sansa- Sons of Anarchy Au
      Something happens at around 92 miles an hour. Thunder headers drown out all sound. Engine vibration travels at a heart’s rate. Field of vision funnels into the immediate. And suddenly you are not on the road - you’re in it, a part of it. Traffic, scenery, cops - just cardboard cutouts blown over as you pass. Sometimes I forget the rush of that, that’s why I love these long runs. All your problems, all the noise, gone. Nuthin else to worry about, except what’s right in front of you.
Happy Holidays to my inspiration @aknightfornawt!
JonxSansaff Twelve Days of Shipping Day 1 - Road Trip Au
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jeynewesterling · 7 years
your secret admirer
For @jonxsansafanfiction ‘s Twelve Days of Shipping
a high school AU - ao3
It was only three days into her freshman year when Sansa fell absolutely, positively, head-over-heels in love with Jon Snow. The gorgeous upperclassman who spent his study periods helping out the little old lady who ran the library and made sure all the incoming freshmen knew how to find their classes. That’s how they met. Sansa had gotten turned around in the flurry of students running through the halls, there was so many more people here than in her middle school, and somehow she’d ended up in the library when she was supposed to be across the building and up three stories in her biology class. Not only did Jon patiently explain to her the map of the campus, he also walked her to her class himself. And when Mr. Qyburn was about to write her a detention slip, Jon convinced him to let it slide, just this once, so long as Sansa promised never to be late again. He was possibly the sweetest person Sansa had met at this school so far.
The only problem was he was a junior. Upperclassmen didn’t pay any attention to the freshmen girls, at least, that’s what Robb told her. Freshmen were practically babies. Juniors had more important things to think about, like getting their driver’s licenses and applying for colleges. Nothing that little fourteen year-olds could possibly understand. Sansa had wanted to cry when Robb told her there was no way Jon Snow would ever like-like her, but if she cried, then it proved Robb right. Sansa was determined to prove that she was mature enough to be with an older boy, and that meant she couldn’t cry over silly things anymore.
But it seemed like maybe Robb was right after all. Sansa went to the library almost every day to see Jon and he was always friendly, but they never made anything more than small talk. He would always smile and ask if she was lost on her way to a class again, which would make her giggle no matter how many times he said it. Sometimes he’d ask how her classes were going or what books she was reading, but then Ms. Nan would ask him to fix one of the computers or another student would claim his attention. Which was alright, because even if they did talk, Sansa wasn’t sure what to say to him. The only thoughts in her head when his beautiful grey eyes were on her were, he’s so handsome, and, he’s got the greatest voice, and somewhere underneath all that was the distance chime of wedding bells. There was an entire swarm of butterflies in her stomach and her heart beat at a different pace and all the sudden, the ability to form sentences completely left her. Talking to him was entirely out of the question.
The thought struck her as she was absently doodling hearts (which may or may not have been surrounding the initials SS+JS) in the margins of her notebook. If she couldn’t talk to him, maybe she could write instead! She ripped a page out of her notebook and pulled out her favorite sparkly purple gel pen and got to work. She wrote down all the things she wanted to say to Jon but couldn’t quite manage.
When she was satisfied with what she wrote, she carefully folded up the paper into a tight little triangle and slipped it into her pocket. She didn’t know where his locker was, but all the upperclassmen had theirs in the same hallway. She could pretend to be checking in with Robb and hopefully she would be able to catch Jon and then she could slip the note into his locker. For a brief moment, Sansa thought she could be brave enough to give it to him directly, but, she’d already chickened out of signing her name to the love letter, changing the first two letters of her name to Secret Admirer instead. It wouldn’t be much of a secret if she just handed it to him. This way was better. Less mortifying than if he turned her down to her face.
After that first note, writing to Jon became something of a habit. Even though she was still tongue-tied when it came to talking to him, she would write down all the things she wished she could say. Not just about her crush, but the conversations she wanted to have with him. Last week in the library, he’d asked her how she liked her English teacher, Mr. Lannister. He’s one of my favorites, Jon told her and Sansa wanted to agree, however she only managed to squeak, he’s alright. As soon as he left, Sansa immediately pulled out a piece of paper and wrote that down. How much she enjoyed Mr. Lannister’s class and the books he picked for them to read, how she liked that he always seemed to have a different point of view and encouraged them to start thinking a bit more out of the box. And when Jon had talked to her about his siblings, Sansa returned that sentiment tenfold in her next letter. Even if he wasn’t writing her back and he didn’t even know it was her, Sansa still felt like they were growing closer.
After a month of sending notes in secret, Sansa decided she was brave enough to reveal herself. A week before Homecoming, that was the perfect time, she thought. If he liked her too, then they could go to the game together, huddle under a blanket, share hot chocolate. And maybe, they would go to the dance on Saturday night too. Just the picture of it in her head, she knew the exact dress she would wear, and Jon in a suit with a tie to match her dress, made her feel giddy. She couldn’t stop her smile as she made her way through the junior’s hall to Jon’s now very familiar locker.
However, just before she reached her destination, she saw something to make her stop. Jon was standing by his locker, looking gorgeous as always in that doesn’t-even-try way of his, smiling that close-lipped but bright smile that made her heart do bellyflops. It wasn’t him that made her pause, though, it was who he was smiling at. It was Val, a senior. Sansa had never talked to her, but she had a reputation around school. She was the coolest, the smartest, she was pretty and sporty and funny. Everyone either wanted to be her or date her. And by the way she was touching Jon’s shoulder, it looked like she wanted to date Jon.
Sansa tore up the note in her hand, the last secret admirer note she meant to pass along. Robb was right this whole time, Sansa was just a silly little freshman, still just a kid. She was delusional if she ever thought Jon was anything more than just friendly to her. She’d made up this entire relationship in her head and of course, she had to see reality eventually, but it still hurt. Her heart physically ached when she saw Val wrap her arms around Jon and she held off long enough to duck into the nearest girls’ room before the tears started to fall.
What Sansa didn’t see, as she rushed away from the upperclassmen’s lockers, was Jon pulling Val’s arms off his shoulders. She was at it again, trying to convince him to go to a dumb high school dance with her, although, after years of friendship, it was more of an inside joke between them now. Val would ask him to every dance, Homecoming, the Valentine’s Dance and Prom, and Jon would always turn her down. “It’s my last homecoming dance, ever, Jon! Please?” She begged, throwing her arms around his neck. Jon laughed and shook her off him. He looked up in time to see Sansa Stark running down the hall. He knew she had a little bit of a crush on him and if he was honestly, he liked her too. She was a little shy, but it was cute. And the notes she’d been leaving in his locker all month, they were sweet. He kept them in the side pocket of his backpack and no matter how many times he reread them, they would always bring a smile to his face. She hadn’t signed her name to any of them, but he figured it out from the first note. He’d seen Sansa scratching away with that purple gel pen in the library and her handwriting was very distinct, feminine and loopy and one of a kind. He’d almost asked her about it after that first note showed up in his locker, but he didn’t want to embarrass her. She’d signed it your secret admirer after all, clearly she wasn’t ready for him to know yet. But from then on, he tried to let her know, subtly, that it was okay for her to talk to him. He made a point to try and talk to her whenever she came by the library and he’d ask how it was going if they ever passed each other in the halls. If he was honest with himself, Sansa was the kind of girl he wouldn’t mind going to a dance with.
He would’ve asked her too, but since that day with Val, Sansa Stark had suddenly vanished from his life. He hadn’t seen her in the library all week and she must’ve started taking different routes to her classes. He’d asked Robb about it, just to make sure nothing bad had happened to her, but her brother didn’t even seem to notice that anything had changed. Jon was a little worried when it’d been weeks and still nothing from her. Even her secret admirer notes had stopped coming.
Sansa managed to completely avoid him until Robb invited Jon over to their house for a party right after school broke for the holidays. As much as Jon liked Robb, half the reason he agreed to come was for the chance to run into Sansa. It would be a lot harder for her to avoid him in her own home.
Or so he thought, yet she managed it some how. Over the course of the evening, the other three of Robb’s younger siblings had made appearances. Rickon and Bran had come down to the basement to pick a fight with Robb about who had dibs on the xbox and twelve year-old Arya just wanted to hang out with the cool high schoolers, no matter how many times Robb shoved her back upstairs. But Sansa was noticeably and intentionally absent. Jon waited until Robb was engaged in an intense showdown of Mortal Kombat with Theon Greyjoy before stealing off upstairs with hopes of finding where she was hiding.
As luck would have it, he didn’t need to search at all. Just as he came up from the downstairs, she was coming down from the upstairs. Her eyes went wide when she saw him and her knuckles tightened over the rail. “Sansa, wait!” He called out just as she was about to turn around and retreat back upstairs. “I want to talk to you for a second.”
“Okay…” she replied cautiously, not retreating anymore, but not coming any closer either.
“I, uh, haven’t seen you around school, lately. How have you been?”
“I’ve been alright.”
“That’s good.” He didn’t mean to get caught up on the small talk, so he pushed forward before Sansa decided she’d had enough and left. “So, I had this secret admirer at the beginning of the year. But, um, she stopped writing to me in October and I don’t know what happened. Do you think you could help me figure out what went wrong?”
Sansa’s face immediately went bright pink. “Why would I know anything about that?”
“Just wanted to have a girl’s opinion.”
For some reason, that was the wrong thing to say. She looked at him with flared nostrils and a mighty frown and said, “Why don’t you ask Val?”
“Val? Why would I—”
“Aren’t you two dating?”
He actually laughed out loud at that. Val was more like a sister to him than anything else. Dating her would be like dating Rhaenys, he would never. “Oh my god, I think I figured it out.”
“Don’t laugh at me!” Sansa scowled at him.
“Did you think I was with Val this whole time? Is that why you’ve been avoiding me?”
“I was not—”
“And you stopped sending me those letters.”
“…you knew that was me?”
“The whole time, yeah.”
“And you just let me keep doing it?” Her voice wavered and she sounded like she was about to cry. “Why didn’t you say anything? If you don’t like me, you could’ve just said so, Jon!”
“But I do like you.”
Sansa’s pretty blue eyes blinked wide in surprise. “What?”
“I said I like you too, Sansa.” He climbed up the few stairs separating them until they were at eye level with one another. “I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to embarrass you. You were supposed to be my secret admirer, after all.”
Sansa bit back a smile and wiped a tear away from her eye. “What gave me away?”
“You’re the only girl in school who uses purple pens. It was a little obvious.” He grinned at her and she finally allowed herself to smile back. “So, what do you say, Sansa? Want to go out sometime?”
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ahornedgod · 7 years
got drabble - then it becomes a tangled mess (jon/sansa)
a/n: @jonxsansafanfiction it was once more. i promise to try better for the following days :DD
day 6 - bed sharing trope
“I… can’t believe your parents are letting us share a bed.”
"There weren’t any more spare beds. Seems I wasn’t the only one to think of bringing over their significant other.”
Robb and Arya, if he’s not mistaken, the eldest son and youngest daughter had also brought over their respective girlfriend and boyfriend.
“Also, seems my parents trust me more to behave.”
Sansa smiles at him over her shoulder, before going back to brushing her hair. Jon leans back against the headboard to watch her, as he’s wont to do every time since they became intimate, since she started staying overnight in his flat. It soothes him, her motions, always does – and it’s exactly what he needs now for his frayed nerves.
Read at Ao3.
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crownuponherhead · 7 years
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a picture speaks a thousand words
A picture you and your soulmate are in will be sent to you on your nineteenth birthday, which can be tricky if it was, for example, a class photo or a newspaper picture of a crowd. Your soulmate either receives the same picture or one of the event in said picture from a different view.
Jon Snow receives his picture and decides he has the worst luck in the world.
day 4 of 12 days of jonsa
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captainbee89 · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jon Snow/Sansa Stark Characters: Jon Snow, Sansa Stark Additional Tags: Explicit Sexual Content, Cunnilingus, Alternate Universe - 1950s, Jon and Sansa Are Not Related, implied premarital sex, and obviously 1950s UK it had repercussions, Arranged Marriage, Fake Marriage, To begin with, harry is a dick in every fic lol Summary:
“I’ll marry you,” he repeated, more firmly this time. She glanced down as he took her hand.
“But…why?” she frowned, still looking at their joined hands in puzzlement.
He wanted to tell her that it was because he loved her. But Harry had abused those three words, she wouldn’t care to hear them now, no matter how true they were. He looked down at their hands, giving hers a tight squeeze. He couldn’t say the exact words but he could still tell the truth.
“Because I care about you and if you are pregnant, I want you to be cared for.”
Day 11 of 12 Days of Shipping: Arranged Marriage trope. Also a bit of Day 9 for historical AU
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wendynerdwrites · 7 years
My 12 Days of Shipping Bodyguard AU. 
Jon Whitewolf comes back from the front lines following the death of his cousin, Robb Stark, Crown Prince of the North, and is tasked with being the Sworn Shield to Sansa Stark, the new heir to the throne. At first, Jon is unsure of whether his sheltered, ladylike cousin is fit to be the next monarch of the Winter Kingdom. After all, their country has been fighting off the Targaryen invaders for centuries, and Sansa is no warrior. As it turns out, his new future queen has a lot of surprises in store for him.
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cycling-lane · 7 years
More Than Words Could Say
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@jonxsansafanfiction Twelve Days of Shipping, Day Four. Soulmate AU/ Snowed In Trope
“There are some people,” Old Nan used to say, “whose souls are intertwined forever -whose hearts beat alike, even when they are miles apart. People, whose bond is so strong that it can stretch over seas, rise over mountains, struggle through valleys without ever snapping apart.”
At this point, she always stared into the distance, a lost look in her eyes, a ghost of a small and wishful smile on her lips.
Sansa and Robb would stare up at her, awe-struck. Even Arya would stop playing with Bran and Rickon for long enough to listen. And in a corner, Jon would stand quietly -hidden in the shadows so Lady Catelyn couldn’t see him.
“These people,” Old Nan always told them, “are soulmates.”
When Jon Snow rises from the dead, something is different. A current runs through his body, a thrum has settled it the depths of his chest. It is filled with sadness, with wariness and exhaustion. He almost wants to give up on life, but then the thrum stenghtens. By the time Sansa Stark shows up at the gates of Castle Black, it feels as though he has gained a second heartbeat.
It takes him a while to make the connection. It is as if two souls live in his body, pushing and pulling, and it is both a blessing and a curse. During the Battle of the Bastards, when he is almost trampled by his fellow warriors, the second soul is what urges him to fight on. It is filled with resolve, cunning, and hope. Triumph, even.
The second he surfaces the human crush and gasps for breath, his eyes lock with Sansa. She sits atop the hill on her white mare, a determined look on her face, as Knights of the Vale swarm around her. That is when he realises.
She is his soulmate.
“Soulmates will always find their way to each other. No matter how strange their bond may seem at first,” Old Nan used to say, “they Old Gods will have a plan. They will instill the lovers with a compass, one that never leads them astray.”
Sansa always leaned forward at the next part, and usually, from the corner of her eyes, she would see Jon do the same.
“Their love may start off slowly, but it will soon burn as bright as fire. That is when they realise that they have only ever loved one. That they will only ever love one.” Old Nan usually smiled then, soft and secretive. “They live for each other -and for no one else.”
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thewindsofwolves · 7 years
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@jonxsansafanfiction Twelve Days of Shipping
Day 2 - Spies AU ❖ Keeping Each Other Warm Trope
Also on AO3
“Well, Sans’, we’re used to better results with you !” Sansa glared at Jon, then decided to just ignore him. “Jeyne beat you yesterday,” teased Jon. “And I also had to come help you with the Bolton case. That’s quite surprising !” “Jeyne is a bitch, she punched me in the belly, otherwise I would have beat her.” He didn’t seem convinced : he kept staring at her, an amused half-smile on his lips. His stupid kissable pouty lips. “And Bolton was a psycho ! If it hadn’t been me, it would have been any other girl from the team. Besides, it was two months ago. So stop asking to have me as a partner for every mission, I don’t need a babysitter.”
For once, he seemed surprised. “I’m not babysitting you. I like having you as a partner.” What ? “You’re quick to learn. And as I was the one to train you, you work with MY methods. More practical.” She didn’t expect that. “I believe that’s the nicest thing you ever said to me.” She dared a shy smile, to which he was quick to reply. “Well, don’t get used to it. You still one year until you can be qualified as a full competent agent, Ms Stark.” He then processed to check his mobile phone. “Okay, the two Lannister just entered the building. We should have at least three spare hours then. I take you to dinner.”
“Is that a date ?” she asked jokingly. “No, that’s strictly professional. You thanking me for Bolton last month. You can re-use that cute little blue dress you wore for the occasion.” Yet he had answered taking his voice from when he was flirting with her. So she replied using the same voice, watching him from under her lashes : “You mean it’s YOU thanking me for saving your ass with Rayder last week and Tarly last month.” He sighed, yet keep an humourous voice. “So I almost have to get killed so you would go on a date with me ?” he said, smiling with his stupid kissable pouty lips.
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leannedirewolflover · 7 years
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@jonxsansafanfiction Twelve Days of Shipping - Day 5 - Roommate or Flatmate Au ❖ Meeting the Family Trope
What’s the best way to meet the family? Why a vacation of course! Sansa and Jon have decided it’s time for their families to meet. So, the Starks and Targaryens are heading to Dorne to spend the summer with the Martells. Sun, beaches, parties, old temples, and ancients palaces make for the perfect family bonding experience. Now if everyone could just stop badgering Jon about when he’ll propose, they just might plan a family trip to Winterfell next year.
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amymel86 · 7 years
I was too late for the ‘Snowed In Trope’ day, so posting this late on the ‘Fill Day’ for @jonxsansafanfiction‘s 12 days of shipping challenge...
"Damn it!" Sansa muttered as she struggled to wiggle out of the the too-tight dress she'd been trying on in the changing-room cubicle. She started to sweat as she wrestled with the fabric which, on reflection was far too scratchy and not at all worth the price tag it came with as it wrapped around her clammy face. The bright lights weren't helping either, they were blinding, hot and unforgiving. When she finally, finally freed herself, Sansa stood there in the cubicle staring at her flushed reflection. The image of herself staring back wore nothing but miss-matched underwear and ankle boots, her hair was in disarray from her wrestling match with the garment that was now tossed upon the floor. She dejectedly blew a strand of copper out of her eyes and took in the woman before her. How did it come to this? She wondered.  
She wasn't meant to be here, at Mockingbird Department Store, late on Christmas eve of all days. She was meant to be halfway home to Winterfell by now, but then she'd heard the news. Her ex, Joffrey was back in her hometown with his new wife. Not only that, but keeping with a tradition between their two families, they may be coming along on the annual Stark-Baratheon après Christmas dinner country walk and Sansa hated to admit that she was twisted up in all kinds of knots over it.
It wasn't that she wanted him back or anything -Gods no!- but in the past 2 years since they'd broken up, Joffrey had gotten engaged, married and she'd heard through the grapevine that he'd gotten a promotion at work; whereas Sansa...well, Sansa...let's just say that Sansa's life was going through a dry spell and she just really wanted to look her best - to show him that she was doing fine - no, to show him that she was doing great! - To turn up on that walk as Sansa Stark; a full blown 10! She scrutinised herself in the mirror again. Right now I feel like a 2 at best.
Sansa contemplated the pile of rejected clothes on the stool, then the crumpled mass of dress on the floor as well. Hmmm...it is sexy...probably too sexy for a walk in the countryside...wouldn't go great with welly boots - welly boots! I need to remember to pick up some nicer ones! Sansa sprung into action, trying to clumsily hang all her rejected clothes back onto all the wrong hangers. Luckily, Mockingbird Department Store sells almost everything under one roof. She's bound to find some nice boots that would put her old muddy ones she keeps back home to shame. After deciding that her efforts are futile with the hangers, she tries dressing instead, almost stumbling out from behind the curtain of her cubicle as she hops to shove her long legs into her tight skinny jeans. Then the lights go out.
"Errr....hello?" she calls into the darkness. She gets no answer other than silence. It's then that Sansa realises the repetitive festive songs have been turned off....and she can't hear anyone else trying on clothes, or walking about talking in the store beyond. "Hello?" she calls again before yanking up her jeans and doing the button and zip. Fumbling in the darkness for what she suspects is her own sweater, Sansa pulls it over her head and blindly feels around for her bag. Inside she manages to fish around for her phone, pulling it out to look at the time. 6:02pm.  Surely they haven't closed the store with me in it?!
Read more on AO3
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thelegendofclarke · 7 years
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Jon/Sansa — Mr. & Mrs. Smith Au
     There's this huge space between us, and it just keeps filling up with everything that we don't say to each other. What's that called?
Happy Holidays to @sansapotter, @historicbellamyblake, and @jonnsansa!
JonxSansaff Twelve Days of Shipping — Day 2 ❖ Spies Au
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annarosym · 7 years
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@jonxsansafanfiction  Twelve Days of Shipping - Day 9 Historical Au ❖ Sneaking Around Trope
It's a strange coincidence. What is? The fact that [his] house is just across the bay. It’s no coincidence. He bought that house to be near her. He threw all those parties, hoping she’d wander in one night.
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