#jrwi seabirds
Alright jrwiblr,
Explanation for why I picked seabirds under the cut! Also I'm not counting Albatrio as a ship name, because its more the plantonic version of the trio (and I don't want to fill that tag with ship stuff)
So first I was thinking "how can I fit something to do either Jay into fnc?" And my first thought was seagull. Because they're notorious for stealing fish n chips from people, and it fits Jay's bird theme. Then I went, well Seagull by itself is decent, plus it matches the Albatross! Idk how i went from seagull to seabird, but I like Seabirds bc it's like lovebirds! While also having sea (gillion) and bird (jay)! And idk I think seabirds is cute teehee
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Ok I'm starting a petition to change polypirates/albatrio from being the albatrio nickname because albatrio is also the platonic tag and pokypirates it boring and I don't like it
So like. Anyone got any ideas?
My first thought was "well what can we add to fish and chips that's related to Jay?" And immediately got seagull. Which kinda fits with albatross? So maybe seagull trio? Or seabird trio or smth? Idk lmao
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