#josh sauchak x sister!reader
bbubbasawyer · 3 years
oblivious lover
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wrench x reader || in which wrench is totally oblivious to his own feelings 
warnings : swearing, really minor hurt and comfort?????, small mention of incest, thats it this is literally just fluff man
word count : 1872
authors note : this took me like 3 days i am literally hurting
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  The first person to realize the masked hacker was in love was not him but rather his best friend. It was while Marcus was walking towards Wrench with the spiked mask in hand when he saw the very person that had his best friend’s heart in their hands kiss his bare face and skip away to grab sushi for the two, something they’d usually do as a friendly gesture but looked so much more intimate with Wrench’s mask off as the two stared at each other for a second too long before they left. Marcus yelled for them to get something for him too with a wave and smile on his face, they looked back with a grin to match his and nodded with a thumbs up. As he made his way to his buddy, he noted the look of admiration on his face as y/n disappeared into the distance, he gave Wrench his mask back, sitting next to him and staring at the remnants of the lovestruck expression caused by his unrealized crush. Marcus decided not to bring it up, letting the man discover his feelings himself rather than him denying it as soon as it was brought up.
  And as y/n came back, his suspicions were confirmed as the mask gave him away, flashing heart eyes before turning back into the ‘X’s that usually showed themselves. Y/n gave the two their food before squeezing their way into the middle of the two men, picking up their chopsticks and digging into the meal in front of them. As they talked, Marcus kept his gaze on the two, occasionally adding to the conversation with his own input but keeping to listening rather than talking, keeping track on the way Wrench would freeze when his hand brushed against y/n’s or when he’d stare at them as they ate the sushi platter. Marcus was the first to find out, and because of that he watched as his best friend slowly fell deeper in love without realizing it.
  Josh was the second to realize. It was the day he introduced his sibling to his group of friends, that day he found out that y/n, Marcus and Wrench were already well acquainted. At first Josh didn’t like this, he had finally found the culprit behind his siblings recent horrible jokes and corny humour, that being Wrench, but as he noted the way they interacted, the way Wrench would treat his sibling with such care that was unnatural for the usually careless hacker. It might not have been obvious to the rest of the group but there was a subtle gentleness when Wrench would act with y/n, in fact he didn’t even think Wrench himself noticed the way he’d treat them. Josh had kept a close eye on them the whole time, unsure if the reasoning was to protect his older sibling or to make sure he wasn’t just taking things out of context.
  He wasn’t.
  Josh had a hard time accepting that there was a possibility that Wrench had a chance with his sibling, he knew that Wrench’s feelings were returned which made this situation even more stressful for the poor man. Though despite not entirely agreeing with this, he still wanted to see y/n happy and he knew that Wrench would help with that so he accepted it because despite everything, he knew Wrench wouldn’t hurt y/n, not intentionally anyways. Josh cared more for his sibling than anything and if they were happy so was he, but this didn’t mean he fully trusted Wrench with y/n, in fact he wasn’t keen on this at all, he complained to Sitara who told him that it would be okay and if Wrench ever hurt y/n she’d let him beat him up freely as long as no bones were broken or major injuries suffered. 
  Sitara knew of Wrench’s crush on y/n too, finding out from Josh’s constant complaining. Wrench didn’t hide it well, mainly because he hadn’t realised. There was even a bet made on how long it’d take him to find out between Marcus and Sitara, which bothered Josh even more. The whole crew was just waiting for Wrench to discover his own feelings and confess his feelings, even Ray who only joined recently, could instantly tell how Wrench felt and was even the first to bring it up to him and as expected Wrench denied it all, saying that they were just good friends and nothing more and everyone is taking this out of proportion. 
  It should be obvious who was the last to find out but for those who don’t know it was Wrench himself. Sitara decided to flirt with y/n in hopes to win the bet, she did, at that moment all Wrench could feel was his body fill with jealousy at the sight of Sitara putting her arm around y/n’s shoulder, glancing at him with a smirk while throwing corny pick up lines left and right making them laugh and throw some back. Their playful flirting filled the room, it was all Wrench could concentrate on and he wasn’t happy. Of course, y/n knew what was going on, that's why they were flirting back in the first place, this didn’t last much longer though as Wrench walked out of the room, somehow keeping his cool. Y/n followed close behind, looked back at Sitara with a worried look, wondering if they went too far with their antics. Wrench hopped onto a random motorbike around the store and y/n not wanting to go find their own hopped on with him and held on tight. Wrench didn’t know if this calmed him down or pissed him off more so he ignored it and left with them.
  The two reached his garage and the first 5 minutes or so were filled with a tense silence with Wrench working on whatever project he's got going on while y/n sat on the other table and watched him, that was until they grabbed him by the arm. They looked at each other for a few seconds before asking him.
  “Are you jealous?” They tilted their head slightly with a teasing smile, Wrench scoffed and broke free from their grasp and walked back to the table he was working on. It went silent again, Wrench’s mask was blacked out which gave y/n a good idea on how he was feeling. They hopped off the table and walked to him again, turning him towards them, they looked at  Wrench with raised brows. “Are you okay?” They raised their hand to Wrench’s mask, holding it to face them. It was silent for a few seconds before his mask flashed two slashes facing inwards.
  “Do you like Sitara?” His voice was quiet, y/n looked at him shocked then chuckled. 
  “Sitara has a girlfriend hun,” they laughed gently and moved so they were sitting on the table. “And even if I did, which I don’t, Sitara is happy with her relationship so I wouldn’t stand a chance.” They looked back at Wrench while swinging their legs and he moved closer to them. The distance between them by now was small, you couldn’t even fit a ruler between them at this point. Wrench hesitated before saying his next words.
  “Do you like anyone?” His eyes blacked out again.
  “Yea, yea I do actually,” His heart tightened. “He’s really funny and tall too, he is also really smart and I’m pretty sure he’s not afraid to die. They also have the prettiest eyes, I wish I got to see them more,” y/n sighed. “He always makes my day and honestly? He’s one of the best people I know.” They looked Wrench in his eyes with a captivated look and smiled at him. “Got any guesses?” 
  “Marcus?” His first guess. 
  “No but I’d say he’s pretty close to them.”
  “Ray is like 50, I only like older men in theory. One guess left, pretty boy.”
  “Wrench what in the actual fuck thats my brother.” They looked at him with disgust before laughing. As they calmed down, they looked at Wrench again with that same lovestruck gaze and grabbed his hand, intertwining their fingers before gently pulling him closer. They reached up to his mask slowly, Wrench kept a close eye on what they were doing. “May I?” They asked in a gentle tone, much different from the one they used just moments before, he hesitated for a bit, contemplating what his answer should be before nodding slowly. They took off the mask and placed it on the table they were sat on, revealing the face that had them in awe those weeks ago. “You have the prettiest eyes..” They reached their hand up to caress Wrench’s face, their eyes moving up to his birthmark before looking back at his eyes. “Why do you hide your face so often… Reggie?” They frowned lightly.
  “I look like someone just shat on my face, why else?” He tried to play his obvious insecurities off with humour. Y/n frowned at him and shook their head. Deciding not to reply to his self-deprecating joke, instead they admired the face that Wrench tried so desperately to hide, but they had most of their attention on his eyes, they were such a pretty blue that y/n could just get lost in their beauty. But all this staring made Wrench insecure, he turned away and tried reaching for his mask but was stopped by a hand grabbing his face to turn back to them.
  “You know, you shouldn’t beat yourself up so much.” Y/n smiled and wrapped their arms around Wrench’s neck. “You’re so cruel to yourself it makes me sad,” They looked at Wrench from the close proximity they were at, their noses were touching and they could feel Wrench’s breath gently hit their face. “I wish you could see how beautiful you are.” Their eyes dart to his lips and back to his eyes. The tension in the room was heavy as they stared at each other, time seemed to move in slow motion as Y/n moved closer to Wrench, their lips brushing before they finally connected. The world seemed to come to a stop, the cars zooming past outside were muffled out by the sound of their heartbeats and the way Wrench grabbed at their waist as if he was checking if this was truly happening made y/n smile slightly into the kiss. They pulled away slowly and grinned at the short circuited expression on Wrench’s face. “Do you wanna guess again?”
  “I think I know the answer now.” He leaned back in for another kiss, interlocking their lips in a more passionate kiss than the last. 
  The remainder of the evening was spent like this, sharing affectionate touches and soft whispers of reassurance and confirmations of love. Wrench had never known the affections of someone until now and god did he love it. They fell asleep in each others arms on his small bed in the garage, he had never felt so comfortable until that day and he didn’t think anything could get better than this.
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