#joohyun users
wieqo · 2 years
͏ ͏͏͏ ͏ ͏  ꒰ ✻ ׂ   ۪    tzuyu + irene users
tzuiren ㅤ    irnezuy
joohtyz ㅤ   tzyjoo
joortzu ㅤ   chbaetj
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eyuulas · 2 months
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woliefairr · 4 months
❀𝆬 red velvet ( joy ) lockscreens.
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✩ – se pegar : curta, siga & reblogue !!
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m00nbap · 2 years
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𝙑𝘼𝙈.𝙋𝙄𝙍𝙀 ?!? 🩸 ꩜ ᯅ ꩜ 首にかかる目の重さを感じることができますか? ♰ ニ 私はクソ王です🦇 。・ ゚ * 。 ☆ ༒ 🕷️ ♡ or ↺ if save !
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onomatopagu-et-cie · 9 months
The Killing Vote: more on Joohyun, Kwon Seokju & Kim Muchan
The Killing Vote (ep. 1-5 notes) The Killing Vote (ep. 6 & overall notes)
It was supposed to be an edit to the previous post, but it would make it even longer than it already is, so I decided to make a separate post! (and I believe it would also exceed the screenshot limit by reeeeeeally far haha)
Have a nice week!!!!
I saw someone notice on the kr twitter that Joohyun smiled as she made KMC hear KSJ say he felt deeply for her. You can also say Joohyun looked happy from hearing these words again.
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They said you could see KMC’s reaction afterwards as jealousy in addition to projecting his past on her and warning her (because he too was under KSJ’s influence and he probably sees his past self in her ; the user mentioned his sentence 'I told you not to get too close to him. He completely fooled you' as something he could say out of these conflicting emotions).
Now that made me think about the 당신 KSJ used to address Joohyun in the moment recorded (‘I feel deeply for you’):
The formal 2nd-person pronoun 당신, but its uses are specific and rare. Most of the time in kr the subject is implied, and you would rather address someone by their title or name (with an honorific if need be) depending on your relationship.
Eg. Joohyun calls KMC 팀장님/team leader and KSJ 교수님/professor, Joomin calls her sister 언니/big sister.
Note: 언니 can also be used by a female speaker for an older woman she’s close to eg. a friend, a girlfriend (like 형 = younger man -> older man ; 오빠 = younger woman -> older man or 누나 = younger man -> older woman).
You can also use the informal pronoun 너 when addressing people the same age or younger than you that you’re close to (and not older, unless your interlocutor asked you to/gave their ok and even still, saying it in public could be a problem/awkward), or to a kid (even though a polite speech would be preferred) or an animal. It would sound rude otherwise. It could also be between people dating/very close regardless of their age.
Eg.: — KSJ addresses KMC with 너 sometimes in particular moments like ‘You wanted to kill him too.’ or ‘I wished you were Gaetal/Is it really not you?/I will never forgive you.’ ; — KMC & Choi Jinsu with Joohyun & Jodan respectively sometimes ; — Jodan & Joohyun ; — Joohyun with her sister ; KMC with Jihoon & Joomin ; Jihoon & Joomin …
And even though 당신 is part of the formal and polite speech, it’s often used in arguments. I’ll quote this page which explains its different uses really clearly:
-> between married couples (it’s not a pronoun younger couples use typically, some middle-aged couples use it)
-> in a confrontational/demeaning tone, when you intend to be rude to the other person (that’s what you would often hear in kdramas haha)
-> as a reflexive pronoun
-> when the listener/audience is non specific in writing (eg. books, ads, language textbooks, …) & in poetic/romantic context (eg. songs, poems, …):
« (…) 당신 is okay to use if there’s no actual person physically present in front of you receiving the communication, [which] means that either THEY are not there or YOU are not there. Examples: — Songs. You hear 당신 a lot in songs because a song is not one person talking to another person. It’s a broadcast. The listener is non-specific. Even if the song is about someone in particular, is called “Hee Jin” or its lyrics are “This song is for Hee Jin Lee, who lives at 302-12 Royal County, Apartment 304, Yongsan-gu, Seoul”, and there’s absolutely no doubt about who the song is for. That person is still not there in front of you, so 당신 is okay. If you wrote this song for someone named Hee-Jin and you were singing it at a concert that she was attending, it would still be okay.  If, however, you write a song called “Hee Jin” for your girlfriend and then you decide to serenade her outside her window, I’d highly recommend you NOT use 당신 [but rather] Hee Jin. — Advertisements. Because it’s non-personal communication for a non-specific listener.  Even if YOU are there, the dude that wrote the ad is not. » « If you don’t know your interlocutor at all (eg. name, title, age, …), 당신 is not used commonly in speech, but you can use it if you really have no idea how to refer to a stranger and you feel you need to emphasize ‘you’ in a sentence. » (though you would usually rather use 그쪽 to address a stranger safely in a polite way) « 당신 is politer than 너, but is still not considered very polite because it is too direct to refer to someone as 'you' unless the two parties are on familiar terms. »
Note: ever since she met him, Joohyun used to adress KSJ as 권석주씨/Mr. KSJ, but she now calls him 교수님/Professor after he saved her life.
— This was the only time KSJ used 당신 to address Joohyun and in a moment he wanted to convey more personal feelings ; and even in the previous clause ('If you understand Gaetal for the reason I believe'), he addressed her as 주경위 (Insp. Joo): he could've just left the next clause ('then I deeply feel for you.') without a subject since we could understand from the context it was all about Joohyun.
KSJ always speaks to Joohyun with formal and informal high respect. It would make sense that he deliberately changed the way he usually addresses her, emphasizing the ‘you’ with 당신, to convey his compassion and regard her, as an individual and not the inspector, with respect.
Indeed, 당신 is a formal polite pronoun to call somebody that’s on equal footing with you so that would totally align with his conversation with Joohyun:
« Most of the relationships in this society are highly vertical. Comparing your boss to your parents or calling each other with your job titles shows it’s all about power. (…) Calling people by these titles gives you the feeling that you cannot mess with them. »
— Just before 당신 can be heard in the recording, we have a shot of Joohyun observing KMC, as if she’s ready to gauge KMC’s reaction once he hears what’s next.
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— The moment 당신 was played KMC redirected his attention to the recording, frowning ; his jaw clenching, he looked at Joohyun. Letting out a sigh and clicking his tongue, he then proceeded to ask « Anything that wasn’t recorded that’s bothering you? » in an aloof tone, averting his gaze.
When 당신 played:
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His reaction after the recording ended:
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In addition to being restless because he wants to find leads in the investigation (thus not wanting to lose time over something he would deem useless), I can see why this could be read as KMC wanting to change the subject out of a bit of jealousy.
— Perhaps KSJ considered the possibility Joohyun might record their exchanges and, in all likelihood, make KMC listen to them since he’s her superior.
If that's the case, then 당신 could also address KMC as a non-specific audience: he was not there when Joohyun and him talked, and KSJ is not there when Joohyun plays the recording to KMC.
Through his exchange with Joohyun, KSJ manages to address the two of them: Joohyun, as he faced her in person, and if so KMC, indirectly through the recording.
Whether KMC realized it or not (provided this guess holds some truth) is another question though! Perhaps what this user saw as jealousy could also be read as emotion and then self-consciousness once he realized Joohyun watched?
This would not be the first time the three of them communicate through one another:
— KMC asks Joohyun to mention the ‘devils deemed innocent’ line when she interviews the inmates so that KSJ reacts to it.
— KSJ knows KMC listens Joohyun’s interview and addresses him directly in order to negotiate his pardon.
— You can notice it was first KMC who introduced Joohyun to KSJ (because he refused his visit request), but it’s now KSJ who wants Joohyun as her messenger. If Joohyun understood KSJ’s intentions, she then also tried to convey KSJ’s feelings to KMC: since KMC confided in her his guilt, and she thought that if KSJ hated him because he needed somebody to blame, she perhaps wanted to comfort him. That could also explain her smile in KMC’s direction because she maybe hoped to patch things up between the two of them.
After all, from the whole exchange, the drama showed KMC hearing this sole line on the rooftop: « If you understand Gaetal for the reason I believe, then I feel deeply for you. »
One could argue they wanted to direct our attention to this line in particular, and that’s exactly what Joohyun also does in the drama when she’s home:
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— She also made a similar expression (eyes widening and a half-smirk) to when she found KSJ said something interesting in ep2 (since she takes a particular interest in wording as she collects and analyzes data): did something catch her attention this time too?
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And this also reminds me of this moment in ep5:
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It could be read the same way:
-> KMC is obviously startled because this specific request is unusual for KSJ
-> He looks apprehensive/alarmed about what this means (eg. did Gaetal instruct him? Is KSJ planning something on his own?). He could also be potentially worried for Joohyun!
-> KSJ looks like he definitely knows this exchange throws KMC off and he will have no choice but to accept the request anyway if he wants his help ; he also seems to be a bit amused by KMC’s reaction.
-> But his spite in front of KSJ (the tone of ’That won’t be possible’, the tensed head tilt, the tongue click and the corner of his lips twitching as he justifies his agreement in a heavy sigh ‘I was going to assign Lt. Joo for data analysis anyway, so this isn’t special treatment.’) & his exchange with Joohyun afterwards (esp. when she protests as he orders her to bring KSJ near the culprits to recognize Gaetal & she asks him why KSJ wants her to be his messenger) could be seen as bitterness over the whole situation.
This kind of dynamic between KMC and Joohyun could definitely align with their habit to investigate on their own without the other knowing because they have some reservations over fully trusting each other.
I didn’t catch it when I watched ep5, but Joohyun crossed both KMC, Choi Jinsu as well as BWT’s parents (who are deceased) from the list with red lines to rule them out as suspects.
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After looking nervous/embarrassed as she gets to KMC’s profile in front of KSJ, she bothered giving an explanation only as to why the last three were out of the suspects’ list. Which means she probably thought KSJ might not need one for KMC.
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tldr: those three have a triangular relationship going onnnnnnn (and I don’t even know which kind of triangle this is all about anymore at this point haha, Karpman’s? Love? Both?)
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ifdimpeul · 1 year
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CAPAS PARA DOACAO — kang seulgi and bae joohyun, “do you really love me?’’
☆ a fanfic deve conter de 200 à 1.200 palavras.
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☆ você deve me seguir aqui e no spirit, cr. ifdimpeul.
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connectkrp · 5 days
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➠ access denied! the following users are unable to register:
bae joohyun (irene) (t** f**** o***)
hi, future connector! we appreciate your interest in signing up with us; however, we do ask if you could please re-apply with a form of contact that shows more substantial signs of activity as we only have access to your reblogs. we do accept other forms of contact (such as aff or twitter). if you have any questions for us, please feel free to reach out! we hope to hear from you soon.
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secrets-of-swans · 6 months
In the ebb and flow: A story she weave.
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Read before you add her...
An enigmatic woman, simple and yet profound, a beauty that can't be fully captured in words. Her insights, sharp and clear, cut through the noise, a voice that's always heard, never ignored. Her breath taking beauty is not overwhelming but delicate and demure. We all love her because she is not only heavenly but quite down to earth, approachable. We all wish we could draw near to her. Irene is one of the most beautiful heavenly bodies in the firmament. The universe is deep, abstruse and dark. She shines with an intensity to warm the darkest recesses of the heart. She is the leader of Red Velvet, a five-member girl group from one of Korea’s top three entertainment companies. Red Velvet is known for their innovative pop sound, as the band’s music concept lies in their name: “Red” is for their fun and dynamic side and “Velvet” is for their sultry, R&B side. In quiet moments, We conjure her up in our imagination. She is just as beautiful in real life. A dream girl, reverberating in the ether of fantasy land. Our dreams come true when she appears to us. It's magic. To quote a lyric, "unrequited love's a bore." But do get it really bad sometimes. The allure will dissipate only to rekindle. Guess that's a testiment to building mystique and excellent marketing. She does capture our attention and conjures up our imagination. That's entertainment.
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Best regards to the users of tumblr app and the blue app! Let this user clarify to everyone for the avoidance of any disputes and bewilderment that may lead to misinterpretation in the course of time. Allow me to clarify that I have no whatsoever connection to the breathtaking Bae Joohyun and the highly acclaimed SM Entertainment. Thus, Renee Kustlebery is created exclusively for the art of role-playing. It will serve as a delightful canvas for me to share her journey as an artist and as a person. Additionally, I shall elucidate that with due acknowledgement – data's and fragments as well as the visually appealing images will be incorporated from profusion of articles and official and/or fan accounts. Furthermore, I must confess that there will be occasional grammatical and typographical mistakes. Please bear with me as I will put great efforts to my crafts. 🏹
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lisarock · 3 years
irene short users <3
@bae5rv @91sjoo
@i5renes @joo8yun
@rvbae5 @jooh5yun
@bestierene @forjooh
@forjoohy @BAET__T
@irenefIy (L=i) @irwner
@ireneoky @ireneargh
@Iisavlog on tt
pls warn if u take some and don’t repost, thank u very much❤️
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jensoochanel · 3 years
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irene icons
i miss her so much :(
please like or reblog <3
follow me for more blackpink and red velvet stuff
twitter @/attajisoo
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eyuulas · 2 months
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I'm a dancer in the darkness
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woliefairr · 3 months
ᨒㅤ☆ ⃔ joy ( redvelvet ) lockscreens.
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୨୧ – se pegar : curta, siga & reblogue !!
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users-kpop · 3 years
like/reblog if u use
don't save if u won't use
reqs r open
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g-attinhos · 3 years
% irene users !! ★
@renetail @IRENEG1RL @joohynvie @irenehugs
@irenegloss @joohyunsr @ireneclu6 @favjoohyn
like or reblog.
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onomatopagu-et-cie · 8 months
The Killing Vote (ep. 8 notes, part 3)
Part 1
General impressions on the episode Official character profiles Lee Minsu’s tattoo Three pictures missing in Kwon Seokju’s house Choi Jinsu, Min Jiyoung and Lee Minsu « If I were Gaetal… » and a triangulation orchestrated by Kwon Seokju and Lee Minsu
Part 2
Jihoon and Gaetal Jihoon’s name Joohyun, Kim Muchan, Kwon Seokju and the Killing Vote « The moment you perfectly understand… » The Gaetal Kwon Seokju’s departure
Part 3 (right here!)
Joohyun and Gaetal More on Joohyun’s scar and expressions Joomin and the ‘firecracker smell’ Kim Muchan and Gaetal What’s still not addressed (yet) The ‘witness’, chronology of some key events, where the story is going:
Chronology of key events
Kim Muchan’s nightmare
Kwon Seokju’s conversation with Jihoon’s grandmother
‘Kim Muchan knows…’
Choi Dohee’s personal investigation and Kim Muchan’s endeavors
More on 당신
A potential secret communication in the main cast ① The news article on Kim Muchan and Gaetal ② The reverse Prison Break and ‘The 13th one is heard/tells [the signal]’ ③ Joohyun and the letters ④ The rabbit, the paperknife and the ointment cream ⑤ « Exactly 22 minutes. » ⑥ An IP address? ⑦ « Kim Muchan knows… » and the first letters
Wild guesses
♦ Joohyun & Gaetal
THE LOOK JOOHYUN GAVE KMC C’MON! She swallowed right after lmao:
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Note: KMC only said « Gaetal is No. 1 Fan and No. 1 Fan is LMS. » in front of KSJ once he cut his phone call with Joohyun. She looked genuinely shocked it was one of KMC’s current leads. And she also drew the line earlier in this episode as she spoke to KMC (as I said in Part 1!).
And after discovering KMC is the next target, she drags LMS out enraged and threatens him with a gun.
The Gaetal are supposed not to know anything about each other as a rule, that's what this episode showed ; if Joohyun took part in the TKV because she sympathized with No. 1’s rage (it's about No. 1, not No. 1 Fan/LMS she seemed to know nothing about!) and plans but now realizes the mastermind might be LMS, its literal antithesis who actually uses people’s rage to fuel his twisted game, what would her reaction be with this new piece of information… ?
(The very first picture parallels what her sister Joomin said to her schoolmates before she got injured, ‘You think this is a game?’!)
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Worth mentioning that while KMC’s team is panicking because their colleagues start judging KMC and voting, Joohyun and LMS keep staring at each other as you can see in the last picture above.
(Of course anyone would go batshit crazy in front of this scumbag’s behavior and given the urgency because the vote could be executed at any moment from now, but that still sounded reeeeeeeeaaaaally extreme nonetheless: threatening an individual with another officer’s gun she’s not even permitted to have and shooting at the ceiling… ?)
This bit on the pictures below felt even more suspicious, like she’s aware LMS has in his possession the means to stop the broadcasting, thus privy to how it was organized in the first place:
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The moment she turned around to smoothly borrow Yoonji’s gun was pretty unhinged too (first set of pictures below)! The motion looked totally natural to her, done in cold-blood (could she also be used to shoot even though her work doesn't require nor highly likely permit it?):
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In the second set of pictures, you can see this was an adrenaline moment done in the heat of the moment, she looks like she gradually regained her composure, realizing she was out of her mind as she looks around.
Note: a kr account on Twitter also noticed Joohyun spiraled even more once she saw this man on the screen (first set of pictures below):
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The user theorized he could be the drunk driver that killed Joohyun’s family and LMS bribed him to fabricate this testimony (more on it later in the final part of the post!).
That’d be some other level of wickedness from LMS lmao… ! But dude was ready from the get-go so it wouldn’t surprise me he thought that far given his hatred for KMC.
And it’s true Joomin also said she knew where he lived, that he was faring well in life and led a ‘happy life’ after murdering her family: he could’ve bought himself a ‘new’ life with that money.
On the subject of that car crash, going back to Joohyun's profile (see Part 1 for more context!):
There was only one police officer (I wonder who that is… ? c:) who bothered listening to her and that’s why she decided to join the police.
I don’t know if it’s worth mentioning it, but in ep. 2, we see KMC go back to Narae & KSJ’s cases: as he stumbles upon the picture of KSJ on his way to prison as he watches, the camera also focuses on Joohyun on the left side but KMC doesn’t seem to react to it at all.
-> Either it was only a hint directed at the audience (‘oh, look! the three were there on the same day, perhaps there’s more to it than that?’) and KMC didn’t notice her on the picture (perhaps he would later?) ;
-> Or he didn’t bat an eye because he already recognized her somehow eg. we’re not shown in the flashback if they spoke later to each other (when Joohyun was protesting and Muchan was parting with KSJ) and we don’t know if they met before (eg. through Joohyun’s family car crash or Gaetal).
However KMC reacted to the pictures of Joohyun’s parents in ep. 4 (in the second set of pictures above) like he recalled something while his lips part (though it could be from pure sympathy only!)!
If so, the possibility that Joohyun might've recognized him along the way could further explain her ‘the votes made sense this far but not with the Superintendent!’ in addition to their companionship/friendship built through this investigation!
(I’ll talk about Joohyun's past further in the final points!)
Also, if she’s part of Gaetal, she perhaps realized through her analyses (eg. Gaetal’s speech mannerism, other details) that KSJ was really involved with TKV and sympathized even more with him.
What she might’ve not been aware of was No. 1 Fan’s identity she was still trying to figure out while KMC had an inkling it was LMS (and in addition to that, it’s interesting that he withheld the story behind the ‘No. 1 Fan’ up to this episode!).
She also lashed out at KSJ (first set of pictures below) when she realized he discarded the first letter, and it might just be my imagination but that sounded pretty emotionally loaded, like she felt betrayed (especially the trembling and tense ‘LMS’s first letter is missing.’).
She looks mad MAD, there were only a few scenes she reacted this strongly unlike KMC for example, and the best example only happened in this episode with LMS:
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And she probably didn’t even inform KMC she was visiting KSJ to confront him (in the last pictures, she pretty much looks like she was interrupted by the call ; KSJ also looks embarrassed).
KSJ's expressions in the second set of pictures are also pretty interesting, when KMC called and when he was about to leave Joohyun behind!
Not to mention the exchange she had with Jihoon on what sets an accessory apart from an accomplice: it could be foreshadowing of not only Jihoon being part of Gaetal but also Jihoon and Joohyun working together (be it knowingly or not), with KSJ.
And Jihoon saying to her in the end « I’m your partner and not an accomplice, right? » is interesting in regard to what Choi Jinsu said on vigilantism: « Robin Hood didn’t think he was a thief either. »
An accomplice is a partner with the right intentions in the culprit's mind ; a murder becomes well-deserved vengeance ; a motive to murder in retaliation devils that were deemed innocent by the failing Rule of Law becomes a justification for preemptive assault, and so on!
It also brings into question this scene with Jihoon: indeed, how did the video ‘test’ even happen to be sent in Joomin’s laptop… ?
Recapping what we saw in the drama,
— KSJ didn’t seem to know its existence at all when Joohyun mentioned it to him ;
— Jihoon was shocked someone (Joomin) was able to find it ;
— KMC looked overcome with emotion when Joohyun showed him the video in the first episode, whatever this will mean later (① below) ; his reaction when Joohyun says one thing didn’t change between the video test & the broadcast (②) and when Joohyun finally mentions KSJ (③):
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Note: I supposed in one of the previous posts the person might’ve sent the video test on Joomin’s laptop to alert Joohyun (or for another purpose) through her sister knowing she’s part of the Cyber team. Joohyun became well-known in the workforce as the whistleblower, and KMC seemed well-aware of it! Also Joohyun modified the video test’s title: it’s not Lrae090915 but only ‘test video’ …
— For what it’s worth, here was Jodan’s reaction to the video test by the way and his reaction when Joohyun first mentioned KMC:
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♦ More on Joohyun’s scar & expressions
In episode 4, when Joohyun confides in KMC her habit of playing with her scar, she says: « Whenever I’m stressed out, it starts burning. »
She uses 신경쓰다 in this sentence (‘to mind/care/bother, pay attention mindfully/get on one’s nerves’ ; 신경 means nerve anatomically and fig. feeling/sense/thought about sth).
According to her profile, her scar became the stigma reminding her of the injustice she suffered.
Since ep. 8 cast some doubt on Joohyun in some scenes to me, I tried to rewatch the scenes she exhibited that habit to see if there were some interesting things to note!
→ She scratched her scar in this specific moment in ep. 2, when they were searching for the LAN cable at BGC’s ‘hideout’ (since Gaetal used a computer or remote server to air the test run for the Killing Vote there) and she also inserted the USB drive she carries around.
I’m not at all knowledgeable about this, but a random window popped up only a few seconds on top of the log history… ? And she coincidentally scratched her scar only after this particular moment.
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She initially asked Jodan to check the log history but she’s the one who did it in the end.
She then said she was collecting all volatile data to analyze them later (I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt haha, maybe that’s why that random window showed up?). But I believe we never heard from it again, right… ? And on the pictures above, she seemed a bit on edge when she told KMC she’d analyze the data back at the office, with a little forced smile.
It's interesting to note that she arrived first at the scene with Jodan, who then asked her: « By the way, didn’t you tell Team Leader too? », and… Joohyun never answered lmao????
And given CJS’s reaction when he arrived, the answer must have been no: « What’s going on here? Are you toying with us? », Jodan covered Joohyun by saying « We followed the lead and ended up here. »
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She looked puzzled at Jodan's question somehow then a bit surprised once KMC and Choi Jinsu arrived, and finally turned around panicked/annoyed as she’s blurred in the foreground.
… Reciprocally, KMC didn’t inform the Cyber team they were going there while their expertise would’ve definitely helped???? Because he perhaps knew everything already... ? (more on that later!)
Other moments where she scratched her scar:
→ As she was running an algorithm based on keywords related to KSJ & Gaetal and the words ‘Kwon Seokju’, ‘Kwon Narae’, ’Seohyun University’, ‘murder’ & ‘revenge murder’ were displayed (ep. 2).
→ When she interviewed KSJ for the first time, and seeing this habit made KSJ swallow for some reason (ep. 2), and it’s interesting to note their confrontation was shot in a pretty unusual way in the drama, literally face-to-face like they’re on equal footing: it was not even done between LMS & KMC nor KSJ & KMC!
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The only other pair that was shot like this was KMC & JJW in ep. 6 (the second set of pictures). And Lee Yunseong alone (not KMC) was shot in this way as he was interviewed by KMC in ep. 7. Is this to symbolize the character in question know everything, something along those lines... ?
→ When she’s nervously waiting for KSJ with KMC in ep. 3.
She thinks to herself:
« We’ve found traces of Gaetal in BGC’s hideout and KSJ’s house. These two places. If there’s no record of anyone logging onto the internet from either location while the voting took place, Gaetal must have a hideout elsewhere. Even so, they wouldn’t have gone that far. If we look for places that used more electricity than usual around the voting periods or housed a larger server in the vicinity of these two places… »
Note: indeed, in ep. 8, Min Jiyoung/LMS’s house used an unusual amount of electricity for example!
The two sentences in bold were said as she scratched her scar, KMC even stopped her in the end! KMC’s expressions were also interesting in this moment (eg. averting his gaze, shutting his lips more tightly).
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And KMC says: « Fussing over it won’t change anything. Don’t underestimate KSJ. Don’t show him anything he could use to read you. » (and indeed, you could read more into Joohyun’s behavior than KSJ’s in this whole scene!)
What followed was also really interesting, the moment was very short but once KMC asked if KSJ was Gaetal, Joohyun’s eyes were darting everywhere! And KSJ’s reaction too haha:
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Note: I never noticed until I took those screenshots the melancholic/worried/soft look on KMC’s face!
→ Joohyun scratched her scar once KSJ gave an explanation on the tag ; she also did it when she first watched the video test when the ‘devils deemed innocent’ came about! KSJ’s ‘That’s probably what it means.’ was superposed to a full focus on Joohyun’s habit while KMC noticed it (① below):
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Note: KSJ has a lopsided smile as he says he just realized it himself (it was about the intriguing 13th stab... more on that at the end of the post!) so he doesn’t know who he could’ve told that to + KMC’s expression was not shown on screen at that time!
→ Joohyun scratched her scar after KMC asked her to take KSJ outside to Gaetal, for her to be his messenger (more on that at the end of the post!) and eventually find out why he hid the letters and asked for a special pardon.
→ Also on the way to the Police Agency with KSJ in ep. 5, after KMC checked on them and assured him she would keep a close eye on him, which KSJ noticed.
→ Also in the same episode, as Joohyun showed the pictures of BGC’s wife to KSJ and said: « But there’s a case that seems to be an outlier for Gaetal, so it makes me uncertain. »
So how does Joohyun factor in all this?
→ Choi Jinsu said something interesting about her in the first episode (② above, 'How would she know the killer?').
→ And in ep. 3 (③ above), you get the superposition of KMC’s line (‘Gaetal is very close to [KSJ].’) with this shot including the two, Joohyun at the center and KMC exiting the picture! KSJ, the object of the sentence implied in this line from the context, is omitted, so the sentence could also literally mean 'Gaetal is very close.'!!!!
→ For what it’s worth, Joohyun was the one who led KMC to investigate KSJ: she suggested to KMC the link between ‘Devils deemed innocent’ and KSJ first and it became a lead in his investigation (ep. 1) ; she reported to KMC BGC’s isolation thanks to KSJ’s testimony, which made her finally meet him ; she’s the one who first theorized ‘Gaetal = No. 1 Fan’ in front of KMC as she analyzed the letters!
It was also Joohyun that claimed ‘devils deemed innocent’ was not a quote KSJ got from someone else.
It’d be really interesting if it was Joohyun who tried to deceive/manipulate KMC from the sidelines (of course, not necessarily with bad intentions in mind!) while the drama showed how KMC seemingly assumed an advising/supporting position to Joohyun. The drama also highlighted how KMC was the one who needed these advices the most!
→ There’s also that moment that seemed out of place as she faces the camera straight in ep. 3 (right in front of the TV news, presented by Choi Dohee, showing KMC caught in the explosion) and asks: « Do you still think Gaetal is right? »
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(Once again Joohyun's expression is blurred on the second set of pictures!)
While the question form (~니 was used ; it’s an informal marker for questions) and the context make it seem like she addresses her younger sister, her grave look and the close-up of the camera could show something else and cast some doubt.
Yes, in her next lines, she speaks like it was about her sister (eg. by mentioning her classmates) but this moment puzzled her sister who saw how serious she looked. Joohyun only relaxed once Joomin asked her ‘What?’ in shock.
Was the question directed at someone she knows (younger or the same age eg. Choi Dohee, Jodan, Jihoon ; the ~니 could also mean nothing since she was speaking to her sister at the same time)? Or herself?
Note: they’re talking about a betrayer in ep. 8, so if she worked with Gaetal/someone in Gaetal (like KSJ), she perhaps realized something was going wrong with the way the one who laid out the plans did things (eg. harm an innocent person, and KMC at that) only along the way.
While 'Do you still think Gaetal is right?' could naturally mean she totally condemns Gaetal (as in the group) and their deeds at first glance, it could also mean she condemns someone among that group and not necessarily the group as a whole, for example the mastermind who was giving out the plans in advance and that Joohyun knew nothing about until the investigation began!
If it was about Choi Dohee, we (and also Joohyun) know how she manipulates the truth for ulterior motives (she first appears as an admirable justice warrior in the first episodes but we discover it’s far from the truth behind the scenes) and she had communicated with Gaetal, was Joohyun aware of her plans?
When CDH asks who the votes served in the end, you can see Joohyun reacting.
Joohyun continues: « You said that your classmates likened Gaetal to Batman. A hero. You should all wake up. That bastard is a criminal. Someone who wouldn’t hesitate to kill cops and even people like you and me. A dangerous scoundrel. »
If I’m hearing right, she used for ‘지독한 낙 진범.’
진범 = real culprit, which might suggest even more that she separates Gaetal the group and the mastermind (but how does she know all that... ?)!
지독하다 = spiteful, venomous (ie. mind or personality having a very cold or harsh quality), terrible, awful, dreadful, cruel, harsh, inhuman or violent, sharp, intense, bitter, heavy, tenacious, persistent (ie. having a strong will)
That’s the adjective KSJ used to describe that ‘terrible rage’ KMC also felt when he got in the car ; it was specifically KSJ’s wording, while Joohyun only used 분노 (rage/fury/wrath) without that adjective when she spoke!
In ep. 6, she never made KMC listen to this specific part though btw! And we don’t know what she did when she went upstairs as KSJ was down, we only have her word!
-> On that subject, she lied a little to KSJ in ep. 6 about where she found Gaetal’s video test, saying it was ‘on a zombie PC when she was investigating a cybercrime case before this one.’ ????
And she sounded nervous, avoiding eye contact with him when she answered.
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She scanned what was under her gaze and changed the subject to Narae’s drawing KSJ was holding.
Why though?
Was it because it was simply an unnecessary detail to disclose to KSJ?
Was it because she already realized something really involved KSJ to the video?
Was it because she didn’t want to involve her younger sister since it was found on her laptop?
Was it because KSJ would understand something from the true answer?
And in ep. 4, she gave another version to KMC: « I was using [Joomin's] computer when I first found Gaetal’s test video. I forgot to erase it afterward, so she and her friend found the video and analyzed it. », which does not say AT ALL it the video test was specifically destined to Joomin’s computer only (the entire PC bang and accounts were infected but no video was found there except through Joomin’s laptop) as we discover it in Joohyun's separate investigation in ep. 2!
The only person she shared with how things really happened was Jodan (ep. 1 & 2).
What gives???? It’s similar to KMC is withholding the story behind ‘No. 1 Fan’ and his relationship to KSJ!
………….. And once again, how did KMC end up finding that IP address/that it was at BGC’s hideout without Joohyun nor (supposedly) Jodan’s help?
(See the last point where I overthink lol about KMC, Joohyun and KSJ's cryptic communication, some points above will be brought up again!)
→ In ep. 6, this scene was interrupted by Joomin. You can definitely see a hint of a smile/relief on Jihoon’s lips and under his eyes, his voice also is breathed out and trembling but Joohyun also seemed absorbed in their conversation until Joomin rushed in worried:
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♦ Joomin, the ‘smell’, Kim Muchan & Joohyun
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In ep. 3, when JJW (was it him though?) fled, I didn’t notice the gunshot that you can hear (around 50’) ; from the angle, it doesn’t look like it’s JJW himself who shot, he only stumbled when Joomin blocked his way and his arm, he looked empty-handed. He would’ve used it earlier if he had a firearm on him, but he only used what came in handy as a weapon (a golf club) like KMC did with the paperknife!
Note: ep. 8 showed Joohyun could fire a gun even though she was a special recruit in the Cyber Team. In ep. 3, she trailed after KMC and 'that man' ; also, it’s likely KMC didn’t bring a firearm on him since he switched clothes with Choi Jinsu and in a hurry at that (and made a point to take that paperknife with him as he went upstairs).
But if there was a gunshot (that sounded really close), where was the detonation seen (yes, it depends on the weapon but it’d produce at least a little flash because it was really dark out there)? Either it was shot from far away (Joohyun and KMC rushed few seconds after) or there was no gunshot in the first place... ?
The only thing that shined was Joomin’s phone in her hand… ? That she seemed to tinker with (she turned it on when she bumped into JJW then turned it off as soon as she fell) … ?
And a few minutes ago, she showed Jihoon an app on her phone imitating sirens and whatnot … (last picture above) ? Could she have generated a gunshot sound with her phone … ? Was it to scare him off or some other reason?
In any case, the fact there wasn’t any gunshot doesn’t mean she couldn’t have sensed the firecrackers/gunpowder/metal smell though eg. that person already had that smell on them for whatever reason.
Here’s Joohyun’s reaction when Joomin remembered the person smelled like firecrackers (and that dumbfounded look on KMC?!):
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Note that:
→ That lead on the smell was never brought up again interestingly!
→ The whole exchange unfolds under the premise the person was a man, Joomin kept mentioning « 그 남자 » (that man)
→ We don’t know what happened to KMC nor Joohyun in the gap between the moment the person exited KSJ’s house and they ran after them after the gate.
→ KMC and Joohyun were really close to the car exploding a few days ago so their skin could still smell metal/combustion!
→ KMC changed into Choi Jinsu’s clothes (it could be the source of the smell: even though CJS was far from the bombing, his clothes could smell something else, like gunshot powder).
→ KMC wore REALLY similar clothes to that person (black cap, vest, t-shirt and pants) except for the black mask that person wore when they knocked Joohyun (and Joohyun is seen putting a black mask on KSJ in ep. 5).
Was this incident a pure sleight of hand staged by whoever needed it to happen (I include everyone present in this haha)? If there was someone to deceive, who was supposed to be the audience... ?
→ The next day, Choi Jinsu said the person who fled « must know the area well. He sneaked out through blind spots. One camera caught their face, but it’s hard to identify someone in a mask. »
Cue KMC’s reaction on the pictures below ; he also wanted to see Jihoon to ‘ask him something.’
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Note: KMC never got to see Jihoon that day because he went to the hospital ; he was only interviewed at the Police Agency in ep. 7 but by KMC’s colleague, not him. Ep. 7 shows KMC paying close attention to CCTVs around KSJ’s neighborhood as he investigates Narae’s murder! It’s also obviously the case for LMS when he was young! Jodan also said in ep. 8: « You can easily learn how to avoid CCTV cameras online. There are a lot of online communities where those with criminal records share cops’ plate numbers and schedules of crackdown. » ➾ this could mean anybody could have found a way to bypass the CCTVs, eg. from Jihoon to KMC/LMS, the Cyber Team to KMC’s team and on MJY’s side too.
Another interaction between KMC and Jihoon was in ep. 6, as he looked at him quite worried/perplexed!
♦ Kim Muchan & Gaetal
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① There was a puzzling scene from the first episode, when KMC took the time to pull over once he received the announcement BGC was voted to be executed. This specific scene also happened just BEFORE BGC was murdered.
② The first episode also made visual parallels between KMC and KSJ!
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③ Ep. 2's scene was also weird, in ep2 KMC wasn’t even pretending to be dead, so he wasn’t working with the journalist (yet), why did he look this absent-minded then startled, brought back to the investigation at hand once Joohyun talked?
Note: He also seemed completely focused on what Joohyun was doing on her laptop ; even if Jodan’s moment was some comic relief (when he mistakenly pointed his flashlight to him as he argued with Choi Jinsu), it broke whatever absorbed trance he was into.
There’s also this scene in the conference room where the journalist seems to be pretty sure she’ll directly get information (and her show) from Gaetal in person. This never got addressed again later!
This gets even weirder now that the journalist dropped this bomb in front of Min Jiyoung (though it could be a bluff since they were challenging and literally lambasting each other lmao) in ep. 8: « I learned about their identity from a reliable source. And the police promised me a scoop on it. There wasn’t a hint of you at all in any intel I obtained. »
Like… what is actually happening right now???? I guess she somehow figured Gaetal’s identity only through said ‘hints’ and is not 100% sure of it.
(This also explains her determination to get information from her previous source and to keep it exclusively to herself!)
The question she asked him and the glances they exchanged also felt curiously emphasized in ep. 4 (the next pictures of ③).
KMC did taekwondo like his colleague Yoonji, he was 1st dan in taekwondo (you can see it when Joohyun searches for his profile in the first episode) but it’s never brought up even though it was a hint to Gaetal’s identity at the time.
Note: of course, 1st dan must be nowhere near the level of a national athlete (her profile says she even won an Olympic gold medal!) but it’s still a black belt! For comparison, it’s revealed in ep. 6 that JJW practiced hapkido (3rd dan), special martial arts (특공무술, 3rd dan ; I believe it’s taught in the military and the police force) and bodyguard martial arts (경호무술, 2nd dan, taught to protect VIPs).
There’s also this bit that’s not been explained (yet): in ep. 1, KMC negotiates a promotion to the HQ Investigation Team in exchange of handling TKV’s case because « there’s a case he must investigate while he travels nationwide. »
We still don’t know why KMC is determined to obtain it, but given the last episode, is it about his mother?
But for him to need to travel ‘nationwide’ and a higher position than he already has, the case must have a pretty large scale eg. branching in different regions and perhaps even cases, national authorities etc.
KMC’s auspicious nightmare also stood out in this week’s episode (more on it by the end of the post!).
I wonder how this will foreshadow the story: after witnessing Joohyun threaten LMS in front of his mother, he dreams Joohyun replaces her mother, bleeding out.
(Please let this not be her death flag, the still cuts for this episode were already enough ;;)
Also this might be reeeeeeeally far fetched, but when KMC arrived in front of Jihoon and Joomin and asked how long Joohyun has been in KSJ’s house, Jihoon says it’s been exactly « 22 minutes. » ???? … KSJ supposedly stabbed BWT 22 times to avenge Narae?
♦ What’s still not addressed (yet)
As the drama progresses, we still don’t have any flashback between the moment KSJ decided to murder BWT and the moment KMC catches up to him in the rain:
— KSJ must’ve contacted/left a message to KMC beforehand. This conversation is missing and we don't know how KMC knew he had to rush in the neighborhood ;
— We only get KMC’s recount of the events in the present: « [KSJ] abandoned everything that he had and chose to be a murderer. ‘devils who were deemed innocent’ is the phrase that he used to express his feelings at the time. ». It's only recently that we saw a glimpse of Jihoon's recollection of the events! It seems like the reveal will be vital and saved for the end.
— This series of events might be pretty important for it to be revealed in the second part of the drama while the outcome was hinted at since the first episode ; doing so would mainly be for the storytelling to be more engaging and dramatic with no specific reveal in mind, but it could also be to prepare for a potential plot twist ;
— If it’s that important, maybe there’s something that could significantly change our point of view of the whole situation or on one of the characters involved eg. KSJ or KMC. Idem for the key moment KMC fabricated the evidence, we only see a shot of him parked right in front of the building where Narae was found and hallucinate a smiling LYS!
— (crack theory that I still hold onto in a corner of my brain) what if it was KMC and not KSJ that murdered BWT?
The drama also still didn’t address two other really important elements in KSJ, KMC & LMS’s past: KSJ & KMC’s first meeting (is it linked to the latter’s mother?) nor LMS confessing to murdering Narae (or the complete truth behind the case: he’s 100% involved, but to what extent?).
LMS left KMC’s question unanswered (‘You’re the one who killed Narae, right?’) and the drama keeps hinting at LMS’s dangerousness with all the suspicions piling up.
The tragedy behind Joohyun’s family also remains completely untouched! I guess the conversation between Jihoon and Joomin about her family’s murderer will soon factor in since Jihoon is now completely revealed involved in TKV!
Like at this point all these elements seem like one big elephant in the room, I expect this to explode in our faces by the end of the drama haha
Also Jodan… ! Dude got his hands on the wiretapping device in Narae’s room ever since ep. 3 but we’ve heard nothing from it so far (perhaps analyses take lots of time since it’s really old and Gaetal’s case is all over the place, but still!)????
♦ The ‘witness’, chronology of some key events, where the story is going
I put this part in the end because it’s based on (too) many hints I mentioned in the notes and I tried to make sense of it all haha
A kr user found that the murderer of KMC’s mother suspiciously looked like said witness (I can’t unsee it now haha):
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Here’s what the witness said:
« He framed me for all kinds of crimes and ruined my life. My life was so tough and I made one mistake. Then, he lied about victims who never existed, fabricated the evidence, and framed me for something I didn’t do. So I was in prison for 10 YEARS. Because of KMC, my son grew up without his father. »
Chronology of key events
It made me think of how the key events unfolded in the drama:
→ 2008: KSJ began teaching at KNPU, KMC promised he’d be his ’No. 1 Fan’ (which might suggest their relationship went back an even longer way)
→ December 27, 2013 (you can see it written on Joohyun’s protest cardboard): Joohyun’s family hit-and-run car crash, the ‘repeated drunk driver’ escaped repeated DUI because of a ‘lack of evidence’ (and was only arrested for drowsy driving, the cardboard says he received 1 year and 6 months only). Only one police officer believed her story, which made her want to join the police. Meanwhile, the SAME YEAR, the witness for KMC’s vote (organized by LMS, not the ‘real’ Gaetal) was supposedly arrested and sentenced to 10 years in prison because of KMC’s abusive investigation.
→ Around 2015: when Jihoon met KSJ and Narae and KSJ wished to adopt him
→ 2015: Min Jiyoung was a new assemblywoman, prepared her campaign (presumably to run for presidency) and wanted KSJ to join her team. Narae’s murder (she disappeared on September 15). BWT is acquitted (because of the confusion of the plush toys KMC and the lawyer used & the extorsion BWT’s confession under police violence revealed during the trial ; there could be other underlying reasons), then murdered by KSJ in retaliation.
Note: we definitely saw KMC beating BWT because he was enraged but we also saw how Min Jiyoung and her husband literally stepped on him ; the bruises might have been mixed (or Min Jiyoung might’ve added to the bruises deliberately), Min Jiyoung coerced BWT into showing how hurt he was at the trial (in front of official authorities so this could not be denied) and KMC was discredited. It means nobody was held responsible for Narae’s death.
BWT’s parents died, it was classified (but most likely written off) as suicide. It was KMC who received the news through his phone call with CJS. KSJ didn’t seem to know it as he was being sent to prison (ep. 5, but it could be a lie). LYS fled the country soon after ; he only came back in 2022 and became a teacher at Seorae High School (its foundation is run by Min Jiyoung’s relatives). During Narae & KSJ’s cases, the Police Commissionner, KMC’s superior and Min Jiyoung met and something is linking them three to KMC and KSJ. Joohyun is seen protesting for her family’s case while KMC sees KSJ off.
→ May 2018: Lieutenant Im (a nurse officer), JJW’s fiancée, hanged herself after all the sexual abuse she went through. JJW threatened Cpt. Oh with an illegal weapon and as a result his death was faked by the military, was given a new identity and was discharged. Ever since, he worked in security services.
Note: On December 10, 2018, he worked as a Senate security agent. July 18, 2019, at a demolition company. 2019.12.01 - 2022.09.30, at Saehyeon Hospital, Cpt. Oh and Jihoon’s grandmother’s working place.
→ September 15, 2018 (same date Narae disappeared!!!!): KSJ received No. 1 Fan’s letter and was sent to solitary confinement for the first and last time. For 5 years he’d receive letters on a monthly basis.
→ 2021: Joohyun collected evidence to arrest Min Jiyoung because she ordered an illegal DDoS attack on the National Election Committee, but her aide took the blame. She found the hacker as she herself hacked the server of MJY’s family/political account. Someone else, MJY’s aide, took the blame. As a whistleblower (whose identity was forcefully revealed by Choi Dohee which was not per their deal) Joohyun got a special promotion but at the same time marginalized at her workplace: she revealed her team’s investigation to Choi Dohee and got her team leader fired (as he tried to delete the evidence right before they were meant to arrest Min Jiyoung).
→ 2023: the Killing Vote begins. KSJ, KMC and Joohyun (and the rest of the cast) are brought back together by this event.
And here are the events that still aren’t labelled with a date:
→ The tragic story behind Jihoon’s parents and how his grandmother came to raise him ; and it might have something to do with the death row inmate they planned to poison among others in the fourth vote.
→ The deal between BWT’s parents and Min Jiyoung (ie. likely for BWT to become the scapegoat for whatever LYS did)
→ The murder of KMC’s mother, her culprit fled the scene: what’s important to know is if it happened after Narae’s case or a long time before that (eg. when he first met KSJ). In that flashback, it seems KMC was wearing the Academy’s/Police uniform for his graduation or a promotion (see here for comparison) was holding a diploma/promotion certificate that fell in the pool of blood.
Looking at his epaulette, he had the rank of 경위/inspector at that time (one Rose of Sharon/mugunghwa is seen ; which is the first rank you get once you graduate from the Police Academy or University, there are five grades included) and when he held Gaetal’s Special Team press conference in ep. 1 he had the high rank of (chief) superintendent (three Roses).
→ Gaetal’s video test, which was probably titled after Narae’s disappearance
→ When Jodan got arrested for hacking and joined the police.
Kim Muchan's nightmare
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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
KMC’s sinking feeling that unsettled him was maybe a subconscious association with what he experienced in the past:
(1) This nightmare seemed to happen on occasional occurrences whenever KMC felt something was off, but enough for Choi Jinsu to comment on it.
(2) Joohyun threatened LMS and Min Jiyoung tried to get back at her in retaliation (in the same way she said to KMC after BWT’s trial: ‘Don’t mess with my son ; I won’t let this pass if you do it again.’), KMC intervened:
→ Joohyun replacing his mother in his nightmare could mean that both of them were in a position of a 3rd person’s imminent threat in retaliation to whatever KMC did to them (eg. arrest a culprit with strong connections).
→ It could mean whatever got his mother killed was linked to his promotion at the time.
(3) His mother was murdered by a man who looked like the witness involved in the Killing Vote that LMS organized. Said man got a very mild sentence for what he did to Joohyun’s family but he claimed (without any proof to back it up, the video was shot mainly for shock value) he was sentenced to 10 years of prison because of KMC.
(4) If his mother was murdered by the ‘witness’ who was involved in the case of Joohyun’s parents, he was probably someone’s henchman/bribed and/or blackmailed by someone to do this.
Note: Min Jiyoung grew connections with businessmen and politicians through her husband’s fortune and her parents/siblings’ connections (no name was mentioned though) ; his husband is a CEO of a construction/steel production company (‘Samdo Steel’, it’s described as a chaebol company). AND LMS said in ep. 6 « My family isn’t really on good terms with the police. 8 years ago, I was even suspected of being a murderer. »: the ‘even’ suggests Narae’s case might not have been the starting point of his family’s bad blood with the police. (Jihoon’s grandmother also advised him not to get involved with Joohyun… ? Was it because she feared they might get caught as Gaetal? Are they both related to MJY’s family? Does she fear the police for entirely different reasons eg. involvement with the disparition of Jihoon’s parents?) Note 2: Min Jiyoung’s profile highlights the fact she treasures her son but he’s also her weakness like ‘children always become a mother’s weakness’. The profile mentions she was judged because it was her husband’s second marriage (the two older sons were born in his first marriage) even though he’s a chaebol, but it doesn’t say if she was married before nor who was LMS’s father (not the chaebol, since they got married when Narae disappeared).
(5) Did the murder happen before or after Joohyun’s case in 2013? If that was before and KMC was that police officer who listened to her, was it because he believed her from his own experience?
(6) If KMC is part of Gaetal, and/or is aware someone else might be (eg. Joohyun, LMS or KSJ), could this nightmare have another meaning?
Kwon Seokju's conversation with Jihoon’s grandmother
I talked about that conversation in ep. 6 (thinking how Jihoon’s grandmother behaved like Min Jiyoung) but it now looks COMPLETELY different given ep. 8 haha:
« — But when it comes to sharing, kids these days seem even worse. My grandson never shares anything with me, and it frustrates me so much. A few days ago, he almost got seriously hurt, and I didn’t know because he didn’t tell me. — So he’s not hurt badly? — It’s just a scratch. It seems he’s pretty shocked. He’s always been quiet, but he’s quieter than usual. It hurts me to see him like that. He’s still a kid, AFTER ALL. — When I’m released, I’ll make sure to visit your hospital. It’ll be more effective to keep receiving treatments from you. — I guess I can’t retire until then, Inmate 0512. »
KSJ sounds like he’s keeping up to date with Jihoon’s well-being through his grandmother, even though they probably don’t meet in person (Jihoon’s desperate reaction as he saw him in ep. 6 would make sense if he barely met him for all those years).
Jihoon’s actual address is not registered, nobody knows where he lives. It's highly likely Gaetal's hideout.
And given the preview, KSJ is probably taken to that place and this exchange was probably the moment he planned to escape there (with code words eg. ‘when I’m released’ for his escape ; ‘visit your hospital’ for where she lives with Jihoon ; ‘I can’t retire until then’ ie. work with him as Gaetal No. 2 ; ‘He’s still a kid, after all’ hinting Jihoon’s involvement with Gaetal).
‘Kim Muchan knows…’
So according to KSJ, KMC knows that terrible rage from losing loved ones and the intense desire to kill the culprit. As I supposed in a previous post, it must be for both Narae and his mother, and KSJ seems to know that. KSJ also says ‘If you understand Gaetal for the reason I believe, I feel… deeply for you.’
In KSJ’s eyes, ‘For the reason I believe’ might not only refer to the rage Joohyun defined, but also to how Min Jiyoung might be behind all this. After all, he also checked Joohyun's background, he could've put two and two together and as for KMC, he must've learned it from the man himself.
Choi Dohee’s personal investigation and Kim Muchan's endeavors
In retrospect, Choi Dohee is no newbie to dropping bangers lmao
In the first episode, you see her debate on BGC’s controversial case with Min Jiyoung.
She then changes subject:
« And now, let’s take a look at examples of mitigation cases that have been controversial.
I heard a rumor about you running for presidency. You didn’t need to compete for your nomination, but running for presidency is… I’m worried the investigative hearings will end up just hurting you. »
And Min Jiyoung abruptly cut her off. Here’s the screen and said cases on the picture to the left:
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→ Child sexual assault by Jo Daeseung. The culprit indiscriminately assaulted a 10 year-old grade schooler girl ; his sentence was reduced to 12 years of prison labor because he was in a state of mental and physical weakness (thus the mens rea was not fully qualified) while he was actually drunk.
Note: I can only talk from my country’s standpoint, but being drunk is an aggravating factor in many infractions, such as SA, and not a mitigating one!
→ DUI leading to the death of a 40 year-old mother and her two children by Jeong Gyuwon. The culprit got their sentence reduced to 4 years of prison labor because they reflected on their crime, they admitted to committing the offense and was a first-time offender.
→ Kidnapping of a minor causing their death by neglect by Choi Yuseon, the director of a daycare center. She inflicted continuous abuse and violence on a 4 year-old child. The sentence was reduced to 6 years of prison labor for family neglect (meaning the family of the victim also neglected them).
This is absolutely no coincidence, and she definitely wanted to mess with her! We weren’t given any clues at the beginning about the cast’s past so this bit felt out of place (why would this make Min Jiyoung react this sourly, after all?) but in retrospect these cases’ circumstances are a disturbing recall to:
→ Narae’s case
→ Joohyun’s family’s case (though it’s a unisex name, the culprit in the case quoted by CDH could even be the man who killed Joohyun’s parents!)
→ Narae’s case once more because it also involved kidnapping and allegations of domestic abuse, but it could be about someone else!
In ep. 1 (the picture to the right), you can see a news article (the second on the picture) reporting how hard-working KMC was in solving gang and drug traffic cases but also hit-and-run cases???? In 3 years, 48 cases out of 50 were resolved according to the Nambu Police Agency. He was seemingly responsible in raising the arrest rate by 100%.
The article quoted KMC: « [We] will also catch, without fail, the culprits involved in hit-and-run cases [that were overlooked/remained unsolved] over the past several years. » (more on the phrasing just after!) and something along the lines of « We will endeavor [in handling] serious/great [crimes] that destroyed families. » (this second quote is too blurry and cut so I tried to guess from the missing parts in the brackets!)
In ep. 8, Choi Dohee also hints a lot how « she works so hard even though she doesn’t have to, which makes her pretty unique » suggesting that even though she's privileged with her connections, she still pulls a lot of (illegal) strings to perhaps hide something ugly underneath.
And what she does in ep. 8 before Min Jiyoung joins her definitely looks linked to whatever investigation she leads on her: she took a picture of one of Min Jiyoung’s campaign pledges, a project to empower the underprivileged (among redevelopment projects and a children hospital project).
It’s possible some members know each other’s identity for some reason (eg. Jihoon and his grandmother seem to communicate with KSJ pretty knowingly) while some don’t since it’s a rule between them.
Which means it could be possible and not that farfetched that if there’s more than 6 Gaetal (and there are actually 7 for example, matching the number of the desks) Joohyun, LMS, KSJ and/or KSJ worked together interchangeably without even knowing it. They could have realized it along the way and knowing LMS was a part changed the way to operate whatever plan they initially had in mind.
Since Gaetal is a group of people trying (but perhaps failing) to uphold each member’s anonymity, the misunderstanding is naturally introduced as « Gaetal » doesn’t necessarily mean the same thing from one Gaetal to another.
Eg. a wild guess but since there’s a great great (highkey great haha) chance he’s No. 3 (see Part 2!), when KMC says ‘If I were Gaetal, he would’ve been my first target.’ it’s because to him it’s true: he’s not the one who planned all the votes (most likely it is No. 1), he’s No. 3 but not the mastermind (it's highly likely Fan No. 1 then Gaetal No. 1, and KSJ factored in somewhere). And when KSJ asked if he meant it, it might also be because there’s doubt on what each meant by « Gaetal ». So he speaks of Gaetal as though it is separate from himself because that holds some truth to him. But when he felt KSJ might be Gaetal, he crammed Gaetal, No. 1 Fan and LMS together into the same identity.
Eg. When Joohyun says « Do you still think Gaetal is right? » she perhaps meant ‘Gaetal’ as in the mastermind laying out the plans (No. 1 Fan), not necessarily the whole group altogether! She perhaps addressed her question to someone she knows also works with Gaetal (eg. KSJ, their conversations sound even more cryptic than with KMC haha) who initially disagreed with her on the plans feeling wrong because they didn’t doubt anything (it could make sense for KSJ to believe that because of the letters and he was surprised to hear KMC was involved in the bombing of the car)
Eg. Joohyun & KMC’s scenes in ep. 8 also felt like Joohyun was trying to convince him that No. 1 Fan is LMS and the betrayer among Gaetal, and that he acts separately from them.
Eg. If KSJ and KMC know that they both are part of/involved with Gaetal, ‘JJW must not be the only one willing to sacrifice oneself’ could sound like KSJ is announcing he will escape his cell and draw the public’s attention on him so that the initial Gaetal won’t go down on its own while LMS flees and shifts all the blame on them
Eg. When LMS says KMC « is a really funny guy », could this also mean he caught up on his involvement with Gaetal?
Each Gaetal might also have different agendas eg. KMC would perhaps want to collect decisive evidence to catch LMS and MJY (and maybe even shift all Gaetal’s plans on him, who knows?), he might’ve been chasing after No. 1 Fan/LMS once he learned about the letters. He might even change his plans along the way if he realized KSJ is really involved with Gaetal. Joohyun might be looking for No. 1 Fan on her own too.
There’s an interesting parallel between what’s happening now and 8 years ago when it comes to videos, here’s what KSJ said about the video that smeared his reputation in ep. 7: « Whoever it was that made the video, it got the entire country hoping that I’m the murderer. Maybe the last thing I can do for Narae is to admit that I did it. That way, no one will talk about her anymore, and perhaps that’s all I can do. »
Replace Narae with KMC in this and this could be what's actually happening in the present aaaaaaaaaaa
To which KMC answers they have to catch the culprit: « I don’t believe you did it. Never. You’re the only person I trust… And look up to. Have you forgotten? I said I’d be your No. 1 Fan. » Back to the present, KSJ confessed he wished KMC were Gaetal.
More on 당신
(See more context on the pronoun in this post!)
In addition to what I said about Gaetal and KMC’s speech patterns in ‘The Gaetals’, KMC also uses the pronoun 당신 in ep. 4 when addressing Gaetal. It’s also the title for ep.3: « 당신, 영웅 아니야 » (« You’re not a hero. »).
An interesting detail is he addresses Gaetal by ‘너’ right before when he says ‘Also… You and the Killing Vote. Don’t be mistaken.’ and after as he adds: ‘You’re clearly a murderer, and your method is wrong. I’m going to catch you no matter what.’
He addresses the one across the cameras and in a confrontational tone too. The ‘너’ before and after 당신 reinforce that impression but could also suggest he’s identifying someone/it is personal (eg. he knows who’s behind the mask).
➾ Is he talking to two separate individuals/groups (eg. 당신 → KSJ/Gaetal & 너 → LMS)?
➾ (wild take) but could this mean he intends to catch LMS but not KSJ/Gaetal... ?
Another detail: in ep. 7, KMC also addresses LMS with ‘너’ and informally.
Of course, LMS is 10+ years younger and you wouldn’t say their relationship was amicable ; the way they’re both sitting & behaving in front of each other is not your average respectful conduct either haha!
It contrasts with LYS’s interview by KMC 8 years ago too!
→ The mention of ‘hero’ in KMC's lines might be a personal reference to the flashback we saw in the next episode, as Narae says in the recording ‘You’re my hero, Dad. Because you always keep me safe. I love you, Dad.’ in front of the ‘My Daddy My Hero’ neon.
→ While the adjective/verb for ‘to be wrong’ (틀리다) is really common, both KMC and the person who tagged Narae’s wall used it (‘Your method is wrong.’ & ‘The 13th was wrong’). KMC says this AFTER going to KSJ’s house and witnessing the tag, it could be a reference (does he know what ’13th’ means?).
And KMC swiped the tablet to get to the picture of the tagged wall right after he asked KSJ if he was Gaetal, and reiterates once the picture is displayed: « Should I ask you again? Mr. Kwon Seokju. Do you know anything about Gaetal and the Killing Vote? ».
It’s as though the tag (besides being in Narae’s room) pointed to something and KMC knew that ; because yes, the video test was shot in Narae’s room which is suspicious enough, but the tag is quite obscure and the articles were only about Narae and KSJ.
(See ② of 'A potential secret communication' right below for more about the tag and the number '13'!)
A potential secret communication in the main cast
① The news article on Kim Muchan and Gaetal
As a reminder,
Gaetal in the video test: « Just you wait. I’m coming for you. » / « 기다려. 내가 너 잡으로 간다. » KMC to Gaetal: « I’m going to catch you no matter what. » / « 내가 너 반드시 잡는다. »
‘잡다’ broadly means to catch, hold, grab but in this context it’s to arrest/catch a culprit
‘반드시’ means without fail, certainly
The news article Joohyun saw on KMC and his strive in hit-and-run cases in ep. 1 also had a similar wording:
« 수년이 지난 뺑소니 사고도 반드시 잡는다. » ‘[We] will also catch, without fail, the culprits involved in hit-and-run cases over the past several years.’
‘수년’ means a certain number of years, and I didn’t know that it’s several years ‘that do not precisely exceed 10 years’! 10 years, like the (potentially fictional) sentence of the 'witness'... ?
We don’t know when that article was written, but I’m pretty sure it’s a reference to Joohyun’s case: all these articles were written when KMC climbed the ladder all the way up so it'd make sense!
② The reverse Prison Break and ‘The 13th one is heard/tells [the signal]’
'The 13th was wrong.' was what was seemingly tagged on the wall in Narae's room.
But… 틀리다 (틀렸어) can also become a paronym of 들리다 (들렸어) because their pronunciation in the past tense becomes almost identical. 들리다 can mean: — tell something, have something heard ie. have someone listen to something — be heard/audible ie. for a sound to be heard and recognized through one’s ears — become sick or possessed — be held or lifted
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… In ep. 8, Mozart’s Requiem is specifically heard!!!! And that’s exactly the same part Joohyun played in ep. 3 LMAO
JJW halts and tilts when he hears the tune, as if he recognizes some sort of signal… ? It seems it came from the truck that broke the wall and made KSJ escape! We also weren’t shown the truck driver’s face!
KSJ and a third person (this might include KMC, Joohyun, Jodan and JJW) helping him from the outside were the ones the message was destined to, and it was delivered by Joohyun and/or KMC.
Note: For the '13th' part, it could be a reference to the Requiem, XIII: Agnus Dei but I don't believe it was that part we heard in both episodes, I feel it was I: Introitus, though I could be wrong (if someone has the answer please tell me haha)! However the point still stands, as it could be a synechdoche (a literary device using a part of something to describe a whole and vice versa because they're bound by a logical link/a relation of inclusion ; it's a type of metonymy) ie. the 13th points to the Requiem being played. Or the wrong part is deliberately played on screen so as not to make it obvious? I don't know, I'll get back to that later if I find answers! AND: on Agnus Dei, God's 'Lamb' is 하느님의 어린 양 in Korean!!!! 'Lamb' is 양 in Korean, and... Jihoon's grandmother, a member of Gaetal, is called YANG Hyejin lmao + the company delivering bottled water to the death row inmates (and also to the Police Agency it seems from the last minutes) is said to be 'partly supported by us through a private organization', which might be Yang Hyejin's. Finally I believe we see KSJ reuniting with Jihoon and his grandmother in the preview: the tag could've been an indication of where to go next?
After KSJ thanks her because it was nice to 'listen to it' (reconfirming he understood the message?), Joohyun then brings up the tag once again: « Gaetal may have scribbled on your wall a bit, but they didn’t make a huge mess. It had good natural lighting. It was a very nice house. »
Was KMC privy to this message? Did they work together? He looks like he noticed something as he listened, he squinted his eyes a bit. In ep. 5, he specifically said KSJ wanted her to be his messenger, but who knows if he was let in on in too.
But one thing did feel suspicious:
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In KSJ’s cell at the Police Agency, KMC thoroughly checked the camera angles beforehand (maybe to prepare for what he wanted to whisper to KSJ so that he wouldn’t be caught) AND the windows that the truck crashed into in ep. 8.
KSJ did the same when he first arrived, then literally faced the wall (on which the papers were coincidentally taped) and windows in question in ep. 5 with KMC looking at him. The papers coincidentally stopped being taped around where the truck would collide, as if it was someone’s way (whoever it was) to pointedly demarcate it and signal it to KSJ.
The first thing KMC asked KSJ to do in the investigation was to search through the letters he received, his acquaintances, and everyone who attended the final trial to find out who is Gaetal.
And curiously, the only shot that shows KMC pointing to the papers on the wall is when he directed KSJ’s attention to the final trial attendance list, and coincidentally… it’s the one that was taped at the far end, right next to the point of collision… !
If I’m hearing things right, he introduced said list with the adverb ‘특히’ (especially): « Go through all the letters you received, your acquaintances and [especially] everyone who was at the final trial, and pick out those who may be Gaetal. »
And cue KSJ’s reaction: to find a lead in this case, you would normally look for the next targets, not the culprit, to which KMC answers it’s better to divide work for efficiency, �� finding the culprit is our top priority. »
Also an interesting shot in ep. 5: the emergency exit sign points in the direction of KSJ’s cell as you can see on the last picture lmao
And ironically, KSJ was checking the wall when Jodan and KMC were saying this:
« — There are CCTV cameras outside of the room as well, so we can watch your every move in real time . So there won’t be any blind spots. Should you wish to leave this room, you must be accompanied by at least one guard or detective.  — KMC: The most important thing is that no one can know you’re here. The moment people find out, the special pardon will be cancelled. »
In ep. 8, it was Jodan who mentioned a ‘reverse Prison Break’ while they were debriefing about how Gaetal would target death row inmates, be it foreshadowing for the real escape in the end of the episode or Jodan’s potential involvement in all this.
In ep. 8, KSJ also asked Jodan: « Could you ask Park Cheolmin to bring me a book? »
That’s maybe how they communicated together with the warden? Is this really about a book?
AND in the same episode, the janitor was not by KSJ’s side (when he ultimately fled) because he got an ‘urgent call’ from the warden MMMMMMMH + in ep. 4, KSJ hinted to the warden there’s no way he might ‘threaten’ him should the need arise, but… ‘they’re not in that situation yet.’
③ Joohyun and the letters
In the same interview in ep. 4, Joohyun hands over to KSJ a few letters out of the stack, her index turning white by the pressure she applies on the first one (is she indicating him which ‘letter’ to read?). KSJ opens it but we don’t see its content (the first set of pictures below):
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Who’s to say there weren’t some specific instructions printed on said ‘letter’?
And when KSJ seemingly accused her of violating the Privacy Act, and « Given the severity, you could even get a prison sentence. » (the 'Killing Vote' actually is actually called 'national death punishment vote' in Korean, so is he requesting information on the Killing Vote and its future plans... ?), Joohyun specifically says she found the letters in the prison trash can..........
(Could there be another message/item waiting for him there? A prison trash can could be a place that both an inmate and a visitor have access to!)
Insisting on maintaining eye contact, she hands him once more the same stack but her thumb points out to the second one (second set of pictures above!).
What was likely staged as Joohyun handing KSJ his letters back because she stole them was perhaps her giving him next instructions without raising suspicions.
Note: What she says next is: « These letters Gaetal sent under the alias ‘No. 1 Fan’ describe in detail how the victims of the Killing Vote would be executed (she only maintains eye contact with him the moment she put emphasis on the word 방식, ’specified method or form’ ; 방 also means room hence the emphasis maybe, perhaps as a reference to his future cell?). But some pages are missing. I’m suspecting the targets were written on them. You were just playing innocent, right? You actually know Gaetal’s next target, don’t you? (I believe this part was actually her really wanting to know the truth because she wasn’t aware there were letters premeditating TKV and wanted to know where the missing pages went) »
KSJ then negotiates his special pardon but Joohyun seemed genuinely surprised.
-> Either KMC deceived her along the way: he instructed her to do everything mentioned but the content of said ‘letter’ was only known of KMC (while Joohyun truly thought they were the letters). However, this didn’t go exactly as planned for KMC either, he smashes the desk in frustration.
-> What she communicated to KSJ was something entirely different than the special pardon: she also expected something out of this meeting.
Speaking of ‘method’, in ep. 4, KMC said in front of the cameras: « Your methods are wrong/[???]. » (‘네 방법은 틀렸어/들렸어.’)
But once again… You can replace ‘wrong’ by any of the following paronyms: tell something, have something heard ie. have someone listen to something ; be heard/audible ; become sick or possessed ; be held or lifted.
AND he uses the word 방법 for method which is used to describe a reliable/effective/scientific method of data analysis.
④ The rabbit, the paperknife and the ointment cream
What else did Joohyun (or somebody else) do that was related to KSJ?
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In ep. 3's interview, KSJ halted in front of the picture of Narae’s stuffed rabbit probably because he knows this wasn’t the specific place he last left it before he murdered BWT: it was on the living room’s sofa! The bunny was also recorded on the video test.
And he might've caught on that the one who did that was pretty much aware of the great sentimental value the bunny held in KSJ and Narae's eyes (KMC or Jihoon), which means that they might've done that with a particular reason in mind.
KSJ says: « The rabbit is all worn out. » (‘토끼가 많이 바랬네요.’) but 바랬네 can come from both 바래다 (fade/lose color ie. for a color to become less clear or turn yellowish from being exposed to sunlight or humidity, by ext. being worn out) and 바라다 (want/hope/wish).
And KMC uses that meaning of 바라다 in ep. 4 (KSJ did too when he said ‘I wished you were Gaetal’), as you can see in the last two pictures.
Was there something inside the stuffed bunny or in the shelf that’s underneath?
Note: It could even be 바래다 (see sb off ie. going with someone who is leaving to a certain point or to see them off, eg. taking them home)! Also, like in many Asian countries, the rabbit is also strongly associated to the moon and the lunar calendar/months (Gaetal?). Also as I said on ep. 7's post, 탈 (mask), 딸 (daughter) and 달 (month, moon and rabbit by association) are paronyms: there must be something hidden under all this message!
These moments also looked interesting:
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THE PAPERKNIFE (first set of pictures)
I rechecked out of curiosity and the paperknife KMC threw was still there in ep. 3 when his team investigated the house.
But it’s gone from the frame in ep. 5. Which could mean:
-> Most probably the forensics took it
-> Someone else did after they left with an ulterior motive in mind eg. Yoonji herself/someone in the investigation team or somebody else who came while they were investigation or after!
Speaking of the scene in ep. 3, KMC stumbles upon a knocked out Joohyun and there seems to be the bombing spray right beside her:
Was the point of this showing the tag to KMC so that he’d understand something (it's the first thing she did once she regained consciousness)?
Were her injuries and the third person’s escape fake and was she trying to stage the scene? Joohyun claimed in front of KSJ she was hit pretty severely then, but her injury remained concealed under her hair and was not shown like for the rest of the cast:
Her own scar from the car crash ;
KMC's burns, injured forehead and bandaged hand ;
His team's bruises after they fought with the passerby ;
Jihoon's injured arm from the thrown chair and the cut on his neck from being taken hostage in ep. 6 ;
JJW had the scar on his ear and the burn scar on his neck ;
LMS has the scar left from his surgery ;
KSJ had the scar highly likely left from his pneumothorax surgery given its position on the side of his ribs.
THE OINTMENT CREAM (third set of pictures)
Joohyun gave KSJ the ointment cream and what looks like a bandaid (there could be something inserted inside).
KSJ thanks her for ‘everything’: he puts the emphasis on ‘everything’ by saying « 고마워요… 다. ». It’d be casually said « 다 고마워요. »: it could be because of the emotion of the moment of course but perhaps he’s referring to an ‘everything’ only Joohyun and him could understand. She looks naturally moved but she also touches her scar in reaction (!!!!).
WHATEVER SHE DID IN 'NARAE's ROOM' (fourth set of pictures)
As I said previously, we also don’t know what she did in Narae’s room or wherever she went upstairs.
As soon as she mentioned checking the photos on the wall (사진), she looks in the direction of the frames hung next to the stairs (was there something inside/behind?).
⑤ « Exactly 22 minutes. »
Also for Jihoon’s « Exactly 22 minutes. » (정확하게 22분 있네요.)
분 can mean several things: — the counting marker for minutes — the honorific address of a person or the honorific counting marker for number of people — … powder (the smell of powder… ?) — anger, wrath, like 분노 (rage) KSJ used in his conversation with Joohyun
⑥ An IP address?
This is beyond Reach Land lmao but in ep. 3, KSJ says:
« My daughter Narae was stabbed with a knife 22 times. I did the same thing to her murderer. Seven. Eight. Nine. He was already dead, but I couldn’t stop. He was the bastard who dared to lay his hands on my daughter. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. And then the 13th thrust… The knife slipped in the rain, so the 13th stab wound was different from the one my daughter sustained. That’s probably what it means. The 13th one was subtly but clearly different. And wrong. »
➾ Was he trying to convey a combination of the numbers he mentioned? It could be an IP address if you remove the 3 of 13 (because the 13th was ‘slightly wrong’) and reverse the order: Not 78910111213 but Note: The IP address Joohyun found in ep. 2 was
⑦ « Kim Muchan knows… » and the first letters
Joohyun reads some letters from No. 1 Fan at the end of the episode.
The No. 1 Fan’s letter on June, 4, 2019 was… romantic lmao (you can see an excerpt when Joohyun checks it at the end of the episode) and it sounds eerily familiar to what LMS said to KSJ: in the letter, the Fan said he received flowers from a friend, the birth flower for June 1st, the Great Maiden’s Blush.
He told KSJ its flower language, « You’re the only one who knows my heart » (« 나의 마음 그대만이 아네 », the word used for heart is 마음, it can mean someone’s mind, mood, feelings and also heart ie. affection or interest ; 알다 means to know).
He said he thought of the Professor when he looked at the flowers: just as he alone understands KSJ, it’s nice to know the only person who understands him is the Professor (for understand he used 이해하다).
Which is also an interesting call-back to Joohyun trying to decipher KSJ’s words in ep. 6: « If you understand Gaetal for the reason I believe, I feel… deeply for you. (…) You said Team Leader Kim didn’t notice, but I don’t think so. I’m sure he did. That terrible rage. He knows what it’s like. »
The last line said is « 잘 알고라고요 » (I said [he] knows [it] well): the object is once again omitted because KSJ spoke about the ‘terrible rage’, but it could also be in reference to something else, and this letter is now shown in the drama!
Also later in that episode, Joohyun puts the emphasis on the verb ‘knowing’, as though she’s found an intriguing keyword in KSJ’s lines:
« 김무찬도 안다. 그런 마음을 안다. 김무찬은 안다. 김무찬도 애틋하다? »
Sentence by sentence:
« Kim Muchan knows [it, whatever it is] too OR I know Kim Muchan too. »
« [He or I, subject implied] know(s) such a feeling. »
« Kim Muchan knows. » [no doubt on KMC being the subject of the sentence here ; but whatever is its object, eg. heart/feelings/rage, is totally unknown but privy to both of them]
« Kim Muchan also feels deeply/loves [for who? Who knows c:] OR [I] feel deeply for/love Kim Muchan too. »
The thing is, ~도 is a particle that can replace BOTH subject particles (~는/은) AND the object particles (~를/을) so the first and last sentences can be translated both ways (hence the 'or')!
And as I said for ep. 6, 애틋하다 can both mean you sympathize with someone’s pain (anxious, regrettable ie. one’s heart going to someone or something out of regret or sympathy) AND that you feel affectionate for someone (ie. having deep affection and love for someone).
And… the 애 in 애틋하다 can be two homonyms: 애 as in anxiety, worry AND as in 愛, the hanja for love…
This really gives me the impression that LMS read KMC and KSJ’s correspondence and tried to mimick it to take KMC’s place, why would he speak of ‘embarrassing love letters’ otherwise, emphasis on embarrassing (meaning he stumbled upon something he found really interesting)… ?
Not to mention that he said to KSJ when he met him: « I was worried you might hate me, but you showed you completely understood me (he used 이해하다, same as in his letter). It meant we were finally communicating properly, which reassured me. »
With that same logic, KSJ's « I feel deeply for/love you. » (당신이 많이 애틋합니다.) could 1) mean love ; 2) be a reference to the letter ; 3) the 당신 truly addressed KMC at the same time KSJ was respecting Joohyun’s pain. And 4) KMC understood it.
Has KMC been communicating with KSJ like that through the years? Was he the one who planned out KSJ's escape? My brain is exploding from too much possibilities 8D
Wild guesses
We still lack A LOT of context but maybe:
-> KMC’s grand-scale investigation aims all the tragedies gathering the cast together (Joohyun, KSJ, Jihoon and his grandmother, JJW, …). He needs enough authority on a national scale to take down Min Jiyoung, her son and others involved (eg. the Commissionner, the 'witness'), especially since she’s now running for presidency. He’s been communicating with Choi Dohee to try to look into some events, poke at Min Jiyoung and find evidence. Perhaps he’s even the Gaetal who tipped her off and the one she’s having a privileged communication with.
Maybe KMC expected Min Jiyoung to covet the Killing Vote (to win the presidential elections) and dirty her hands by making it hers: he wanted to lay that strong of a trap to be able to expose her tentacular influence and (re)open all the cases that were insidiously tampered with by her and force his way through all potential cover-ups and corruption by national authorities (we know the Commissioner himself isn’t in the clear at all for example) because he’d then gain the country’s trust and support.
For that, he needed to be himself a part of Gaetal to collect enough evidence to indict her and make sure she has no way out by promising to Choi Dohee a scoop on Gaetal’s identity when the time comes.
Note: time is ticking because once she’s elected as the next president, she’ll be granted presidential immunity from criminal prosecution: if so, she needs to be successfully impeached for her to face charges. She’d highly likely escape KMC’s trap because she seems to have deep ties in politics, corruption might be unavoidable then.
The ideal moment to expose MJY would be during her investigative hearing (that's broadcasted publicly if I'm not mistaken) where a well-crafted rebuttal in advance would prove difficult, and Choi Dohee indeed hinted at this event in ep. 1.
I just checked and impeachment in SK must be voted by the two thirds of the National Assembly, which means 201 votes or more in favor. The majority of the Constitutional Court must then vote to uphold the impeachment motion and remove the president from the office. Which might considerably reduce the chances to zero because the long and complex procedure would introduce too many unknown and uncontrollable parameters to successfully tip the scales in favor of KMC’s plans.
-> Making Joohyun a whistleblower in 2021 by Choi Dohee was perhaps even part of the plan unbeknownst to her, to make her a voice legitimate enough for the country to listen to her when the time comes.
-> KMC was the Gaetal in the ‘video test’, but it’s possible the initial objective was totally different from what it actually is now. He asked Jodan and/or Jihoon’s help to reach Joohyun, known to be a whistleblower, by hacking her sister’s computer. It was never supposed to be a video test. He needed to give Joohyun strong reasons to believe Gaetal was an imminent threat for her to look into it without her suspecting they specifically wanted to reach her (eg. by turning into zombie PCs every computer of the PC bang her sister used to play games at) and eventually understand it was maybe a hidden message (to further communicate between each other).
Joohyun also seems unrelated to KSJ so any communication between both of them would not be under suspicions nor scrutiny, unlike KMC (which is probably why he never went to visit him... according to the warden, but KSJ's secret 'labor' outings could be linked though).
-> LMS learned about the Killing Vote before it began and decided to mess with KMC’s plan by laying out the votes for the future Gaetal that would be led by KSJ he’d coax through the letters (by impersonating KMC based on his knowledge of their intimate relationship he got by wiretapping them and from CJS for ex.). That way, he’d drag both KMC and KSJ’s names in the mud, they’d have no way out of the game he made his. One of his objectives was getting KMC murdered as a target of the Killing Vote once people’s support and trust would be completely gained. Somehow, he doesn’t have much time left, probably due to his heart disease, so he decided to take part in TKV and enjoy it to the fullest.
Min Jiyoung's 'children hospital project' might also be connected to LMS eg. to save him in time.
-> KMC didn’t expect the letters at all and never wanted KSJ to get himself involved in the Killing Vote. This might’ve drastically changed his initial plans. He now has no other choice than to catch Min Jiyoung/LMS through Gaetal (eg. by making them the scapegoats).
-> KSJ believed KMC was Gaetal because of the No. 1 Fan letters, and he deliberately got himself involved at first because the letters asked him to and later (when he realized LMS was the sender) so that KMC wouldn’t take the blame alone (perhaps he even settled on becoming the scapegoat alone).
-> The first letter might not have been written by LMS. For example, it could’ve been KMC confessing his initial plans to him and that he’d finally be able to atone for his past mistakes. The plan was suggesting he’d be doing everything on his own without involving KSJ (perhaps he even made his farewells in case things wouldn’t go as planned), which made him go mad because he couldn’t bear to watch him going down alone helplessly. But he never went into detail as to how the plan would be carried out. That’s why he believed the other letters that were sent from this point on were a change of heart and truly came from KMC who now wanted to involve him. LMS perhaps intercepted the first letter through his mother’s connections (because he kept a close eye on KSJ as he was still obsessed by him) and decided to impersonate KMC and involve KSJ in his Killing Vote. Doing so, he gets to thwart KMC’s plans from the inside to save his mother in a purely entertaining way and enjoy the intimate relationship he felt entitled to from the beginning.
-> How Gaetal’s cast was recruited in the beginning remains a complete mystery, whether they were gathered by KMC, KSJ or LMS in the beginning, how they were recruited in anonymity, …
-> KMC nor KSJ never meant to involve Jihoon in the plan but he insisted on joining them because he couldn’t stand it too.
-> While investigating on their own, KMC and Joohyun each realized along the way the other was part of Gaetal through subtle details. Joohyun might be taking a bigger part in it than expected and her communication with KSJ seems really hazy too. Each also realized in their own way LMS was part of Gaetal.
-> KSJ, Joohyun and KMC bonded through the Killing Vote and now try to protect each other without the other necessarily knowing it. Joohyun also realized KMC was the police officer who believed her story during her parents’ case and is now determined to protect both KMC and KSJ.
-> KMC was promoted in the past because he cracked down a huge case involving Min Jiyoung’s connections or herself, even before Narae’s case ; his mother got killed in retaliation.
Et voilà! Again have a nice week and enjoy episode 9 💚
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