#josiah nguyen x reader
This is the same josiah anon, if i can request this: Perhaps a yandere Josiah? Thank you!!! I was so happy because you're my favorite writer aaa///
Yandere Josiah x male reader
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Guess who’s not dead. I bought a new game, Knights of the old republic, and I’ve been playing during all my free time forgetting all about writing.
Here’s some good ol Josiah, I’m not sure how good I captured the yandere feel since Josiah in general is just kinda… like that. Not that it matters but I always imagine Josiah with Manlybadassheroes voice.
-          Josiah had never really felt attraction to anyone before, sure he had found people attractive, but most people tended to avoid him or talk to him as little as possible since he’s always been kind of a loner or weirdo.
-          Then you swaggered into the office building on your first day and went around introducing yourself to everyone, and when you caught what Josiah was playing on his computer, instead of scolding him like everyone else you asked him about it in interest.
-          After that the two of you started talking more, and Josiah’s interest in you only grew until it became a borderline obsession. It wasn’t an unusual sight in the office building for Josiah to follow you around like some puppy.
-          Everyone just assumed it was because you were the only person in the building that actually put up with him and all his pranks and lazy behavior. Josiah was like your shadow even when you both had other tasks to do, he was always right behind you, looking over your shoulder.
-          People around the building swore they’d catch Josiah glaring at them from under the shadow of his cap when they spoke to you, but they could never catch him in the act or prove it. It became almost a joke, to prod at Josiah by getting a little too friendly with you and making the other man jealous.
-          Again they all assumed he was jealous because you were his only friend, some even joked Josiah was in love with you.
 -          Josiah’s obsession became so bad it got in the way of his everyday life, especially when one day Damian was scolding Josiah again and you defended him, even lying at times to get Josiah out of trouble.
-          Up until then he had just seen you as his soulmate, now you were more like a god for him to worship, which also meant he didn’t want anyone to taint you and your perfectness, so he stopped hiding his glares or scowls as others got too close.
-          When Josiah one day came in late to work, he caught you and Damian talking and it looked like a heated conversation, especially the pensive expression on the blondes face which turned into a tight scowl as Josiah approached.
-          When Damian told you “Just think about it” before leaving, Josiah couldn’t help the burning jealousy that flared up in his chest, and when he asked in his lazy voice what you two had been talking about and you just said it was nothing, Josiah bit roughly into the inside of his cheek to keep himself from doing or saying anything.
-          The conversation with Damian was because he was worried for you because of Josiah’s behavior, how possessive the man was and how he seemed to always be in your business, he had even seen Josiah take pictures of you or go through your things.
-          You don’t believe him of course, because its no secret Damian doesn’t like Josiah, and Josiah is your friend and is down to earth, so what that he likes to hold your hand a little to tight, or hugs you for a little too long. That’s just how he is.
 -          The first time you invite Josiah over to your place he’s over the moon, you two hang out and play video games, and when you fall asleep against his shoulder he keeps himself as still as the dead as he doesn’t wanna wake you up.
-          It becomes a regular ordeal, you two hanging out at your place. You never really wonder why you don’t go to Josiah’s place, since yours is closer to the office building so it’s a no brainer its your place the two of you hang out.
-          Josiah starts taking some of your things, starting small but growing bolder over time, going from taking tiny knickknacks or stealing your sleep shirt or your toothbrush. You never suspect Josiah and just assume you’ve misplaced it, though you do grow quite sad when you lose your favorite hoodie.
-          The hoodie returns after a while, so you just assume you must have misplaced it or overlooked it. You don’t really realize or question that its folded in a way you don’t fold clothes, or that it smells like Josiah’s laundry detergent and not your own.
-          Josiah had returned the hoodie to you after wearing it himself nonstop in his own apartment, in the beginning it was just so he could feel close to you, until he ended up arching in his bed wearing nothing but your hoodie, pressing another of your shirts close to his nose and inhaling your scent.
-          After that he had to wash it so it wouldn’t be retuned with mysterious stains, and when you didn’t seem to mind that it smelled different or that he had obviously taken it, at least in his opinion, he assumed in his delusional mind that you knew he was the one taking your things and you returned his feelings.
 -          The first time you kiss is during one of your hangouts at your apartment, Josiah had grown even more touchy after he came to his earlier conclusion, hugging you from behind or brushing his hand through your hair.
-          When you win one of your games, you cheer and as if to show off your victory you snatch the cap right off his head and tuck it on yourself.
-          Seeing you wearing his cap makes a mix of love, possessiveness and lust explode inside Josiah’s chest, so when you turn to him to gloat he leans right in and pressed his lips against yours.
-          At first you don’t respond and Josiah feels fear plummet in his stomach because he’s scared he’s ruined it, but when you start kissing him back and wrap your arms around his neck to pull him in closer, Josiah lets himself run wild.
-          He starts devouring you like a starving predator, his hands going up your shirt and his tongue exploring your mouth, both of you moaning and grasping at each other like you need the other to survive.
-          Josiah litters your neck with bites and hickeys, and he grows so weak and whimpery when you leave your own hickeys and bites across his tan neck.
-          He is a mix of possessive and pathetic, in the way that he has his moments when he grabs you so possessively, growls to himself and goes on muttered rants about how you are his and his alone.
-          But then where are times where he’s cuddled into your chest and you run your fingers through his hair or rub his back, and he whines and whimpers, growing teary eyed as he kisses your neck so softly and grasps onto your shirt like he’s scared you’ll disappear.
 -          No one at the office is surprised when they learn you two are dating, they’re actually more surprised that you weren’t dating before.
-          Josiah will now use it as an excuse to hang on you even more, though he never goes too far since this is a workplace and he doesn’t want to get you in trouble. He will kiss your neck and cheek a lot though, or hug you from behind and rub your hips.
-          There will be some of your coworkers who jokingly ask you how you can put up with Josiah of all people, and when you respond that he’s super sweet and perfect for you, he just falls for you even more.
-          What you don’t know is that Josiah has most definitely threatened Damian, when the blonde had tried on a couple of occasions to show you just how creepy or how many red flags Josiah showed.
-          If Damian kept it up it wouldn’t be too surprising for the Blonde to go missing one day, and people will assume he just moved on to another job, that is if Damian’s body isn’t found somewhere in your town.
-          No one suspects Josiah since he’s just a lazy nerd who’s a little too touchy with his boyfriend, but its all blamed on him lacking a lot of social skills that comes from living the life he’s lived until this point.
-          Josiah will also use it as an excuse to be able to comfort you, holding you and kissing you and muttering about how he will keep you safe from whoever killed Damian, though he’s half convinced in his delusional mind that you know he did it and are just playing a role like he is.
-          Now with no threat around Josiah doesn’t feel like he needs to be just as protective as before, and at some point you two most likely move in together since he already spends most of his time in your apartment.
-          He openly steals your clothes now, since its more approved since you’re dating. He is also very obsessed with you wearing his clothes, so if you wanna drive him crazy just do that.
-          He’s a little, or very, crazy, but he loves you very much and would kill god for you if it meant making you smile.
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Josiah Nguyen x GN! Reader
you aren't quite sure how his little video game works . . .
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" josiah ? " you peer over your co-worker's shoulder, highly interested in what his computer screen was displaying. you weren't all that much of a rule breaker and stuck to your usual work 'program', that being an office organizational website thing. and so watching josiah fool around was a little odd to you
he gave you a hum in response, turning toward you with a blank expression on his face. he held another gaming device in his hands, more focused on that rather than the game on his pc.
you motion your head toward his screen, a questioning look on your face. it wasn't that you were angry he was slacking off, no, you were just too curious to not say a word. it seemed like a very violent game, nothing that really suited your taste
"oh. this." josiah lazily turned his swivel chair toward the desk, setting the handheld device in his lap safely. in just a few clicks, josiah found himself in the main menu, displaying the title full view for you. "you wanna play?" a small smile formed in one corner of his lips, being more of a grin.
you quickly nod your head no, not enjoying the previews you've seen so far. there was a whole lotta blood and shooting, not your thing. "you sure?" you noted his voice was really soft. just a little observation, nothing meaningful.
his calm demeanor made you feel more comfortable, but you knew that regardless you'd probably mess up his rank or something; you weren't too good at FPS games. that being said, you hesitantly declined his offer
josiah shrugged, lifting up the smaller portable device, showing you the screen. it was a puzzle-like game, and while still not your favorite, it was way more playable for you. "it's called undertale." you walk closer to his desk, pulling up an extra swivel chair in front of him.
he gently hands you the device, guiding you on how to play the game properly. it was black and white with a little skeleton dead center of the screen. looking below the skeleton, you pick the least violent option, being MERCY.
josiah praised you for picking the correct option, instructing you when you needed it. his deep voice made you feel a little something, but that wasn't your current focus
"that was fun, but my break just ended five minutes ago." you let out a little chuckle, handing josiah his property back. as you exchanged the device, your fingers brushed against his for a second
and god his hands were... a bit soft. unexpectedly.
you blush at the sudden contact, not daring to look at your colleage. but, if you had to guess, he was a little smug with your obvious flushed reaction
it was very hard to hide...
"enjoy your work." josiah said sarcastically as you quickly scooted away back to your desk in the corner, facing forward to his cubicle.
slight curiousity struck you and you decided to peer over the top of your booth
your eyes met his own, catching him staring right up at you.
it was humiliating, to say the least. you quickly sat back down despite the loud noise your chair made and aggressively put your head in your hands, sighing out of frustration
you fall in love way too easily for your own good.
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asakiooi · 1 year
Hey idk if you take writing requests so if not. dont read this and have a nice day :)
But however if you do-
I been dieing for a reader x josiah from overtime. I was wanting somthing on the more wholesome side. As a simp I played that game solely for him and ended up hitting the wall running to fast to his desk. So I'm asking for something like that where the reader is like ya know always happy to see him. Maybe even buys him monsters often, watches him play his game and quietly cheers for him. Ya know like a little wife who just wants him happy. (And obviously that he kills ofc)
(And unless you keep it gender neutral, can the reader be a short fem? I'm 5'1 and would tremble under his look lmao)
and take ya time if ya make it and get good rest :)
Overtime Headcanons | Josiah X Short GN! Reader
M sorry op, once again I have fumbled with my ask box but yes here you go bc I love all of you overtime lovers <3
In the form of Hcs unfortunately, I just pulled a whole fic earlier and I needa break. Also I’m writing this as pre extension demo, where Josiah works as an IT alongside you (mc).
Josiah is always delighted to see you whenever you turn from the corner straight to his desk. Sometimes you clumsily run too fast and hit the walls that surround his desk, which leads you to double down in pain once you smack your entire body into it. He always makes sure to crouch besides you and rub your back, making fun of you while doing it but also making sure you’re okay.
He always pulls a chair out for you to sit next him whenever you have time. It’ll be much more comfortable than his, most likely snagged from your manager. He makes sure it has extendable options for height.
When you sit with him, he always leaves options open on what to do without ever saying them. He waits for your lead.
Sometimes you talk, mundane things like that. Or maybe deeper conversations that make you both think. If you were feeling bold, talks about romantic stuff like dates would make him feel flustered. Not in a bad way of course, he truly wants to do a lot with you.
Maybe you’ve gone out together once or twice before becoming an item, but this is different.
If you choose to watch him play games, he happily agrees. He’ll boot up his computer and start up CS:GO while you sit patiently.
When he starts matching, he’ll give you a lil glance and smile.
You watch intensely, looking at everything he’s doing.
He’s really good, you notice. Probably the best in the game honestly.
Every kill he gets, you mutter a “Ooh! Nice!” Which boosts his ego, especially if it was a tricky kill. You might even throw a few more words in to show how much you really pay attention and it makes him smile a little.
When he gets killed though, your quick to comfort him or come to his defense.
If you feel spiteful, you’re going to be quick with calling it an unfair kill. They camped? SMH, they should have been a good sport and played fairly (biased because if Josiah camped you wouldn’t bat an eye).
If Josiah doesn’t make a comment after his character gets killed you’ll fill in the silence.
If you feel chill, you’re quick to comfort him in a softer way. Not in a “You’ll get it next time” way, you already know he’ll go after his killer the moment he respawns.
“Cmon! You got this! He’s at that corner right there!” If you turn into his callout partner, he’ll be immensely happy. Usually he gets distracted when other people disturb him but when it comes to you and your voice, it becomes a guide for him.
He reacts fast regardless, but appreciates your efforts. Every time you tell him there’s a person at the window, near the courtyard, etc, he downs them immediately. Even if you don’t finish your sentences he’ll give you a high five for the teamwork.
He’ll also pat you on the head since your head is most likely chest level for him. How well you both did will show when he’s done ruffling up your hair.
Side thought that might be ooc, but I dare you to poke him when he’s gaming. He might think it’s an accident at first but when you keep doing it he knows it’s to throw him off. His sides are the weakest.
When you poke his waist it does a C curve and you laugh at that. If he dies he will most certainly poke you back in the same spot or any other known sensitive spots tenfold. Don’t mention this to him, but you know entirely that he’s pouting.
If you keep adjusting the chair in order to avoid him while he’s trying to poke you, he’ll set the chair down with both of his hands at the handles to keep you in place. This is your chance to poke him again but at both sides. Or this could be your chance to rizz him up and seduce him out from poking you everywhere.
Good luck soldier, just letting you know that he won’t stop until you’re crying and begging for mercy, which you’ll most likely do if there are other people around. (A/n: help I just realized this sounds suggestive, I assure you it’s all fun and games 😭)
Monsters are his go to. Always. How his digestives aren’t failing is a story for another day.
You always make sure to buy monsters whenever you have time in the morning. There’s almost always a quick trip to the mart just to get them everyday. When you round up the corner with a monster and smile, Josiah always makes sure to return the sentiment as soon as he can.
You’ll get a monster for his morning schedule, afternoon schedule, so on and so forth. Maybe you’ll even take a sip from his can to celebrate whenever he wins a game.
Now for general, many of your co-workers have to look from the side or tip toe and peek over the walls just to see if you’re there. Josiah on the other hand will make crude paper airplanes and send them over your walls. If you ignore his first initial airplane, he’ll make another one and aim for the center just so it can hit you. If you ignore that one as well, he’ll keep making them and wait until you finally come over to him and talk to him. (He will especially do this if you’re mad at him).
When you go to the archives to retrieve something, he always has to accompany you. Even with a ladder, you can’t reach most sections. Josiah, in his petty ways, would use his powers to hide or get rid of the ladder just so you can ask him for help. “Whom, moi?” He would innocently ask.
When you get confused on something during work, you can always ask him. He’s an expert after all.
He’ll explain to you what you need to know with total patience. With his chin resting on your head of course. His body will completely envelop yours while he’s explaining btw.
Show any visible awkwardness and it’s over. (Endless teasing and just to egg you into to saying something to him, he will get even closer).
Remember that Josiah is not a man of organized words. Teasing is his love language but, yeah. That’s all he’s confident in.
When he’s slightly annoyed with you (or jealous) he will stand over you, casting a long shadow and blocking your path. His face is definitely menacing. However you can just laugh with love at his attempt and he’ll laugh with you too, not taking anything he did before seriously.
Sometimes when you work overtime in the dark, he’s either your personal protector or personal devil. Just rest assured that he will never go home without you.
There isn’t a lot to go on about his actual person, but just letting you all know that I write him slightly influenced from Benrey from half life.
Sorry if this seemed short or not what you expected, I hope this will make up for not replying to this sooner !!
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segdt6589 · 1 year
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I love him so much🥺
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the-qtip-corner · 2 years
i like overtime 😋😋
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iicheeze · 1 year
im now writi g for overtime aka josiah nguyen.
yes the weird guy who looks physically tired as hell and doesn't have a voice but now has one solely becuz manly voiced him while playing the game
send asks.
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Hihi!! Could you do Josiah with a s/o that gets jealous easily/is kinda possessive?
Josiah x GN! Reader Who's Possessive
♡ Josiah isn't much of a jealous person himself, actually. He's a pretty chill dude- even if he felt such a way, you probably wouldn't be able to tell unless he directly told you. That being said, he doesn't necessarily understand your own possessive feelings
♡ Say, a new co-worker walks in, completely normal & fine. You normally don't give a shit about new recruits unless you were forced to be their tour guide or something like that. However, they immediately found themselves gravitating toward Josiah's cubicle for whatever strange reason. And you know what? Fine. It's whatever.
♡ But when you had noticed them lingering around for about an HOUR OR SO, things became a little weird for you. After all, don't they have work to do? Sure, they're new, but they should be occupied with something else or at the very least be prohibited from annoying WORKING (well...) employees.
♡ Casually making your way toward your boyfriend's cubicle, your tone of voice was a little more aggressive than usual. Accompanied by your usage of words, it was apparent to anyone smart that you were pissed. Which was how you figured out your new recruit was as oblivious as a rock. Yipee.
♡ Leaning yourself against the side of the booth, you wait for the new person to notice your presence. A minute went by and they were still so rapt in talking to your clearly uninterested boyfriend. He wasn't even saying anything back, how can you force a conversation for this long?
♡ "Hey, what's up," Attempting to smile, the only thing you could manage was a sly smirk. They looked up with a startled expression before their eyebrows curled downward, a look of pure annoyance written all over their face. "Hi." Yet their tone sounded so sweet with their sour face. "Jo, do you know this person?" Why did they give him a nickname... they just met him?
♡ "I think I do, pretty well actually," Josiah smiled your way, easing the tension between you and the new colleague. He was clearly uncomfortable with the recruit being in his face and way too talkative, giving him nicknames he's never asked for on top of other stupid things.
♡ "Oh we're dating, sorry, what's your name?" A part of you was genuinely curious while the other part was satisfied that you made it clear Josiah was off the market, given their sudden interest in the man. They quickly gave you their name, and made an excuse to leave after an hour of loitering around Josiah's cubicle.
♡ "Dude, that was weird, how much did they bother you?" You lean down to Josiah's sitting height and giggled, making sure the newbie was out of hearing range. "I didn't even do anything and they just... came over here? I guess. It was OK at first but it got annoying really fast." Josiah kept his neutral expression.
♡ "People need to know what boundaries are." You sigh, Josiah giving you an agreeing nod. At least your jealousy took you somewhere good, you saved Josiah from having his ear talked off. An achievement in your book. "Just don't be so uptight about things." He calmly reassured you, knowing you were a little tense the entire time.
♡ You let out a chuckle, flicking Josiah's hat up for funsies and returning to your cubicle to finish work for the day. That didn't stop you from thinking about the newbie, though. Oh well. Josiah wasn't even remotely interested and it'd be like that until the end of time, though that probably won't stop you from being a lil' possessive over him. And Josiah would never understand that.
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hey guys don't be afraid to send in stuff for overtime & genshin too !!
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asakiooi · 2 years
Josiah and buddy going to get mac donaldos
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asakiooi · 10 months
This is making me roll in my grave LMAO DIDNT EVEN BOTHER CAPITALIZING HIS NAME
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asakiooi · 2 years
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asakiooi · 1 year
Overtime - Diner Date at 7pm | Josiah X GN! Reader
Haha remember when I had this idea months ago and never touched it again? Well I finally gathered enough motivation to finish this. Here’s to the people who waited and never got this. (A/n: reader doesn’t drive. Sorry I don’t drive.)
Sorry for the typo and grammar mistakes. (Proofread a couple times but if things don’t make sense I didn’t do it enough.)
TW/cw: Slight mention of puke and rudeness
It was darkening outside when you had walked out of the building. With winter days shortening, the sky darkened much more quicker than before which left you to work with crumbs of sunlight everyday. This side effect led you to change every bit of your schedule top to bottom to make it work out for you since life as an adult was taxing. But you weren’t here to complain about time. Josiah, your coworker… invited you out for a nice time at a diner place. You’ve already arrived at the location but he wasn’t here yet. You assumed since he invited you out and went ahead first he’d be here already, but when you walked towards the door and entered the diner you couldn’t find his signature hat anywhere. You saw a couple of people, some who looked like they were beginning to leave and some who looked like they just started their night. Instead of leaving and calling him to see what was up, you sat down at a table for two and shot him a text letting him know you were already at the diner.
It had only been a few minutes since that text and just as you were getting bored a ding was heard from the door. You turned your head around and saw Josiah, letting out a sigh of relief that he made it to the diner. He quickly saw you and made his way towards your table, setting down his phone and wallet when he reached it. “Hey, sorry for making you wait. I forgot something at the building and made a quick run back. Shoulda told you first.” He said while rubbing his neck. You looked at him up and down observantly. He looked rugged, a bit sweaty and out of breath, evidenced that he did run for awhile. “Don’t worry about it, I just arrived here recently too.” You said to him. “Though… I should have ran into you when you came back to the building. I don’t think I was that far from it when you remembered, the diner is only a couple blocks away. Did you take another path?“ you added.
He chuckled and quickly replied “Nah, you probably didn’t see me.” Josiah relaxed and slouched his face against his palm. “Didn’t you say you had bad eyesight? Coulda mistaken me as some other dude.” He said to you while snickering. A smirk appeared on your face “Oh yeah? That makes you just as bad as me then.” He raised an eyebrow. “You could of came up to me and let me know you were gonna go back.” You continued. “Maaaybe I was just too busy to get my stuff back, duh.” He teased. You rolled your eyes until it reached the back your head. “Whatever man! We’re here now, let’s order.” You exasperated. You grabbed the menu that was set on your table earlier and began looking through the lists. Josiah followed after you. Burgers, eggs, deserts, to your surprise they even served late breakfast here. “Hey, look!” Josiah poked. You looked up and saw he was pointing to a listed number that read ‘Pet food servings’. You snorted and quickly covered your mouth to stop yourself from laughing. Hiccups and giggles escaped from you anyways.
Your memories began replaying what happened earlier today. Your other co worker Derek, had eaten dog food. You knew because you saw it firsthand yourself. Oh so gullible Derek… you felt real bad when you pointed it out to him. You explicitly remembered when his eyes bulged out from his face, you didn’t know whether to laugh or cringe in that moment. You told this story to Josiah and he couldn’t stop making fun of him while making you laugh at his stupid jokes. You really didn’t want to laugh at Derek because he was genuinely clumsy like that, but man. A part of you wonders why he wasn’t able to detect the distinctiveness of the canned food. Josiah amped his jokes up even more when you started to join him. Before you could continue reveling, a light shake on the table brought you back to the present.
“Should I order some to give to Derek later? Naaah, that’d be too mean right?” He said while laughing, showing a bit of fang. “Welll… he wouldn’t be able to figure it out anyways if I just put it in a takeout box.” He added. “Stop- stop man…” You stopped to hold yourself. “H-ha ha! Cruel! You- you’re an asshole!” You managed to get out while laughing. He laughed with you with shiny eyes. You didn’t notice that he was about to grab your hand but it was abruptly interrupted when the waitress came over to your table. “What can I get for you two?“ she asked in a exhausted manner. Oops, you didn’t have enough time to look through the menu. You remember skimming through the burger section and settled for that. Not wanting to waste time for the waitress, you replied “A burger with fries. Extra ketchup please.” She noted it down and looked expectantly to Josiah. “I’ll get a burger too” he said blankly. “With fries?“ she said while sighing and he shook his head. After writing down his order, she walked back into the kitchen.
You opened your mouth to say something but then a group of people stumbled into the diner with loud booming voices, drunkenly yelling and singing. From the way they looked, they probably came back from a party. They sat near a bigger table, which was unfortunately next to yours. The quiet night that was supposed to belong to you and Josiah was lost. You sighed and did you best to avoid looking them while Josiah simply raised his posture. “So what happened with your manager this morning? Didn’t look so good.” You asked him to get some conversation going. “Ah, yeah.” He sighed. “I clocked in early this morning to get shit done but uh, night shift security fucked up the closet last night. Manager walked in saw me, thought I was the culprit.” He said while giving a sour look. “Course he yelled at me for the shit I didn’t do at all. But you know I don’t care about that stuff. Nothing bad happened, so don’t worry about it” He finished. You were confused. “Night shift security? You mean that buff obnoxious guy? Don’t tell me you’ve been fighting with him.” You asked sternly. “Hah, nah. I act the same as usual. You know me. Don’t need to talk to anyone except you.” He stated. Your eyes widened at that, though as quick as it came you immediately recovered your gaze.
“Oh…” was all you mustered out. What Josiah said just now, you couldn’t deny. He never talked to anyone else. His entire schedule revolved around you. In the mornings he’d greet you especially and went back to whatever he was doing. During lunch, he went to your floor and hung out with you for an ungodly amount of time. He’d talk to you about anything and everything as long as you were talking too. When it was time to clock out, he’d clock out with you, not caring about what his manager had to say. He’d walk you home or would ride the bus with you. To watch out for you as he said. He gets away with it, as he does with many other things. Perhaps they don’t care anymore. But you never minded his behaviors. He was your friend after all.
You remembered when you started working at Ossoteq, Josiah was one of the people you expected to never get along with. His distant behavior was enough to call it quits on him. Somehow though, you don’t remember exactly, he made his way into your circle. As he says, it’s not important about how you met him personally, how you ran into him despite being in different occupations, how you both started talking, it wasn’t important because of how close you two were right now. You couldn’t rely on your memories because they were hazed, but you trusted him, because he was always there for you. You believed him with no faults. And you think, it’s because he relies on you the way you rely on him. At least that’s what you think.
You snap back into reality after realizing you’ve pondered for too long and looked at Josiah. He stares at you with an unknown emotion, taking in all of your features in silence. Flustered, you averted your eyes and apologized for spacing out. Just as you were getting more and more embarrassed, the waitress came back with your food. She sets them down respectively and leaves. You gawk at food and take delight in its smell. It looked delicious and juicy from the way the tomato and lettuce were arranged. “Your eyes are bulging right now, cmon, take a bite. You won’t regret it.” He chuckles. You look at him and back at your plate, carefully grabbing the burger and raising it to your mouth. Your first bite in brings a twinge of spice on your tongue, you go in for the second, third, and fourth. You don’t notice the way he smiles at your beaming face.
Your fingers began to grab at your fries only to find Josiah already putting some on his plate. “Hey! If you wanted some why didn’t you order it?” You huffed with a stuffed mouth. “Yours just look so good. Couldn’t help myself.” He said, not stopping his actions. Though he started to take the smaller chips instead. You roll your eyes and quickly grab as much fries as you can and shove them into your mouth before he takes them all. He laughs at your display playfully and silently takes a photo of you to show you after. It’d make good blackmail for you to stay up with him at late night arcades, he thinks. He looks at the table and realizes that there are no drinks and waves down the waitress for two colas.
While Josiah finishes ordering, you devour your meal peacefully. A small piece of paper lightly hits your head. You look to your right and find the group from earlier making a mess. Straws were strewn about, napkins on the floor and puke under the table. A girl from their table spills her drink and only glances at it before talking to her group again. You gagged and looked away in disgust. You grimaced and began to feel uncomfortable from your surroundings. Your senses felt overloaded and you didn’t feel like eating anymore. A sigh that was a bit louder than it should’ve been escaped your lips and it became a mistake.
“Heeeey, are we annoying you or something?“ a boy said to you sarcastically. You ignored him and continued with your golden fries. Man they were good. “Hey. Fuckin respond.” He demanded. You wondered when your drink was coming in. “Hey-“ and his voice was abruptly stopped. You thought, finally. Curiously, your eyes looked to them without moving your head. A much more sober looking girl was whispering to the boy. He looks at your table then widens his eyes. His attention shifts back to his group, then he looks at his hands. He gets up with frustration and goes up to the diner counters. You decided that was enough and looked at Josiah, who already had his eyes on you again. “You alright? We can go, if you want.” He asks softly enough for you to hear. You shake your head “Let’s wait for the drinks first.”
You pondered again. The silence was awkward now, since the place was still being occupied by drunk people. You started again. “The uh, company party is pretty close now. You gonna go?” You hesitantly asked. He’s taken aback by the question and sighs. He rests his body against the chair. “… Maybe if you go. Don’t have much to do there. I’ll snag a couple drinks.” He replies blankly. He was right, there wasn’t much to do there. Most came to the party for face. But for someone normal like you, it was like any another other event. “Mm, maybe not actually. I’ll find something to do on that day.” You say instead. He looks like he wants to say something but doesn’t. Instead, he gets up from the table and heads for the counters. You sit and close your eyes. Taking a few breaths, you feel a cold air brush against you. Noting the signature smell, you could already tell it was Josiah.
You open your eyes and look up. Josiah half smiles at you with the drinks in his hands and raises his right eyebrow, making a gesture at the door. You get up from the table and take your drink from his cold hands. It was still icy and wet. As you make your way towards the door Josiah makes an Oh sound. “I gotta uh, use the bathroom real quick. Can you hold this for a sec?” He asks awkwardly. You grab his drink while nodding and head outside to wait for him.
The cold air hits you instantly. The sky was already pitch black and the street lamps were lit, lighting up the sidewalk. As you wait, a few cars pass. Your hands begin to freeze and as your back shudders a familiar ding sounds. You look towards the entrance doors and see Josiah making his way towards you. As he’s walking to you, you can’t help but notice his jacket looks a bit soaked at the ends. He does a light smile and takes his drink out from your hands. “You look like you’re gonna die in this weather.” He says softly. His eyes are glued onto you, glazed and half lidded. “Mhm… might as well.” You reply while putting your empty hand into your pocket. “…Gonna walk me home, Jo?” You ask teasingly. He quickly rushes ahead of you, making sure his face is turned away. “Fuck, don’t say that.” He replies, already a few feet away from you, though you could tell he was smiling. “Heeey, don’t leave me!” You yell after him. “Then hurry up. Don’t have all night!” He yells back.
You catch up to him and give a small huff.
“…Unless uh, you got time. I could spend a couple more hours with you.” Josiah says.
• • •
While you walk through the dimly lit streets with Josiah, you hear faint and quiet sirens behind you. Before you can look back, Josiah grabs your arm and pushes you against him.
“Woah, watch out. There’s a big branch there, dummy.” He tells you. You look at his face, he distantly smiles sweetly at you.
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asakiooi · 2 years
I forgot for a hot minute that I had to put my overtime content on tumblr too
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asakiooi · 2 years
People don’t post their edits here and I get why cause the video shit sucks but
I think I did pretty well here and Emery deserves love
Art Credits - Slowth__605
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asakiooi · 2 years
Hey guys another Overtime edit/fanart done by me haha (guys please I’m hanging on a thread where r y’all content creators) Art stuff reblogged
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asakiooi · 2 years
Guess who drew Josiah in Hmong clothing
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