harryzhangs · 4 years
THE SUPPORTING ROLE: how do you deal with betrayal?
“definitely not well. it’s happened to me enough times, coming from people i trusted, that i just throw up my defenses and lash out at this point. i don’t really know how to let things go. i mean, i stopped talking to my best friend from high school. i still act like i hate josie more than two years later, even though i don’t, because my grudges don’t go away. but i think it’s my right to do that when someone hurts me so fucking badly, isn’t it?”
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ofmadsle · 4 years
when: rehearsals baby 
where: outside the FAB
who: @joseqhine​
She was going to ignore all the strange feelings bubbling to the surface in regards to... well, everything. Josie going off in the group chat wasn’t surprising, Mads remembers all the times she had to clean up after Josie’s outbursts before. But for fucks sakes, who would implicate her? Maybe if she had gotten Lady Macbeth, she’d understand. But, there was nothing to stand on. What was most surprising to Mads was the annoying, pitying feeling she actually felt for Josie now. She had seemed larger than life when Mads first arrived at Alderidge, and god she wanted her approval. But, her insistence on loving Orson? On craving his approval like a drug?
Was Mads wrong to assume the ice queen was untouchable? 
That didn’t excuse the bullshit she was put through, for a piece of shit director too. It doesn’t excuse the fact that Josie was a miserable bitch most of the time (she remembers laughing with Grace and her, the three of them felt on top of the world), but this was the first time she saw clarity in a sense. She could sympathize with Chandler, couldn’t she? What if Orson tried it on her? Or Josie? She shudders at the thought. Actually, she almost dry heaves. She was so scared of him sometimes, that if he tried to dig his talons into her, she wasn’t sure if she’d have the courage to turn away. Thank fucking god he was dead. 
She saw Josie coming up to the building. They had a short scene together, which she was grateful for, but it was still something to go over for blocking purposes. Rehearsals were mindless for the most part at least. But still, she needed a cigarette- not her usual vice, but it’s not like she shied away from it. It’s been a hard few days. She almost doesn’t say anything, the annoyance still crawling over her every time she saw Josie, but she sighs our the drag she just took. “Hey, I’ll meet you in there.”
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teddynewell · 4 years
𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗: who knows? time’s a social construct.  𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎: a classroom at the fab.  𝚠𝚑𝚘: @joseqhine​.
truth be told, teddy was a little guilty about how upset josie and mathias sounded on the group chat. but just a little. deep down, he knows they’d never get convicted. after all, they adored orson. it makes teddy wonder how on earth they ended up on that list. how anyone but him ended up on that list. 
“josie,” he calls out, walking over to her once the class is over. he is not so sure what he is supposed to say now though. but it’s too late now. teddy is right in front of her. so he says the first thing that comes to mind: “i’m so sorry about the police thing,” he mutters, fingertips reaching for the back of his neck. “i don’t know how the investigators reached such an awful conclusion.” and then a half-lie: “i hope they fix their mistake soon.”
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aldysfool · 4 years
where: courtyard between FAB & alderidge hall; when: tuesday afternoon, before the read-through; who: @joseqhine​.
as usual for someone who has an unhealthy dependence on drugs to get through each day, nate is outside smoking before the cast’s call time  —  just something to take the edge off. he places his copy of macbeth down to stub out the cigarette when he looks up and sees a familiar face. he bursts into laughter when he sees her. josie’s the kind of person that nate didn’t ever get along with; and looking at her, it still blows his mind that she and mads were ever close. he thinks she’ll probably walk by and ignore him, but nate just can’t let this opportunity pass him up. “what’s up, lady ‘duff? memorize that scene yet?"
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zahramalik · 4 years
LOCATION: outside the fine arts building TIME: tuesday, half an hour before the read-through AVAILABILITY: closed @joseqhine​
Old habits were hard to break; Zahra knew she shouldn’t have been smoking right before the read-through. She should’ve been preserving her voice, giving her vocal chords the rest they needed. After all, she had a great role this time and she was not about to squander it. The same couldn’t have been said about everyone, particularly the fallen star making her way to the FAB entrance. Definitely made her smoke break worth it. “Glad to see you showed up,” Zahra said before Josephine could slither past her and into the building. “A couple of second-years made a betting pool on whether or not you’d hide in shame. I’m about to be fifty dollars richer.”
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saffijackson · 4 years
answered here!
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ensemblehq · 4 years
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the following individuals have 24 hours to make an in-character post or message the main for a hiatus before their characters are re-opened:
@joseqhine @aldysfool @hudscnwilliams @bxstvrd @ofhelens @harryzhangs
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harryzhangs · 4 years
location: hallway in FAB, shortly before josie’s macbeth audition closed to @joseqhine​​
harry always prefers to show up to auditions early. her ritual has been the same since high school: arrive 45 minutes before scheduled her time slot, sit on the floor with her back to the wall, close her eyes, and work on leaving herself behind and transitioning into character. unfortunately, it’s currently proving a bit hard to do with josie also there, scheduled to audition before harry. she peers over at the girl, wearing a stony look and forcing herself not to betray any emotion, as she generally tries not to around josie. at least, not anymore. harry knows she shouldn’t engage; but sticking to what’s good for her has never exactly been one of her strengths, has it?
“nervous?” harry interjects into the silence. “don’t worry; you somehow forced orson to like you, i’m sure you’ll have no problem doing it again.” sarcasm and disdain drip into every word she speaks to josie.
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ensemblehq · 4 years
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the following individuals have 24 hours to make an in-character post or message the main for a hiatus before their characters are re-opened:
@joseqhine @scenestlr
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