#joske higashikata
jorenilee · 9 months
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late but have some happy holidays <3
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jojopaintedition · 4 years
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b4kuch1n · 6 years
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its áo tấc time babey !!
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notanotherjojoblog · 7 years
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sketchy boy
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Paw Prints
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Alpha!Josuke x Omega!Reader
You had a dog once when you were young. She was an American pit bull terrier, had black splotches on her white coat, and the most adorable smile that you loved. Her name was Dahlia, and she was the best companion you could ever ask for when you were young. There was also a small nightly ritual when you both went to sleep on your bed, you would cover Dahlia’s back with a lavender blanket that had white paw prints all over it before she would scoot closer to your small body to keep you warm during the night. She was always with you and she was always your very first friend, she was there for you when your parents divorced, she was there when you got hurt in the playground, and she was there when your parents brought you home after you were born.
So it made sense that you would be there for her when she passed away next to you on your bed, covered in your favorite blanket. You could remember bawling your eyes out as your dad came in only to find you crying as you hugged Dahlia tightly. You and your dad cried together that night. Since then you kept that paw-printed blanket close, it was the first item you scented once you presented as an omega, and in a way it made you feel closer to Dahlia. Eventually, your dad found work in Japan in a small town called Morioh and you didn’t mind it at all. Your mom hardly made contact with you or your father anyways, so you didn’t see a problem with it.
You got used to the place eventually, it wasn’t like city life but you were content with that. You didn’t make too many friends but Yukako Yamagishi, a beta, was the first friend you made when you first moved in. She helped you with your stumbling Japanese when your father couldn’t help you, there were also sleepovers shared between you two, and despite being a beta she often helped chase away any rude and condescending alphas that tried to make a pass at you. She was like the sister you never got the chance to have, and you appreciated the fact that she was in your life. 
Though recently you have been seeing a humanoid with a dog skull on her head, she also had a skeletal dog looking tail, she didn’t speak as far as you could tell but she did mimick dog sounds. Apparently, your father couldn’t see her so you figured she was an apparition of some sort that could shift in between “her” humanoid and beast form. 
When you told Yukako you were worried that she’d think you were sick but it came as a surprise to you when she also told you about what her hair can do now what it didn’t previously. You both ended up helping each other name them as time went on, but lately, things had gotten a bit strange for you since then.
After hearing about Yukako getting together with her crush you soon realized how much time you had on your hands since her little dates, so you did the best you could to make the most of it without your friend. You went out getting books and manga with your allowance and got some treats on the way both for your self and for any animal you happened to run by. While licking your ice cream you heard a  whine, pausing your steps you looked around trying to figure out where it came from. 
“Hey, come on bud, don’t give me a hard time now, I’m trying to help you”, you hear an exasperated sigh and some rustling.
Following the voice, you soon found a boy, and judging by his uniform he attended the same school as you. You heard a yip that sounded like a puppy and was about to walk over until you saw a pink and blue figure rise up from behind him. You starred in silent awe as you watched him and his “companion” leaned down and picked up a puppy. The dog looked to be of a Shiba Inu breed.
“See, now that wasn’t so bad! Heh! But~ you’re pretty dirty with all that mud on ya”, the boy says as his companion places the pup in his hands.
You couldn’t help but giggle, revealing your location making the boy snap his attention over to you, “Oh! Uh- hey! Is this your dog?”, he asks as he lifts the pup.
You shook your head, “No, I actually came over because I heard the puppy, I was gonna help but I see that someone beat me to it”, you say as you walk over, when you were close enough you were mildly surprised by his scent that practically screamed Apex Alpha, still though you shrugged it off in favor of looking at the pup.
“I live nearby, wanna come over so we can clean them up before taking them to the shelter?”, you ask.
“Oh, sure! I don’t have much else to do anyway”, he shrugged sheepishly before following you.
The puppy squirmed in his hold as you introduced yourself, “I’m (Y/n) by the way, (Y/n) (L/n)”.
“Oh! I think I heard of you, ah well, anyways, I’m Josuke Higashikata! Er, do you happen to know a Yukako Yamagishi?”, he asked after he introduced himself.
You help him adjust the puppy in his hold before speaking, “Yes actually, she was one of my first friends when I moved over here, though right now she’s out somewhere with her boyfriend”, you explain before asking, “Why, do you know her?”
“Yeah, we’re acquaintances so to say~ and her boyfriend just so happens to be a friend of mine”, he grins.
“Oh! So you’re a friend of Koichi Hirose”, you point out before smiling, “Wow, how coincidental that we run into each other then…”, you trail off before blurting out, “That, and I’m also surprised to see that there are more people like me and Yukako-chan”.
“Hm?! You have a stand too?!”, he asked, surprise clearly written all over his face.
“Oh? Is that what they are called? Ah- then I guess I do have a “stand” I call her Wolf and Dog”, you say as you summon your ‘stand’. She perked up at the sight of the pup and leaned down as the puppy sniffed around.
“A-ah? Why that name?”, Josuke asked, a bit puzzled.
“You see, she has two forms the one you see now and another one that takes on a more bestial appearance, she looks more like a wolf in her beast form and she kinda acts like a dog in her humanoid form despite having a mostly human form”, you explain.
“Wow, your probably the first Omega that I have met that has a stand”, Joske awed at your stand before summoning his, and now that you had a closer look the stand’s armor kind of reminded you of the hardness of a diamond, “This is my stand, I call him Crazy Diamond”.
“How fitting”, you chirp making him look over at you questionably, “His armor kind of reminds me of a diamond”, you explain briefly before arriving at your home.
You lead Josuke inside your home and to the restroom, as you both set up the bath to clean up the puppy, you two really tried to calm the squirming dog and for half the time the poor thing cried until you were able to persuade it with treats. 
Josuke was busy drying the pup, and as he did he couldn’t help but look at the pictures that happened to be around the house, he saw some that had your parents, yourself, and a dog. The ones that caught his attention the most were the ones that included you and the dog that you were so happy with, your dad was occasionally included, and some of them even had the years on them. His eyes soon wandered to one picture that had your dad, your self, and the old dog with a blanket that had paw prints on it, but the one after that only had you and your dad and the picture was seemingly taken the year after the one he saw before with no dog in sight, but you were holding the paw-printed blanket.
“Her name was Dahlia if that’s what you were wondering”, your voice interrupted his train of thought as he blinked before looking over at you.
“Dahlia?”, he asked, not noticing the puppy moving around on his lap until he felt the pup nuzzle it’s face into his stomach, in mute surprise he looked down at the pup before picking it up and cradling it.
“Yep, she was a good dog, was there for me since my birth”, you smile as you walk over to him and pat the puppy’s head before moving away.
“Woah, really?”, Josuke looked at you as you picked up a picture that had you and your dog together.
“Yep! She was a great friend and helped me through tough times, but she passed away when we were sleeping, it did hurt for a while but I pulled through when I decided to keep her blanket as mine”, you smile at him, “It made me feel closer to her in a sense, I wasn’t really ready to get a new dog not that I could at the time or at all really since we moved here it’s been different”, you shrug before standing and stretching. 
“Ready to go drop them off?”, you ask.
Josuke smiled at you before nodding, “Yeah~ Let’s go, ‘sides I am pretty sure my mom is wondering where I am”, he chuckled.
Since that day, you and Josuke have been running into one another a lot more, he even introduced you to a friend of his, Okuyasu Nijimura. An alpha that was more gentle than one could imagine since his appearance had a tendency to drive away others, but you two became quick friends since his childish and dorky persona got to you quickly. But when Josuke and Okuyasu were together you couldn’t help but think of them as energetic puppies, in a positive sense of course, and their energy often got to you too since the time you hung around them.
“So what do you plan on doing after school is done (Y/n)?”, Okuyasu asked before taking a sip from his milk carton.
Josuke blinked for a moment as he looked up at you from his meal, “Oh yeah I forgot to ask you that…~”
You smiled, “Well I was thinking of going out to the ice cream shop before walking over to the shelter to check on Mochi”, you answer before taking a bite of your sandwich.
“Mochi? Oh! Is that the puppy we rescued a month while back?”, Josuke asked as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Yep! But for some reason no one has offered to adopt him yet, I thought people would want the puppy”, you hum as you give a thoughtful look.
“You guys rescued a puppy?!”, Okuyasu exclaimed as you looked between you two.
You chuckle as Josuke looked over at his friend, “Hm? I thought I told you about that already, it was how I met (Y/n)”.
“Really? I guess I forgot”, Okuyasu cupped his chin between his thumb and forefinger as he tried to recall the moment, but then his eyes snapped back between you two as he asked, “Can I visit him with you (Y/n)?!”
“Sure, I don’t mind, I assume you’re also coming too right Josuke?”, you cheekily ask.
A light pink dusted Josuke’s cheeks before he smiled at you, “Of course! Besides it’s been a while since I last had ice cream”.
You nodded as you grin, “Alright then, let's head to the ice cream place first”, you chirp as you march forward.
Josuke let a small smile form on his lips as he watched you do your peppy little march until Okuyasu elbowed him with a chuckle, startling him, “Gah! Okuyasu~! What was that for!?”, Josuke gave his friend a light glare as Okuyasu smiled at him.
“Dude, you’re being so obvious right now!”, Okuyasu pointed out as he discreetly gestured towards you, “You totally have the hots for (Y/n)!”his friend whisper shouted making Josuke stumble on his words as he stared wide- eyed at his friend.
“W-wha-?! What made you come to that conclusion!!”, Josuke panicked as he looked over at you briefly, already feeling his cheeks heat up more.
“That’s cuz you’re being obvious bro, your face is even getting all red!”, Okuyasu laughed before Josuke shushed him by quickly placing his hand over his mouth, “Shush Okuyasu! What if she hears you?!”, taking a quick look at you he saw that you were talking to another student before he looked back at Okuyasu, “Can we talk about this later? I- don’t know if I can say anything yet”, he pleaded with his friend as he let him go.
Okuyasu nodded as did a quick thumbs up as he whispered, “I promise to keep my lips shut”.
You turned to look over your shoulder before waving at the two boys as your classmate left while scribbling notes on their book, “Hey! Josuke! Okuyasu! Hurry up you slow pokes!”.
“Coming!”, they shout as they jog up to you so you could all go to the ice cream shop.
Once you all got your Ice creams you made your way to the shelter, talking about school and home lives and even cracked a few jokes here and there, all while Okuyasu occasionally spotted his friend with a small smile and a soft look in his eyes when his attention was on you.
“Hey, we’re here!” Okuyasu yelled.
You smiled at his enthusiasm as you finished your cone, “Alright then, let's go see Mochi!”, you chirp.
Josuke opened the door for you as he and Okuyasu entered together, you talked to the receptionist before being lead to the dog kennels, soon enough you saw a wagging tail waiting for you as one of the workers laughed, “Mochi missed you so much, are you sure you can’t take him home (L/n)-san?”, she asked.
“Well, I’d like to but I… still don’t know if I’m ready to have another dog just yet”, you chuckle nervously as you pat the puppy.
“You may want to make up your mind soon, otherwise the next time you visit the little guy will have a home already”, the worker says before leaving.
You give a weak smile towards the gnawing puppy before picking him up and walking back to the boys, when you saw Okuyasu you waved him over when they looked over at you, “Say hello to Mochi guys!” 
You grin as Okuyasu grinned and made his way over to you before stroking Mochi who in turn yipped, “Aw~ He’s so fluffy and round! Man, now I wish I had a dog!”, Okuyasu whines as Josuke makes his way over and strokes the puppy’s ears.
“Hey Mo~ How's it going buddy”, Josuke greets the puppy, Mochi only barked in response as he excitedly licked Josuke’s hand, “Missed you too buddy”, he chuckled.
You all spent time playing with Mochi for nearly three hours, but you had to leave since you guys had homework to finish up, Josuke and Okuyasu were kind enough to drop you off at home, but when they left you couldn’t help but stare at Josuke’s figure for a while longer. A small purr of content made its way to your chest as your omega let out a mute whine at seeing the apex leave with his alpha friend4
“Maybe… another time”, you think as you close your house door.
“So can we talk about it now?”, Okuyasu, asked much to Josuke’s dismay, but in the end he admittedly wanted someone to confide in.
“I… I do like her… a lot”, Josuke admits as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Then why not ask her out already?”, Okuyasu asked, oblivious to the silent battle Josuke was having with himself.
“That’s the thing! I don’t know if she likes me back! I like her I really do but I just don’t know how to go about and approach her, I mean it would be embarrassing to make her a gift only to get rejected, I don’t think my inner apex would handle that well”, Josuke says as a low rumble like whine thumbed his chest.
Okyuasu pat his back to comfort his conflicted friend, “Look, I’m not exactly an expert on all this- uh- “love” struggle, but i’ll be cheering you on from the side lines, I’m sure you have a good chance with her”, Okuyasu smiles before a warble escaped his chest as tears and snoot ran down his face, “That’ll also mean I will be the only one in our group to not have a girlfriend!”, he cried.
Josuke chuckled as he comforted his friend, but nonetheless appreciated his friend's support, “Thanks Okuyasu”.
After parting ways Josuke entered his home with a tired sigh as he sat at the kitchen table, he rested his head on his crossed arms as he stared at the table cloth’s patterns.
“Josuke can you- Hm? Josuke what’s wrong?”, his mom asked him, her alpha scent that was once neutral now radiating comforting soft scents like caramel and sugar as she approached her son while purring after smelling the aroma of dust and overheated wires, rather than his usual hairspray and hazelnut mix.
“I-... like an omega”, he mumbled at the end, Tomoko chuckled as she pat her son’s shoulder.
“You know I can’t hear you when you hide your face like that”, Tomoko gives Josuke’s shoulder a comforting squeeze before dragging a chair to sit in front of her son as she sighed, “Now, can you repeat what you said?”
Josuke felt his cheeks flush as he sat up a bit straighter, “I really want to court an omega, but… I don’t know if she’ll like me”, he trails off.
Tomoko jovally laughed, making Josuke pout but before he could say anything he beat him to the punch, “Josuke, it is normal to feel nervous when it comes to things like this, now what’s the name of this omega that caught your attention?”.
Josuke blushed but sighed as he let himself relax, “(Y/n) (L/n), I met her a few months back when I was trying to help a puppy out of a pit”, he revealed.
“(Y/n) huh, can you tell me about her?”, Tomoko was patient when she saw the gentle smile on her son’s face, a look she was mildly taken aback by but nonetheless smiled at.
“She is very kind, and supportive, she’s a bit quiet at first when you meet her but she can be pretty outgoing when you get to know her, yet she’s still soft spoken with her words and almost loyal to a fault to those she gets close to, and she it always willing to help others”, Joske didn’t know it but as he talked more and more about you, his smile was growing as his aroma began to take on a softer scent.
“She sounds amazing Josuke”, Tomoko smiles as she grabs her son’s hand and gives a gentle squeeze, “I suggest, you go for it Josuke, from what I can tell she is a good person, but if you wait too long someone else might snatch her away before you get the chance to tell her”
Josuke’s inner alpha growled and whined at the thought but when his mom gently shook his hand, he listened to what she had to say, “So don’t let this chance slip away, you might not get another one”.
Josuke gave a small smile as his mom hugged him while he hugged her back, all while a thought came to mind.
“Hey mom, can you help me with something?”.
Your heat was going to come soon, and the reason why you knew this was because of the calendar you had hanging on your door, a red marker indicating when your heat would begin and end, your father worried about you at this time but you waved him off and reassured him about your upcoming heat. And in the process of it all you were also planning on telling Josuke your feelings, by giving him the blanket you adored.
You were nervous really, but you didn’t want to wait around after weeks of realizing the feelings you harbord for him. But, you were also scared, what would be the point of it all if he flat out rejected your courting offer.
Still, you took a deep breath and attended to school regularly, but it did take you a bit by surprise when Josuke approached you, “Hey (Y/n), would you mind coming over to my house after school I got something I want to show you”, he smiled at you bashfully as he waited for your answer.
Momentarily caught off guard you couldn’t help but blush as you smiled at him, “U-uh sure! I wouldn’t mind at all!”, you grin as he beamed at you.
“That’s great! I’ll see you after school (Y/n)!”, he waves as he goes to his class while you went to yours, returning his wave.
For the rest of the period you couldn’t really focus on your studies, you caught yourself occasionally day dreaming as you anxiously waited for the day to end, but once it did you got anxious again wondering if it was a good time to give Josuke the blanket.
As you waited by the gate you had the urge to cuddle your blanket, so you quickly looked around before taking out the folded blanket and hugging it, purring softly until a distressed chirp escaped you when you felt a rough shove push you to the ground.
Growls sounded above you as two omega and beta scents entered your nose making you snap your head up, you glared at them with a growl of your own, “Hey! What was that for?!”.
“Stay away from Josuke-kun you stupid pup-maker!”, one of the omegas growled at you as the beta stepped in by ripping your blanket away from you, panic and fury surging in you as you attempted to reach out for your blanket.
“Hey- ack!”, you felt a kick to your side as you were pushed down by the other omega.
“Were you seriously planning on giving this pathetic fabric to Josuke? You really are a stupid forgener you know”, the beta huffed, then you heard a tear and you stared in horror as you watched your blanket be ripped in two, “Heh, it’s even weak too, couldn’t last a tug”, she taunted. The other two omegas looked mildly panicked when they realized what she did.
You bare your fangs as Dog and Wolf took on it’s beastal appearence and attacked one of the omegas as you launched yourself at the beta with a feral roar, panicked cries and shrieks came from then as you grappled with the beta, landing a few punches and scratches. You kept at it until you felt a strong pair of arms pull you away.
“(Y/n)! (Y/n)! Stop, stop it’s okay! I’m here now!”, you hear Josuke’s panicked words attempt to comfort you as you struggle, so he began to chur as he hugged you while turning around to bury your face in his chest.
Soon you stopped struggling and began to stiffly sob in his chest while Josuke stared at the girls, “What did you do?”.
“We didn’t do anything honest! She went feral out of nowhere an attacked-”
“No, Yukiko ripped her blanket, we- we just wanted to intimidate her but… Yukiko went too far!”, one omega revealed.
“Hana!!”, the beta cried out at her friend's betrayal.
“No Hana is right, you went too far Yukiko”, the second omega says.
Your sobbing was quiet as Josuke held you protectively, “Please leave… what you guys did, what you were doing was disgusting… so leave and don’t come near (Y/n) again unless you’re going to apologize”, he says, you heard the thumping of feet before Josuke slowly let you go.
“Crazy Diamond”, Josuke called the stand out, you turned your head slightly as you let go of Josuke and watched as the stand let out a ‘Dora’ as it fixed your blanket back together.
Josuke grabbed it before giving it to you, “Here”, he says softly, only for you two gently push it back to him, making him pause, “...(Y/n)?”.
“It was… it was my offering to you since… my heat will be coming soon I just thought… just thought-”, your voice was cracking as your hand shook, already assuming the worse as Josuke stood there silently before you jolted at his sudden embrace.
“I- am very happy- that you trust me with this (Y/n)!”, Josuke exclaimed as churrs rumbled from his chest, soon your purrs began to mix in with his as you embraced him tightly.
“So I also have something for you waiting at my house, it was going to be a surprise but I might as well say that it is a courting gift”, Josuke bashfully rubbed his neck as his other hand held yours.
“Thank you Josuke, really, I feel pretty lucky to have you as an alpha now~”, you chuckle as a blush settled on both of your faces, Josuke opened his door as he smiled at you.
“I also got help from my mom so I’m sure you’ll love this”, he reveals making you tilt your head until you hear jingling coming from down the hall, and excited yips. You gasp at the familiar puppy.
“Mochi!”, you squeal as you bent down  to pick up the puppy, you smile as he licked your face until you caught something on his caller, it was a handmade bracelet.
You looked up at Josuke with a smile, “Do you really want me to marry you this early Josuke?”
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artminion · 7 years
Can you do Josuke in bubblegum beads, please?
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Precious in Pastel
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gitarakur-blog · 7 years
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frank-7-9-blog · 8 years
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