Biomethane: Opportunities and Challenges on the Transitional Pathway to a Zero Carbon Future
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Jeffrey M Seisler
Abstract Fossil fuels are being targeted for extinction due to their impacts on global warming. But the multiple transitional pathways to completely replace fossil fuels with renewable energy sources is a long journey that is not likely to be fully realized until at least the end of the 21st century. Adapting the existing fossil energy businesses and infrastructures while developing the renewable, alternative energy infrastructures (and adapting existing ones) will be key to the timing and success of the transition. Despite the aspirations and visions of many technologists and policy makers who see the‘long-term’ future at 2050, the trajectory of the transition will be lengthy, disruptive and uncertain. There are, however, some fuels and technologies contributing to the so-called circular economy that should not be sidelined or overlooked completely.
Keywords: Global warming; greenhouse gas; biomethane; bio waste
Introduction Natural gas, comprised mostly of methane (CH4), recognized as the cleanest of fossil fuels, is under duress as a greenhouse gas (GHG) for its Global Warming Potential [1]. Fortunately, methane also has a renewable pathway – ‘the new molecule’ – as biomethane [2] created through anaerobic digestion (AD) [3] of agricultural waste (plant and animal), wastewater (solids, human organic materials, etc.), urban waste (organic landfill garbage), and a variety of other organic waste such as fats, oils and grease. Biomethane has been under-appreciated and sometimes ignored by many policymakers internationally in favor of liquid biofuels that have been seen as more compatible with traditional liquid fuels in internal combustion engines. Like every other fuel and technology, biomethane has both opportunities and challenges but, it can make a major contribution to reducing the human carbon footprint on a global scale as both an energy strategy as well as a waste management strategy.
Read more about this article: https://lupinepublishers.com/biosensors-renewable-sources/fulltext/biomethane-opportunities-and-challenges-on-the-transitional-pathway-to-a-zero-carbon-future.ID.000138.php
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Research Trends in Water Management by Using Environmental Parameters Derived from Remote Sensing
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Water management is one of the most important strategies for sustainability. In many regions, this management is not easy and remote sensing can be useful to have data about the water status, especially from environmental derived indices associated with satellite data. It is important to know the research trends based on water management and remote sensing. Policy decision making in water management could be assisted and improved considering this tool. The aim of this work is to explore remote sensing articles that use environmental indicators in the last twenty years for the study of water resources by using a bibliometric analysis.
Read more about this article: https://lupinepublishers.com/biosensors-renewable-sources/fulltext/research-trends-in-water-management-by-using-environmental-parameters.ID.000103.php
Read more Lupine Publishers Google Scholar Articles:https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=5ql0QHJV55QC&citation_for_view=5ql0QHJV55QC:9ZlFYXVOiuMC
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Artificial Neural Networks Based Modeling in Sustainable Energy Domain
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The economic and technical development of human society in late years put a heavy pressure on the natural resources of our planet. The increasing need for both material and energy resources lead not just to an extensive consumption of existing ones but also to an increase of pollution, with negative and irreversible consequences on every living being on Earth. One of the most destructive is the constant rise of the atmosphere temperature as consequence of so called “greenhouse effect”: the accumulation of some gases among the most important is CO2 , produced mainly by classical energy sources Figure 1, acting as a shield and maintaining the heat generated by solar radiation. This fact induces a “domino” effect on whole planet, starting with the glacier’s melting
Read more about this article: https://lupinepublishers.com/biosensors-renewable-sources/fulltext/artificial-neural-networks-based-modeling-in-sustainable-energy-domain.ID.000105.php Read more Lupine Publishers Google Scholar Articles : https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=5ql0QHJV55QC&citation_for_view=5ql0QHJV55QC:Wp0gIr-vW9MC
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