#joyboy luffy x moon god reader
snowywolf1005 · 3 months
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snowywolf1005 · 1 month
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I watched one piece episode 1100 and 1101. And you know what I'm about to do.
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snowywolf1005 · 1 month
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Okay... I think this is the final one!
Previously, you and luffy use maximum power to defeat kaido, but kaido has an idea, covering himself a gaint fire of himself.
And you with your shadow monster form:
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And you use your ability called Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom:
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"Let's fight it out! Straw Hat!" Kaido yelled, he Flys toward Luffy metal hand by opening his jaw. "Are they going to destroy onigashima?!" Momonosake yelled.
"Create Flame Clouds! Or we'll all... be swept up!" Yamato yelled. "Take this!" Luffy yelled. "I haven't had enough fighting yet!" Kaido yelled.
I'm gonna skip kaido past cause I really fucking hate him so much.
"You'll be betrayed because you two are so weak. I'll form the strongest group in the world and turn this boring world into a world of violence. I'm the strongest!" Kaido yelled.
"The way you unified those samurai with the help of your crew was impressive. You're a star of hope that the cowards of the land of wano seized upon! They entrusted their future to you, but what's your goal? Straw Hat!" Said kaido
You and luffy try to push back kaido. "You two did great." Says kaido, then he blasted a fire ball at you two. Luffy is getting burned, and so are you!
"Well done fighting to this point! But..."
Luffy screamed in pain, and you screamed too (like mothra sound). "You can't change the world!" Kaido yelled, "luffy!" You scream.
Luffy smiles, "Of course, We're gonna win!" He yelled, making his hand bigger, and you making yourself much bigger! Onigashima began falling apart, "AAAAAHHHH!!" You and luffy scream.
"I don't know where they got it from," Kaido thought, and he remembered something.
'But Yamato mentioned joyboy and lunala name.' Said kaido.
'Oden wanted to open the borders to welcome lunala and joyboy... if he is the same guy you're waiting for, King, then I know exactly who joyboy, lunala is.' He said, King was surprised.
Luffy punch kaido really hard, that he almost so close to hit him. "Go luffy! (Y/N)!" Momonosake scream, "get the hell out of wano!" You yelled.
The onigashima is falling on the bottom. "Do not lose heart, Momonosake! They will win! Luffy (Y/N) will win! They will... surely defeat kaido! I can do it!" Said Momonosake. "That's the spirit! You'll save the people of the land of wano! Create them, Momonosake-kun!" Yamato yelled.
Momonosake tried to make the flame clouds, and he finally made it! "Come out, Flame Clouds! Heed my call!" Said Momonosake.
Then, a hole of full of water burst out inside the onigashima, Momonosake was surprised. "Hurry up! Onigashima's gonna fall at any minute! Please, luffy (Y/N)... finish this battle as soon as possible!" Said yamato.
"Don't give up! Fight until the very last minute!" Hyogoro yelled, "No, on in this world... can beat me!" Kaido yelled.
"What's this noise?" Kid asks, then a big rumble causing everybody to shake and almost losing their balance. "What is it this time?!" Nami ask.
"This doesn't look good!" Said Chooper, "Robin-san..." said brook, Robin is in the water not moving. Brook swims toward, "Don't give up, everyone! I'll make it reach you!" Said raizo.
"Bring the fire under control!" Jinbe yelled. Everyone is sucked into the water, and the fire is put out. "Save everyone!" Jinbe, raizo yell. And a huge wave burst out. Everyone was surprised and shocked, Law was surprised, too.
Nami, tama, and Chopper were scared, "Water," they scream. "Everyone's raining down!" Said tama, then Nami saw something, "look! Is that...".
"We'll make it back alive!" Usopp yelled. "-Usopp?! Kin'emon! Okiku-chan!" They yelled. The water wave towards Nami, tama, and Chopper, and they're pretty scared. "No!" They yelled.
More water came and made it to a flood. "I'm sorry, zoro... hey, don't get washed away, guys!" Said Franky. "Where did the water come from?!" Said sanji, the water started to push sanji away.
"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" He screams, "sanji-san!" Osama screams, "Osama-chan!".
The onigashima began to flood, "What is happening on onigashima?!" Momonosake question. Then the onigashima started to titled, "the Flame Clouds are disappearing! Too late! Onigashima's gonna fall!" Yamato scream.
You and luffy try your best, but you're too tired, but you can't give up now! "Momonosake-kun! We gotta stop onigashima! You wanna save the Flower Capital, right?!" Yamato question.
"I will stop it! I will not allow people to suffer anymore! Come out, Flame Clouds!" Momonosake scream, he use all his strength to make the flame clouds. A huge line of flame clouds hoops.
Yamato was amazed, "That's amazing! That's great, Momonosake-kun! Stop onigashima!" Yamato yelled, "Got it! Count on me!" He yelled. Momonosake grab the flames clouds hoops.
And Momonosake Flys toward to onigashima, "go!" Yamato scream. Momonosake warp around the onigashima and pulled as best he can.
"Violence will dominate the world! You two are gonna fall victim to it!" Said kaido, "shut up!" Luffy yelled. Then luffy punch kaido cheeks, and you use all your strength to push kaido back, too.
And a bright light show inside the onigashima. Kid and Law saw the bright light of kaido, "Straw Hat! Shape girl! If you lose, you'll pay for it!" Kid yelled. "Go, Straw Hat-ya! (Y/N)-ya!" Said Law.
"The strong will live, and the weak will die! I'm gonna bury you along with your friends! And your girlfriend will be my pet!" Kaido yells, those words made you and luffy pissed. "Shut up! You're not taking (Y/N) away from me!" Luffy yelled.
"Starting with the land of wano, I'll take over the world! What kind of world can you create?! Straw Hat!" Kaido yelled, luffy scream, Flys back.
"Luffy!" You yelled, then kaido hand grabs your body, and you scream in pain. "(Scream like mothra) Aaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" You scream, luffy watches kaido grabs you and started screaming. "(Y/N)!" Luffy screamed, "Do you see this! Straw Hat! This is what happens when you can't protect someone who you care about!" Kaido yelled.
Then, a huge bright light shoots out, and everyone watches the light. And tama, remember something.
'Tama! Don't set the bar too low! I'll make it your everyday life!' Said luffy, tama was amazed his words.
'By the time we leave this country, we'll make it a place where you can eat as much as you want! And I'll teach you how to dance!" You said.
"Big sis! Big bro!" Said tama, luffy Hand, became larger, kaido was shocked, "let (Y/N) go!" Luffy commend. You try to get free from kaido Hand, and you have an idea. You transform your human self.
And free from kaido hand. Kaido tried to grab you, but he was too distracted from luffy large fist. "Luffy!" You cried, luffy see you free. "(Y/N)!" He yelled.
And you transform to legendary form. This is your form:
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Luffy loves it so much, like he wants to hold you, but he can't. "Now! Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom!" You yelled, and six laser been shoots out in different eagle and started to hit kaido.
Now, kaido thinks he's about to lose.
"We want..."
"(Y/N)! Luffy!" Momonosake yelled, "Charge!" Kin'emon yelled, all the samurai held their sword up and screamed for victory.
"...to create..."
Kaido fire form is starting to disappear, turning him back to his blue dragon form.
"... to create the world..."
Then, kaido fire form blown away.
"...where our friends can eat..."
"As much as they want!" You both scream. And use all your power to defeat kaido, you laser, hits kaido body every each. Luffy fist hit kaido face.
Kaido was wide eye to see your ture powers, remembering his past and remembering oden face screaming his name.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" You both stared screaming so hard, and kaido fell back, getting knocked out, falling down to the sky.
You and luffy sigh, catching your's breath, luffy smiles. You saw a bunch of sky boats with letters saying to defeat kaido, then luffy laughs.
'I know exactly who joyboy and lunala are.'
'Who is it?'
'The ones who will defeat me!'
'Then I don't think they'll appear.'
Momonosake falls down, stressed out, and finally placed onigashima safely. And luffy began falling down, you transform back your human self.
And flys down to reach luffy, you grab him. Luffy body transforms back his original self, yamato runs towards you both. You landed carefully, placing luffy in your arms, and you kissed his lips.
You saw Yamato. "(Y/N)?!" She asks, you nodded your head, "Yep that's me, but you have to quiet, luffy is sleeping," you said. "So it's really you, in the bats form," said yamato.
And you felt something, you turnaround to see luffy holding you, warping around you. You smile and you transform back your original self.
"I think he doesn't want to let go," you said, laughing. "Well done, Momonosake." You said, "Yamato...".
Yamato, look at you. "Can you hold me pls, I going to take a nap..." You said about to close your eyes. "Don't die! (Y/N)!" Yamato screamed, shaking your body.
"I'm not gonna die! I just said I'm going to take a nap!" You yelled, "and while you hold me, I'll hold luffy cause he starts getting worried about me." You said. "Luffy really in love you." Said yamato, smiling, you smile back.
You pat luffy head.
I'M DONE!!!!
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snowywolf1005 · 2 months
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You and luffy are still again fighting kaido. Kaido is still mad at you two. "The King of the Pirate?!" Kaido yelled.
Luffy looked at kaido. "It's good to know that you two still impudent, Straw Hat! When you two mind and body catch up to your power, Awakening occurs! How ridiculous you two powers is!" Said kaido.
It made you pissed off that you wanna kill him so bad and for talking shit you two are. Kaido remembers the flashback of how you and luffy beat with you powers.
Luffy laughs for a moment. "I've already lost so much... I've lost so much of what I've built." Said kaido, he was pissed off what you and luffy, his crew did.
Luffy crew killed each one of kaido crew members. "My subordinates and the castle! You two lost a lot, too." Said kaido.
"Even so, there are things I have to take back!" Luffy yelled. Kaido turns to pruple lighting you and luffy turn to red lighting, lighting storm come out.
"You'll lose more and more! Because I will take more from you two!" Kaido yelled. Kaido jumped forward towards you and luffy.
"Kundali Dragon Swarm!". You transform your shadows' monster form. And use your wings to cover luffy as a blanket.
Your shadows monster:
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Kaido hits each one of your wings, but you didn't let him stop you. You fly back, "Air Slash!" You scream, air slash:
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The air slash hits kaido every each of his body, causing him to cough blood. Kaido walked back. You landed, you put luffy on the ground, and kaido got up a little.
Then you smell smoke, and you cough so as luffy. You look to see, a ground and a fire lit up. You and luffy were so confused.
"The floors and the castle are all on fire below. I'm sure thousands of your soldiers are stuck there, too. They'll all burn to death!" Kaido yelled.
"Don't underestimate them, kaido!" Luffy smiles, "Cause we believe in them, and they believe in us!" You smile too. Kaido was shocked.
"We left everything below in their hands! So we'll just... focus on kicking your ass!" Luffy yelled. Luffy runs forward, and he laughs, "The way you laugh annoys me! Demolition Gust!" Kaido yelled.
Luffy screamed, and he pulled his crotch up, and the slash missed him. "It almost hit my crotch!" Said luffy. Kaido was about to hit luffy, but luffy jumped behind kaido.
Luffy Bounce, really high, kaido turnaround was in shock. Lighting struck, luffy smiles. "I have an idea!" Said luffy.
"Oi! (Y/N)! I've an idea, and I hope you love it!" Luffy yelled. Oh yeah, you were flying watching Luffy beating kaido, making sure he okay. 'I hope it isn't stupid,' you thought.
At the bottom of the castle, everything is on fire. In the performance floor inside the dome, "it's not just the castle anymore! All the towers are burning! " Someone yelled.
"Everyone! Where are you?!" Chooper yelled, looking for his teammates. Then Nami heard Chooper voice, "Hey!" Chooper yelled again. "Chooper!" Nami yelled as she walked behind Chooper.
"Nami!" Chooper yelled, Chooper burst out of tears on his eyes. Chooper ran toward Nami and hugged her. "Are you alright?! Otama, are you hurt?" Chooper asked, "everyone protected me, so I was only slightly wounded." Said otama.
"I'll treat your wounds later." Said Chooper, "what about the others?" Nami asked. Chooper started crying, "What should we do? The fire can't be put out! Zoro, Sanji, Franky, Brook, usopp, Robin, and Jimbei! I can't find any of them!" Chooper cried. "Really?!" Nami asked.
"But... even if we tried to find them, the whole of Onigashima is on fire now! It's not safe here, either! Unless it lands, we have nowhere to go!" Said Nami, Chooper jumps off of Nami.
"Zeus, can't you use your rain to put out the fire?" Chooper asked, "the fire is too intense, I would get burned!" Said Zeus. "We all worked so hard to get to this point. It's so frustrating to see it end like this." Said Otama.
"Don't worry!". "What?" Otama question, "it's gonna be alright, so don't give up!" Said Nami, Otama smiled. "You're right! We have to see Big Bro, luffy win! And (Y/N)!" Said Otama, "wait? (Y/N) is alive?!" Chooper yelled.
Nami, look at Chooper, "Chooper, have you seen a gaint pruple bat?" Nami asked. Chooper thought for a moment, and he nodded his head. "Well, that gaint pruple bat was (Y/N)." Said nami. "WHAAAAAA!!" Chooper screamed in a surprise look.
In the basement inside the castle, everything is burning, and it starts to break. "We can't escape! The fires are everywhere!" Said the blondeguy.
"There's nowhere to run!" Said the guy with black clothes. (Forget his name, too) "Damn!" Blonde guy yelled.
On the first floor of the castle. Bepo was beaten up. "I can't take it anymore! I can't stand the heat..." He said. "You're giving us too much trouble, Bepo!" Said penguin, then they stopped to see they were dead end cause the fire is blocking their way.
"Ouch!" Penguin scream, "maybe this really is it." Said shachi, "I don't think we can get out of here!" They yelled. "Help! Captain!" Said Bepo. In the basement, where Brook and Robin were trapped by the fire.
"My precious afro is getting frizzier!" Said brook, "yeah! I don't want to end up like you." Said Robin, "what?" Said brook. Then, someone burst out of the door, "what?! Uh! A skeleton!" They scream.
"I know you're frustrated! "
"Look at you!"
"I don't know what to say... I feel sorry for you... you must have failed to escape and got burned!" They said.
"I'm not a burnt corpse! I am dead, though..." said brook, and then more fire became bigger.
"It's burning intensely! Maybe there's no way for all of us..." said brook.
"...to run." Said Robin.
On the fourth floor inside the castle, "I'm sorry. I can't die just yet..." said raizo, "don't mention it. I like helping people." Said jinbe."I was extremely lucky to see you here." Said raizo, "I'm in on your secret plan with pleasure!" Said jinbe.
"With my ninjutsu, now is the time to salvage this situation! Now is the time!" Said raizo. Jinbe and raizo walk until the building falls apart. "Everyone, endure it a little bit more... these loathsome flames... I'm going to put them all out!" Raizo yelled.
Pleasure hall, left-brain tower. Sanji is running with a group of girls behind him. But they were dead end, "Oh, no. We can't get outside because the yard is gone." Said sanji, "no, " said some.
"An abyss in front... And a hellish fire behind..." said sanji. He looked to see the woman who was scared. "We can't even turn back!" Sanji yelled, then the roof started to break and was about hit Some.
Some scream, "Careful!" Sanji yelled as he kicked some wood. "Don't worry! I'll protect you, ladies!" Said sanji.
"Thank you," she said. 'We're in the air, so there's no place to go... the fire and the collapse and the ladies... What should we do?' Sanji thought.
On the basement. "Stop complaining that it's hot! Break the wall! If we stay here, we're gonna die!" Yapoo yelled. The gaint cry as his arm hurt, "Just sacrifice one of your damn arms! That big body's so useless, you idiot!" Yapoo yelled.
The gaint told Yapoo to stop, "Do you wanna fight, you bastard?!" Yapoo yelled. On the basement again. "The heat and the flames have us backed in a corner! Is there a way for us to survive?!" Said hemlet.
"If we knew that, we wouldn't be having a hard time!" Said usopp, "we're gonna die from the heat if nothing's done!" Hemlet yelled. "Just run!" Usopp yelled back, then more building came blocking their path.
"Please do something, mister!" Hemlet yelled. Usopp doesn't know what to do. He got off, "I'm gonna put out this fire! Special attack green star! Sprinkler!" Usopp yelled, the flower trying to put out the fire.
"How's that?!" He yelled, but the flower was on fire. Usopp was surprised, "This is what 'a drop in the bucket' means, mister!" Said Hemlet.
"Shut up! I gotta figure out a way! I promised izo! I wanna save Kin and Kiku and myself as well!" Usopp screamed as he started to cry. "What?! Mister! Please include me in the list!" Hemlet yelled at usopp.
"Don't depend on me! You have to save me!" Usopp yelled back. Right-Brain Tower. Franky was running, holding zoro, who was passed out. "The castle is burning ridiculously!" Franky yelled, "Wait for us, big bro!" She cried, "where should we go?!" Franky question.
"Zoro's life is in danger! I have to take him to Chooper as soon as possible!" Said Franky, "we're all gonna get burned to death before that!".
"It's hot! It's hot! I don't wanna die!"
"Help us, big bro!"
"Who's whining?! I'm gonna burn you!" Franky yelled, "Please don't do that!" They whined. Third floor inside the castle.
"It's a dead end again! Damn! The flames and the debris keep getting the way! Did someone go around and set fire?!" Someone yelled. "There is no way I'm gonna be killed by fire and the enemy in a raid!" Said the bull.
"We're not gonna get defeated by fire!"
"Yeah! Let's survive!"
Fourth floor inside the castle. Jinbe is standing the hallway, "I'm ready, jinbe-dono! Thank you for trusting me!" Said raizo. "Luffy chose to form an alliance with you, samurai! There's no way I'd doubt you. Okay, come on!" Said jinbe.
"Yeah! I'm trusting you, too!" Raizo yelled, 'I was ready since that day...' Raizo thought, thinking his flashback.
'Come on! Hurry up!'
"I couldn't save oden-sama that day! And I let Momonosake-Sama and the others suffer in the building castle. Even if I could use ninjutsu, I couldn't save anybody. That was a big blunder that I regret!" Raizo yelled.
"I never ever want... to feel that way again!" Raizo yelled, thinking of his flashback.
Zunesha pulled out some water in his trunk.
'Dogstorm, what kind of rain is this?!'
'Zunesha is bathing itself.'
'That's a lot of water! May I take some?!'
"I won't let those who took part in this raid die... in this damn fire! I'm sorry that it took so long, everyone! Let me show you the incredible water flow! Nimp: scrolling jutsu! The Elephant's Bath! Restoration!" Raizo scream.
Then, a bunch of water came in raizo scroll and is sucked jinbe making him swim. "This is enormous!" Said jinbe, "water heart! Fish-man jiu-jitsu! Ocean Current Shoulder Throw!" Jinbe yelled as he threw the waters, with his bear hands.
The roof crumble of more water coming, "run through every part of the castle!" Jinbe yelled. "Make it in time and save everybody, zou's water!" Said raizo, more water keeps pouring, putting out the fire.
First floor inside the castle. "Let me down, guys!" Said killer, "you have to let us do this for least, killer-san!" Said the crew. "Ouch!" They yelled, "What should we do?! There really is nowhere to go!" The crew yelled.
"What is that?! I feel a rumble..." one of the crew yelled, the water splashing them behind. "Water?!" They said, "we're okay now!" One of them yelled.
The whole castle started to rumble and broke apart. Chooper lost his balance, and Nami hold Otama. "Hurry up, Momonosake-kun!" Yamato yelled.
"Why?! Kaido is still alive!" Momonosake asked, "You have to sustain the island with your Flame Clouds!" Yamato yelled. "Sustain the island? That's impossible!" Momonosake yelled back.
"Kaido is reaching his limit... his flame clouds won't last much longer!" Said yamato, "What?". "You must create flame clouds to sustain onigashima!" Said yamato.
"What?!" Momonosake scream, "that way the only option from the beginning!" Yamato yelled. Momonosake lost his words. He couldn't say anything. Yamato, look at Momonosake.
"Otherwise, onigashima will fall," said yamato, Momonosake didn't want onigashima to get destroyed.
As for you and luffy, you watch luffy fly up, say he got an idea. Luffy grabbed a lightning strike, and it turned to blue. Kaido was shocked to see, then smile.
Hey guys, that is the end of episode 1073, but it is not over yet. So here is an episode 1074.
"You can do it, Momonosake-kun! Create flame clouds!" Yamato yelled, Momonosake tries to make the flame clouds, but it keeps disperse. "That will not be enough to sustain onigashima!" Momonosake said.
And a loud explosion erupted, and Momonosake was shocked and scared. "Momonosake-kun! Flame clouds!" Yamato yelled, "it is easier said than done..." said Momonosake.
Momonosake is still trying to make flame clouds. "I can't do it! They will not come out! I can't do it!" Momonosake cried, truma from his childhood.
When his house was on fire. 'The future? But I do not want to be apart from you!' Little Momonosake cried, 'Momonosake! Go along with kin'emon and the others. Leap 20 years into the future and rebuild the Kazuki Clan!' Said toki.
'I can't do it!' Little Momonosake cried, turns around but turns back hugging his mother. 'Then why will you and hiyori not come with us?!' Momonosake asked, still crying.
Toki look at Momonosake, 'I can't do it!' Momonosake cried. 'Momonosake-Sama! Your mother is suffering more than you!' Kin'emon yelled, Momonosake turnaround.
'This is the land of samurai! Where shame alone could end your life! For a man to complain after women set resolve... is mortal shame!' Kin'emon yelled.
'Now, let's leap into the future together! The future of the land of wano rests on your shoulders!' He yelled, 'I am only a child... I am only a child, so I can't... do anything!' Momonosake cries.
'With all due respect, since oden-sama is gone, you are no longer an ordinary child!' Kin'emon said, 'What?' Momonosake asked. 'You are the son of the great samurai! You will govern this country someday! Oden-sama ordered me to open the border of the land of wano! I shamelessly lived... at my lord's expense...' Kin'emon cries.
'Now it not the time to die! I am not allowed to just die! Allow me to speak plainly! Will you let us have another chance to fight?! If I am going to burn to death anyway, I would rather die wielding my sword for my lord! Will you please give us a chance to die as samurai?!' Kin'emon cried.
All samurai started to cry, waiting Momonosake answers. 'Momonosake!' Toki called, 'Mother... mother... I am going!' He yelled.
Toki cried, 'Yes... please, live on...' she said. "I am too ashamed to face Mother!" Momonosake yelled. "Momonosake-kun?" Yamato asked.
"Stop saying 'I cannot,' Momonosake! You made your own decision! I am not an ordinary child anymore! I am the man who will become the shogun of this country!" He yelled, "uh-huh!" Yamato said.
"I will save the land of wano! Stop! Onigashima!" Momonosake yelled, then the onigashima began to fall. "Wait! No!" Yamato yelled, "No! Don't not head towards the capital!" Momonosake yelled.
"Gum-gum... lighting!". Luffy throws the lightning strike at kaido, but kaido dodges the attack. And Flys toward to luffy. "You mean you can grab lighting?! How absurd!" Kaido yelled.
But all of a sudden, six lighting surrounded kaido. Luffy jumps each on of lighting and hits kaido. Then kaido was hit all six lighting.
'What an absurd power...' kaido thought. But kaido felt someone behind him. He turned to see you, "Moongeist Beam!" You yelled. Moongeist Beam:
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Kaido was hit back, and he coughed some blood. Kaido turned around to see luffy, "Gum-gum...". Kaido hit luffy with his hassaikai. Luffy was thrown away, but he was lucky when you caught him.
Luffy was behind your back, and then you warp around your wings to make spend ahead. And you hit kaido stomach.
Kaido was lunch back, luffy grabbed kaido legs and threw him by rocks. Luffy went behind kaido and punched him in his face.
But kaido opened his mouth and blasted fire at luffy. Luffy was blown away, but luffy grabbed a lightning strike, spins around, and lunch himself to kaido. Kaido went toward to luffy.
Kaido hits luffy again, and luffy is lunch back. Luffy was on the clouds, smiling, and grabbing the thunder strike. Luffy throws all thunder sticks at kaido.
But kaido dodges all stricks, "Night shade!" You shot out some pruple laser eyes. Night shade:
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It hit on kaido's chest, and kaido is getting weaker. Then kaido disappeared, you look around to find kaido, "you two can play around... all you want! But..." kaido.
Kaido was right behind, and he hit your chest with his hassaikai. You lunch back, and you were hit behind a rock. "(Y/N)!" Luffy yelled, luffy Flys toward to kaido, "a Devil Fruit power will never conquer the world!" Kaido yelled.
Kaido hit luffy cheeks, luffy hits on the ground, but bounced back, really flied up. "It's amazing how things work. Just like how Roger was not a Devil Fruit power user... Only haki... can trump all else!" Kaido yelled.
"Destroyer of Death..." Kaido hassaikai turn pruple and was about to smash luffy. "...thunder... Bagua!" Kaido yelled, kaido hits luffy once more. The pruple thunder destroyed all rocks building and made a loud explosion.
In the land of wano, people were celebrating. There was music, dancing, food, everything, people were holding sky boats. "To the deceased! Set sail!" The man yelled.
"Let go of your sky boat!"
"Steady! Steady!"
"The festival is almost over... we must return to slave labor tomorrow..." the men said, everyone let go of the sky boats. And the sky boat went up high, "I hope I can survive another year..." he said.
"Steady! Reach Father!" Toko yelled. On the onigashima above was destroyed, cracks, holes, and rock mountain were everything.
Kaido was catching his breath, 'a Devil Fruit power will never conquer the world! He didn't have one, either...' kaido thought, remembering when he fought with oden.
But all of a sudden, kaido saw a hand grabbing his chest. "What?!" Kaido question, Kaido above the sky to see the arm lead top of the clouds.
"What are you doing?!" Kaido ask, the hand pulled kaido, "Damn! Let go of me! You're only betraying your location!" Kaido yelled. Kaido keeps hitting the arm with hassaikai, and he turns to his dragon form.
"Dragon Twister... Demolition Breath!" Kaido screamed, "Your vulnerability to cutting attacks hasn't changed." Said kaido. The demolition breath cut luffy.
luffy body started to bleed with cut all other his body. "Come down! Straw Hat!" Kaido yelled, kaido blast a gaint fire ball. Luffy wide eye, but you came and "MoonBlast!" You yelled.
Moon Blast:
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The moonblast hit fire ball, causing it to explode. Luffy looked to see you're alive, "(Y/N)? You're alive!" Luffy cried, you smiled at luffy. "Of course I am, remember I make a promise that we always stay each other when we little?" You said.
Luffy nodded his head. In the house were on fire, where hiyori was at with orochi. Orochi was on fire, screaming in pain. Hiyori stand there watch orochi suffering.
Then, a loud burst, hiyori drop the needle. "Hey, it come off! Some kind of tremor pulled the Sea Prime Stone nail out!" Orochi yelled as he transformed a eight-headed dragon.
"Damnit... I'll at least take you down with me! Are you watching, oden?!" He yelled. Hiyori, fall back, "I'll take..." orochi was about to bite hiyori. "... Your daughter, along with me!" He yelled.
During the fight, hyogoro fell back. "Boss hyogoro!" The man yelled, "I heard onigashima's gonna fall!" The man said. Hyogoro chulked, "That means they cornered kaido... hey, guys! Which one do you prefer? If the straw hat and (Y/N) take down kaido down, we'll fall and die." Said hyogoro.
"If we survive, that means kaido wins!" Hyogoro said, the whole samurai laughed. "Oh, that's an easy choice." The man answered,
"I have a kid in Hakumai."
" I have a wife in Ringo!"
"If kaido gets taken down, they can live happily ever after!"
"That would be great! It's gonna be a good country!"
"Are you guys crazy, you damn samurai?! That means you're all gonna die!"
"That's fine." Said hyogoro, "Straw Hat, and (Y/N)-san! Kick kaido's ass with all your might!" Everyone cheered. Kid and law heard the samurai cheering.
The building is falling apart. "I don't wanna die! I don't wanna die!" Usopp screamed as he ran, "ow, ow, ow!" Hemlet yelled and also ran. "I don't wanna die!" Usopp yelled.
"The flames!" Hemlet yelled, "Don't give up, You fool! I'm not gonna die!" Usopp scream. Usopp ran through the flames, "Mister!" Hemlet yelled.
"I'm gonna survive no matter what!" Usopp yelled, "You're the best!" Hemlet yelled. Then, Usopp was splashed by the big water, so as Hemlet. "Water!" Usopp yelled.
"Kiku! Kin'emon! I'm not gonna give up!" Usopp yelled. At the wano place, everyone looked at the sky to see Sky Boat high up in the air.
You and luffy remember people voices and what their dreams is.
"To be able to drink clean water."
"I want to see my mother again."
"May my children grow up happily."
"For grandpa to get better."
So many people dream, you and luffy want them to be happy.
"You can do it!"
"Straw Hat-san!"
"Defeat kaido!"
"Straw Hat and (Y/N), you two truly amazing..." said hyogoro, remembering the words you and luffy said.
"We made a promise! We'll make this country a place where she can eat as much as she wants! We're here to take down kaido!"
"And we'll protect the weak"
"This battle... is not only meant to take down kaido... to take back... the country that stood still 20 years ago, we fought... if we can bring smiles back... to our families, our children, and our country," said hyogoro.
"We..." Hyogoro, watch the samurai cheering you and luffy telling you to defeat kaido. Hyogoro chulked, "Hey, (Y/N)! Straw Hat! A new dawn will surely come to Land of Wano. Right?! I can hear... your voice!" Hyogoro yelled.
"What are you two doing? Straw Hat? Why aren't you coming down?" Kaido ask, then a thunder strike. Kaido looked up at the sky and saw a large shadow.
"Stop! Onigashima!" Momonosake yelled, holding the kaido flame clouds. "Hey, momo!" The sound of luffy, Momonosake look at the sky.
Momonosake was shocked. A large big hand feist, "Let's finish this up! Shall we?!" You yelled. It revealed that luffy makes his fist larger, and you got larger with your shadows monster.
"Onigashima is in the way! Move it!" Luffy yelled, kaido chulked. "Look at that... they can destroy the whole onigashima." Said yamato, "Stop! Wait, luffy, (Y/N)! I still cannot -" as Momonosake was about to say something.
"Momo!" Luffy yelled, "we trust you!" You said, smiling. Momonosake was surprised, remembering his mother's smile. Momonosake has a tear on his eyes.
EPISODE 1075! Boy, it will take me a while to write this...
"Look at the size of that... they can destroy the whole onigashima!" Yamato yelled. Kaido was shocked to see. He knows he will get defeated from your attacks.
"Momo! Move onigashima out of our way!" You scream. "Do not do it, (Y/N), luffy!" Momonosake scream, "you can do it, right, momo?!" Luffy asks.
"Wait! Move onigashima out of your way?" Momonosake asks, he look at onigashima and the wano. He isn't quite, he can move onigashima.
"I... I can't do it!" Momonosake scream, kaido watch as luffy still holding his chest and look at you and luffy.
"Let's settle this!" Luffy yelled, but kaido got an idea. 'I got it.' He thought 'bring it on.', kaido mouth started to flame. And it burned Luffy hand, luffy let go of his hand.
"That burns!" He yelled, luffy blow at his hand. "That right!" Kaido yelled, you and luffy look at kaido, "you don't have to grab me! I'm not gonna run away!" Said kaido.
Kaido body cover with flames, "You know something, Straw Hat? 20 years ago, a hero of this country was burned to death! Since then, this country has been lawless! You guys are the heroes that they've been waiting 20 years for!" Said kaido.
Kaido Flys up, making himself bigger. "Flame Dragon Torch!" He yelled. "You're not going to throw your powers. Because you two gonna melt away." He said.
"We see about that!" You scream, yamato was surprised to see that the onigashima skeleton horn has been broken. And it falls towards her and Momonosake. They move away from the horn.
Kaido laughed. Burning luffy and you, "luffy! (Y/N)!" Yamato yelled. "We're... not gonna melt!" Luffy yelled, "I learned from the old man how to throw a punch without even more punch" he said.
'You call it haki, but we call it Ryuo in the land of wano. Don't strain yourself! Allow the unused Haki in your body to flow to your fist!'
"We're gonna knock you down to the abyss!" Luffy yelled.
"Menacing Moonraze..."
"Rising Dragon!"
"Bajrang... Gun!" Luffy throws his fist at kaido.
"... Maelstrom!" Your turn to light skin. Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom:
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"Flame Bagua!" Kaido yelled, then an impact of flash. Yamato was shocked. You and luffy try all your strength and power.
Inside of the castle, Usopp gasped as he finally survived from drowning. "What? What's going on?!" He yelled as he felt an impact grumble. Everyone felt it, too.
"What's happening out there?!"
"Is it (Y/N) and Straw Hat-san?!"
"Straw Hat!"
"It must be them!"
"I think it's Straw Hat, (Y/N)-san!"
"Straw Hat-san!"
"Please, Straw Hat, (Y/N)-san!"
"Go, (Y/N)-san!"
"Please, Straw Hat, man!"
"Take him down!"
"I'm begging you! Please!"
Kawamatsu rember oden say to them.
'I'm counting on you guys!'
'Run! To kuri!'
A loud shot bang.
'Oden... sama!'
'Don't look back!'
'Haha! It's easy to guess where the samurai are heading!'
'It's kuri!'
'The Kozuki Clan's heir is at the castle! Kill them all! Eradicate the Kozuki Clan!'
'Exterminate! Exterminate them!'
'He had a child?'
'I'll go finish things up.'
'Stop! Don't mess with the Kozuki Clan anymore!'
'Hahaha! You can shoot whoever stands against the shogun!'
'Hahaha! Witness how deep the kurozumi clan's grudge is! Take this!'
'You stupid Kozuki Clan admirers!'
'What happened to oden wife?!'
'We confirmed her death in Bakura town!'
'No one else escaped from Oden Castle.'
'Haha! Now the Kozuki Clan is gone! So you Daimyo, choose! Whether to enliven our Land of Wano...'
'You know what we'll say... that's nonsense question! The Kozuki Clan is our only shogun!'
'Avenge Oden!'
'Protect the land of wano to the end!'
'Don't be afraid of the enemies! Charge!'
Hey guys, sorry to interrupt. But I'm going skip of the story this cause it hurting my feelings when I watchand I don't wanna write it . And is it okay for guys how you love this story.
Hiyori stab orochi, "komurasaki! Everything was exactly as I wanted it! You started working at the Pleasure Hall of your own will, you slut!" Orochi yelled.
"Do you wanna get your revenge on me that much? Stop playing the victim! I still remember my grudge against the Kozuki Clan and what they did to me! What you're doing is the same as what they did to me! I'll kill everyone who rebels against me!"
"I'm not gonna just die! Komurasaki! I'll take you with me! Let's drink together again in the next life!" Orochi yelled as he ran toward hiyori. "Those eyes!" Orochi scream, remembering oden eyes.
"Stop!" He yelled. And orochi is dead, I hate that mf.
'Move onigashima out of the way? What should I do? I was right... I can't do it! I can't! I tried many times, but I could not do it!' Momonosake thought, then he heard someone called his name.
'Momonosake! Leap 20 years into the future and rebuild the Kozuki Clan!'
'Don't worry. I know you can do it. Your hard work and dedication will touch everyone.'
'I'm counting on you'
Momonosake cries as he hears his father, counting on him. "I have to hold on now! Or I will bring shame to the Kozuki Clan!" He yelled.
"Momonosake-kun!" Yamato yelled, Momonosake hit his head, "Everyone is believing in me! I am not going to give up!" Momonosake yelled.
Usopp heard a loud explosion. "There! There they are! Kin'emon! Kiku! You're still alive, right?! Don't ever die! Don't you ever die!" Usopp yelled.
The samurai was on their knees, praying for you and luffy.
"Please, Straw Hat, (Y/N)..."
"Take down, kaido!"
"If only kaido were gone!"
"Please... (Y/N), Straw Hat..." said hyogoro, "our 20 years battle... until kaido is gone... it will never end!" Kawamatsu yelled.
You and luffy are still struggling to defeat kaido.
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snowywolf1005 · 2 months
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snowywolf1005 · 3 months
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Warning: blood, curse
Luffy was defeated by Kaido, and now Kaido is attacking everyone. The strawhat thinks Luffy has died, as for you .
You were injured, badly injured so bad, you just passed out while luffy asked Law to put them in a better place.
You were with Nami, marco, and tama. "Luffy dead!? Now, way! That's ridiculous!" Nami cried. "When he says he's gonna win, he'll definitely win, at any cost!" She yelled.
Then Nami began to cry, "So stop lying, you disgusting snake! Luffy, I know you can hear me! Please don't make (Y/N) cry!" She yelled. "Keep your words as always!"
Luffy lay on the ground, and his heart started pumping, playing music. So, as you, your heart starts playing like shamisen.
Zunesha heard the sound of bumping and the shamisen. "momonosake," he said, "what? Zunesha!?" Momonosake asked.
Then the drum started playing in music. "Momonosake! I can hear them!" Zunesha yelled.
"It been a while..." he said, luffy hand start twitch. Momonosake looks confused, "you can hear them? It's been a while? Zunesha, what are you talking about!?" Momonosake yelled.
Luffy body started steaming. "I can hear the drum of liberation. I'm hearing them for the first time in 800 years! I'm positive that they are here!" he yelled.
"wh-who's here?!"
"Joyboy, lunala... has returned!" He screams. Luffy hair turned white, and his body started jumping. Red and white lighting flying everywhere.
Luffy lifts his body. "What happened... to me?" he said, standing up and trying not to fall. " How come I can still stand up?" He asks, then Luffy starts smiling.
" I lost the battle," he said, smiling. "But this is getting fun!" He laughed, falling to the ground. As for your body, it started moving a little.
"Joyboy! Lunala!" Momonosake yelled, "luffy and (Y/N) is joyboy, lunala!" Yamato yelled. "Is that what zunesha said!?" Yamato question.
Luffy laughed, rolling on the ground, and couldn't stop laughing even more. "This is getting fun!" He said, his clothes turned to white, his eyes turned pink.
In the performance floor. Everyone was shocked to see on above, "What? Is that straw hat man?" Said hyogoro, then he smiled.
"Straw hat!?" Said marco, he turned to Nami and tama, who were hugging each other and you too. "Hey! He's still alive-yoi!" He yelled.
"Luffy's not dead?!" Nami yelled, crying. "Big bro's still alive?!" Cried tama, "That's great!" They said crying. "(Y/N)! Luffy is alive!" Nami cried, hugging your body.
Luffy laughed, jumping.
In the mary geoise, pangaea castle, the hall of power. The five elders were in the meeting.
"Sacrificing one of our best agents... only to enrage kaido is like putting the cart before the horse," said warcury.
"But what if it's better than the alternative? It's better to eliminate a risk factor." Said Saturn.
"The world government... has always tried to get hold of the gum-gum fruit and the moon-moon fruit, but it never came into our hands. For 800 years!" Said nusjuro.
"It's as if... the fruit is evading us... That not entirely implausible," said Mars. "Zoan type devil fruit have a will of their own." Said Peter.
" Furthermore, that devil fruits bears the name of a God. Another name for the gum-gum fruit and moon-moon fruit is..." said warcury.
"The Zoan, human-human fruit, mythical type, model... 'nika' 'lunala'. They say that his body had the exact properties of rubber, as for lunala. She can shapeshift and illusion. They fought as they fancied and made people smile." Said Peter.
"The warriors of liberation and the moon queen, also known as... nika, the sun God! Lunala, the moon, God!" Peter yelled.
"Awakening it is said to give its user's rubber body and the shape shifting body even more strength... and freedom. I heard that it's the most ridiculous power... in the world, " said Peter.
Luffy jumps in the sky, jumping on the ground, clapping his hand. "I can do everything I wanted to do! I think I can fight a little bit more!" Said luffy.
Jumping around, dancing around. "My heartbeat sounds funny!". Luffy jumps high, "This is our peak! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Luffy laughed.
"This is it! Gear five!" Luffy yelled, letting out all lighting go nuts around. And you, you opened your eyes and it full of red. 'What going on?' You question.
'How come I can't feel anything pain at all? What is this?' You keep questioning yourself. Then you hear drums, 'what that sounds? It sounded familiar? Why can't I remember?'.
Luffy jumped around, clapping his hand. Smiling, bouncing, dancing. Being all goofy all that stuff and started laughing.
As for the bottom, everybody was shocked to see full lightning. 'What going on? What happened to luffy?' You question, luffy grab his tumb and stared blowing on it.
His arm became bigger and bigger. "Hey, what on?!" Someone yelled, "someone's color of the Supreme king?!" They yelled.
"Where is it coming from?!" Someone yelled two, kaido looked above and saw someone outside above. "What's that on the roof?" Kaido said. He looked a hole on above, then a huge hand burst out and grabbed kaido.
"L-luffy?" You said with a lower voice, luffy pulled kaido up, Law and kid was surprised. "Straw hat?!" Said kid, "is that luffy?!" Chopper scream.
Luffy pulled kaido way up, kaido scream. Then luffy pulled his pruple rope on his waist and became muscles. "Muscles! Muscles! Muscles!" Luffy yelled, luffy flew to kaido face.
And punching him, luffy jumps back and grabs kaido body. "Here we go!" Luffy yelled, luffy spin kaido body around, then slamming his body on the ground.
Luffy keeps slamming kaido body on the ground. You, on the other hand, are still injured. You can see Nami, tama, and marco taking, "l-luffy," you said.
Nami turned around to see you, talking. "(Y/N)! Aaaaaa!! I thought you were dead!!!!" Nami cried as she hugged you. "Luffy, I got to help Luffy," you said, trying to stand up.
"(Y/N), you have rest!" Marco yelled, and then you finally opened your eyes. Nami screamed, Marco and tama looked at you and was shocked.
Your eyes turn to red, "(Y/N)?" Tama asked, then you stand up. Your skin turns white, and pruple lightning comes everywhere on your body, and a pruple smoke sorm around you.
"(Y/N)?!" Nami yelled, your body turned to blue, then you transformed into a gaint shadows monster.
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"AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Nami and tama scream. Then you fly up, everybody looks at you in horror, "What is that!?" Someone yelled. You look up to see a hole lend to outside.
"Luffy's," you said, you go through the hole and make bigger holes. You looked to kaido turn black.
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And luffy laughed when luffy looked at you.
You flew over to luffy, and you turned to your human form. And luffy was shocked to see you alive. He put his hand on your cheeks, "(Y/N)!!!" Luffy laughed, and he hugged you tight.
He started kissing you all over your face, and you kissed him on the cheek. "So you're alive as well?" Said kaido, you look at him and transform your monster form.
You and luffy V.S kaido, let see who wins.
If you want more, just leave a comment below!!!!!
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snowywolf1005 · 3 months
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When I was watching joyboy luffy vs. kaido, and I was thinking something, then I got an idea.
What if I made that nika warriors of liberation who are in love with someone who is the moon God a girl.
That they are really in love. And that moon God is gonna named lunala from my favorite show (pokemon Sun and Moon Ultra Adventures).
And the reader ate moon Goddess devil fruit, I'm going to called it the mo-mo fruit.
But it got me thinking, should I write nika x lunala past? Or joyboy luffy x moon goddess female reader in the battle of kaido?
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